AIMS Alzheimer's disease is considered as one of the most prevalent neurodegenerative disorde... more AIMS Alzheimer's disease is considered as one of the most prevalent neurodegenerative disorders and dementia is core symptom of this disease. Present study was aimed to test bioactive compounds produced by endophytic fungus on the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity and identify the compound responsible for this activity. METHODS AND RESULTS Endophytic fungi were isolated from the medicinal plant Tinospora cordifolia and screened for acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitory and antioxidant activity. The extract of one of the isolates Nigrospora oryzae (GL15) showed maximum AChE inhibition as well as antioxidant activity. The compound responsible for AChE inhibition (fraction 3) was identified as quercetin based on UV, FTIR spectra, HPLC and ESI-MS analysis. Further, the identity of quercetin in the extract of fraction 3 was confirmed by 1 H NMR analysis. This extract showed anti-dementia-like activity in scopolamine (SCO) model. The minimal effective dose of the extract of fraction 3 modulated the scopolamine-provoked cognitive deficits like impairments in spatial recognition memory and latency period in Y-maze and passive avoidance test (PAT) respectively. The SCO-induced modulation in cholinergic pathway was ameliorated by the extract of N. oryzae in hippocampus, resulting in decrease in AChE activity and restoration of cytoarchitecture of hippocampus. CONCLUSIONS The bioactive compound quercetin produced by N. oryzae may cure the learning and memory shortfalls via AChE mediated mechanism in experimental mice. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY The endophytic fungus N. oryzae serves as a potential source for the bioactive compound quercetin, which play an important role in the management of Alzheimer's disease.
Volume and number of non-banking financial institutions that provides financial resource to finan... more Volume and number of non-banking financial institutions that provides financial resource to financial system increases as commerce upsurges and economic life changes. Factoring companies have an important share in financial system.
The relationship between return on equity ratio and board of directors structure of Turkish factoring companies have been investigated in terms of efficiency and effectiveness of the operations in the light of corporate governance principles. In this study, factoring companies operating in Turkey were examined.The structure of the board of directors and return on equity were analyzed. The profitability of companies managed with corporate governance principles is higher. At the same time, companies with independent board members have high profitability. Consequently, ıt is seen that companies that work more quantitatively and have high competence in their fields have higher return on equity. It is also aimed that the study on board of directors assessment as a corporate governance mechanism to be a role model for commercial firms.
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Factoring, Board of Directors, Return On Equity JEL Classification: M41,
Hile ve dolandiricilik olaylarinda son donemlerde artis oldugu gozlenmektedir. Ticari hayatta one... more Hile ve dolandiricilik olaylarinda son donemlerde artis oldugu gozlenmektedir. Ticari hayatta onemli yer tutan ceklerin isletmelerin finansal yapisi uzerindeki etkisi tartismasizdir. Bununla birlikte, cek hileciligi, uluslararasi finansal sistemi etkileyen en hizli buyuyen sorunlardan biridir. Lazer yazicilardaki hizli gelismeler, daha renk odakli fotokopi makineleri ile masaustu bilgisayarlarda sahte cek basimi ve kopyalarinin uretilmesi asil ceki kopyasindan ayirt etmeyi zorlastirmis, boylelikle cek hileciliginde artisa neden olmustur. Hile olaylarinda artisin bir diger nedeni de yuksek oranda firma calisanlari ve suc ortaginin birlikte hareket etmeleridir.
