El Valor Económico Del Patrimonio
El Valor Económico Del Patrimonio
El Valor Económico Del Patrimonio
AVRAMI, Erica; RANDALL, Mason; TORRE, Marta de la [en lnea]. Values and
Heritage Conservation: research report. Los ngeles: The Getty Conservation Institute,
2000. 100 p. Disponible en:
CASERTA, Silvia; RUSSO, Antonio P. "More means worse: asymmetric information,
spatial displacement and sustainable heritage tourism" [en lnea]. En: Journal of
Cultural Economics, v. 26, n. 4 p. 245-260. ISSN 1573-6997. Disponible
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Cultural Commons: a new perspective on the production and evolution of
cultures. Enrico Bertaccchini [et al.] (eds.). Londres: Elgar Publisher, 2012. 272 p.
ISBN 978-1- 78100-005-2.
Heritage Counts 2011: London [en lnea]. Laura Clayton; John Davies (eds.).
Londres: English Heritage, 2012. 36 p. Disponible
en: http://hc.historicengland.org.uk/content/pub/2011/hc-2011-england.pdf
FEILDEN, Bernard M.; JOKILEHTO, Jukka. Guide de gestion des sites du patrimoine
culturel mondial. Rome: ICCROM, 1996. 127 p. ISBN 92-9077-135-6.
GREFFE, Xavier. La valorisation conomique du patrimoine. Paris: La Documentation
franaise, 2004. 383 p. ISBN 2-11-094274-6.
GREFFE, Xavier. Artistes et marchs. Paris: La Documentation franaise, 2007. 304
GREFFE, Xavier. La trace et le rhizome: les mises en scne du patrimoine culturel.
Qubec: Presses de lUniversit du Qubec, 2012. 216 p. ISBN 9782760541337
GREFFE, Xavier. "The economic impact of the Louvre" [en lnea]. En: The Journal of
Arts Management, Law and Society, v. 45, n. 2, jun. 2011, p. 85-111. ISSN 1930-7799.
MASON, Randall. "Assesing values in conservation planning" [en lnea].
En: Assessing the values of cultural heritage: research report. Marta de la Torre (dir.).
Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute, 2002, p. 5-30. Disponible en:
PRICE, W. Building in Wood. New York: Rizzoli International Publication, 2005.
PURI, Kamal. "Protection of traditional culture and folklore". En: Safeguarding
traditional culture: a global assessment. Peter Seitel (ed.). Washington, D.C.: Center
for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, Smithsonian Institution, 2001. p. 97-103. ISBN
PUTNAM, Robert D. Bowling Alone: the collapse and revival of american community.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000. 544 p. ISBN 0684832836.
Runion dexperts sur la participation des communauts la sauvegarde du
patrimoine culturel immatriel : vers la mise en uvre de la Convention de 2003:
13-15 mars 2006, Tokyo, Japon [en lnea]. UNESCO, ACCU, 2006. 18 p. Disponible
en: http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/doc/src/00034-FR.pdf
The economics of uniqueness: investing in historic city cores and cultural
heritage assets for sustainable development [en lnea]. Guido Licciardi; Rana
Amirtahmasebi (eds.) Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, 2012. 331 p. ISBN-e 978-0-
8213-9706-0. Disponible en:
THROSBY, David. "Cultural capital and sustainability concepts in the economics of
cultural heritage" [en lnea]. En:Assessing the values of cultural heritage: research
report. Marta de la Torre (dir.). Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute, 2002, p.
109-117. Disponible en: