Garcia Prieto Ana
Garcia Prieto Ana
Garcia Prieto Ana
Dra. Carmen Baudn de la Lastra
Dra. Ana M Gonzlez Vadillo
Esta tesis ha sido realizada en el Departamento de Cermica del Instituto de
Cermica y Vidrio (ICV) del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas
(CSIC). Se enmarca dentro de los proyectos financiados por el Ministerio de
Economa y Competitividad: MCI-MAT2006-13480-C02-01, MCI-MAT2009-
14369-C02-01, MCI-MAT2009-14448-C02-01, CICYT-MAT2010-17753 y
MAT2013-48426-C2-1-R, por la empresa Microtest S.A.: MCI-PET2008-0113 y
por la red CYTED: HOREF312RT0453.
tenacidad de fractura de materiales cermicos, que puedan ser utilizados como forma de
parmetro de control puesto que, junto con el tamao de la grieta, crece de manera
Hasta la fecha de inicio de este trabajo slo se haban reportado ensayos de fractura
estable con control por apertura de los labios de la grieta en el caso de materiales no
En todos los casos se alcanzaron ensayos de fractura estable demostrndose as la
A partir de los ensayos de fractura estable fue posible obtener, adems del KIC, la
Los resultados obtenidos para el sistema modelo Al2O3/SiC permiten inferir que la
D: Displacement / Desplazamiento
t: Time / Tiempo
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There are many different definitions for the term ceramics or ceramic materials.
The traditional and most accepted one is that of ceramic materials being non-metallic
inorganic solids obtained through thermal treatments1. This definition would have to be
broadened to include the large series of ceramics that acquire their properties once
relatively coarse, impure and agglomerated particles. However, the development of soft
chemistry routes is a promising alternative for the synthesis of highly pure and
reaction temperatures.
Advanced ceramics are materials obtained through substantial refining of the initial
raw materials in order to achieve specific functions for each application1. Advanced
ceramics are usually classified in structural and functional materials. The main aim of
Functional ceramics are materials with specific functions such as, biomedical, electric,
functional attributes.
According to ISO 20507:20143 and EN ISO 15732:20054 the use of terms as fine
in business, trade, scientific literature and International Standards. In this work, the
plastic materials, such as chemical stability, resistance to corrosion and wear and the
fact that they maintain high resistance to deformation at temperatures at which other
Main drawback is their brittleness and associated lack of reliability. Therefore, the
problem in experimental mechanics and in materials science. The data obtained can be
used in specifying the suitability of structural and functional materials for many
The study of the mechanical behaviour of ceramic materials has attracted a notable
part of the attention of the scientific community since the early ages of the existence of
these materials as cutting tools or structural components in houses. The wide field of
application of ceramic materials and their use in our routine lives as structural and
functional components make necessary a detailed analysis of the causes that produce
their failure.
its capacity to deform plastically. Due to the highly directional covalent-ionic bond in
materials is fundamentally brittle. There are three fracture modes: mode I or tensile
opening (tension normal to the crack plane), mode II or in-plane shear (shear loading in
Captulo 1
crack direction) and mode III or out-of-plane shear (loading). Ceramics usually fail in
a b c
Brittle behaviour is characterized because the stress level at which fracture starts is
determined by the presence of defects which act as stress concentrators, producing the
extremely variable property, which depends on the shape and size of defects present in
their interior and on their distribution and orientation relative to the applied load. Thus,
the strength values are much lower than the theoretical fracture stress, or stress
the fracture toughness which is defined as the materials resistance to the propagation of
defects, determined by its microstructure and independent of the particular flaws present
in it. Contrarily to the strength, the toughness of brittle materials is an intrinsic property.
There are two basic approaches to the concept of fracture toughness: the global
approach based on an energy criterion and the local approach based on the evaluation of
the distribution of stresses around a flaw, or criterion based on the stress intensity
factor, K.
The energy criterion for fracture was formulated by Griffith who solved the problem
dimensional situation of an infinite sheet with a crack, and considered the energy
involved in the creation of new surfaces9. According to Griffiths energy criterion, the
energy stored in the system which contains the crack and the surface energy required to
form new surfaces, G, which is denominated specific fracture energy or energy release
rate. For mode I failure, when the elastic energy stored equals GIC, the critical energy
release rate in mode I, fracture starts. GIC is the energy released by unit of extension of
the crack front and by unit of body thickness, and is equal to twice the thermodynamic
surface energy (0) for brittle materials, (GIC = 20). Thus GIC is an intrinsic property
which characterizes the materials fracture toughness deriving from the energy criterion.
Davidge10 and Orowan11 extended the Griffiths approach indicating that the surface
energy of fracture in real materials is higher than the thermodynamic surface energy
(0), due to deviations from ideal perfectly brittle behaviour. Consequently, the fracture
of the material is determined by a global energy term, , named effective surface energy
(eff) by these authors10,11, which is defined as the energy necessary to initiate the crack
surface energy (0) and the plastic deformation at the crack tip (p), ( = 0 + p).
Sakai and Bradt12 proposed that, in addition to the thermodynamic surface energy
(0) and the energy associated to plastic yielding in frontal process zone, energy might
viscoelastic bridging and other phenomena, such as heat or sound, which are difficult to
Captulo 1
The value of is conditioned by grain size and fracture mode, since the energy
consumed during the transgranular fracture is different from the energy of fracture
through the grain boundary10,13 , and the length of the actual crack path would depend
determined experimentally.
The approach based on the stress intensity factor was first developed by Irwin14 in
1957, who used Westergards previous research15 as a basis of his work. According to
deformations at the crack front are related by a universal proportionality factor called
stress intensity factor. For ceramic materials which fail in mode I, the stress intensity
K I = Ys a (1.1)
where, KI, is the stress intensity factor in mode I, a, is the crack (or any pre-existing
geometry of the loading system and the crack. The crack is propagated when the stress
intensity factor reaches a critical value, KIC, which depends exclusively on the material,
the stress, , and the stress intensity factor in mode I, KI, reach their critical values, f
(fracture strength) and KIC (critical stress intensity factor in mode I). Therefore, the
sf = (1.2)
Y a
similarity between fracture toughness deriving from the energy criterion and that
deriving from the criterion based on the stress intensity factor and, thus, the equivalence
G IC = (1.3)
where E is the generalized Youngs modulus, E=E/(1-n2) for plane strain and E=E
for plane stress (E is the Youngs modulus and n is the Poissons ratio).
parameters KIC or GIC (=2g). These two parameters are defined at the start of
propagation of the crack and are intrinsic properties of the brittle materials, which do
The critical parameters, f, GIC and KIC provided the basis of the first theories of
fracture. However, it is now well recognised that failure of ceramics can occur even for
stresses well below the strength of the material. Indeed, KIC (GIC, f) only represent a
critical level for catastrophic crack growth. Ceramic materials are susceptible to slow
subcritical crack growth (SCG). KI0 defines a KI threshold below which no crack
propagation occurs. SCG is notable for its extreme sensitivity to applied load and
environment, temperature, and other extraneous variables. That means that under
appropriate conditions, cracks keep on growing for some time until they cause fracture
microcracks during the production of sintered ceramic materials, cracks might always
Captulo 1
As discussed above, the relatively low and highly variable strengths of ceramics are
the main drawback for their extensive use in engineering applications involving severe
mechanical solicitations.
In the past, much of the effort to improve the mechanical behaviour of ceramics was
with very small flaws. However, in the last three decades new strategies directed
towards the toughening of materials have been developed. Toughening is reached by the
development of new microstructures and/or textures in single phase (i.e. silicon nitride
zirconia occurs when the particles are in the metastable tetragonal form20. Monolithic
ceramic composites are being fabricated using hierarchical structures through artificial
of compositions close to eutectic ones offer improved behaviour in comparison with the
and/or nanometric scale dispersed second phase which show an increase of the strength
and wear performance as compared to that exhibited by the matrix materials21,22. The
materials by raising the inelastic deformation processes during the fracture. Main
classification of the toughening mechanisms is the one done attending to their range of
Crack bowing
Crack deflection
mechanisms Phase transformation
Debonding and pull-out
Figure 1.2. Scheme of the main toughening mechanisms attending to their range of
Short-range mechanisms are those which radii of action affect a zone of the
characteristics. Thus, the interaction of the crack with the microstructure is practically
limited to the crack tip. Such mechanisms cannot be identified if the crack lengths are
longer than the size of the microstructural characteristics and can only produce limited
flaw tolerance. Crack bowing and crack deflection are short-range toughening
Crack bowing appears when the front of the crack is stopped at several points due to
the presence of inclusions of a second phase or heterogeneities of the matrix itself. The
crack front curves because the part of the crack front which is not held back continues to
advance and, it is necessary to impose higher stress to propagate it. The increase in
Captulo 1
toughness produced while the crack is being bowed depends on the volumetric fraction
changes are determined by the presence of easy cleavage planes and/or residual thermal
stresses in single phase ceramics and by the characteristics of the phases and the
mechanism depends on the shape, the density and the distribution of the deflecting
objects but not on their size, and is a maximum for particles with a disk-like shape or
elongated bars24.
Long-range mechanisms are processes which occur around the crack tip and
surrounding the crack wake and can produce extensive flaw tolerance. These
There are two kinds of processes that can be responsible for crack-shielding, they are
phase transformation and microcracking23,24. Crack bridging and debonding and pull-
changes that surround the crack wake as the crack propagates. These processes are
activated in the process zone which is the area surrounding the crack tip. They give rise
to dilatation which is transmitted in the form of compressive forces on the crack lips
monoclinic phase induced by the stress field of a crack and accompanied by an increase
in volume of 3-5%23,24,26-28.
The opening of microcracks7 under the action of the applied stress also leads to a
volume increase around the crack. Moreover, when microcracking occurs the
microcracked zone presents a lower elastic modulus than the rest of the material which
contributes to the effect of shielding of the main crack because of the reduction of the
expansion from that of the matrix and/or phase transformation may be the origin of the
residual stresses that define the appearance of microcracks in the main cracks stress
the density of elements which produce irreversible deformation, and the size and shape
Crack bridging7 occurs when the element acting as a ligament deforms elastically
during the opening of the main crack until it breaks. The increase in toughness is
determined by fracture stress, the elastic modulus and the size of the ligament.
particle and the matrix, since it determines whether the crack surrounds or draws nearer
If, in addition to the effect of the union of the crack surfaces, the ligaments are
debonded and pulled-out, the increase in toughness can be much greater. This
contribution increases with the length of the ligaments and can occur at a relatively long
Captulo 1
KIC or GIC are not intrinsic properties. Thus, in this type of materials, specific treatment
elastic fracture to situations where the inelastic deformation occurs prior to fracture, so
that fracture toughness can be determined. Parameters like resistance to crack growth,
The R-curve has been extensively used to characterize the fracture toughness of
the R-curve, the values of the parameters of linear elastic fracture mechanics, K IC or GIC
are determined in standard tests conducted with long cracks and are represented as a
function of crack size. The R-curve will show a rising part as long as the energy-
consuming processes behind the crack tip (process wake zone) are taking place. Then,
the R-curve will evidence a decline when the process zone ahead the crack tip arrives at
result of the activation of the different mechanisms as the crack grows, until toughness
reaches a stationary state (K or G); from this point no new contributions are made to
increase in toughness. The maximum value of toughness reached does not only depend
on the materials, but also on the loading system, the size of the crack and its history
prior to propagation.
the microstructure ahead the crack tip. As the crack grows, it intercepts different grains
and grain boundaries, with different orientations from those on the original crack plane.
Thus, toughness increases with the size of the crack until it reaches the value
corresponding to the polycrystalline material. From this moment, the crack can be
body. Thus, the R-curve rise is extremely step because toughening occurs at the
microstructural level, and it is not detected in standard tests for determining toughness
Unlike fracture toughness, the specific fracture energy, GF, is defined as the average
value of external work consumed to produce a crack unit during quasi-static fracture.
load point curve, obtained during stable tests, where all the work done produces new
fracture surfaces. The work done is divided by the size of the fracture surface, which
means that specific fracture energy is an average value for the entire fracture process.
The advantage of this energy parameter is that it does not require any assumptions about
the constitutive equation of the body with the crack to discuss its propagation34. Thus, it
can be used to describe behaviours which separate from linearity and it is an additive
In refractory literature GF/2 is usually called work of fracture, wof. There has been a
lot of research on the definition of wof and the establishing of experimental methods for
its determination, that will be discussed further in the corresponding section (section 6).
The high variability in flexural strength values for ceramic materials highlights the
critical stress intensity factor in mode I, KIC, or the fracture energy, g. The development
of techniques to achieve accurate toughness values is critical to allow the use of ceramic
Captulo 1
intensity factor in mode I, KIC, using Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) (Eq.
1.2). Basic assumptions for LEFM are that materials are homogeneous and isotropic
with no discontinuities and analytic equations have been developed for cracks with zero
tip radius.
In conventional KIC testing a specimen with a notch of known geometry and size is
can be measured if the load amplitude, the geometry factor and the length of the crack
associated with the notch can all be determined at the moment of instability.
Additionally, calculation of KIC from the size of cracks emanating from indentations has
attractive due to the small amount of volume of material needed; however, it presents
continuous. A review on this technique raising the potential problems associated was
which the length of cracks emanating from the corners of a Vickers indentation is
the frame and, thus, to the loading point (displacement control). Additionally, the
movement of the frame can be indirectly controlled using increasing rates of different
parameters such as the load (load control), the deflection of the specimen directly
measured at its central point in bending specimens (deflection control) and any
parameter associated to the growth of the crack, such as the crack length or the Crack
Mouth Opening Displacement (CMOD control). The simplest and therefore most
widely used testing conditions involve the control by increasing rates of displacement or
recent and practically limited to technical ceramics. All standards deal with beams
tested in flexure. The series EN 14425 1-5:2004 Advanced technical ceramics - Test
parts: Part 136: Guide to test method selection. Part 237: Single-edge pre-cracked beam
(SEPB) method, equivalent to ISO 15732:200338. Part 339: Chevron notched beam
(CNB) method, EN 14425-3:2010. Part 440: Surface crack in flexure (SCF) method,
characterization of technical ceramics, it is observed that results for nominally the same
material can differ up to 300% depending on the laboratory44. Such a large dispersion is
partially due to the different microstructures that might present ceramic materials as a
function of processing and to the different testing conditions. However, even specimens
of the same material tested using the same geometry and strain rate, difficulties
Due to the difficulties involved in machining ceramic parts with special shapes as
well as to the tendency of brittle materials to fail under shear stresses originated by
deficient clamping and/or alignment, the most widely geometry used for KIC
bars subjected to bending in three or four points. In addition to the easiness of specimen
Captulo 1
machining, bending of bars require simple testing setups7. Moreover, the analysis of
such geometries is simple in comparison with other techniques as, e.g., the double
torsion configuration45.
The generation of suitable cracks is a fundamental requirement for the validity of the
tests. In most cases, the cracks may be starting from indentations -Vickers or Knoop- or
indents is that they have small openings, in agreement with the requirements derived
from LEFM. However, such small openings can be a disadvantage for the precise
cracked Beam, SEPB). This technique is adequate to introduce real cracks in the
Strength in Bending (ISB) which consists in precrack the tensile surface with a Vickers
indenter and then test the beams in 3-point, 4-point or biaxial bending tests. The
shape of cracks starting from indentations might not be well known, resulting in an
zone underneath the indent, undetermined internal stresses which would add to the
applied ones might occur. Thus, sf, Y, and, a, in equation 1.2 cannot be exactly
determined. Thermal treatments to eliminate the residual stresses and grinding the
specimen surface to eliminate the plastically deformed zone are the two methods
The use of beams with chevron notches has also been standardised for technical
chevron notch is not exactly known and the crack length can not precisely be measured.
Moreover, the introduction of chevron notches involves great difficulty in the control of
the size of the crack generated and to ensure that the beams, made of brittle materials,
Parallelepiped beams with straight through notches at their centre are usually called
Single Edge Notched Beams (SENB). When the notch tip has been sharpened,
specimens are called SEVNB, to account for the V shape of the notch. SENB and
SEVNB are the specimen-crack geometries most commonly used to determine KIC in
The straight through notches are the simplest to introduce and their geometry is well
In general, they are produced by means of cutting tools such as thin grinding wheels
or diamond discs, threads and cutters. The stress concentration at the notch tip might be
weaker than that of a crack for finite notch radius, which might lead to a systematic
overestimation of the fracture toughness, since additional energy is spent for the
Captulo 1
summarized in Primas and Gstrein work51. Five technical ceramics -Al2O3, hot pressed
Si3N4 (HPSN), sintered SiC (SSiC), Mg-partially stabilized ZrO2 (MgO-PSZ) and
Y2O3-tetragonal ZrO2 polycrystal (YTZP)- were tested with five testing methods -
chevron notched beam (CNB) in four point bending, direct measurement of the cracks
(ISB), single edge precracked beam (SEPB) in four-point bending, and single edge
was that the measured fracture toughness value depends on the testing method and
testing conditions. Regarding the testing methods, the SENB method produced the most
reliable results for notch tip radius, , below a critical one which depended on the tested
material. Variability for SENB KIC values ranged from 6% for Al2O3 (KIC = 3.17 0.19
MPa m1/2) to 16% for HPSN (KIC = 7.48 1.22 MPa m1/2). In the conclusions TC6
raised the problem associated to the experimental determination of the critical for each
material. At the time, notches were produced by sawing and their tips were relatively
large. In this round robin, notches were introduced with diamond blades of width 100
m with grains of 20-30 m and the requirement to consider valid tests (notch width of
m was found for the alumina material which had coarse microstructure (average grain
size of 16 m).
