Final Compleet Phd-Thesis Paudel-E.en - Es
Final Compleet Phd-Thesis Paudel-E.en - Es
Final Compleet Phd-Thesis Paudel-E.en - Es
diseño y la gestión de
canales de irrigación
sistema de riego
Morang Sunsari,
comité de tesis
Prof. Dr. E. Schultz
Profesor de Tierras y Desarrollo del Instituto UNESCO-IHE
Delft Agua para la Educación del Agua, los Países Bajos.
Tesis co-supervisor de
Prof. Dr. NM Shakya
Profesor de Ingeniería de Recursos Hídricos Tribhuwan
Universidad de Katmandú, Nepal.
Otros miembros
Prof. Dr. LF Vicente Wageningen
Delft, Holanda
PAPEL DE sedimento en el diseño y gestión de
canales de riego
Presentado en cumplimiento de los requisitos de la Junta Académica de la
Universidad de Wageningen y el Consejo Académico del Instituto UNESCO-IHE para la
Educación relativa al Agua
para el grado de doctor para ser defendido en
público el miércoles 17 de noviembre de 2010 a 10 a.m.
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Aunque se tiene cuidado de asegurar la integridad y la calidad de esta publicación y la información en el mismo,
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Tabla de contenido v
Reconocimiento xi
Resumen xiii
1 Introducción 1
1.1 General 1
1.7 objetivos 10
2 El riego en Nepal 13
3.1 Fondo 25
4.1 Fondo 55
4.7 conclusiones 95
5.1 General 97
9 Evaluación 203
9.5 Presente métodos de diseño del canal de control de sedimentos en Nepal 207
referencias 217
símbolos 253
Glosario 255
Samenvatting 263
Durante la evolución de larga duración y con frecuencia interrumpida de esta investigación he acumulado
muchas deudas, sólo una parte de los cuales tengo el espacio para reconocer aquí. Doy las gracias a
muchas personas por su ayuda, tanto directos como indirectos, durante esta investigación. Ante todo,
quisiera expresar mi profundo agradecimiento al promotor Prof. Bart Schultz por su valioso apoyo, estímulo,
supervisión y sugerencias útiles a lo largo de este trabajo de investigación. Su apoyo moral y orientación
continua me permitieron completar mi trabajo con éxito.
Mi más sincero agradecimiento a mi mentor el Sr. Herman Depeweg, que se ha interesado activamente en
mi trabajo y siempre ha estado disponible para aconsejarme. Estoy muy agradecido por su paciencia,
motivación y entusiasmo. Su inmenso conocimiento en hidráulica e irrigación se convirtió en un papel decisivo
en esta tesis dando la forma final. También estoy muy agradecido con el Dr. Suryadi por sus sugerencias,
comentarios y cooperación.
El estudio no habría sido posible sin el apoyo financiero de la Organización Holandesa para la
Cooperación Internacional en Educación Superior (NUFFIC). Expreso mi sincero agradecimiento.
También me gustaría agradecer a todo el personal académico y administrativo de la UNESCO-IHE para
proporcionar el ambiente de trabajo agradable, especialmente, Jolanda Botas y Tonneke Morgenstond por
su continuo apoyo y la comprensión de que me ayudó a superar todas las dificultades de ser un
estudiante sándwich y hace me siento una parte muy importante del Instituto. Ellos respondieron sin
descanso a mis numerosas peticiones administrativas.
Me gustaría agradecer el apoyo y el favor extendido por todo el personal de Sunsari Morang esquema de
irrigación. Un agradecimiento especial al Sr. Kumar Pokharel, mis colegas, personal de campo y los miembros de
los Usuarios de Agua de la Asociación, que proporcionaron toda la cooperación posible durante el trabajo de
campo. Por encima de todo, agradezco al Sr. Ram Padarath Shah sin los cuales, el trabajo de campo no habría
sido posible. Él tiene un inmenso información en materia de sedimento. También estoy agradecido a Sanjeev
Mishra y Kushang Sherpa por su apoyo durante la recolección y procesamiento de datos.
Tengo la suerte de tener muchos amigos en particular, Ashok Chapagain y Sarfraz Munir. Estoy
agradecido por su apoyo moral y compañía. Mi agradecimiento especial a Gerard Pichel (DHV) por sus
valiosos consejos y estímulos en el análisis de los problemas del transporte de sedimentos. Además, gracias
también deben ir a Jalbert y Jitka por su ayuda para mí proporcionar un ambiente de trabajo tranquilo durante
mi estancia en Lochem. Por último, pero no menos importante mi agradecimiento a mi familia y amigos, cuyo
apoyo y afecto me animó a completar mi investigación con éxito. Por último, sobre todo a mi esposa y
nuestros hijos Saraswati Rabin y Rosha por la paciencia infinita y el entendimiento que mostraron durante mi
El aspecto transporte de sedimentos es un factor importante en el desarrollo del riego, ya que determina en gran
medida la sostenibilidad de un sistema de riego, en particular en caso de canales no revestidos en suelos aluviales.
Las investigaciones en este respecto comenzaron desde Kennedy publicó su teoría de descarga de formación de canal
en 1895. teorías Posteriormente diferentes se han desarrollado y se utilizan en todo el mundo. Todos ellos asumen
condiciones de flujo uniforme y constante y tratar de encontrar las dimensiones del canal que son estables para una
descarga dada y la carga de sedimentos. En los últimos sistemas de riego fueron diseñados con fines de protección
con muy poco control de flujo, por lo tanto, condiciones de flujo estacionario y uniformes se podían realizar en cierta
sistemas de riego modernos están cada vez más demanda basándose, lo que significa que el flujo de agua en un canal
está determinada por las necesidades de agua de los cultivos. En consecuencia, el flujo en la red de canales no es constante
ya que los cambios en los requisitos de los cultivos de agua con el clima y las fases de crecimiento de los cultivos. También la
entrada de sedimento no es constante a lo largo de la temporada de riego en la mayoría de los esquemas. La situación es aún
peor para los sistemas de gestión de agua fluyente, donde las fluctuaciones en el caudal de los ríos tienen un efecto directo
sobre el ingreso de agua y sedimentos.
Los métodos de diseño convencionales no son capaces de predecir con precisión el comportamiento de transporte de
sedimentos en un canal, en primer lugar debido a las condiciones de flujo de agua inestable y no uniformes y en segundo lugar
debido a la naturaleza cambiante de la entrada de sedimentos. Por lo tanto, el comportamiento real de un canal diverge
considerablemente de las hipótesis de diseño y en muchos casos inmensos costes de mantenimiento se tienen que cumplir con
Un sistema de riego no sólo debe ser capaz de suministrar agua en la cantidad requerida, el tiempo y el nivel de los
cultivos en el campo, sino que también debe recuperar al menos su funcionamiento y los costes de mantenimiento. La
recuperación de costos es, hasta cierto punto, relacionado con el nivel de servicio ofrecido por la organización de riego y
los gastos de operación y mantenimiento del sistema. Las experiencias pasadas en Nepal han demostrado que la
modernización de los sistemas de riego existentes para mejorar el nivel de servicio también ha aumentado los costos de
operación y mantenimiento. Estos costes son, en algunos casos, altos en comparación con el nivel generalmente bajo
de la capacidad de los usuarios del agua y los agricultores para pagar estos costos. La búsqueda de hacer esquemas
más equitativa, fiable y flexible ha dado lugar a la introducción de nuevos sistemas de control de flujo y los plazos de
entrega de agua que puedan, si no se diseñan cuidadosamente, afectar negativamente al comportamiento del transporte
de sedimentos de un canal. En bastantes esquemas de deposición y / o erosión imprevisto en los canales no sólo han
aumentado los costos de operación y mantenimiento sino que también reduce la fiabilidad de los servicios prestados.
Nepal is a landlocked country in South Asia lying between China and India. It is situated between
26º22' N to 30º27' N latitude and 80º4' E to 88º12' E longitude of the prime meridian. Roughly
rectangular in shape, the country has an area of
147,181 km 2. It is 885 km in length but its width is uneven and increases towards the West. The mean
North-South width is 193 km. Nepal is a predominantly mountainous country, with elevations ranging
from 64 m+MSL (Mean Sea Level) at
xiv Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canal
Kechana, Jhapa to 8,848 m+MSL at the peak of the world highest mountain, Everest, within a span
of 200 km. Nepal has a cultivated area of 2.64 million ha, of which two third (1.77 million ha) is
potentially irrigable. At present 42% of the cultivated area has some sort of irrigation, out of which
only 41% is receiving year round irrigation water. The existing irrigation schemes contribute
approximately 65% of the country’s current agriculture production.
Nepal has a long history of irrigated agriculture. Most of the existing large-scale irrigation schemes
are located in the southern alluvial plain (Terai). The canals are unlined and the sediment load forms
an integral part of the supplied irrigation water. The schemes are predominantly supply based and have
a very low duty for intensive cropping. In view of the increased competition among the different water
using sectors and low performance of these schemes, many of them are undergoing modernization.
For example, the Sunsari Morang Irrigation Scheme (SMIS) is one of the schemes under
modernization, and it has been taken as a study case for this research. A better understanding of the
sediment transport process under changing flow and sediment load conditions, a shifting management
environment and different maintenance scenarios will be very useful in pulling out the schemes from
the present vicious cycle of construction-deterioration-rehabilitation.
The Sunsari Morang Irrigation Scheme (SMIS) is located in the eastern Terai. The Koshi River is
the source of water. A side intake for the water diversion, an around 50 km long main canal of capacity
45.3 m 3/ s for water conveyance and 10 secondary canals and other minor canals of various capacities
for water distribution were constructed to irrigate a command area of 68,000 ha. The system was put
into the operation in 1975, but faced a serious problem of water diversion and sediment deposition in
the canal network. Hence from 1978, after 3 years of operation, rehabilitation and modernization work
of the scheme has been started. During modernization the intake has been relocated to increase the
water diversion and reduce the sediment entry. Besides, a settling basin with dredgers for continuous
removal of sediment has been provided near the head of the main canal. Apart from that the command
area development and modernization of existing canal network is in progress and till third phase
(1997-2002), around 41,000 ha area has been developed.
The aim of this research is to understand the relevant aspects of sediment transport in irrigation
canals and to formulate a design and management approach for irrigation schemes in Nepal in view
of sediment transport. In the process, the design methods used in the design of irrigation schemes in
Nepal and their effectiveness on sediment transport have been studied. The impact of operation and
maintenance on sediment movement has been analysed taking the case study of SMIS. An improved
design approach for sediment transport in irrigation canals has been proposed. A mathematical
model SETRIC has been used to study the interrelationship of sediment movement with the design
and management and to evaluate the proposed design approach for irrigation canal based on the
data of the SMIS.
improvement and verification works by Paudel, Ghimire, Orellana V., Via Giglio and Sherpa have been
used. The model SETRIC has been verified and improved where found necessary and has been used
to analyse the irrigation scheme and to propose an improvement in the design and management from
sediment transport point of view.
The methods of selecting the design discharge and sizing of canals for modern irrigation schemes
based upon the present concept of crop based irrigation demand, water delivery schedules and water
allocation to the tertiary units have been analysed. The selection of a crop depends upon the soil type,
water availability, socio-economic setting and climatic conditions. The type of crop together with the
soil type determines the irrigation method and irrigation schedules, while the type of crop and climatic
condition determines the irrigation water requirement. The required flow in a canal is then derived
based on the water delivery schedule from that canal to the lower order canals or to the field to meet
the water requirement.
The factors that influence the roughness of an irrigation canal have been analysed and a proposal
for a more rational roughness determination process has been formulated based on the available
knowledge. The roughness in the sides depends upon the shape and size of material, vegetation and
surface irregularities, while the roughness in the bed is a function of shape and size of material and the
surface irregularities (bed form in case of alluvial canals). For the prediction of roughness in the bed
mostly two approaches are in use – methods based on hydraulic parameters (water depth, flow velocity
and bed material size) and the methods based on bed forms and the grain related parameters. In this
research, the method based on the bed form and grain related parameters, as suggested by van Rijn,
has been used. Similarly, for the determination of roughness in the sides, the influence of surface
irregularities have been included by dividing the maintenance condition as ideal, good, fair and poor
and accordingly applying the correction to the standard roughness value for the type of material. The
influence of vegetation has been accounted based on the concept of V.T. Chow. The various methods
of computing the equivalent roughness have been compared and the method proposed by Mendez has
been found to be better when tested with the Kruger data.
Most of the sediment transport predictors consider the canal with an infinite width without taking
into account the effects of the side walls on the water flow and the sediment transport. The effect of
the side wall on the velocity distribution in lateral direction is neglected and therefore the velocity
distribution and the sediment transport are considered to be constant in any point of the cross section.
Under that assumption a uniformly distributed shear stress on the bottom and an identical velocity
distribution and sediment transport is considered. Majority of the irrigation canals are non-wide and
trapezoidal in shape with the exception of small and lined canals that may be rectangular. In a
trapezoidal section the water depth changes from point to point in the section and hence the shear
stress. The effect would be more pronounced if the bed width to water depth ratio (B-h ratio) is small.
The change in velocity distribution in a canal in view of the change in boundary shear and water depth
along the cross section has been analysed and evaluated with the field measurements. The change in
velocity and shear stress in a canal section has been used to evaluate the influence of B-h ratio and
side slope in the prediction of
xvi Papel de los sedimentos en el diseño y gestión de canal de riego
Para el diseño de los canales que tienen límites erosionable y que llevan las cargas de sedimentos dos enfoques
son, en la práctica, a saber, el método de régimen y el método racional. Los métodos de diseño régimen son conjuntos
de ecuaciones empíricas basadas en observaciones de canales y ríos que han logrado la estabilidad dinámica. Los
métodos racionales son más analítico en el que tres ecuaciones, una relación de resistencia aluvial, una ecuación de
transporte de sedimentos y una relación ancho-profundo, se utilizan para determinar la pendiente, la profundidad y la
anchura de un canal aluvial cuando las descargas de agua y sedimentos, así como el tamaño material del lecho se
En Nepal, los manuales de diseño del Departamento de Irrigación recomiendan ecuaciones régimen de Lacey y
mesas White-Bettess-París con las ecuaciones de fuerza de tracción para el diseño de canales de tierra que llevan
sedimentos. Pero en la práctica, no hay coherencia en los enfoques de diseño que se ha encontrado a variar de canal
hasta el canal incluso dentro del mismo sistema de riego. El uso de la ecuación de Lacey para el cálculo de la relación
Bh ha dado lugar en general en los canales más anchos. Esto es así, porque pendientes laterales planas que las
predichas por las ecuaciones de la Lacey se utilizan a partir de consideraciones de estabilidad del suelo.
Las tablas White-Bettess-París se derivan de ecuaciones de fricción aluviales de blanco, Bettess y París (1980)
y las ecuaciones de transporte de sedimentos de Ackers y White (1973). No existen registros sobre el uso de este
método para el diseño de canales que se encontró y por lo tanto su rendimiento en términos de transporte de
sedimentos no pudieron ser verificados. Sin embargo, el Ackers y ecuaciones de transporte sedimento blanco
excesiva predijo la capacidad de transporte de sedimentos de un canal cuando se prueba con los datos SMIS. La
carga de sedimentos de entrar en los canales de SMIS es en su mayoría bien (d 50 < 0,2 mm) y la mayoría de los
grandes sistemas de riego escala en Nepal tienen configuraciones morfológicas geográficas similares. Eso significa
que las tablas White-Bettess-París se traducirá en un canal con una pendiente más plana que realmente se requiere
para llevar el tipo de sedimento que prevalece en SMIS y otros sistemas de riego similares de Nepal. El análisis
mostró que las ecuaciones Brownlie y Engelund y Hansen son más adecuados para el tipo de sedimento que se ha
encontrado en SMIS.
Durante la modernización, los canales secundarios (S9 y S14) de SMIS han sido diseñados por dos enfoques
diferentes. Canal secundario S9 ha sido diseñado utilizando el concepto de régimen de encaje mientras secundaria
Canal S14 ha sido diseñada utilizando un enfoque de energía. En el enfoque de la energía de la erosión se controla
limitando la fuerza de tracción y la deposición es controlado por garantizar la igualdad o no decreciente de la energía del
flujo en la dirección aguas abajo. Tanto los canales han sido evaluados por su capacidad de transporte de sedimentos
para las características de los sedimentos predominantes. Se han encontrado las capacidades de carga de ambos
canales (~ 230 ppm) a ser menor que la carga de sedimentos esperado (sim 300 - 500 ppm) en el canal. El concepto de
energía supone que el transporte de sedimentos es proporcional al producto de la velocidad y la pendiente del lecho. La
capacidad de carga del canal diseñada por este principio se ha encontrado que es variable a lo largo de su longitud.
Esto significa que la capacidad de transporte de sedimentos no es sólo una función de la pendiente del lecho y la
profundidad del agua como se supone en el concepto de energía.
Summary xvii
En general, la fiabilidad de los predictores de transporte de sedimentos es baja y en el mejor de ellos puede
proporcionar sólo estimaciones. Como por Vito A Vanoni (1975) un error probable en el intervalo de 50-100% se
puede esperar incluso bajo las circunstancias más favorables. No hay una fórmula universalmente aceptado para
la predicción de transporte de sedimentos. La mayoría de ellos se basan en los datos de laboratorio de sedimento
y flujo de agua rangos limitados. Por lo que deben ser ajustados para que sean compatibles con los propósitos
específicos, de lo contrario los resultados previstos serán poco realista. Un enfoque racional mejorado ha sido
propuesta para el diseño de los canales que transportan cargas de sedimentos aluviales. Para encontrar la
anchura de la cama, pendiente del lecho y la profundidad del agua de un canal para una descarga dada y las
características del sedimento tres ecuaciones, a saber un predictor transporte de sedimentos (carga total),
A DOCSET programa de diseño del canal (Diseño del canal para el transporte de sedimentos) se ha preparado
para el enfoque mejorado que incluye mejoras que el anteriormente mencionado. El programa también puede ser usado
para evaluar el diseño existente para un determinado flujo de agua y las características del sedimento. Las
características básicas del nuevo enfoque son:
- concepto de diseño integral. Este enfoque utiliza un sistema de canales como una sola unidad.
El sistema de canales puede tener diferentes canales de diferentes niveles, pero los planes de gestión del agua
y los sedimentos están preparados para todo el sistema. A continuación, el diseño hidráulico del canal individual
puede ser hecha para cumplir con el plan de gestión de diseño para ese canal;
Since, the sediment transport process is influenced by the management of the irrigation scheme,
the design should focus to have a canal that is flexible enough to meet the demand and still have a
minimum deposition/erosion. The provision of
xviii Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canal
sufficient carrying capacity up to the desired location (conveyance), providing controlled deposition
options if the water delivery plans limit the transport capacity (provisions of settling pockets) and
preparation of maintenance plans (desilting works) are some of the aspects that would have to be
analysed and included in the design to reduce the sediment transport problems.
Los métodos de diseño del canal puede dar la mejor geometría del canal posible para una concentración de
flujo de agua y sedimento dado solamente. Para flujos de agua y concentraciones de sedimentos que no sean los
valores de diseño, puede ser o bien la erosión o la deposición. El objetivo del diseño tendría que ser para
equilibrar la erosión total y el depósito en un año calendario de cultivo. Por lo tanto, un diseño no se basa en la
máxima concentración de sedimentos se espera durante la temporada de riego, sino en un valor que da lugar a la
mínima erosión / deposición neta. La mejor manera de evaluar un canal bajo este escenario es el uso de un
modelo de transporte de sedimentos adecuado. Además, la rugosidad del canal depende de las condiciones
hidráulicas, las características del sedimento y los planes de mantenimiento que cambian constantemente a lo
largo de la temporada de riego. Los canales están diseñados asumiendo un flujo uniforme y el transporte de
sedimentos en condiciones de equilibrio. Sin embargo, tales condiciones rara vez se encuentran en los canales
de riego debido al control del flujo para satisfacer la variación en la demanda de agua. Por lo tanto, el diseño de
un canal tendría que ser evaluado usando un modelo de transporte de sedimentos para la selección de
parámetros de diseño apropiados y para evaluar el diseño de los planes de operación agua propuestos.
Para las mediciones de campo del proceso de transporte de sedimentos, se seleccionó uno de los canales
secundarios de SMIS (S9). Desde entonces, el objetivo de los datos de campo fue probar el enfoque de diseño
para el transporte de sedimentos; se dio preferencia para un canal que recientemente fue diseñado y construido.
La medición de campo de flujo de agua y los sedimentos se llevó a cabo en 2004 y 2005. Durante las mediciones
de campo se midió la tasa de entrada de agua en el sistema secundario Canal S9. Una amplia cresta
Resumen xix
weir immediately downstream of the intake for Secondary Canal S9 was calibrated and used for
discharge measurement. For sediment concentration measurements, dip samples just downstream of
the hydraulic jump were taken on a daily basis. The samples were then analysed in the laboratory and
the sediment concentration was determined. Point sampling across the section using pump samplers
were also taken and the calculation results showed that the dip samples underestimated pump samples
by around 8% in case of the total load and by around 35% for the sediment of size > 63 μm. At the end
of the irrigation season, the deposited sediment samples along the canal were taken to determine the
representative sediment size and other properties.
El agua de irrigación suministrada a los canales de sub-secundaria, los plazos de entrega y los puntos de
ajuste aguas arriba de los reguladores de nivel de agua también se midieron. Para el cambio morfológico, se
midió la pre-temporada y la geometría del canal de post-temporada. Se midió la distribución de velocidad en la
sección de canal de tierra trapezoidal. Además, la rugosidad de medición de campo (medición indirecta)
también se hizo en el principio, medio y final de las temporadas para determinar el cambio en la rugosidad en el
El modelo SETRIC se utilizó para estudiar el efecto sobre el proceso de transporte de sedimentos debido a las
actividades de gestión del sistema a saber, el cambio en la demanda de agua y suministro, los modos de suministro de
agua basados en el agua disponible y el cambio en la carga de sedimentos debido a la variación de flujo de entrada de
sedimento de el río o problemas en el funcionamiento correcto de la balsa de decantación. Para el flujo de entrada de
agua de diseño en secundaria Canal S9, una orden de entrega de agua se ha diseñado y se ha evaluado para la
eficiencia del transporte de sedimentos bajo las condiciones cambiantes del sedimento de flujo de entrada. Se evaluó el
enfoque de diseño del canal mejorado comparando los resultados con el diseño existente de Secundaria Canal S9.
Algunas de las conclusiones de los resultados de los modelos son:
- los programas de entrega de agua pueden ser diseñados e implementados para reducir el
problemas de erosión / deposición de un cierto alcance, incluso después de que el sistema está construido y puesto en
- el diseño de planes de operación y los supuestos no se han seguido en Secundaria
Canal S9 del SMIS. De sedimento perspectiva del transporte, la práctica la gestión del agua
existente resulta más sedimentación en los canales sub-secundarias y terciarias que la secundaria
Canal S9;
- el cambio periódico de la demanda y el cambio correspondiente en el sedimento
la capacidad de transporte del canal se puede manipular para llegar a la balanza estacional en la deposición de
sedimentos. En un período, puede haber deposición pero que puede ser erosionado en el próximo período;
- los canales secundarios necesitan ser operado en rotación cuando hay menos demanda o
menos agua disponible en el canal principal. Esto asegurará el flujo de diseño en los canales secundarios y
reducir el problema de la sedimentación. El canal principal tendría que ser analizado para el mejor modo de
rotación desde el transporte de sedimentos y la perspectiva de suministro de agua.
Canal design is an iterative process where the starting point is the preparation of management
plans. Then the design parameters need to be selected and the preliminary hydraulic design of the
canal can be made. The design results can then be used in the model to simulate and evaluate the
proposed management plans and the sediment transport process in the system. Necessary adjustment
can be made either in the design parameters or in the management plans, if needed. Then the canal
need to be redesigned and the process would have to be continued till a satisfactory condition is
La fracción más gruesa del sedimento se controla principalmente en el headwork y liquidación de cuenca de un
sistema de riego. El sedimento que se encuentra en los canales principales y secundarios es generalmente fina
arena. La mayor parte de la fracción limo (sedimento <63 micras) se transporta a los canales de orden inferior y los
campos donde se deposita. En los canales secundarios y terciarios sub, se ha observado que el sedimento fino no
rueda hacia abajo a la cama como normalmente supone en el caso de la arena y se deposita en la pendiente
también. Así, la sección del canal se estrecha y la pendiente se hace más pronunciada lado. Este fenómeno no
puede ser analizada con las presentes supuestos transporte de sedimentos y una investigación en este aspecto
para abordar el proceso de transporte de
Resumen xxi
sedimento fino sería beneficioso para mejorar el diseño y la gestión de los canales de riego.
Flexibilidad de funcionamiento y transporte de sedimentos aspectos restringir el uno al otro. Un canal sin
ningún control puede ser diseñado y operado con un mayor grado de fiabilidad en términos de transporte de
sedimentos. Una vez que se controla el flujo del patrón de transporte de sedimentos del canal se cambia y el
canal diseñado se comportará de forma diferente. Por lo tanto, la flexibilidad y la gestión de los sedimentos
eficiente son difíciles de lograr al mismo tiempo. Un compromiso tiene que ser hecho y esto debe reflejarse en
el diseño.
Todos los métodos de transporte, excluir o extraer los sedimentos son medidas temporales y
simplemente transferir el problema de un lugar a otro. No son las soluciones completas del problema de
sedimentos. Una mejor comprensión de movimiento de sedimentos ayuda a identificar los problemas de
antemano y buscar las mejores soluciones posibles.
xxii Papel de los sedimentos en el diseño y gestión de canal de riego
1 Introducción
1.1 General
Idealmente sistemas de riego deben ser capaces de proporcionar agua en el tiempo, la cantidad y con la cabeza
deseable para el campo agrícola. La demanda de agua de riego mantiene en cambio a lo largo de la temporada de riego,
ya que depende de las condiciones climáticas, tipo y etapa de cultivos y condiciones de humedad del suelo. Por lo que una
red de canales tiene que llevar a las cantidades variables de flujo, en su mayoría menores de la descarga que ha sido
diseñado. El gasto de diseño se puede definir como la cantidad máxima de flujo que puede ser manejado de una manera
apropiada. Varios factores como la necesidad de agua de los cultivos, los métodos de riego, los planes de distribución de
agua, el mecanismo de control de flujo y la configuración socioeconómicos se consideran en la determinación del caudal
de diseño.
Various methods are available for the design of canals. Some use basic principles of hydraulics and
soil stability to determine the geometry of the canal. Tractive force methods (Fortier and Scobey, 1926,
Lane, 1955), rational methods (Chang, 1980, White, et al., 1981b) are some of the methods in this
category. Some methods have been evolved from the study of relatively stable canals around the world.
These methods are known as regime methods and the works of Lacey (1930) and Simons and Albertson
(1963) are few examples in this field. Suitable design approaches can be used depending upon whether
the canal has a rigid boundary or has an erodible boundary and is carrying clear water or has an erodible
boundary and is carrying water with sediment.
Canals se diseñan generalmente asumiendo flujo constante y uniforme. Sin embargo, esta situación rara vez se
encuentra en un moderno sistema de riego. sistemas de riego modernos están cada vez más orientados a la demanda y
requieren operación frecuente de puertas de control que conduce a flujo inestable y no uniforme. El diseño se vuelve
más complicada en el caso del canal tiene un límite erosionable y lleva agua con sedimentos. La mayoría de los
esquemas de esta categoría requieren una gran cantidad de mantenimiento debido a la deposición no deseada o la
erosión del lecho del canal y los bancos. modelos hidrodinámicos eficientes están disponibles para simular el flujo para
diferentes velocidades de funcionamiento de la puerta y de flujo de entrada. Estos modelos se utilizan ampliamente para
verificar el comportamiento hidrodinámico de la red de canales para fines de diseño y modernización.
Aunque existen ciertas similitudes entre los canales de riego y ríos, los modelos de
transporte de sedimentos para los ríos no son aplicables para los canales debido a las
diferencias específicas entre ríos y canales, entre otros el uso apropiado de fórmulas de
transporte de sedimentos y el factor de predictores de fricción, el efecto del canal lados en la
distribución de la velocidad y el transporte de sedimentos, y las reglas de operación. Los
conceptos de transporte de sedimentos deben estar relacionadas con las condiciones de flujo y
características de los sedimentos que prevalecen en los canales de riego. Existen pocos
modelos que son para redes de canales como ISIS (Halcrow, 2003), sedimentos y análisis
hidráulico para la rehabilitación de canales (SHARC) (HR Wallingford, 2002), Simulación de
Canales de Riego (SIC) (Malaterre y Baume, 1997),
2 Papel de los sedimentos en el diseño y gestión de canales de riego
Con un ligero cambio en las propiedades de flujo de agua y sedimentos del patrón de movimiento de sedimentos
puede verse afectada de manera significativa. Operación y mantenimiento de un sistema de riego tiene una gran
influencia en el comportamiento hidrodinámico del canal y por lo tanto en el movimiento de los sedimentos también.
Analizando el problema desde un punto de vista del diseño no es suficiente para resolver el problema. Un enfoque
integrado que se ve en el diseño, así como los aspectos de gestión al mismo tiempo que se necesita para hacer frente a
los problemas de movimiento de sedimentos en los canales de riego.
El objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar el concepto de diseño de canales de riego en vista del
transporte de agua y sedimentos. Con la ayuda de los datos de campo de uno de los principales sistemas de
riego en Nepal se ha estudiado el impacto de la operación y el mantenimiento en el movimiento de sedimentos.
La interrelación de movimiento de los sedimentos con el diseño y la gestión ha sido evaluada con la ayuda del
modelo matemático SETRIC y, finalmente, se ha sugerido un enfoque de diseño integrado.
El riego será el factor clave para mantener el suministro de alimentos a la creciente población del mundo.
Actualmente alrededor de 270 millones de hectáreas de tierra regada, que es aproximadamente 18% de la tierra
cultivada total es responsable de 40% de la producción de cultivos (Schultz y Wrachien, 2002). Más y más área está
siendo cultivada para aumentar la producción, pero al mismo tiempo una mayor área está siendo irreversiblemente
perdido debido a los usos degradantes ya los cambios de cobertura permanente (Meyer y Turner II, 1992). Cada año
aproximadamente 14.5 millones de hectáreas tierra cultivada tiene que ser sacados de cultivo debido a la
urbanización, la industrialización y el anegamiento o la salinización problemas (Schultz, 2002).
Está claro que la tierra para el cultivo no puede expandirse ilimitadamente; por lo tanto, la productividad por
unidad de superficie tiene que ser aumentado. Desde el punto de vista de la producción de alimentos hay un
sentimiento común que el 90% del aumento requerido tendrá que realizarse en existir la tierra cultivada y el 10% en
las nuevas tierras recuperadas (Schultz, et al., 2005). El riego es uno de los principales factores para aumentar la
productividad. La mayoría de los sistemas de riego económicamente atractivos ya se han construido. Además
incremento de la superficie regada es posible si se construyen los proyectos de almacenamiento de usos múltiples a
gran escala y el río entre las cuencas de desviación. Tales esquemas requieren grandes inversiones y también tienen
que pasar por los problemas ambientales y de seguridad. Por otra parte, los sistemas de riego utilizan alrededor de
70% del agua extraída de los sistemas globales de río y sólo el 50% del agua extraída llega a la cosecha (Fischer, et
A pesar de los éxitos del pasado innegables en que contribuye a la producción de alimentos, la expansión del
riego perdió su impulso desde la década de 1980 debido a una desaceleración considerable de nuevas inversiones.
La tasa de expansión de la agricultura de riego disminuyó a casi 1% por año después de 1975. Alto coste de
desarrollo del riego (Pereira, et al., 1996) y la situación relativamente equilibrada entre la oferta y la demanda de
cereales (FAO, 2007) podrían ser las razones de disminución de la inversión en el desarrollo del riego. Pluesquellec
(2002) sostiene que la reducción de la inversión de riego es debido a la relativamente pobre desempeño de los
proyectos de riego por canales a gran escala. Estos sistemas son los más difíciles de manejar y se han dado los
rendimientos más bajos en comparación con
Introducción 3
su potencial esperado. A pesar de todo, la agricultura de riego sigue siendo esencial para la seguridad alimentaria en el futuro.
Por lo tanto, la construcción de nuevos esquemas, así como un uso óptimo de agua ya adquiridos en los esquemas construidos
es igualmente importante para el incremento de la superficie regada.
