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Biografias de Famosos Conocidos PDF

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. Hija de don Alejandro Pucar y de doa Aquila Valverde, nace en la provincia de

Leoncio Prado, en Tingo Mara, Hunuco, Dina Magna Pucar Valverde, el 14 de
junio de 1969.
Con slo 10 aos dej su hogar y decidi llegar a Lima en donde trabaj de todo, en
un primer momento fue vendedora ambulante, emolientera y lleg a trabajar como
empleada del hogar.
Hasta poder encontrar un lugar en donde vivir, la joven Dina pas muchas noches
durmiendo en el piso de la Plaza San Martin, expuesta a cualquier tipo de peligros. A
la edad de 14 aos se dio cuenta que quera ser cantante, an trabajaba como
dependiente en una casa de familia y cuenta que mientras cocinaba o hacia otros
quehaceres, iba creando las melodas en su mente para luego guardarlas en su
Al darse cuenta del gran talento con el que haba nacido, Dina decidi lanzarse a
cantar con todo. Primero lo haca en fiestas de msica folclrica y en algunas
actividades sociales tpicas de ciertos lugares de Lima y provincias.
Fueron diez largos aos, pero finalmente logr hacer carrera. En sus primeros aos,
recibi una enorme cantidad de crticas que la sealaban como una joven mujer con
talento y llena de carisma, pero nadie le asegur un futuro prometedor.
Sus creaciones como Madre y Lindos ojos fueron suficientes para que Dina
Pucar sea capaz de llenar locales con sus conciertos. El haber podido vender
150.0000 copias de sus producciones discogrficas, la han colocado delante de
muchos otros peruanos famosos como el cantante Gianmarco, que vendi 10 900 y
del mismo Pedro Suarez Vertiz que coloc 15 000 discos vendidos.
Despus de tan rpido xito, la joven Dina tuvo varias propuestas laborales y tuvo su
propio programa radial transmitido por ambas seales moduladoras, estuvo en radio
Inca y en Radio Unin por un tiempo relativamente largo.
De carcter fuerte y considerada una mujer aventurera, Dina es capaz de ofrecer
hasta cuatro conciertos por da y convoca multitudes inmensas que la han posicionado
como una de las cantantes vernaculares ms exitosas del Per.
As como logr salir adelante y hacer una carrera artstica de fama, Dina tambin ha
sabido realizarse como mujer, es madre de cuatro nios: Alejandro, Diana, Catherine y
Jacqueline, quienes quieren y respetan mucho el trabajo de su madre.
Atrs han quedado los duros aos que debi afrontar Dina, aos de abandono, de
estar sola en un lugar extrao rodeada de gente de todo tipo, algunos amables y
comprensivos y otros peligrosos y aprovechados de la gente inocente.
Nadie pens que podra hacerlo, pero hoy es mujer muy conocida y hasta es la
imagen televisiva de algunos productos de limpieza, haciendo
Traduccin : ingls

Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pucar Alejandro Valverde Aquila, born in the provinceof
Leoncio Prado, in Tingo Maria , Huanuco , Dina Magna Pucar Valverde, on June 14,
1969 .
With only 10 years he left home and decided to get to Lima where everything worked ,
at first was a street vendor , emolientera and also worked as a housekeeper .
To be able to find a place to live , young Dina spent many sleeping on the floo of the
Plaza San Martin , exposed to any hazards.
At the age of 14 years he realized he wanted to be a singer , still working as a clerk in a
family home and that while cooking or to other chores , he created the melodies in your
mind and then save them in your memory.
Realizing the great talent that was born , Dina decided to go sing with everything. First
it was folk music at parties and some social activities typical of certain sites in Lima and

They were ten long years, but finally managed to make a career . In his early years , he
received a huge amount of criticism to it as a young woman with talent and full of
charisma, but nobody said a promising future.
His creations as Mother and Lindos eyes were enough for Dina Pucar be able to fill
their local gigs. 150.0000 Being able to sell copies of her albums , she has been placed
in front of as many other famous Peruvian singer Gianmarco , which sold 10 900 and
the same Pedro The Lion who placed 15 000 albums sold
After such rapid success , she had several business proposals Dina and had his own
radio program broadcast by both modulating signals , Inca was in radio and Radio
Union for a relatively long time.

Considered a strong and adventurous woman character , Dina is able to offer up to four
concerts per day and calls immense crowds that have become one of the most successful
singers Vernacular Peru .