The dependence of KIC on notch tip radius for notches introduced with diamond
significant for phase transformation toughened ceramics54 (section 1.2) that develop a
In order to overcome problems due to finite notch tip radii, Nishida et al.55
introduced the technique of sharpen the notch tip by means of a razor blade sprinkled
with diamond paste. A conventional notch is introduced with a blade in the first step
and then, a sharp V-shaped notch is produced by using a razor blade and diamond paste.
These authors claimed that notch tip radii as small as 2 m over the entire width of the
specimen could be produced applying this technique. Following the analysis by Fett56
for V notches to be equivalent to real cracks, they should have tip radius smaller than
3 times the grain size or the largest microstructural characteristic of the material52.
Ultra-short pulsed femtolaser ablation is being lately used also to obtain shallow sharp
A round robin on the use of SEVNB in flexure (4pb) was done by the TC6 of
ESIS58. Materials used were coarse (d50 > 10 m, dmax 17 m ) and fine (d50 2m,
dmax 5m) grained aluminas, gas pressure sintered silicon nitride (GPSSN), sintered
notches with tip radius between 20 and 30 m was found to be relatively easy and
the laboratory. No significant effect for tip notches less than 30 m was found for any
material when tests from all laboratories were considered. However, much lower critical
tip radii were found when a single laboratory analysed the problem in a systematic way.
and robust for materials with grain size or major microstructural feature size over 1m
when using notch tip radius of 10 m. On the basis of this work, the international
standard for SEVNB tested in 4 point bending was established43 (EN 14425-5:200442).
According to this standard, under well-controlled conditions, notch-tip radii in the range
of 1 mm to 20 mm can be prepared depending on the grain size of the test material. For
Captulo 1
many materials, this is a close approximation to a sharp crack, and the method has been
found to give fracture toughness values very close to those of other methods such as the
Single Edge Precracked Beam (SEPB) method37 (EN 14425-2:2004) provided that a
sharp crack forms at the root of the notch either during its preparation or during the
under conditions of unstable fracture. However, when the fracture toughness values are
determined from test configurations that do not allow stable crack growth the calculated
toughness value might be over-evaluated (e.g. for a dense a-SiC, KIC ~ 4 and 3 MPa
m1/2 for unstable and stable tests, respectively)59. Therefore, stable crack growth is
necessary to get reliable and accurate fracture toughness data. Moreover, stable fracture
tests supply much more information about the fracture process than the unstable fracture
ones because, in addition to the conventional fracture toughness for crack initiation,
Stable fracture tests for brittle materials, as most ceramics, are difficult to
accomplish, therefore, they are not usually performed. Since the initial works of
Nakayama et al.60,61 and Tattersall and Tappin62 different authors have developed
materials using displacement controlled loading. Two main problems arise in this kind
of tests. On the one hand, it is difficult to produce notches with well-defined special
geometries in ceramic specimens. On the other hand, unstable crack growth can result
as the amount of energy necessary to create the fracture surfaces is usually small
compared to the elastic energy stored in the test rig unless extremely stiff machines are
used. Unstable crack growth is avoided or limited by careful adaption of the testing
machine and the specimen geometry to the material to be tested. Such approach has
made it possible to reach stable fracture for materials as brittle as glass34,60 and fine
specimens with straight through notches (SENB) is a relatively simple way of testing
and displacement or load controlled bending tests have been widely used for fracture
toughness testing of ceramics. Therefore, different attempts to perform stable tests using
In principle, four point bending would lead to more accurate toughness data because
it is not necessary to align the crack tip with respect to the central loading roller, as
occurs in three point bending68. However, Baratta and Dunlay69 have shown that
specimens loaded in three point bending are more likely to fracture in a stable manner
than those loaded in four points. Therefore, different attempts to perform stable tests
using three point bending loaded beams using displacement control have been
The origin of difficulties related to the attainment of stable fracture when using
SENB specimens in three point bending and displacement as control variable is clear
when the (simplified) graph Load versus Displacement of the loading point of Figure
1.3 is analysed, as done by Sigl73. In terms of stability, the use of the actual deflection of
the specimen as control variable is equivalent to the use of displacement of the load
frame. The curved line is the general stable fracture locus of SENB specimens of a
brittle material tested in bending. This curve is called the Griffith locus and represents
the fracture taking place with constant energy release rate, G, equalling Gc. As the
straight line that represents the loading of the specimen hits the curve, the condition for
crack growth (G=Gc) is satisfied. In order to get stable fracture, G has to be maintained
Captulo 1
at its critical value and, thus, decreasing values of the load point displacement (regime I)
followed by increasing values of this parameter (regime II) would be demanded. The
will not be possible to get stable fracture using constant displacement rates in regime I.
The relative weight of the regions corresponding to regimes I and II depends on the
material properties, the specimen and span sizes, the notch depth and the stiffness of the
testing device. For the same material and testing geometry, stiff machines and deep
notches increase the region of regime II. In this case, stable fracture can be reached
maximum load still allow to follow the stable condition for crack growth G=Gc. From
Figure 1.3 it is clear that the control by constant rates of increasing load can never lead
Regime I
Regime II
Figure 1.3. General plot Load Displacement of the loading point for stable fracture
of SENB specimens of brittle materials tested in three point bending. The straight line
represents the loading of the specimen and the curved part corresponds to the Griffith
Stable fracture for SENB specimens tested in three points bending using
displacement control is relatively easy to attain for materials with R-curve fracture, for
which the crack resistance (i.e. Gc) increases as the crack propagates. For instance,
stable fracture has been reported for materials with coarse microstructures such as
silicoaluminate and high alumina refractories61 and graphite34,71, for dense alumina with
relatively large grain size (d50 ~ 5.5 mm)72 and for fine grained aluminaaluminium
titanate composites (alumina: d50 ~ 3.23.9 mm, aluminium titanate: d50 ~ 2.2 mm)72. On
the contrary, for brittle materials, very deep cracks and extremely stiff machines would
be needed for stable fracture and thus, it is not possible in practice. In this sense, load
prior to further stable propagation (i.e. semi-stable fracture) have been reported for fine
grained alumina (d50 ~ 3.5 mm)72 and silicon nitride (d50 ~ 3 mm)70.
increase during the whole fracture test, thus, they are suitable to reach stable fracture. In
particular, the Crack Mouth Opening Displacement (CMOD) increases through the
whole fracture test, the loading of the specimen as well as during the crack growth.
Thus, CMOD has been proposed and used as control parameter for stable fracture
Y2O375-77 specimens under conditions that would have led to unstable fracture for
displacement controlled tests; both materials present R-curve behaviour. This parameter
Captulo 1
modulus (260-280; 295 GPa)78,86-89 and good thermal shock resistance90. Spinel presents
the characteristic low fracture toughness (1.2-3.0 MPa m1/2)78,82-84,86-102 and strength
Spinel is transparent in the wavelength range 0.2-6 m and because of the cubic
crystal structure it does not suffer from birefringent light scattering at grain
intergranular boundaries of the sintered ceramics with content of pores and impurities
1 wt.%) and Y2O390,95 have been used during the sintering processes. The main
s0 470
0.345 IT 1.4
Borrero- ROR
Lpez et m 6.2
al.95, 2012 100
s0 364
Mroz et al.96, 2.1 IT 1.4 ROR
2012 m 5.3
s0 160
15 IT 1.4 ROR
m 9.6
Boniecki et
2.1 (1.5) SENB 3-pb 1.9 (0.1) 4-pb sf 111(4)
al.90, 2012
T.D.: Theoretical density (%); d50: Average grain size (m); KIC: Critical stress intensity factor
in mode I (MPa m1/2); s: Strength (MPa); sf: Average strength (MPa); s0: Weibull characteristic
strength (MPa); m: Weibull parameter; E: Youngs modulus (GPa); IT: Indentation Toughness;
ISB: Indentation Strength in Bending; SENB: Single Edge Notched Beam; CNB: Chevron
Notched Beam; SCF: Surface Crack in Flexure; ROR: Ring on Ring; 3 or 4-pb: three or four
point bending; IET: Impulse Excitation Technique; E.d.: Experimental details; (S.D.): Standard
Deviation; +: Niihara equation, : Atkins equation).
Captulo 1
Values for dynamic Youngs modulus are similar (260-270 GPa) for sintered84 and
hot pressed materials83,93,94. Static Youngs modulus values84 (200 GPa) are lower than
the dynamic ones and close to those obtained in indentation tests for hot pressed93,94 and
spark plasma sintered (SPS)82 spinels. Ring-on-ring tests93,94 led to much higher values
of Youngs modulus (240-260 GPa) than other static methods for fine ( 5m) and
All Youngs modulus values obtained for polycrystalline spinels are lower than that
one reported by Mitchell108 ( 300 GPa) for MgAl2O4 single crystals using the Voigt
average of the elastic constants. Different authors have demonstrated the anisotropy of
Youngs modulus in spinel single crystals; Values for different cleavage planes are:
165, 198 GPa for <100>109,110 and 282, 308 GPa for <110>107,108.
Reported fracture strength values for spinels with micrometric grain sizes ( 1.7-60
are in the range 100-360 MPa. Grain refinement to the nano-scale led to higher
strengths (400-500 MPa) for SPS97 and hot-isostatically pressed95,96 materials. MgAl2O4
single crystals also present anisotropy in strength. Rice et al.102,107 reported values of
269 7 MPa and 200 10 MPa parallel with and perpendicular to the tensile surface
<100> and 210 20 MPa and 165 30 MPa parallel with and perpendicular to the
Values of fracture toughness have been reported for polycrystalline82-84,90-98 and for
Vickers indentation toughness values in the range 1.8-2.2 MPa m1/2 have been
reported for hot-pressed and hot-isostatically pressed spinels with a wide range of grain
sizes93,94,98 ( 2-60 m). Spinels with finer microstructures ( 102 nm-1 m) present
slightly lower values ( 1.4-1.5 MPa m1/2) of Vickers toughness95-97. Higher fracture
Values obtained using beams with Knoop or Chevron flaws in bending83,91,92 ( 1.8-
2-2 MPa m1/2) are also independent from grain size for hot pressed spinels with grain
sizes 5-75 m.
There are few papers reporting SENB toughness values for spinel materials84,90,91,94.
Average values between 1.8 and 3 MPa m1/2 have been reported for fine grained ( 1.5-
to Vickers values, a dependence on grain size has been reported, being lower ( 1-1.5
MPa m1/2) the values for coarse grained spinels ( 35-60 m)91,94.
The large difference ( 50%) found for fine grained spinels between the initial work
by Baudn et al.84 and the more recent ones90,94 could be partially attributed to the larger
notch tip radius associated to the notching techniques available at the time.
crystals is anisotropic. Rice et al.102 measured the fracture toughness using different
techniques as double cantilever beams, biaxial bending tests, indentation tests, obtaining
values of ~ 1.0 MPa m1/2, for <100>. Wu et al.101 reported fracture toughness values and
fracture energies of 1.21 MPa m1/2 and 4.4 J/m2, and 1.28 MPa m1/2 and 2.9 J/m2 for
<100> and <110> planes, respectively, using double cantilever beam tests.
Stewart et al.99 reported fracture toughness values 1.18 0.05, 1.54 0.08, 1.90
0.06 MPa m1/2 and fracture energies 3.57, 4.07, 4.85 J/m2 for the different cleavage
planes of single crystals <100>, <110> and <111>, respectively. The lowest fracture
Captulo 1
toughness corresponds to <100>, so it is the easier plane for fracture and lower energy
is required to fracture.
Alumina (Al2O3) is the ceramic material most extensively studied, both from
theoretical and practical stand points. There exist several reviews about alumina
materials -properties, production, and uses (Briggs, 2007; Doremus, 2008; Drre &
Hbner, 1984; Gitzen, 1970; Hart, 1990; Kingery, 1984; Mc Colm, 1990; Riley,
Alumina ceramics are widely applied because of the high hardness (for sapphire H
melting point (2050C), good wear resistance, good corrosion resistance and
alumina presents the highest thermal stability together with high hardness sustained up
to temperatures over 1200C, therefore alumina is the natural ceramic for wear119.
biocompatibility and excellent corrosion resistance have carried out to widespread the
use of the alumina to the field of biomaterials as femoral heads in total hip replacements
Because of thermal expansion anisotropy (a25-1000C ~ 9.2 10-6 K-1 and 8.4 10-6 K-1
parallel and perpendicular to c-axis, respectively120) stresses can appear when cooling
alumina ceramics from the sintering temperature121. The stress level depends on the
particular relative orientation of the grain boundaries. For grain sizes above a critical
one, these stresses can lead to fracture. However, for the small grain sized (<30 m)
structural aluminas, the developed stresses remain as residual stresses in the sintered
materials and are partially responsible for the dependence of properties such as
The mechanical behaviour of alumina materials has constantly improved since the
years 1960s. Efforts have been directed towards the increase of the purity and the
homogenisation and decrease of the grain size of the raw materials, the addition of
dopants to control grain size as well as to the use of advanced sintering techniques. The
development of alumina materials for metal machining and sealing as well as for
Reported Youngs modulus values for pure (>99%), fine grained (2-6 m) and
dense (98% of theoretical) alumina ceramics range form ~ 380-390 GPa for
Strength values determined in bending vary from 350-460 MPa for conventionally
sintered materials with grain sizes ~ 3-6 m to 500-600 MPa for hot-pressed and hot-
Since the initial systematic studies done by the group of Claussen123,130 toughness
values of alumina materials have been recognised as highly dependent on grain size and
mechanisms reported to alumina materials are mainly due to the effect of residual
stresses and therefore, highly dependent on grain size. Crack deflection, microcracking,
crack bridging and crack branching, for extremely large grain sizes have been observed
in alumina materials. The action is revealed by the greater roughness of the fracture
surfaces of the larger grain size aluminas, as it is shown in Freiman et al. work131.
for alumina materials determined in flexure tests performed using the displacement of
Captulo 1
the load frame as control parameter. When reported, values obtained using other
For fine grained materials (d50~2-8 m) KIC values from ~2 to ~6 MPa m1/2 and
specific fracture energy values from ~10 to ~20 J/m2 are found. All KIC values are
higher than those reported for alumina monocrystals by Michalske et al.132 (KIC = 2.0
MPa m1/2).
SEVNB tested in flexure using the displacement of the frame load as control parameter,
KIC and values for the two aluminas studied by these authors are very similar to those
determined by Sbaizero et al.127 for aluminas with larger grain sizes using stable fracture
However, KIC values reported by Bueno et al.72 and Sbaizero et al.127 are lower
(~35%) than those reported for aluminas with similar grain sizes determined from
discussed in section 1.3.3, concluded that unstable crack extension would result in
Additionally, the larger notch tip radius of SENB as compared to the SEVNB will
KIC values reported by Bueno et al.72 and Sbaizero et al.127 are also lower than those
obtained by double torsion (DT)16,128,129,133. It is well known that double torsion tests
always give the highest values as compared to other methods. The specific geometry for
the crack that has to be assumed for the calculations might not be accurate, leading to
erroneous values.
Table 1.2. Characteristic room temperature toughness values reported for alumina
T.D.: Theoretical density (%); d50: Average grain size (m); KIC: Critical stress intensity factor
in mode I (MPa m1/2); GIC: Critical energy release rate in mode I (J/m2); g: Fracture energy
(J/m2); r: notch tip radius (m); DT: Double Torsion; SEVNB: Single Edge V Notched Beam;
CT: Compact Tension; IT: Indentation Toughness; ISB: Indentation Strength in Bending;
SENB: Single Edge Notched Beam; DCB: Double Cantilever Beam; (S.D.): Standard deviation.
The group of Chevalier16,129 has tested by double torsion alumina materials used as
The basic mechanism for this subcritical crack growth is the stress assisted corrosion by
Captulo 1
environmental species (especially water) at the crack tip bonds, as it was first reported
by Freiman et al.131.
reported by Chevalier et al.128. These authors found crack growth velocities, v~10-10 m/s
for KIC values (~2.6 MPa m1/2) slightly above than KI0 (~2.5 MPa m1/2).
Values of specific fracture energy for fine grained72 (~ 10 J/m2) and coarse
grained72,127 (~ 20 J/m2) materials are both higher than that reported by Wiederhorn et
al.134 (6 J/m2) for the rombohedral plane which is the preferred cleavage plane in
for polycrystals are higher than those for monocrystals due to the contribution of
intergranular fracture, in the same way as crack tip toughness values in polycrystals are
The similarity between the GIC and 2 for the fine grained alumina tested by Bueno
On the contrary, for the coarse grain-sized alumina 2 was much higher (~ 55 %) than
mullite, mullite and mullite ceramics display a large variety of appearances, from
applications such as high melting point (1828 10C)138, low thermal conductivity (6
10-6 C-1)139, good chemical and thermal stability, low dielectric constant (e ~ 7), high
deformation resistance at high temperatures (or low creep rate). Most mullite materials
present low characteristic fracture toughness (~ 2.5 MPa m1/2) and moderate
flat R-curve, -no toughening mechanisms have been reported for mullite ceramics-.
Initially used only for high temperature traditional applications (refractories and in
pottery), mullite materials experienced a great development since the seminal work of
mullite with relatively high strength and excellent thermal-shock resistance were
as refractory bricks in glass melting tanks and in furnaces for the temperature treatment
of electronic packaging materials. Optical translucent mullite ceramics are used for
high-temperature furnace windows. Due to the good chemical and thermal stability,
mullite coatings are incorporated to panel for re-entry space vehicles. Also, components
and structures made of mullite fiber-reinforced mullite matrix composites are employed
in gas turbine engines, high duty kiln furnitures and burner tubes.
Reported values for the room temperature mechanical properties of mullite materials
Captulo 1
T.D.: Theoretical density (%); d50: Average grain size (m); KIC: Critical stress intensity factor
in mode I (MPa m1/2); s: Strength; E: Youngs modulus; : notch tip radius (mm); SCF: Surface
Crack in Flexure; SENB: Single Edge Notched Beam; DT: Double Torsion; IT: Indentation
Toughness; IET: Impulse Excitation Technique; 3-pb: Three-point bending; 4-pb: Four point
bending; (S.D.): Standard deviation.
The availability of fine pure mullite powders and new processing routes has made it
possible to obtain dense polycrystalline mullites with little or nearly no residual glassy
phase and with higher deformation resistance at higher temperatures than any ceramic
that of traditional mullite materials. For instance, Kanzaki et al.144 measured bending
strengths of mullite ceramics as high as 360 MPa and fracture toughness of 2.8 MPa
m1/2 at room temperature. The bending strength of these mullite ceramics decreased only
slightly up to 1400C, while other advanced ceramics such as silicon carbide, silicon
nitride, alumina and zirconia display a rather strong reduction of mechanical properties
The different processing methods used to obtain the mullite ceramics strongly
influence their mechanical behaviour through the particle size and the homogeneity of
the precursors, the porosity, the existence of impurities and their nature and distribution.
Youngs modulus values between 180 and 250 GPa140,145-148 have been reported for
A wide range, 128-440 MPa of strength values has been reported by several
this low strength as a consequence of large porosity nests which acted as strength-
controlling flaws.
The high mechanical strength (360 MPa) of mullite ceramics published by Kanzaki
et al.144 can be explained by the high purity powders synthesized by spray pyrolysis of
alkoxides used for the processing. Ismail et al.147, Sivakumar et al.149 and Ohira et al.150
reported even higher bending strengths (400 to 440 MPa) starting from commercial high
Captulo 1
purity sol-gel mullite powders. The same is true for Itoh et al.151 who published bending
strengths of 415 MPa for mullite prepared from a mixture of kaolinite and aluminium
The influence of the Al2O3 content of mullite ceramics on the mechanical properties
increase (~50%) of bend strength with Al2O3 content between 46 to 61 mol.% followed
by slightly decrease for 67 mol.% Al2O3. Multiple factors such as porosity, mullite, a-
Al2O3 and specially glass phase contents may be responsible from this development.
Compared with the changes in bending strength versus Al2O3 content of mullite
ceramics only little variation was observed in the fracture toughness by these authors.
stress intensity factor in mode I, KIC, are around 1.7-3.5 MPa m1/2. In particular, for
fracture testing of SENB in three point bending, 2.0-3.5 MPa m1/2 for load displacement
the rate of displacement of the load frame during the tests142,148. This fact is due to the
same mullite materials, SENB toughness values148 are similar to those obtained by using
the indentation strength four point bending method at equivalent deformation rates153.
Subcritical crack growth (SCG) has been shown to occur in fine grained 3:2
presence of a silica glass film at the grain boundaries. This fact was evidenced by results
obtained for two materials fabricated using the same mullite powder and sintered at
1630C148 and 1700C142. Both materials presented SCG under static loading and double
rates (0.005-5 mm/min), SCG was only evidenced in the material sintered at the highest
temperature, in which a silica glass film was formed at grain boundaries during
sintering142. Toughness values determined using the slowest (0.005 mm/min) rate
presented relatively high variability (~10 %) for both materials. Slow crack growth in
air is a relatively rapid process in these high purity mullites. Torrecillas et al.142 reported
Up to know no accurate and reliable fracture toughness data have been provided
from stable fracture tests in mullite ceramics. The subcritical crack growth is an
Refractories are essential for all high-temperature industrial processes. They play
the triple role of providing mechanical strength, protection against corrosion and
high temperature while exposed to corrosion from solids, liquids and gases, gas
diffusion, different degrees of mechanical stress and strain and mechanical abrasion.
although the temperature is much lower than in metal industries the refractories suffer a
high rate of abrasion due to the flow of high-velocity particles at a continuous rate154.
Refractories are broadly divided into two categories: shaped (bricks and cast shapes)
and unshaped (monolithic) refractories154. For shaped refractories the main requirements
are their density and porosity and dimensional tolerance. In recent years, the use of
Captulo 1
Ceramic properties of a refractory material are defined by its nature or reaction when
exposed to high temperature154. For fired bricks like fireclay, high-alumina, magnesia-
chrome-type bricks, the ceramic reactions and bonds have already been instituted by
high-temperature firing, hence, when they are exposed to high temperature, they do not
exhibit any further change. But for unfired refractories, like magnesia or alumina-
carbon bricks and unshaped refractories, the formulations are designed so that the
understand and predict the ceramic reactions that take place at or before service
Due to the extreme service conditions, the main selection criterion for the
corrosive environment, which is mostly done on the basis of their chemistry. However,
impact during the loading of the process vessel, as occurs in electrical arc furnaces, or
by deformations of the kiln shell, as observed in the cement industry, can lead to
failure of the refractories with strong consequences for the process in which they are
used. However, fracture can also result just in the development of a crack pattern155.
The extension of fracture due to thermal or mechanical strains, i.e: the damage would be
determined by the ratio between the amount of energy available and the energy needed
to create new crack surfaces or specific fracture energy. Therefore, this ratio will
characterise the resistance of materials to subcritical crack growth and the proneness to
catastrophic failure.
microstructure and texture which, in turn, is determined by the characteristics of the raw
materials (chemical and mineralogical composition and size and shape distribution) and
by the processing or installation procedure. In this regard, it should be pointed out that
refractories field. Even though the modulus of rupture is successfully used in industry
for quality control purposes, this parameter does not allow the analysis of the fracture
processes that occur in the material. Therefore, it cannot be used for design and
development purposes.
notable deviations from pure linear elastic and this behaviour has been well
mechanisms ahead and behind the crack tip are considered to contribute to this
process zone, while the aggregates might act as elastic bridges in the crack wake and/or
debond and be pulled-out. The presence of aggregates in the wake leads to friction of
crack faces when submitted to cycling. As a result, refractories usually present rising R-
curve behaviour, as it was mentioned in section 1.2, in contrast with the flat R-curve
Captulo 1
observed for the fine grain size ceramics magnesium-aluminate spinel, alumina and
mullite materials described before in sections 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6, respectively.
The fracture toughness of refractories is usually in the range of about 0.2 to 1.5
MPa m1/2. Refractory castables are at the lower portion of this range and fired bricks at
the higher end155. Youngs modulus of refractories range from about 30 to 70 GPa and
the work of fracture is in the range of about 70-300 J/m2. Therefore, GIC (1-31 J/m2) of
refractories with well designed microstructures is always significantly lower than the
specific fracture energy, GF (2wof). The ratio between the specific fracture energy and
the critical energy release rate in mode I, GF/GIC, has been defined as a toughness,
flexibility or apparent ductility ratio. It will have a large value, higher than 10, for
refractories with high energy consumption for crack propagation relative to crack
initiation. The higher this relation, the higher is the resistance of the material to damage
the specific fracture energy (or the work of fracture) of refractories is the potential
influence of the specimen size (size effect) in the obtained values because G F will
increase with increasing fracture surface until the specimen geometry allows the
Nakayama, in the 1960s60, was the first researcher that applied the concepts related
to the extension of a single crack to analyse refractory fracture and developed the work-
Nakayama, Tattersall and Tappin, and Davidge and Tappin accomplished a wide
series of studios on the measurement of work of fracture in the 60s60,62,71. Since then,
many laboratories have conducted work of fracture analysis but a standard test has not
As discussed before in sections 1.2 and 1.3.3, the concept of work of fracture,
introduced by Nakayama as the mean work per unit of projected fracture area required
Nakayamas work of fracture test a parallelepiped bar with a triangular (chevron) notch
at its centre is loaded in three point bending. Using this geometry, refractory specimens
fracture in a stable way when a sufficient stiff machine is used. The value of work of
fracture is determined from the total area under the LoadDisplacement curve recorded
during the experimental and the size of the projected fracture surface. Chevron notch
cause very high work of fracture values as compared to the average for the material
when located close to the apex of the chevron notch. For example, 10-23% variability in
wof has been reported for alumina-spinel castables164. For alumina matrix refractory
compositions (60-100 Al2O3 wt.%158) with fused mullite-zirconia aggregates, and for
In the 1980s the wedge-splitting fracture test was developed to perform stable
fracture tests and patented by Tschegg165. This test is a special form of the so-called
compact tension test, the specimen with a groove and notch is split in two halves while
monitoring the load and crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD). In this
Several researchers have provided data for high alumina castables and alumina-based
was presented using the wedge-splitting test complemented with images obtained
during mechanical loading to determine the crack propagation for a pure alumina and
alumina with titania and zirconia additives refractory compositions171,173. Jin et al.174
Captulo 1
have proposed a methodology to estimate the tensile strength, and Youngs modulus of
refractories in addition to the specific fracture energy from wedge splitting test results.
refractory literature is most of the time not reported. Moreover, in many cases only one
data for each material experimental condition is provided. This is often the case of work
of fracture values determined by the splitting test so, it is not possible to discuss in a
general way the repeatability associated with this technique. Nevertheless, the scarce
data available reveal rather high variability of results. For two commercial alumina
based low cement (2wt.%) castables heat-treated at 1100C, 12 and 18% variability
have been reported in the gwof values169 and variability between 5-22% in gwof has been
Despite the fact that there is an evident interest in the wedge splitting test for work
of fracture determination of refractories due to its capability for testing relatively large
parallelepiped specimens with straight through notches (SENB, Single Edge Notched
Beam) using as control variable the displacement of the load frame (displacement
toughness parameters describing the initiation of fracture, critical stress intensity factor
in mode I, KIC, and the energy for crack initiation, nbt which is a measure of the critical
energy release rate Gc, Gc = 2nbt. The advantage of using stable fracture tests of SENB
in three point bending is that both parameters for initiation, nbt, and propagation, wof,
As described in section 1.1 ceramics are brittle and show catastrophic failure
limiting their applications as structural engineering materials. Therefore, during the last
two decades much effort has been made to develop a new design concept of structural
order to overcome the inherent brittleness and the associated low strength and lack of
i.e. ceramic matrix composites (CMC), with metallic or ceramic second phases. CMCs
nuclear and chemical industries. They would find applications in advanced aerojet
engines, stationary gas turbines for electrical power generation, heat exchangers, hot gas
filters, radiant burners, heat treatment and materials growth furnaces, nuclear fusion
machinery wear parts, cutting and forming tools, valve seals, high precision ball bearing
According to Niihara21, ceramic matrix composites can be divided into two types:
phases such as particulate, platelet, whisker and fibre are dispersed at the grain
boundaries of the matrix. The main purpose of these composites is to improve the
fracture toughness.
Captulo 1
submicrometer and/or nano-size particles of second phase are dispersed mainly within
the matrix grains of micrometer size, whereas in the intergranular nanocomposite, the
second phase particles are dispersed at the grain boundaries of the matrix. Niihara
proposed that the aim of the micro-nano composites was to improve not only the
mechanical properties such as hardness, fracture strength and toughness and reliability
strength, and creep and fatigue fracture resistances. The nano/nano composites are
composed of the dispersoids and matrix grains with the nanometre-size. The primary
by pressureless sintering, hot pressing and hot isostatic pressing, were reported by
Niiharas group21. Strength values at room temperature two to five times higher than
hardness and creep behaviour as well as resistance to thermal shock fracture were also
has generated considerable research activity due to the potential appealing mechanical,
physical and tribological properties. A major challenge in this research field is the
this sense, several studies investigating the relationships between microstructure and
strength at room and elevated temperatures, hardness, wear resistance, creep resistance
and toughness have been conducted by various authors in composites ceramic matrix-
exhibits some excellent properties, such as high hardness, low electrical conductivity,
oxidation resistance, good chemical stability and high wear resistance, as it was
Al2O3/SiC nanocomposites have been the most studied. They are produced by the
incorporation of small (50-200 nm) SiC particles in alumina matrices with typical grain
sizes ~15 mm. Several reviews describing processing, microstructure and mechanical
done by the group of the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (Osaka,
Captulo 1
are in their tribological properties where great improvements compared with pure
alumina occur in the resistance to severe wear and surface finish following grinding and
One of the most studied properties of Al2O3/SiC nanocomposites has been the
not been possible to reproduce the high values of strength reported by the seminal work
by Niihara21 (from 350 MPa to 1520 MPa for Al2O3/5vol.% SiC composite). Most
authors report moderately higher strength values for the nanocomposites than for single
phase alumina188,175,209,181,192,22,26,196,202,226,235,236,237,240,254.
The addition of one or more components into the base material to form ceramic
matrix nanocomposites has been found to be effective to enhance the fracture toughness
properties are determined by many critical factors, such as Al2O3 and SiC particle size
content of silica as the product of oxidation of SiC particles), and distribution of SiC
the lack of accurate and reliable toughness values. Most reported values have been
determined by indentation188-190,192,194,198,199,202,226,235,236,239,251,254,183.
Captulo 1
T.D.: Theoretical density (%); d50: Average grain size (m); KIC: Critical stress intensity factor
in mode I (MPa m1/2); s: Strength (MPa); 3 or 4-pb: Three or Four point bending; E.d:
Experimental details; (S.D.): Standard deviation; ++: Anstis equation; +++: Liang equation; H:
Hertzian indentation.
In fact, no conclusive reported data are found for Vickers toughness of Al2O3/SiC
alumina183,187,197,247 or relatively low increases in average values are associated with the
Table 1.5 summarises the main microstructural characteristics, strength and fracture
toughness for Al2O3/SiC nanocomposites tested by techniques different from IT, such as
CT, SENB/SEVNB, ISB and calculated from the critical defect size and the strength.
Much less toughness testing of nanocomposites has been done with notched beams
by these authors increased with SiC content. Hoffman and Rdel277 performed Compact
Tension tests to determine crack tip toughness of nanocomposites and found that it was
similar to that of fine grained alumina and equivalent to the fatigue limit of the
nanocomposite. The R-curve determined for the nanocomposite was extremely weak.
As signalled by the authors, main problem of the results was the high variability found
due to the heterogeneous microstructure of the nanocomposite. Choi and Awaji22 used
Single Edge V Notched Beams with notch radius tips lower than 20 m tested in three
point bending, and found a significant increase in toughness from 3.72 MPa m1/2 for
single phase alumina to 5.06 MPa m1/2 for Al2O3/3vol.% SiC. Prez-Rigueiro et al.278
did not find any difference between values obtained for reference aluminas with slightly
higher densities (99% of theoretical) and average grain sizes (2.3-4.6 m) than those
of composites with 5 and 20 vol.% (98% of theoretical and 0.6-1.8 m). Belmonte et
al.249 reported 3 point bending SEVNB toughness results for Al2O3/20vol.% SiC; four
compared to those for a reference alumina with slightly higher density (99% of
theoretical) and similar average grain size (0.83 0.52 m) than those of the composites
(98% of theoretical and 0.4-0.8 m). In these works, unstable tests were used and the
Summarising, there is not a well established method for toughness testing of Al2O3/
/SiC nanocomposites and most available data lead to inconsistent conclusions about the
nanocomposite effect. Potential reasons for this fact are that materials with different
degrees of homogeneity have been tested and results have been compared to those
However, the main reason for such a lack of conclusive results is that most data have
been obtained using indentation toughness. This situation for the Al2O3/SiC
Captulo 1
nanocomposites, which are the most well known, is still worse for other systems that
Table 1.5. Microstructural characteristics, strength and fracture toughness for Al2O3/SiC
nanocomposites tested by techniques different from indentation toughness (IT).
vol.% T.D. (S.D) d50 (S.D.) KIC (S.D.) s (S.D.)
SiC % (mm) (MPa.m1/2) (MPa)
E.d. Values E.d Values
T.D.: Theoretical density (%); d50: Average grain size (m); KIC: Critical stress intensity factor
in mode I (MPa m1/2); s: Strength (MPa); SEVNB: Single Edge V Notched Beam; CT:
Compact Tension; SENB: Single Edge Notched Beam; 3 or 4-pb: Three or Four point bending;
E.d: Experimental details; (S.D.): Standard deviation.
Captulo 2
Captulo 2
ii) Las altas prestaciones de los equipos electromecnicos modernos van a permitir
Objetivos e hiptesis
cermicos avanzados.
Captulo 3
Captulo 3
publicacin en la revista Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design (Anexo I).
utilizados han sido carga y desplazamiento del marco de carga, como se explic en el
grieta (CMOD) como parmetro de control puesto que aumenta de manera continua
durante la fractura y de esta manera, al menos a nivel terico, sera posible alcanzar
indirecta como respuesta a la difcil deteccin de grietas por medidas pticas debido a
su pequea apertura.
ambos lados de la entalla, para poder detectar y medir la apertura de los labios de la
Desarrollo del dispositivo experimental
Figura 3.1. Equipo para la realizacin de ensayos de fractura estable que consta de
una mquina electromecnica con un dispositivo de flexin en tres puntos, un
micrmetro ptico conectado a un controlador que permite monitorizar y registrar el
CMOD, y el soporte informtico que integra el sistema SCM3000.
Existen dos grandes grupos de sistemas de medida sin contacto que podran ser
lser, interferometra Doppler, difraccin lser, barrido lser, interferometra lser, etc.)
Captulo 3
estabilizada con ytria (Y-TZP)76, uno de los materiales cermicos de mayor tenacidad
material de almina-mullita279 de muy baja tenacidad (KIC~2-3 MPa m1/2). Para este
relativamente grandes (>0.7), por lo que la mayor parte de las probetas fallaban
durante el mecanizado. Para las geometras utilizadas, Y-TZP76: probetas 50x10x5 mm3,
resultados obtenidos han permitido inferir que la precisin requerida estaba por debajo
de 1 m.
Japn). El principio de medida del sistema es el siguiente (figura 3.2): un LED (Light-
Emitting Diode) verde de alta intensidad GaN irradia luz, que es transformada en un haz
el intervalo de medida que va desde 0.04 mm hasta 6 mm. Este haz paralelo "ilumina"
speed Linear Charge Coupled Device) a travs del sistema ptico telecntrico. Con el
Desarrollo del dispositivo experimental
se mueve, por lo tanto, se obtiene la misma precisin todo el tiempo. La seal incidente
El sistema ptico telecntrico permite la medicin con alta precisin, 0.5 m, muy
m) que no sera adecuada a los requerimientos descritos (< 1 m). Para mejorar la
prefijado, por lo que puede evitarse una deteccin incorrecta debida, p.ej., a polvo en el
dos veces ms rpido que los sensores convencionales utilizados en los mtodos de
barrido. Esta alta velocidad es necesaria para permitir la respuesta gil del equipo a
Captulo 3
utilizan sobre todo para ensayos con variaciones montonas de la carga en modo de
Desarrollo del dispositivo experimental
sido necesarias las mquinas hidrulicas para asegurar respuestas rpidas del marco de
carga; p.ej., en los ensayos de fatiga, ha sido posible el uso de una mquina
velocidad mxima es de 100 mm/min. Las cargas reales aplicadas se miden mediante las
seleccionado una clula de carga de 5kN para asegurar la alta rigidez del dispositivo
puntos, donde, P, es la carga aplicada, L, es la distancia entre los apoyos inferiores del
longitud de la grieta.
Captulo 3
50x6x4 mm3 y una distancia interapoyos de 40 mm. Los soportes de flexin son rgidos
(B), 6 mm de anchura (W) y 50 mm de longitud; el valor obtenido fue 1.5 10-7 m/N
hasta 150 N.
corrigi con una cuchilla de 150 m de espesor, impregnada con pasta de diamante de
Desarrollo del dispositivo experimental
Figura 3.5. Detalle del dispositivo de flexin en tres puntos con el micrmetro
ptico para cermicas tcnicas avanzadas.
Captulo 3
Figura 3.6. Superficie lateral de una probeta del material de almina ensayado.
Microscopia ptica de luz reflejada.
(a) Corte con disco diamantado, pre-entalla.
(b) y (c) Se muestra el fondo de entalla en forma de "V" corregido con una cuchilla
impregnada en pasta de diamante.
Desarrollo del dispositivo experimental
Figura 3.8. Detalle del dispositivo de flexin en tres puntos con el micrmetro
ptico para materiales cermicos refractarios conformados densos.
espesor (B), 25 mm de anchura (W) y 150 mm de longitud. El valor obtenido fue 1.5
10-7 m/N hasta 150 N, el mismo valor que el obtenido con el dispositivo de flexin para
utilizaron probetas de flexin en tres puntos con entallas rectas, SENB. Como el tamao
Figura 3.9. Superficie lateral de una probeta del material refractario silico-aluminoso
ensayado. Microscopia ptica de luz reflejada.
Captulo 3
Una vez definido el sistema de carga y el micrmetro ptico como unidad de medida
acoplamiento global. Por una parte fue preciso asegurar el ajuste mecnico entre la
asegurar una correcta orientacin del haz luminoso con respecto al eje de carga y el
Por otra parte, ha sido preciso desarrollar una interfaz entre la mquina de ensayos
de 2 m.
posicin (d), apertura de los labios de la grieta (CMOD) y tiempo (t), de forma
por posicin
desplazamiento del marco de carga como parmetro de control. Es posible justificar esta
Desarrollo del dispositivo experimental
dificultad a partir del anlisis del locus de Griffith que describe las relaciones carga-
grieta cuando (G/a) (Gc/ac) y crecimiento estable de grieta cuando (G/a) <
intensidad de tensiones en modo I (KI) para ensayos de flexin en tres puntos, viene
KI = K b (a )
2 BW 3 / 2 (3.1)
K() es una funcin geomtrica vlida para cualquier valor de longitud de grieta
a {p (a ) + 4 / b [ p 4 (a ) - p (a )]}
K b (a ) =
(1 - a ) 3 / 2 (1 + 3a ) (3.2)
Captulo 3
Las funciones p4() y p() definidas en las ecuaciones (3.3) y (3.4) son polinomios
La fractura tendr lugar para una carga mxima aplicada (Pmax) tal que el factor de
3Pmax L
K IC = K b (a )
2 BW 3 / 2
= K b (a ) = s
s- f W 1/ 2
2s f BW 2 (3.6)
PL 2s
s f BW 2
3K b (a )
(L 2W )2 L 2W + 2.85 (L 2W ) - 0.42 2 4
EB (L 2W ) (3.8)
18(L 2W )
2 a 2
Dd =
P K b (a ) a [ ]
0 (3.9)
Desarrollo del dispositivo experimental
ds =
( )2 L
L 2W
2W (L 2W ) - 0.42
(L 2W )
[ 2
2 4 + 9 a f (a ) ]
0 (3.10)
ds = ls
EB (3.11)
y dispositivos de ensayo, dm, sea igual a cero y la flexibilidad total, dt=ds+dm, sea
equivalente a la de la probeta.
ds P
= ls
s fW 12
s f EBW 1 2
dsL PL 2s
= ls = ls
e fW 2
s f BW 2
3K b (a ) (3.13)
grieta crecer de manera estable cuando se cumpla que (P/d) es menor o igual a cero.
adimensional para la geometra de ensayo utilizada en este trabajo para caracterizar los
Captulo 3
sigue disminuyendo (rgimen II), para distintos valores de fragilidad de la probeta (s)74.
P- de la figura 3.10 presenta una derivada positiva para a/W < 0.4 y una derivada
negativa para a/W 0.4. Por lo tanto, para la geometra de ensayo utilizada en este
trabajo para cermicas tcnicas avanzadas, si se utilizara una mquina con rigidez
Desarrollo del dispositivo experimental
positiva para a/W < 0.6 y una derivada negativa para a/W 0.6. Se alcanzara pues
Carga adimensional
1.4 s=0.2
1.0 s=0.5
a=a/W=0.60 s=0.6
0.6 s=0.8
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Deflexin adimensional
Captulo 3
Los valores de a obtenidos por Biozi y col.74 a partir de los cuales se alcanzan
ensayos de fractura estable, son coincidentes con aquellos obtenidos por Bar-On y col70.
1.6 s=0.1
1.4 s=0.3
Carga adimensional
1.2 s=0.4
1.0 a=a/W=0.60 s=0.6
0.6 s=0.9
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Deflexin adimensional
Para verificar la adecuacin del sistema desarrollado y del CMOD como parmetro
de control del movimiento del marco de carga durante el ensayo, se seleccion una
(seccin 1.4).
Se trata de una espinela de grano fino (1.5 m) y alta densidad (98% terica) obtenida a
Desarrollo del dispositivo experimental
de permanencia de 2 h.
la flexibilidad del equipo (ecuacin 3.11) y las propiedades del material de espinela
(s=0.22). Para alcanzar ensayos estables en control por desplazamiento del marco de
Carga adimensional
0.15 a=a/W=0.70
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Deflexin adimensional
Captulo 3
4.0 1.6
3.5 a 1.4 b
3.0 1.2
CMOD [mm]
CMOD [mm]
2.5 1.0
2.0 0.8
1.5 0.6
1.0 0.4
0.5 0.2
0.0 0.0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
del valor de carga mxima, es necesaria una disminucin del desplazamiento para
Desarrollo del dispositivo experimental
Carga [N]
820 840 860 880
Tiempo [s]
Carga [N]
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Tiempo [s]
Carga [N]
0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005
Desplazamiento [mm]
probetas con igual geometra y mayor radio de curvatura (apartado 1.4) por Baudn y
Captulo 3
col84. Los valores de KIC y GIC son la media de los obtenidos a partir de tres ensayos y
Para calcular KIC se utiliz la ecuacin 3.1. A partir del valor de K IC, el mdulo de
calcul la tasa crtica de liberacin de energa en modo I, G IC, de acuerdo con el anlisis
El valor de KIC es un 65% inferior al valor reportado previamente para este mismo
material84. Esta diferencia se hace ms patente cuando se considera GIC, que es un orden
de magnitud inferior. El efecto combinado del mayor radio de curvatura del fondo de
KIC: Factor crtico de intensidad de tensiones en modo I (MPa m1/2); GIC: Tasa
crtica de liberacin de energa en modo I (J/m2); S.D.: Desviacin estndar.
3.6. Conclusiones
micrmetro ptico de alta precisin, para controlar el movimiento del marco de carga de
Desarrollo del dispositivo experimental
- Para un material de espinela de grano fino, modelo de material con fractura frgil,
este trabajo.
Mensaje recibido para la invitacin de la publicacin de este trabajo en la revista JSA:
-----Mensaje original-----
De: []
Enviado el: mircoles, 21 de abril de 2010 12:43
Para: Baudn de la Lastra Carmen
CC: Paulo de Castro T
Asunto: Invitation to submit your paper to JSA
On behalf of the Selection Committee, it is our pleasure to inform you that your work
authored by "C. Baudn, A. Garca, J. Hernndez, M. Lpez" presented at the past
CIFIE 2010 conference held at Porto on March 16-19, 2010, has been pre-selected for
recommended publication in the Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design
(JSA) ( following the agreement
between the Spanish Group of Fracture and this journal.
Please let us know at your earliest convenience, and in any case before
April 30, 2010, if you on behalf of the other authors agree to submit your
work to this journal, under the understanding that all the pre-selected works will be
peer-reviewed before publishing.
Gustavo Guinea
Paulo de Castro
The manuscript was received on 15 June 2010 and was accepted after revision for publication on 29 July 2010.
DOI: 10.1243/03093247JSA685
Abstract: Controlled fracture tests that ensure the full conversion of supplied energy into crack
surface energy are required for the accurate determination of the toughness parameters of
materials. In this work, a new experimental configuration to perform three-point-bending single-
edge V-notch beam stable fracture tests controlled by the crack mouth opening displacement
(CMOD) is presented. The CMOD is chosen as the control variable because it is the only
parameter that increases throughout the whole fracture process. Results obtained by applying
the proposed approach to a fine-grained test sample of the spinel-structured phase of
magnesium aluminium oxide are presented. The results obtained demonstrate that the proposed
configuration allows stable fracture tests to be performed on extremely brittle ceramics.
28 A Garca-Prieto, J Hernandez, M Lopez, and C Baudn
tromechanical test machine (Fig. 1). Electromechan- fore, the control parameters can be not only force
ical or universal testing machines are most com- and displacement but also CMOD.
monly used for static testing in either tensile or The test specimen was placed between the rigid
compression modes within a single frame. The frame and the moving crosshead in a stainless steel
control is performed by an electronic system that three-point bending test fixture with a span (S) of
generates the control signal to make the actuator 40 mm (Figs 1 and 2). A load cell of 5 kN was selected
move the crosshead in an upward or downward to ensure a high stiffness of the loading set-up. The
direction via a drive system. The test samples are compliance of the machine, load cell, and support
placed between the rigid frame (stiffness , 26108 N/ arrangement, in the load range used for testing (up
m) and the moving crosshead. to 150 N) was determined experimentally using an
The maximum load range of the machine is 50 kN, uncracked alumina bar of 4 mm thickness (B), 6 mm
both in tension and compression. The displacement width (W), and 50 mm length; the obtained value
range is 0100 mm and the maximum velocity is was 1.561027 m/N.
100 mm/min. The actual applied loads are measured
by extensometer load cells mounted along the line of
force application. The displacement of the moving 2.2 CMOD measurement unit
crosshead is controlled and measured by means of
For the CMOD measurement and control, a high-pre-
an optical encoder placed in the motor axis.
cision optical micrometer a Keyence LS7010 (Key-
The SCM3000 electronic controller (Microtest,
ence, Osaka, Japan) that incorporates a complemen-
Madrid, Spain) includes load and position channels
tary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) camera was
as well as position auxiliary channels with the option
used to capture real-time images of the target (Figs 1
to add additional strain channels for extensometers.
and 2). This optical system provided a measuring
In this case, the signal from the contact-free optical
accuracy of 0.5 mm.
measurement system for CMOD determination is
The principle of measurement of the optical system
directed to one of these auxiliary channels. There-
is as follows (Fig. 3). A high-intensity GaN light-
emitting diode (LED) radiates light which is converted
into a uniform parallel beam by the special diffusion
unit and collimator lens and this beam is used to
illuminate the measurement area. The shadow image
of the target is projected on to the high-speed linear
charge coupled device (HL-CCD) by the telecentric
optical system. The system of lenses ensures that the
size of the image on the CCD does not change even
if it moves, thus, the same precision is maintained.
The output incident signal of the HL-CCD is pro-
cessed by the digital edge-detection (DE) processor
in the controller and central processing unit (CPU).
The controller of the optical system incorporates a
function that eliminates abnormal values in order to
Fig. 1 A Microtest EM1/50 test machine and the Fig. 2 The three-point bending device with the optical
experimental set-up micrometer
Controlled fracture test for brittle ceramics 29
improve the precision of the measurement, with the separation was checked to be 0.06 mm using a
detection threshold being the adjustable parameter. 1.0 mm diameter round bar located in the centre of
the measuring area. The equipment performed
continuous measurements at a rate of 512 samples
2.3 Set-up per second.
The optical micrometer was attached to the lower The optical micrometer converts the detected
loading support; in this way mechanical obstruc- distances into analogue signals that are used as
tions are avoided and a correct orientation of the input to the control unit of the mechanical testing
light beam with respect to the axis of load and the machine where the software in the SCM3000 con-
bending fixture is ensured. Given the small opening verts them to discrete digital numbers. The whole
displacement of the notch, in order to be able to range of the optical micrometer (6 mm) that corres-
detect and measure its width during the test, pins of ponds to 10 V of analogue signal is converted into
1.5 mm diameter and 12 mm length were adhered to 216 levels (65 536 values), thus, a theoretical resolu-
both sides of the notch ensuring that they were tion of 0.1 mm is obtained for the extreme point of
perpendicular to the light beam. To reach the the range. For the tests, a smaller range of measure-
highest accuracy the tests were performed at 20 uC, ment of the micrometer, 50 mm, was selected to
with a separation between the pins of 1 mm. The detect the CMOD variations. In terms of analogue
repeat accuracy of the optical micrometer for this signal, this range corresponds to a scaling value of
30 A Garca-Prieto, J Hernandez, M Lopez, and C Baudn
Controlled fracture test for brittle ceramics 31
p4 a~1:9z0:41az0:51a2 {0:17a3 3
p a~1:99z0:83a{0:31a2 z0:14a3 4
32 A Garca-Prieto, J Hernandez, M Lopez, and C Baudn
Captulo 4
Captulo 4
resultados para materiales frgiles. Para ello se seleccion como material modelo una
almina de grano fino que, como se ha descrito en el apartado 1.5, presenta fractura
- : energa de fractura (apartado 1.1), calculada a partir del rea encerrada bajo la
ecuacin 4.1:
g = (4.1)
2 B(W - a )
Se han comparado tanto las curvas experimentales como los valores de los
Tenacidad de fractura de cermicas frgiles: almina
Se trata de una almina de grano fino (3.5 m) y alta densidad (98% terica). El
material en verde fue obtenido por colaje de una suspensin estable de almina en
1200C durante 4 h.
material y dispositivo experimental (s=0.08; E~379 GPa; lm=232; C=1.5 10-7 m/N) no
se conseguiran ensayos estables en control por desplazamiento a menos que las grietas
Captulo 4
fractura semiestable72.
marco de carga disminuye desde el valor de carga mxima hasta un desplazamiento del
s=0.08; lm=232
Carga adimensional
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Deflexin adimensional
Tenacidad de fractura de cermicas frgiles: almina
50 A1
Carga [N] 30
0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025
Desplazamiento [mm]
- es un 29-33% inferior.
nuevas superficies.
Captulo 4
KIC: Factor crtico de intensidad de tensiones en modo I (MPa m1/2); GIC: Tasa
crtica de liberacin de energa en modo I (J/m2); : Energa de fractura (J/m2). S.D.:
Desviacin estndar.
4.3. Conclusiones
- Utilizando control por CMOD, se han obtenido ensayos de fractura estable para
- De acuerdo con la hiptesis bsica de este trabajo, los ensayos de fractura estable
material de almina.
Tenacidad de fractura de cermicas frgiles: almina
Available online at
Controlled fracture tests are required for the accurate determination of the toughness parameters of materials in order to assure the full conversion
of the supplied energy into crack surface energy. From the three parameters involved in the test, load, displacement of the load point and crack
mouth opening displacement (CMOD), this latter is the only one that continuously increases as fracture proceeds. Therefore, the CMOD has been
proposed as control variable for the stable fracture tests. In this work, a new equipment to perform stable fracture tests of single edge V-notch beams
(SEVNB) of ceramics in three points bending controlled by the CMOD is presented. The developed equipment allows performing stable fracture
tests of extremely brittle materials. The equipment is presented together with results obtained for fine grained aluminiummagnesium aluminate
and alumina ceramics.
2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0955-2219/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
3298 A. Garca-Prieto, C. Baudn / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 30 (2010) 32973302
Fig. 1. General loadloading point displacement plot for beams of brittle mate-
rials with straight through notches (SENB). The curved part corresponds to the Fig. 2. Loadloading point displacement plot for stable fracture reached using
fracture taking place with constant energy release rate, G, equalling Gc . As constant displacement rate.
the straight line that represents the loading of the specimen hits the curve, the
condition for crack growth (G = Gc ) is satisfied. To keep G = Gc the load point
displacement has to decrease initially (regime I) and then increase (regime II).
size (d50 5.5 mm)16 and for fine grained aluminaaluminium
titanate composites (alumina: d50 3.23.9 mm, aluminium
The schematic representation of Fig. 1 allows discussing titanate: d50 2.2 mm).16 On the contrary, for extremely brit-
some aspects about the stable crack growth in SENB speci- tle materials, very deep cracks and extremely stiff machines
mens of brittle materials, as done by Sigl.13 The curved line would be needed for stable fracture and thus, it is not possi-
is the general stable fracture locus of a material with flat R curve ble in practice. In this sense, loaddisplacement curves showing
(Griffith locus, critical energy release rate, Gc = constant). This unstable fracture or sudden load decreases (pop-in) prior to
curve represents the fracture taking place with constant energy further stable propagation (i.e. semi-stable fracture) have been
release rate, G, equalling Gc . As the straight line that represents reported for fine grained alumina (d50 3.5 mm)16 and silicon
the loading of the specimen hits the curve, the condition for crack nitride (d50 3 mm)17 .
growth (G = Gc ) is satisfied. In order to get stable fracture, G has Contrary to the above-discussed parameters, the CMOD
to be maintained at its critical value and, thus, decreasing values increases through the whole fracture test, the loading of the
of the load point displacement (regime I) followed by increasing specimen as well as during the crack growth. Thus, CMOD has
values of this parameter (regime II) would be demanded. The been proposed and used as control parameter for stable frac-
loaddisplacement relationship of regime I is usually called snap ture testing of high-strength concrete14 and tetragonal zirconia
back.14 Therefore, it will not be possible to get stable fracture stabilised with 3 mol% of Y2 O3 1820 specimens under condi-
using constant displacement rates. The relative weight of the tions that would have led to unstable fracture for displacement
regions corresponding to regimes I and II depend on the mate- controlled tests.
rial properties, the specimen and span sizes, the notch depth and In order to perform in a routine way stable fracture tests
the stiffness of the testing device. For the same material and of ceramics, a new experimental setup to perform three point
testing geometry, stiff machines and deep notches increase the bending stable fracture tests of ceramics controlled by the
region of regime II and situations such as that plotted in Fig. 2 crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) was developed.21
can occur. In this case, stable fracture can be reached controlling The set up combined an electromechanical universal testing
by constant displacement rate because increases in displacement machine with a high precision optical micrometer. An elec-
after the maximum load still allow to follow the stable condi- tromechanical machine was chosen because the extremely small
tion for crack growth G = Gc . In terms of stability, the use of the displacement variations required for the testing of brittle mate-
actual deflection of the specimen as control variable is qualita- rials can be reached by small turns of the motor in standard
tively the same as the use of displacement. From Figs. 1 and 2 it electromechanical machines whereas they would require spe-
is clear that the control by constant rates of increasing load can cial hydraulic machines with highly precise servo valves. The
never lead to stable tests because load always decreases after use of an optical micrometer permits the measurement of the
cracking starts. CMOD without contact with the specimen. Nowadays, the
Stable fracture for SENB specimens tested in three point high performance of the control systems avoids the necessity
bending using displacement control is relatively easy to attain for of using hydraulic machines to assure rapid responses of the
materials with R-curve fracture, for which the crack resistance load frame and allows the use of control variables external
(i.e. Gc ) increases as the crack propagates. For instance, stable to the machines such as the CMOD. Using this equipment it
fracture has been reported for materials with coarse microstruc- has been possible to test an extremely brittle ceramic such as
tures such as silicoaluminate and high alumina refractories3 fine grained magnesiumaluminium spinel for which a tough-
and graphite,11,15 for dense alumina with relatively large grain ness value (1 MPa m1/2 ) about 66% lower than the previously
A. Garca-Prieto, C. Baudn / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 30 (2010) 32973302 3299
2. Experimental
Table 1
Microstructural and mechanical parameters for the alumina material tested in this work, A-1450.16 GA = average grain size, = relative density, E = static Youngs
modulus, f = three point bending strength, KIC = critical stress intensity factor in mode I. S.D. = standard deviation.
Material GA (S.D.) (mm) (S.D.) (%theoretical) E (S.D.) (GPa) f (S.D.) (MPa) KIC (MPa m1/2 )
A-1450 3.5 (0.3) 98.1 (0.3) 379 (8) 456 (29) 2.9
3300 A. Garca-Prieto, C. Baudn / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 30 (2010) 32973302
A. Garca-Prieto, C. Baudn / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 30 (2010) 32973302 3301
Fig. 6. Characteristic loadtime plots for alumina specimens tested using dif-
Fig. 5. Loadcrack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) plots recorded during
ferent control parameters for the deformation of the specimen. (1): Crack mouth
the CMOD controlled tests for two different alumina specimens showing the
opening displacement control; stable fracture is shown. (3) Displacement con-
repeatability of the tests.
trol; semi-stable fracture is shown.16
3. Results and discussion where S is the span, P is the maximum load, B and W are the geo-
metrical parameters defined in Section 2 and K () is a general
In which follows, the results obtained previously using the shape function which is valid for any value of the relative notch
same testing and specimen geometries and displacement con- depth (0 1) and span-to-depth ratios ( = S/W) larger than
trolled tests16 are compared to those obtained in this work using 2.5 (2.5 16) (Eq. (2)):
CMOD control. From calculations17 using the compliance value
of the whole testing system (1.5 107 m/N) and the proper- {p () + 4/[p4 () p ()]}
K () = (2)
ties of the material (Table 1), stable fracture tests could not be (1 )3/2 (1 + 3)
obtained under displacement control for any relative notch depth
value for this alumina material. In fact, only semi-stable fracture The p () and p4 () given by Eqs. (3) and (4) are cubic
was obtained for a limited number of tests of specimens with rel- polynomial for = 4 (equivalent to a reference beam with fixed
ative notch depths of 0.5 in the previously reported study. The S/W = 4) and = (formally equivalent to pure bending).
introduction of larger notches led to the failure of the specimens p () = 1.99 + 0.83 0.312 + 0.143 (3)
during machining.
As it is shown in the loadCMOD curves of Fig. 5, simi- p4 () = 1.9 + 0.41 + 0.512 0.173 (4)
lar results were obtained in this work for different specimens
The value of KIC obtained for CMOD controlled tests was
tested using the same CMOD rate and similar values of a/W the
2.5 0.2 MPa m1/2 , about 10% lower than the value determined
conditions which gave relatively low standard deviations for the
in semi-stable tests.16
fracture toughness parameters.
Fig. 6 shows characteristic loadtime plots recorded using
the two different control parameters. The sudden load decrease
for constant time prior to further monotonous load decrease
observed under displacement control is characteristic of semi-
stable fracture.16 On the contrary, in the CMOD controlled
tests monotonous load decreases with increasing times as
correspond to controlled fracture were always obtained. The
loaddisplacement curves corresponding to the tests of Fig. 6
are plotted in Fig. 7. As discussed in the introduction, a decrease
of displacement was needed to reach stable fracture after the
maximum load which could only be attained by using CMOD
The critical stress intensity factor in mode I, KIC , was calcu-
lated using the general expression of the stress intensity23 and
the value of the maximum load attained during the test (Eq. (1)).
The onset of crack propagation was considered in the peak load.
Fig. 7. Loaddisplacement plots corresponding to the test of Fig. 6. (1) Crack
3SP mouth opening displacement control; a decrease of displacement after the max-
KIC = K () (1)
2BW 3/2 imum load is needed to reach stable fracture tests. (3) Displacement control.16
3302 A. Garca-Prieto, C. Baudn / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 30 (2010) 32973302
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The value of WOF obtained was 7.0 0.3 J m2 that is graphite. J Am Ceram Soc 1983;66(12):86874.
about 30% lower than the value obtained in semi-stable 12. Baratta FI, William AD. Crack stability in simply supported four-point and
three-point loaded beams of brittle materials. Mech Mater 1990;10:14959.
tests.16 13. Sigl LS. On the stability of cracks in flexure specimens. Int J Fract
14. Biolzi L, Cangiano S, Tognon G, Carpinteri A. Snap-back softening insta-
4. Conclusions bility in high-strength concrete beams. Mater Struct 1989;22:42936.
15. Davidge RW, Tappin G. The effective surface energy of brittle materials. J
An experimental setup to perform stable fracture tests in an Mater Sci 1968;3:16573.
electromechanical machine using the analog output from an opti- 16. Bueno S, Berger MH, Moreno R, Baudn C. Fracture behaviour
of microcrack free aluminaaluminium titanate ceramics with second
cal micrometer was developed. This set up allows using the crack
phase nanoparticles at alumina grain boundaries. J Eur Ceram Soc
mouth opening displacement (CMOD) as a control parameter for 2008;28:196171.
fracture toughness testing. 17. Bar-On I, Baratta FI, Cho K. Crack stability and its effect on fracture
Stable fracture tests can be performed for brittle ceramics by toughness of hot-pressed silicon nitride beam specimens. J Am Ceram Soc
using the CMOD as control parameter and three points bending 1996;79(9):23008.
18. Pastor JY, Planas J, Elices M. Ambient and high-temperature stable fracture
of Single Edge V-Notch Beams as testing geometry.
tests in ceramics: applications to yttria-partially-stabilized zirconia. J Am
Stable fracture tests for fine grained alumina per- Ceram Soc 1993;76(11):29279.
formed using this device have given fracture toughness 19. Pastor JY, Planas J, Elices M. A new technique for fracture charac-
parameters (KIC = 2.5 0.2 MPa m1/2 , GIC = 16.4 2.3 J m2 , terization of ceramics at room and at high temperature. J Test Eval
WOF = 7.0 0.3 J m2 ) lower than those determined in semi- 1995;23(3):20916.
20. Pastor JY, Planas J, Elices M. Ensayos de fractura estables en materiales
stable tests: about 10%, 20% and 30% for critical stress intensity
cermicos. Bol Soc Esp Ceram V 1992;31(4):3225.
factor in mode I, critical energy release rate and work of fracture, 21. Baudn C, Garca A, Hernndez J, Lpez M. Anales de Mecnica de la
respectively. Fractura. In: Proceedings of the Conferencia Ibrica de Fractura e Integri-
dad Estructural 2010, vol. 1. Controlled fracture tests of brittle ceramics,
Secretara del Grupo Espanol de Fractura, Madrid, Spain; 2010. p. 2915.
Acknowledgements 22. Baudn C, Martnez R, Pena P. High-temperature mechanical behavior of
stoichiometric magnesium spinel. J Am Ceram Soc 1995;78(7):185762.
This work has been supported by MCI-MAT2009-14448-C02 23. Guinea GV, Pastor JY, Planas J, Elices M. Stress intensity factor, com-
pliance and CMOD for a general three-point-bend beam. Int J Fract
and PET2008-0113 and Microtest S.A. (Spain). Discussions 1998;89:10316.
with Prof. J.Y. Pastor from ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos 24. Burgos-Montes O, Moreno R, Baudn C. Effect of mullite additions on the
(Madrid) are gratefully acknowledged. fracture mode of alumina. J Eur Ceram Soc 2010;30:85763.
Captulo 5
Captulo 5
tenacidad. Para ello se seleccion un material de mullita (Al2O3:SiO2, 3:2) como caso de
Las propiedades del material ensayado148 (MB0) se recogen en la tabla 1.3. Se trata
de una mullita de grano fino (0.7m) y alta densidad (95% terica) obtenida a partir de
=0.64 y ~ 60 y 6 m.
carga de 0.05 mm/min. Se eligieron estas velocidades porque dan lugar a velocidades de
Efecto de las condiciones experimentales en la tenacidad de fractura de un material de mullita
efecto del crecimiento subcrtico de grietas para este mismo material en control por
material y dispositivo experimental (s=0.11; E=195 GPa; m=117; C=1.5 10-7 m/N) no
se conseguiran ensayos estables en control por desplazamiento a menos que las grietas
fueran muy profundas con un 0.7 (Figura 5.1), superior al valor obtenido
s =0.11
Carga adimensional
a/b =0.7
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Deflexin adimensional
Todos los ensayos realizados en control por CMOD dieron lugar a fractura estable.
Captulo 5
ensayos realizados a alta velocidad del desplazamiento del marco de carga en control
por CMOD y desplazamiento. Al igual que ocurra en el caso de la almina (figura 4.2)
14 M1
Carga [N]
0 10 20 30 40 50
Tiempo [s]
aprecia, a partir del valor de carga mxima, una disminucin del desplazamiento
Las propiedades mecnicas de este material se recogen en la tabla 5.1. Los valores
de KIC, GIC y g fueron calculados a partir de tres medidas y los errores corresponden a
las desviaciones estndar. El coeficiente de Poisson empleado para esta mullita fue
Efecto de las condiciones experimentales en la tenacidad de fractura de un material de mullita
Carga [N] 8
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010
Desplazamiento [mm]
KIC: Factor crtico de intensidad de tensiones en modo I (MPa m1/2); GIC: Tasa
crtica de liberacin de energa en modo I (J/m2); : Energa de fractura (J/m2); v:
velocidad (mm/min); r: radio de curvatura del fondo de entalla (m); tf: tiempo de
fractura (s); S.D.: Desviacin estndar.
Captulo 5
valor un 60% superior para = 60 m con respecto a los obtenidos para = 6 m. Esta
proceso de fractura.
2g. Este hecho puede explicarse por el fenmeno de crecimiento subcrtico de grieta
(SCG), que para este material es un proceso relativamente rpido, producindose a una
de ~10-4 m/s para KIC ~1.9-2.05 MPa m1/2 (apartado 1.6). Este fenmeno no es
detectable para tiempos cortos de ensayo, como corresponde a los tiempos involucrados
en los ensayos realizados a alta velocidad (18 m/min, 30s, figura 5.4 1) o los
necesarios para alcanzar la carga mxima en ensayos lentos (1 mm/min, 100s, figura 5.4
2). El fenmeno de SCG tampoco haba podido ser identificado en este material a partir
de los valores de KIC obtenidos en ensayos inestables. Sin embrago, este fenmeno es
Efecto de las condiciones experimentales en la tenacidad de fractura de un material de mullita
Carga [N] 7 2
0 100 200 300 400 500
Tiempo [s]
Figura 5.4. Curvas experimentales caractersticas carga-tiempo correspondientes a
ensayos de fractura en control por CMOD para el material de mullita.
1: velocidad constante de CMOD=18 m/min.
2: velocidad constante de CMOD=1 m/min.