El éxito de un proyecto está determinada esencialmente por la creación de un entorno atractivo para
los usuarios iniciar y continuar las actividades propuestas (Constandse, 1988). Los sistemas de riego
deben ser capaces de satisfacer las expectativas de los usuarios en cuanto a los servicios y les motive a
una venganza por los servicios que utilizan. En el diseño de sistemas de gestión de agua en las zonas
rurales, la determinación del nivel requerido de servicio es un asunto complicado, ya que la interacción
entre la gestión del agua y el rendimiento del cultivo es difícil de cuantificar (Schultz, 2002).
Un sistema de riego debe ser capaz de suministrar agua en la cantidad requerida, tiempo y nivel para el campo.
De vista de los agricultores hay tres criterios de distribución de agua si el suministro es suficiente (adecuación), es en
el momento adecuado (fiabilidad), es una parte justa en comparación con los otros productores (capital).
La capacidad de un canal para entregar el caudal de diseño (requerido) es el primero y el requisito previo más
importante de un esquema exitoso. Este aspecto podría haber sido pasado por alto en la etapa de planificación,
fase de diseño o incluso durante la etapa de construcción. selección inapropiada de estructuras de distribución de
agua y / o defectos en la construcción hacen que sea imposible para satisfacer la adecuación (Murray-Rust y
1998). Adecuación puede verse afectada principalmente debido a:
La fiabilidad es una expresión de confianza en el sistema de riego para suministrar agua como en el diseño. Se
define como la relación de la cantidad entregada al previsto. Es importante a los agricultores, ya que les permite una
planificación adecuada. Al asegurar un suministro adecuado y confiable de agua, el riego puede aumentar el
rendimiento de la mayoría de los cultivos en un 100 a 400% (Organización para la Agricultura y la Alimentación, 2003).
suministro de agua poco fiable hace que los agricultores reacios a invertir en términos de mejora de semillas y
fertilizantes para aumentar los rendimientos.
Entrega de agua en el tiempo está influenciada por los plazos de entrega de agua, la sensibilidad de
las estructuras retiradas, y el rendimiento hidrodinámico de la red de canales en combinación con los
reguladores de nivel de agua y el mantenimiento condición de los esquemas. El rendimiento del retiradas
está muy influenciada por la
4 Papel de los sedimentos en el diseño y gestión de canales de riego
nivel aguas arriba y aguas abajo de agua (Renault, 2003, Ankum, 2004), que se ve afectada por la deposición de
sedimentos. El propósito último de la fijación de la capacidad de canal y proporcionar estructuras de control de flujo
tendría que cumplir con los programas de riego propuestos, que de nuevo es para proporcionar agua en el tiempo. Por
lo tanto todos los accesorios en el esquema tendrían que apoyarse mutuamente para alcanzar los objetivos fijados.
La equidad se puede definir como la entrega de una parte justa de agua a los usuarios en todo el esquema.
resultados de la distribución desigual del uso excesivo del agua por la cabeza llegan a los agricultores y poco uso por la
cola fracasados. Las implicaciones son el desperdicio de agua desviada, la mala cobertura de la zona de mando previsto y
la injusticia social. Esta es una de las principales razones de la mala recaudación de tarifas del servicio de riego y la
participación de los usuarios en la operación y mantenimiento del sistema. Las principales causas de la desigualdad son:
En la demanda de servicios de suministro de agua es el nivel ideal de servicio cualquier agricultor le gustaría
tener en su esquema. Sin embargo, sin la provisión de depósitos de los de tipo demanda de servicio de entrega
de agua generalmente no es posible. Por otra parte los requisitos de servicio de los sistemas de riego cambian
con el tiempo debido a una mayor competencia entre los de uso de agua subsectores y presión para satisfacer la
demanda de alimentos de la población en crecimiento. El sistema debe ser tal que los requisitos de operación y
mantenimiento son a nivel de la habilidad y la capacidad de los agricultores para que puedan gestionar el
esquema de una manera sostenible. Un equilibrio que se ha mantenido de tal manera que el nivel de servicio es
lo suficientemente atractivo y al mismo tiempo los costos de operación y mantenimiento son económicamente
asequibles por los agricultores. Sólo entonces el esquema puede ser gestionado de manera sostenible.
Introduction 5
scheme in a traditional way may solve the problem temporarily but the prime objective of creating a
sustainable irrigation scheme would not be fulfilled.
Another consideration of determining the level of service is the possible benefit from agriculture
and the socio-economic conditions of the people. In least developed countries, with the present
economic conditions and type of land tenure, a high level of service is not possible in the near future.
Even if the prices of agricultural products
increase, the other infrastructure does not support for the
commercialisation of agriculture at short notice.
The major problem in the development of irrigation schemes is the inability to recover at least the
operation and maintenance (O&M) cost. The schemes cannot generate the required O&M funds
from the irrigation service fee. This is due to high O&M cost and low rate of payback from the users.
Irrigation schemes carrying sediment laden water require large amounts of money for the
maintenance of the canal network. Each scheme has its typical problem that may need a large O&M
budget, but in general most of the expenditure is incurred in the following components:
− intake. The O&M cost varies depending upon the sophistication in case of a
ingesta permanente, mientras que en el caso de una ingesta temporal, que está relacionado con la construcción y
reparación. ingestas temporales son generalmente lavados durante las inundaciones. Tienen que ser reconstruido después
de una inundación para desviar el agua. El costo depende del tipo y tamaño del río, la disponibilidad de materiales de
construcción, la frecuencia y la intensidad de las inundaciones en esa temporada;
- canales. Los problemas en los canales en las colinas y en las llanuras son diferentes.
Deslizante, drenaje transversal y daños de las inundaciones son los principales problemas de mantenimiento en los canales
de la colina, mientras que la sedimentación y drenaje transversal son problemas dominantes en las llanuras;
- área de comandos. daños por inundaciones en el sistema de canales y para el área de comandos es
también un problema importante. El problema de la inundación proviene básicamente de los sedimentos. Debido a
una carga de sedimentos alta y deposición inesperado en algunos puntos del río cambia su curso y puede dañar
un sistema de riego;
- desentarquinamiento cuenca. La eliminación de los sedimentos de un pileta de sedimentación es uno de los principales
O & M actividades. A veces esto se convierte en un cuello de botella para el esquema como la disponibilidad de agua en
general se basa enteramente en el buen funcionamiento de la pileta de sedimentación.
El costo de operación y mantenimiento se puede reducir en gran medida mediante el control de la entrada de
sedimentos en el esquema, la deposición controlada en los lugares apropiados o transportar el sedimento entrado tanto
como sea posible al campo. Por lo tanto la comprensión del problema de transporte de sedimentos en los canales y el
diseño de los canales no colmatación y no erosionan de riego es un tema de vital importancia para la modernización de
los esquemas.
principal objetivo de un ingeniero de riego es diseñar un sistema de riego que requiere menos o
ningún mantenimiento. El canal debe ser capaz de entregar el
6 Papel de los sedimentos en el diseño y gestión de canales de riego
necesaria cantidad de agua a la zona de comando específico, sin necesidad de excavación de sedimentos para la
vida completa del sistema. Tratar con los sedimentos es una de las principales dificultades en el diseño de sistemas
de riego, sin embargo, uno de los aspectos más importantes.
Aunque algunos sistemas operan con agua esencialmente libre de sedimentos, en muchos
casos el agua de riego se toma directamente de un río en el que hay un suministro natural de
sedimento. Al introducir adecuadamente estructuras de sedimentos excluyendo a la cabeza de la
canal, la fracción más gruesa es generalmente separa y se devuelve al río. El sedimento
restante que entra en el canal tendría que ser transportados a los campos. La capacidad de
transporte de sedimentos del canal para el cambio de las condiciones de flujo debe coincidir con
el suministro de sedimento. El transporte de toda la gama de cantidades y el tamaño de
sedimento requiere flujos rápidos con pendientes relativamente fuertes, que generalmente no es
posible en canales de tierra sin forro. También en la mayoría de los casos la topografía restringe
proporcionar una pendiente relativamente pronunciada. Por lo tanto,
El diseño de los canales de riego de agua cargada de sedimentos tendría que incluir aspectos relacionados
con los criterios de riego, así como para el transporte de sedimentos. La necesidad de transmitir diferentes
cantidades de agua para satisfacer las necesidades de riego para un nivel de agua que se requiere es el principal
criterio para el diseño del canal (Dahmen, 1994). Además, el diseño debe ser compatible con una carga de
sedimentos local en particular a fin de evitar la sedimentación y / o de fregado. El suministro de agua tendría que
cumplir con los requerimientos de riego y al mismo tiempo la menor deposición y / o erosión debería ocurrir en los
Por lo tanto el diseño de canales de riego estables debe considerar la vida útil completa de la red de
riego y tendría que estar basada en la exigencia de que la afluencia total de sedimentos durante un cierto
período es igual al flujo total de sedimentos. Los sedimentos pueden depositarse durante una fase de la
temporada de riego y se erosionaron durante otra fase, pero es necesario que haya un equilibrio general
de la erosión y deposición para todo el período de operación.
El diseño de un canal con una cierta carga de sedimentos requiere un conjunto de ecuaciones relacionados con el flujo de
sedimentos en agua para proporcionar las variables de diseño desconocidos de pendiente del lecho y la sección transversal
(ancho cama, la profundidad del agua y la pendiente lateral). La geometría de un canal de riego de sedimentos realización será
el producto final de un proceso de diseño en el que el flujo de agua interactúa y de transporte de sedimentos.
The design of an irrigation scheme for sediment transport needs different approaches depending
upon whether the scheme is a new one or a to be modernized
Introduction 7
one. In case of a new scheme it might be possible to design the scheme for efficient sediment
management. Modernization of existing schemes poses some extra complications that make it more
difficult for the design. Major difficulties in the modernization type of schemes are:
− slope. Existing alignment and levels and position of the off-takes provide very
little flexibility of adjusting the slope to make it optimal for sediment transport;
− structures. Some structures are efficient in conveying sediment while others are
not. The structures should have minimum disturbance to the flow pattern, so that the sediment
carrying capacity of the canal is not reduced. Schemes that are designed and run on the basis of
imposed water allocation and proportional delivery schedules require few flow control structures.
To ensure flexible, efficient and reliable distribution there would be an obvious increase in the
number of control structures. Provision of more control structures and frequent and time
dependent operation of these structures to meet the irrigation demand makes the flow highly
non-uniform. Hence the sediment carrying capacity of the canal is changed significantly. Selection
and design of suitable flow control structures that meet the water delivery schedule and at the
same time cause least sediment deposition is the major difficulty;
- la gestión del sistema. Puede que no sea posible el diseño de todos los canales con
igual eficiencia de transporte de sedimentos. Algunos de los problemas sociales y de gestión pueden surgir si el
esquema tiene que ser administrado conjuntamente por la agencia y la Asociación de Usuarios de Agua y sobre
todo cuando hay una serie de pequeños grupos responsables de la gestión de los canales separados.
La modernización de un plan para satisfacer las necesidades de agua de los cultivos de una manera más flexible
sería de gran ayuda en la toma del esquema sostenible. Diseño de sistemas de canales eficientes es una parte
importante de esta actividad. Sería una decisión oportuna y derecha para averiguar los métodos de tratar con este
aspecto para reducir el riesgo de pasar por el mismo ciclo de la rehabilitación, el deterioro y la rehabilitación de nuevo
en el futuro.
sistemas de riego que llevan una carga de sedimentos no son fáciles de operar sin comprometer la
flexibilidad o el costo de mantenimiento (Horst, 1998). Las suposiciones hechas en el diseño son en su mayoría
muy difícil de lograr en la vida real. Cualquier desviación de las condiciones supuestas resulta en la incapacidad
del régimen para funcionar correctamente. Por lo tanto es muy importante con respecto a la sostenibilidad, a saber
de antemano, ¿cuál sería el efecto si no se cumplen los supuestos.
Uno de los vivos y la forma más barata de la simulación de estos escenarios es mediante modelos
matemáticos. La comprensión en profundidad del proceso de agua y el flujo de sedimentos y el efecto del flujo
cambiante, concentración de sedimentos, mantenimiento
8 Papel de los sedimentos en el diseño y gestión de canales de riego
condiciones y funcionamiento de las estructuras de control de flujo para cumplir con los horarios de entrega de agua en
este proceso sería útil en proponer un diseño de canal de estable.
El riego es, en muchos sentidos, un factor importante en el desarrollo de Nepal. Es el mayor consumo de agua
subsector, afecta a la vida de muchas personas involucradas en la agricultura, es el principal contribuyente (40%)
al Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) (Banco Mundial,
2005) y un factor importante para mantener la seguridad alimentaria en el país. El Gobierno, desde el
principio, ha reconocido sabiamente este hecho y dado la debida importancia en sus planes anuales y cinco
años. En el 10 º plan de cinco años (2002-2007),
9.7% del total del presupuesto de desarrollo nacional se destinó al riego. Dada la importancia del riego y
grandes inversiones ya realizadas y previstas para el futuro, la eficacia del suministro de agua y su
sostenibilidad final son de gran preocupación. La Secretaría de la Comisión de Agua y Energía indica
que muchos programas no han alcanzado su nivel previsto de la productividad y no son sostenibles,
tanto económica como técnicamente (Secretaría de la Comisión de Agua y Energía, 2003).
En su plan para el futuro, el Gobierno quiere que el incremento de la superficie de regadío mediante la
construcción de nuevos esquemas y, al mismo tiempo que se preocupa por la eficiencia, área de cobertura,
intensidad de los cultivos, así como la recuperación de la operación y mantenimiento de los sistemas de riego
existentes . Hay dos tipos de actividades continuarían al lado del otro para el desarrollo de riego, en primer lugar, la
modernización de los sistemas de riego ya construidos y en segundo lugar la construcción de nuevos esquemas para
proporcionar riego a más tierra. La atención se centra ahora en la modernización y los objetivos de estas obras son:
- organizar a los agricultores e impartir capacitación para la operación y mantenimiento del sistema
así como en la gestión del agua agrícola;
- proporcionar servicios de extensión agricultura para aumentar la productividad;
- transferir la gestión del régimen de los agricultores en función de su
La mayoría de los esquemas de suministro de Nepal están orientados, cuyo objetivo era distribuir el agua de
riego para el número máximo de los agricultores. La capacidad de diseño de los canales es bajo (por ejemplo el
deber de la Sunsari Morang esquema de irrigación es 0,67 l / s.ha) para el riego intensivo. La tendencia es a
sobrestimar el agua disponible en la fuente e incluir más área bajo el mando debido a la presión social. El
problema se ve aumentada por las pérdidas por filtración y se reduce la capacidad del canal debido a la
La mayoría de los sistemas de riego se ejecutan de agua fluyente tipo que lleva una carga alta de sedimentos. Debido a las
tesis de mantenimiento insuficientes esquemas son muy poco fiables e inadecuado en términos de distribución de agua. Un
estudio de rendimiento de cinco Gobierno construido y operado sistemas de riego no mostraron diferencias en la intensidad de
cultivo y el rendimiento en comparación con las zonas no irrigadas (Secretaría de la Comisión de Agua y Energía, 1982). Durante
generalmente han sido sustituidos con puertas y convertido en orificios. Los objetivos de estos cambios fueron para
aumentar la flexibilidad en la entrega de agua y de aumentar la equidad. Después de la introducción de un gran número
de puertas de accionamiento manual, el costo de operación y mantenimiento aumentó bruscamente y no pudo ser
satisfecha por el presupuesto anual (Pradhan, 1996). Además, la operación de puertas cambió el patrón de transporte
de sedimentos que conduce a la inesperada erosión / deposición a lo largo de la red de canales. La sedimentación
aumentado el coste de mantenimiento y en ausencia de un mantenimiento adecuado el nivel de servicio objetivo no
podría lograrse (Khanal, 2003).
Para alcanzar el objetivo fijado por el Gobierno para la modernización, así como nuevos sistemas de riego
en una mejora en el concepto de diseño que sea compatible con es necesario el modo de administración
propuesto. Desde el sedimento ha sido la principal preocupación para la sostenibilidad de los sistemas de
riego, este aspecto debe incluirse adecuadamente en la formulación de los modos de gestión y por lo tanto los
esquemas deben ser diseñados.
Modelado de canales de riego para el transporte de sedimentos implica la solución de las ecuaciones de flujo
de agua y de transporte de sedimentos. El entorno computacional para la simulación de canal es mucho más
exigente que para el flujo de río debido a la variabilidad extrema y la inestabilidad del flujo, la presencia de
numerosas estructuras hidráulicas, movimientos puerta dinámica y operaciones de la bomba, y la posible
complejidad topográfica. El flujo en los canales de irrigación es a menudo completamente en la región crítica sub-,
aunque el flujo supercrítico se puede producir en algunas partes del sistema de canales. Un flujo supercrítico se
acompaña de un salto hidráulico aguas abajo. Un salto hidráulico puede ser estacionario cuando una estructura
física está presente para estabilizar la posición de salto. En ese caso, una relación de descarga profundidad de la
estructura se puede usar como condición de contorno para los cálculos de flujo. Es bastante lógico en canales de
riego asumir que cada flujo supercrítico se acompaña de una estructura. Los canales de riego tienen propiedades
específicas que pueden utilizarse para simplificar las ecuaciones que definen flujo y transporte de sedimentos.
1.7 objetivos
- para sugerir un procedimiento de diseño del canal que se basa en el concepto holístico de
cambiando de descarga y flujo de entrada de sedimento;
- para verificar el procedimiento con los datos de medición de campo de un sistema de riego en
To achieve the aforesaid objectives the following specific activities have been carried out:
− analysis of the velocity and shear stress distribution across the trapezoidal canal
and its effect in the sediment transport;
− investigation of the methods of computing equivalent roughness in trapezoidal
canals and the process of including the effects of vegetation and maintenance activities in the
roughness determination process;
− improvement and testing of the mathematical model SETRIC for the simulation
of water and sediment flow in an upstream control type irrigation scheme including water
management and the system maintenance;
− filed investigation and data collection regarding the design of canals, operation
and maintenance and control of the irrigation scheme in view of sediment transport;
− utilizar los datos de campo para simular y comparar el diseño y gestión existente
acercarse con el enfoque de diseño y de gestión propuesto.
Sobre la base del problema en la formulación de los aspectos de diseño y gestión de sistemas de
riego que llevan sedimentos, se formularon los objetivos de la investigación.
El capítulo 2 proporciona una visión general de la historia de la irrigación, el estado, los problemas y los planes futuros de
desarrollo del riego en Nepal. También se da una breve introducción de la Sunsari Morang esquema de irrigación que se
Capítulo 3 da la revisión de los métodos de canal de diseño, el sistema hidráulico de flujo de agua, aspecto
transporte de sedimentos en condiciones de equilibrio y no equilibrio, aspectos de modelado de transporte de
sedimentos y una visión general de modelos de transporte de sedimentos disponibles.
Introducción 11
Capítulo 4 da una evaluación de derivación de descarga de diseño, la estimación de la rugosidad, la sensibilidad de los
predictores de transporte de sedimentos seleccionados con el cambio en la geometría del canal, la velocidad y la cizalladura
distribución de tensiones en un canal de riego, el efecto de cambiar la velocidad y de cizallamiento en el transporte de
sedimentos proceso y la propuesta de aplicación de la corrección de los factores predictivos de transporte de sedimentos
El capítulo 5 se centra en la evaluación de los enfoques existentes de diseño del canal en Nepal, sus
limitaciones, la lógica y los pasos del método de diseño propuesto y el aspecto de la gestión del diseño del
Capítulo 6 da una descripción de la matemática transporte de sedimentos modelo SETRIC, fondo
teórico, el concepto de formulación del modelo, esquematización de varios procesos, pasos y
limitaciones cálculos.
Capítulo 7 describe los planes de gestión del agua y de los aspectos de diseño de Secundaria Canal S9,
morfológica, el flujo de agua, la gestión esquema y recopilación de datos de sedimentos, análisis del plan de
operación de sistema y la evaluación de los datos recogidos.
Capítulo 8 se trata de la aplicación del modelo matemático para evaluar el enfoque del diseño y propuestos
para la comparación con los resultados del canal existente.
Capítulo 9 da la evaluación de las conclusiones extraídas de las inferencias de los capítulos anteriores y
algunas perspectivas de futuro en este campo.
2 El riego en Nepal
Nepal es un país sin salida al mar en el sur de Asia se extiende entre China e India. Se encuentra entre
26º22' N a 30º27' de latitud norte y 80º4' E a 88º12' E de longitud del meridiano de Greenwich. Más o menos de
forma rectangular, el país tiene una superficie de
147.181 km 2. It is 885 km in length but its width is uneven and increases towards the West. The mean
North-South width is 193 km. Nepal is a predominantly mountainous country, with elevations ranging
from 64 m+MSL (Mean Sea Level) at Kechana in the eastern Terai District of Jhapa to 8,848 m+MSL
at the peak of the world highest mountain, Sagarmatha 1, within a span of 200 km.
Figure 2.1 Map of Nepal showing ecological zones and major surface irrigation schemes (Department of
Irrigation, 1990b, Poudel, 2003).
El clima varía en una amplia gama debido a la topografía diversa. Verano y la primavera tardía
temperaturas máximas van desde más de 40 0 C en el Terai a aproximadamente 28 0 C en la parte central del
país, con mayo es el mes más cálido. máxima media de invierno y temperaturas mínimas en el rango de Terai
de 23 0 C a 7 0 C, mientras que los valles centrales experimentan un 12 0 C máximo y un mínimo por debajo de la
congelación. temperaturas mucho más frías son experimentados en elevaciones más altas.
Las precipitaciones en el país se debe principalmente al monzón del suroeste durante el verano, de junio a
septiembre, que representa aproximadamente el 80% de la precipitación anual y el 20% restante durante los 8 meses
restantes. En el ciclo hidrológico, aproximadamente el 64% de todas las precipitaciones drena inmediatamente como
escorrentía superficial. De los 36% algunos es
retenida en forma de nieve y hielo en las altas montañas, algunas filtra a través del suelo como del agua
subterránea y algunos resultados en la evaporación y la transpiración (Secretaría de la Comisión de Agua y
Energía, 2003).
La media de los rangos de precipitación anuales de más de 6.000 mm a lo largo de la vertiente sur de
la cordillera Annapurna en la parte central del país a menos de 250 mm en la parte central norte cerca de
la meseta del Tíbet. La mayor parte del país experimenta la precipitación anual en el rango de 1,500 mm a
2,500 mm, con un máximo distinta a lo largo de la vertiente sur de la Mahabharat 2 y las montañas del
Himalaya 3 en el este de los dos tercios del país. Sobre la base de los datos hidrológicos disponibles, la
escorrentía anual estimado de los ríos de Nepal es 220 mil millones m 3, con una precipitación media anual
de 1.530 mm. De acuerdo a su topografía Nepal puede dividirse en tres partes:
- Región de montaña. Esto ocupa aproximadamente el 15% de la superficie total del país.
El estiramiento de este a oeste su anchura oscila del 24 al 28 kilómetros. Está situado en la
4.000 o más m + MSL al norte de la región de las colinas. Constituye la parte central de la cordillera
del Himalaya, originarios de los Pamir, una región de gran altitud de Asia Central. En general, la línea
de nieve se produce entre 5.000 y 5.500 m + MSL. La región se caracteriza por condiciones
topográficas y climáticas inclementes escarpadas. Las actividades económicas y habitacionales
humanos son muy limitados y arduo. De hecho, la región está escasamente poblada, y todo lo que
existe actividad agrícola se limita principalmente a los valles bajos y las cuencas de los ríos, como el
Kali Gandaki parte superior del valle;
- Región colina. Esta región abarca el 65% de la superficie total del país y la mentira
entre la región montañosa del norte y las llanuras de Terai del sur. Esta región se compone de
montañas, valles estrechos, abanicos aluviales planas, cuencas y laderas de las colinas. Katmandú, la
capital de Nepal se encuentra aquí. Las elevaciones varían de 500 a 3000 m + MSL. El ancho de esta
región es de 64 a 84 km, aproximadamente estiramiento de norte a sur. Las colinas Chure o Shivalik
oscilan entre 700 y 1.500 m m + MSL y se encuentran en el Sur;
Aproximadamente 6.000 ríos y arroyos, con una cuenca de drenaje total de 194,471 km 2 fluir a través de
Nepal; 76% de esta cuenca de drenaje está contenida dentro de Nepal. cuencas de drenaje de 33 de ríos de
Nepal son mayores a continuación, 1.000 km 2. Todos los ríos de Nepal son los afluentes del Ganges, uno de los
veinte ríos más grandes del
2 Mahabharat es la cordillera que se encuentra en la parte central del país que se extiende de este a oeste. Las elevaciones
de los picos más altos de esta gama son en el orden de 1800 m AMSL.
3 montañas del Himalaya son la nieve con capa cordilleras de Asia, desde Pakistán, India, Nepal, Bután a Sikkim de
la India.
El riego en Nepal 15
mundo. Estos afluentes aportan el 40% del caudal medio anual y el 70% del caudal de la estación seca del
Ganges (Secretaría de la Comisión de Agua y Energía, 2003).
Hay tres tipos de ríos en Nepal, que se clasifican en la naturaleza de su origen y de
descarga. En la primera categoría se encuentran los ríos perennes que se originan en el
Himalaya y transportan flujos alimentados nieve con una descarga significativa, incluso en la
estación seca. Estos incluyen los sistemas fluviales Koshi, Gandaki, Karnali y Mahakali. En la
segunda categoría son los Mechi, Kankai, Kamala, Bagmati, West Rapti y ríos Babai, que se
originan de la gama Midlands o Mahabharat de montañas y son alimentados por precipitación,
así como la regeneración de las aguas subterráneas, incluyendo resortes. Aunque estos ríos
también son perennes, se caracterizan comúnmente por una amplia fluctuación de la descarga.
La tercera categoría incluye un gran número de pequeños ríos de la región de Terai (llanuras del
sur), que se originan de la gama Siwalik sur de las colinas.
La historia del desarrollo del riego en Nepal, en vista de los problemas relacionados con la
construcción y la gestión del agua se resume en esta sección. Los historiadores dividen la historia de
Nepal en tres periodos: Periodo Antiguo de 500 aC a 700, el período medieval de 750 a 1750, y la Edad
La historia de uso de agua del río para fines agrícolas es muy antigua en Nepal. Seguridad de la hambruna
y el hambre podría haber hecho necesaria la construcción de sistemas de riego y por lo tanto autóctono
construido y sistemas de riego administrados están en existencia en Nepal. Buda (500-600 aC) jugó un papel
mediador en la solución de una controversia de distribución de agua de río Rohini entre las comunidades
Shakya y Kolya alrededor de 2500 años atrás (Pesala, 2006), sin embargo los rastros de la infraestructura de
riego de esa época tienen hasta el momento no se ha encontrado. Con la introducción de las técnicas de
fabricación de ladrillos en el 5 º Se construyeron tipos permanentes siglo de la infraestructura de riego.
Infraestructura construida después de ese período podría ser visto en el valle de Katmandú (Poudel, 2003). Los
gobernantes tomaron la iniciativa en la construcción de canales de riego, ya que no sólo ayudó a producir más
alimentos y creó la seguridad contra el hambre, pero también era una fuente de ingresos (Agrawal, 1980). Esos
sistemas de riego construidos con la contribución trabajo obligatorio no recibieron la ayuda del Gobierno para
su construcción y mantenimiento. Normas y regulaciones hechas para su operación y mantenimiento se
convirtieron en parte de la cultura y la tradición (Regmi, 1969).
despacio. El concepto de que el riego y su gestión está bajo la jurisdicción de las organizaciones de
agricultores y que el gobierno no debe intervenir en ella estaba en su lugar ya en 1674. También los
agricultores motivados / comunidades para tomar un papel principal en la gestión de conflictos y la
mediación (Poudel , 2003). Argheli Kulo (canal) de Nepal Western se construyó en este periodo y todavía
está funcionando bien.
La fuerza de un estado que antes se decidió por el área de tierra cultivable y el límite de la tierra utilizada para
ser dictado por la actividad militar. terrenos inclinados regados por la ONU en las colinas fueron cultivadas después
de la papa y el maíz fueron introducidos por los británicos en esta región. El siglo 18 podría ser considerada como la
edad de oro para la comunidad y los agricultores construidos y sistemas de riego administrados. En cierta medida, el
Gobierno también proporciona algo de apoyo a este tipo de sistemas de riego. Estos esquemas son popularmente
conocidos como agricultores Managed sistemas de riego (FMIS) y están funcionando bien hasta ahora (Khanal,
100,000 ha to the 8,000,000 ha of total irrigated land of the world (Poudel, 2003). By the beginning of 20 th siglo,
el Gobierno comenzó a construir y gestionar los sistemas de riego, poniendo fin a la tradición histórica de la no
participación en la construcción de riego y los asuntos de gestión. La construcción de sistemas de riego con la
iniciación Gobierno y la inversión comenzó con la construcción del canal Chandra en 1922. Este sistema de
riego con una superficie de 10.000 hectáreas de comandos fue diseñado y construido por ingenieros británicos
en la India (Departamento de Irrigación, 2000). Hasta 1954 no se realizaron actividades importantes para el
desarrollo del riego ya que en este periodo se construyeron sólo dos esquemas que cubren un área total de
3.000 hectáreas. Los dos esquemas eran Jagdishpur Canal (renombrado posteriormente como Banaganga
esquema de irrigación) con una zona de mando de 1000 ha y Judha Canal (renombrado posteriormente como
Manusmara esquema de irrigación) con una zona de mando de 2000 ha.
A partir de 1950 la tendencia de la intervención en la comunidad logró sistemas de riego por una agencia
del gobierno en términos de inversión en la construcción, así como en la operación y mantenimiento aumenta
gradualmente. esquemas cada vez más pequeños y aislados de riego se integraron en los planes a gran
escala y los funcionarios gubernamentales jugaron un papel clave en la determinación del plan de
construcción, mantenimiento y funcionamiento del sistema. En vista de la mayor actividad de riego la
El riego en Nepal 17
Major construcción de sistemas de riego a gran escala en la región de Terai comenzó con el acuerdo
bilateral con acuerdo de la India (Koshi de 1954 y el acuerdo de Gandak
1959). Como resultado de estos acuerdos Chatra (más tarde rebautizada como Sunsari Morang esquema de
irrigación) (68.000 hectáreas), West Koshi (21.000 ha), Narayani (38.000 hectáreas) y West Gandak (13.000 ha)
fueron diseñados y construidos (Departamento de Irrigación,
2007). Sin embargo, el Gobierno ha reconocido la importancia de riego para aumentar la producción
agrícola en esta etapa del país no tienen la mano de obra técnica y recursos financieros adecuados para
poner en práctica las obras de riego a gran escala. Así, en el primer plan de cinco años (1957-1962) la
prioridad era construir pequeños sistemas de riego a mediana escala, especialmente en las colinas con el
foco en la participación de los usuarios.
Tabla 2.1 Resumen de gastos e incremento de la superficie de regadío (Hada de 2003, Comisión Nacional de
Planificación, 2007).
La inversión del gobierno en el desarrollo del riego - especialmente en los sistemas de riego a gran
escala en la región de Terai aumentó enormemente a partir de 1970. Esto se debió al aumento en el
préstamo de capital internacional en forma de préstamos y donaciones para el desarrollo económico
general del país. Esto es claramente
18 Papel de los sedimentos en el diseño y gestión de canales de riego
se refleja en el aumento de los objetivos de desarrollo del riego en los planes de desarrollo de cinco años
subsiguientes del Cuarto Plan (1970-1975) en adelante. El foco principal del desarrollo del riego hasta 1980
fue la construcción de la infraestructura física. Si bien desde 1985 la atención se desplazó desde la
construcción de nuevos sistemas de riego para mejorar la gestión y la modernización de los sistemas para
alcanzar los objetivos fijados.
La tabla 2.1 presenta el resumen de la actividad de riego por el Gobierno durante los últimos diez planes
de desarrollo. Del 8 º plan de cinco años (1992-1997) las obras de rehabilitación de sistemas de riego
administrados agricultores (SIAF) comenzaron y durante este período alrededor de 80.900 ha de área se
rehabilitaron, mientras que sólo 65.900 hectáreas de secano área fue puesta bajo riego. En el 10 º plan de
(2002-2007) el plan era rehabilitar 64.000 ha.
Nepal tiene una superficie cultivada de 2,642,000 ha (18% de su superficie), de los cuales dos tercero (1.766.000 ha) es
potencialmente de regadío. En la actualidad el 42% de la superficie cultivada tiene el riego de algún tipo, pero sólo el 17% de la
superficie cultivada tiene el riego durante todo el año 4
(Es decir, sólo el 41% de la superficie regada consigue el año de riego). En el Terai, 82% de la superficie total de
regadío (889.000 ha) es a través de riego de superficie y el 18% restante es a través de las aguas subterráneas.