As it managed to get ahead and make a career of fame, Dina has also made known as a
woman, a mother of four children : Alexander, Diana, Catherine and Jacqueline , who
love and respect very much the work of his mother.
Gone are the hard years he faced Dina , years of neglect, of being alone in a strange
place surrounded by all kinds of people , some kind and understanding and other
dangerous and exploited innocent people .

Nobody thought we could do it, but todo is well known to women and is the TV image
of some cleaning products , advertising them on television.

Comentado [N1]:
Comentado [N2R1]:


El conocido cantante peruano Pedro Suarez Vertiz naci el 13 de febrero de 1969, su nombre
completo es Pedro Martn Jos Mara Suarez Vertiz-Alva. Su nacimiento fue en el Hospital
Naval de la provincia Constitucional del Callao en Lima Per. Su madre y abuelo materno
pertenecieron a la Marina de Guerra del Per por muchos aos. Toda su infancia y
adolescencia la vivi en el distrito de San Isidro, frente al Olivar, este parque ha sido
considerado por el cantante, como su favorito en todo el mundo.
Desde nio empez a escribir narraciones y destacaba como pintor infantil. Cuando vio
por primera vez la pelcula A Hard Day's Night, protagonizada por el famoso grupo musical
ingles The Beatles, supo que queria ser cantante. Pedro aprendi a tocar el piano, fue una
vocacin que tuvo desde muy chico pero siempre pens que, sentado frente a su piano, no
podra manejar al pblico.
Su abuelo paterno fue un pintor retratista tarapaqueo llamado Germn Suarez Vertiz y su
padre Hernando Suarez Vertiz, es artista plstico. Por ello el arte lo lleva en la sangre y desde
que estaba en el colegio, comenz a escribir versos y estos mismos comenzaron a convertirse
en msica cuando formo su primera banda de rock con su hermano Patricio y unos amigos
cercanos. Luego form el conocido grupo Arena Hash, en donde compona, tocaba la guitarra
y era la voz principal.
Estudi Ciencias de la Comunican en la Universidad de Lima y se grada con una tesis
acerca del fenmeno del liderazgo. Termina la carrera a los 21 aos con la especialidad de
Radio, Cine y Television. Cuando la banda se separa, empieza a cantar en solitario y edita el
lbum "No existen Tcnicas para olvidar", en donde plasmaba la nostalgia que senta y los
momentos que haba vivido.
Mucho xito le dio este primer disco y tiempo despus, se anima por el segundo al que
llamo"Pontelo en la lengua", esta nueva produccin lo hizo internacionalizarse como estrella
de rock latino, haciendo que ms pronto de lo esperado aparezca su tercer
disco "Degeneracion Actual". En mayo del ao 2009, sale a la luz su ms reciente produccin
a la que llam "Amazonas", de este disco se desprende el primer sencillo que lleva el mismo
nombre del lbum. Este nuevo lbum fue producido por el conocido productor Thom Russo,
fue grabado entre Los ngeles y Londres.
La cancin Amazonas sirvi para promocionar la campana Reciclar Mueve el Mundo del
Ayuntamiento en Madrid, que se celebr con motivo del "Dia Mundial del Medio Ambiente".
De este lbum sobresale el segundo sencillo "Nadia" que interpreto a do con el tenor y
compatriota suyo Juan Diego Florez, este tema estuvo entre las mejores 50 canciones del
Billboard de ese ao. Su ltima produccin musical fue el pasado 2010 cuando lanz el
lbum Amazonas Uncut.
Pedro Suarez Vertiz ha recibido la mas alta distincin musical del Per, las "Palmas Musicales
Eduardo Marquez Talledo", premio que le fue otorgado por la Asociacin de Autores y
Compositores del Per. En septiembre del 2010, recibi otro premio de manos de Myrka de
Llanos, este fue el "Save the Planet", primer reconocimiento en USA durante el evento
"Somos Awards", que destaca a las personalidades que honran a la hispanidad en los Estados
Hace poco se le diagnostic una lesin degenerativa a nivel cerebral, este mal ha complicado
su habilidad para articular palabra y ha hecho que momentaneamente deje de lado su carrera
como cantante.
Traduccin a ingles
The famous Peruvian singer Pedro The Lion was born on February 13, 1969 , his full
name is Pedro Martn Jos Mara Suarez Vertiz - Alva . His birth was in the Naval
Hospital of the Constitutional Province of Callao in Lima Peru . His mother and
maternal grandfather belonged to the Navy of Peru for many years. All his childhood
and adolescence was spent in the district of San Isidro , against Olivar , this park has
been considered by the singer as his favorite worldwide .