5.3. Conclusiones
Available online at
The effect of testing variables on toughness of single edge V notched beams (4 mm 6 mm 50 mm, = 0.6) of a fine grained mullite
(d50 = 0.7 0.5 mm) in three points bending (span = 40 mm) is analysed. Mullite was selected as case material because it presents flat R-curve
and subcritical crack propagation. Stable fracture was reached by using the CMOD as control variable (0.001 and 0.018 mm/min). Results for
stable test and unstable displacement (0.05 mm/min) controlled tests are analysed. KIC has been calculated from maximum loads, KICp , and from
the total fracture energy determined in stable tests, KICg . The fact that for materials with flat R-curve both KIC values are coincident has been used
as criterion for adequacy of the test. Stable fracture at high deformation rates is required to fulfil KICp = KICg . Under such conditions, an intrinsic
KIC = 0.86 0.06 MPa m1/2 , less than one half of those previously reported has been obtained.
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0955-2219/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4242 A. Garca-Prieto, C. Baudn / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 32 (2012) 42414248
ceramics has been named work of fracture, however, the more
standard term fracture energy will be used in this paper. Mullite
has been selected as case material because it is a well known
brittle ceramic used in structural applications which presents
subcritical crack propagation at room temperature. As criterion c
for adequacy of the testing conditions the fact that for materi-
als with flat R-curve both KIC values, KICp and KICg , have to a > c
A. Garca-Prieto, C. Baudn / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 32 (2012) 42414248 4243
Table 1
Microstructural and mechanical properties for the mullite material tested in this work.25,30,32 GA : average grain size; : relative density; E: Youngs modulus; :
Poissons ratio; f : 3-points bending strength; KIC : critical stress intensity factor in mode I. (S.D.): standard deviation.
GA (S.D.) mm (S.D.) % theoretical E (S.D.) GPa (S.D.) f (S.D.) MPa KIC (S.D.) MPa m1/2
0.7 (0.5) 95.0 (0.3) 195 (4) 0.274 (0.006) 227 (24) 2.0 (0.6)
titanate composites (alumina: d50 3.23.9 mm, aluminium particular, for fracture testing of SENB in three points bending
titanate: d50 2.2 mm16 ). On the contrary, for extremely brittle (beams: 4 mm 6 mm 50 mm, span: 40 mm, width notches
materials stable fracture is not possible in practice because very 200 mm, relative notch depth: 0.5), 2.02.4 MPa m1/2 for load
deep notches and stiff machines would be needed, as it was dis- displacement rates between 0.005 and 5 mm/min have been
cussed before. In this sense, loaddisplacement curves showing obtained.24,28,29,32 Up to now no definitive value for intrinsic
unstable fracture or sudden load decreases (pop-in) prior to KIC of fine grained mullite has been provided.
further stable propagation (i.e.: semi-stable fracture) have been In this work, the stable fracture behaviour of a fine grained
reported for fine grained alumina (d50 3.5 mm16 ) and silicon mullite tested using CMOD as control variable at rates 0.001
nitride (d50 3 mm14 ). and 0.018 mm/min and notch tip radii of 6 mm and 60 mm is
Contrary to displacement and load, parameters related to presented and compared to that corresponding to displacement
crack growth increase during the whole fracture test, thus, they controlled tests performed at a rate (0.05 mm/min) equivalent to
are suitable to reach stable fracture. In particular, the crack mouth the largest CMOD one.
opening displacement (CMOD) has been proposed and used as
control parameter for stable fracture testing of high-strength
concrete19 and tetragonal zirconia stabilised with 3 mol% of 2. Experimental procedures
Y2 O3 2022 specimens under conditions that would have led to
unstable fracture for displacement controlled tests; both materi- 2.1. Material and specimen preparation
als present R-curve behaviour. In our laboratory a special set up
for the routine stable fracture testing of brittle ceramics using Mullite specimens have been fabricated from high purity
CMOD as control parameter has been developed; stable fracture (99.99%) powders (193CR, Baikowski Chimie, France) fol-
of materials such as fine grained magnesiumaluminium spinel lowing the procedure described elsewhere.30 Starting powders
and alumina has been attained.11,12 The fracture toughness val- (1.8 mm) were attrition milled with mullite balls down to 0.8 mm,
ues obtained are lower than those previously obtained from the isostatically pressed (200 MPa) and sintered at 1630 C for 4 h.
maximum load values in unstable tests using displacement con- The microstructural and mechanical properties for this mullite
trol. are summarised in Table 1.
Single edge V notched beams (SEVNB) of 4 mm thick-
ness (B), 6 mm width (W) and 50 mm length (S) were diamond
1.2. Mullite machined from the sintered blocks (10 mm 40 mm 65 mm).
Notches were initially machined using a 300 mm wide diamond
Mullite presents some attractive properties for structural wheel. Using the pre-notch as a guide, the remaining part of the
applications such as high melting point (1828 10 C),23 low notch was done with a 150 mm wide razor blade sprinkled with
thermal conductivity (6 kcal m1 h1 C1 )24 and low thermal 15, 6 and 1 mm diamond paste. Tip radii of about 60 and 6 mm
expansion coefficient (25800 C = (4.1 0.1) 106 C1 ).25 respectively, and relative notch depths, 0.6, were obtained
Initially used only for high temperature traditional appli- (Fig. 2a and b). Fig. 2c shows a characteristic fracture surface;
cations, mullite materials experienced a great development straight pre-notch and final notch ( 0.6) tips are observed.
since the seminal work of Mazdiyasni26 where translucent
polycrystalline bodies of stoichiometric mullite with relatively
high strength and excellent thermal-shock resistance were 2.2. Testing conditions
described.23,26,27 The availability of fine pure mullite powders
and new processing routes has made it possible to obtain dense The development and complete description of the exper-
polycrystalline mullites with little or nearly no residual glassy imental setup used is described elsewhere.11,12 It combines
phase and with higher deformation resistance at higher temper- an electromechanical machine with a high-precision optical
atures than any ceramic oxide.24,2729 micrometre. The compliance of the test rig, C (machine, load
Mullite ceramics present flat R-curve and can expe- cell and support arrangement), is 1.5 107 m/N up to 150 N
rience subcritical crack propagation during fracture at and the resolution for the whole system for CMOD recording
room temperature.3032 Different researchers have pro- and control (micrometre + testing device) is 0.02 mm.
vided fracture toughness values obtained using different The CMOD was used as control parameter (rates = 0.001
unstable fracture test configurations and relatively large and 0.018 mm/min) for mullite beams with tip notch radii of
notch tip radii (200300 mm) for mullites with various 60 mm (range from 63 to 56 mm) and 6 mm (range from 10 to
microstructures.24,28,29,32 Reported values of the critical stress 3 mm). Additional displacement controlled tests were performed
intensity factor in mode I, KIC , are around 2.02.8 MPa m1/2 . In using a rate of 0.05 mm/min. This rate was determined from the
4244 A. Garca-Prieto, C. Baudn / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 32 (2012) 42414248
Dimensionless load
c = 0.4
s =0.9
0.2 0.5 0.6
0.3 0.4
0.1 0.2
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Dimensionless displacement
s = 0.05
Fig. 2. Characteristic notch tips used for testing. (a, b) Optical microscopy
micrographs of as machined lateral surfaces. (c) Scanning electron micro-
graph of fracture surface. (a) Tip radius 60 mm machined with a diamond disc.
Dimensionless load
(b) Tip radius 6 mm machined from notches such as (a) and finished with a
razor blade wrinkled with diamond paste. (c) Low magnification micrograph
showing the process of machining of V notch and initiation of fracture. (1) Pre-
notch done with the diamond disc. (2) Zone machined with the razor blade. The 0.02
end of the notch is straight. (3) Initiation of fracture.
c = 0.7
A. Garca-Prieto, C. Baudn / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 32 (2012) 42414248 4245
14 12
(a) (b)
12 10
P (N)
P (N)
1 6
2 2
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 10 20 30 40 50
t (s) t (s)
Fig. 5. Characteristic load (P)time (s) experimental curves corresponding to CMOD controlled fracture tests. (a) CMOD rate of 0.001 mm/min for tip radius 6 mm
(1) and 60 mm (2). The maximum load is higher for larger radius. Stable fracture tests were attained. (b)CMOD rate of 0.018 mm/min for tip radius 6 mm.
locus is plotted in Fig. 4; very deep notches (c 0.7) are needed The critical stress intensity factor in mode I, KICp , for the max-
to achieve stable fracture using the displacement as control imum load attained during the test (Pmax ), was calculated as33 :
3Pmax L
KICp = K () (1)
3.2. Fracture tests 2BW 3/2
where L is the span (40 mm), B and W are the geometrical param-
The experimental set up permitted to follow the CMOD rate eters defined before and K () is a general shape function which
requirements for the range used (0.001 and 0.018 mm/min). is valid for any value of the relative notch depth (0 1) and
Characteristic plots recorded for CMOD and displacement span-to-depth ratios ( = L/W) larger than 2.5 (2.5 16).33
controlled tests are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. Stable fracture, char- As described in the introduction, this parameter characterises
acterised by a continuous decrease of the load for increasing the initiation of fracture. To evaluate the fracture process, KICg ,
time, was always attained when CMOD was used as control was calculated according to:
parameter (Fig. 5). A decrease of displacement after the maxi-
mum load was needed to keep stable fracture (Fig. 6a).
As expected for the notch sizes used ( 0.6 < c = 0.7), sta- KIC = (2)
1 2
bility was never achieved in displacement control as a sudden
load drop occurred once fracture initiated (Fig. 6b). where E and are the Youngs modulus and the Poisson ratio
In Table 2 the quantitative parameters of the fracture tests are of the material (Table 1) and is the fracture energy. was cal-
summarised. Two test time values were considered as character- culated as the integral of the loaddisplacement plot divided by
istic, the time to reach maximum loads (tp ) and the time required twice the area of the unnotched cross-section of the specimens,
to complete fracture once the maximum load was attained (t ). which evaluates the newly formed fracture surfaces.
14 28
(a) 2 (b) 4
12 24 3
10 20
P (N)
P (N)
8 16
6 12
4 8
2 4
0 0
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020
d (mm) d (mm)
Fig. 6. Characteristic load (P)displacement (d) experimental curves. (a) CMOD controlled fracture tests using a rate of 0.001 mm/min for tip radius 6 mm (1)
and 60 mm (2). Decreasing of the displacement (snap-back) was needed to reach stability. (b) (3) CMOD controlled fracture test using a rate of 0.018 mm/min for
tip radius 6 mm. Decreasing of the displacement (snap-back) was needed to reach stability. Stable fracture was attained. (4) Displacement controlled fracture test
using a rate of 0.05 mm/min for tip radius 6 mm. Unstable fracture occurred. The actual maximum load is higher than for test (3).
4246 A. Garca-Prieto, C. Baudn / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 32 (2012) 42414248
Table 2
Fracture toughness values determined in this work. v: deformation rate; : notch tip radius; tp : time required to reach maximum load; t : time required to complete
fracture once the maximum load was attained; KICp : fracture toughness calculated from the maximum load. KICg : fracture toughness calculated from the fracture
energy. (S.D.): standard deviation.
CMOD control Displacement control
2.5 smallest one (6 mm). On the contrary, KICg values are coin-
0.001 mm/min cident for the range of notch tip radius used, revealing that the
2.0 0.018 mm/min characteristics of the notch are not so critical when calculations
0.005 mm/min are done by averaging the whole fracture process.
KICp ( MPa.m1/2)
Fig. 8. Characteristic fracture surfaces of CMOD controlled tests. Scanning electron micrographs. (a)CMOD rate of 0.018 mm/min for tip radius 6 mm. Mainly
transgranular fracture. (b)CMOD rate of 0.001 mm/min for tip radius 6 mm. Mixed trans/intergranular fracture.
A. Garca-Prieto, C. Baudn / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 32 (2012) 42414248 4247
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6068. in vitreous silica. J Am Ceram Soc 1983;66:2848.
36. Kbler J. Fracture Toughness of ceramics using the SEVNB method: prelim- 40. Thomson R. The molecular wedge in a brittle crack: a simulation of mica
inary results. In: Proceedings of the 21st annual conference on composites, water. J Mater Res 1990;5:52434.
Captulo 6
Captulo 6
(AZS) y hormigones de alta almina (C). Se estudiaron las relaciones entre las
apartados 1.2 y 1.7. Como se indic en el captulo 1 estos materiales son heterogneos y
poseen porosidades del orden del 20-60% frente a un 2% para las cermicas tcnicas
apertura de la grieta como variable de control, realizado por Manuel Dos Ramos
Influencia de las caractersticas microestructurales en la tenacidad de fractura de materiales
Las investigaciones derivadas de este trabajo han dado lugar a una estrecha
en control por CMOD para todos los materiales caracterizados en este trabajo para las
dos geometras y longitudes de entalla relativas (a) utilizadas. Este hecho demuestra
que para materiales cermicos en los que tienen lugar mecanismos de refuerzo durante
Captulo 6
captulo 1, KIC, gwof, gnbt. Se observa como estos valores varan en funcin de las
1.4 25
KIC [MPa m1/2]
0.8 15
gnbt [J/m ]
gwof [J/m2]
Influencia de las caractersticas microestructurales en la tenacidad de fractura de materiales
6.3. Conclusiones
- Es posible alcanzar de manera rutinaria a nivel de laboratorio ensayos de fractura
de estos materiales (150x25x25 mm3) y con una longitud de entalla relativa, a=0.5, se
fractura son diferentes a las que regulan el proceso de propagacin de la grieta. Las
mientras que, para alcanzar altos valores del trabajo de fractura, es preciso la presencia
Available online at
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (2015) 19551970
Basic relationships between the microstructure and the texture of refractories and their toughness have been established. A series of commercial
materials has been chosen in order to highlight the influence of microstructural characteristics on fracture behaviour and associated toughness.
Silica, silicaalumina and silicaaluminazirconia based shaped refractories and a calcium aluminate cement bonded concrete have been analysed.
Extensive microstructural characterisation has been performed using a combination of techniques, including chemical analysis by X-ray fluores-
cence, X-ray diffraction, reflected light optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy with analysis by dispersive energies. Fracture has
been characterised using stable fracture tests of SENB tested in 3 point bending. Stability was reached in displacement and crack mouth opening
displacement controlled tests. Size effect has been analysed by using two different specimen sizes and relative notch lengths. For the range of
microstructures studied, the obtained results have allowed to characterise toughness and establish the relationships toughness-microstructure and
2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1956 A. Garca-Prieto et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (2015) 19551970
of the kiln shell, as observed in the cement industry, can lead of fracture in the 60s,1315 and since then, many laboratories
to fracture. Fracture as a result of thermal or mechanical shocks have conducted such analyses but a standard test has not yet
could lead to a catastrophic failure of the refractories with strong been established. The concept of work of fracture introduced
consequences for the process in which they are used. How- by Nakayama4,13 is defined as the mean work per unit of pro-
ever, fracture can also result just in the development of a crack jected fracture area required to propagate a crack in a stable
pattern.1 In this regard, it should be pointed out that the conven- way. In Nakayamas test a parallelepiped bar with a triangular
tional characterisation of the mechanical properties of refractory (chevron) notch at its centre is loaded in three point bend-
products is done in terms of two properties: crushing strength ing (3-pb). Using this geometry, refractory specimens fracture
and modulus of rupture. Even though such properties might be in a stable way when a sufficient stiff machine is used. The
adequate for quality control purposes, the results achieved do not value of work of fracture is determined from the total area
allow the evaluation or study of the fracture processes, and more under the LoadDisplacement curve recorded during the exper-
basic mechanical properties are needed for characterisation. iment and the size of the projected fracture surface. Chevron
The extension of fracture due to thermal or mechanical notch experiments often imply high variability (>10%)6,7,1618
strains, i.e.: the damage would be determined by the ratio because coarse aggregates at the apex of the chevron notch give
between the amount of energy available and the energy needed very high values as compared to the average for the material.
to create new crack surfaces or specific fracture energy. There- For example, 1023% variability in wof has been reported
fore, this ratio will characterise the resistance of materials for alumina-spinel castables,18 and for high alumina refracto-
to subcritical crack growth and the proneness to catastrophic ries (45100 wt.% alumina) variability up to 38%7,16 has been
failure.2,3 found.