La mayor parte de las zonas de regadío (y el potencial futuro) están situados en la región de Terai, la vega. Se
estima que los sistemas de riego existentes contribuyen aproximadamente el 65% de la producción agrícola actual
del país (Secretaría de la Comisión de Agua y Energía, 2003), en comparación con la producción de cultivos 40%
de 18% de la tierra irrigada en el mundo (Schultz, 2002).
Tabla 2.2 desarrollo del riego en Nepal 1999/2000 (Agua y Secretaría de Energía de la Comisión de 2003,
Oficina Central de Estadística, 2006).
Montañas 227 60 48 18 21 38
Como se muestra en la Tabla 2.2 alrededor de 62,5% de la superficie potencialmente regable ha sido provisto de
instalaciones de riego. Para irrigar el desarrollo de la zona restante a gran escala de usos múltiples de la tierra y el agua
proyectos tienen que ser implementadas que necesitan enormes inversiones, de lo contrario son menos viables
económicamente. Incluso los esquemas existentes desarrollados se están ejecutando muy por debajo de su nivel
objetivo. Alrededor del 90% de la superficie está cubierta de comandos durante la estación húmeda, mientras que la
cobertura es sólo alrededor del 25% durante la estación seca. Esta es, de hecho, debido a la alta variación estacional
de agua disponible en los arroyos. La mayoría de los sistemas de pequeña y mediana escala toman el agua de
pequeño a corrientes medianas y más se ven afectados. La cobertura durante la temporada seca es nominal, incluso
para los sistemas a gran escala de los ríos perennes alimentados por la nieve debido al diseño y limitaciones
4 De acuerdo con la Secretaría de la Comisión de Agua y Energía (SGE) un sistema de riego que tiene un 150% o más intensidad
proyectos de desviación de ríos entre cuencas de almacenamiento y se llevaron a cabo con gran urgencia
durante los próximos veinticinco años, todavía habría un 55% de la tierra cultivable de regadío no regadas
entre noviembre y mayo de 2025 (Shah y Singh,
Hay una necesidad urgente de que el uso óptimo del agua disponible con el fin de aumentar la producción
agrícola. La productividad de la superficie regada en Nepal es uno de los más bajos en el sur de Asia. Hay una
serie de factores detrás de este bajo nivel de producción, sino de irrigación fiable es la cuestión clave. La
fiabilidad es un término relativo y un esquema supone que es confiable hace veinte años no puede ser
calificado como bueno ahora. Para satisfacer la demanda de más alimentos, la productividad tiene que
aumentar y al mismo tiempo para hacer la agricultura de alta rentables cultivos valiosos tienen que ser
cultivado. Esta demanda de agua más flexible y seguro de que es difícil con el nivel actual de la infraestructura
y los conceptos de diseño y operación.
La Secretaría de la Comisión de Agua y Energía (2003) a través de una serie de talleres de interacción
entre expertos, profesionales de riego, los planificadores y líderes políticos han identificado algunas
cuestiones clave en el sector de riego que se pueden resumir en:
las estrategias de desarrollo de la tierra y el agua a corto plazo y largo plazo se han preparado en
consecuencia para abordar los problemas identificados. En el 10 º five year plan (2002-2007), targeted
development strategy for irrigation included:
− year round irrigation to 50% of irrigated land;
− 40% increase in average cereal yield in irrigated areas;
− establishment of WUAs that are capable of managing irrigation schemes up to
500 ha and all Agency Managed Irrigation Schemes (AMIS), jointly managed with WUAs;
− an average cropping intensity that exceeds 200% in year round irrigated areas.
5 Plan de Perspectiva Agrícola (APP) es un marco de 20 años para el desarrollo agrícola preparado por Gobierno de Su
Majestad (HMG) con la ayuda de la Agencia Internacional de Fomento (AIF). Fue lanzado por la HMG en 1997 y se
espera que, como resultado de la aplicación APP, aproximadamente 612.000 hectáreas de tierra de regadío
eventualmente se puede convertir en el riego durante todo el año, haciendo hincapié en el riego de pozos entubados en el
Terai. Al final de la APP en 2016/2017, se espera que el riego estará al mando de unos 1,44 millones de hectáreas o el
55% de la tierra cultivable en Nepal.
20 Papel de los sedimentos en el diseño y gestión de canales de riego
Los objetivos que deben alcanzarse a finales de los 25 años (a finales de 2027) período de la estrategia incluyen:
Para llevar a cabo la estrategia y lograr estos objetivos, se tomarán acciones para:
- integrar la planificación y gestión del desarrollo agrícola de riego;
- mejorar la gestión de los sistemas de riego existentes;
- mejorar la planificación e implementación de nuevos sistemas de riego;
- desarrollar el riego durante todo el año en apoyo de la intensificación y diversificación de las
- fortalecer la capacidad local para la planificación, implantación y gestión de
- fomentar la consolidación de la tierra para promover la eficiencia del riego / agricultura;
- mejorar el desarrollo y la gestión de las aguas subterráneas.
El Sunsari Morang esquema de irrigación (SMIS) se encuentra, a unos 240 km al sureste de Katmandú,
situado a lo largo de la frontera internacional con la India, en los distritos Sunsari y Morang de la Zona Koshi
en la región de desarrollo del este de Nepal. El río Koshi es la fuente de agua para el esquema (Figura 2.2).
La cuenca de este río se encuentra entre la parte central de Nepal en la frontera del oeste y del Indo-Nepal
en el Este. El Arun y Sunkoshi, dos de los siete principales afluentes del río Koshi, se originan en el Tíbet. El
río Koshi tiene una cuenca de drenaje de 59.550 kilometros 2 por encima de la ubicación de la toma del
esquema. Después de ese punto que emerge en la llanura y fluye en una longitud de 307 kilometros (53 km
en Nepal) antes de unirse al río Ganges cerca de Kursela en Bihar, India. La descarga de pico observado en
el río era 25.900 m 3 / s sobre 5 º Octubre de 1968. La descarga va tan bajo como 240 m 3 / s durante los períodos
En 1954, Nepal y la India acordaron financiar y construir el proyecto del canal Chatra (PCC) en Nepal. El
objetivo del Proyecto del Canal Chatra era para el riego de 68.000 hectáreas de tierras (neto) de los distritos
Sunsari y Morang en el este de Terai. El agua necesaria tuvo que ser desviado de la orilla izquierda del río Koshi a
través de una ingesta de lado. los
El riego en Nepal 21
construcción del esquema comenzó en 1964 y después de la operación de prueba de dos años, fue entregado a
Nepal en 1975 (Departamento de Irrigación, 1995b). El proyecto del canal Chatra fue posteriormente renombrado
como Sunsari Morang esquema de irrigación. Características generales del esquema (que se muestra en la Figura
2.3) como construido y entregado a Nepal fueron:
- sistema de canal. El canal principal se diseñó para un caudal de 45,3 m 3 / s. La longitud total del canal era de 52,7
km. Fue sin forro en toda la longitud. Había 10 canales secundarios, 9 menores de edad (off-tomar desde el
canal principal que tiene una zona de mando de menos de 1,000 ha) y un gran número de puntos de venta
directa para el riego de la zona de mando de destino. La pendiente canal era más plana que la requerida de
fórmula régimen de Lacey (Departamento de Irrigación, 1995a), por lo que durante el diseño, ya sea los
criterios de transporte de sedimentos no se consideró o se selecciona un factor de limo más pequeño;
- necesidad de desviar y el deber. El deber diseño del canal era 0,67 l / s.ha,
el cual fue insuficiente para irrigar la zona de mando. Con los 80% Precipitaciones probables sólo
alrededor del 50% de la zona de mando dirigida podría estar provista de riego garantizado. Una ingesta
lado se construyó para abastecer a la requerida 45,3 m 3 / s;
- Estructuras de Control. Se proporcionaron un número muy limitado de los reguladores de nivel de agua
en el canal principal. El fuera de toma (secundaria y menores de edad) se les proporcionó tipo undershot cerrada
de los reguladores de descarga. No hay estructuras de medición de descarga se habían proporcionado en el
canal principal. Reguladores fueron calibrados para este propósito que no suministre valores precisos debido a la
deposición de sedimentos aguas arriba y aguas abajo de las estructuras.
El sistema de riego como construido por el Gobierno de la India por terminado en los desvíos de cada porción de una
superficie de más de 200 hectáreas, sin un sistema de canales de menor importancia debajo de este nivel. El esquema, por
tanto, no podía regar adecuadamente toda la zona. La figura de 0,67 l / s.ha representa la filosofía de diseño de ese tiempo
como se indicó anteriormente cuando la cobertura y la protección contra la pérdida de cosechas era más importante que los
criterios de requisitos de agua del cultivo.
Durante la época de lluvias (julio a octubre) una gran cantidad de sedimentos utilizado para entrar en la red de
canales y se instaló en los canales principales y secundarios, lo que reduce la capacidad del sistema de forma
drástica. Mientras que durante la estación seca, el nivel de agua en el río bajó y demostró ser difícil desviar la
cantidad necesaria de agua. Por otra parte el propio río fue desplazando desde la ingesta, lo que lo hace aún más
difícil para desviar la cantidad necesaria de agua.
Debido a las razones antes mencionadas, el esquema como originalmente se construyó no cumplir sus
objetivos, y el Gobierno solicitaron la asistencia de la Agencia Internacional para el Desarrollo de superar las
deficiencias de la Sunsari Morang esquema de irrigación ya en 1978, sólo tres años después de la mano -over
(1975). La Agencia Internacional de Desarrollo aprobó un crédito de US $ 30 millones para rehabilitar el
sistema y llevar a cabo un desarrollo de la zona de comandos de 9,750 hectáreas. Este programa de
desarrollo para el 1 S t etapa, conocida como SMIP-I, se completó en 1987 (Departamento de Irrigación, 1995a).
En esta fase se llevaron a cabo principalmente tres tipos de obras para hacer frente a los problemas:
En 1987, la Agencia Internacional de Desarrollo aprobó una segunda fase del proyecto (conocido como
SMIP-II) por la cantidad de US $ 40 millones para el desarrollo del área de comandos (16.700 hectáreas) y lidiar
con el problema de sedimentos. En esta etapa el área de bloques se redujo a 28 ha para el desarrollo del
sistema de canales terciaria (Departamento de Irrigación, 1987). Además de que los canales principales y
secundarios fueron rehabilitado.
Las medidas adoptadas para reducir el problema de sedimentos no fueron eficaces debido a los problemas
de funcionamiento como una gran parte del agua ya es escasa tuvo que ser drenado para eliminar el sedimento.
Por otra parte, el desvío de agua hacia el canal hizo cada vez más difícil debido al desplazamiento del curso del
río lejos de la ingesta. Se dio cuenta de que a menos que la desviación de agua y sedimentos problema serían
tratadas adecuadamente, el desarrollo de la zona comando sólo no producir beneficios sustanciales.
Un crédito de la AIF complementario de US $ 28 millones fue aprobado en 1993 bajo el Proyecto Montura
Morang Sunsari (SMHP). El trabajo se inició en 1993 y se terminó en mayo de 1996 (Departamento de
Irrigación, 1998). Todos los trabajos se centraron principalmente a lidiar con el problema de sedimentos y para
asegurar agua suficiente. La capacidad de admisión también se ha aumentado de 45,3 m 3 / s a 60 m 3 / s. La nueva
estructura de admisión tiene una disposición de tomar agua de la capa superior cuando el nivel de agua en el río
aumenta para reducir la entrada de sedimentos en el sistema. Después de la
24 Papel de los sedimentos en el diseño y gestión de canales de riego
r for
ith dr
sin w
ng ba ent
Settli sedim
al of
Figura 2.4 ingesta lado Reubicado (izquierda) y el estanque de sedimentación con arreglos de eliminación de sedimentos continuos
En 1997, un tercer programa comenzó con un costo total de US $ 30 millones (Banco Mundial,
1997) y se completó en 2002. principales obras del paquete propuesto incluía un área de desarrollo de mando de
15.200 hectáreas, las obras de protección contra inundaciones en el río Koshi y el fortalecimiento del canal
principal. Los detalles de las obras realizadas en la primera fase del tercer programa son (Departamento de
Irrigación, 1995a, 2003):
- desarrollo del área de comando de 3.300 ha bajo el Canal de la rama Biratnagar;
- desarrollo del área de comandos de 11.900 hectáreas bajo el Harinagara Mahadeokaula
Branch Canal;
- re-construcción del puente acueducto Budhikulo cum;
- fortalecimiento del Canal Principal Chatra;
- la construcción de 5,5 Km de la inundación Terraplén Koshi en la orilla izquierda del
Río Koshi.
Como estaba disponible más agua después de la mejora de la headwork se propuso para desarrollar y ampliar 46.000
hectáreas proporcionando así las instalaciones de riego a una superficie total de
73.000 ha. El estudio mostró que con la descarga de 60 m 3 / S el área de comando propuesto podría ser
irrigado con un 70% de probabilidad (Departamento de Irrigación,
2003). Sin embargo, las dos fases restantes que cubren alrededor de 28.000 ha son todavía para ser implementadas.
3 Diseño de canales para el transporte de sedimentos
3.1 Fondo
Canals se utilizan para el transporte de agua. Se necesita una red de canales de riego para
llevar el agua de la fuente y distribuirlo a los campos irrigados. Una red de canales bien
planificado, diseñado y construido es central en el cumplimiento de los objetivos de un sistema
de riego de una manera sostenible. El diseño de un canal es un proceso complejo de la fijación
de su forma, inclinación y el tamaño sobre la base de diversos aspectos como cantidad y calidad
del agua para ser transportado, el tipo de canal a ser construido, el terreno por el que pasa,
ajuste socio-económico, el clima, el tipo de suelo, etc. el proceso se vuelve más complicado
cuando el límite del canal es erosionable y cuando el canal transporta sedimentos con agua.
Este capítulo trata de la hasta la fecha los estudios e investigaciones en el campo del diseño del canal y explora los
de transporte de sedimentos y de modelización aspectos hidráulicos, de los canales de riego.
Desde la perspectiva del diseño canales de riego se pueden dividir en tres categorías (Ranga Raju, 1981):
- canales con límite rígido. El diseño de estos canales es para asegurar que el
la velocidad es suficiente para transportar cualquier sedimento que entra en el canal. La velocidad no
debe dañar el revestimiento y crear perturbaciones en la superficie del agua;
tiempo no tan alta que el material del lecho se erosiona. Por lo tanto, se mantiene un equilibrio entre el
transporte de entrada de sedimentos en el canal y la estabilidad de la frontera. Este es el aspecto más difícil del
diseño del canal. Numerosas investigaciones se han realizado y una gama de métodos de diseño del canal se
han desarrollado y están en uso en todo el mundo. En el campo del diseño del canal de aluvión,
es decir, la tercera categoría que por Raju (1981), los primeros trabajos fue de Kennedy (1895). Varios otros
siguieron para averiguar los predictores anchura para canales aluviales. Los conceptos de flujo de potencia
mínima (Chang, 1980), mínima disipación de energía (Brebner y Wilson, 1967, Yang, et al., 1981) y el máximo
transporte de sedimentos (White, et al., 1981b) han sido propuestos para superar las limitaciones del enfoque de
regímenes. Lane (1955) presentó la teoría de la fuerza de tracción desarrollado por muchos otros en la oficina de
la recuperación de Estados Unidos. Este enfoque es más adecuado para la segunda
26 Papel de los sedimentos en el diseño y gestión de canales de riego
categoría de canales que llevan muy poco sedimento y el problema se limita a controlar el lecho o banco
erosión. Dependiendo de su solución fundamental de estos métodos se pueden clasificar bajo régimen,
la fuerza de tracción y teorías racionales.
Los métodos de diseño régimen son conjuntos de ecuaciones empíricas basadas en observaciones de canales y ríos
que han logrado la estabilidad dinámica. Un canal aluvial se dice que es "en régimen" o estabilidad dinámica cuando, sobre
algunos adecuadamente largo período, su profundidad, anchura y pendiente estabilizan a la media o valores de equilibrio
(Raudkivi, 1990). Puede haber deposición estacional o erosión en el canal, pero la geometría general del canal de agua en
un año se mantiene sin cambios. Esto sólo puede ocurrir cuando la entrada de sedimento al canal coincide con la capacidad
media de transporte de los sedimentos, la deposición de sedimentos durante los períodos de entrada de alta sedimento
siendo balanceado por períodos de socavación cuando la entrada de sedimento es baja.
métodos Régimen fueron desarrollados a finales de los 19 º siglo para ayudar al diseño de los
principales sistemas de riego del subcontinente indio. El desarrollo se inició con Kennedy (1895)
seguido de Lindley (1919), Lacey (1930), Blench (1957), Simons y Albertson (1963). Un análisis crítico
de estos métodos está dada por Stevens y Nordin (1987) y que están bien explicado en los libros por
Shen (1976), Chang (1988), Raudkivi (1990) y Simons y Senturk (1992).
Entre los métodos régimen uno de los conjuntos más populares de ecuaciones es el de Lacey (1930). Las
ecuaciones se basan en los datos de tres sistemas de canales del subcontinente indio. En ellas se indica la sección
transversal y la pendiente de los canales de régimen de la descarga de entrada y un tamaño representativo del material
del lecho. Son, con cambios menores en algunos coeficientes y redefinición del factor de limo, sigue siendo ampliamente
utilizado. El conjunto de ecuaciones dado por Lacey es:
F = 1.76 metrore
( dieciséis
• •
= 0.4382 QV
• 2 •
• F •
0 0.000315 f S dieciséis
re metro = Tamaño medio de sedimento (mm)
F = Factor de limo
La limitación de esta teoría es que asume que la descarga es el único factor que determina el perímetro mojado
del canal mientras que el hecho es que los canales con los bancos sean menos estables tienden a ser más anchos
que los que tienen los bancos fuertes para la misma descarga.
Más tarde Simons y Albertson (1963) desarrollaron un conjunto de ecuaciones régimen basado en un conjunto de
datos recogidos de los sistemas de canales en la India y América del Norte. Se identificaron cinco tipos de canales de los
datos recogidos establecidos y para cada categoría de los coeficientes se han dado para el diseño de un canal como se
muestra en la Tabla 3.1. Simons y las ecuaciones de Albertson, por tanto, tienen una amplia gama de aplicabilidad. El
conjunto de datos utilizado en relación con una carga de sedimentos de menos de 500 ppm (Raudkivi, 1990). El conjunto de
ecuaciones régimen de Simons y Albertson (1963) es:
= 1
- 0.61
= 0.9 PAG= 0.92 segundo
segundo s
= 2
h = 1.21 R para R
<2,1 m (3,8)
h = 0,61 0,93 R para R
> 2,1 m (3,9)
VKRS ( )
= 3
2 2 0.37
do V • VB •
= = K 4 • ••
sol GDS ν •
= 5
donde un
= Área de la sección transversal del flujo (m 2)
segundo = Media anchura del canal (m) = A / h Bs
= Anchura de la superficie de agua (m)
C = Coeficiente de Chézy (m 1/2 / s)
h = Profundidad de flujo (m) significa
Chitale (1966) analizaron los datos de la subcontinente indio y ellos equipado para obtener ecuaciones
similares a Lacey. También estudió la razón por la cual muchos canales divergen de las dimensiones de Lacey y
propuso ecuaciones de divergencia Lacey (Chitale,
1996). Ranga Raju et al. ( 1977) conducted laboratory flume experiments to determine the relative
sensitivity of bed width and bed slope in self formed sand channels and concluded that the stable
longitudinal slope was found to be extremely dependent on the sediment discharge. Stevens and
Nordin (1987) gave an overview of the applicability and limitations of Lacey’s regime theory and
proposed a reformulation employing the laws of conservation of mass and Newton’s law of motion.
Table 3.1 Value of coefficients in Simons and Albertson equations for different canal
types (Simons, et al., 1963). Canal
K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 n
1. Sand bed and banks 6.34 0.4-0.6 9.33 0.33 2.6 0.33
2. Sand bed and cohesive banks 4.71 0.48 10.80 0.53 2.25 0.33
3. Cohesive bed and banks 4.0-4.7 0.41-0.56 - 0.88 2.25 -
4. Coarse non-cohesive material 3.2-3.5 0.25 4.80 - 0.94 0.29
5. Cama de arena, banco de cohesión y los
3.08 0,37 9,70 - - 0.29
sedimentos de carga pesada *
* Sedimento (lavado principalmente la carga) de 2.000 a 3.000 ppm
Es posible encontrar teorías desarrolladas régimen local en todas las áreas donde se practica el riego. El hecho
de que estos métodos no están siendo transformados a otros lugares es una indicación de que no todos los
parámetros físicos que definen los problemas están relacionados con los métodos de régimen (Raudkivi, 1990).
Los métodos de fuerza de tracción están en uso para las relaciones de tensión y de transporte de sedimentos de
corte de contorno. Ellos usan el concepto de estabilidad estática de un canal en el que no hay movimiento de material
(tanto en el lecho y laterales pistas). Para una descarga de diseño dado, las dimensiones del canal y pendiente del lecho
se determinan teniendo en cuenta la velocidad de flujo que no exceda una velocidad permisible o tensión de corte límite
que no exceda de su valor crítico de la cama y el material de banco. Bajo la teoría de la fuerza de tracción dos métodos
están en uso:
Si la velocidad media adoptado del canal es menor que la velocidad máxima admisible, el canal
se supone que es estable. La velocidad máxima admisible depende del tamaño material del lecho y la
composición. Fortier y Scobey (1926) han propuesto un conjunto de tales límites de velocidad. Sin
embargo, el problema con este enfoque es que si el agua lleva sedimento entonces el canal puede
ser estable a velocidades superiores a la velocidad límite. El problema de determinar la
Diseño de canales para el transporte de sedimentos 29
velocidad permisible todavía existe y por lo tanto requiere un buen juicio para cada caso en la parte del
Muchos investigadores posteriores han dado métodos para determinar las velocidades máximas
admisibles. Tordo músico et al. ( 1937) deriva una fórmula para calcular la velocidad máxima admisible en la
cama ( segundo T) basado en el tamaño (d 50 en m) y
densidad (s) específica del material del lecho. Dónde, T está
en m / s medido a una distancia
ks / 30 de la cama (nivel de velocidad cero) y Kansas es equivalente a la altura de rugosidad de la Nikuradse.
T = 3,283
re 9 50
( s - 1) (3,13)
Carsten (1966), incluido también la pendiente del lecho en la determinación de la velocidad permisible. Neil
(1967) ha dado curvas de diseño para material grueso uniforme en términos de velocidad media crítico. Yang
(1973) utiliza los conceptos de arrastre y elevación convencionales combinados con la distribución de velocidad
logarítmica y deriva una fórmula para calcular la velocidad media crítico.
2.5 w s
ud* 50
V do = + 0.66 1.15 < < 70 (3,14)
ud* 50 ν
Iniciar sesión - 0.06
V do
= 2.05 w s
ud* 50ν / > 70 (3,15)
u* = Velocidad de cizallamiento (m / s)
Un resumen de las ecuaciones disponibles para la predicción de la velocidad está dada por Raudkivi (1990) y
Simons y Senturk (1992). Como se indicó anteriormente las ecuaciones sólo proporcionan orientación y juicio
debe hacerse en base a las condiciones locales.
El esfuerzo cortante crítico es el límite después del cual comienza la iniciación del movimiento de las partículas y el
canal se vuelve inestable. tensión de cizallamiento o fuerza de arrastre se pueden definir como la fuerza que es resistido
por la fuerza de fricción y, mientras que en equilibrio, es igual y opuesta en magnitud y dirección. El esfuerzo cortante
(fuerza por área mojada unidad) está dada por:
τ 0
= ρ gRS (3,16)
τ 0
= Fuerza de tracción por unidad de área humedecida (N / m 2)
La distribución de la tensión de cizallamiento en los canales de riego estrechas y trapezoidales es no uniforme. En los
canales de riego estrechas el esfuerzo cortante máximo es menor que la predicha por la ecuación (3.16) por algún factor
de reducción. Lane (1953) determinó experimentalmente que el factor de ajuste tanto para la cama y secundarios pistas
depende en gran medida de la relación de anchura a profundidad y pendiente lateral (Figura 3.1). Además, basándose en
extensos datos de trabajo y de campo de la Oficina de Reclamación de Estados Unidos antes de 1953, Lane (1955)
estableció un diagrama de fuerza de tracción crítico que relaciona el valor con el diámetro medio del material del lecho
para los canales que llevan el agua con diferentes cantidades de sedimento .
Unit tractive force in terms of ρgyS (N/m 2)
Figura 3.1 esfuerzo cortante máximo en un canal (Lane, 1953) (adaptado de Chow (1983)).
Estos diagramas junto con las ecuaciones de flujo uniformes (de Manning o Chézy de) se pueden utilizar para
diseñar un canal estable. Normalmente, el tamaño de grano (d 50) del material del lecho que se conoce, por lo que el
proceso de cálculo implica asumir cualquier tres entre pendiente lateral, pendiente del lecho, ancho de la cama, la
profundidad del agua y la relación de Bh y encontrar los dos restantes. Los méritos y las limitaciones de este método
han sido discutidos por Simons y Albertson (1963).
(1950) la relación de Straub para pendiente del lecho crítico se puede utilizar como una guía para la selección de la
re50 = Diámetro medio de los sedimentos (mm)
Del mismo modo la selección de la relación de Bh es otra dificultad en el diseño de un canal utilizando este
método. Dahmen (1994) ha propuesto:
segundo 0.35 3
1.76 Q para Q > 0,2 m / s (3,18)
segundo 3
1 para Q < 0,2 m / s (3,19)
Aparte de otras teorías de aproximación de Lane que proporcionan la condición para la iniciación del movimiento
se puede utilizar para el diseño. la relación de Shield (1936) para el número de Reynolds de partículas,
Re *y el parámetro de movilidad crítico, θ puede
también ser
utilizado (Figura 3.2).
ud* 50
Re *
= (3,20)
θ cr
=- (3,21)
(s 1 )cr ρ gd 50
32 Papel de los sedimentos en el diseño y gestión de canales de riego
re50 = Tamaño representativo del material del lecho (m)
u* = Velocidad de cizallamiento (m / s)
ν = Viscosidad cinemática (m 2 / s)
Dahmen (1994) adoptó un enfoque fuerza de tracción en combinación con el predictor anchura cama
(Etcheverry, 1915) y el parámetro de capacidad de transporte de sedimentos en suspensión relacionados de De Vos
proponer un enfoque de diseño canal. Este enfoque ha sido utilizado en la modernización de uno de los sistemas de
canales secundarios de Sunsari Morang esquema de irrigación (Departamento de Irrigación, 2003).
Se requieren tres ecuaciones para determinar la pendiente, la profundidad y la anchura de un canal aluvial recta
cuando se especifican las descargas de agua y sedimento y el tamaño de material del lecho. Los dos primeros se
proporcionan por una relación resistencia aluvial y una ecuación de transporte de sedimentos. La tercera, una relación
de anchura, se puede obtener mediante la optimización que se basa en diferentes hipótesis.
Chang (1980) utiliza el concepto de potencia mínima corriente que establece que para un canal aluvial, la
condición necesaria y suficiente de equilibrio se produce cuando la fuente de corriente por unidad de longitud está
sujeta mínima para restricciones dadas. La optimización se basa en la minimización de la pendiente del lecho de
acuerdo con la descarga de agua dado. La fuente de corriente ( s
PAG ) por unidad de longitud del canal está dada por:
= ρ GQS F
dónde sol
= Aceleración de la gravedad (m / s 2)
Q = Velocidad de flujo (m 3 / s)
= Pendiente de gradiente de energía
La ecuación (3.22), junto con los predictores de transporte de sedimentos y el factor de fricción adecuados hacen tres
ecuaciones que hacen que sea posible resolver para la anchura, la profundidad y la pendiente de un canal régimen estable.
Yang y Song (1979) utilizan el concepto de flujo de potencia mínima unidad (Yang,
1972), que se define como la tasa de tiempo del gasto de energía potencial por unidad de peso de agua para
explicar los ajustes dinámicos de ríos naturales. Un canal aluvial ajustará su velocidad, la pendiente, la rugosidad y
la geometría y el patrón de una manera tal que una cantidad mínima de potencia corriente unidad se utiliza para
transportar una descarga de sedimentos y agua dado. La potencia mínima corriente de la unidad se puede
expresar como:
Diseño de canales para el transporte de sedimentos 33
dy dx dy VS dt
= = = un mínimo (3,23)
dt dx
S0 = Pendiente del lecho (m / m)
t = Tiempo (s)
V = Velocidad media (m / s)
X = Distancia en la dirección longitudinal (m)
y = Elevación de la superficie de agua (m)
VS 0
= Potencia corriente de unidad (m / s)
Δ E= γ w
(Q Q
+ s LS
) (3.24)
where ΔE
= energy loss per unit time (Nm/s)
Q = water flow rate (m 3/ s)
Qs = sediment flow rate (m 3/ s)
s = specific density of sediment
S = bed slope of canal (m/m)
γ w
= specific wieght of water (N/m 3)
White et al., ( 1982) proposed a design method based on the assumption that an
Canal aluvial ajusta sus características geométricas y el gradiente de tal manera que la capacidad de transporte de
sedimentos se maximiza. Suponiendo que el flujo sea uniforme y constante y la cama y el material de banco no cohesivo,
resolvieron para el ancho de la cama, la profundidad del agua, la velocidad de flujo para una máxima capacidad de
transporte de sedimentos mediante el predictor sedimento de Ackers y White (1973) y el factor de fricción predictor de
Blanco et al.,
(1980) (la ecuación (3.25) a (3.29)). Ellos han demostrado que la maximización de la capacidad de transporte de
sedimentos para la descarga fijo y la pendiente es equivalente a la reducción al mínimo de la pendiente de fricción
para la descarga fijo y concentración de sedimentos, por lo tanto equivalente al concepto de potencia mínima
corriente de Yang, y Song (1979) y Chang (1980 ).
• F gramo
gdsh (-1) • 1- norte
V = 32 log ( ) • • (3,25)
re 35 • ••
u *
= GHS 0
34 Papel de los sedimentos en el diseño y gestión de canales de riego
• • 1 ••
F gramo= ( FAfg - ) • 1,0-0,76 1 - •exp (log •• + ANUNCIO (3,27)
•• • *
) • ••
= (3,28)
GDS35 ( - 1)
• (-1)
s sol•
re * =• •• re 35 (3,29)
ν •
donde un
= Valor de F gramo en el nominal, el movimiento inicial d 35
= Diámetro de partícula representativa (m) D *
= Parámetro adimensional grano F gramo
= Parámetro adimensional movilidad g
= Aceleración de la gravedad (m / s 2)
h = Profundidad del agua (m)
n = Exponente s
= Densidad específica u *
= Velocidad de cizallamiento (m /
s) V = Velocidad media (m / s) v
= Viscosidad cinemática (m 2 / s)
Wang et al. ( 1986) utilizaron 203 conjuntos de datos de ríos y canales para probar diferentes
hipótesis externos y concluyeron que la suposición de que los canales se ajustan para minimizar su pendiente
(equivalente maximizar la capacidad de transporte de sedimentos) proporcionó el mejor acuerdo con los datos.
La deposición de sedimentos puede reducir el ancho del canal mientras que la erosión puede ensancharlo. La
medida en que los canales pueden ampliar depende de la resistencia del material de banco, un parámetro que es
difícil de especificar. Debido a estas dificultades una relación régimen se utiliza a veces para proporcionar la
ecuación de anchura. Las ecuaciones de transporte de sedimentos de Engelund y Hansen (1967), Ackers y White
(1973), etc. podrían combinarse con las ecuaciones de fricción (3.30 a (3.32) de Van Rijn (1984b, 1984a) o con el
blanco, París y Bettess . (1981b) ecuaciones de fricción ((3.25) a (3.29) las relaciones de Van Rijn para el factor de
fricción en función del régimen de flujo se pueden escribir como:
• ••
12 h
do = 18 log • régimen de flujo suave (3,30)
• ν ••
3.3 ••
u* •
Diseño de canales para el transporte de sedimentos 35
• •
12 h
do = 18 log • • régimen de flujo de Transición (3,31)
• ν •
• k s + 3.3 •
• u* •
• 12 h•
do = 18 log • • régimen de flujo en bruto (3,32)
• k s •
The canal width is determined from the Lacey regime equations, in which the wetted perimeter is
a function of the square root of discharge. The second combination of methods was selected for the
design of canals in Pakistan on the basis of comparison with a large set of Pakistan canal data
(Bakker, et al., 1986).
One dimensional unsteady flow in a river or a canal section (Figure 3.3) can be described by two
dependent variables the water stage h and the discharge Q. Two equations are needed to find the state
of the fluid flow that can be formulated from three physical laws: conservation of mass, energy and
momentum (Cunge, et al.,
Conservation of mass and momentum, also known as continuity and dynamic equations for
unsteady flows, given by de Saint-Venant are (Chow, 1983):
∂h ∂h ∂V
+V + =h t 0 (3.33)
∂ ∂x ∂x
∂V ∂V ∂h ∂z
+V + g + g = − gS f
∂t ∂x ∂x ∂x
∂ ( vh ) 0
= ∴ =q∂ constante (3,35)
( SS
-dx ) F
dh (3,36)
= -(1 )
con número de Fraude: P. = 3s
dónde UNA
= Área del flujo de agua (m 2)
= Anchura de la superficie de agua (m)
Q = Velocidad de flujo (m 3 / s)
= Pendiente de fricción (m / m)
V = Velocidad de flujo (m / s)
Las suposiciones hechas en la derivación de las ecuaciones anteriores son (Cunge, et al., 1980):
- la inclinación lecho del canal es pequeña, de modo que el coseno del ángulo que hace
con la horizontal puede ser reemplazada por la unidad.
En el caso de flujo uniforme, la profundidad del agua a lo largo del flujo se mantiene constante. Por lo tanto la ecuación
(3.36) se reduce a:
0 ⇒ =S 0 S (3,38)
dx =
La mayoría de las fórmulas de flujo uniformes común son las de Chézy y Manning:
1 2 1
V = RS n F
3 2
Diseño de canales para el transporte de sedimentos 37
dónde do
= Coeficiente de rugosidad de Chézy (m 1/2 / s)
norte = Coeficiente de rugosidad de Manning (s / m 1/3)
R = Radio hidráulico (m)
= Pendiente de fricción y es igual a la pendiente cama en flujo uniforme
These are the basic hydraulic equations used in the canal design. After the evaluation of the
design discharge, equations (3.39) or (3.40) are used to derive the geometry of the canal, which is
based on the assumption that the flow is steady and uniform. The roughness factor C is selected on
the basis of the bed material, proposed maintenance level of the canal bed width to water depth
ratio, etc. Selection of the accurate roughness coefficient is crucial in the success of the scheme as it
has direct effect on the conveyance and water level of the canal. Besides, most of the time the flow
in the canal is less than the design value. To maintain the desired water level and to divert the
targeted amount to the laterals flow control structures are provided that make the flow non-uniform.
Again if the proposed maintenance level is not met the roughness of the section will be more than
the design value (smoothness less) and less conveyance for the same depth results.
The total flow rate in an open canal with single roughness along its perimeter can be computed from:
= RS f
• 12 R •
C = 18log • • (3.42)
• ks •
The sediment transport process, available predictors for estimating sediment transport rates under
equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions, their strengths and limitations will be discussed in this
section. The understanding of this aspect will help to formulate the canal design procedure for sediment
38 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
Under the action of flow the sediment in the bed starts to move after a certain critical condition.
Three hydraulic parameters that can be used to define the critical condition for the incipient motion are:
shear stress (drag force), average velocity and flow power. Among the theories based on critical shear
stress, the Shields’ diagram is the most widely used criteria to describe the condition for initiation of
motion for non-cohesive and uniform sediment on a horizontal bed. Shields’ formula for drag force is
given by:
τ cr • u * d, cr50 •
θ cr
= = = •f • (3.43)
(s − 1 ) gd 50
(s − 1) ρ gd 50 • ν •
d 50 = representative bed material size (m)
s = specific density of bed material
θ cr = critical mobility parameter
u* = shear velocity (m/s)
Equation (3.43) shows that when a grain starts to move, the ratio of the drag force acting on a
grain to its weight is a function of the grain Reynolds number (
Re *) (equation 3.20). With the help of experiments using sediments of different specific gravities,
Shield obtained the value of the function f in equation (3.43) and plotted the results in graphical form
what is popularly known as the Shield’s diagram (Figure 3.2).
The solution using Shields’ diagram requires a trial and error procedure, since the parameter *
u occurs in both the axes of the diagram. Yalin’s (1977) equation can
be used to eliminate the trial and error procedure.
(•s − 1) g •3
D ∗
= =• • d 50 (3.44)
• •
Once D* is known Van Rijn (1993) relationships can be used to determine the value of
θ crand solve equation (3.43) for cr τ.
< ≤D *
θ cr
= 0.24 D ∗
for 1 4 (3.45)
< ≤D *
− 0.64
θ cr
= 0.14 D ∗
for 4 10 (3.46)
< ≤D *
− 0.1
θ cr
= 0.04 D ∗
for 10 20 (3.47)
D* = dimensionless grain parameter
Design of canals for sediment transport 39
In the second method, the critical velocity for the initiation of motion (ref. section 3.2.2) can be
derived when a logarithmic or an exponential velocity formula is substituted in equation (3.43).
Similarly the third method relates the critical value of flow power to put the sediment particles in
motion. Although the drag force, velocity and flow power for incipient motion provide three different
expressions for the same phenomenon and can be mutually transformed from one to another, they still
represent three different approaches based upon three different concepts. Considering the effect of
turbulence on the incipient motion of sediment, the drag force is a better index than the bed velocity
(Chien and Wan, 1999). American Society of Civil Engineers recommends the use of critical shear
stress wherever possible for the calculation of initiation of motion (Task Committee on Preparation of
Sedimentation Manual, 1966a).
Sediment transport is assumed to be in equilibrium when there is no net change of total sediment
load (bed and suspended) with time and space. By equilibrium condition it is assumed that the amount of
sediment transported by the flowing water is equal to its transporting capacity without any restriction of
sediment exchange in the bed. Even during equilibrium condition, there is a constant exchange of
sediment between bed and flowing water but the net exchange is zero.
Bed-load transport
The transport of bed material particles by a flow of water can be in the form of bed-load and
suspended load, depending on the size of the bed material particles and the flow conditions. Although
in natural conditions there is no sharp division between the bed-load transport and the suspended
load transport, it is necessary to define a layer with bed-load transport for mathematical
representation. Bagnold (1966) defines bed-load as the particles which are in successive contacts
with the bed and the processes are governed by gravity. The particles in bed-load move by saltation,
rolling or sliding in the bed layer. Suspended load is defined as the sediment that is lifted by the
upward components of turbulent currents and that stays in suspension for an appreciable length of
time (Simons, et al., 1992). Bed-load transport process and the formula to compute the yield has been
given by many scientists. The simplest yet fairly reliable empirical equation based on experimental
data is by Meyer-Peter (Raudkivi, 1990). Einstein (1950) introduced statistical methods to represent
the turbulent behaviour of the flow and gave a bed- load function. Bagnold (1966) equation is based
on a physical concept and mechanical analysis. He introduced an energy concept and related the
sediment transport rate to the work done by the fluid. Engelund (1966), Ackers and White (1973) and
Yalin (1977) equations are mainly based on Einstein or Bagnold concepts but deduced using
dimensional analysis. Van Rijn (1984a) solved the
40 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
equations of motion of an individual bed-load particle and computed the saltation characteristics and the
particle velocity as a function of the flow conditions and the particle diameter for plane bed conditions.
Transport of sediment takes place in suspended mode, when the bed-shear velocity ( *
u ) exceeds the particle fall velocity ( s w ). The particles can be lifted to a
level at which the upward turbulent forces will be comparable to or higher than the submerged particle
weight and as a result the contact of the particle with the bed in the suspension mode is occasional
and random. The particle velocity in longitudinal direction is almost equal to the fluid velocity. Usually,
the behaviour of the suspended sediment particles is described in terms of sediment concentration,
which is the solid volume (m 3) per unit fluid volume (m 3) or the solid mass (kg) per unit fluid volume (m 3). The
principle feature that distinguishes suspended sediment transport from bed-load transport is the time
taken for the suspension to adapt to changes in flow conditions (Galappatti, 1983).
According to Bagnold (1966) suspension will occur for the bed shear velocity ( *
u ) equal or larger than the particle fall velocity ( s w ), while Van Rijn (1984b)
argues that suspension will start at considerably smaller bed-shear velocities. From his experimental
data Van Rijn (1984b) proposed the following conditions for the initiation of suspension:
u * , cr
< ≤D *
= 4D *
for 1 10 (3.48)
w s
u * , cr
0.4 for D * > 10 (3.49)
w s=
q s ,c = ∫ ucdz (3.50)
s ,c
= c au
∫uc dz (3.51)
a a
where c
= sediment concentration at height z from the bed c a
= Concentración de referencia en altura de referencia a (z = a) sobre el nivel del lecho h
Para la solución de la ecuación (3.51), el perfil de velocidad, el perfil de la concentración y la concentración al nivel
de referencia debe ser conocido. Para condiciones estables y uniformes de agua y los sedimentos, el perfil de
concentración de sedimento en la vertical está en equilibrio. Un número de relaciones están disponibles para la
predicción de las tasas de transporte de sedimentos en suspensión. Algunos de ellos se basan en enfoques analíticos,
pero todavía necesitan resultados experimentales para derivar ciertos parámetros. Mayormente dos métodos están en
uso para determinar el perfil de concentración de sedimentos: los métodos de difusión y la energía o métodos
método de difusión
The diffusion models are based on the mass balance equation. The partial differential equation that
governs the transport of suspended sediment by convection and turbulent diffusion under gravity is
(Galappatti, 1983):
∂c ∂c ∂c ∂c ∂c ∂ • ∂c • ∂ • ∂c • ∂ • ∂c •
+v +u + =w ws +∈ • x • +∈ • y • +∈ • z • (3.52)
∂t ∂y ∂x ∂z ∂z ∂x • ∂x • ∂y • ∂y • ∂z • ∂z •
where c
= suspended sediment concentration (m 3 sediment/m 3 water) t
= time coordinate (s) w s
= fall velocity (m/s)
x, y, z = length coordinates (m)
ε x, ε y, ε z = sediment mixing coefficients in x, y and z direction (m 2/ s)
u, v, w = velocity components in x, y and z directions (m/s)
For a two-dimensional flow in the vertical plane, equation (3.52) reduces to:
∂c ∂c ∂c ∂c ∂ ∂c ∂ ∂c
+u + =w ws + (ε x
)+ (ε z
) (3.53)
∂t ∂x ∂z ∂ z∂ x ∂x ∂z ∂z
A numerical solution of the equation is possible when the velocity components, the fall velocity
and the mixing coefficients are known. If the sediment mixing coefficient in the direction of flow ( x
ε ) is negligible as compared to the vertical one
( zε ), i.e.:
∂ ∂ c= ∂
(ε x
)0 (3.54)
x dx
∂c ∂c ∂c ∂ ∂c
+ =u w ts + (ε z
) (3.55)
∂ ∂x ∂z ∂z ∂z
42 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
If the vertical concentration profile of suspended sediment is in equilibrium, then the sediment
diffusion process is steady and uniform; hence all the derivatives with respect to distance (x) and time (t)
in equation (3.55) are equal to zero (Chien and Wan, 1999). Then the equation can be written as:
∂c ∂ ∂c
wz s
+ (ε z
) 0= (3.56)
∂∂ z ∂z
w•sh( a c− c ) •
= exp •− • (3.57)
a •
εs •
where a
= reference level (m) c
= concentration at depth z (ppm) c a
= reference concentration (ppm) h
= flow depth (m)
If ε s
≅ (εmomentum diffusion of water) then:
ε κ≅ s
u *z (1 − z /h) (3.58)
c • •−h z a c• • κ *
=• • •
• ha z
a • •
In deriving (3.59) the velocity distribution was represented by a logarithmic equation, which is invalid
near the bed and also, inaccurate near the water surface. As the sediment concentration is maximum
near the bed and has a great effect on the mean sediment concentration the use of equation (3.59) is
inaccurate (Chiu, et al.,
Energy concept
An energy approach to the suspension problem, known as the gravitational theory, was proposed by
Velikanov (Raudkivi, 1990). It has been demonstrated that the actual differences between the
gravitational theory and the diffusion method are small and rest on the differences in assumptions made.
The equation from the energy theory is as given:
uτ ∂c
w sc + = 0 (3.60)
ρ g s( − 1∂) z
Design of canals for sediment transport 43
where c
= time averaged concentration (m 3/ m 3)
s = specific density of sediment particle
u = time averaged velocity (m/s)
ws = particle fall velocity (m/s)
z = vertical depth (m)
τ = time averaged shear stress (N/m 2)
ρ = density of water (kg/m 3)
This equation is of the same form as obtained from the diffusion theory, except that the exchange
coefficient has a different form. Using constant shear stress and logarithmic velocity distribution, the
concentration profile is given as (Chien and Wan, 1999):
cec − βζ
= (3.61)
ζ η( α , ) =
∫ (3.62)
η a
(1 − η [ 1 + η α/
) ln ]
κ ws
β = −( s 1 ) (3.63)
S ghS
0 0
z a
η = and α = (3.64)
h h
where c
= concentration at depth z (ppm)
ca = reference concentration (ppm) at reference height ‘a’ from bed
In both diffusion and energy approaches, the major challenges are to determine the reference
height and reference concentration. The concentration at any point above the bed can be determined
only with the known concentration at reference level, which cannot be determined theoretically.
Con base en los anteriores dos conceptos mencionados, diferentes predictores de transporte de sedimentos
se han obtenido utilizando los resultados teóricos y experimentales. Algunos de ellos tienen una base teórica, pero
las derivaciones son muy simplificada. De ahí que las relaciones son más de naturaleza empírica. Hay varios
métodos disponibles para calcular la tasa de transporte de sedimentos para una amplia gama de condiciones de
flujo y características de los sedimentos. Algunos de ellos calcular la cama-carga y carga suspendida
44 Papel de los sedimentos en el diseño y gestión de canales de riego
por separado y añadirlos a obtener la carga total, mientras que otros dan directamente la carga total. En
las primeras teorías categoría transmitidos por Einstein (1950), Bagnold (1966), Toffaletti (1969), Van Rijn
(1984a, 1984b) pueden mencionarse. En la segunda categoría Colby (1964), Bishop et al. ( 1965),
Engelund and Hansen (1967), Ackers and White (1973), Yang (1973) and Brownlie (1983) are some of the
methods that give the total sediment transport. A brief description of the methods that compute total load is
given in the following paragraphs.
Engelund and Hansen method. The Engelund and Hansen method (1967) is based on the
energy balance concept. The total sediment transport function is calculated by:
( s- 1) gd
θ= *
( s-1) gd 50
2.5 2
0.1 2θC g
φ= (3.67)
0.05 V
q s
= 0.5
2 3
( s- 1 ) 50
where C
= Chézy’s coefficient (m 1/2/ s)
d 50 = representative particle size (m)
Ackers and White. Ackers and White (1973) derived an empirical formula based on 925 sets of
flume and field data. In establishing the formula for sediment transport capacity, Ackers and White
adopted the energy concept that the intensity of sediment transport is related to the power provided by
the flow and they assumed the efficiency of sediment transport to be proportional to a dimensionless
mobility parameter. This method describes the sediment transport in terms of dimensionless
parameters: D* (grain size sediment parameter), F gr ( mobility parameter) and G gr
(transport parameter). These parameters for D *in the range of 1 to 60 are given as:
Design of canals for sediment transport 45
( s-1) [ g 1/ 3
D * = ] d 35 (3.69)
u *
V 1- n
F gr = [ ] (3.70)
g d ( s-1) 10 h
32 log ( )
d 35
F c gr m
G= ( - 1) (3.72)
0.23 0.14
= + (3.73)
9.66 1.334
= + (3.74)
log c = 2.86 log D * - (log D * ) - 3.53 (3.75)
La función Ackers y negro para determinar el total de transporte de sedimentos dice así:
VV norte
= q Gs grdu 35 ( ) (3,76)
dónde UNA
= Valor de F gramo en el movimiento nominal, inicial
do = Coeficiente en el parámetro de transporte de sol gramo
RE* = Parámetro adimensional grano
re 35 = Diámetro de partícula representativa (m)
F gramo = Parámetro adimensional movilidad
sol = Aceleración de la gravedad (m / s 2)
sol gramo = Parámetro de transporte de adimensional
h = Profundidad del agua (m)
metro = Exponente en el parámetro de transporte de sol gramo
norte = Exponente en el parámetro adimensional movilidad F gramo
qs = Total del transporte de sedimentos por unidad de anchura (m 2 / s)
s = Densidad específica
u* = Velocidad de cizallamiento (m / s)
v = Viscosidad cinemática (m 2 / s)
V = Velocidad media (m / s)
los do y metro coeficientes se modificaron más tarde (HR Wallingford, 1990, Ackers,
1993). Estas modificaciones son necesarias por las relaciones originales predijeron las tasas de transporte que se
consideraban demasiado grandes para relativamente sedimento fino (d 50 <
46 Papel de los sedimentos en el diseño y gestión de canales de riego
0,2 mm) y para el sedimento relativamente gruesa. Los coeficientes modificados para un parámetro
adimensional (grano RE*) en el intervalo de 1 a 60 son:
Iniciardo = 2.79log (
sesión re * ) - 0,98 (log) re * - 3.46 (3,77)
6,83 1,67
m D= * + (3,78)
método Brownlie. el método de Brownlie (1981) para calcular el transporte de sedimentos se basa en un
análisis dimensional y calibración de una amplia gama de campo y de laboratorio de datos, donde las
condiciones uniformes prevalecieron. El transporte (en ppm en peso) se calcula por:
- 0.3301
1.978 0.6601
• R •
q s
= 727,6 ( c FFF sol
) S • •• (3,79)
re 50 •
dónde, F es
el número de Froude de grano y está dada por:
= 0.5
[(- s1) gd 50 ]
F es
el número de Froude de grano crítico y viene dada por:
- 7.7 Y
τ =* o
0.22 Y + 0,06 (10) (3,82)
- 0.6
Y = ( sR
-1 )
( R gd )
31620 ν (3,84)
doF = Coeficiente de la velocidad de transporte (c F es 1 para condiciones de laboratorio y 1,268 para
condiciones de campo)
σ s
= geometric standard deviation
Non-equilibrium sediment transport is a condition when the concentration varies along the flow
direction. Non-equilibrium conditions may be found both in uniform and non-uniform flow conditions.
Continuous entrainment of sediment downstream of a reservoir, settling basin or flow control structure
and deposition in a settling basin are examples of non-equilibrium sediment transport under uniform
flow conditions. In non-uniform flow, the flow parameters vary along the canal length and so the
sediment transport capacity will also change. This will result in a continuous readjustment of the
sediment concentration in flowing water. Readjustment takes place by continuous deposition or
entrainment of sediment to or from the canal bed. The adjustment process is almost instantaneous in
case of bed- load, since this mode of transport takes place close to the bed, while the adjustment is
relatively slow in case of suspended load transport because it takes time and hence distance for the
particles to settle down from suspension or to be mixed into the flow from the bed, depending on the
ratio of the bed shear velocity and fall velocity. This lag in the adjustment with changing flow creates a
non-equilibrium pattern of sediment transport. For solving the non-equilibrium concentration profile,
usually the convection diffusion equation is used (ref. subsection 3.4.2).
Sediment transport modelling includes two processes; the solution of the hydraulic parameters
and the sediment mixing and transport parameters. Hence two models are required, namely the flow
model and the sediment transport and morphological model. Depending upon whether the
computation is for a single time step or multi time step, the combined model may be divided into two
types (Van Rijn, 1993):
− initial or sediment transport model that computes the sediment transport rate and
bed level change for one time step;
− dynamic morphological model, which computes the flow velocity, the sediment
transport rates, the bed level change and again the new flow velocity and the process is continued
for the next time step.
48 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
Figure 3.4 Structure of initial and dynamic models (after Van Rijn, (1993)).
Dynamic model
Depending upon the number of independent space variables used to define the water flow and
sediment movement processes, the models can be (Van Rijn, 1993):
− three-dimensional (3D);
− two-dimensional vertical (2DV)
− two-dimensional horizontal (2DH);
− one-dimensional (1D).
The 3D models are used for complex flow patterns and usually when small scale and short-term
processes are to be investigated. Basically, two types of models are in use:
The flow and sediment parameters are averaged over the width in 2DV models. These models are
useful to predict transport rates, sedimentation and erosion in rivers, estuaries and coastal waters and
in sediment traps in irrigation canals (Van Rijn, 1993).
Smith and O'Connor (1977) presented a two dimensional vertical model based on the
laterally-integrated momentum and continuity equations for the fluid and sediment phases, and a
"one-equation" turbulence closure model to represent the fluid shear stresses and diffusion coefficients.
Celik and Rodi (1984, , 1988) presented a similar model as that of Smith and O'Connor. However, the
former applied a “two-equation" turbulence closure model (K-Epsilon model). Bechteler and Schrirnpf
(1984) presented a relatively simple two-dimensional model neglecting vertical convection and horizontal
diffusion. The flow field was represented by logarithmic velocity profiles. Kerssens and Van Rijn (1977),
Kerssens, et al. ( 1979) presentaron un modelo vertical de dos dimensiones para que varían gradualmente
flujos descuidando convección vertical y difusión horizontal. perfiles de velocidad logarítmicas se utilizan
para representar el campo de velocidad de fluido. El sedimento vertical de coeficientes de mezcla está
representado por una distribución parabólica-constante. Una condición de contorno de tipo concentración
se aplicó a la cama, suponiendo ajuste instantáneo a las condiciones de equilibrio cercanas a la cama.
Más tarde, se introdujo la anchura de flujo para ampliar la aplicabilidad del modelo a variando
gradualmente los flujos en dirección transversal. Se introdujo un método basado en la aplicación de
perfiles flexibles (funciones de forma) para obtener una mejor descripción de los perfiles de velocidad y la
mezcla de sedimentos coeficientes (Van Rijn, 1986,, 1987).
Olsen (1999) developed a two-dimensional numerical model for the simulation of flushing of
sediments from reservoirs. It solves the depth-averaged Navier-Stokes equations on a
two-dimensional grid. A zero-equation turbulence model is used. The resulting flow field is
extrapolated to three dimensions, and the convection-diffusion equation for the sediment
concentration is solved. A formula for the bed concentration is used as boundary condition, resulting in
a calculation of the bed material load.
Guo and Jin (2002) proposed a two-dimensional mathematical model for non- uniform suspended
sediment transport to simulate riverbed deformation. The problem of exchange of sediment between
suspended and bed material is handled by dividing the mixture into several size groups in which it is
assumed to be uniform.
One-dimensional models are most frequently used to simulate the large-scale morphological
changes in rivers and estuaries. The sediment transport and the bed roughness can be represented
by simple formulas in terms of the mean flow variables and sediment properties. Analytical solutions
can be obtained for simple schematized cases (De Vries, 1975). Numerical solutions are required for
more realistic cases. If required, the non-uniformity of the bed material can be taken into account by
dividing the bed material in a number of size classes (Ribberink, 1987, Armanini and Di Silvio, 1988).
Adjustment effects related to the suspended sediment transport process can be taken into account by
using the depth-integrated approach (Galappatti, et al., 1985).
Detailed information of one-dimensional river models with respect to numerical solution methods and
practical applications is given by Cunge, et al. ( 1980) and by Jansen, et al. ( 1979). A state of the art
review is given by de Vries, et al. ( 1989). Lin, et al. ( 1983) used an expression for the rate of bed changes
along with the
momentum and continuity equations of water and sediment to compute the sediment transport rate.
Guo and Jin (1999) presented a one-dimensional mathematical model to calculate the bed variations in
alluvial canals based on the depth-averaged and moment equations for unsteady flow and sediment
transport in open canals. The momentum equation for suspended sediment transport is derived by
assuming a simple vertical distribution for suspended sediment concentration. By introducing the
sediment-carrying capacity, the suspended sediment concentration can be solved directly from the
sediment transport and its moment equations. Differential equations are then solved by using the
control-volume formulation.
As discussed above the water flow and sediment transport processes can be expressed in
mathematical relationships and solved by using different techniques. It should ,however, be realized
that a complete mathematical representation of the real process is not possible and they incorporate
only the important parameters discarding the secondary ones that are thought to be less important in
view of the purpose of investigation. Different models have been developed and are in use with varying
assumptions and capability.
Models that can simulate the sediment transport process are mainly intended for the rivers.
They were generally not developed with specific characteristics of irrigation systems in mind. Some
of them offer possibilities of running user written algorithms (Clemmens, et al., 2005), but still there
are limitations due to the functional and computational environment of the model. There are few
models like Design Of Regime Channels (DORC) (HR Wallingford, 1992), ISIS (Halcrow,
2003), Simulation of Irrigation Canal (SIC) (Malaterre, 2007), etc. that have been customized for
irrigation canals, but they do not take into account the specific
Design of canals for sediment transport 51
difference the irrigation canals possess, in terms of width to depth ratio and finite but different roughness
of side slopes. Méndez (1998) has reviewed the different models and their capability to simulate the
sediment transport process especially in irrigation canals. Some of the models that take care of the
sediment transport process are briefly described below.
CanalCAD ( Holly and Parrish, 1992) simulates both steady and unsteady flow in canal systems with
manual or automatic gates. Hydrodynamic channel computations are based on the full, dynamic,
one-dimensional de St. Venant equations and utilize the Preissman four-point implicit finite-difference
scheme. It is designed for the design, analysis, and operation of irrigation canals comprising sub-critical
flow in a single in-line system of pools and appurtenant structures including turnouts, in-line weirs, check
structures, culverts, off-line storage reservoirs, etc.
SHARC ( Sediment and Hydraulic Analysis for Rehabilitation of Canals) is developed by Hydraulic
Research Wallingford (HR Wallingford, 2002). It integrates a sediment routing model with design
packages for sediment control structures and other modules. For routing sediment transport in a canal,
the model includes DORC (Design of Regime Canals) software. DORC includes regime methods,
tractive force, rational methods, Manning, alluvial friction predictors, and sediment transport for sand
and silt (HR Wallingford, 1992). The regime methods used in the model are the Lacey and Simons and
Albertson methods. Among the rational methods the White, Paris and Bettess (1982) and the Chang
(1985) method are included. The model is recommended for predicting the transport capacity of canals,
but it is not possible to determine the sediment transport under non-equilibrium conditions (HR
Wallingford, 1991).
MIKE 11 ( Danish Hydraulic Institute, 1993) is developed by Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI). It is a
one-dimensional hydrodynamic software package including a full solution of the de St. Venant
equations, plus many process modules for advection-dispersion, water quality and ecology, sediment
transport, rainfall-runoff, flood forecasting, real-time operations, and dam break modelling (Danish
Hydraulic Institute, 2002). The sediment transport modules of MIKE 11 are applied for:
MIKE 21C is an integrated river morphology modelling tool based on a curvilinear version of
the water model MIKE 21 and adjusted to river applications
52 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
(Danish Hydraulic Institute, 2009). The model can be used to simulate changes in the river bed and
planform, including bank erosion, scouring, shoaling associated with, for instance, construction works
and changes in the hydraulic regime. The model system simulates transport of all sediment sizes from
fine cohesive material to gravel using a multi-fraction approach and a number of transport formulae.
Possibility of selecting fixed layer or variable layer. In case of fixed layer option the re-suspension is
SOBEK is capable of handling one-dimensional problems in open canal networks. Apart from
steady or unsteady flow, the model can touch various other physical processes like salt intrusion
and morphology, sediment transport and water quality. The model was developed by Delft
Hydraulics and the Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment of the
Netherlands (Delft Hydraulics and Ministry of Transport Public Works and Water Management,
1994a). Applications of SOBEK are mentioned for river training, dredging optimization, river bed
cut-offs, water quality, water flow for industry, drinking water, cooling water and irrigation, regime
changes of rivers, flood risk, low water, etc. Sediment transport and morphology modules are mainly
used for the indication of aggradation and degradation of river reaches due to river bend cut-offs,
dredging, river training, water extraction, reservoir operation or flooding. The transport of sand in
rivers and estuaries is estimated by using one of the following sediment transport formulae: Ackers
and White, Engelund and Hansen, Meyer-Peter and Muller, Van Rijn, Parker and Klingeman and a
general user-adjustable formula.
SIC ( Simulation of Irrigation Canals) was developed by Cemagref, France (Malaterre, et al., 1997).
The SIC (Simulation of Irrigation Canals) software is a mathematical model which can simulate the
hydraulic behaviour of most of the irrigation canals or rivers under steady and unsteady flow
conditions. The main purposes of the model are (Malaterre, 2007):
The model is built around three main computer programs (TALWEG, FLUVIA and SIRENE) that
respectively carry out the topography and geometry generation, the steady and unsteady flow
computations. The SIC model for simulation of sediment in irrigation canals needs a sediment inflow
rate for each reach, it can be:
− an imposed value;
− a function of sediment load in its upstream reach.
ISIS-Sed is the mobile bed sediment transport module used with ISIS Flow for studying the
morphology of rivers and alluvial canals (Halcrow, 2003). The model was developed by HALCROW
and HR Wallingford. It has been applied to engineering problems and for studying sedimentation
problems in rivers and canals,
Design of canals for sediment transport 53
including a number of major irrigation systems. The ISIS-Sed software predicts (Halcrow, 2007):
Rates of sediment transport are predicted using one of four sediment transport equations,
developed for a range of bed material sizes from either empirical studies or from physical
considerations. The conveyance properties of the river sections are updated throughout the simulation
based on the predictions of the module. ISIS Sediment also includes the ability to simulate dredging of
the channel at periodic intervals during a simulation.
HEC RAS model has been developed by US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE,
2006) This model contains four one-dimensional river analysis components for:
− steady flow water surface profile computations;
− unsteady flow simulation;
− movable boundary sediment transport computations;
− water quality analysis.
A key element is that all four components use a common geometric data representation and
common geometric and hydraulic computation routines. In addition to the four river analysis
components, the system contains several hydraulic design features that can be invoked once the
basic water surface profiles are computed.
Delft3D is a three dimensional model developed by Delft Hydraulics. For modelling the transport of
cohesive and non-cohesive sediments, a module SED is available. It can be used to study the
spreading of dredged materials and sediment/erosion patterns. The SED module can be applied in all
geographic regions where Delft3D is used. The module is generally used to calculate the short-term
transport of sediment and sand. In particular when the effect of changes in bottom topography on flow
conditions can be neglected. For long-term development of the bottom topography or coastal
morphology, a separate morphological module with advanced on-line coupling capabilities with the
FLOW and WAVE modules should be applied (Delft Hydraulics, 2007).
4 Assessment of parameters for canal design
4.1 Background
The design discharge and sizing of the canal for modern irrigation schemes should be based upon
the present concept of crop based irrigation demand, water delivery schedules and water allocation to
the tertiary units. The selection of a crop depends upon the soil type, water availability,
socio-economic setting and climatic conditions. The type of crop together with the soil type determines
the irrigation method and irrigation schedules, while the type of crop and climatic condition determines
the irrigation requirement. The water delivery schedules and the flow control methods are then based
on the operation mode of the scheme.
Since, the water level for a given discharge is an important parameter in an irrigation canal, the
understanding of roughness, the factors that affect the roughness, the appropriate methods to
determine and include it in the design is important. A close prediction of the actual roughness during
the design will help to reduce the need of frequent gate operation to maintain the design water level.
The sediment transport process in the canal will be closer to the design conditions and hence, the
improvement in the design.
Most of the sediment transport predictors consider the canal with an infinite width without taking
into account the effects of the side walls on the water flow and the sediment transport. The effect of
the side wall on the velocity distribution in lateral direction is neglected and therefore the velocity
distribution and the sediment transport are considered to be constant in any point of the cross section.
Under that assumption a uniformly distributed shear stress on the bed and an identical velocity
distribution and sediment transport is considered. The majority of irrigation canals are non-wide and
trapezoidal in shape with the exception of small and lined canals that may be rectangular. In a
trapezoidal section the water depth changes from point to point in the section and hence the shear
stress. The effect would be more pronounced if the bed width to water depth ratio (B-h ratio) is small.
An understanding of the effects of the side slopes and B-h ratio on the sediment transport process will
be helpful to make necessary improvements in the sediment transport predictors for their use in
irrigation canals.
This chapter presents the assessment and analysis of design discharge calculation process, the
roughness determination methods and computation of equivalent roughness, the effects of various
geometric and sediment characteristics of a canal on the predictability of the predictors, the effect of
non-wide irrigation canals on sediment transport prediction and suggested correction to incorporate the
The amount of water required to compensate for the evapotranspiration from cropped fields
is defined as the crop water requirement (FAO, 1998). The
56 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
evapotranspiration (ET) is the combination of two processes; evaporation and transpiration. The
contribution of each process in the total ET keeps on changing with the growth of the plants. At sowing,
nearly 100% ET comes from evaporation, while at full crop cover more than 90% ET comes from
transpiration. The amount of ET depends upon climatic conditions and the process is affected by the
availability of water (management practices) and vegetation cover (type and stage of crop). The
reference crop evapotranspiration (ET 0) is defined as the evapotranspiration rate from a reference
surface (grass covered), not short of water. ET 0 values measured or calculated at different locations or
in different seasons are comparable as they refer to the ET from the same reference surface. The crop
water requirement is then computed as:
Where, K is
the crop coefficient and includes the effects due to crop type, variety and
development stage. Crop water requirement under standard conditions refers to the evaporating
demand from crops that are grown in large fields under optimum soil water, excellent management
and environmental conditions, and that achieve full production under the given climatic conditions.
