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Green Coffee Association lnc.
/ Green Coffee FOB, C&F, CIF confacts
Cada partido esta de acuerdo que este contrato es realizado segun la terminos y condiciones de la Green Coffee Association lnc. Numero de conbato: SAM131 Cantidad Sacoe: Kg total: 275 Kg/saco: 18,975.00 Lbe total: 69 41,833"00 Lbs I saco: I nterconexin J ucuapa-Santa Las Marias, Chinameca, GA 31709, USA el: 514 907 9853 Fax 229 924 6250 152.12 Calidad Origen: ElSalvador Coop: Tipo: Green aftt)ca specialty qual coffee Gcecha: Prepamcion: 24fi-?013 Europea % de humedad: Certificacion (ee): 1$o/o - 12o/o Tamano: 15 y aniba Certificado Organico NOP Precio Para ser fijado segun el promedio del NY "C" desde el 1 de Enero 2013 hasta el 28 de Febrero 2013 ItlY'C": May. 2013 Prcmio FT 0.20 $US / lb Premio Org. 0.30 $U I lb Oiferencial 0.10$US / lb Elmas a[to entre promedio NY'g'May. 2013 + 0.60 $USillb o precio mlnimo qarantizado de 2.t 3Ullb lnconterm: FOT San Miguel Finaciamiento Se requiere pre financiamiento para este confato? YES NO Cuando necesitan de recibir el pre financiamiento? Cual es prestatorio social que prefieren? Pre financiamiento sera emitklo por un prstatorio soc Peo Pes de envio, 112% franchise Pago 100% en cambio de la primera presentacion de los documentos originales incluyendo el certifrcadoG t rngprl organsp - Seguro Desde elalmrcen del exportador, hasta elalmacen delomprador, a carg del comprador Embarque Fecha: Maro 2013 Puerto: Santo Tomas (Guatemah) Destino Nueva York, NY, EEUU Notas Mueslra pre embarque necesaria. La mu$a es sacada del l{X}% del caf4 aco*ado en la bodeqa dd vendedor El caf llgado sera aprobado a dentro de f 5 dias despues la fecha que esta descargado en la bodega del comprador Este caf esta comprado segun bs criterios del commercb justo establecido por FLO Documentos de certicacbn organi:a reonocido por una agencia NOP deben [bgar al comprador antes pago Certificado de Oren necesario antes pagro Sacos seran marcado con "OrganiC Sacos seran mardo con el logo@o del verdedor, y el nombre de Cooperative Cofte, y su logcipo s es posibh Si necesario, arbitraje segun los terminos y condiciones de la Green Coffee Association lnc. Vendedor Firma: Nombre: Fecha: Firma: Nombre: Felipe Gurdian Fecta: 4 Enero 2013 cANToN A LAS MA.RIAS CHINAMECA SAN MGUELT Closed at $2.0848 on 28 February 2013 See webstte for large vefSion of the reverse I Ver pagina Web para terminos y condiciones I CMOTpYfTe ee6-caMT AnSi 03HaI<OMnSHi1R C ycnoai1RMY1l>1 nOllo>t<::eHi'lRMY1 ! !1I.;w.-.', rm. MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY S.AI No. MSCULD""', , se Website: www.mscmedshIPco.comSCACCMSU.NO & SEQUENCE OF ORIGINAL BlL's I NO. OF RIDER PAGE;:' ode: C . 3ITHREE i NIL
! SHIPPER: FORWARDING AGENT: ASOCIACION COOPERATIVA DE PRODUCCION AGROPECUARIA MARIAS NOVENTA YTRES DE R.L. CANTON LAS MARIAS, CHINAMECA, SAN MIGUEL. CARRIER'S AGENTS ENDORSEMENTS: (Include Agenl(s) al POD) CONSIGNEE: This BlL is not negotiable unless marked "To Order ITo Order of...' here. TO THE ORDER OF COOPERATIVE COFFEES INC. FCLIFCL Special contract: R038080300oo146 302 W. LAMAR ST. AMERICUS GA 31709, USA TEL(229) Lloyds/lmo number 9082374 924-3035 FAX.