Mapalé Instrumentos
Mapalé Instrumentos
Mapalé Instrumentos
for Symphonic Band
Copyright 2015. Daniel Felipe Taborda Higuita. VALENCIA.
Naci en Medelln el 27 de octubre de 1990, en el ao 2000 Was born in Medellin in October 27 1990, in 2000 he started
empez sus estudios musicales en la escuela de msica de Ciudad his musical studies at Ciudad Bolivar Antioquia music school
Bolivar Antioquia en el rea de saxofn. El era un joven curioso in saxophone. He was a curious young that developed quickly
y rpidamente desarroll intereses en armona y composicin. interests in the field of harmony and composition. In 2007 he
En 2007 fue aceptado en la Universidad de Antioquia para iniciar was accepted at Antioquia University to study saxophone, but he
sus estudios en el rea de saxofn, pero durante su primer dropped in his first semester because of what he really wanted
semestre, abandon ya que lo que el realmente quera estudiar
was studying musical composition. In 2009 he is accepted at
era composicin musical. En 2009 fue aceptado en la Universidad
EAFIT University and he started his musical studies in composition
EAFIT para iniciar los estudios en composicin bajo la tutora del
PhD Marco Alunno. under the tutorship of the PhD Marco Alunno.
Daniel ha participado en diferentes concursos y festivales He has participated in many contests and festivals in Colombia and
en Colombia y ha recebido menciones y premios por sus he has received some mentions and awards for his compositions.
composiciones. En 2010 gano con su obra Bellanita un premio In 2010 he won an award in Antioquia vive la Msica with his
en el concurso Antioquia vive la msica; en 2012 gano con su piece Bellanita; in 2012 he won with his piece Morita in the
obra Morita el concurso del ministerio de cultura en el rea de contest developed for the Colombian ministry of culture in the
banda sinfnica categora 4; en 2014 gano el segundo lugar en el field of wind band composition category 4; in 2014 he won a
concurso de msica indita para banda sinfnica en San Pedro second place with his piece Fansaxo in the national contest of
Valle con su obra Fansaxo y tambin gan el concurso nacional unpublished music for wind band in San Pedro Valle, He also
de composicin del ministerio de cultura con su obra Primera won the national award of composition of the Colombian ministry
Suite Para Banda Sinfnica Basada en Ritmos Colombianos.
of culture with his piece Primera Suite Para Banda Sinfnica
Tambien recibi una mencin por su obra transfiguracin en
Basada en Ritmos Colombianos and he also received a mention
la misma convocatoria del ministerio de cultura pero en una
diferente categora (Msica de Cmara) for his piece transfiguracin in the same call of the culture
ministry, but in a different category (Chamber music).
Daniel actualmente se encuentra cursando su maestra en el rea
de composicin y direccin musical en Oklahoma City University Actually, Daniel is studying at Oklahoma City University in United
en estados unidos, donde fue galardonado con una beca para States where he was awarded with a scholarship to complete his
realizar sus estudios. Se encuentra bajo la batuta de Dr. Edward master in musical composition and conducting. He is under the
Knight y Dr. Mathew Mailman. tutorship of Dr. Edward Knight and Dr. Mathew Mailman.
for Symphonic Band
Tambora, Llamador y Alegre, son instrumentos originales de Co- Tambora, Llamador and Alegre, are aboriginal instruments from
lombia. Colombia.
La tambora se parece a un bombo pequeo, cuya funcin es de- The preview picture is the tambora. It is a kind of small bass drum.
finer el ritmo que se va a tocar. Se trata de un cilindro ancho, Its function is to define the rhythm that is going to be played. It
cubierto en ambos lados por un parche seco de cordero, y se toca is a big cylinder covered in both sides with dry lambskin and is
con palos de madera. played with handles made of wood.
Tratndose de un instrumento no universal que no est disponi- This is not a universal instrument and because of this one sug-
ble en todo el mundo, se puede sustituir la tambora de la siguien- gestion to replace this instrument in a wind band ensemble could
te forma: have two options. Those options are:
1. Usando baquetas de caja al revs (golpeando con la parte de 1. Using drumsticks with a puffy head and play it on a floor tom
detrs), tocando el floor tom (tom de pie) (Bass tom)
2. Tapar el tom de pie con un pao 2. Taking a cloth and put it on a floor tom (Bass tom) path.
El resultado final no es el sonido real de la tambora, pero se acer- The resulting sound is not the real sound of this instrument, but it
ca mucho. is closes to the original idea.
