Capitulo1 Workbook
Capitulo1 Workbook
Capitulo1 Workbook
Presentaciones formales
e informales, títulos y profesiones
Módulo 1. Gramática
What’s up?
How are you?
How are you doing?
Use la forma apropiada del verbo ser o estar.
Hi! Kevin. My last name ____ Wilford. My mother ____ an architect. My father ____ a
businessman. My brother _____ an electrical engineer. My sister ____ a bioengineer.
Exercise 2
Use la forma apropiada del verbo ser o estar.
This ____ my brother, Josh. He ____ 19 years old. This ____ my sister, Kay. She _____15
years old. We _____ good friends.
Exercise 3
Order the following presentation. (Ordene la presentación, siguiendo el orden lógico de salu-
do, presentación y despedida).
Exercise 4
Complete the following presentation. Use the appropriate form of the verb To Be in the third
person. (Utilice la forma apropiada del verbo To Be en tercera persona).
This _______ Dereck. He ________13 years old. He ______ from South Africa. He ________
visiting some relatives. He _________ a student.
Exercise 5
Utilice el vocabulario que ya conoce para presentar a un amigo o a una amiga.
I have a female friend. She _____ ______years old. Her mother _____ ______ (profession);
his father ______a medical doctor. She has 3 brothers and 1 sister. They live in Puerto Rico.
Exercise 6
Write sentences using the following vocabulary. Write positive or negative sentences according
to likes and dislikes. Use the correct form of the verb To Be.
(Escriba oraciones afirmativas y negativas utilizando el vocabulario siguiente, de acuerdo
con sus preferencias o no preferencias. Use las formas correctas del verbo ser o estar).
Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación a Distancia —Ude@—
Módulo 1. Gramática
Exercise 7
Use the appropriate subject pronoun to complete the following presentations.
Exercise 8
Use the indefinite article a or an before the following words.
Exercise 9
Answer the following questions using affirmative or negative short answers according to the
information required.
Exercise 10
Answer the following questions about yourself using short answers.
Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación a Distancia —Ude@—
Workbook - Capítulo 1
Exercise 11
Complete the following paragraph with the appropriate possessive adjectives.
In ____ family, we love pets. _____ father has a cat. _____ name is Xixi; ____ skin is very
soft; it is a peaceful cat. ______ grandmother has a female parrot. It is talking all the time. I
have a dog. When the parrot talks, the cat says miau and the dog barks. Since the parrot is
talking all the time, _____ house is always noisy.
Exercise 12
Complete the following paragraph with the appropriate possessive adjective.
_____ friends Johana and Dasika also love pets. They have a snake and a hampster. _____
pets live in ____ rooms. _____ other brothers and sisters are afraid of ______ pets.
Exercise 13
Complete the following paragraph with the appropriate ’s possessive.
Example: Mary has many friends. Mary’s friends live in USA.
a. Jimmy has different types of automobiles. _____________ automobiles are old and new.
b. My brother has a very important position in a bank. _____________ position in the
company is manager.
c. My sister is a medical doctor and works for a clinic. _____________ position in the clinic
is administrator.
d. Mary buys books every week. _____________ books are updated.
e. Peter likes horses and has many horses. _____________ horses are costly in the market.
f. My mother likes cooking. _____________ cooking is delicious.
Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación a Distancia —Ude@—
Módulo 2. Comprensión auditiva y comunicación oral
Módulo 2
Comprensión auditiva y 11
comunicación oral
Exercise 1
Track 1. Listen to the following.
Escuche el track 1 del CD que acompaña el workbook y conteste las siguientes preguntas:
Exercise 2
Escuche el track 2 y escriba los nombres que allí mencionan.
a. __________________________________________________________________.
b. __________________________________________________________________.
c. __________________________________________________________________.
d. __________________________________________________________________.
e. __________________________________________________________________.
f. __________________________________________________________________.
g. __________________________________________________________________.
Exercise 3
Track 3. Listen to the spelling of the following names and surenames and write them.
a. __________________________________________________________________.
b. __________________________________________________________________.
c. __________________________________________________________________.
d. __________________________________________________________________.
e. __________________________________________________________________.
f. __________________________________________________________________.
Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación a Distancia —Ude@—
Workbook - Capítulo 1
Exercise 4
Introductions. Listen to track 4 and fill in the blanks.
My ____ is Carlos. My surname _____ Limpiao. I live in Uruguay. I am _____ _____ old.
My name is Sucio. My phone number _____ 34294788. My grandfather is an _______. My
grandmother is a _______ I have ______ brother and one sister. I have _____ aunts and one
_____. I have _____ cousins.
Exercise 5
Introductions. Listen to track 5 and fill in the blanks.
This is ____. His last ____ is Collins. ____ lives in New York. He __ seventeen years old. He
______ visiting relatives. ______ nickname is Dave. His cell phone number _____ 300 785
09 11. His _______ is a flight attendant. His father is a ______. He has one _____ and two
sisters. He has _____ aunts and one uncle. He has _______ cousins.
Exercise 6
Introductions. Listen to track 6 and fill in the blanks.