Irrigation method
The requirement of water to the crops can be provided in various ways depending upon the soil
type, crop type, farm sizes and topography. Irrigation water can be conveyed, distributed and applied
either by a gravity system, a pressurized system or a combination of both methods. In case of surface
irrigation, common methods are basin, furrow and border (FAO, 1988). Basin irrigation method is most
common for rice growing fields and in the hills. The farmland is divided into small flat parcels
surrounded by bunds. Levelling is important as rice requires standing water and an uneven land
surface might lead to reduction in production. While, for dry foot crops the movement of water within
the farm is slow in case the surface is made flat. Furrow and border irrigation methods are better for all
dry foot crops.
The choice of irrigation method is important from a design perspective, since different methods
have different achievable application efficiencies. Application efficiency is the fraction of the water
volume applied to a farm or a field that is "consumed" by a crop, relative to the amount of water
applied at the field inlet (FAO, 1997).
Crop calendar
When the crop water requirements are known, irrigation requirements can be estimated in order to
determine the flows that are needed at any moment and place to satisfy the water requirements of the
plants. This requires information regarding the types and area of crops grown in the command area and
the amount of effective rainfall.
The type and area of crops to be planted in the command area depends upon various factors.
Availability of water, climate, soil type, socio-economic setting, country policy and culture determine
the type of crops. To work out the flow rate a crop calendar (Figure 4.1) is prepared that shows the
type of crops, area to be
Assessment of parameters for canal design 57
covered and planting and harvesting dates. The crop calendar bears significant importance for an
irrigation scheme, since it reflects the objectives set by the Government or the farmers (farmers
association). It is also used to compute the benefit and hence to justify the investment in construction
or modernization.
Figure 4.1 Typical cropping calendar for an irrigation scheme in the Terai of Nepal.
Command area
The net irrigation requirement (NIR) is the net crop water requirement after deducting the
effective rainfall and taking into account the application efficiency. The total irrigation requirement
(TIR) at the inlet of one tertiary unit is:
The delivery of water to a field to meet the total irrigation requirement includes three variables;
discharge (Q), duration (T d) and interval (T). Theoretically there are several combinations of Q, T d and T
possible for the supply of water. The selection of any combination depends upon the objectives of the
scheme, water availability, cropping policies, etc. and determines the size of the tertiary canal as well as
the type of control structures to be provided.
The duration, frequency and amount of water supplied to meet the irrigation requirements is
known as irrigation scheduling. The scheduling of irrigation flows may be supply-oriented, demand
oriented or a combination of both (Dahmen, 1999). Irrigation scheduling is mostly determined on the
basis of a decision making procedure or who decides on the allocation of water to the tertiary unit
2004). There are three possible allocations:
58 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
− on demand allocation. The farmers have access to the water as and when
required. In order to operate the scheme on-demand there must be storage of water at the
source or along the canal (in canal storage). Moreover the response time of the canal must be
rapid. This system requires at least four times the farm outlet capacity of a continuous flow
supply-schedule system (Laycock, 2007). Except for the small schemes, it is not possible to allow
for on-demand allocation in small holder schemes without some restrictions on flow rate,
frequency or duration;
− semi-demand allocation. The farmers may request for the water in advance and
the requested water is delivered after some time. The time lag in request and supply depends upon
the time taken for processing the request and the response time of the system. Depending upon the
assessment of available water in the source, the capacity of the canal system some restrictions have
to be imposed:
o restriction on the type and area of crop. Farmers may have to take
permission prior to the irrigation season on type and coverage of a crop they want to grow;
− imposed allocation. The agency responsible for the operation of the system
decides on the water allocation to the tertiary unit. This may be based upon the crop water
requirement (crop based) i.e., productive irrigation or based on the available water in the source
(supply based) i.e., protective irrigation. On crop based allocation, the water delivery plan is
determined before the start of the irrigation season and it normally is guided by the designed
cropping calendar of the scheme. The farmers have to follow the crop calendar for a smooth
operation of the scheme. Since the amount and duration of irrigation gifts is fixed, there is no
flexibility on the part of users in the selection of the crops and area to be covered. In supply based
allocation, the available water is distributed over the area irrespective of the demand. The time is
fixed, while the amount depends upon the available water in the source.
The design discharge depends upon various factors and the estimation process can be
summarized as shown in Figure 4.2. Soil type, water availability, socio- economic condition of the area
and climate are the major factors that separately or in combination determine the irrigation method and
irrigation requirement which in turn determine the design discharge. The selection of design discharge
and interrelationship of various factors in the derivation of design discharge is more important for the
modernization of an irrigation scheme that has been designed and operated differently. Majority of the
old irrigation schemes in Nepal were designed for providing the supplementary irrigation with an
objective of protective irrigation. Theses schemes have low duty, offered no flexibility in the selection of
crops and water demand. During the modernization, the irrigation schemes are being converted into
demand based and flexible water delivery mode. Accordingly the canal capacities have been revised
and the sections have been designed. In some cases, the
Assessment of parameters for canal design 59
modernized systems have been found to be not performing as per expectation mainly due to the:
− insufficient available water in the main system to meet the proposed water
delivery and control plans to the tertiary canals;
− high operation and maintenance cost.
Sizing of a canal
The capacity of a tertiary canal depends on the method of water allocation to a tertiary units. The
water allocation method may be:
− proportional allocation. In proportional allocation the maximum size of the
tertiary canal is the sum of the peak demand for the lower order canals. Proportional division
structures are based upon the area to be covered. From management perspective this is the
simplest system to manage and least manpower is needed. The size of the canal keeps on
decreasing in the downstream direction. All the canals receive water irrespective of the
− on/off allocation. The tertiary canals receive water in turns. The supply is either
full flow or no flow. The sizing of a canal depends upon how water is distributed in the lower
order canals. If all the lower order canals receive water simultaneously, the size of the canal
should be sufficient to carry all the cumulative peak discharges. This type of allocation can be
used in case of imposed allocation based on crop water demand of the cropping plan. Semi-
demand allocation is not possible, since the capacity of the canal is fixed on the basis of
maximum peak allocation, and there are no control and measuring facilities in the lower order
60 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
− adjustable allocation. The amount of flow can be adjusted, depending upon the
demand. The lower order canals should be provided with discharge measuring and gated control
to regulate and measure the flow. Semi-demand or on-demand water allocation can be made, the
limitation, however, is the provision of storage.
The calculated irrigation requirement is used to determine the flow rate depending upon the
irrigation method in the field, type of soil and type of crop. The type of allocation, scheduling and
delivery at tertiary off-takes will determine the capacity of tertiary canals. The water delivery schedule
in the secondary as well as the main level will give the required capacity of secondary and main
canals. The required flow is compared with the available flow from the source. If it is not matching
then either the command area is reduced or the cropping pattern, delivery schedules, etc. are
Depending upon the control mechanism and available water, the canal system can be operated in
different modes. The three parameters that can be manipulated to adjust the supply of water to irrigation
fields are; amount, duration and frequency. The most complex case from hydraulic and sediment
transport perspective is when; all the three can be changed.
− adjustable flow. The adjustment in flow rate may be necessary from the change
in demand or change in the available water in the source.
Flow control systems manage the water flows at bifurcations to meet the service criteria and
standards regarding flexibility, reliability, equity and adequacy of delivery. Flows can be regulated
through water level control, discharge control, and/or volume control. A combination of water level
control and discharge control is most common in irrigation systems. Flow rates at off-takes are often
indirectly controlled through water level control in the conveyance canals. Variation in discharge at the
off-take is determined by the variations in upstream water levels and the sensitivity of the off-takes
and water level regulators to those variations.
The methods of control and division of water can be classified according to the orientation of the
control (upstream, downstream and volume control), the degree of
Assessment of parameters for canal design 61
automation (manual, hydraulic or electrical automatic control) and the form of control (local or
central control).
Upstream control
Upstream control is by far the most commonly used type of control around the world. Controlled
flows are released to a reach from the upstream end as per the pre- arranged schedule. The water level
in the reach is maintained using a water level regulator at the downstream end of the reach. The
off-takes are located upstream of the water level regulator. Since, the flow rates are controlled from the
upstream end, increment in the off-take demand cannot be entertained unless extra flow is released
from the upstream end. This mode of operation forms a negative dynamic storage within the canal reach
(Figure 4.3). From operation point of view, this storage is unusable to meet the immediate demand of
the off-takes. Moreover, when there is sudden decrease in demand and off-take gates are closed, this
stored water has to be released either to the drain or towards downstream reaches that may or may not
be utilized. Upstream control is a serial control, is supply oriented, has limited flexibility and requires well
equipped centralized management setup for running the system properly.
Set point
Upstream control can be made fully automatic like predictive control or Electronic Filter Level
Offset (ELFLO) control (Ankum, 2004). This control provides an option for semi-demand allocation to
tertiary off-takes. The automation is suitable when there is sufficient water in the source and reliable
power supply for the operation of electro-mechanical gates. The major advantage of automation is
that it is self managed and reduces the response time of the system as management delays in
responding the change in demand are minimized. However, managing automatic predictive control in
a long canal with series of controller is quite complex and should be checked using hydro-dynamic
flow models (Schuurmans, et al., 1999).
Downstream control
Downstream control systems respond to water level changes downstream of a regulator. They are
designed to permit instantaneous response to changes in demand by using water in storage in the
upstream canal section (positive dynamic storage) in the case of an increase in demand and by storage
of water in case of decreasing demand. Downstream control systems can be manually operated, but they
are easily
62 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
automated, either hydraulically (Neyrpic) or electrically. AVIS and AVIO (commercial names) are
the examples of automatic gates that operate on the water level in the downstream side (Ankum,
Both water level and flow are controlled at the upstream end of a canal section (Figure 4.4).
Changes are gradually passed on in upstream direction till the head works. Most downstream control
systems use balanced gates. Downstream control systems are specifically designed to maximize
flexibility by minimizing system response times. The hydraulic stability of the system should be
checked, preferably by a mathematical model.
A considerable raising of berms is needed in steep terrain; this can make the system very
expensive. The application of downstream control is, therefore, usually limited to canals with a bed slope
that is smaller than 0.3‰. Downstream control cannot be applied in canals with drops (structures that
cater for drops in water level that are greater than the hydraulic losses over the structure). Downstream
control can be applied both in on-demand and on-request delivery systems. The main design
requirement is that each canal section has sufficient capacity to meet the maximum instantaneous
demand. Downstream control is also a serial process.
Volume control
The volume control method also known as BIVAL control involves the (usually simultaneous)
operation of all flow control structures in the system to maintain a nearly constant volume of water in
each canal section (pool) (Ankum, 1993). This method is used to meet operational requirements for
different users of water in a flexible manner as it can provide immediate response to changing demand.
With this type of operation, the water surface between control structures rotates around a point located
approximately midway between the control structures that are operated to respond to changes of
demand in the canal section (Figure 4.5). Main advantage of this control is in the reduction of wedge
storage (Laycock, 2007). It works on the premise that at zero discharge the water surface will be
horizontal and at maximum discharge the water surface will be parallel to the bed, but pivot around the
mid point of the canal reach. Implementing this type of control requires automation of the control
structures coupled with centralized monitoring and control. With remote control all control points in the
system can be operated both simultaneously and serially.
Assessment of parameters for canal design 63
The operation of gates to control and distribute water creates non-uniform flow in an irrigation canal
network. In non-uniform flows the sediment carrying capacity along a canal keeps on changing.
A non-equilibrium sediment transport may occur under both uniform and non- uniform flow
conditions. Under uniform flow condition (Figure 4.6), when the inflowing water carries less than the
equilibrium sediment load then the flow try to achieve the equilibrium by picking up sediment from the
bed (case-II(a)). After some distance the readjustment of the sediment concentration takes place and
the flow acquires an equilibrium condition. This distance is called the adaptation length. Initially
sediment is picked up immediately after the flow enters the erodible region. But, this cannot continue
for long as after some time the slope near the head reach becomes more flat and less and less
sediment is picked up. Instead the sediment pickup starts from some point downstream and the
process is continued until the whole reach of the canal attains equilibrium with the inflowing sediment
load. However, if the flow is restricted to pickup sediment from the bed (case-II(b)), then the flow will
continue under non-equilibrium conditions.
Similarly, if the inflowing water carries more than the equilibrium sediment load (case-I) then the
extra amount is deposited in the canal so that a new equilibrium in the flowing water is attained.
In non-uniform flow conditions continuous erosion or deposition takes place even after an initial
adjustment of the sediment concentration with the equilibrium concentration. The sediment carrying
capacity of water keeps on changing with distance. Since flow parameters adopt almost instantly with
the changed condition, there is a smooth change in the flow pattern. However, the sediment
concentration takes some time to readjust with the new conditions and the process can be
schematised in steps (Figure 4.7).
Figure 4.7 Sediment transport pattern under backwater and drawdown conditions.
In case of backwater condition, there may be continuous deposition (case-I), first erosion and then
continuous deposition (case-II(a)) or non-equilibrium flow (case- II(b)) depending upon the actual
concentration in the flow, carrying capacity of the canal and the type of bed. Similarly, in drawdown
condition also there may be first deposition and then erosion (case-I), continuous erosion (case-II(a))
or non- equilibrium condition (case-II(b).
The sediment movement in irrigation canals is not simple once the flow control structures are
introduced. The normal design practices that include sediment transport aspect are not capable of
predicting the sediment transport behaviour. They assume a steady and uniform flow condition. The
discharge used to design the canal is generally the maximum discharge, which is not released in
majority of the time. Once the flow is less than the design the sediment transport capacity will
decrease even with the uniform flow condition. For flows less than the design values, the gates are
lowered to maintain the set-point and diverting desired water to the laterals. This will create backwater
effect and non-equilibrium sediment transport conditions.
Assessment of parameters for canal design 65
Hence the design approach should be modified in such a way that the actual sediment movement
scenario is reflected. Then only the designed canal will be able to transport the expected sediment load
under changing flow conditions.
4.5.1 General
Roughness relates the mean velocity to the depth of flow, slope and sediment and fluid
characteristics. Selection or prediction of a roughness factor for the design of an irrigation canal is
crucial, as it also determines the type of maintenance level expected in the future. Hydrodynamic
performance of the scheme depends more on how close the predicted and actual roughness are. If the
selected roughness for the design is low, then for most of the time the actual roughness will be more than
the design value and discharge capacity of the canal will be less than the design. Too frequent
maintenance of highest level is needed to meet the design roughness. This requires more maintenance
cost and skilled manpower. Designers prefer to choose a lower roughness and smaller canal sections, so
that the construction costs are less, since economic indicators are one of the major yardsticks in the
selection of an irrigation scheme for investment. On the other hand, if the design roughness is more
rough than the actual one, the normal depth for the design discharge will be less. A larger number of
water level regulators is needed to raise the water level so that the targeted command is irrigated. This
not only increases operation cost of the scheme, but also changes the flow pattern and the sediment
transport behaviour of the canal.
Roughness of a canal section can be measured under uniform flow conditions, which can be the
basis for the design of similar other canals or a calibration constant for modelling. Measured values are
overall roughness of the whole section due to the influence of various factors. Hence it is important to
know how each factor influences the total effective roughness of a canal. Major factors that influence
the roughness of a canal are (Chow, 1983):
Depending upon whether the canal has a rigid boundary or erodible boundary, carries clear
water or water with sediment, the influence of various factors will be different. Irrigation canals are
man-made, so the degree of variation in canal alignment, size, shape and cross section are normally
low. Hence the effect of variation in alignment, size and shape along the canal can be ignored. For
the analysis of a canal carrying sediment load with erodible boundary, the bed can be assumed to be
free from vegetation. Hence the effect of vegetation will be in the sides only. The irregularities in the
surface may be both in the bed and sides, but the source of irregularities may be different. If the
irregularity is due to the bed forms
66 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
then it will be in the bed only, while irregularity due to poor construction or maintenance will be mostly
in the sides. Once the canal is operated the bed will be smoothened and irregularities will be bed
forms. Hence, the roughness is not uniform throughout the perimeter except for the ideal canal. If the
roughness is not the same over the perimeter then the shape of the canal and bed width to water
depth ratio (B-h ratio) will also influence the overall roughness of the section. Figure 4.8 shows the
effective overall roughness computation process in a erodible boundary canal.
It should, however, be realized that the influence is not constant for different flow conditions and
with time. Bed forms are the function of flow and sediment characteristics. The condition of a canal
does not remain the same during operation and vegetation also keeps on changing. Moreover, there
might be periodic maintenance plans during the operation. Hence a methodology should be
employed to predict the roughness with time to study how the designed canal will perform during its
In alluvial canals there exists two stages of flow, one when there is no movement of bed material and
the other when bed material is moving. No movement of bed material can be compared with the condition
of a rigid boundary canal having an equivalent roughness height (k s) equal to the representative bed
material size (d).The resistance to flow in a movable bed consisting of sediment is mainly due to grain
roughness and form roughness. Grain roughness is generated by a skin friction force and form
roughness by a pressure force acting on the bed forms. Since the bed forms change continuously with
the flow parameters (velocity, depth), the bed roughness also changes (Figure 4.9). There are two
approaches to estimate the bed roughness:
− methods based on hydraulic parameters such as mean depth, mean velocity and
bed material size;
− methods based on bed form and grain-related parameters such as bed form
length, height, steepness and bed-material size.
Assessment of parameters for canal design 67
Figure 4.9 Forms of bed roughness in mobile bed in lower flow regime (Simons, et al.,
The methods proposed by Einstein and Barbarossa (1953), Engelund (1966), White, et al. ( 1980),
Brownlie (1981) are most widely used ones. These methods do not take into account the shape and
size of bed forms explicitly in the prediction of the roughness. Brownlie (1981) relates discharge, slope
and sediment characteristics with depth of flow. The known flow depth then can be used to determine
the roughness of the section. White, et al. ( 1980) give a relation to compute the mean velocity from
water depth, slope and sediment characteristics, which can then be used to predict the friction factor.
Engelund (1966) gives a relation to compute mean flow velocity with slope, water depth, mobility
Methods based on bed form parameters separate the total roughness into that due to grains and bed
forms. These methods require the shape and size of bed forms and this information is used explicitly in
the determination of the equivalent roughness height. Mendez (1998) tested the accuracy of the friction
factor predictors with selected data and concludes that the method by Van Rijn (1984b) based on bed
form parameters gives the best results.
The total effective shear stress ( τ ) can be separated in two parts (Figure 4.10), namely that due to
skin ( τ ′ ) and form ( τ ′′ ) resistance:
τ τ=τ + ′ ′′ (4.3)
Similar to the separation of shear stress as grain and form, Nikuradse’s equivalent sand
roughness height ( se k in m) can be separated as (Van Rijn, 1982):
= +k ks (4.4)
k se s
k s′ = roughness due to grain (m)
As per equation (4.4) the total equivalent roughness is due to the grain size of the bed material and
bed form created due to particle movement (Figure 4.10). Hence there may be two possible stages for
which the equivalent roughness needs to be investigated. One is without movement of particles (plane
bed) and the other one with movement of particles (bed forms).
τ ′′ (form related)
plane bed τ (N/m 2)
τ ′ (grain related)
ripples flat bed no
τ c
V (m/s)
Figure 4.10 Schematization of the total shear stress due to grain and bed form as a function of mean velocity (Van
Rijn, 1993).
Roughness due to grain can be determined as some multiple of representative bed material size.
However, there is no general agreement on which size of the bed material should be taken as
representative size. The recommended values range from
k s
= 1.25 d 35 (Ackers, et al., 1973), k s
= 5.1 d 84 (Mahmood, 1971) to k s
= 2.5 d 90
(Kamphuis, 1974). Van Rijn (1982) proposes the roughness due to grain as:
k ′=
3* d 90 (4.5)
d 90
= 1.5 d 50 (4.6)
k ′ = 4.5 d 50
Assessment of parameters for canal design 69
When the velocity increases the material starts moving and as a result the bed feature changes. In
irrigation canals the minimum velocity is limited to 0.10 to 0.15 m/s (Dahmen, 1994), below which the
canal becomes unnecessarily wide and uneconomical. Similarly the maximum velocity is limited to a
value that does not cause undesirable erosion of the bed. Moreover, higher velocity is restricted since it
requires a steeper slope that causes loss of elevation which is not desirable. Critical shear stress is
generally limited to 3-5 N/m 2. Considering the range of adopted shear stress between 1 to 5 N/m 2 and
using Shields’ criteria for the initiation of motion, the bed material in irrigation canals is almost always in
motion (Figure 4.11). Hence some bed forms can be expected. This change in bed feature
consequently changes the roughness. The flow in irrigation canal lies within the lower flow regime with
Froude number mostly less than 0.5, hence the bed forms is either ripples, mega ripples or dunes
(Figure 4.10).
Shear stress (N/m 2 )
Figure 4.11 Comparison of initiation of motion (Shields’ criteria) and shear stress range in irrigation canals.
According to Van Rijn the second term in equation (4.4) is related to the bed form height ( Δ ), the
bed form steepness ( Δ )/ and
λ the bed form shape ( γ ) ( Figure
4.12). The following functional relationship is assumed to be valid:
k ′′ = Δf Δ(
,/, λγ ) (4.8)
• Δ •
k s ′′ =
for ripples 20 γ r Δ r• •• (4.9)
λr •
Δ r
= ripple height = 50 to 200 * d 50 ( m)
γ r
= ripple presence ( r γ = 1 for ripples only)
Figure 4.12 Typical bed form and migration pattern (Van Rijn, 1993).
25 Δ d
k s ′′ = 1.1 γ Δ d− (1 eλ ) (4.10)
γ d
= form factor = 0.7 for field conditions and 1.0 for laboratory conditions
Δ d
= dune height (m)
Δ • d • − 0.5* T
( ) * (25 − T )
0.11* (4.11)
= *1 − e
• ••
h h •
2 2
u∗ − u∗
T =
2 cr
u ∗ cr
u *V =g (4.13)
τ cr
u * , cr
= (4.14)
where C ′
= Chézy’s roughness coefficient related to grain (m 1/2/ s)
R = hydraulic mean radius (m) T cr
= critical shear stress (N/m 2)
V = flow velocity (m/s)
Assessment of parameters for canal design 71
For the determination of the critical shear velocity ( * cr u ) the Shields’ diagram
(Figure 3.2) as well as the condition for the initiation of motion as proposed by Van Rijn can be used.
The dimensionless particle parameter ( * D ) and excess bed shear
parameter ( T) is related with the type of bed forms (Table 4.1).
Bed forms D* T
Ripples 1 ≤ D* ≤ 10 0≤T≤3
Mega-ripples 1 ≤ D* ≤ 10 3 < T ≤ 10
Dunes D* > 10 T > 10
Once the initiation of motion starts the ripple will be formed and with ripple height as 100 * d 50 and
ripple length as 1000 * d 50, gives k s = 200 * d 50. Taking the shear velocity ( *
u ) as the critical mobility shear velocity from Shields’ criteria, the
flow regime of an irrigation canal for sediment in the range from 0.05 mm to 0.50 mm will be rough
once the initiation of motion takes place (Figure 4.13).
Plain bed Bed form
Then the Chézy’s roughness coefficient for different flow regimes is given by equations (3.30 to
3.32). The computed roughness height can be used in the corresponding equations (transition or
rough regime) to determine the Chézy’s roughness coefficient.
Roughness in the side slopes of a canal depends upon the size and shape of the surface material,
irregularities in the surface and vegetation.
The equivalent roughness height due to the material in the surface of a canal section is related
to the median particle diameter (d 50) as 4.5 * d 50. This value is for a rigid boundary canal. However, a
movable bed of loose material will have a
72 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
somewhat larger roughness because a perfectly plane bed will not exist in natural conditions and small
irregularities will always be present. This was also shown by Lyn (1991) in his experimental results.
Hence Van Rijn (1993) suggests to take a minimum value of
k s′ as 0.01 m. Moreover the Manning’s roughness coefficient for
an ideally finished earthen canal is 0.016 to 0.020 (Chow, 1983). Manning’s roughness coefficient (n)
is an average value and is assumed to be uniform over the entire cross section. The value of n can be
related to Chézy’s roughness coefficient for the side part only by the relation:
C s
Cs = Chézy’s roughness coefficient in the sides only (m 1/2/ s)
Now, Chézy’s roughness coefficient can be related to equivalent roughness height in the sides ( ss
k ) as:
• 12 Rs •
C s
= 18 log • •• (4.16)
k ss •
Surface irregularity may be due to methods and workmanship of the canal construction, ageing of
the canal, rain-cuts, slides of the banks, etc. Chow (1983) gives a detailed description on the
classification of the surface irregularities and correction factors for Manning’s coefficient. As per his
classification the surface can be divided into four categories:
− ideal. This refers to the best attainable surface for the construction material.
Newly constructed or maintained canals with perfect workmanship can be covered under ideal
type of canal. No correction is needed for such a type of surface. For earthen canals the value of
Manning’s n is 0.018;
− good. In this category fits newly constructed or weathered but well maintained
canals with good to moderate finishing. A value of 0.005 is added for this surface that makes the
value of Manning’s n as 0.023;
− fair. The surface of the canals that are moderate to poorly excavated are under
this category. It also includes the canals that have been excavated by machines and have eroded
side slopes. A value of 0.01 is added for this surface (n =
− poor. Badly eroded or sloughed side slopes, large rain cuts and excavation not in
proper shape. Add 0.02 to Manning’s n for this surface (n = 0.038).
Assessment of parameters for canal design 73
Vegetation reduces the effective flow area and increases the roughness of a canal section.
Growth of vegetation is more pronounced in clear water, however the nutrients with the sediment may
be helping to grow weeds even in sediment laden flows. The degree of obstruction created by
vegetation is highly variable and depends upon the type, height, density and flexibility of vegetation,
submerged or un-submerged condition, water level, flow velocity (Petryk and Bosmajian, 1975,
Kouwen and Li, 1980, Kouwen, 1988, Querner, 1997, Wu, et al., 1999). Kouwen (1988) gives a simple
empirical relation to calculate the equivalent roughness height for a given vegetation:
• ( mei / τ)
k s
= 0.14 h g • • (4.17)
•• ••
mei is a parameter that is a function of stem density, modulus of elasticity and second moment of
area and is given by:
for green grass: mei = 319 g h (4.18)
for dead grass: mei = 25.4 g h (4.19)
hg = local height of the vegetation (m)
Validation of the coefficients using measured field data is needed to use equation (4.17) for conditions
other than that for which the equation was derived.
Table 4.2 Weed factor for different types of vegetation at full growth (derived from
Chow’s (1983) suggested n for vegetation). Category
Another simple way of incorporating the effect of weed is to follow the suggestion by Chow
(1983). He has given the classification of vegetation and the value of correction to be added to the
Manning’s roughness coefficient. Table 4.2 summarizes the classification types, description of the
stage and type of vegetation of each category and corresponding factor (weed factor) based on his
Irrigation canals are normally not very wide (B-h ratio < 8), hence the influence of the roughness in
the side slope will be significant in the overall roughness value. Different methods are available to
determine equivalent roughness ( se k ) of a
section. Yen (2002) discussed in detail the different aspects of computing composite roughness of an open
Method 1. In this method the mean velocity and the energy gradient at each subsection is assumed
to be the same. It was proposed independently by Horton and by Einstein (Chow, 1983).
3 3
• N
Pni ni 2 •
=• ∑ P
i =1
ne = the composite n value for the whole section
Method 2. This method was proposed by Pavlovskiĭ, by Muhlhofer, and by Einstein and Banks
(Chow, 1983). It is based on the hypothesis that the total force resisting the flow is equal to the sum
of the forces resisting the flow in each subsection. The resulting composite roughness value is:
N 2
• Pni ni •
e =• ∑ P
•• (4.21)
i =1 •
Method 3. Ida (1960) derived a relation by equating the discharge through all the subsections with the
whole section. He used the composite R in place of the mean R and the composite roughness value is
given by:
ni i
∑ =∑
ni i
=1 i
Assessment of parameters for canal design 75
Method 4. Krishnamurthy and Christensen (1972) proposed that the summation of the discharges in
subsections with roughness coefficient k s ,i (i subscript for the
subsection) is equal to the summation of the discharges of all the subsections with an equivalent composite
roughness k se. The flow in each section is assumed to be
rough turbulent and the velocity distribution is described by the logarithmic law. The equivalent
roughness value is given by:
ni nln i
ln e
= ∑
i =1
i ii
Method 5. Méndez (1998) proposed to divide the discharge into the discharges through the central
part and side slope parts, such that the total discharge is the sum of subsection discharges.
Q Q= Q cen
+ lat
Neglecting the effect of the momentum transfer, the discharge through a stream column of width dy and
water depth h i, with a local roughness height k sican be
calculated as (Figure 4.14):
Q C=h dy h S
i i i i f
12 hi
C i
= 18 log k (4.26)
The discharge through each of the subsections is the summation of the flow in each stream tube and
can be written as:
= Q lat += cen
2 mh C i h i h S i dyf C h +hS dyi
∫ ∫ f
0 0
18 S fh 12 2
• 4 • 12 h 2 • 12 h •
Q = • mh • ln −+ • B ln • (4.28)
2.3 5 •• •
k sl 5• k sb ••
If the roughness height in the bed ( sb k ) and sides ( sl k ) is the same and is equal
to sek then equation (4.28) can be written as:
18 S fh 12 2
• 4 • 12 h 2 • 12 h •
Q = • mh • ln −+ • B ln • (4.29)
2.3 5 •• •
k se 5• k se ••
0.8ln k sl
+ ln k sb
ln k se
= (4.30)
0.8 +
• 12 R •
C e
= 18log • •• (4.31)
k se •
Since the lateral transfer of momentum and its effect on the velocity distribution across the canal is
not taken into account, equation (4.27) will over predict the flow rate. If this equation is to be used for
discharge calculation a correction factor for the velocity distribution has to be applied. The modified
effective Chézy’s roughness coefficient is then given by:
C e′ = f eCe (4.32)
fe = correction factor for the effective Chézy coefficient which is a function of B-h
ratio, side slope and roughness in the bed and sides (Méndez, 1998)
Method 6. Instead of applying a correction on the basis of velocity distribution the equivalent
roughness is computed using equation (4.30) only.
Assessment of parameters for canal design 77
All the 6 methods of roughness prediction were compared using the Krüger (1988) data set.
Considering the general conditions of irrigation canals, the following criteria have been used for
selecting the data:
− trapezoidal cross section;
− Froude number less than 0.5;
− bed width to water depth ratio less than 8;
− the ratio of equivalent roughness height in the bed and the side wall ( k sbk )/ insl
the range of 50 to 0.02.
A total of 19 records were selected from the compilation of Krüger. Table 4.3 shows the summary of
the selected data.
n ( s k )
= 0.031 3.28 (4.33)
u *k s
smooth flow: 5 (4.34)
u *k
transition flow:
5 < < 70 (4.35)
u *k
rough flow:
70 (4.36)
− as per above given criteria, the flow condition for the selected data set is
transition, hence the velocity distribution is affected by viscosity as well as by the bed/side
roughness. The Chézy’s roughness coefficient for transition flow is given by:
78 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
• 12 R •
C = 18 log • • (4.37)
• k s
+ 3.3 ν/ u* •
− average value of the Manning’s roughness coefficient is then computed from the
k s value from equation (4.37) and compared with the derived n using different methods.
The comparison between the 6 methods is made on the basis of number of well predicted values
within an error band. If K is the error factor then the error band is the range between measured value/K and
measured value * K. If a predicted value lies within the above band then it is a well predicted one. The
accuracy of a method is given by:
The accuracy of predictability of different methods, for different error factors is given in
Figure 4.15. The result shows that method 6 best predicts the equivalent roughness in a
trapezoidal canal section. Hence, it is proposed to use the method 6 for the evaluation of equilibrium
roughness of a canal section.
Figure 4.15 Comparison of well predicted values for different values of error factor using Krüger data.
Accuracy (%)
Lined canals are designed with a roughness factor specified for the material of lining; for example
the roughness coefficient for brick lining is much smaller than that of an earthen canal. The roughness of
canals with sediment deposition becomes even higher due to the presence of bed forms. Hence, the
discharge capacity of the canal reduces drastically if the sediment is deposited in the lined canal bed, not
only by reduction in available depth but also by the increment in roughness (Figure 4.16).