Refractory products are heterogeneous ceramic materials In the 1980s the wedge-splitting fracture test was developed
which fracture exhibits notable deviations from pure lin- to perform stable fracture tests and patented by Tschegg.19 This
ear elastic.1,410 Several energy-consuming processes ahead test is a special form of the so-called compact tension test,
(process zone) and behind (process wake) the crack tip are the specimen with a groove and notch is split in two halves
considered to contribute to this behaviour. Microcracking and while monitoring the load and crack mouth opening displace-
multiple crack branching are usually observed in the frontal pro- ment (CMOD). In this experimental setup, large specimens of
cess zone, while grain bridging and friction of the crack faces are the size of bricks can be tested.5,8,2030 Most data produced using
able to consume energy in the process wake zone. As a result, the the wedge-splitting test are reported for pure magnesia, magne-
parameters that evaluate toughness of refractories are no longer sia spinel and magnesia carbon refractories,5,8,9,2427 which are
material constants but they increase for increasing crack exten- out of the scope of this paper. A relatively low number of stud-
sion. In the field of advanced ceramics, this fracture pattern is ies provide data for high alumina castables and alumina-based
called rising R-curve behaviour, with R representing toughness; shaped materials.20,22,23,2830
in contrast with the brittle flat R-curve observed for glass or for Ribeiro and Rodrigues22 applied the wedge splitting method
fine grain size ceramic specimens. to characterise fracture energy of two high-alumina refractory
The R-curve concept is not used for the characterisation of castables. Miyaji et al.29 analysed five different castable for-
refractories because of the experimental difficulties associated mulations and introduced a figure of merit derived from the
to follow a single crack in such heterogeneous microstructures. LoadDisplacement curve to evaluate the thermal shock damage
Unlike the R-curve, the work of fracture, wof , has been success- resistance. More recently, a methodology was presented using
fully used to describe the fracture of refractories.6 The advantage the wedge-splitting test complemented with images obtained
of this energy parameter is that it does not require any assump- during mechanical loading to determine the crack propagation
tions about the constitutive equation of the body with the crack for a pure alumina and alumina with titania and zirconia addi-
to discuss its propagation.11,12 In terms of energy, the criti- tives refractory compositions.28,30 Jin et al.27 have proposed a
cal energy release rate, Gc , of refractories with well designed methodology to estimate the tensile strength, and Youngs mod-
microstructures is always significantly lower than the specific ulus of refractories in addition to the specific fracture energy
fracture energy, GF (2 wof ). The ratio between the specific frac- from wedge splitting test results.
ture energy and the energy release rate, GF /Gc , has been defined It should be pointed out that variability of data of mechan-
as a toughness, flexibility or apparent ductility ratio.1 The higher ical properties in the refractory literature is most of the time
this relation, the higher is the resistance of the material to damage not reported, and, in many cases, only one data for each mate-
by thermal or mechanical strains. rial experimental condition is provided. This is often the case
An important point to consider when determining the specific of work of fracture values determined by the splitting test
fracture energy (or the work of fracture) of refractories is the so, it is not possible to discuss in a general way the repeat-
potential influence of the specimen size (size effect) in the ability associated with this technique. Nevertheless, the scarce
obtained values because GF increases with increasing fracture data available reveal rather high dispersion of wof results; for
surface until the specimen geometry allows the development of two commercial alumina based low cement (2 wt.% alumina)
a well developed wake zone. castables heat-treated at 1100 C, 12 and 18% variability have
Nakayama, Tattersall and Tappin, and Davidge and Tappin been reported22 and variability between 5 and 22% has been
accomplished the first studios on the determination of work reported for basic refractories.24
A. Garca-Prieto et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (2015) 19551970 1957
Despite the fact that there is an evident interest in the wedge intensity factor in mode I, KIC , has been calculated from the
splitting test for work of fracture determination of refractories maximum load according to Guinea et al.40 :
due to its capability for testing relatively large specimens in
order to average the whole fracture process, it is complicate 3PL
KIC = K () (1)
to establish this method as a laboratory routine one. More- 2BW 3/2
over, as mentioned before, variations in reported ranges of where P is the applied load, L is the span, B and W are the
result would mask the effect of microstructural differences on geometrical parameters of thickness and width of the specimen,
toughness. respectively. K () is a general shape function which is valid
From the extensive spectrum of available fracture tough- for any value of the relative notch length (0 1) and
ness tests, bending of parallelepiped specimens with straight span-to-depth ratios ( = L/W) larger than 2.5 (2.5 16).40
through notches (SENB, Single Edge Notch Beam) using as From KIC and Youngs modulus, the energy for crack initiation,
control variable the displacement of the load frame (displace- nbt (= Gc /2) was calculated according to the analysis of Irwin
ment control) is a relatively simple way of testing materials for plane strain conditions41 :
with R-curve fracture, like refractory products. In general, in
the refractory field this method is used to determine toughness 2 (1 2 )
parameters describing the initiation of fracture, critical stress GC = (2)
intensity factor in mode I, KIC , and the energy for crack initia-
tion, nbt which is a measure of the critical energy release rate where KIC is the critical stress intensity factor in mode I, is
Gc , Gc = 2 nbt .4,15,3133 the Poissons ratio and E is the Youngs modulus.
The advantage of using stable fracture tests of SENB in 3- To evaluate the fracture process, wof has been calculated
pb is that both parameters for initiation, nbt , and propagation, from the area under the LoadDisplacement curve and the
wof , of fracture can be extracted from a single test. The size projection of the fracture surface following the procedure of
of the specimen can be readily adjusted to ensure that the lig- Nakayama.4,13
ament is large enough to encompass the fracture process zone; In order to estimate the inelastic energy contribution to frac-
in this way, the results will be statistically valid. As a term of ture, the ratio between the specific fracture energy and the energy
comparison, a representative volume 34 times the largest aggre- release rate, GF /Gc , has been calculated using the experimental
gate size was determined by Romero and Masad34 and Wagoner wof and nbt values.
et al.35 for SENB testing of asphalt concrete. However, there The chemical, structural and microstructural characteristics
are two main experimental problems to solve with regard to of the six studied refractory materials were correlated with
this test.1 On the one hand, the attainment of stability for this their fracture behaviour using the different toughness parameters
geometry is more difficult than for the chevron specimens and, above described.
on the other hand, straight through notches are more prone to
lead to the wandering of the propagating crack from the initial 2. Experimental
When displacement of the load frame is used as control Six different types of commercial refractory materials were
variable for SENB in 3-pb, a general requirement to reach sta- studied: two aluminasilicazirconia (AZS), a superduty fire-
bility is to use a high stiffness machine.3639 The crack mouth clay, one group 28 insulating firebrick, one standard silica brick
opening displacement (CMOD) has been proposed and used and a high-alumina regular castable heat treated at the use tem-
as control parameter for stable fracture testing under condi- perature (1100 C). They were labelled as follows: AZS1, AZS2,
tions that would have led to unstable fracture for displacement AS, ASI, S and C, respectively. Fig. 1 shows the macroscopic
controlled tests. In this regard, detailed procedure and theoret- aspect of these six refractories.
ical considerations for performing CMOD controlled fracture Chemical analysis was carried out with a Philips (Holland) X-
tests of brittle materials have been previously reported by the ray fluorescence equipment, model MagiX PW 2424. Samples
authors.3739 were prepared with the standard procedure of forming a fused
In this work six different types of commercial refractory pellet. Li2 B4 O7 was added to the ground powder and prepared
materials with distinctive specifications in chemical compo- capsules were heat treated at 1000 C.
sition and microstructural characteristics were tested. The Bulk and true densities and apparent and true porosity were
products were evaluated using CMOD and displacement determined following the procedures described in two standards:
of the load frame as control parameters using equivalent EN 993-142 and EN 993-2.43 He picnometry was done using a
rates and two relative notch lengths (0.25 and 0.50). Once Quantachrome (USA) apparatus.
assured the significance of the obtained data, the important Determination of crystalline phases was performed on ground
challenge in the study has been to correlate the micro- samples in a Bruker (Germany) X-ray diffractometer, model D8
structural features of the refractory materials with the fracture Advance, with copper anode (CuKa1 = 0.15418 nm) working
behaviour. at 40 kV and 40 mA. Scans were performed in continous mode
From the stable fracture tests different toughness parameters with steps of 0.05 at a rate of 153 s per step. The analysis of
have been evaluated; the usual terminology used in refractory the XRD patterns was accomplished using the EVA 6.0 Diffrac
practice has been assumed for reporting. The critical stress plus software (Bruker, Germany). The experimental diffraction
1958 A. Garca-Prieto et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (2015) 19551970
Fig. 1. Macroscopic aspect of the six commercial refractory materials studied. Scanned images of polished cross sections of tested specimens (25 mm 25 mm). (a)
Aluminasilicazirconia brick, AZS1. (b) Aluminasilicazirconia brick, AZS2. (c) Superduty fireclay brick, AS. (d) Group 28 insulating brick, ASI. (e) Standard
silica brick, S. (f) High-alumina regular castable, C.
patterns were compared to the files of the International Centre following the procedure of EN 993-6 standard,45 using a uni-
for Diffraction Data (ICDD).44 versal testing machine (Instron 1114, USA). Reported values
Standard specimens (EN 993-6)45 for mechanical charac- are the average of 3 determinations and errors are the standard
terisation (150 mm 25 mm 25 mm and 200 mm 40 mm deviations.
40 mm) were diamond machined from the received bricks and Notches for toughness testing were done using a Buehler
concrete pieces. (USA) sawing machine model IsoMet 4000 with diamond disc
The size distributions of the aggregates were evaluated from of 300 mm width to reach notches with tip radius around 100 mm.
scanned (HP Scanjet 5370 C, USA) images of the lateral surfaces Specimens with relative notch lengths = a/W = 0.25 and 0.50
(150 mm 25 mm 25 mm) of the specimens used for mechan- (a = notch length, W = specimen width) were prepared and tested
ical testing with the Leica Qwin software (UK). The equivalent in three point bending using spans of 125 mm and 180 mm
diameter was calculated from the surface of the particles assum- for the small and large specimens, respectively. All tests were
ing spherical shape. A minimum of 560 particles was analysed conducted in universal testing machine (model EM1/50/FR,
for each material. This study was not performed for the insulat- Microtest, Spain) with capability of crack mouth opening dis-
ing brick because its largest microstructural features were the placement (CMOD) recording and controlling. This equipment
pores which all had similar size (1200 mm). has been described elsewhere.37,38 Tests were performed using
Specimens for microstructural evaluation were embedded the CMOD and the displacement of the frame load as control
in resin in vacuum environment to assure the penetration of parameters. Rates of 70 mm/min and 0.02 mm/min for CMOD
the resin in the pores. Then, microstructural characterisation and displacement, respectively, were applied. Three tests were
of the materials was carried out using a reflected-light opti- performed for each testing condition; reported values of the
cal microscopy, RLOM, with a Zeiss (Axiophot, Germany) toughness parameters are the average of the three determinations
microscope and field emission scanning electron FE-SEM with and errors are the standard deviations.
analysis by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) micro-
scope (Hytachi S-4700 type I, Japan).
Youngs modulus of the refractory materials was deter- 3. Results
mined from the resonance of the parallelepiped bars
(150 mm 25 mm 25 mm) tested in flexure by impact 3.1. Physico-chemical characterisation
(Grindosonic, Belgium). Calculations were performed using the
common value of Poissons ratio for refractory materials (0.17). Table 1 shows the complete chemical analyses for the stud-
Given values are the average of 6 determinations and errors are ied refractories. As expected, major constituents of both AZS
the standard deviations. materials (AZS1 and AZS2) are Al2 O3 , SiO2 and ZrO2 . SiO2
Room temperature modulus of rupture (MOR) was deter- content is more than double in AZS2 than in AZS1 while Al2 O3
mined by three point bending, 3-pb, (span 125 mm; 0.5 mm/min) and ZrO2 contents are close for both products. Main differences
A. Garca-Prieto et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (2015) 19551970 1959
Table 1
Chemical analysis of the studied materials (wt.%).
wt% AZS 1 AZS 2 AS ASI S C
Al2 O3 68.8 0.4 57.7 0.4 44.6 0.3 48.9 0.3 0.71 0.5 74.2 0.4
SiO2 10.8 0.3 22.8 0.2 48.9 0.4 45.7 0.3 95.2 0.3 13.2 0.2
Fe2 O3 0.20 0.04 0.16 0.04 3.08 0.03 1.09 0.03 0.22 0.04 0.82 0.03
K2 O 0.038 0.005 0.61 0.05 1.32 0.05 0.16 0.06 0.11 0.05
MgO <0.001 0.31 0.05 0.39 0.05 0.17 0.04 0.10 0.04
CaO 0.096 0.006 0.093 0.006 0.48 0.08 0.69 0.08 3.3 0.07 9.36 0.04
TiO2 0.48 0.01 0.20 0.01 1.67 0.01 1.41 0.01 0.16 0.01 1.89 0.01
P2 O5 0.050 0.002 0.13 0.002 0.19 0.002 0.02 0.004 0.058 0.002
Na2 O 0.19 0.05 0.091 0.02 0.096 0.04 0.20 0.05 <0.08
ZrO2 15.9 0.1 18.0 0.1 0.084 0.04 0.071 0.04 0.036 0.04 0.094 0.04
Y2 O3 0.25 0.02 0.25 0.02
HfO2 0.36 0.02 0.39 0.02
WO3 0.05
Loss of ignition 0.28 0.03
Table 3
Crystalline phases detected by X-ray diffraction in the studied materials.
Zircon Baddeleyite Mullite Corundum Quartz Tridymite Cristobalite Fluorite CaAl2 O4 Other minors
(ZrSiO4 ) (m-ZrO2 ) (Al6 Si2 O13 ) (a-Al2 O3 ) (SiO2 ) (SiO2 ) (SiO2 ) (CaF2 )
ICDD file44 81-0589 37-1484 15-0776 46-1212 46-1045 71-00261 82-0512 35-0816 70-134
AZS 1 Major Major (AlPO4 )
AZS 2 Major Abundant Major Minor
AS Major Minor Abundant Major
ASI Major Minor Abundant Minor
S Minor Abundant Major (pWCaSiO3 )
C Abundant Major Abundant Abundant (CaAl4 O7 )
1960 A. Garca-Prieto et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (2015) 19551970
Fig. 2. Characteristic microstructural features of the aluminasilicazirconia materials. Polished surfaces. (a) AZS1. Porous alumina aggregates (grey), zircon
sand (white) and fine alumina (grey) are observed. Reflected light optical microscopy micrograph. (b) AZS1. Detail of a porous aggregate. Reflected light optical
microscopy micrograph. (c) AZS2. Electrofused mullite aggregates surrounded by a mullite matrix (grey) with dispersed zircon flour (white). Reflected light optical
microscopy micrograph. (d) AZS2. Detail of an electrofused mullite aggregate with alumina particles embedded. Reflected light optical microscopy micrograph.
(e) AZS2. Detail of the matrix showing partially decomposed zircon flour (grey particles surrounded by nanometric white zirconia particles). Scanning electron
microscopy micrograph.
The silica brick (S) is composed of the silica polymorphs of this parameter corresponds to the dense fireclay material (AS,
cristobalite and tridymite with minor amount remnant quartz; 4000 mm) while for AZS1 it is intermediate (4400 mm). The
traces of wollastonite (CaSiO3 ) are also present in this brick. silica refractory, S, has the widest distribution from 5400 mm
The major phase in the conventional high-alumina castable down to about 100 mm. Aggregates for the AS material are
(C) is corundum, followed by mullite. The hydraulic phases of
these types of refractories (CaAl2 O4 and CaAl4 O7 ) were also
clearly identified in the XRD pattern. Fluorite (CaF2 ) was also
Table 4
detected in this material.
Parameters of the distributions of aggregate size in the studied materials.
A. Garca-Prieto et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (2015) 19551970 1961
Fig. 3. Characteristic microstructural features of the fireclay-based bricks. Reflected light optical micrographs of polished surfaces. (a) Superduty fireclay brick, AS.