From childhood he began writing stories and stressed as child artist. When I first saw
the film A Hard Day 's Night, starring the famous English musical group The Beatles ,
he knew he wanted to be a singer. Peter learned to play the piano , it was a vocation
since very little but had always thought , sitting at his piano, could not handle the

His paternal grandfather was a portrait painter named Germn tarapaqueo Suarez
Vertiz and Hernando Suarez Vertiz his father is an artist. Why art takes him in blood
and since I was in college , she began writing these same verses and began to become
music when he formed his first rock band with his brother Patrick and a few close
friends. He then formed the group known Hash Arena , where composed, played guitar
and was the lead voice .
He studied Communicate Science at the University of Lima and graduated with a thesis
on the phenomenon of leadership. Finish the race at age 21 with the specialty of Radio ,
Film and Television. When the band split , start singing solo and edit the album " There
are techniques to forget " where he felt embodied nostalgia and moments lived .

Much success gave this first album and later , encouraged by the second which I call "
Put it in the language " , this new production did internationalize starring Latin rock ,
making sooner than expected third album display " Actual degeneration " . In May of
2009, comes to light his latest which he called " Amazon" , this album 's first single of
the same name of the album follows . This new album was produced by renowned
producer Thom Russo, was recorded in Los Angeles and London.

The song served to promote Amazon bell Recycling Moves the World in Madrid City
Council , held on the occasion of " World Environment Day " . This album stands the
second single "Nadia" I play a duet with the tenor and compatriot Juan Diego Florez ,
this issue was among the top 50 Billboard songs of that year. His last musical was last
2010 when he released the album Uncut Amazon .

Pedro The Lion has received the highest musical distinction of Peru , the " Musical
Palmas Eduardo Marquez Talledo " prize was awarded by the Association of Authors
and Composers of Peru . In September 2010 , he received another award from Myrka
Llanos , this was the " Save the Planet ", the first recognition in USA during the " We
Are Awards" , which highlights the personalities honoring Hispanic Heritage in
America .

Recently he was diagnosed with a degenerative lesion in the brain , this evil has
complicated his ability to articulate speech and has made momentarily put aside her
singing career .

Biografa de Gianmarco
Gianmarco Javier Zignago Alcover naci el 17 de agosto de 1970, en Lima Per. Es hijo
de la exitosa actriz y cantante peruana Regina Alcover, y del difunto compositor, peruano
tambin, Javier Zignago, conocido en el ambiente musical como Joe Danova. Sus
estudios escolares, de primaria y secundaria, los realiz en el colegio Santa Margarita,
ubicado en el distrito de Monterrico en la ciudad de Lima. A los 11 aos particip con su
madre en la obra musical "Papito Piernas Largas" y grabo un tema para el disco de la
obra, iniciando de esta manera su carrera en el mundo de la msica.