Muhasebe ve Denetime Bakış Dergisi ( Accounting and Auditing Review, 2019
ABSTRACTVolume and number of non-banking financial institutions that provides financial resource ... more ABSTRACTVolume and number of non-banking financial institutions that provides financial resource to financial system increases as commerce upsurges and economic life changes. Factoring companies have an important share in financial system.The relationship between return on equity ratio and board of directors structure of Turkish factoring companies have been investigated in terms of efficiency and effectiveness of the operations in the light of corporate governance principles. In this study, factoring companies operating in Turkey were examined.The structure of the board of directors and return on equity were analyzed. The profitability of companies managed with corporate governance principles is higher. At the same time, companies with independent board members have high profitability. Consequently, ıt is seen that companies that work more quantitatively and have high competence in their fields have higher return on equity. It is also aimed that the study on board of directors assessment as a corporate governance mechanism to be a role model for commercial firms Keywords: Corporate Governance, Factoring, Board of Directors, Return On Equity JEL Classification: M41
ÖZET Günümüzde, sağlıklı mali yapı oluşturulması konusu tüm devletlerin ve uluslararası ekonomik ... more ÖZET Günümüzde, sağlıklı mali yapı oluşturulması konusu tüm devletlerin ve uluslararası ekonomik örgütlerin en önemli çabalarından bir tanesidir. Bu sürecin doğmasına neden olan etkenler; sık karşılaşılan hileli işlemler veya hatalardan kaynaklı şirket iflasları ve mali krizlerdir. İşletmeler sadece hâkim ortakların serbest yönetimine bırakılmak istenmemektedir. Çünkü menfaat sahipleri olarak adlandırılan küçük pay sahipleri, devlet, kreditörler, çalışanlar için de işletmelerin sağlıklı yönetilmesi gerekmektedir. İşletmelerin sürekliliği önem kazanmıştır. Uluslararası Denetim ve Güvence Standartları Kurulu (International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board – IAASB) tarafından yayınlanan Uluslararası Denetim Standartları (UDS) işletmelerin nasıl yönetilmesi konusuna vurgu yapmaktadır. Amaç, hesap verebilir, sorumlu, şeffaf, adil yönetilen işletmelerin oluşturulmasıdır. Bu işletmelerin sağlıklı yönetilmesinden başta yönetim kurulu olmak üzere tüm örgüt sorumludur. Kurumsal yönetim, işletmede yürütülen faaliyetlerde tüm paydaşların haklarının korunması bakımından yönetimin sorumluluklarını belirleyen bir çerçeve çizer. Bu çalışmanın amacı, kurumsal yönetim ile bağımsız denetim standartları arasındaki ilişkiyi değerlendirmektir. ABSTRACT Today, the issue of forming a sound financial structure is one of the most important efforts of all governments and international economic organizations. The causes of this process are; financial crises and corporate bankruptcies resulting from frequent fraudulent transactions or errors. The businesses are not only left to the free management of the controlling shareholder. Because small shareholders, which are called beneficiaries, the state, the creditors and the employees, the businesses need to be managed well. Going concern concept has gained importance. The International Auditing Standards issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board emphasize how to manage businesses. The aim is to create accountable, responsible, transparent, fairly managed businesses. The whole organization, especially the board of directors, is responsible for the good management of these businesses. Corporate governance have form a frame for border defining the responsibilities of management in terms of protecting the rights of all stakeholders in business activities. The purpose of this study is to assess the relationship between corporate governance and independent audit standards.
ÖZET: Hile ve dolandırıcılık olaylarında son dönemlerde artış olduğu gözlenmektedir. Ticari hayat... more ÖZET: Hile ve dolandırıcılık olaylarında son dönemlerde artış olduğu gözlenmektedir. Ticari hayatta önemli yer tutan çeklerin işletmelerin finansal yapısı üzerindeki etkisi tartışmasızdır. Bununla birlikte, çek hileciliği, uluslararası finansal sistemi etkileyen en hızlı büyüyen sorunlardan biridir. Lazer yazıcılardaki hızlı gelişmeler, daha renk odaklı fotokopi makineleri ile masaüstü bilgisayarlarda sahte çek basımı ve kopyalarının üretilmesi asıl çeki kopyasından ayırt etmeyi zorlaştırmış, böylelikle çek hileciliğinde artışa neden olmuştur. Hile olaylarında artışın bir diğer nedeni de yüksek oranda firma çalışanları ve suç ortağının birlikte hareket etmeleridir. ABSTRACT: It is observed that fraud and fraud incidents have increased recently. The impacts of checks that have an important place in business life effect thee financial structure of businesses. Nonetheless, check trimming is one of the fastest growing problems affecting the international financial system. Rapid improvements in laser printers have made it more difficult to distinguish between more color-focused copying machines and fake check printing and copying on desktop computers than the original copy. This situation causes g an increase in check fraud. Another reason for the increase in cheating incidents is that the employees of the company and the crime partner work together at a high level.
AIMS Alzheimer's disease is considered as one of the most prevalent neurodegenerative disorde... more AIMS Alzheimer's disease is considered as one of the most prevalent neurodegenerative disorders and dementia is core symptom of this disease. Present study was aimed to test bioactive compounds produced by endophytic fungus on the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity and identify the compound responsible for this activity. METHODS AND RESULTS Endophytic fungi were isolated from the medicinal plant Tinospora cordifolia and screened for acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitory and antioxidant activity. The extract of one of the isolates Nigrospora oryzae (GL15) showed maximum AChE inhibition as well as antioxidant activity. The compound responsible for AChE inhibition (fraction 3) was identified as quercetin based on UV, FTIR spectra, HPLC and ESI-MS analysis. Further, the identity of quercetin in the extract of fraction 3 was confirmed by 1 H NMR analysis. This extract showed anti-dementia-like activity in scopolamine (SCO) model. The minimal effective dose of the extract of fraction 3 modulated the scopolamine-provoked cognitive deficits like impairments in spatial recognition memory and latency period in Y-maze and passive avoidance test (PAT) respectively. The SCO-induced modulation in cholinergic pathway was ameliorated by the extract of N. oryzae in hippocampus, resulting in decrease in AChE activity and restoration of cytoarchitecture of hippocampus. CONCLUSIONS The bioactive compound quercetin produced by N. oryzae may cure the learning and memory shortfalls via AChE mediated mechanism in experimental mice. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY The endophytic fungus N. oryzae serves as a potential source for the bioactive compound quercetin, which play an important role in the management of Alzheimer's disease.
Volume and number of non-banking financial institutions that provides financial resource to finan... more Volume and number of non-banking financial institutions that provides financial resource to financial system increases as commerce upsurges and economic life changes. Factoring companies have an important share in financial system.
The relationship between return on equity ratio and board of directors structure of Turkish factoring companies have been investigated in terms of efficiency and effectiveness of the operations in the light of corporate governance principles. In this study, factoring companies operating in Turkey were examined.The structure of the board of directors and return on equity were analyzed. The profitability of companies managed with corporate governance principles is higher. At the same time, companies with independent board members have high profitability. Consequently, ıt is seen that companies that work more quantitatively and have high competence in their fields have higher return on equity. It is also aimed that the study on board of directors assessment as a corporate governance mechanism to be a role model for commercial firms.
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Factoring, Board of Directors, Return On Equity JEL Classification: M41,
Hile ve dolandiricilik olaylarinda son donemlerde artis oldugu gozlenmektedir. Ticari hayatta one... more Hile ve dolandiricilik olaylarinda son donemlerde artis oldugu gozlenmektedir. Ticari hayatta onemli yer tutan ceklerin isletmelerin finansal yapisi uzerindeki etkisi tartismasizdir. Bununla birlikte, cek hileciligi, uluslararasi finansal sistemi etkileyen en hizli buyuyen sorunlardan biridir. Lazer yazicilardaki hizli gelismeler, daha renk odakli fotokopi makineleri ile masaustu bilgisayarlarda sahte cek basimi ve kopyalarinin uretilmesi asil ceki kopyasindan ayirt etmeyi zorlastirmis, boylelikle cek hileciliginde artisa neden olmustur. Hile olaylarinda artisin bir diger nedeni de yuksek oranda firma calisanlari ve suc ortaginin birlikte hareket etmeleridir.
Muhasebe ve Denetime Bakış Dergisi ( Accounting and Auditing Review, 2019
ABSTRACTVolume and number of non-banking financial institutions that provides financial resource ... more ABSTRACTVolume and number of non-banking financial institutions that provides financial resource to financial system increases as commerce upsurges and economic life changes. Factoring companies have an important share in financial system.The relationship between return on equity ratio and board of directors structure of Turkish factoring companies have been investigated in terms of efficiency and effectiveness of the operations in the light of corporate governance principles. In this study, factoring companies operating in Turkey were examined.The structure of the board of directors and return on equity were analyzed. The profitability of companies managed with corporate governance principles is higher. At the same time, companies with independent board members have high profitability. Consequently, ıt is seen that companies that work more quantitatively and have high competence in their fields have higher return on equity. It is also aimed that the study on board of directors assessment as a corporate governance mechanism to be a role model for commercial firms Keywords: Corporate Governance, Factoring, Board of Directors, Return On Equity JEL Classification: M41
ÖZET Günümüzde, sağlıklı mali yapı oluşturulması konusu tüm devletlerin ve uluslararası ekonomik ... more ÖZET Günümüzde, sağlıklı mali yapı oluşturulması konusu tüm devletlerin ve uluslararası ekonomik örgütlerin en önemli çabalarından bir tanesidir. Bu sürecin doğmasına neden olan etkenler; sık karşılaşılan hileli işlemler veya hatalardan kaynaklı şirket iflasları ve mali krizlerdir. İşletmeler sadece hâkim ortakların serbest yönetimine bırakılmak istenmemektedir. Çünkü menfaat sahipleri olarak adlandırılan küçük pay sahipleri, devlet, kreditörler, çalışanlar için de işletmelerin sağlıklı yönetilmesi gerekmektedir. İşletmelerin sürekliliği önem kazanmıştır. Uluslararası Denetim ve Güvence Standartları Kurulu (International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board – IAASB) tarafından yayınlanan Uluslararası Denetim Standartları (UDS) işletmelerin nasıl yönetilmesi konusuna vurgu yapmaktadır. Amaç, hesap verebilir, sorumlu, şeffaf, adil yönetilen işletmelerin oluşturulmasıdır. Bu işletmelerin sağlıklı yönetilmesinden başta yönetim kurulu olmak üzere tüm örgüt sorumludur. Kurumsal yönetim, işletmede yürütülen faaliyetlerde tüm paydaşların haklarının korunması bakımından yönetimin sorumluluklarını belirleyen bir çerçeve çizer. Bu çalışmanın amacı, kurumsal yönetim ile bağımsız denetim standartları arasındaki ilişkiyi değerlendirmektir. ABSTRACT Today, the issue of forming a sound financial structure is one of the most important efforts of all governments and international economic organizations. The causes of this process are; financial crises and corporate bankruptcies resulting from frequent fraudulent transactions or errors. The businesses are not only left to the free management of the controlling shareholder. Because small shareholders, which are called beneficiaries, the state, the creditors and the employees, the businesses need to be managed well. Going concern concept has gained importance. The International Auditing Standards issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board emphasize how to manage businesses. The aim is to create accountable, responsible, transparent, fairly managed businesses. The whole organization, especially the board of directors, is responsible for the good management of these businesses. Corporate governance have form a frame for border defining the responsibilities of management in terms of protecting the rights of all stakeholders in business activities. The purpose of this study is to assess the relationship between corporate governance and independent audit standards.