Assessment of parameters for canal design 79
Hence, while designing a lined canal section care should be taken to avoid sediment deposition, for
example, by providing steeper canal slope.
Earthen canals are designed with a certain roughness value; when the canal banks have to be
protected with boulder pitching or other methods the roughness of the canal section changes and the
flow profile is changed. It is not possible to foresee and locate where the protection will be needed
during the design. The designer, however, can provide guidelines about what type of protection should
be used so that the hydraulic flow in the canal is not affected much. Sometimes, the earthen canals are
lined (concrete, bricks, etc.) to minimize seepage losses. Farmers also prefer a lined canal, as they
think that the lined canal require less maintenance. Linings reduce roughness and increase
conveyance, but at the same time reduce available head. So obstruction has to be placed to raise the
head, that is, the gain made in flow velocity by reducing roughness is lost by putting obstruction.
Hence, there will be less improvement in terms of sediment transport capacity. Lining will be helpful to
prevent erosion problems.
In general the reliability of sediment transport predictors is low and at best they can provide only
estimates. A probable error in the range of 50-100% can be expected even under the most favourable
circumstances (Vanoni, 1975). The error is expected to increase further if the calculations are based
upon average values of flow and sediment parameters. Several assessments of sediment transport
formulas have been made (Brownlie, 1981), (Yang and Molinas, 1982), (Van Rijn, 1984b), (Yang
80 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
and Wan, 1991) and each provide different results. Woo and Yu (2001) compared the results
assessed by different researchers and found that there is no universally accepted formula for the
prediction of sediment transport. Most of them are based upon laboratory data of limited sediment and
water flow range. Hence they should be adjusted to make them compatible to the specific purposes,
otherwise the predicted result will be unrealistic.
The distribution of shear stress along the boundary is not constant as opposed to the general
assumptions made in the calculation. Even in laboratory flumes for sediment transport experiments
the boundary shear is not constant due to the presence of bed forms. For laboratory data a side wall
correction is applied, so that the data can be treated as that of a wide canal and accordingly
empirical relationships are developed. Different techniques are in use for the sidewall correction
(Einstein, 1942, Vanoni and Brooks, 1957), whose main objective is to find an average shear stress
in the bed after making due allowance for the friction of the sidewall.
Engelund and Hansen (1967) have pointed out that even after the theoretical side wall correction,
the experimental flume data should be considered with caution. It is because the shear is dependent not
only on the relative roughness of bed and walls but also on the width to depth ratio of the flume.
Moreover Brownlie (1981) mentions that field data have slightly higher sediment concentrations than
laboratory data for similar ranges of dimensional groups. For a theoretical analysis of the discrepancy in
laboratory and field observations, he used a typical river section and showed that the difference was
due to the changing water depth along the perimeter in the river section compared to a constant depth
in laboratory flume.
While analyzing the applicability of the sediment transport predictors in irrigation canals, two
aspects should be considered; the side slope and the bed width to water depth ratio (B-h ratio). The
majority of the canals has a trapezoidal shape with side slope ranging from 1:1 to 1:4 or even more
depending upon the soil type and bank stability with the exception of small and lined canals that may
be rectangular. The changing water depth on the sides will have influence in the overall shear
distribution along the perimeter. This effect is more pronounced if the B-h ratio is small. Irrigation
canals are non-wide in nature, in the majority of the cases the ratio of bed width to water depth is less
than 8 (Dahmen, 1994). Hence, the assumption of a uniform velocity and sediment transport across
the section and expressing them per unit width of canal does not hold true.
In the following sections the influence of the canal shape on the sediment transport capacity using
total load predictors will be investigated. It should be noted that for the same hydraulic and sediment
characteristics different predictors give widely varied results. For one specific condition one predictor
may be better suited than the other and it is not possible to adjust all the predictors to produce the
same value for a given condition. Hence, the purpose of the adjustment is to adapt the equation for a
specific canal condition and with that the predictability should be improved.
Assessment of parameters for canal design 81
For the flow conditions and sediment characteristics prevailing in the irrigation canals, Méndez
(1998), after evaluating the available total load predictors with field and laboratory data, concludes
that the predictors given by Brownlie, Ackers and White and Engelund and Hansen are better as
compared to other predictors. However, the prediction within an error factor less than 2 was not
possible. In this research, mostly the same three predictors will be used for predicting sediment
transport under equilibrium conditions.
The sensitivity of the predictors with the flow and sediment parameters has been evaluated. This
will provide an insight on how the change in one or more of the parameters will influence the sediment
transport capacity of a canal.
The sediment size normally found in irrigation canal is 0.05 mm (50 μm) to 0.5 mm. For the evaluation of
effect of sediment size on the predictability of the predictors the discharge, bed width, bed slope, side
slope and the roughness of a canal was kept constant and equilibrium concentration was computed for
each of the three total load predictors. The predicted value has been presented in Figure 4.17. The
Brownlie predictor has almost a linear variation for sediment size of 0.10 to 0.50 mm. Ackers- White gives
high values for sediment sizes below 0.15 mm. The predictability of all the three predictors for sediment
sizes greater than 0.15 mm is comparable.
Figure 4.17 Effect of sediment size (d 50) on the prediction of the equilibrium concentration.
Equilibrium concentration (ppm)
Effect of velocity
For the evaluation of the sediment transport prediction with the change in velocity, the discharge, bed
width and side slope in a canal were kept constant while the slope was increased to increase the velocity.
The Froude number was kept below 0.5. The results have been presented in Figure 4.18.
82 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
The influence of the velocity in the prediction of the transport capacity is almost similar in case of
the Brownlie and Engelund-Hansen predictors, while the Ackers- White predictor is more sensitive with
the velocity. The change is more significant for higher velocity (greater than 0.70 m/s), which
corresponds to a Froude number of 0.24. In irrigation canals the Froude number normally varies from
0.2 to 0.5.
For the evaluation of the effect of change in bed width and side slope on the sediment transport
capacity the discharge, bed slope and the roughness was kept constant. For each side slope, the bed
width was changed to get different B-h ratio. Change in bed width also changed the flow velocity. The
results for three different side slopes of 1:1, 1;1.5 and 1:2 are presented in Figure 4.19.
Engelund-Hansen and Ackers-White show similar trends of predictions. For a low B-h ratio the
transport capacity is also low and the capacity increases with the increase in the B-h ratio. After a
certain B-h ratio the transport capacity almost remains constant for the Engelund-Hansen method while
it decreases in the Ackers-White method. In casa of Brownlie, the transport capacity is the highest for
the lowest B-h ratio and almost constantly decreases with the increasing B-h ratio.
For all the three predictors, the flatter the side slope the lower is the transport capacity. The reason is
that for a given B-h ratio, the steeper side slope increases the flow depth and the flow velocity. Hence, the
transport capacity increases for steeper side slopes.
Assessment of parameters for canal design 83
m=1 m = 1.5 m =2
0 5 10 15 20 25
B-h ratio
Equilibrium concentration (ppm)
=1 m = 1.5 m =2
0 5 10 15 20 25
B-h ratio m
Equilibrium concentration (ppm)
=1 m = 1.5 m =2
0 5 10 15 20 25
B-h ratio m
Figure 4.19 Effect of B-h ratio and side slope in the prediction of equilibrium concentration.
The velocity distribution in a trapezoidal canal is influenced not only by the effect of boundary
shear, but also by the changing water depth along the slope. If the canal is not very wide, then this
influence is significant and the concept of uniform velocity across the section cannot be used. Moreover
the roughness is not constant along the perimeter due to the presence of bed forms and protection
works or vegetation in the sides. Einstein (1942) suggested that the total area of such canals can be
divided into that corresponding to the bed (A b) and that corresponding to the
84 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
sidewall (A w). Then the average shear stress in the bed and side for a constant friction slope can be
written as:
τ b
= ρ gR bS (4.39)
τ w
= ρ gR wS (4.40)
This lead to the argument that the surplus energy in any flowing volume of water will be dissipated by
the shortest distanced boundary.
Figure 4.20 Definition sketch for calculation of depth averaged velocity (Yang, et al., 2004).
Based on this concept the surplus energy at any point in the column CD above the line EF will be
dissipated by side slope and below the line by the bed. The local velocity at any point A in the column
CD (Figure 4.20) is given by (Yang and Lim,
u ( ,z ′y ′ ) • z •′
= 2.5ln • f •• (4.41)
u *
z0 •
u f* ( )y
with = (4.42)
u * ( )h
u ′( ,z y ′)
= velocity at points in the shaded column
To compute the depth averaged velocity over the column CD the following assumptions are
− the roughness in the bed and sides are equal, so the line of zero shear (EF) is the
bisector of the angle between bed and slope;
− the local shear velocity can be replaced by the local average shear of either bed
or side.
Now integrating equation (4.41) along the column CD the relation for the depth averaged velocity ( ( )
u )yin a stream column is given by (Yang, et al., 2004):
u ( )y • h 1f •
= 2.5 ln • cos θ • − 2.5(1 + β) (4.43)
u * • z0 •
In non-wide canals and near the side wall in wide canals the maximum velocity is located below the
free surface, which is known as dip phenomena. The second term in the RHS of equation (4.43)
accounts for the dip phenomena and for a smooth canal the value of β is given by:
1.3 exp • y •
β = −• •• (4.44)
sin θ h1 •
Figure 4.21 Calculated and measured velocity distribution in one of the sub-secondary canals (SS9F).
86 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
The velocity distribution in some of the sub-secondary canals (trapezoidal, earthen) of SMIS,
Nepal was measured and for the rough canals the coefficient
β has been found to be:
0.8 exp • y •
β = −• •• (4.45)
sin θ h1 •
h1 = water depth at point 1(m)
θ = angle made by side slope with the water surface
Figure 4.21 shows the predicted velocity distribution by equation (4.43) and the measured one in the
sub-secondary canal S9F that has been found to be matching quite satisfactorily.
Sediment transport predictors are of different forms and complexities depending upon the
assumptions and the basic approaches used in the derivation. There is no general agreement on the type
of variables that are required to define the sediment transport, but the most frequently used ones are:
qs = f u( ,h, S
, ρ ,ν ρ, s
, d 50g , ,σ g
) (4.46)
For simplicity the sediment transport per unit width can be approximated by the power law, where
the coefficients M and N are supposed to be constant locally (De Vries, 1987) as:
q sMV
= (4.47)
dq MNV
dV N −1
= (4.48)
This gives:
dq V
= (4.49)
dV q s
For some predictors the value of N can be derived directly by comparing with equation (4.47), like
Engelund and Hansen (1967):
0.05 V
2 0.5
(s - 1 ) g d C 50
Assessment of parameters for canal design 87
which gives N = 5.
Equation (4.49) can be used for more complex predictors like Ackers and White (1973), Van Rijn
(1984a,1984b) and Brownlie (1981) (Klaassen, 1995). The Ackers and White predictor for sediment
transport is given by (ref subsection 3.4.2):
V n
q s
= G dgr uV 35 ( ) (4.51)
Differentiating and comparing the results with equation (4.49) gives the following relation for
the exponent N (De Vries, 1985):
m F′ Ngr
= +1 ( (4.52)
F grA − )
1.978 F g
N =+
1 − (4.54)
F gF gcr
Assessment of N (Klaassen, 1995, Méndez, 1998) shows that it depends upon the flow conditions
and sediment characteristics. In most cases (except Engelund and Hansen, Bagnold (1966)) it increases
with a decrease in flow velocity and decreases in particle size (Figure 4.23). For a higher velocity the
value of N remains fairly constant for a given particle size.
In case of Brownlie’s predictor the exponent N is independent of bed slope, sediment size and
geometric standard deviation for grain Froude numbers ( g F ) more
than 10, which refers to the velocity slightly more than that required for the initiation of motion (Figure
4.23). Moreover the value of N is never less than 3 for sediment size smaller than 0.50 mm and
Froude number smaller than 0.6.
88 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
The exponent N is more sensitive to sediment size in case of the Ackers-White predictor (Figure
4.23). Near the initiation of motion the value of N cannot be determined. N is always more than 4 for
Froude number less than 0.6, which is also the upper limit of the normal flow conditions in irrigation
Velocity exponenet (N)
Moreover F gr( in the Ackers and White method) is also related to the water
depth and in case of a trapezoidal canal water depth also changes in side slopes in addition to the
velocity. However calculations (Figure 4.24) show that the change in water depth has a negligible effect
on gr F and hence can be neglected.
Assessment of parameters for canal design 89
If the whole cross section of the canal is divided into small columns of finite width dy ( Figure
4.25), then sediment transport through a stream column of width
dy and local depth averaged velocity u is given by:
q sMu
= (4.55)
Now the summation of all the stream tube transports will give the sediment transport rate of the
whole section.
= ∫dy
Q sMu (4.56)
here T is the top width of the canal and dy is the width of the stream tube.
Using the variables averaged over the whole cross section, the sediment transport through the whole
section becomes:
Q sB =MV s (4.57)
Mu dy B
α= s
∫ T
90 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
Figure 4.25 Schematized stream column and velocity distribution in a non-wide canal.
Here α is
the correction that should be applied to account for the influence of the non-uniform
velocity distribution in trapezoidal and non-wide canals. In case of rectangular canals there will be no
influence in velocity distribution due to the side slope, still the non-uniformity in velocity will exist
especially if the B-h ratio is small.
Use of simplified equations is useful to understand the effect of the shape on sediment transport
behaviour, but for the actual adjustment in the predictor they should be analysed separately. The
coefficients M and exponent N have different values and depend upon different variables in different
predictors. Hence the correction in the prediction for changing side slope, B-h ratio, sediment size and
the velocity exponent (N) for each predictor should be evaluated separately. In this study three total
load predictors, namely Ackers-White, Brownlie and Engelund and Hansen have been evaluated.
In case of the Engelund and Hansen predictor the exponent N is constant and is taken equal to 5.
For this predictor also the correction is a function of B-h ratio and side slope. The corrections are given by:
Assessment of parameters for canal design 91
− trapezoidal canal:
− 0.0937 0.078
α s
= 1.2785 / ( B h ) m (4.59)
− rectangular canal:
− 0.0663
α = 1.2 / ( B h )
− trapezoidal canal:
− rectangular canal:
Brownlie’s predictor
In case of the Brownlie’s predictor the correction factor is a function of bed width to water depth ratio,
velocity exponent ( N) and side slope ( m) of the canal. The exponent N varies from 3 to 6. All the other
hydraulic and sediment characteristics are same as that for the Engelund and Hansen predictor.A
non-linear regression of the computed results yields the following relationships for correction:
− trapezoidal canal:
− rectangular canal:
− 0.0361 0.2106
α s
= 0.8492 / ( B h ) N (4.64)
92 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
Three procedures are defined for the comparison of the sediment transport computations:
Q s
=∫ q sdy
,y T
Q s
= α s sq B (4.66)
where q sis the sediment transport rate per unit width calculated from the mean flow velocity and
other variables as indicated in the respective predictors. So, the transport rate in this procedure is the
quantity obtained from the predictors taking the canal as wide and then making a correction for
non-wide conditions and side slope.
Table 4.4 Selected data set for the evaluation of sediment transport capacity computation procedures.
For the comparison of the three procedures, the selected data set for total load transport form
Brownlie (1981) compilation of 55 flume and 24 field data sets was considered. The selection criteria
are based on the flow conditions and sediment characteristics that normally exist in irrigation canals.
The selection criteria are:
− sediment size less than 0.5 mm;
− Froude number less than 0.5;
− B-h ratio less than 8;
− sediment concentration 100 - 1500 ppm;
− geometric standard deviation of bed particle size ( g σ ) less than 1.5;
− type of bed form dune or less;
− data that have all the measurements required for sediment transport computation.
A total of 149 data sets were selected out of the total 1,049 flume data sets of Brownlie’s
compilation (Table 4.4). All the data are from rectangular flume with a maximum width of 2.4 m.
Hence the width for the sediment transport in the above mentioned procedures will be equal to the
bed width. Figure 4.26 shows the sediment size and concentration range of the selected data.
Three predictors, namely Brownlie, Ackers and White and Engelund and Hansen are used for the
prediction of the total load under equilibrium condition. The three procedures have been compared on the
relative basis. The measured sediment transport is compared with the predicted sediment transport
calculated by using one of the three procedures. Then the predictability of each procedure is measured
on the basis of well-predicted values within certain accuracy range. For a given error factor ( f) the upper
and lower range is given by:
The comparison results (Figure 4.20) show that the predictability of the predictors is improved when
a correction is applied to incorporate the effect of B-h ratio (procedure III). The predictability is improved
when hydraulic mean depth (R) is used in place of water depth (h) for Brownlie’s predictor. For
Ackers-White, the use of water depth (h) produced better accuracy as compared to the use of hydraulic
depths (R). For Engelund-Hansen, there is no significant change in the prediction accuracy for both
cases (procedure I and procedure II). The use of representative width as bed width or average width
(average of bed width and water surface width) has no influence in the result as all the data were from
rectangular section. However, in trapezoidal canal sections the method of taking representative width
should have significant effect in the sediment transport volume. The most logical option could be to use
the average of the bed width and the top with of the canal and in this research the average width has
been used as the representative width.
94 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
4.7 Conclusions
The sediment movement is the function of hydraulic and sediment characteristics. The proper
estimation of design discharge and the roughness helps to predict the hydraulic conditions more
accurately. An understanding of the influence of canal geometry in the sediment transport capacity of
the canal for a given discharge will assist in the proper selection of bed width, bed slope and side
slope of the canal during the design.
In general the reliability of sediment transport predictors is low and at best they can provide only
estimates. A probable error in the range of 50-100% can be expected even under the most favourable
circumstances (Vanoni, 1975). The error is expected to increase further if the calculations are based
upon average values of flow and sediment parameters. Engelund and Hansen (1967) have pointed
out that even after the theoretical side wall correction, the experimental flume data should be
considered with caution. It is because the shear is dependent not only on the relative roughness of
bed and walls but also on the width to depth ratio of the flume. Moreover Brownlie (1981) mentions
that the field data have slightly higher sediment concentrations than laboratory data for a similar
ranges of dimensional groups.
Even though there is improvement in the accuracy of prediction while the corrections are applied
to the sediment transport predictors as compared to the conditions of without prediction, accuracy of
prediction is still low. The accuracy is less than 50% for a error factor of 1.5. One predictor predicts
well for one data set, while for the other data set the predictability if very poor. This clearly indicates
the limitations of the available predictors for sediment transport. They have been derived from the
limited range of hydraulic and sediment characteristics and their use outside those ranges should be
made with care. Predictors should be tested with the field conditions where they are to be used and
adjustment should be made if found necessary.
5 Towards a new design approach
5.1 General
For countries like Nepal, with relatively young and fragile mountains, high intensity rainfall
patterns, agricultural activities on the sloping and marginal lands and rapidly shrinking forest areas,
the sediment is an integral part of the river flows, which is difficult to be excluded by the sediment
removal arrangements in the headworks. Hence, irrigation canals have to carry the sediment loads.
The concentration of sediment and its variation during the irrigation season depends upon the type
and efficiency of sediment removal facilities.
While preparing the design of canals from sediment transport aspect for a new irrigation scheme or
for the modernization of an existing scheme, the information on the inflow concentration and type of
sediment and its variation in time should be carefully worked out. In many irrigation schemes, the
sediment removal options provided have become useless, partly due to design shortcomings but mostly
due to operational requirements that are difficult to implement. So, a theoretically sound and effective
sediment removal/control technique may not be equally effective for all the schemes, due to their
specific characteristics and operational limitations. This aspect should also be analysed while designing
the canal, that is; how the system will behave if the assumptions on sediment removal at the headwork
are not met.
Once the sediment enters into the scheme then the management efforts should be to transport or
deposit the sediment in a controlled manner such that the functional objectives of the schemes are not
hampered. Hence the design of the canal for sediment transport should be an integrated approach of
hydraulic calculations that take care of well defined management plans. In this chapter a brief
description of the canal design methods that are in use in Nepal and more specifically in Sunsari
Morang Irrigation Scheme (SMIS) is given, then the proposed design approach in terms of hydraulic
calculations and the management aspect that should be taken into consideration is presented and at the
end the discussion on the proposed design method is given.
The purpose of the hydraulic design of canals is to determine the flow depth required to pass a
known discharge for a given geometry and roughness. Geometry of a canal is defined by the bed width,
side slope and bed slope. Hence, theoretically any of the three parameters, i.e., bed width, side slope or
bed slope can be varied to obtain a desired depth for a given discharge. Since, it is not practical to
construct a canal with varying side slope along its length, it is normally taken constant unless the canal
discharge is reduced significantly and steeper slopes are possible to adopt. Hence, for a given condition
(soil type, discharge) the side slope is selected and taken as constant, while bed width and bed slope are
taken as the design parameters.
Similarly, roughness depends upon the flow conditions as well as on other factors like type of
construction material, quality of construction and/or
98 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
maintenance, canal shape, geometry and vegetation. Although the change in roughness will change
the water depth for a given canal geometry and discharge, it is not taken as design parameter.
Roughness is related qualitatively to the type and quality of the construction as well as the
maintenance work, but quantitatively it is not practical to specify a roughness and ask to construct or
maintain a canal accordingly.
Based on design considerations, irrigation canals in Nepal can be broadly divided into two
groups, canals in the hills and canals in the Terai (alluvial plain in the southern part). Hill canals:
− are relatively smaller in size. In most cases the command area is less than 1,000
− have limited space for the width. The canals are normally designed with smaller
B-h ratio and steeper side slope. In some cases rectangular lined canals are cheaper than
trapezoidal earthen canals;
− pass through relatively hard soil. It is possible to provide steeper bed slopes;
− relatively coarse sediment. The sediment load coming into the hill canals is
normally coarser. Sediment transport problems in hill canals are being tackled efficiently by using a
sediment trap and providing steeper longitudinal slopes.
In general the hill canals are narrower in width and steeper in slope, while the Terai canals should
have a gentle bed slope to avoid the loss of command area. Moreover, Terai canals receive more fine
sediment that is difficult to separate and pass through erodible soil. Hence more emphasis has to be
given in the design of Terai canals for tackling sediment transport issues.
The problem of sediment in irrigation schemes in Nepal is recognized and accordingly for the
design of unlined earthen canal in the hills and plains different methods have been suggested. In the
design manuals for the design of irrigation canals in Nepal, generally two conditions have been
identified (Department of Irrigation, 1990a):
− water flowing without sediment in unlined canals. For sizing the canals
Manning’s equation is recommended while for limiting the slope to prevent bed erosion tractive force
equations are recommended;
− water flowing with sediment in unlined canals. In this case the manual suggests
to satisfy both the non-scouring and non-silting criteria. For sizing the canals it is suggested to use
Manning’s equation for all canals in the hills and small canals in the Terai, while Lacey’s regime
formula or White-Bettess-Paris tables (White,
et al., 1981b) for large canals in the Terai. For limiting the slope or preventing erosion in the bed
tractive force equations are suggested. For computing the sediment transport capacity Engelund
and Hansen or Ackers and White equations are suggested.
The manuals recommend that the use of Lacey’s equations should be restricted to the areas
where the sediment size and concentration is expected to be similar to those implicit in the formulae.
It is recommended that for large canals, a more thorough assessment of the sediment balance is
carried out using quantitative
Towards a new design approach 99
formulae. No specific standards have been setup so far, hence the constants and coefficients in the
empirical equations are selected on personal judgement.
Similar to the many large scale irrigation scheme canals, the canal system of SMIS was also
designed using Lacey’s regime equations. This irrigation scheme faced severe sediment deposition
problems and during modernization the sediment transport aspect was also given due importance in the
design of canals. However, in the absence of clear and defined guidelines for the design, different
approaches have been used. During earlier phases (stage I and II) of modernization, Lacey’s regime
method (Method I) was used while later on (stage III) the tractive force method with energy concept for
preventing deposition was used (Method II) (Department of Irrigation, 1987, 2003). A brief description of
these methods and their suitability will be discussed in the following sub-headings.
Method I
The set of Lacey’s regime equations used in the design and the values of the constants taken are
(Department of Irrigation, 1987):
2 1
• Qf • 6
V =
2 •• = • 0.483 Q 6
140 e •
• Q •3
D = 0.525
2 •• = • 0.636 Q 3
ef •
B = 0.8 B s
= 2.9 Q (5.3)
B s
= 4.83 e Q (5.4)
0.00303 e1 6f E
S f
= (5.5)
P • 1+ x
2 •
E B= = + 0.8 0.2 • • (5.6)
• x •
• •
and x is given by
1/ 6
x = 0.1 / B sD = 0.57 Q (5.7)
100 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
Bs = water surface width (m) B
The regime theory postulates that for a given discharge, sediment diameter and concentration the
width, depth, mean velocity and slope of a sediment transporting canal are uniquely determined. The
statement is subject to the provision that the sediment is loose, incoherent, the channel is active and the
bed is in movement. That is, there is no restriction to the formation of regime conditions. The major
issues in the use of Lacey’s regime equations are:
− implicit use of sediment parameters. The sediment size and concentration appear
implicitly in the equations. Only the silt factor appears in the equation that is related to mean
sediment size (d 50). There is a common consensus among the researchers that more number of
hydraulic and sediment related parameters, other than the sediment size and discharge, have
influence in the sediment transport process. The disagreement, however, still exists on how much
influence one parameter will have over the others. That is the reason, the sediment transport
capacity predicted by the available predictors varies by a large margin for the same hydraulic and
sediment related parameters. In the regime equations, all sediment related variables are included
in a single parameter, the silt factor;
− concept of incoherent alluvium and bed width. Most of the irrigation scheme in
Nepal pass through the terrain that can not be considered to have unlimited envelope of sediment
identical to the transported sediment as assumed in the regime theory. The regime width is
constant for a given discharge and is independent of the type of bank material. In practice, even
the natural rivers with strong banks are narrower than the ones with erodible banks. Hence, to
achieve the regime conditions, the banks should not offer any resistance. Such conditions are
difficult to find in the irrigation canals in Nepal;
− introduction of flow control structures. For a canal to adjust its slope and width
and attain a regime condition an incoherent perimeter and a long reach without any restriction to
flow is needed. Such conditions are difficult to find in modern irrigation canals. Even the old irrigation
schemes, designed on a supply based concept, are being converted to a demand based concept
during modernization. As a result, more of flow control structures are being added to regulate the
flow to meet the changing demand. Hence, there is hardly any possibility of attaining the so called
regime condition in present day irrigation canals;
− roughness implicit in other equations. The theory assumes that in a self formed
channel in loose sediment the roughness is implicit in the values of the hydraulic mean depth and
the slope it adopts. It is not clear how to compute the roughness of a canal that is not in regime.
Normally the irrigation canals have defined boundary and the side slope and different protection and
repair works are done to maintain the side slopes that will definitely affect in the equivalent
roughness of the canal section. The effect is more pronounced in case of non-wide canals.
No studies have been made on how much deviation there is between the predicted and actual
stable canal parameters in Nepal. However, in India the predicted values deviated from actual stable
canal values by 11 to 84%. Some adjustments have been made in the regime equations to make
them compatible with the local conditions. Examples of such equations are that of Chitale’s best fit
equations (Chitale, 1966) and the Irrigation Research Institute, Roorkee equations for northern India
(Varshney, et al., 1992).
The design manuals of the Department of Irrigation have also recommended to use the equations
only in the conditions that are similar to the conditions for which the equations were derived. But there
are so many variables involved in the sediment transport process and the Lacey’s regime equations use
so little parameters that it becomes difficult to make any tangible comparison, between the conditions of
the place of interest and the conditions where these equations have been claimed to be successful.
Despite all the limitations in the equations the design engineers use the Lacey’s regime equations
for the design of canal mainly because they are simple and easy. Design discharge and the mean
sediment size are the only information needed to start the design.
Method II
The second approach used is based on the energy concept that states that the sediment transport
capacity (stream power) should be constant or non-decreasing in the downstream direction. The basic
principle of this method is that any sediment entering into the system should be transported to the end
without deposition in between. For the control of erosion in the bed the shear stress is restricted to a
certain safe limit.
As mentioned above three equations are needed to solve the three independent variables of canal
design i.e., bed width (B), bed slope (S 0) and water depth (h). In this approach one of the three resistance
equations (Chézy, Manning or Strickler) makes the first equation.
The bed width to water depth ratio (B-h ratio) makes the second equation. Different empirical
relationships exist for determining the B-h ratio and side slope. Side slope is mostly based on the soil
type while the B-h ratio depends upon various factors as economy, sediment transport, seepage and
maintenance. In SMIS the values as shown in Table 5.1 have been used.
102 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
Table 5.1 B-h ratio and side slope for different discharges. Flow range
(Q m 3/ s) V:H B-h ratio
0.1 to 1.0 1:1 1 to 4
1.0 to 15.0 1:1.5 2.7 to 7
15.0 to 100.0 1:2 5.5 to 10
Check for erosion. Now the bed slope is assumed and the two equations are used to find the wa ter
depth and bed width. The slope is then checked for ero sion using the following condition:
τ b
= ρ ghS 0
where g
= acceleration due to gravity (m/s 2)
Check for suspended load. For controlling the deposition of suspended sediment, the Vlugter (1962)
energy concept has been used. It states that sediment particles will be transported in any concentration
by the flowing water when the fall velocity ( w ) is less than a certain threshold, given by:
• ρ wρ •
w s ≤• • VS 0
ρ− •
s w •
Shoemaker (1983) used this concept and proposed the concept of stream power for designing a canal
with suspended sediment. The stream power is given by:
E = ρ gVS 0
where E
= stream power (W/m 3)
S0 = bed slope (m/m)
V = mean velocity (m/s)
ρ = density of water (kg/m 3)
The energy of the main canal at the head of the off-take is computed and the off- take canal is
designed such that it would have energy at least equal to or more than the energy of the main canal to
ensure no sediment deposition. The criteria used to test this condition are:
Check for bed-load. The relative transport capacity of flowing water can be written as:
Towards a new design approach 103
Bh S T
3 3
∝ S
Q Bhh (5.12)
z x
where B
= bed width (m)
h = water depth (m)
S0 = bed slope (m/m)
T = sediment transport rate (m 3/ s)
T Q/ = relative transport capacity
Q = discharge (m 3/ s)
x ,z = exponents depending upon the choice of sediment transport and water flow
Using Vlugter (1962) concept and Strickler’s equation for water flow the necessary and
sufficient condition for non silting due to bed-load is (Dahmen,
12 0
This criterion is used to check the possibility of sediment deposition in the bed. If the criterion is not
satisfied then the slope is changed. If, however, the slope cannot be changed due to the area to be
commanded, the existing off-take or other canal structures then the new calculation is started using a
different B-h ratio.
Comparatively, the energy approach is better as compared to the regime equations as it uses a
more rational approach for including sediment transport aspects in the design. Firstly the sediment
transport capacity (T m 3/ s) is determined based on the type and concentration of the sediment
expected to be transported. Then for a given discharge (Q m 3/ s) relative transport capacity T/Q is
computed which is assumed to be proportional to the energy of the flowing water (equation
6.8). The design philosophy is that, if the energy of the off-taking canal is kept equal to that of the parent
canal, then the suspended sediment load that the canal receives from the parent canal can be
transported in suspension. And if the transport capacity of the off-taking canal is maintained equal or
non-decreasing in the downstream direction then there will be no deposition in the canal. In this way all
the sediment is transported to the desired location.
The advantage of this approach is that all the canals downstream of a point under consideration are
related with each other. The secondary canal’s transport capacity is determined by the transport capacity
of the main canal near the in-take of the secondary canal. Similarly, the capacities of the sub-secondary
canals are related to the capacity of secondary canal and so on. If due to some reasons, a canal can not
be designed with the energy comparable to that of the parent canal then the designer will have prior
knowledge that the canal might have some sediment transport problems in that canal and can suggest
some operational or management solutions.
There are, however, some limitations of this approach in the design of canals that carry appreciable
amount of sediment:
− sediment transport rate only a function of velocity (V) and bed slope (S 0). As
discussed in section 4.4, irrigation canals differ from rivers due to the limited B-
104 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
h ratio and the presence of side slopes. The majority of irrigation canals are non- wide and
trapezoidal in shape with the exception of small and lined canals that may be rectangular. In a
trapezoidal section the water depth changes from point to point in the section and hence the shear
stress. The effect would be more pronounced if the bed width to water depth ratio (B-h ratio) is
small. The change in velocity distribution in a canal in view of the change in boundary shear and
water depth along the cross section will influence the sediment transport capacity also. Hence, by
relating the transport capacity with the velocity and bed slope only, the major characteristics of an
irrigation canal are ignored and the sediment transport process is not completely described;
for sediment load outside the De Vos assumptions (fine sediment of size less than 70 μm). Discharge
in irrigation canals decreases in downstream direction, hence the roughness increases for the same
canal shape and bed material size and the velocity ( V) decreases. The product VS 0 can be maintained
constant or non- decreasing by three different methods:
o by changing the bed width while keeping the bed slope constant;
o by changing the bed slope while keeping the bed width constant;
o by changing both the bed width and bed slope.
The practical difficulty lies on the correct selection of method/option to get the constant VS 0. Sometimes,
the topography restricts the change in slope while sometimes the bed width has to be kept
constant. Moreover, for a canal with the same constant energy achieved by three different
methods, the actual sediment transport capacity of the canal will not be same. Hence, the
non-decreasing energy criteria may be necessary but not sufficient for preventing deposition in the
− extrapolation of the method for larger sediment size. The De Vos statement was
for very fine sediment (d ≤ 50 – 70 μm) and the assumption that it will be equally applicable to larger
sized sediment is not yet justified.
For the design of canals with sediment load a design approach has been suggested that takes into
account the bed forms and the effect of bed width to water depth ratio on the roughness (Depeweg and
Paudel, 2003). In the following part the process of design will be discussed. In the end the summary of
design calculation and flow diagram for the same will be presented.
The capacity of the canal should be such that the embankments are not overtopped or the
canal network is not at risk, when maximum or peak water demand (Q peak) is being met. Hence Q peak should
be taken as the design discharge.
Towards a new design approach 105
The problem lies in the selection of the design sediment concentration, i.e., what is the sediment
concentration that the canal should convey in equilibrium condition while carrying the design
discharge. It is clear that the water and sediment inflow rate in any canal system is not constant. The
peak water flow (Q peak) may not correspond to the peak sediment concentration. If there is provision of
a sediment removal facility then there will be a known upper limit of sediment concentration. The
design concentration which will be called “ dominant concentration ” is that value, for which there will
be least erosion and deposition after one crop calendar year.
The dominant concentration is not the expected peak concentration that the canal has to convey.
It is a value that will result in no net erosion or deposition after one irrigation season. Hence
depending upon the inflow discharge and sediment concentration, erosion during one part and
deposition during another part of the irrigation season is allowed, thus balancing the net effect in one
irrigation cycle. Moreover in this case the sediment concentration will be used explicitly to arrive at a
stable design.
Equivalent roughness of the canal section is computed considering the effect of the B-h ratio and side
slope. The roughness values in the side slopes and in the bed are estimated separately and the equivalent
roughness is computed (ref section 4.5). The computation procedure can be summarized as:
Side slope
The side slopes depend mainly on stability criteria. In Nepal, selection of side slopes is made on the
basis of soil type as well as the canal discharge (Department of Irrigation, 1990a). Similarly Dahmen
(1994) suggested the side slope on the basis of discharge (Table 5.2). A steeper side slope is possible
in smaller canals as compared to larger ones for the same soil type. Hence in the selection of side
slopes, mechanical property of soil, depth of canal, method of construction, level of ground water table
and local practices need to be considered.
106 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
Table 5.2 Suggested side slope of a canal in Nepal and by Dahmen (1994).
Nepal Dahmen
Discharge side slope Discharge side slope
m 3/ s H:1V m 3/ s H : 1V
< 1.0 1.0 < 0.2 1.0
1 to 15 1.5 0.2 to 0.5 1.0 to 1.5
> 15 2.0 0.5 to 10 1.5 to 2.0
> 10 > 2.0
B-h ratio
Various empirical relationships have been developed and are in use for the B-h ratio. The value for
different existing irrigation canals in different parts of the world is presented in Figure 5.1. Dahmen
(1994) suggest the following relationships for canals carryin g a relatively low s ediment load.
b 0.35
for Q > 0.2 m 3/ s 1.76
h= Q (5.14)
for Q < 0.2 m 3/ s 1.0 (5.15)
Figure 5.1 B-h ratio of existing canals of the world (after Dahmen, 1994) and proposed value.
Towards a new design approach 107
Normally, the canals that carry sediment are wider than the ones that carry relatively clear water
(Figure 5.1). In Nepal, the general practice is to use Lacey’s regime width, but as discussed above the
computed width results in a relatively wider canal since the side slope used is flatter due to soil stability
considerations. Hence, for canals carrying sediment load and having a side slope comparable to that
suggested in the design manuals in Nepal, the following relation for the selection of the B-h ratio is
proposed based on the Indonesian practices.
For Q > 0.5 m 3/ s B-h ratio 2.5=Q (5.17)
Total load predictors are proposed for predicting the sediment transport capacity under
equilibrium conditions. The predictors by Brownlie, Ackers-White and Engelund-Hansen are some of
them that can be used depending upon the expected sediment load and size. In case of Nepal, the
sediment transport predictors by Brownlie and by Engelund and Hansen are proposed. The sediment
transport capacity predicted is then corrected for the influence of the side walls of irrigation canals (ref
section 4.6).
Calculation steps
The sequence of calculation for the design of a canal following the approach mentioned above is:
A computer program DOCSET (Design Of Canal for Sediment Transport) has been prepared on the
basis of this approach, which can be used to design a new canal as well as to evaluate the existing
canals for their sediment transport capacities under equilibrium condition. The summary of the design
process has been given in the flow diagram (Figure 5.2). The canal section designed in this way will be
able to carry the design sediment load under normal flow conditions.
In modern irrigation schemes the crop based water delivery plans are prepared in an attempt to
increase the irrigation efficiency and crop production. Accordingly the canal network and the flow
control systems are designed to make the system more flexible to meet the changing demand. From
sediment transport aspect, flexibility means more control of the flow and hence more deviation from
uniform flow conditions. That means the difference of actual sediment transport and the one predicted
by the sediment transport equations becomes more.
Irrigation schemes that carry a sediment load need extra efforts to operate them properly. Two
objectives have to be met simultaneously, firstly to supply the water as per the demand or as per the
previously agreed schedule and secondly to ensure that the effects due to sedimentation/erosion are
minimal. Delivery of water as per the demand requires adjustment in the water level and flow rate. The
operation of control gates to manipulate the water level and discharge makes the flow in the canal
system unsteady and non-uniform and will affect in the sediment transport behaviour. It is not possible
to operate the scheme in a flexible way and also to reduce the sedimentation problem at the same time.
Hence a compromise has to be made between the flexibility in water delivery and sediment deposition.
Management authorities have to follow strict operation rules to reduce the entry and deposition of
sediment. If the rules are followed then the basic functional objectives of the scheme to supply water in
sufficient quantity, right time and with fair share have to be compromised. If however, the rules are not
followed properly, then the chances are that there will be unwanted deposition in some parts of the
canal section, thus reducing the capacity. This will again lead to an inadequate and unfair distribution
of available water. Hence the limitations of such irrigation schemes in terms of service delivery have to
be understood at the time of design and accordingly operational plans should be prepared and used in
the design.
The objective of design of a canal for sediment transport should be to convey the incoming
sediment load all the way down to the location where it can be disposed or deposited safely. But most
design procedures assume each reach as an individual element. In such cases there will be no
relationship between higher order and subsequent lower order canals in terms of their sediment
transport capacity. If an off-taking canal has a smaller transport capacity than the parent canal then
sediment diverted from the parent canal will be deposited near the head of the off-taking
110 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
canal. If, however, the off-taking canal is designed with a higher transport capacity than the parent
canal, the canal will always have more energy in the flow than necessary to transport the available
sediment in the flow. Then there is possibility of bed erosion in the off-taking canal. The scheme can be
operated optimally if the sediment transport capacities of the off-taking and parent canals are
The sediment management aspect should be fully understood and incorporated in the design.
Simply designing a canal or reach of the canal for a certain transport capacity may solve the problem of
that reach but from management aspect it is simply the shifting of the trouble from one place to
another. It should be clearly indicated what is the objective in terms of sediment transport. If the
objective is to transport the sediment down to the field then all the canals in the network should be
capable of transporting the sediment load.
It has been observed that different levels of canals in the same system are designed using different
approaches. For example in SMIS, secondary canals have been designed using Lacey’s regime
equations while sub-secondary and tertiary canals are designed using Manning’s equation (Department
of Irrigation, 1987). The design manuals also suggest to design the main and secondary canals using
tractive force or regime concepts while lower order canals by simple Manning’s or Chézy’s equations
(Department of Irrigation, 1990a). This gives an impression that the objective in the design from the
sediment transport perspective is to transport the sediment up to the end of the secondary canals.
Since the design approach does not include any specific plans and methods how the transported
sediment is to be managed after that point, the operation of such schemes is difficult.
It is seldom possible to have the same slope for all the canals in an irrigation scheme. When there
is restriction on slope then the B-h ratio is adjusted to arrive at the required sediment transport capacity.
The adjustment in the B-h ratio alone may not be enough to design different canals with equal transport
capacity. Similar conditions may arise even within a canal. Hence, one or more canals or one or more
reaches of a canal may have more sediment deposition problems as compared to other for the given
sediment load. The unequal sediment deposition pattern in different canals means that some farmers
have to invest more as compared to others to receive the same amount of water. Besides, the uneven
deposition of sediment along the same canal will put extra burden to the farmers downstream of that
point to convey their share of water to the field. Normally the head reach farmer who is benefited due to
the raised water level in the canal will not bother and participate in the removal of sediment in the canal.
Thus the farmers of the tail end should have to invest more money for the canal maintenance and
receive less water.
The settling basin at the head may become very large and expensive if it is designed to reduce the
concentration to avoid deposition problems in all the canal network. Under such conditions, the
provision of settling pockets may be helpful to reduce the social, operational and water distribution
problem. In Nepal, generally the main and sub-secondary canals follow the contours, hence have
flatter slopes than secondary canals that follow the ridges. Hence a settling basin at the head of a
secondary canal will allow designing the canal with a flatter slope, thus even the high land within the
command area can be provided with irrigation facilities.
Towards a new design approach 111
Maintenance of a canal is primarily meant to restore the canal to the designed or planned state. In
the process the level, cross sectional dimensions as well as the roughness of the section are corrected.
Removal of deposited sediment from a canal network is the major maintenance activity of irrigation
schemes carrying sediment laden water. Sediment deposition in the canal will have two fold influences.
Firstly, the water diversion towards the canal is reduced due to the reduction in the driving head
(difference in water level or in piezometric head between inflow and outflow cross-sections) and
secondly the capacity is reduced due to the reduction in canal capacity.
If complete removal of the sediment is possible then there should be no problem, however, given
the extent of deposited volume and available resource complete removal of deposited material is seldom
possible. In case, when the sediment has to be removed partially then the desilting activity can be
optimized if the causes of sediment deposition are understood and its effects in the operation and
management of the irrigation schemes are explored. Improper planning and removal of sediment may
not only increase the deposition rate but also not improve the water delivery. The Following criteria
should be considered while making the maintenance plans:
− removal of sediment near the head reach increases the head between the source
(parent canal or reservoir) and the canal and may increase the water drawing capacity. However,
if the capacity of the downstream reach is not sufficient to transport the increased flow of water
then backwater is created. This will again raise the water level near the head and the gain (in
terms of driving head) made by desilting is balanced. Moreover the deeper canal section for the
same flow rate will reduce the flow velocity and sediment deposition will take place at faster rate;
− sediment deposition starts from the upstream and continues towards the
downstream reach of a canal if the incoming sediment load is more than the sediment transport
capacity of the canal. If, however, the backwater effect is created due to the presence of a control
structure or an obstruction and due to this the sediment transport capacity of the section is reduced
than the sediment load in the flow, then the deposition will start from downstream end and move to
an upstream direction. If sediment deposition near the intake is due to the backwater effect then
removal of sediment may not help in increasing the discharge into the canal;
− if deposition is due to the lower transport capacity of the canal, then removal of
sediment near the head reach may be beneficial to increase the water withdrawal into the canal;
− the irrigation policy of Nepal aims to operate the large scale irrigation schemes
in joint management mode. Normally, the headwork, main canal and the secondary canals are
under the responsibility of the government while the sub- secondary and the lower order canals are
operated and maintained by the WUA. If lower order canals, which are the responsibility of the
farmers, are not desilted then the desilting of the main and secondary canals is useless. The
increased discharge in main and secondary canals can not be diverted to the lower order canals
and only the head reach farmers will be benefited. Moreover, for a given discharge the water level
becomes higher in the silted lower order canals, hence the water level in the parent canal has to be
maintained higher. This will again
112 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
create a backwater effect and a lower flow velocity. The deposition rate will be faster and the
cleaned canals will be filled faster without any real benefits.
Disposal of sediment is also a major aspect that should be planned properly before the design. If
the sediment does not have a fertilizing value then the design should aim to transport the sediment to
the desired location where it can be deposited (controlled deposition) and removed without affecting
the canal operation. Designing the canal network to transport all the sediment to the field is simply to
transfer the problem from the canal to the field.
The design of a canal is a complex process that has to satisfy different operational requirements.
Hydraulic calculations are based on a specific design discharge and sediment characteristics for
uniform flow. The design information are derived considering the water requirement, sediment load in
the river and the provisions of sediment removal facilities, expected maintenance conditions and the
proposed operation plan. However, it is not possible that a canal designed for a specific water flow and
sediment load to be non-silting and non-scouring for all the discharges and sediment concentrations.
Since the water flow and sediment concentration keep on changing, it is unavoidable to have some
deposition in one part of the irrigation season and some erosion in the other. Hence, the design should
be able to produce a system that has a minimum net erosion/deposition at the end of the season.
Hence, the design values of water and sediment concentration may not be the maximum values that
the canal is expected to convey but those that produce minimum net erosion or deposition during one
crop calendar year.
For a given discharge and geometry the actual water depth in a canal under uniform flow
condition is decided by the roughness. Roughness keeps on changing throughout the canal
operation. The roughness in the bed will change with the change in flow conditions. The roughness
in the sides might change due to the
Towards a new design approach 113
growth of vegetation, weathering of canal slopes and periodic maintenance activities. However, the
canals have to be designed by taking the average roughness expected during the irrigation season.
Modelling provides an option for a precise representation of these changes during the irrigation
season that will increase the reliability of predicted morphological changes and help in a better design
from sediment transport perspective.
A flow control system is needed in an irrigation scheme to manage the water flows at bifurcations
to meet the service criteria and standards regarding flexibility, reliability, equity and adequacy of
delivery. A flow is regulated through water level control, discharge control, and/or volume control that
make the flow non-uniform. For flows other than the design values, the gates are operated to maintain
the set- point and diverting the desired water to the laterals. This will create drawdown or backwater
effects and non-equilibrium sediment transport conditions. The canals are designed assuming a steady
and uniform flow and an equilibrium sediment transport condition. The sediment transport equations
used in the design are not capable of predicting the sediment transport behaviour under
non-equilibrium conditions. Sediment transport models provide an option for predicting the sediment
transport process in time under changing flow conditions. Hence, a design should be evaluated by
using a sediment transport model and necessary changes should be made to reduce the
erosion/deposition. Hence, modelling becomes the integral part of the design and it will be helpful to:
− select the design discharge and sediment concentration that will give minimum
net erosion/deposition;
− incorporate in the design the changing nature of roughness due to changing
hydraulic and management conditions;
− include the effect of water delivery schedules and flow control in the design; and
− prepare and propose the irrigation management plans.
5.5 Conclusions
With a slight change in water flow and sediment properties the sediment movement pattern is
affected significantly. Operation and maintenance of the irrigation scheme has major influence in the
hydrodynamic behaviour of the canal and hence in the sediment movement also. Analyzing the
problem only from hydraulic point of view is not sufficient to solve the problem. An integrated
approach that looks into hydraulic as well as management aspect simultaneously is needed to deal
the sediment movement problems in irrigation canals. The canal design for sediment transport is,
therefore, an iterative process where the starting point should be the preparation of management
plans. The design parameters are derived from the management plans and the preliminary hydraulic
design of the canal is made. The preliminary design results are then evaluated for the changing
water and sediment inflow conditions with the water delivery and operation plans. The results of the
evaluation help to fine tune the design parameters and the management plans. The canal
dimensions are again calculated using the revised design parameters and the process is continued
until the desired level of performance in terms of the sediment movement and water delivery is not
114 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
For the evaluation of the design, a sediment transport model capable of simulating management aspects
of irrigation canal is needed.
For the hydraulic calculation an improved design approach has been proposed. The major features
can be summarized as:
− determination of roughness. The proposed method makes use of the elaborated
and more realistically determined roughness value in the design process. The roughness of the
section is adjusted as per the hydraulic condition and sediment characteristics. Moreover the
influences of the side slopes and the B-h ratio are included while computing the equivalent
roughness of the section. This should result in a more accurate prediction of hydraulic and
sediment transport characteristics of the canal and hence, a better design.
− use of adjustment parameter for B-h ratio and side slope. Since the sediment
transport predictors assume the canal to be wide, they do not include the influence of the side walls
in shear stress and velocity distribution along the canal cross section. An adjustment parameter
has been derived that includes the influence of non-wide canals, sloping side walls and exponent
of the velocity in the sediment transport predictor. This adjustment should increase the accuracy of
the predictors when they are used in irrigation canals, an environment for which they were not
The possibility of erosion can be checked by comparing the tractive force of the designed canal
section. But the design is not based on the erosion control requirements. This is because, this design
procedure is proposed for designing a canal that has to carry water with a sediment load. So far as the
sediment load in the water is comparable to the design value, then under normal conditions, the energy
of flow will be just sufficient to transport the incoming sediment and there will be no erosion of the canal
bed. However, if the canal is designed for a certain sediment concentration (say 700 ppm) and due to
some reason (construction of a new settling basin or reservoir) the inflow sediment concentration is
reduced (say 100 ppm), then there will be possibility of erosion.
The objective of the design should be clear, since designing the canal network that conveys all the
sediment down to the field, may keep the canal free of sediment deposition but at the same time the
sediment will be accumulated on the agricultural field every year that might affect adversely in soil quality
and productivity.
Flexibility of operation and sediment transport aspects restrict each other. A canal without any
control can be designed and operated with a higher degree of reliability in terms of sediment
transport. Once the flow is controlled the sediment transport pattern of the canal is changed and the
designed canal will behave differently. Hence, both flexibility and efficient sediment management are
difficult to achieve at the same time. A compromise has to be made and this should be reflected in
the design.
Towards a new design approach 115
In Nepal, the present concept of the design of canal for sediment transport is not in line with the
government policy of transferring the management of lower order canals to the farmers. The design is
focused to make the canal sediment free, that is, all the sediment should be transported to the lower
order canals. The design guidelines provide emphasis in the design of main and secondary canals
using sediment transport aspect. The lower order canals are not given importance from sediment
transport perspective. The guidelines suggest using simple Manning’s equation for the design of these
canals. Since, less attention is given to the design of lower order canals from sediment transport
aspect; they have more sediment deposition problems. Due to sediment deposition, these canals are
difficult to operate and require more maintenance. This is one of the reasons, why the farmers are not
interested to take the responsibility of management. Even the systems that have been handed over to
the farmers are not operated properly and in some cases the government had to resume its support to
the farmers in system operation and maintenance.
The sediment transport problem in the irrigation scheme is not purely a design issue and hence, a
designer should have a proper vision and feelings of the operation and management limitations. The
vortex tube sediment excluders provided in SMIS had to be closed completely, because the operational
limitations of the scheme were not fully analysed while installing them. Similarly, the manager should
have the understanding of the design concept that has been used in the scheme. No design can
eliminate the sediment transport problem if the system is not operated as per the design assumptions.
6 Model development
6.1 Background
From a sediment transport perspective, the objective of canal design is to ensure that the
erosion/deposition in the canal network is a minimum. The sediment load entering into the canal
network may be either transported to the field or deposited at specific locations. This objective is quite
challenging to meet for canals carrying a significant amount of sediment and passing through alluvial
soils, even during steady and uniform flow conditions.
Water demand in an irrigation scheme is not constant throughout the irrigation season, hence,
most of the time the canal is carrying a discharge other than the design discharge. Moreover the flow is
regulated by water level and discharge regulators to supply water in time, amount and level to the
agricultural field. Hence, the flow pattern in the canal becomes non-uniform. Sediment transport is
highly dependent on flow parameters, hence, any change in the flow pattern will have a significant
effect on the sediment transport capacity of the canal. Hence, with the constant fluctuation in flow
pattern deposition and/or erosion in the canal cannot be avoided depending upon the type of flow at
that moment. The major concern should be whether the sediment deposited at one stage is eroded
after some time or not. If with proper design and operation a balance could be maintained such that
after one irrigation season there is no net erosion or deposition then the canal network can be said to
be stable.
Sediment transport in an irrigation canal is largely influenced by the water and sediment inflow,
irrigation schedules, flow control systems, maintenance type and frequencies of maintenance. As
sediment deposition and/or erosion affects directly the capacity of the canal to deliver water in time
and amount, the above mentioned factors have direct influence on the performance of an irrigation
scheme. To understand the sediment transport process and to incorporate the process in the design,
the influence of the above given variables in sediment transport should be understood first. The
mathematical model provides an opportunity to study the interaction of different variables in the
sediment transport behaviour of a canal. The accuracy with which the prediction can be made when
one or more variables are changed depends upon the mathematical representation of the process in
the model. The dynamics of sediment movement follow a complex process and a comprehensive
analytical description of it is not possible (Raudkivi, 1990). The accuracy of the relationships that
describe the sediment transport processes also determines the accuracy of the model.
Focus of many research works is on the sediment movement in river problems and hence, most
theories developed have been for wide open channels. They assumed a uniform velocity distribution
across the river and the relationships for sediment transport processes were derived for unit width.
Although certain similarities exists between rivers and irrigation canals, there are some inherent
differences (Table 6.1) that should be taken into consideration while using these theories and
relationships for irrigation canals. Most irrigation canals are non-wide (B-h ratio < 8) and trapezoidal
in shape (side slope ranging from 1:1 to 1:3) that
118 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
influences in the velocity distribution pattern across the canal. Hence, the result will not be correct if these
aspects are not taken into consideration while computing the sediment transport in irrigation canals.
Most of the available models are for river problems. The modelling of irrigation canals is more
demanding due to the presence of flow control and conveyance structures, changing water demands
and gate operation to meet the irrigation requirements and periodic maintenance of canals. The
concept of the mathematical model SETRIC (SEdiment TRansport in Irrigation Canals) was initiated
by Méndez (1998). In subsequent researches, the model was improved and its applicability tested as
a tool for the evaluation of irrigation scheme performance in terms of sediment transport under
different operation and sediment transport scenarios (Paudel, 2002, Ghimire, 2003, Orellana and
Giglio, 2004, Sherpa, 2005).
Table 6.1 General characteristics of water flow and sediment transport in rivers and
irrigation canals (Depeweg and Mendéz, 2007).
Flow control control structures B/h > 15 (wide regulators B/h < 7- 8 velocity
distribution strongly affected by side
Width-depth ratio canals) nearly
walls mostly straight divergent
Velocity distribution uniform velocity man-made canals: lining or no lining
distribution in lateral fine sediment nearly uniform external
Alignment Topology
sources mainly suspended load
Lining hardly straight, meandered and
mostly ripples and mega- ripples form
braided convergent alluvial river bed
friction controlled at headwork
wide range of sediment sizes graded
sediment river bed
While schematizing the water flow in irrigation canals two aspects have been considered. Firstly
the operational aspects where the water flow becomes non- uniform and unsteady due to the
changing nature of water demand and operation of gates to meet the water demand and to maintain
the water level for a proper irrigation of the fields. Secondly the sediment transport aspect, where the
changes in water flow with time and space are much faster than the changes in sediment
The amount of water flowing in an irrigation canal during an irrigation season and moreover during
the lifetime of the canal is not constant. Seasonal changes in crop water requirement, water supply and
variation in size and type of the planned cropping pattern are frequent during the lifetime of an
irrigation canal. The operation of gates to adjust to the variation in supply is normally gradual to avoid
the generation of a wave front. It is common practice to allow sufficient time to move from one steady
state to another steady state by operating the gate in multiple stages.
The Froude number in irrigation canals is normally low (< 0.4) to avoid a wavy water surface and
large disturbances in bends and transitions (Ranga Raju, 1981). Moreover for a small Froude number
(Fr < 0.6 - 0.8), the celerity of the water movement ( w
c ) is much larger than the celerity of the bed level change ( s c ) ( De
Vries, 1975):
| c w
|> > cs (6.1)
Hence the flow in the irrigation canals is assumed to be quasi-steady for the study of sediment
transport and morphological changes (Figure 6.1), meaning that the changes in unsteady flow
conditions are gradual and that the duration of these changes is considerably shorter than the
duration of the steady state and time required for any significant change in bed morphology. Under
this condition, equation (3.33) becomes:
∂h ∂V
V + =h∂ 0 (6.2)
x ∂x
∂ ( Vh ) 0
= ∴= q constant (6.3)
∂V ∂h ∂z
V + g + g = − gS f
∂x ∂x ∂x
120 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
unsteady state
steady state - II
time (T)
Figure 6.1 Schematization of water flow in irrigation canals.
Assuming a prismatic canal section, small bed slope and uniform velocity distribution, equation
(6.4) can be written as:
( S 0S−dh f )
dx (6.5)
= −(1 Fr )
with Froude number Fr = 3s
where A
= area of water flow (m 2)
Bs = water surface width (m)
g = acceleration due to gravity (m/s 2)
S f
= friction slope
Equation (6.5) gives the water surface profile of a gradually varied flow. The friction slope (
S f) can be evaluated by any suitable uniform flow formula (Chézy,
Manning, Strickler, etc.) assuming that the formula can also be used to compute the friction slope of the
gradually varied flow at a given canal section.
Various graphical and numerical methods can be used for the solution of the water surface profile.
Here the predictor–corrector method is used, the computation steps of which are summarised in
Appendix C (ref. Figure 6.2).
Model development 121
For the analysis of the sediment transport process the following basic concepts and assumptions are
− the sediment can be represented by a single representative size;
− the size and gradation of sediment remain constant along the whole length of the
canal throughout the irrigation season;
− the canal bed is composed of the same material as that of the inflowing sediment
into the canal network.
Galappatti (1983) has developed a depth integrated suspended sediment transport model based on
an asymptotic solution for the two-dimensional convection equation in the vertical plane. Among the
depth integrated model for suspended sediment transport this model has two advantages over others;
firstly no empirical relation has been used during the derivation of the model and secondly all possible
bed boundary conditions can be used (Wang and Ribberink, 1986). Moreover it includes the boundary
condition near the bed, hence an empirical relation for deposition/pick-up rate near the bed is not
necessary (Ribberink, 1986). The theoretical background, assumptions and derivation of the model has
been given in Appendix D. For steady sediment flow, Galappatti’s equation can be written as:
ce cLx A
Integration results:
x c
dc dx
∫L c c = A ∫ (6.8)
0 c0 e
122 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
c c= − e− ( c ec 0
) exp A (6.9)
ce = concentration of suspended load in equilibrium condition (ppm)
c = concentration of suspended load at distance x (ppm)
c0 = concentration of suspended load at distance x = 0 (ppm)
Figure 6.3 shows the ratio of suspended load to bed-load transport rate under different flow
conditions by using the Van Rijn methods for suspended and bed-load transport (Van Rijn, 1984a,
1984b). Considering the assumption that the sediment size in irrigation canals is limited to 0.50 mm,
the sediment transport mode is suspended and the bed-load with major portion of load being moved
as suspended load. Under such conditions the total sediment transport rate predictors will be best
suitable. Among the available equilibrium sediment transport predictors the total load predictors are
more reliable when tested with the selected data set that are within the range normally found in
irrigation canals (Méndez, 1998). Hence, it is imperative that the model for non-equilibrium sediment
transport is also for total load transport.
Galappatti’s depth integrated model (equation 6.9) is for suspended load only. The assumption that
ω s u/ ∗ < 1, implies that the model is valid for finer sediment
(d 50 < 0.21 mm) only (Figure 6.5). For d 50 less than 0.21 mm, about 80% of the sediment will be
transported as suspended load for the flow conditions normally found in irrigation canals (Figure
6.3). Moreover, assuming the adaptation characteristics for suspended sediment to be
comparable with the adaptation characteristics of bed movement, the same model is proposed to
be used for total load transport. Equation (6.9) can be written in the form of total sediment
concentration as:
Model development 123
C C= C
( e
− O
) exp A (6.10)
• w •
with: =u•Lf ,h••
* s
, (6.11)
Vu * •
where C
= total sediment concentration at distance x (ppm)
Ce = total sediment concentration in equilibrium condition (ppm)
The concentration will adapt to the equilibrium concentration exponentially and to find the actual
concentration at any point x, the variables C 0, L A, C e must be known. In the upstream boundary, the initial
concentration ( C 0) should be known as it cannot be computed from the local conditions. So C 0 in the first
reach is the input value which depends upon the source from where the water is flowing into the
system. In the subsequent reaches, the computed actual concentration ( C) at the end of each upstream
reach becomes the initial concentration ( C 0) for the downstream reach.
Figure 6.4 Schematization of mean concentration prediction under non-uniform flow condition.
In case, the flow is not uniform the variables, C e, h, V, u *and f are not constant
but a function of x. If water flow equations are solved separately, then the variables like h and V are
known, which can be used to compute Ce, u *and f. For i = 1, 2,
124 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
3… n the equilibrium concentration can be computed for the local flow conditions at that reach (Figure
6.4). For the prediction of the actual concentration the hydraulic parameters for that reach can be
averaged and the flow pattern can be assumed to be uniform.
A detail study of the model was made by Ghimire (2003), Ribberink (1986) and Wang et al. ( 1986).
As per their studies, there are certain limitations to this model, most notably are:
− error in the solution increases as the mean concentration moves away from the
mean equilibrium concentration:
C eC−C<<
1 (6.12)
where, C is local mean concentration and C e is mean equilibrium concentration. The solution is valid when
the deviation of C from C e is in the range of 0 to 50%;
− the size of the sediment is uniform which can be represented by a single fall
− ω s u/ ∗ should be much smaller than unity (~ 0.3 to 0.4). Figure 6.5 shows the corresponding range
of sediment size ( d 50) for flow conditions normally found in irrigation canals. Considering the
maximum permissible tractive force in the bed of canal under normal condition (< 5 N/m 2) the
maximum size of sediment for which this model is applicable is 0.18 mm (Ghimire, 2003);
− the maximum fall velocity should be always less than 0.028 m/s.
Figure 6.5 Validity range of Galappatti’s model under different flow conditions.
Model development 125
After evaluation of various total load predictors, Méndez (1998)has concluded that for the prevailing
flow conditions and sediment characteristics (d 50 = 0.05 to 0.5
mm) in irrigation canals the Ackers and White and Brownlie methods are the best to predict the
sediment transport capacity. The Ackers and White method, however, over predicts the transport
capacity for sediment size (d 50) less than 0.15 mm. The predictors should be used in the similar
conditions for which they were derived otherwise the model results might lead to wrong conclusions.
The general framework of computation steps used to determine the sediment concentration is given
in Figure 6.6. The concentration at the upstream boundary is always known. For each point in the
remaining canal the equilibrium sediment carrying capacity of the canal for local flow conditions is
computed. Then non- equilibrium sediment concentration profile is solved, depending upon the
equilibrium and actual concentration at reference point. The detailed computation steps used to find
the non-equilibrium concentration has been summarised in the flow diagram and has been given in
Appendix A (Figure A.5).
Roughness is a crucial parameter for the solution of the hydraulic and sediment transport relations.
The accuracy of its prediction has direct influence in the accuracy of the predicted hydraulic and
sediment transport parameters. As discussed in section 4.3 the roughness of a canal section along the
perimeter is not constant. In the bed the roughness is determined by the hydraulic condition and
sediment characteristics, while in the sides it depends upon the material, condition of canal, weed
growth, etc. Moreover the bed width to water depth ratio and the side slopes decide the final equivalent
roughness of the section.
Roughness keeps on changing throughout the canal operation. The roughness in the bed will
change with the change in flow conditions. The roughness in the sides might change due to the growth
of vegetation, weathering of canal slopes and periodic maintenance activities. A precise representation
of these changes in the modelling process will increase the reliability of predicted morphological
change. The equivalent roughness prediction process involves the following three steps:
− step I. The average roughness of the canal before the start of the irrigation
season is determined. This roughness indicates the state of the canal before the start of irrigation
season. The type and quality of maintenance and age of the canal largely determines the initial
roughness. This is the starting point of the roughness computation for both bed and sides;
− step II. Determination of the equivalent roughness height in the bed and sides
separately. Van Rijn (1984c) method (equations 4.1 to 4.15) is used for the prediction of bed
forms and corresponding roughness, since this method provides the best results as compared to
other available theories when tested with laboratory and field data (Méndez, 1998). Unlike the
beds there will be no change in the slope profile due to deposition/erosion. Any material
deposited in the sides will roll down to the bed and no pickup is possible from the sides. This
implies that there is no possibility of bed form in the sides. Hence the roughness in the sides is
due to the type of material, canal condition and vegetation. At any time the roughness in the side
is determined by considering the stage of vegetation, and canal condition;
− step III. Computation of the equivalent roughness of the section, considering the
aspect ratio and side slope. Equations 4.30 and 4.31 are used as proposed by Méndez (1998) as
this procedure yielded the best accuracy when tested with the laboratory data.