(229) 924-6250 A TT:CHELSEA CARTER DESTINATION AGENT ADDRESS:MSC NEW YORK NOTIFY PARTIES: (No responsibility shall allach to the Carrier or to his Agent for failure to notify - see Clause 20) EXCELCO TRADING, L.P. 17 BATTERY PLACE SUITE 1010 NEW YORK, NY 10004 SC:12-593WW TEL. +1-212-344-6771 PORT OF LOADING Mediterranean Shipping Company (USA) Inc. 420, 5TH AVENUE (AT 37TH STREET) - 8TH FLOOR NEW YORK, N.Y. 10018-2702 Phone: +1212 764 8592, Fax: +1 212764 4800 PLACE OF RECEIPT: (Combined Transport ONLY - see Clauses 1 & 5.2) Sf,}' MIGUEL BOOKING REF. i SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER PORT OF DISCHARGE PLACE OF DELIVERY: (Combined TrAnsport ONLY see Clauses 1 & 5,2) PARTICULARS FURNISHED BY THE SHIPPER NOT CHECKED BY CARRIER CARRIER NOT RESPONSIB:'E-SMClause14 Container Numbers, Seal Description of Packages and Goods Gro&s Cargo Weight Measurement Numbers and Marks (Continued on allached Bill of Lading Rider pagers), if applicable) Ix 20' CNTR(S) LOS HEROES 275 BAGS CONTAINING WASHED GREEN COFFEE OF EL SALVADOR CTTO: OOIlSAM131 HG/ORGIBCS "ORGANIC NOP CERTIFIED" LOT. 1 CROP. 2012/2013 OlC: 09-263-01 P.E.: 0806/01213 C/O: 009-10-0806 FDA: 1332337822 MEDU6316370/20'DV 275 BAGS 19181.250 KG 30.0000 M3 TARE: 2280 kg Sea1:002850 Seal: 120849 TOTAL TARE: 2280.00 KG TOTALS: 19181.250 KG 30.0000 M3 If above commodiHes, technofogy or softwart:i were exported from the USA, the export administration regulatIons must De complied with by the Merchant Diversion. contrary to U.S, law is prohibited. FREIGHT & CHARGES Cargo shall not be delivered unless Freight & Charges are paid (see Clause 16). I DECLARED VALUE (only applicable If Ad Valorem Charges paid - see Clause 7.3) PLACE AND DATE OF ISSUE Aca'utla EI Salvador 25/0312013 CARRIER'S RECEIPT (No. of Cntrs or Pkgs rcvd by Carrier , see Clause 14.1) SHIPPED ON B RD DATE 03/0412013 520 U.S. Edition 0812009 RECEIVED by the Carner in apparent order condition (unless othelW15e stated herein) Ihe lotal number or quartily of or other packages or units indicated in the box entitled Carrier's Receipt for carri:!lge subject to all the terms and conditions hereof from the Place of Receipt or Pt\rt of Loading to the Port of Discharge or Place of Delivery, whichever is applicable" IN ACCEPTING THIS BILL OF LADING THE MERCHANT EXPRE%LY AC,CEPTS ANO AGREES TO ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, WHETHER PRiNTED, STAMPED OR OTHERWISE INCORPORATED ON THIS SIDE!\ND ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS BILL OF LADING AND THE TERM;> A;>!I) CONDITIONS OF THE CARRIER'S APPLICABLE TARIFF AS IF THEY WERE All SIGNED BY THE MERCHANT ompany SA Record No.: DE-8698-08 A-2007-00587 1 2012-00188 TRANSACTION CERTIFICATE For BCS use only. A product declaration for raw material or processed goods with the name of BCS OKOGARANTIE GMBH or its guarantee is exclusively restricted to BCS OKO-GARANTIE GMBH certified operators! The Certiflcation Office of BCS OKO-GARANTIE GMBH, Cimbernstr. 21, D Nuremberg, Germany and the company Sociedad Cooperativa Marias 93 de R.L. de C.V.; Canton Las Chinameca, San Miguel, El Salvador. herewith certify that the foLLowing products, delivered to Cooperative coffees INC. W Lamar ST Americus CA 31 709, USA. 275 Bags of Organic Coffee Invoice N0013 Dtd. March 20 th 2013 Contrato N001/SAM131 OIC N09-263-01 BtL NMSCULD054981 Dtd: April 03 th 2013 Total Gross weight: 19,181.25 KG Total Net weight: 18,975.00 KG VesseL name: NORTHERN DELIGHT LU312R Container NMEDU6316370 was produced according to organic production methods in compLiance to USDANOP finaL rule. This confirmation is based on the documents presented to BCS for this file. Nuremberg, April 15 th , 2013 . ~ ..;..L ~ . a / ? ~ / Peter Grosch r/ The Certification Office of BCS OKO-GARANTIE GMBH THE SUPPLIER The deLivery of ........................ (date) of ..................................... kg of ..................... according to attached invoice No................ date ................................ corresponds with above stated and certified quality. (Place of supplier, date) (Stamp and signature) Date: 10/2008 Page: