9036 PDF
9036 PDF
9036 PDF
iNstrUctioN MANUAL
Cat. N 9036
Espaol 3
Portugus 7
English 11
Pinch Point
NO DEVUELVA ESTE PRODUCTO A LA TIENDA, ciertos lquidos en la herramienta elctrica.
comunquese antes a las oficinas locales d. Cuide el cable elctrico. No utilice el cable elctrico
o con el Centro de Servicio ms cercano a usted. para transportar o colgar la herramienta elctrica,
ni tire de l para sacar el enchufe de la toma de
NORMAS GENERALES DE SEGURIDAD corriente. Mantenga el cable elctrico alejado del
Advertencia! Lea y comprenda todas las instrucciones. calor, aceite, bordes afilados o piezas mviles. Los
El incumplimiento de todas y cada una de las instrucciones cables elctricos daados o enredados pueden provocar
enumeradas debajo puede provocar descarga elctrica, una descarga elctrica.
incendio o lesiones personales graves. e. Al trabajar con la herramienta elctrica en la
intemperie utilice solamente cables alargadores
CONSERVE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES homologados para su uso en exteriores. La utilizacin
INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD de un cable alargador adecuado para su uso en
Advertencias de Seguridad Generales para exteriores reduce el riesgo de una descarga elctrica.
Herramientas Elctricas. f. Si fuera inevitable la utilizacin de una herramienta
Atencin! Lea todas las advertencias e instrucciones de elctrica en un lugar hmedo, utilice un suministro
seguridad. En caso de no respetarse las advertencias e protegido con un dispositivo de corriente residual
instrucciones indicadas a continuacin, podra producirse (RCD). La utilizacin de un dispositivo de corriente
una descarga elctrica, incendio y/o lesin grave. residual reduce el riesgo de descarga elctrica.
Nota: El trmino de "Dispositivo de Corriente Residual
Conserve Todas las Advertencias e Instrucciones para (RCD)" puede ser sustituido por el trmino "Interruptor
su Posterior Consulta. El trmino empleado "herramienta de Falla a Tierra del Circuito (GFCI)" o "Disyuntor
elctrica" en las advertencias indicadas a continuacin se de Fugas a Tierra (ELCB)".
refiere a la herramienta elctrica con alimentacin de red
(con cable) o alimentada por pila (sin cable). 3. Seguridad Personal
a. Est atento a lo que hace y emplee la herramienta
1. Seguridad del rea de Trabajo elctrica con prudencia. No utilice la herramienta
a. Mantenga limpia y bien iluminada el rea de trabajo. elctrica si estuviese cansado, ni tampoco despus de
El desorden o una iluminacin deficiente en las reas haber consumido alcohol, drogas o medicamentos.
de trabajo pueden provocar accidentes. El no estar atento durante el uso de una herramienta
b. No utilice la herramienta elctrica en un entorno elctrica puede provocarle serias lesiones.
con peligro de explosin, en el que se encuentren b. Utilice equipos de proteccin personal. Lleve
combustibles lquidos, gases o material en polvo. siempre proteccin ocular, respiratoria y auditiva.
Las herramientas elctricas producen chispas que pueden Los equipos de proteccin tales como una mascarilla
llegar a inflamar los materiales en polvo o vapores. antipolvo, zapatos de seguridad con suela antideslizante,
c. Mantenga alejados a los nios y otras personas casco o protectores auditivos, utilizados en condiciones
del rea de trabajo al emplear la herramienta elctrica. adecuadas, contribuyen reducir las lesiones personales.
Una distraccin le puede hacer perder el control sobre c. Evite una puesta en marcha involuntaria. Asegrese
la herramienta. de que el interruptor est en la posicin de apagado
antes de conectar a la fuente de alimentacin o la
2. Seguridad Elctrica batera, coger o transportar la herramienta. Si se
a. El enchufe de la herramienta elctrica debe transportan herramientas elctricas con el dedo sobre
corresponder a la toma de corriente utilizada. No el interruptor o si se enchufan con el interruptor
es admisible modificar el enchufe en forma alguna. encendido puede dar lugar a accidentes.
No emplee adaptadores en herramientas elctricas d. Retire las herramientas de ajuste o llaves fijas antes
dotadas con una toma de tierra. Los enchufes sin de conectar la herramienta elctrica. Una herramienta
modificar adecuados a las respectivas tomas de o llave colocada en una pieza giratoria de la herramienta
corriente reducen el riesgo de una descarga elctrica. elctrica puede producir lesiones al ponerse a funcionar.
b. Evite que su cuerpo toque partes conectadas e. Sea precavido. Evite adoptar una posicin que
a tierra como tuberas, radiadores, cocinas y fatigue su cuerpo; mantenga un apoyo firme sobre
refrigeradores. El riesgo a quedar expuesto a una el suelo y conserve el equilibrio en todo momento.
descarga elctrica es mayor si su cuerpo tiene Ello le permitir controlar mejor la herramienta elctrica
contacto con tierra. en caso de presentarse una situacin inesperada.
c. No exponga las herramientas elctricas a la lluvia f. Utilice ropa apropiada. No vista ropa suelta o joyas.
y evite que penetren lquidos en su interior. Existe Mantenga su cabello, vestimenta y guantes lejos
el peligro de recibir una descarga elctrica si penetran de las partes mviles. Ropa suelta, joyas o cabello
largo partes mviles.
4. Uso y Cuidado de Herramientas Elctricas 6. Servicio Tcnico
a. No sobrecargue la herramienta elctrica. Use la a. Haga reparar su herramienta elctrica slo
herramienta elctrica adecuada para cada aplicacin. por personal tcnico autorizado que emplee
Con la herramienta elctrica adecuada podr trabajar exclusivamente piezas de repuesto originales.
mejor y ms seguro dentro del margen de potencia Solamente as se garantiza la seguridad de la
indicado. herramienta elctrica.
b. No utilice herramientas elctricas con un interruptor
defectuoso. Las herramientas elctricas que no se 7. Seguridad Elctrica
puedan conectar o desconectar son peligrosas y deben La herramienta lleva un doble aislamiento; por lo
hacerse reparar. tanto no requiere una toma a tierra. Compruebe
c. Desconecte el enchufe de la fuente elctrica y/o siempre que la tensin de la red corresponda al
la batera de la herramienta elctrica antes de realizar valor indicado en la placa de caractersticas.
ajustes, cambiar accesorios o almacenar la herramienta
elctrica. Esta medida preventiva reduce el riesgo de Advertencia! Si el cable de alimentacin
conectar accidentalmente la herramienta elctrica. esta daado lo debe reemplazar el fabricante
d. Guarde las herramientas elctricas fuera del alcance o su representante o una persona igualmente
de los nios y de las personas que no estn calificada para evitar peligro. Si el cable es
familiarizadas con su uso. Las herramientas elctricas reemplazado por una persona igualmente
utilizadas por personas inexpertas son peligrosas. calificada pero no autorizada por Black & Decker,
e. Cuide sus herramientas elctricas con esmero. la garanta no tendr efecto.
Controle si funcionan correctamente, sin atascarse,
las partes mviles de la herramienta elctrica, 8. Etiquetas sobre la Herramienta
y si existen partes rotas o deterioradas que pudieran La etiqueta de su herramienta puede incluir
afectar al funcionamiento de la herramienta. Si la los siguientes smbolos:
herramienta elctrica estuviese defectuosa haga Lea el V ........ Volts .... Construccin
manual de A ........ Amperes Clase II
que la reparen antes de volver a utilizarla. Muchos instrucciones
accidentes se deben a herramientas elctricas con Hz .......Hertz .... Terminales
Use W ........Watts de Conexin
un mantenimiento deficiente. proteccin a Tierra
min ..... minutos
f. Utilice la herramienta elctrica, los accesorios, ocular
.... Corriente .... Smbolo
los tiles de la herramienta, etc. de acuerdo con Use de Alerta
estas instrucciones, y tenga en cuenta las condiciones proteccin Seguridad
auditiva .... Corriente
de trabajo y la tarea a realizar. El uso de herramientas Directa .../min.. Revoluciones o
elctricas para trabajos diferentes de aquellos para los Reciprocaciones
n0 ....... Velocidad por minuto
que han sido concebidas puede resultar peligroso. sin Carga
Los accesorios recomendados para emplearse con su her-
ramienta se encuentran a su disposicin con su distribuidor
local o en los centros de servicio autorizado.
Voltagem 3,6V
Velocidade 200 rpm
Torque 35 pol lbs
Tempo de Carga 8 hr
DO NOT RETURN THIS PRODUCT TO THE STORE, protected supply. Use of an RCD reduces the risk of
first contact your local Black & Decker office electric shock. Note: The term "Residual Curent Device
or nearest authorized service center. (RCD)" can be replaced by "Ground Fault Circuit
Interrupter (GFCI)" or by "Earth Leakage Circuit
Warning! Read and understand all instructions. Failure
to follow all instructions listed below, may result in electric 3. Personal Safety
shock, fire and/or serious personal injury. a. Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use
common sense when operating a power tool. Do
SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS not use a power tool while you are tired or under
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS the influence of drugs, alcohol or medication. A
General power tool safety warnings. moment of inattention while operating power tools may
Warning! Read all safety warnings and all result in serious personal injury.
instructions. Failure to follow the warnings and instructions b. Use personal protective equipment. Always wear
listed below may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious eye protection. Protective equipment such as dust
injury. mask, non-skid safety shoes, hard hat, or hearing
protection used for appropriate conditions will reduce
Save all warnings and instructions for future reference. personal injuries.
The term "power tool" in all of the warnings listed below c. Prevent unintentional starting. Ensure the switch is
refers to your mains operated (corded) power tool or battery in the off-position before connecting to power
operated (cordless) power tool. source and/or battery pack, picking up or carrying
the tool. Carrying power tools with your finger on the
1. Work Area Safety switch or energising power tools that have the switch
a. Keep work area clean and well lit. Cluttered and dark on invites accidents.
areas invite accidents. d. Remove any adjusting key or wrench before
b. Do not operate power tools in explosive atmospheres, turning the power tool on. A wrench or a key left
such as in the presence of flammable liquids, gases attached to a rotating part of the power tool may result
or dust. Power tools create sparks which may ignite in personal injury.
the dust or fumes. e. Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance
c. Keep children and bystanders away while operating at all times. This enables better control of the power
a power tool. Distractions can cause you to lose control. tool in unexpected situations.
f. Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or
2. Electrical Safety jewellery. Keep your hair, clothing and gloves away
a. Power tool plugs must match the outlet. Never modify from moving parts. Loose clothes, jewellery or long
the plug in any way. Do not use any adapter plugs hair can be caught in moving parts.
with earthed (grounded) power tools. Unmodified plugs g. If devices are provided for the connection of dust
and matching outlets will reduce risk of electric shock. extraction and collection facilities, ensure these are
b. Avoid body contact with earthed or grounded connected and properly used. Use of these devices
surfaces such as pipes, radiators, ranges and can reduce dust related hazards.
refrigerators. There is an increased risk of electric
shock if your body is earthed or grounded. 4. Power Tool Use and Care
c. Do not expose power tools to rain or wet conditions. a. Do not force the power tool. Use the correct power
Water entering a power tool will increase the risk of tool for your application. The correct power tool will
electric shock. do the job better and safer at the rate for which it was
d. Do not abuse the cord. Never use the cord for designed.
carrying, pulling or unplugging the power tool. b. Do not use the power tool if the switch does not
Keep cord away from heat, oil, sharp edges or turn it on and off. Any power tool that cannot be
moving parts. Damaged or entangled cords increase controlled with the switch is dangerous and must be
the risk of electric shock. repaired.
e. When operating a power tool outdoors, use an c. Disconnect the plug from the power source and/or
extension cord suitable for outdoor use. Use of a the battery pack from the power tool before making
cord suitable for outdoor use reduces the risk of electric any adjustments, changing accessories, or storing
shock. power tools. Such preventive safety measures reduce
f. If operating a power tool in a damp location is the risk of starting the power tool accidentally.
unavoidable, use a residual current device (RCD) d. Store idle power tools out of the reach of children
and do not allow persons unfamiliar with the power 7. Labels on tool
tool or these instructions to operate the power tool. The label on your tool may include the following symbols:
Power tools are dangerous in the hands of untrained Read V ........ Volts .... Class II
users. Instructions A ........ Amperes Construction
e. Maintain power tools. Check for misalignment or Hz .......Hertz .... Earthing
Use W ........Watts Terminal
binding of moving parts, breakage of parts and any Eye min ..... minutes .... Safety
other condition that may affect the power tools Protection
.... Alternating Alert
operation. If damaged, have the power tool repaired Use Symbol
before use. Many accidents are caused by poorly Ear
Protection .... Direct .../min.. Revolutions or
maintained power tools. Reciprocation
f. Keep cutting tools sharp and clean. Properly per minute
n0 ....... No-Load
maintained cutting tools with sharp cutting edges are Speed
less likely to bind and are easier to control.
Warning! If the power cord is damaged, it must Avoid prolonged contact with dust from power
be replaced by the manufacturer, authorized sanding, sawing, grinding, drilling, and other
Black & Decker Service Center or an equally construction activities. Wear protective clothing
qualified person in order to avoid damage or injury. and wash exposed areas with soap and water.
If the power cord is replaced by an equally qualified Allowing dust to get into your mouth, eyes, or lay on
person, but not authorized by Black & Decker, the skin may promote absorption of harmful chemicals.
the warranty will not be valid.
1. ON/OFF switch with Forward/Reverse function Forward
2. Handle Press the button on the top (Clockwise Arrow) (8)
3. Bit Holder and the tool will run forwards.
4. Charger Connector Release the button and the tool will stop.
5. Charge Indicator
6. Wall Charger Reverse
7. Screwdriver Bit Press the button on the bottom (Counter Clockwise
Arrow) (9) and the tool will run in reverse.
CHARGING THE SCREWDRIVER (Fig. B) Release the button and the tool will stop.
Before attempting to charge your screwdriver, thoroughly
read all of the safety instructions. Operating in Manual Mode
The tool can be used as a conventional non-powered
To charge your screwdriver, follow the steps below. screwdriver whenever the forward/reverse button is not
1. Plug the output cord of the charger (6) into the socket depressed. With the button (ON/OFF)(1) in the middle
in the back half of the screwdriver handle (4) as shown position, the tool will not activate.
in Fig. B.
2. Plug the charger into any standard electrical outlet. HINTS FOR OPTIMUM USE
3. The red charge indicator light next to the socket in the Always use the correct type of screwdriver bit.
back half of the handle (5) will come ON indicating that If screws are difficult to tighten, try applying a small
the battery is charging. This light will remain on as long amount of washing liquid or soap as a lubricant.
as the the screwdriver is connected to the charger. Use the screwdriver manually as a non powered
screwdriver to loosen very tight screws or to firmly
Charging Notes tighten screws.
The tool was sent from the factory in an uncharged condition. Always hold the tool and screwdriver bit in a straight
Before attempting to use it, it must be charged for 12 hours. line with the screw.
1. Charger will work best at normal room temperature.
2. The charger plug and the tool handle may become MAINTENANCE
warm while charging. This is normal and does not Use only mild soap and damp cloth to clean the tool. Never
indicate a problem. let any liquid get inside the tool; never immerse any part of
3. The tool can be left on charge as long as you desire. the tool into a liquid.
A minimum charge time of 8 hours is required to
recharge a completely discharged tool. Important! To assure product SAFETY and RELIABILITY,
4. For most fix up jobs a charge of 3 to 4 hours adequate. repairs, maintenance and adjustment (other than those
5. For long periods that the screwdriver will not be used, listed in this manual) should be performed by authorized
it is recommended that it be fully charged, disconnected service centers or other qualified service organizations,
from the charger and stored in a cool, dry location. always using identical replacement parts.
Warning! When disconnecting the screwdriver from the Your tool has been designed to operate over a long period
charger, be sure to unplug the charger from the outlet first of time with a minimum of maintenance.
then disconnect the charger cord from the screwdriver. Continuous satisfactory operation depends upon proper tool
care and regular cleaning.
USE Clean the housing with a clean, damp cloth.
Removing and Installing Bits (Fig. C) Do not use solvents.
To install a screwdriver bit (6) Fig. C simply insert it into
the cavity in the bit holder (3) until it snaps into place. To LUBRICATION
remove the bit pull it straight out. If bit does not fit, rotate Black & Decker tools are properly lubricated at the factory
the bit and reinsert it. and are ready for use.
Black & Decker offers a full network of company-owned and
authorized service locations. All Black & Decker Service
Centers are staffed with trained personnel to provide customers
with efficient and reliable power tool service. For more
information about our authorized service centers and if you
need technical advice, repair, or genuine factory replacement
parts, contact the Black & Decker location nearest you, or
visit us at www.BlackandDecker-la.com