____ is Marilyn. ____ last name is Eanes. ____ lives in England. She is _______ years
old. She is traveling with _____family. Her nickname ____ Mar. ____ cell phone number is
3104612249. Her _____ live in Liverpool. Her mother ____ a mechanical engineer. Her _____
is a materials engineer. She has _____ brothers. She has one ____. She has ______cousins.
Exercise 7
Introductions. Listen to track 7 and fill in the blanks.
_____ names _____ Noah and Eve. _____live near my town. They ____ nineteen years
old. They ______ identical twins. They ______my brother’s friends. ______are on vacation.
_____ parents _____psychologists.
Exercise 8
Listen to track 8 and fill in the blanks.
Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación a Distancia —Ude@—
Módulo 2. Comprensión auditiva y comunicación oral
Exercise 9
Age. Listen to track 9 and fill in the blanks.
Exercise 10
Track 10. Age. Listen to track 10 and fill in the blanks.
Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación a Distancia —Ude@—
Módulo 3. Comprensión de lectura
Módulo 3
Comprensión de lectura 15
Exercise 1
Realice los siguientes ejercicios tratando de deducir palabras de acuerdo con el contexto.
Many people are in the conference room. The lecturer is talking about environment. He is
using all type of technological aids. The event seems to be_____ _______.
a. not sufficient
b. very interesting
c. not important
d. very appropriate
Exercise 2
People normally drink something after lunch or dinner. Some people like tea, soft drinks or a
beer. Some people like water; others like a cup of _____________.
a. soup
b. sugar
c. coffee
d. salt
Exercise 3
Some people like green plants in their apartments or houses. Some other people prefer plants
with flowers. Some people prefer to have them in a pot with soil but other people prefer to
plant them in a pot in______.
a. trees
b. water
c. grass
d. vegetables
Exercise 4
The discotheque is full of people. Spectators are waiting for the main star to start the concert.
Half an hour has passed and the singer is not in the platform. An spectator stands up and
shouts: The singer__________.
a. is excellent
b. is very good
c. is very responsible
d. is late
Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación a Distancia —Ude@—
Workbook - Capítulo 1
Exercise 5
Aplique la técnica de skimming al párrafo siguiente y escoja las opciones correctas de acuer-
do con la información del texto.
Language learning is a process to be developed for a long time. For a Spanish speaker there
are barriers to overcome such as pronunciation, structure, vocabulary, and way of writing. The
mind needs to be accustomed to the new language and a lot of practice is needed, as well
as exposure to the new language (listening and speaking). You need to be constant in the
process of learning a language. It is not true that we can learn a language in a matter of days.
Even if you travel to the country where the language is spoken, it takes time to be acquainted
with the new language. There are factors such as age, lack of contact with speakers, and
time, among many others. Authors have defined the learning of a new language as: a process
of continuous approximation to the language. It can be more difficult for some people and
some other people may feel emotionally affected.
Exercise 6
Aplique la técnica de scanning al párrafo en cuestión y encuentre una palabra bajo la cual se
reúnan los conceptos expresados en cada una de las opciones a, b, c.
Exercise 7
Skim the following paragraph and find information about:
Bicycles, airplanes, jacks, pulleys, and wedges are machines used by man from time to time,
but there are some other machines which man uses more frequently, among them, we can
find shovels, scissors, needles, and wheels. Shovels and scissors are types of levers. They
have fulcrum, effort, and load. Jacks are screws used to fix flat tires and to raise loads.
Needles are wedges used to cut wood but also to lift loads. Among pulleys we can find ropes
and belts; using them we can lift objects or move them. Wheels we find in cars are also used
to lift objects.
Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación a Distancia —Ude@—
Módulo 4. Comunicación escrita
Módulo 4
Comunicación escrita 17
Exercise 1
Organice las siguientes palabras bajo las categorías correspondientes, a saber: Actions
(verbs), Activities (nouns), Objects (nouns), Places (nouns).
Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación a Distancia —Ude@—
Workbook - Capítulo 1
Exercise 2
Organice el siguiente vocabulario y expresiones de acuerdo con la categoría indicada, a
saber: Greetings, Introductions, Subject Pronouns, Questions.
Greetings Introductions Subject Pronouns Questions
I am Are they twins? Hi! I he
she What’s up? This is it we
She is my… Are they brothers? How are you? they I am...
He is my… Nice to meet you. Are you a nurse? Hello! They are my...
Glad to meet you. How are you doing? you Is he your friend?
Exercise 3
Use la información del ejercicio anterior para elaborar oraciones. Ejemplo: Hi! and Hello! are
a. _____________________________________________________________________.
b. _____________________________________________________________________.
c. _____________________________________________________________________.
d. _____________________________________________________________________.
Exercise 4
Organice la siguiente información en oraciones completas, utilizando la estructura Sujeto +
predicado (verbo + complemento del sujeto). Use la forma correcta del verbo To Be.
Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación a Distancia —Ude@—
Módulo 4. Comunicación escrita
Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación a Distancia —Ude@—
Workbook - Capítulo 1
Answer key
Capítulo 1, Módulo 1: Gramática
a. is
b. is
c. is
d. is
e. is
Exercise 2
a. is
b. is
c. is
d. is
e. are
Exercise 3
▪▪ Hi Pete!
▪▪ Hello Marilyn. How are you?
▪▪ Fine, thank you, and you?
▪▪ I’m okay.
▪▪ Pete. This is Marilyn.
▪▪ Glad to meet you, Marilyn.
▪▪ Nice to meet you too, Pete.
Exercise 4
a. is
b. is
c. is
d. is
e. is
Exercise 5
a. is (answer vary)
b. is (answer vary)
c. is
Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación a Distancia —Ude@—
Answer Key
Exercise 6
a. It is beautiful. (It is not ugly).
b. In July, in Argentina, the climate is cold. (It is not warm).
c. In winter, I am hungry. (I am not thirsty).
d. China is a country. (It is not a continent).
e. My sister’s apartment is not comfortable. (It is uncomfortable).
f. Los Angeles is in USA. (It is not in Canada).
g. My mother is afraid of airplanes. (She is not afraid of buses).
h. Paris is an interesting city. (It is not a boring city).
i. Some laptops are cheap. (They are not expensive).
Exercise 7
a. you
b. I
c. he
d. she
e. they
Exercise 8
a. a
b. a
c. an
d. an
Exercise 9
a. we’re
b. he isn’t
c. she’s
d. I’m not
e. I’m not
f. we’re
Exercise 10
a. My name is Tatiana. (Answer may vary).
b. My address is 1515 Pecan Street, Nacogdoches, Texas. (Answer may vary).
c. My cell phone number is 300 785 09 11. (Answer may vary).
d. I’m 27 years old. (Answer may vary).
e. My preferred soccer team is Spain. (Answer may vary).
f. My father is an architect. (Answer may vary).
g. My mother is a graphic designer. (Answer may vary).
Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación a Distancia —Ude@—
Workbook - Capítulo 1
Exercise 11
a. my
b. my
c. its
d. its
e. my
22 f. my
Exercise 12
a. my
b. their
c. their
d their
e. their
Exercise 13
a. Jimmy’s
b. My brother’s
c. My sister’s
d. Mary’s
e. Peter’s
f. My mother’s
Exercise 1. Track 1.
a. Camilo
b. Susana
c. lawyer
d. university professor
e. environmental engineering
f. 20
g. to travel to Europe
Exercise 2. Track 2.
a. Mary
b. Johana
c. Pat
d. Dereck
e. Dasika
f. Robert
g. Lex
Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación a Distancia —Ude@—
Answer Key
Exercise 3. Track 3.
a. Burt
b. Kadow
c. Burcher
d. Wilford
e. Roberts
Exercise 4. Track 4.
a. name
b. is
c. 18 years
d. is
e. architect
f. designer
g. one
h. four
i. uncle
j. nine
Exercise 5. Track 5.
a. David
b. name
c. He
d. is
e. is
f. His
g. is
h. mother
i. pilot
j. brother
k. three (3)
l. fifteen (15)
Exercise 6. Track 6.
a. This
b. Her
c. She
d. nineteen (19)
e. her
f. is
g. Her
h. parents
i. is
j. father
k. three (3)
Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación a Distancia —Ude@—
Workbook - Capítulo 1
l. aunt
m. four (4)
Exercise 7. Track 7.
a. Their
b. are
24 c. They
d. are
e. are
f. are
g. They
h. Their
i. are
Exercise 8. Track 8.
a. is
b. my
c. brother
d. is
e. meet
Exercise 9. Track 9.
a. is, five (5)
b. is, nine (9)
c. is, eleven (11)
d. are, fifteen (15)
Exercise 2. c. coffee
Exercise 3. b. water
Exercise 4. a. late
Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación a Distancia —Ude@—
Answer Key
Exercise 5
d. Exposure to the new language is necessary to learn a new language.
e. Age is important in the learning of a language.
Exercise 6
a. barriers
b. mind
c. constant
Exercise 7
a. bicycles and airplanes, jacks, pulleys, wedges
b. shovels, scissors, needles, and wheels
c. jacks and wheels
d. jacks, screws, needles, ropes, belts
Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación a Distancia —Ude@—
Workbook - Capítulo 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
a. What’s up, how are you, and how are you doing are greetings.
b. I am, This is, She is my… He is my… Glad to meet you, and Nice to meet you are
c. I, he, she, it, we, you, they are subject pronouns.
d. Is he your friend?, Are they brothers?, Are they twins?, and Are you a nurse? are questions.
Exercise 4
a. Josh and Mary are language students.
b. Industrial engineering, bioengineering, and environmental engineering are programs of
c. Geometry, calculus, English, and mathematics are courses.
d. Teacher, engineer, architect and social worker are professions.
e. English, geography, history, biology, and anthropology are courses.
Inglés para Ingenieros I – English for Engineers I - Universidad de Antioquia - Programa de Educación a Distancia —Ude@—