Mullite chamote aggregates in a mullite matrix. (b) Detail of the aggregate- matrix interface showing bonding. (c) Group 28 insulating brick, ASI. Spherical pores
are observed. (d) Detail of the mullite matrix in figure (c).
smaller than those of the AZS being the distribution centred of similar colour and pores (Fig. 3a and b). According to the XRD
around 1200 mm. (Table 3) and the chemical analyses (Table 1), the aggregates
Micrographs summarising the characteristic microstructural (4000500 mm, Table 4) present in this material are a mullite
features of the studied refractory materials are shown in chamote with low alumina content (typically wt.% 65% mul-
Figs. 25. lite, 15% cristobalite, 20% glassy phase). The matrix would have
Microstructure of AZS1 is constituted by grey rounded similar composition as that of the aggregates. In this material, a
porous aggregates (4400600 mm, Table 4, Fig. 2a) in a matrix good bonding between the aggregates and the matrix is observed.
of fine and medium porous grey particles and dense rounded No aggregates are present in the insulating brick (ASI)
white particles (180 mm) (Fig. 2b). Significant porosity is (Fig. 3c and d) and its microstructure is formed by relatively
also observed in the matrix. According to the crystalline phases small particles and round pores (diameter 1200 mm), which,
detected by XRD (Table 3) and the morphology and colour of the as described before, are the largest microstructural features.
particles in RLOM, the grey particles were identified as alumina Considering the XRD (Table 3) and the chemical analysis
and the dense white particles as zircon sand. (Table 1), the composition of this material is similar to that of
The microstructure of AZS2 (Fig. 2ce) is dominated by the matrix of AS.
dense grey aggregates (5000600 mm, Table 4) constituted by Brick S presents the standard microstructure of a silica
columnar grains and significant amounts of glassy phase at the brick (Fig. 4a and b), made of relatively large (1005400 mm,
boundaries. Clearer particles are observed in the interior of Table 4) aggregates with well-defined grain boundaries in
some of the aggregates. Such features, together with the XRD RLOM (Fig. 4a). These aggregates with the typical fish-scale
(Table 3) and chemical analyses (Table 1), allowed identifying substructure are constituted by the smaller cristobalite particles
these aggregates as electrofused mullite, with corundum and formed during the transformation of quartzite, in agreement with
glass as secondary phases. Fine (<50 mm) white angular par- the XRD (Table 3). Two different phases are observed in the
ticles and medium and small grey particles are present in the porous matrix (Fig. 4b). The clearest one- in which additives,
matrix (Fig. 2d). Taking into account the XRD (Table 3) and the CaO and main impurities were detected by EDS- is a Ca-rich sil-
chemical analyses (Table 1) the grey ones could be identified as icate glass in which the conversion of cristobalite into tridymite
mullite and the white ones as flour zircon particles. These latter is favoured.46 The darker phase in contact with the glass should
were partially decomposed at the grain boundaries (Fig. 2e) in be the tridymite detected by XRD (Table 3).
agreement with m-ZrO2 being detected by XRD (Table 3). Material C (Fig. 5a and b) was constituted by rounded
The dense fireclay material (AS) was formed by coarse and aggregates (5200300 mm, Table 4) embedded in a matrix with
medium dense (down to 200 mm) aggregates bonded by a matrix medium sized angular particles. The aggregates presented a
1962 A. Garca-Prieto et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (2015) 19551970
substructure formed by two main phases (Fig. 5b) typical of Material E (GPa) E0 (GPa) MOR (MPa) Crystalline phases
bauxite aggregates, in agreement with the crystalline phases AZS 1 29 3 54 9.2 0.6 ZS + A
observed by XRD (Table 3). They were formed by corundum, AZS 2 46 2 110 14 2 M + ZS + m-Z
mullite and secondary Fe and Ti containing phases. Medium AS 26 1 57 8.0 0.9 M
fraction was constituted of brown corundum. According to ASI 4 1 30 1.0 0.2 M
S 17 1 33 8.2 0.5 Q+C+A
the XRD (Table 3), the matrix was constituted by calcium
C 50 4 91 13 2 A + CAC + others
A. Garca-Prieto et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (2015) 19551970 1963
Fig. 6. Characteristic Load (P)Displacement (d) curves. The dimensions of the beams tested were 150 mm 25mm 25 mm for (a) and (b) and
200mm 40mm 40 mm for (c). The relative notch lengths were 0.25 for (a) and (c) and 0.50 for (b). (a) Group 28 insulating brick, ASI. For the same material,
similar curves were obtained for different tests performed under the same conditions. (b) Aluminasilicazirconia brick, AZS2. Similar results were obtained for
both control parameters. (c) High-alumina regular castable, C. Notice the apparent snap-back for specimens tested using the crack mouth opening displacement as
control parameter.
Characteristic LoadDisplacement curves recorded during control when the LoadDisplacement loop associated with the
the fracture tests are plotted in Fig. 6 and values for the toughness apparent snap-back present in the latter was relieved.
parameters are summarised in Tables 6 and 7. LoadDisplacement curves obtained for the same material
A monotonous decrease of load with time was found in all and experimental conditions were similar (Fig. 6a) and, con-
tests indicating that stable fracture was reached both in displace- sequently, variability of the calculated toughness parameters
ment and in CMOD controlled tests. All LoadDisplacement was relatively low (10% in most cases, Tables 6 and 7). For
curves showed a linear elastic region followed by a long tail the same material, specimen and span dimensions and relative
of monotonous decreasing load for increasing displacement notch lengths, curves obtained using both control parameters
from the maximum load. Just before reaching the maxi- were similar (Fig. 6b).
mum load, some of the curves showed a moderate non-linear As shown in Tables 6 and 7, for each material there are no
region. significant differences between the toughness parameters deter-
The only case in which it was not possible to reach stabil- mined using different specimen and span dimensions, relative
ity using CMOD control at the experimental rate used in this notch lengths and control parameters. Therefore, the average
work was the combination of the largest specimen size and the values obtained for relative notch lengths, = 0.5, in CMOD
smallest notch ( = 0.25) (Fig. 6c). In this case, an apparent snap- controlled tests (Table 6) are plotted in Fig. 7 to facilitate compar-
back was observed in the LoadDisplacement curves, which ison. For all materials, values of the energy for crack initiation,
would indicate that the material presented brittle fracture. How- nbt , are lower than those of the work of fracture, wof . The
ever, fracture in displacement control was stable and, in fact, the largest value of the toughness ratio corresponds to material
obtained curves were coincident with those obtained in CMOD AZS1, followed by C.
1964 A. Garca-Prieto et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (2015) 19551970
Fig. 7. Average toughness parameters for the studied materials calculated from the values recorded during stable tests ( = 0.50, crack mouth opening displacement
controlled tests, Table 6). (a) Critical stress intensity factor in mode I, KIC . (b) Work of fracture, wof . (c) Energy for crack initiation, nbt . (d) Toughness ratio,
wof / nbt .
A. Garca-Prieto et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (2015) 19551970 1965
Fig. 8. Characteristic fracture surfaces. Optical images for tested specimens (150mm 25 mm 25 mm). (a) Aluminasilicazirconia brick, AZS1. (b)
Aluminasilicazirconia brick, AZS2. (c) Superduty fireclay brick, AS. (d) Group 28 insulating brick, ASI. (e) Standard silica brick, S. (f) High-alumina regular
castable, C.
containing K-feldspar (K,Na,Ca,Ba)(Si,Al)4 O8 (Tables 1 and 3, mullite field of the ternary system and in the binary system
Fig. 3). Al6 Si2 O13 ZrO2 . Taking into account the average composition
Material S was a conventional silica brick (9597 wt.% of these refractories both should form stable liquid phases at
SiO2 , 2.53.5 wt.% CaO), well converted into cristobalite and temperatures higher than 1750 C (close to the temperatures of
tridymite. Wollastonite (CaSiO3 ) probably comes from the reac- the ZrO2 Al2 O3 Al6 Si2 O13 and ZrO2 Al6 Si2 O13 eutectics of
tion of lime with silica.46 It should be pointed out that a low the ternary and binary systems). However, temperature for first
content of CaO (typically 24 wt.%) may be used as binder liquid formation in the matrix would be lower (1555 C) due
in silica bricks without loss of refractoriness (Tables 1 and 3, to the formation of transient liquid phases at the zircon-mullite
Fig. 4). interfaces (temperature of the ZrSiO4 Al6 Si2 O13 SiO2 eutectic
The common impurities of bauxites and brown corundum,
iron oxides (Fe2 O3 in the chemical analyses) and TiO2 , were
present in the high-alumina castable, C, due to the nature of the
aggregates (Tables 1 and 3, Fig. 5).
The phosphorous (assumed as P2 O5 for calculations in the
chemical analyses) present in most materials is attributed to the
use of H3 PO4 (phosphoric acid), Al(H2 PO4 )3 (aluminium dihy-
drogen phosphate) or sodium polyphosphate as additives. In fact
AlPO4 was identified in AZS1, AS and ASI.
As a first approach for analysing the expected phases in
complex materials as a function of temperature, simplified
average compositions considering only the three major com-
ponents can be plotted in ternary phase equilibrium diagrams.
Fig. 9 shows simplified average compositions of both AZS
materials (AZS1 and AZS2) inside the ternary phase diagram
Al2 O3 ZrO2 SiO2 .47 AZS1 lies in the Al2 O3 primary field
of the ternary system while AZS2 is located in the primary Fig. 9. Phase equilibrium diagram of the system Al2 O3 ZrO2 SiO2 .47
Table 6
Toughness parameters determined using CMOD controlled tests. KIC is the stress intensity factor in mode I calculated from the maximum load point, in MPa m1/2 ; nbt is the energy for crack initiation in J/m2 ; wof
is the work of fracture in J/m2 and wof / nbt is the toughness ratio.
150 mm 25 mm 25 mm 200 mm 40 mm 40 mm
= 0.25 = 0.50 = 0.25
KIC nbt wof wof / nbt KIC nbt wof wof / nbt KIC nbt wof wof / nbt
Table 7
Toughness parameters determined in displacement controlled tests. KIC is the stress intensity factor in mode I calculated from the maximum load point, in MPa m1/2 ; nbt is the energy for crack initiation in J/m2 ;
wof is the work of fracture in J/m2 and wof / nbt is the toughness ratio.
150 mm 25 mm 25 mm 200 mm 40 mm 40 mm
= 0.25 = 0.50 = 0.25
KIC nbt wof wof / nbt KIC nbt wof wof / nbt KIC nbt wof wof / nbt
A. Garca-Prieto et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (2015) 19551970 1967
1968 A. Garca-Prieto et al. / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (2015) 19551970
because they present only slightly differences in KIC , and the a consequence, the toughness ratio was much higher for
effect of the critical defect size is masked by the dispersion of AZS1.
results associated with the statistical character of strength. (2) AS and ASI had matrices of similar fireclay composition but
The characteristics of the loaddisplacement curves with very different microstructural features of similar sizes. The
monotonous decrease of the load for increasing displacement major microstructural characteristics of these two materials
during fracture are those corresponding to materials with ris- were chamote aggregates firmly bonded to the matrix in AS
ing R-curve during fracture. This material characteristic allows and pores in ASI (Figs. 3ad and 7ad).
obtaining stable fracture in displacement control for sufficiently AS presented nbt and wof values similar to the clas-
stiff and performing machines, as observed (Fig. 6b and c). sical ones reported by Nakayama for fireclay refractories4
Such fracture behaviour is reflected in the fact that values of ( nbt = 10.6 J/m2 , wof = 60 J/m2 ), however the nbt values
the energy for crack initiation, nbt , are lower than those averag- for AS were lower than those for mullite-rich laboratory
ing the whole fracture process, wof , as occurs for all the studied mixes31 ( nbt = 1825 J/m2 ) and lower than those reported
materials (Fig. 7b and c), and is highlighted by the toughness for similar compositions with improved matrix due to the
ratio values higher than 1 (Fig. 7d). addition of medium particles33 ( nbt = 44 J/m2 ).
The creation or not of the fully developed process zone during All toughness parameters, KIC , nbt and wof , of the
testing depends on the scale of the microstructural features of the porous material (ASI) were much lower (1520%) than
material tested and the experimental set up. The fact that there those of the dense one (AS), as expected. The pores in ASI
are no significant differences between the values of the work of act as stress intensity sinks during fracture which leads to
fracture obtained using different notch sizes for any material, an increased fracture energy as compared to that for crack
indicates that, even for the smallest specimens with the largest initiation. Therefore, the toughness ratio for this material
notches used in this work (specimens of 25 mm 25 mm section was about 60% of that of AS.
and = 0.50), the fracture area is sufficiently large to generate the (3) Composition and microstructure of S and C materials
steady state of fracture. As discussed in the introduction, rather were totally different. S was formed by particles of equal
small specimen sizes relative to the microstructural features have composition whereas C presented a well differentiated
been found adequate for SENB in 3-pb testing heterogeneous cementitious matrix and sintered alumina aggregates. The
materials as asphalt concrete.34,35 large differences in the toughness ratios of these materi-
In order to highlight the influence of the microstructural char- als suggest that the inelastic crack propagation processes
acteristics on the mechanical parameters summarised in Fig. 7, of these two refractory types are markedly different,6 as
the six materials have been compared in terms of their mechan- corresponds to the large differences in the microstructural
ical behaviour and their microstructural features, according to features. The crack path was straight, traversing all grains,
the following considerations: in the single-composition material S and highly tortuous in
the high-alumina castable C. In this latter, the aggregates
(1) AZS1 and AZS2 were two AZS materials with aggregates were surrounded by the cracks because they were tougher
with similar size distributions (Table 4) and extremely dif- than the matrix.
ferent physicochemical and microstructural characteristics
of the constituents. Aggregates were porous alumina for In general, work of fracture values for oxide refractories run
AZS1 and dense mullite for AZS2. The matrix in AZS1 from about 30 J/m2 for the most brittle ones to 100120 J/m2 for
was formed by fine alumina particles and represented a small those with well-designed microstructures, as the castable stud-
part of the total volume of the material in which a significant ied here.1 This material (C) presented wof values similar to
amount of medium size zircon particles was present (Fig. 2a- those reported for a series of high alumina castables (7090
b). In AZS2 there was a high amount of matrix composed alumina wt.%, 110120 J/m2 , 7 115 J/m2 )22 with designed
by mullite, zircon and zirconia particles (Fig. 2c-e). Aggre- microstructures for thermal shock. Those materials included
gates were weakly linked to the matrix in AZS1 and strongly high strength zirconia mullite aggregates which conferred the
bonded to the matrix in AZS2. AZS1 presented KIC and wof castables extremely high values and, consequently, lower tough-
values similar to those reported for alumina-zircon refracto- ness ratios ( wof / nbt 24)7 than the value obtained here for
ries with similar phase composition32 (KIC = 0.62 MPa m1/2 material C.
and wof = 66 J/m2 ).The fracture path in the materials is From the above discussion, it is clear that the characteristics
determined by the characteristics of the aggregates, the of the aggregates determine the toughness values for fracture
matrix and the matrix-aggregate bonds. In this way, the weak initiation, KIC and nbt (Fig. 7a and c). For similar crystalline
porous aggregates present in AZS1 were easily traversed by phase composition (Table 3), alumina, the two extreme cases
the crack whereas the dense ones in AZS2 were surrounded. would be that of the castable, with well sintered alumina aggre-
The dense aggregates with higher strength present in AZS2 gates (Fig. 5a and b) and material AZS1 (Fig. 2a and b), in which
impeded the initiation of fracture leading to KIC and nbt the aggregates presented high levels of porosity. The insulat-
values for this material higher than those for AZS1. The ing material, in which the aggregates were substituted by pores,
medium size zircon particles in AZS1 were responsible for would be the lowest limit for this trend.
crack arrest and deflection during propagation leading to Differently than in the case of fracture initiation, the
higher values of work of fracture than that of AZS2. As presence of microstructural features capable for crack arrest
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Captulo 7
Captulo 7
de materiales cermicos frgiles (captulos 3-5) y de materiales en los que tienen lugar
uno de los sistemas ms estudiados, pero, sin embargo, no se han reportado valores de
indentacin (IT).
Con objeto de comparar los valores obtenidos en este trabajo con los reportados por
1/ 2
2 Eg
K I Cg =
1 - n
Tenacidad de fractura de nanocompuestos de Al2O3/SiC
T.D.: Densidad terica (%); E: Mdulo de Young (GPa); sf: Tensin de rotura
(MPa); s0: Tensin caracterstica (MPa); m: Parmetro de Weibull. (S.D.): Desviacin
fueron a=0.5 y <10 m. Una vez mecanizadas las entallas, las probetas fueron
Captulo 7
cmo, una vez alcanzado el punto de carga mxima, ocurre una disminucin montona
60 60
Al2O3/5 vol.% SiC 7
Al2O3/2 vol.% SiC 2 Al2O3/5 vol.% SiC 5
50 50
Al2O3/2 vol.% SiC 3
40 40
Carga [N]
Carga [N]
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Tiempo [s] Tiempo [s]
Al2O3/10 vol.% SiC 5
Al2O3/10 vol.% SiC 4
Carga [N]
0 100 200 300 400 500
Tiempo [s]
Tenacidad de fractura de nanocompuestos de Al2O3/SiC
de carga mxima, tiene lugar una disminucin del desplazamiento (rgimen I) seguida
40 40
Carga [N]
Carga [N]
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020
Al2O3/10 vol.% SiC 5
50 Al2O3/10 vol.% SiC 4
Carga [N]
0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020
Desplazamiento [mm]
En las figuras 7.1 y 7.2 se observan curvas similares para probetas diferentes.
En la figura 7.3 se comparan los valores de KIC obtenidos en este trabajo mediante
ensayos de fractura estable de probetas SEVNB con los valores reportados por
1.5). Se observa cmo los valores de KIC son superiores y presentan mayor variabilidad
Captulo 7
para ensayos inestables de probetas SENB con grandes radios de curvatura181 que para
ausencia de aceite de silicona, coinciden con los obtenidos para probetas CT277.
tanto, es preciso analizar los resultados de ensayos en aceite de silicona. Los valores de
KICg son inferiores a los de KIC, hecho no explicable en ausencia de fatiga esttica.
Para explicar este hecho es preciso considerar el efecto de las entallas utilizadas en
0 3 6 9 12
% vol. SiC
Tenacidad de fractura de nanocompuestos de Al2O3/SiC
como Si3N4 y Al2O3, con un tamao de grano superior a 2 mm. Para estos materiales se
observ fractura intergranular y que los bordes de grano actuaban como fisuras, este
comportamiento se asemeja al modelo de Fett56 donde el radio del fondo de entalla era
tan pequeo que se poda atribuir el inicio de la fractura a una fisura en la punta de la
entalla, donde no hay fisuras (figura 1.4), por lo que el inicio de la fractura a partir de la
Captulo 7
7.3. Conclusiones
Tenacidad de fractura de nanocompuestos de Al2O3/SiC
Captulo 8
Captulo 8
generales que surgen de las conclusiones parciales presentadas en los captulos 3-7:
(captulo 6).
Conclusiones generales
GF=2g) determinados, por primera vez, en este trabajo para los materiales
KIC: Factor de intensidad de tensiones en modo I (MPa m1/2); GIC: Tasa crtica de
liberacin de energa en modo I (J/m2); GF: Energa especfica de fractura.
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