Cuentos en Ingles
Cuentos en Ingles
Cuentos en Ingles
Hace mucho tiempo, un nio paseaba por un prado en Long ago, a child was walking in a meadow in his heart
cuyo centro encontr un rbol con un cartel que found a tree with a sign saying: I am an enchanted tree, if
deca: soy un rbol encantado, si dices las palabras you say the magic words, you will see.
mgicas, lo vers.
The boy tried to hit the spell, and tried with abracadabra,
El nio trat de acertar el hechizo, y prob supercalifragilisticoespialidoso, tanta-ta-chn, and many
con abracadabra, supercalifragilisticoespialidoso, tan-ta- others, but nothing. Rendered, he pleaded, saying:
ta-chn, y muchas otras, pero nada. Rendido, se tir "please, little tree!" And so, a great door opened in the
suplicante, diciendo: "por favor, arbolito!, y entonces, se tree. All the dark said, Thanks, little tree! "And he lit the
abri una gran puerta en el rbol. Todo estaba oscuro, tree of light and moisture on a path to a great mountain of
menos un cartel que deca: "sigue haciendo magia". toys and chocolate.
Entonces el nio dijo "Gracias, arbolito!, y se encendi
The child took all his friends to that tree and have the best
dentro del rbol una luz que alumbraba un camino hacia
party in the world, and that is why it is always said that
una gran montaa de juguetes y chocolate.
"please" and "thank you" are the magic words
El nio pudo llevar a todos sus amigos a aquel rbol y
tener la mejor fiesta del mundo, y por eso se dice siempre
que "por favor" y "gracias", son las palabras mgicas
El Cedro Vanidoso
The Vanishing Cedar
rase una vez un cedro satisfecho de su hermosura.
Once upon a time there was a cedar satisfied with its
Plantado en mitad del jardn, superaba en altura a todos Planted in the middle of the garden, it surpassed in height
los dems rboles. Tan bellamente dispuestas estaban sus all the other trees. So beautifully arranged were his
ramas, que pareca un gigantesco candelabro. branches that he looked like a gigantic chandelier.
Tendr que alimentarlo bien para que crezca mucho, se How many men, like cedar, their too much ambition ruins
dijo. them!
La ostra y el cangrejo Oyster and crab
Una ostra estaba enamorada de la Luna. Cuando su An oyster was in love with the moon. When his great
gran disco de plata apareca en el cielo, se pasaba silver disk appeared in the sky, he spent hours and hours
horas y horas con las valvas abiertas, mirndola. with the valves open, looking at it.
La Nuez de oro
El astuto cangrejo sali de su escondite, abri sus The golden nut
afiladas uas, se abalanz sobre la inocente ostra y
la comi.
Maria, hija del guardabosques, encontr un The beautiful Maria, daughter of the ranger, one day found
da una nuez de oro en medio del sendero. a golden nut in the middle of the path.
-Vamos, devuelve la nuez a su dueo, el Duende de "Let me think ... it has a hundred and a hundred folds!"
la Floresta -insisti, inclinndose con burla.
Maria told them. The pixie was not wrong! With tears in
-Te la devolver si sabes cuantos pliegues tiene en la her eyes, she held out the walnut.
corteza. De lo contrario me la quedar, la vender y "Save her," said the goblin, "your generosity has touched
podr comprar ropas para los nios pobres, porque me. When you need something, ask the gold nut.
el invierno es muy crudo.
Then the lamb leapt over Belinda and the wolf, hidden,
threw himself on him, catching him a little. The shrewd
Al da siguiente ceso de nevar y se calmo el viento. Salio and evil stepmother lost the skin of the animal with which
la muchacha a dar un paseo y vio acercarse a un she had disguised herself and escaped with frightful cries
cordero blanco, precioso. of pain and fear.
Only then did the wolf turn to the mountain, and Belinda
felt her heart quiver with joy, more than because she had
Hola, hola! Dijo la nia. Quieres venir conmigo?
saved herself by winning a friend.