Cloud Computing Con Amazon Web Services - SEVEN - FINAL
Cloud Computing Con Amazon Web Services - SEVEN - FINAL
Cloud Computing Con Amazon Web Services - SEVEN - FINAL
■Curso de Cloud
Computing con
Amazon Web
No es inter regional.
No hay Paridad transitiva. Solo uno con uno.
VPC Peering
• - us-east-1b
• – us-east-1c
VPC subnet
VPC subnet
VPC subnet
Do it yourself!
Creen 2 instancias linux, pequeñas una en la subnet (publica) y
la otra en (Privada).
Que pasa?
Como sacamos podemos hacer que estas instancias se actualicen.?
# curl
# curl
Network Addresses Translation instance. NAT
Una instancia NAT, nos va a permitir conectarnos a internet desde las instancias
que no tienen IP publica para poder instalar software o poder descargar algo.
Y para outbound
http Anywhere
https Anywhere
Network Addresses Translation instance. NAT II
Vamos a Crear una instancia NAT.
Volvemos al servicio VPC, damos click a Route Tables, alli buscamos la tabla de
ruteo creada por defecto para nuestra VPC y le añadimos una nueva regla: apuntando
hacia nuestra NAT instance.
Availability Zone #1
Availability Zone #1
VPN CLiente
Crear una maquina en la subnet default u otra subnet con diferente rango de IPS
de nuesta VPC creada, debe ser ubuntu14.04. micro 8GB.
Grupo de seguridad abierto all tcp y all ICMP a todos, al menos hasta que
sepamos las ips del VPN de AWS.
Ahora vamos a VPN Connections y alli vamos a crear una conexión VPN, Con un
nombre VPNAWS, escogemos el Virtual private gateway, Ponemos la IP de la
instancia de nueustro compañero, y en routing options escogemos static y
ponemos la el CDIR de la IP de nuestro compañero.
Volvemos a la instancia de Linux que nuestro compañero tiene y le damos la primera direccion IP
que el VPN ha creado. Tambien el CDIR de la Subnet a la que podra acceder. Tambien es
necesario darle el archivo de configuracion por defecto para que encuentre el presharedkey.
vim /etc/ipsec.d/vpc1-vpc2.conf
conn vpn1
Una vez configurado libreswan, los comando des administracion de ipsec son:
No olvidar configurar el security group para que tenga todos los puertos abiertos hacia la IP del
1. Create a route between each subnets in a new route table and then associate this
with each subnet.
2. You do not need to do anything, by default all subnets can communicate with each
other using the main route table
3. Create a route between each subnet in the main route table and then associate this
main route table with each subnet.
4. ensure that each subnet is associated with a security group that will contain your
EC2 instances.
Preguntas tipo
You have an EC2 instance which needs to find out both its
private IP address and its public IP address using a script.
Which of the below should you include in the script to discover
this information.
1. You have forgotten to open port 80/443 on your security group in which the EC2
instance is placed
2. Your elastic load balancer has a health check which is checking a webpage that
does not exist, therefore your EC2 instance is not in service.
3. You have not configured an ALIAS for your A record to point to your elastic load
4. You have locked port 22 down to your specific IP address
Preguntas tipo
You have created a custom VPC with 3 subnets, 2 private, 1 public. You deploy 3 EC2
instances in to your public subnet and attach Elastic IP addresses to these instances.
You then deploy an EC2 instance in to your private subnet and then attempt to apply
security patches to this instance, however it has no internet connectivity. What can you
do to give this instance internet access?
1. Deploy a NAT to the public subnet and then update the main route table to send
traffic via the NAT to the private subnet.
2. Deploy your instance to a public subnet instead.
3. Attach a public IP address to your EC2 instance in the private subnet.
4. Attach an additional internet gateway to your EC2 instance in the private subnet.
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