ÖZET: Hile ve dolandırıcılık olaylarında son dönemlerde artış olduğu gözlenmektedir. Ticari hayat... more ÖZET: Hile ve dolandırıcılık olaylarında son dönemlerde artış olduğu gözlenmektedir. Ticari hayatta önemli yer tutan çeklerin işletmelerin finansal yapısı üzerindeki etkisi tartışmasızdır. Bununla birlikte, çek hileciliği, uluslararası finansal sistemi etkileyen en hızlı büyüyen sorunlardan biridir. Lazer yazıcılardaki hızlı gelişmeler, daha renk odaklı fotokopi makineleri ile masaüstü bilgisayarlarda sahte çek basımı ve kopyalarının üretilmesi asıl çeki kopyasından ayırt etmeyi zorlaştırmış, böylelikle çek hileciliğinde artışa neden olmuştur. Hile olaylarında artışın bir diğer nedeni de yüksek oranda firma çalışanları ve suç ortağının birlikte hareket etmeleridir. ABSTRACT: It is observed that fraud and fraud incidents have increased recently. The impacts of checks that have an important place in business life effect thee financial structure of businesses. Nonetheless, check trimming is one of the fastest growing problems affecting the international financial system. Rapid improvements in laser printers have made it more difficult to distinguish between more color-focused copying machines and fake check printing and copying on desktop computers than the original copy. This situation causes g an increase in check fraud. Another reason for the increase in cheating incidents is that the employees of the company and the crime partner work together at a high level.
Activity Based Costing and Budgeting systems, which are compatible with the strategic goals, plan... more Activity Based Costing and Budgeting systems, which are compatible with the strategic goals, planning and technological infrastructure of the enterprises, have gained importance and started to be preferred in recent years. Activity Based Costing provides accuracy and reliability in determining product cost by focusing on the cause-effect relationship in cost formation. The most basic strategic point of view it brings is that it is not products that cause costs, but activities, and that it is product and service groups that consume activities.
It identifies the true nature of cost behavior and helps to reduce costs and identify activities that do not add value to the product. Activity Based Costing uses multiple cost drivers, most of which are transactional rather than product volume.
Papers by Tolga Ala
The relationship between return on equity ratio and board of directors structure of Turkish factoring companies have been investigated in terms of efficiency and effectiveness of the operations in the light of corporate governance principles. In this study, factoring companies operating in Turkey were examined.The structure of the board of directors and return on equity were analyzed. The profitability of companies managed with corporate governance principles is higher. At the same time, companies with independent board members have high profitability. Consequently, ıt is seen that companies that work more quantitatively and have high competence in their fields have higher return on equity. It is also aimed that the study on board of directors assessment as a corporate governance mechanism to be a role model for commercial firms.
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Factoring, Board of Directors, Return On Equity
JEL Classification: M41,
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Factoring, Board of Directors, Return On Equity
JEL Classification: M41
The relationship between return on equity ratio and board of directors structure of Turkish factoring companies have been investigated in terms of efficiency and effectiveness of the operations in the light of corporate governance principles. In this study, factoring companies operating in Turkey were examined.The structure of the board of directors and return on equity were analyzed. The profitability of companies managed with corporate governance principles is higher. At the same time, companies with independent board members have high profitability. Consequently, ıt is seen that companies that work more quantitatively and have high competence in their fields have higher return on equity. It is also aimed that the study on board of directors assessment as a corporate governance mechanism to be a role model for commercial firms.
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Factoring, Board of Directors, Return On Equity
JEL Classification: M41,
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Factoring, Board of Directors, Return On Equity
JEL Classification: M41
It identifies the true nature of cost behavior and helps to reduce costs and identify activities that do not add value to the product. Activity Based Costing uses multiple cost drivers, most of which are transactional rather than product volume.