Un ao mas tarde, cant por primera vez en la televisin argentina en el programa
"Domingos Gigantes", que conduca Orlando Marconi. A los trece aos, con un poco
ms de experiencia, se anima a cantar en el programa "La Revista de los Sbados en
Caracas", dejando al pblico asombrado por su dulce voz y por la cancin de moda que
interpret titulada Eva Mara.
Ya con 18 aos se dirige a Santiago de Chile para estudiar y especializarse en diseo
grfico, todo pareca ir bien, pero el joven senta que algo muy fuerte le faltaba la
msica. En esa ciudad, se presenta en algunos locales concurridos y su nombre empieza
a hacerse conocido, ya que su estilo al cantar era especial y quedaba grabado en todos
aquellos que lo escuchaban por primera vez. Regresa a su ciudad natal Lima y uno de sus
temas clasifica en la versin peruana del Festival OTI 1989, siendo el artista ms
promocionado del evento y la casa discogrfica Discos Independientes le propone grabar
su primer disco.
En 1990, bajo la direccin musical de Pepe Ortega, sale a la venta su primera produccin
llamada "Gian Marco". Dos aos despus, graba el segundo lbum "Personal", realizado
en Chile y con el mismo director. A fines de la dcada del 90, reaparece con nuevas
producciones, empieza a mostrar su faceta de compositor y se hace conductor de uno de
los programas concursos ms conocidos y populares de la poca "Campaneado". Con
este programa, el joven Gianmarco se hizo famoso y ms querido a nivel nacional.
En el ao 2003 recibi el premio a Artista Revelacin Latino en los Premios de la
Msica de la Sociedad general de Autores y Editores de Espaa. Con ms experiencia
y mayor reconocimiento en el rea de la composicin, graba la cancin principal de la
Copa Amrica Per 2004, llamada "Mas all de los sueos". Ese mismo ao llego el lbum
"Resucitar", mucho ms orgnico y ms positivo, este disco le dio mas xito debido a la
amistad que form con Emilio Estefan y se hizo acreedor a un Grammy latino en el 2005.
Quince aos de carrera artstica cumpli en el 2005 y para celebrarlos realiz un gran
concierto en el Estadio Monumental con un pblico superior a 40.000 personas. Entre los
invitados que lo acompaaron estuvieron su madre, Mauricio y Palo de agua, El
General,Antonio Cartagena y muchos ms. De esta forma, Gianmarco se ha hecho
conocido a nivel de Latinoamrica como compositor, ha escrito canciones para Marc
Anthony , Jon Secada,Jaci Velasquez, Obie Bermdez, Alejandro Fernandez y Gloria
Estefan. Para setiembre del 2007 ofreci el concierto "Canto por el Sur", a favor de
quienes salieron ms perjudicados, afectados y lo perdieron todo en el terremoto del 15 de
agosto en Per.
Muchos artistas nacionales e internacionales se unieron a esta obra benfica y se recaud
medio milln de dlares. En lo que a su vida personal respecta, Gianmarco esta casado
hace 15 aos con Claudia Moro y tiene tres lindos hijos.

Traduccin : ingles

Gianmarco Javier Zignago Alcover born August 17, 1970 , in Lima Peru . He is the son
of the hit Peruvian actress and singer Regina Alcover, and the late composer , also
Peruvian Javier Zignago , known in the musical world as Joe Danova . Their schooling ,
primary and secondary school were conducted at Santa Margarita, located in the district
of Monterrico in Lima . At age 11 he took part with his mother in the musical " Daddy
Long Legs " and recorded a theme for the cast recording , thus initiating his career in
the music world .

A year later , he sang for the first time on television in Argentina " Domingos Gigantes"
program , leading Orlando Marconi. At thirteen , with a little more experience , are
encouraged to sing on " The Journal of Saturday in Caracas " , leaving the audience
amazed by her sweet voice and the hit song which she performed titled Eva Maria.

Now at 18 he goes to Santiago de Chile to study and specialize in graphic design,
everything seemed fine , but the young man felt that something was missing ... very
loud music. In that city , is presented in some 'hot spots and beginning to make his name
known because his singing style was special and was recorded on all those who heard
him for the first time . He returns to his hometown Lima and one of his subjects
classified in the Peruvian version of the OTI Festival 1989 , the most hyped event artist
and the record company offers Independent Disks record their first album .
In 1990 , under the musical direction of Pepe Ortega, goes on sale its first production
called " Gian Marco" . Two years later , he recorded the second album "Personal" , held
in Chile and with the same director . In the late 90s, reappears with new productions ,
begins to show his composer and conductor of one of the most famous and popular of
the time " Campaneado " programs becomes contests . With this program , young
Gianmarco became famous and most loved nationwide.
In 2003 he received the award for Breakthrough Artist in Latin Music Awards General
Society of Authors and Editors of Spain . With more experience and greater recognition
in the area of composition, recorded the theme song of the Copa America Peru 2004 ,
called " Beyond the dreams." That same year came the album " Resuscitate " much
more organic and more positive , this album gave him more success because of the
friendship he formed with Emilio Estefan and was awarded a Latin Grammy in 2005.
Fifteen year career he served in 2005 and to celebrate a great concert performed at the
Monumental Stadium with more than 40,000 audience. Among the guests who
accompanied him were his mother , Mauritius and water Palo , El General , Antonio
Cartagena and many more. Thus, Gianmarco has become known level in Latin America
as a composer , he has written songs for Marc Anthony , Jon Secada , Jaci Velasquez ,
Obie Bermudez, Alejandro Fernandez and Gloria Estefan. By September 2007 he
offered the "Song of the South " concert , came out in favor of those most affected ,
affected and lost everything in the earthquake of 15 August in Peru .
Many national and international artists joined this charity and half a million dollars was
raised . With regards to his personal life , Gianmarco married 15 years with Claudia
Moro and has three beautiful children .

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