Tambor Llamador
Tambor Llamador: A este instrumento de percusin se le consi- Tambor Llamador (Caller Drum): It is a percussion instrument
dera como instrumento macho. Est construido con un cilindro and it is referred as a male instrument. It is constructed from a
corto de madera, y el parche es piel de cordero seco, tensionado short wood cylinder and the percussive membrane is made from
con un hilo sisal gordo. La funcin de este instrumento es ser la dry lambskin that is tensioned with thick sisal. It is similar to a
base y el acompaamiento para el tambor alegre. Se podra susti- small conga. The function of this it is being the base and the ac-
tuir este instrumento por una conga. companiment for the tambor alegre. The replacement of this in-
strument could be solved with a conga.
Tambor Alegre
El Tambor Alegre es un instrument similar al tambor llamador, Tambor Alegre (Happy Drum): It is similar to the tambor llama-
pero ms grande y considerado como instrumento hembra. dor, but this one is bigger and this instrument referred as a fe-
Tambin est construido por un cilindro grande de madera y su male instrument. It is also constructed from a big wood cylinder
parche es piel seca de cordero, tensado con hilo sisal gordo. Su and the percussive membrane is made from dry lambskin that is
funcin es improvisar con los ritmos usados . Este instrumento se tensioned with thick sisal. Its function is improvisatory with the
podra sustituir por un Djemb, o en segundo lugar por una conga rhythms that are being played. The replacement of this instru-
aguda ment could be solved with a Djembe. The second option to replace
it is a high conga.
Golpes en el llamador y alegre Beats in the llamador and alegre
Q (golpe seco) = Esta letra significa un golpe seco sobre el instrumento Q (Dry tone) = This letter means a dry hit on the instrument.
Hay tres movimientos de la mano para realizar este golpe: There are 3 hand movements to play this sound.
2. Golpear seco con la palma entera sobre el parche durante la 2. Dry beat on the membrane with the entire palm for the com-
duracin completa de la nota. plete duration of the note.
O (Golpe abierto) = Este golpe es similar al anterior, pero la dife- O (Opened tone) = This hit is similar to the previous hit. It differs
rencia est en el segundo paso: en lugar de golpear el parche con in in the second step. Instead of beat the membrane with the en-
la mano entera, ahora golpearemos solamente con los dedos. El tire hand, the membrane will be beaten with the fingers area; this
resultado es un sonido ms abierto, con ms resonancia. affects the resulting sound making it be a open/resonate sound.
(Golpe cerrado) = Similar al golpe seco (Q). Pero ahora la pal- (Closed tone) = Similar to the dry tone (Q). Palm beat return as
ma vuelve lo antes posible a su posicin inicial despus del golpe. fast as possible to the initial point.
Flauta 1 Flute 1
Flauta 2 Flute 2
Oboe Oboe
Fagot Bassoon
Clarinete 1 Sib Bb Clarinet 1
Clarinete 2 Sib Bb Clarinet 2
Clarinete 3 Sib Bb Clarinet 3
Clarinete Bajo Sib Bb Bass Clarinet
Saxofn Soprano Soprano Saxophone
Saxofn Alto 1 Alto Saxophone 1
Saxofn Alto 2 Alto Saxophone 2
Saxofn Tenor 1 Tenor Saxophone 1
Saxofn Tenor 2 Tenor Saxophone 2
Saxofn Bartono Baritone Saxophone
Trompa 1 Fa Horn in F 1
Trompa 2 Fa Horn in F 2
Trompa 3 Fa Horn in F 3
Trompa 4 Fa Horn in F 4
Trompeta 1 Sib Bb Trumpet 1
Trompeta 2 Sib Bb Trumpet 2
Trompeta 3 Sib Bb Trumpet 3
Trombn 1 Trombone 1
Trombn 2 Trombone 2
Trombn Bajo Bass Trombone
Bombardino 1 Do C Euphonium 1
Bombardino 2 Do C Euphonium 2
Tuba 1 Sib Bb Tuba 1
Tuba 2 Sib Bb Tuba 2
Violonchelo (opcional) Cello (optional)
Contrabajo (opcional) Double Bass (optional)
Timbales Timpani
Percusin 1: Percussion 1:
Lira Glockenspiel
Percusin 2: Percussion 2:
Tambora Tambora
Percusin 3: Percussion 3:
Cortina, Plato Suspendido Wind Chimes, Susp. Cymbal
Percusin 4: Percussion 4:
Maracas Maracas
Percusin 5: Percussion 5:
Llamador Llamador
Percusin 6: Percussion 6:
Alegre Alegre