Weed effect
For the analysis of the sediment transport process, it is assumed that the canal bed is free of
weeds, however, the side slopes may have weed effects. In the cases, where the side slope contains
weeds, the roughness due to surface irregularities is neglected. It is assumed that the surface
irregularities are fully covered by the vegetation. The weed factor is defined as:
Depending upon the type of weed and relative height of weed compared to the water depth the
maximum weed factor is determined. Reference may be made of Table 4.2 that is derived on the
basis of suggestions given by Chow (1983). In addition to that information regarding the full growth
time of the weed is also needed. From the start to the full growth it is assumed that the influence in
the roughness will increase linearly. The maintenance of the canal during the irrigation season may
again reduce the effect of vegetation. The duration and frequency of maintenance is also used to
determine the weed factor.
The roughness is only due to the type of material and the surface irregularities present in the sides.
The canal condition can be divided into four categories; ideal, good, fair and poor (ref. section 4.5.3).
The condition of the canal at the beginning of the season, the expected condition at the end of the
season, the condition at the time of maintenance, type and interval of maintenance and the condition
after the maintenance are the information needed to predict the roughness in the sides at any time
during the irrigation season. It is assumed that the change in canal surface condition with time is
linear. The final or intermediate value depending upon whether there will be any maintenance activity
or not is to be determined. The condition of the canal may be restored to the original state or improved
partially by periodic maintenance during the irrigation season.
Table 6.2 Roughness adjustment factor for different canal conditions. Canal condition
Multiplication factor
Ideal 1.00
Good 1.27
Fair 1.80
Poor 2.80
Maintenance conditions
The canal condition may be changing during the irrigation season due to the growth of weed,
erosion in the toe of the banks, slides, rain-cuts, etc. These aspects would be related to the
maintenance condition of the canal to include the effect in the change in roughness. The weed effect is
time dependent and can be predic ted to some degree, since the type and other properties of vegetation
can be easily observed. However, the other factors are difficult to predict. For the analysis of an existing
scheme a close observation for a period of two or more irrigation seasons may help to arrive at the
most possible scenario. For the design of a new scheme, the information of similar irrigation canals in
the vicinity can be used.
The changing state of canal conditions is schematized into three maintenance scenarios; ideal
maintenance, adequate maintenance and poor maintenance:
− ideal maintenance. It refers to the situation when the canal condition remains the
same throughout the irrigation season. The canal may not be in an ideal condition but the canal
is maintained at the same status. If there is possibility of weed growth then the weed is removed
and any damage in the canal slope is repaired immediately;
− adequate maintenance. It refers to the scenario when the maintenance works are
planned during the irrigation season to improve the canal conditions. The
128 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
maintenance may be partial or full. By partial maintenance the canal condition is improved but not to
the initial level, while full maintenance means the canal is brought to the initial stage. Maintenance,
however, does not include the removal of sediment from the bed and any increase in the canal
capacity by widening of the canal bed or increasing of the canal slope. Information like the condition
of a canal just before the maintenance, after maintenance and interval of maintenance is needed.
The stages of canal before and after maintenance are indicated in terms of initial condition. The
stage of canal at any time is determined in terms of the roughness of the side slope assuming a
linear relation;
6.5.1 General
For the conveyance of irrigation water from its source to the farmers field an irrigation network is
needed that consists of a large number of appurtenants that can be divided into a conveyance and an
operational part. The conveyance part includes the canals and fixed structures like, aqueducts, siphons,
bridges, culverts, drops and cascades, flow measuring structures, etc. The operational part includes the
structures that divide and control the flow in terms of water level or discharge; they may be fixed without
any movable part for the control or they have movable parts like gates.
The design of the conveyance part is normally based on hydraulic and structural requirements,
local conditions, available technology and cost. The design of the operational part is based upon
additional factors that influence the operation and management e.g. water delivery mode, available
manpower, acceptance by the users, ease in operation, transparency, etc. In some designs and layouts
different structural arrangements are used within the same scheme. The water delivery and canal
operation mode in the Mahakali Irrigation Scheme are different for stage I and stage II and hence the
control structures (Pradhan, 1996). Different water delivery modes and structural arrangements can
also be found in the Sunsari Morang Irrigation Scheme (FAO, 2006). In some cases, the choice of a
structure has been influenced by the background of the designer; e.g. the use of Sharda falls, vertical
drop structures and WES-standard falls for the same purpose in Sunsari Morang Irrigation Scheme. The
sediment transport aspect is normally not considered in the selection and design of canal structures.
Only for the siphons the self-cleaning velocity is the starting point of the hydraulic design. From an
operational point of view four major types of structures exist:
Model development 129
Fixed weirs and orifices require least management input, but they are not flexible in view of water
delivery. On-off shutters require more management input and are used for rotational water delivery.
Adjustable structures provide flexible water delivery but require a higher operational input. Automatic
systems require a smaller number of, but skilled manpower. Hence a balance has to be found in
selecting a structure (Horst, 1998).
The stage-discharge relation of a structure has a direct impact on the overall predictability of a
hydrodynamic model. The stage discharge relation and the coefficients vary depending upon the flow
stage. From sediment transport modelling aspect, irrigation structures are divided into two categories:
− structures with sub-critical flow. Examples of this type are aqueduct, flumed
canal section, super-passage, culverts, etc;
− structures with critical flow. The flow through these structures is
critical/supercritical. The examples of such structures are measuring structures, flow control and
division structures, drops, etc. Head loss is more and critical flow may be followed by a hydraulic
jump in the downstream for the dissipation of energy.
These structures are designed such that the head loss is a minimum. Smooth transitions are
provided to minimize the entry and exit losses. These structures are not used for flow control and
depending upon the types these structures may be modelled as:
− a structure with appropriate head loss if the length is short. Sediment deposition,
if any, with in the structure is neglected;
− a canal reach with proper geometric properties if the length is significant and in
this case the sediment deposition/erosion with in the structure is accounted for in the mass balance of
The depth discharge relation can be written uniquely for the structures when the flow at control
section is critical or modular. However, if the flow is not modular then the upstream water depth is
influenced by the downstream water level. It may be due to the sediment deposition, poor maintenance
of the canal, or ponding up of the canal in the downstream reach to meet the operational requirements.
So a structure with modular flow during some part may turn into drowned flow during other part of the
irrigation season. This is common scenario in a contour canal with limited head loss across the
structure. In general the depth discharge equation can be written as:
130 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
= μgh 2 Δ (6.14)
where C
= discharge coefficient
μ = coefficient for the modular limit
B = width of control section (m) Δh
= difference in head (m) h
= water depth (m)
The values of the variables for different structures and flow conditions are as shown in Tables 6.3
and 6.4.
Table 6.3 Variables for different structures and flow conditions. Structure
Flow condition μ h Δh
23H H1
Broad crested Free 1 1
23H H1
Flume Free 1 1
23H H1
Short crested Free 1 1
Sharp crested Free 1 1
Submerged 1 H1 ( H H−1 2 )
Undershot Free 1 a h C− a
1 c
Submerged 1 a h h−1 2
H1 = upstream energy head above the crest (m)
Cc =contraction coefficient
a = gate opening (m)
Model development 131
Table 6.4 Range of discharge coefficient (C) for different structures. Structure
Sediment deposition is not allowed in the bed of flume without a raised crest. Similarly, in case of
undershot structures sediment deposition immediately upstream of the gate is not allowed if the gate is
flushed with the bed. While, depositio n up to the crest level is allowed if a gate is placed over a raised
crest. However, it has been assumed that the change in upstream bed level or a relative change in crest
height due to a deposition/erosion will have no impact on the stage discharge relation of the gate.
H h= + = +h (6.15)
2 gB y
1 1 1 22
2g 1
y h=P+ 1
where P
= crest height with reference to upstream bed (m)
The deposition of sediment in the upstream bed will reduce the water depth (y 1)
and increase the flow velocity. The increase in velocity will increase the sediment transport capacity
of the section. Depending upon the incoming sediment load, deposition will continue until the velocity
is sufficient enough to convey the incoming load downstream of the structure. The deposition in
some cases changes the flow hydraulics and depth discharge relation.
Figure 6.8 Sediment deposition upstream of flow measuring structure. A flume might have been a better
measuring structure than a broad crested weir, in terms of sediment transport efficiency.
If the structure is used for flow measurement the gauge reading (depth) may result erroneous
result (Figure 6.8). Hence, a proper selection of the structure is necessary if the structure is to be
used for a flow measurement or an automatic flow control (without gates) as in a proportional flow
divider if the water carries sediment. The steps for the calculation of water depth upstream of a flow
control structure used in the model have been summarised in Appendix A (Figure A.4)
Model development 133
All the irrigation schemes in Nepal have upstream control. Hence in this research only this control
option will be studied for sediment transport. Depending upon the water level regulation in the main
(on-going or parent) canal and discharge regulation in the off-take, three combinations are possible:
− fixed or passive water level regulator (broad crested weir, Duckbill weir, control
notch) in the main canal and a constant head orifice (CHO) with on-off gate in the off-take (Figure
6.9a). This type of arrangement is found in stage II area of SMIS below tertiary canal level;
− fixed regulator in the main canal and gated discharge regulator in the off-take
(Figure 6.9b);
− gated water level and discharge regulators (Figure 6.9c). This combination is in
all the main and secondary canals of modernized irrigation schemes.
Figure 6.9 Possible combination of water level and discharge regulation in upstream control.
The discharge through the off-take is a function of the upstream head. Since the regulator is
fixed, any change in flow rate in the main canal will result in a corresponding change in upstream
head. The head and flow rate in the off-take are calculated in the following way:
− the flow rate is computed from the upstream head of the previous time step:
Q o (i j, )
= f h( −i j, 1 ) (6.17)
where i
= position subscript
j = time subscript
1( , ) ) and the off-take flow:
Q 2( ,i )j
= Q 1( ,i )j − Q 0( ,i )j (6.18)
− the computations are repeated for the newly found new water depth and iterated
till sufficient accuracy is obtained.
For the fixed regulation and gated off-take, the discharge is regulated by the gate and measured by
a discharge measuring structure downstream of the off-take. Water level regulation is not possible and
therefore any change in flow rate in the main canal will result in a change in upstream water level. In this
case there are two operation modes possible: the off-take gate is adjusted to release the predetermined
(agreed) flow rate or the gate setting is not changed and the flow rate is allowed to fluctuate with the
upstream water level. In the first case the discharge through the off-take is known and is deducted from
the main canal flow to find the water depth upstream of the regulator. In the second case (gate fixed),
the same procedure as in the CHO off-take is used.
The water level in the combination of gated regulator and gated off-take is regulated and
maintained at the set point. Since, the set point is fixed, the upstream water level is known. The
opening (flow area) of the undershot or overflow structure can then be computed using the stage
discharge relation. Any change in flow rate will result in a change in gate setting. Since the water level
is fixed, the flow rate towards the off-take is known. Theoretically the change in flow in the main canal
will not affect the flow to the off-take.
Automatic flow control in an irrigation scheme with either upstream, downstream or volume control
is based on the water level in the canal. Hence the depth discharge relation of the canal is important
for a proper functioning of the automatic controls. In canals with sediment problems, the depth
discharge relation can not be controlled. The change may arise due to the deposition/erosion or
change in roughness during canal operation. Hence, the sediment transport aspect has to be analysed
in a proper way before going for the canal automation.
Flow control needs extra care while modelling networks with sediment transport. The hydraulic
conditions will keep on changing due to erosion or deposition in the upstream or downstream
reaches. Even for the same flow, free flow conditions may convert to submerged conditions or vice
versa after some time. Unauthorized obstruction of flow to divert water to both legal and illegal
off-takes makes it difficult to schematize (Figure 6.10). In some cases, the manipulations are difficult
to trace and go unnoticed throughout the irrigation season. The error introduced in the prediction of
the hydraulic condition is again transferred to the sediment transport prediction. The following
situations are common:
− if the set point is low and there is deposition in the downstream reach, then a
condition may be reached, where the flow is not possible if the set point has to be maintained. This
means that a proper stage discharge equation requires a minimum head loss over the structure. If,
due to deposition in the downstream
Model development 135
reach the water level rises and the available loss is less than required, no water can flow. This
aspect needs special attention when modelling the flow in a network with sediment transport.
− if the structures are not properly designed, sediment deposition in the upstream
might be possible. A broad crested weir or a sharp crested weir with a raised crest may be
changed into a sudden drop. In this case not only the discharge coefficient but also the discharge
equation will change;
− in the model it has been assumed that there will be no deposition immediately
downstream of the structure, due to the turbulence;
− in a siphon, the upstream water level should be above the invert; otherwise the
flow will be a gravity flow as in flumes or open canals. For the same reason the upstream water level
(set point) should be more than the sum of the downstream water level and total head loss ( h
Δ ). Problems may arise when large discharge
fluctuations occur during different periods of the irrigation season;
− in the model it has been assumed that there are no changes in discharge or
sediment within the structure. Whatever quantity of water or sediment is going in will come out.
The ultimate goal of the sediment transport model is to determine the morphological change that
will take place in the canal bed with the given hydraulic, sediment, operation and management
variables. The sediment balance equation can be written as:
136 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
∂Q s
+ −B (1 p ) = 0 (6.19)
∂x ∂t
The set of water flow and sediment transport equations is solved by an uncoupled
formulation. In the uncoupled solution, in one time step t Δ , first the
water flow equations are solved for velocity, water depth and discharges along all the grid points. In the
solution it is assumed that the bed elevation z Δ is not changed
during this time Δ t. The water depths (h) and flow velocities (V) found in the first
step are used in the sediment transport to compute the transport rate and the same values are used to
compute the bed level change. The same grids are used for the bed level computation that were used for
the flow computation.
The uncoupled solution method has its origin in the general concept of explicit finite difference
schemes (Figure 6.11). It is assumed that one dependent variable (in this case h) can be computed
independently with other dependent variables during one time step. If this is not the case,
computational instabilities will appear whatever numerical method is chosen for the solution of
equation (6.19), even when water flow equations are unconditionally stable from a strictly numerical
viewpoint (Cunge, et al., 1980). These equations are solved alternatively. First the water flow equations
are solved (using the predictor-corrector numerical method) and the results of the calculations are
used in the next step to solve the sediment transport equation.
Figure 6.12 Schematization of a canal section for the numerical solution of a bed level change.
Model development 137
Equation (6.19) can be solved by using implicit or explicit numerical schemes. Lax, modified Lax,
Leap frog, Lax-Wendroff are some of the explicit methods. The modified Lax method can be expressed
as (ref. Figure 6.12):
Qs − Qs i − 1, ) 1
• (α +α ) (z − z i ,j ) • •
1 i + 1, j j • i + 1, j i ,j i + 1, j ••
• Δ t (6.20)
z i ,j 1 + = −z i • − •
• B (1 − p )( 2Δx 4 Δ t−• ( α α + ) ( z i ,j − z i − 1, j ) • •
• • i ,j i − 1, j
This numerical scheme cannot be applied to the downstream and upstream boundaries. An adapted
scheme to the downstream boundary is described by:
1 Qs i Qs
− − 1, j ) 1 •
)} • Δ t (6.21)
z i j, 1 +
= −z • + {( i j,
+ ) ( z i j, − z i − 1, j
2Δt α α
i i − 1, j
• B (1 − p )( Δx •
• •
1 Qs − Qs i j, ) 1 •
)} • Δ t (6.22)
i + 1, j
z i j, 1 +
= −z i
• − {( i + 1, j
+ α i j, ) ( z i + 1, j
− z i j,
• B (1 − p )( Δx 2Δt α •
• •
Qs = sediment discharge (m 3/ s)
z = bed level (m)
α = parameter used for stability and accuracy of the numerical scheme.
Δt = time step
Δx = length step (m)
σα ≤≤ (6.23)
Equation (6.20) is the general form of an explicit scheme and by giving different values to α different
schemes can be made. A scheme of the intermediate type can be found if (Vreugdenhil and De Vries,
α σ=β+
The accuracy of the modified Lax scheme can be adjusted by means of the parameter β ( Abbot
and Cunge, 1982). Accuracy of this scheme is increased if
β = 0.01 (Vreugdenhil and Wijbenga, 1982):
138 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
α σ≈ + 2 0.01 (6.25)
Δ t
σ = ≤ 1 (6.26)
c xΔ
where c is the celerity of the bed material. Moreover if ψ is a dimensionless transport parameter
defined as:
dq sdu/
ψ= (6.27)
Then using the general form of the sediment transport rate (q s) per unit width for depth averaged
velocity (u ) and exponent (N):
q sMu
= (6.28)
dq sMNu du N −1
= (6.29)
ψ= (6.30)
Also for smaller Froude number (Fr) < 0.6 to 0.8 the dimensionless transport parameter can be
related to celerity (c) as (De Vries, 1993):
φ = −1 Fr
φ= (6.32)
1q q/ c
Nu Fr
qs /q Δt
σ = Nu (6.34)
1 - Fr Δx
Model development 139
For the whole section with mean flow velocity V, the courant number ( σ ) is given by:
Qs /Q t NΔV
σ = (6.35)
1 - Fr Δx
where Fr
= Froude number
N = exponent of velocity in the sediment transport equation
Q = water flow rate (m 3/ s)
Qs = sediment transport rate (m 3/ s)
Δt = time interval
ΔX = length step (m)
The general procedure used in the SETRIC model is given in Figure 6.13. The detail steps for the
solution of sediment balance equation and calculation of bed level change have been summarised in
Appendix A (Figure A.6). In summary the
140 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
computation process of the sediment transport model SETRIC is given in the schematic flow
diagram (Figure 6.14).
The objective of the field data collection was to gather the information needed to test the
assumptions and derived relations for water flow and sediment transport in this research. The sediment
transport theories are mostly based on laboratory data where the flow is uniform and the range of
hydraulic and sediment characteristics is limited. In practice, one normally encounters a wide range of
hydraulic and sediment characteristics in the field and these relations have to be tested before using
them for a particular case. The field data will be used to validate the mathematical model SETRIC and the
validated model will be used to test the assumptions for and overall performance of the proposed canal
design method for sediment transport.
For the field measurements of the sediment transport process, Secondary Canal S9 of Sunsari
Morang Irrigation Scheme, Nepal was selected. Since, the objective of field data was to test the design
approach for sediment transport; preference was given for a canal that was recently designed and
constructed. The Sunsari Morang Irrigation Scheme has faced a serious sedimentation problem in the
canal network and a number of remedial measures has also been taken at the headworks. Hence, it is
presumed that the designers, during the modernization of the canal, have considered sediment
transport aspects in their design. Other considerations of the selection were operation and maintenance
conditions, accessibility and working environment in the field.
The field data collection involved two activities, namely, general data collection and field
measurement. The general information about the scheme design and management was collected from
the design reports, design and construction drawings, and with the water management team and WUA.
The information on the water and sediment inflow into the canal, the water delivery schedules (in terms
of volume, duration and frequency) to the sub-secondary canals, the gate openings of water level
regulators and water levels in the canal, the morphological change after the irrigation season and the
maintenance activities and condition of the canal were recorded from field observations. It was
observed that the canal operation downstream of the water level regulator at 7,066 m was not regular
due to damage of the canal bank by a local drain, hence the measurements up to 7,066 m were made
out of the total 13,400 m length of Secondary Canal S9. The field measurements were made during the
irrigation of the paddy crop in 2004 and 2005.
The socio-political situation, available equipment, manpower and time had significant effects on
the data collection process and the quality of the collected data. Care was taken to maintain the
optimum accuracy and uniformity in data collection. For collecting sediment samples and analysis of
the collected samples, trained manpower with experience in the related field was involved. As far as
possible, the same persons were engaged in the field data collection throughout the season. However,
unavailability of standard measuring instruments in case of sediment sampling was a setback in the
data collection process.
In this chapter the assumptions and the methods used in collecting data for water, sediment and gate
operation are discussed. The measured data is then analysed and the summary is presented. Analysis of
the hydraulic design and water management
142 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
aspects of the system are also presented that is based on the design reports and the observed water
management practices being followed in the field.
During the modernization, the names of secondary, sub-secondary and newly developed lower order
canals have been named in systematic order. Previously, the canals had been named normally after
the name of a village in the command area. With the new system, it has become easy to identify the
location and the level of the canal. The schematic layout plan and the naming system used in
Secondary Canal S9 is shown in Figure 7.1. This naming system, however, is not uniform in the whole
area of the Sunsari Morang Irrigation Scheme (SMIS).
secondary canal (SC)
SS9A-T2-1 Watercourse (WC)
Watercourse (WC)
WLR Farm Unit 3-5 Farm Unit 3-5 Farm Unit 3-5
ha ha ha
Tertiary canal (TC)
Data collection and scheme analysis 143
The definitions of the terms used in the nomenclature are: Main Canal
1 Measured command area is 68,000 ha that includes 10,000 ha sandy area, which is excluded from the water balance
first phase of modernization the application efficiency for paddy and other crops was taken as 90% and
70% respectively (Department of Irrigation, 1987). Considering the present assumptions the overall
efficiency of the scheme for paddy is 42%.
The proposed cropping intensity is 180% with paddy as the major crop (Figure
7.3). Paddy has been proposed to be cultivated on 57,800 ha, approximately 55% of the total cropped
area (104,550 ha) in one crop calendar. Wheat covers an area of
25,500 ha, which is around 24% of the cropped area in one crop calendar. Hence these two crops
(about 79%) decide the net irrigation requirement for most of the irrigation season.
Comparing the capacity of all canals to supply irrigation water at field level (0.33 l/s.ha) operating
at full capacity with the net irrigation requirement, the supplied water is not sufficient to meet the
irrigation requirements for 7 out of 12 months. Most of the time the available water is not sufficient to
irrigate the whole command area, hence the crops have to be grown on a smaller area and most
importantly the same pattern needs to be followed throughout the command area. During the month
of October the irrigation requirement at field level for local paddy is 7 mm/day (Table 7.2). Local
paddy has been planned to be cultivated on an area of 12,200 ha only. With the full supply at the
head of the main canal, the demand of
146 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
7 mm/day can be met for around 24,000 ha. Hence, particularly in this case, the demand of 7 mm/day
can be met without any problem, provided that not more than half the area under any secondary canal is
cropped with local paddy.
For the main paddy the maximum demand occurs in the month of July during land preparation
and puddling, which is around 8.1 mm/day. With 80% reliable effective rainfall of 5.1 mm/day, only
around 36,500 ha of land (63% of the total CCA) can be irrigated reliably (Department of Irrigation,
1995b). It is observed that the coverage of summer paddy is around 90% of the CCA, meaning
around 30% of the area has to depend entirely on rainfall or look for alternative sources like
groundwater or reuse of drainage water.
The condition is more difficult in case of summer paddy, where the daily water demand during April
and May is around 10 mm/day. The value is derived from the monthly average, and if a shorter period is
considered, the demand is much higher (15 mm/day towards the end of April). That means that around
20% of the command area (around 11,000 ha) can be irrigated with a full supply in the MC. In the crop
calendar only 9,100 ha is proposed and theoretically it seems to be reasonable, but there are
operational limitations to supply the required water. The major difficulties are:
− water diversion problems. The irrigation scheme receives water from the Koshi
River through a side intake. The flow in the river becomes very low during the months of February,
March and April. After April the snow melting starts and the river level starts to rise. The crest level
of the side intake is 107 m+MSL and the average water level of the river near the intake during the
month of April is
107.5 m+MSL. With an available head of 0.5 m above the crest the design discharge of 45.3 m 3/ s
cannot be diverted. During this season the maximum possible diversion is around 30 m 3/ s. That
means it is not possible to operate all the secondary canals continuously;
With the limited available water there is no possibility of selecting crops by the farmers. The
coverage of crops like jute and sugarcane, being industrial crops, is going to fluctuate with time. The
farmers will switch over to the most profitable crop and hence water stress during the peak demand is
possible. This is a common scenario in most of the irrigation schemes in Nepal. The majority of the
farmers is small landholders and there is no possibility of commercial farming, hence changes in
cropping pattern are frequent, especially in the winter and summer crops.
2 1:2 rotation mode means the off-takes are divided into 2 groups and one group gets water at a time.
Data collection and scheme analysis 147
Irrigation interval
The irrigation intervals depend upon the moisture holding capacity of the soil, the allowable soil
water depletion, effective root zone for the specific crop and rate of depletion of the moisture. For the
soils of SMIS, the available soil water is 120 mm/m and the allowable soil water depletion is 60 mm/m
(Department of Irrigation,
1987). The irrigation interval is then computed considering the net crop water requirement at that
instant. In a multi-crop scheme like SMIS, different crops will have different irrigation intervals.
Considering the major crop of each month, the maximum interval of irrigation is summarised in Table
The correct selection of the irrigation interval is difficult in this irrigation scheme, as one farmer
may be facing water shortage, while the other may have difficulty to drain the water and protect his
field from over irrigation. From a water management perspective, it will be easier, if all the farmers
cultivate the same type of crop. That, however, may not be possible, since the available water
imposes restriction on the maximum area to be cropped. In Secondary Canal S9, the design irrigation
interval is taken as 7 days. This interval satisfies the irrigation demand of the crop in most of the
148 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
The irrigation supply is rotated over the command area during peak demand in a 1:2 rotational
mode, that is, group A for 50% of the command area and group B for the remaining. The unit stream
size for the service area in the design is about 1.2 l/s.ha. The service area of a watercourse unit is 28 ha
that gives a flow rate (main d’eau) of 32.4 l/s to be managed by a farmer or a group of farmers irrigating
around 4 ha for a period of approximately 12 hours per week during peak demand. Thus, there is a 1:7
mode of operation below the level of the watercourse unit. This means that 7 field outlets are connected
with a watercourse; each one is being irrigated for
This irrigation scheme can be classified as a demand based, imposed allocation type. The type
and area of the crop is predetermined and the operation plans are prepared assuming that the
proposed cropping plans are followed. There is no possibility of change in water allocation, because in
the first place the water from the source is not ensured and secondly the infrastructure does not
support this kind of flexibility. The method of water acquisition in the main canal, possible water
delivery scenarios to the secondary canals and water allocation to the sub-secondary and tertiary
canals under peak, off-peak, sufficient water or water shortage conditions are shown in Figure 7.4.
Since the diversion of required water to the main canal is not assured, an insufficient supply during
peak and even during off-peak periods is possible. Hence, it is important to analyse how the scheme
can be operated and what will be the implications on the water management and sediment transport.
As shown in the Figure 7.4 there are seven (7) possible operation modes.
Operation mode 1
The system has been designed for the operation mode I. The canal capacity and the control
systems have been provided to support this mode of operation. It was assumed that, there would be a
variable supply to the main canal, but would be sufficient to meet the demand throughout the irrigation
season. The secondary canals during peak demand would be operated continuously and would receive
water in proportion to their command area. The command area of the secondary canal has been divided
into two groups and each group would receive water in turn. Hence the sub-secondary and tertiary
canals are operated in an on/off basis and would receive either full supply or no supply.
The scheme can be operated in this condition for a certain periods of the irrigation season only.
Most of the time the discharge in the canal is insufficient to meet the demand from the command area.
From water management perspective this mode is the easiest one, since the scheme is designed to
run in this mode and the infrastructure has been provided to support the design assumptions. There
should be no problem of sediment transport in sub-secondary and lower order canals. The sediment
transport capacity of Secondary Canal S9, however, depends upon the arrangements of the off-takes
in rotation groups and the degree of non-uniformity they introduce in the canal during operation.
Data collection and scheme analysis 149
Figure 7.4 Operation modes for supplying water to the secondary canal.
Operation mode 2
Operation mode 2 would be possible when the supply in the main canal is sufficient to meet the
off-peak demand. Secondary canals run continuously with an adjusted supply and water allocation to
SSC and TC is with the same rotation (T) but adjusted flow rate (Q). Advantages:
has to be raised. This situation is unavoidable in the main canal, while it can be avoided in secondary
and lower order canals;
− with the proportional water distribution arrangement downstream of SSC, the
water would flow in all the canals for a lower head, resulting in the loss of water, difficulty in irrigation
and sedimentation of the canals.
Operation mode 3a
In operation mode 3a the secondary canal would run continuously with an adjustable flow, while full
supply (Q) is allocated to the SSC and TC with variable time of rotation (T). Advantages:
− since SSC and TC would get water to their full capacity, the proportional
distribution thereafter should work as expected;
− water would be delivered to the farm gate with the proper head;
− secondary canals run continuously, hence the SSC and TC should be grouped
and rotated such that the irrigation interval is within an acceptable limit. For example, if the irrigation
interval is 14 days and the off peak demand can be met within 2 days, then the laterals off-taking
from the SC need to be grouped in 7 groups with almost the same discharge and each group need
to be opened for 2 days. It is not always possible to make such combinations;
− from a sediment transport point of view, the secondary canal would be most
affected since more gate operations and ponding of water are required to follow the different rotation
− since the SSC and lower order canals receive water at their design capacities, the
sediment transport should not be a problem, if the canals are designed to transport the expected
sediment load.
Operation mode 3b
In operation mode 3b, the secondary canal (SC) runs in rotation but with full supply (Q).
− sediment deposition problems would have to be reduced as the SC runs at full
capacity and requires least gate operation;
− the problem of making rotation combinations of SSC to match the new demand
and irrigation interval would not arise;
− less management input as compared to operation mode 3a; Disadvantages:
− managing the water may be a problem for the farmers in multi crop farming;
− adopting a specific rotation of the secondary canals is difficult as the duration
and magnitude of water shortage in the main canal can not be predicted.
Operation mode 3c
Operation mode 3c may be adopted when the available water in the main canal is insufficient.
Secondary canals run at full capacity for limited periods. So from a hydraulic and management
perspective this mode is similar to the mode 3b.
Operation mode 3d
In this case the available water in the main canal is distributed proportionally to the secondary canals.
Depending upon the available water in the SC, the SSCs would be
Data collection and scheme analysis 151
grouped and operated in rotation modes. This mode would be similar to 3a, but there are extra
difficulties to operate the scheme due to the uncertainty at the source. It would be difficult to make
rotation plans and to inform the farmers accordingly. Without a strong communication system, this
mode of operation would be difficult to implement.
Operation mode 4
Operation mode 4 is similar to operation mode 2 with an intermittent water allocation to SSC and
TC. The difference is that in this case the supplied water would have insufficient head and
For the analysis of the water delivery practices being followed in Secondary Canal S9, the
problem can be divided into two phases. In the first phase, immediately after the modernization, the
system was operated adhering to the design mode. In the first place the assumption that despite the
uncertainty in the water diversion the available water in the main canal would be sufficient to meet the
demand was not fulfilled. As a result the secondary canals including Secondary Canal S9 received a
continuous but changing discharge (Q) for most of the time. Since, no specific plans were given in the
design for the rearrangement of the sub- secondary canals off-taking from Secondary Canal S9 during
less than design discharge the water management agency followed the design delivery schedule even
for the less than design discharge. Thus, the sub-secondary and tertiary canals were run in low heads
due to the less than the design discharge. The design water distribution structure in the
sub-secondary canal is a proportional divider while that in the tertiary and lower order canal is a unit
outlet. The proportional divider could not increase the head of the flow to the tertiary canal. Since, the
unit outlets (orifice type) provided in the tertiary canal are less sensitive to the upstream head, the
outlets near the head diverted more water than their share leaving less water to the tail enders.
Hence, the farmers from the tail end started to block the flow in the sub- secondary and tertiary canals
to increase the discharge and head. This activity reduced the sediment transport capacity of the lower
order canals and the sediment started to deposit in these canals. Maintenance activities of these
canals are not properly done mainly due to:
− the farmers in the upper reach were reluctant to desilt the canal, since the
desilting would lower the water level and they would face difficulty in diverting water;
− the operation and maintenance of these canals was the responsibility of WUA
and they had shortage of fund to clean the canals to the design state.
Thus, the deposited volume in the sub-secondary and lower order canals kept on increasing every
year resulting in the reduction of the canal capacity.
While in the second phase, since, the sub-secondary canals could not carry the design discharge
due to improper maintenance, the design delivery schedule could not be followed. Since, no specific
water delivery mode was followed, people started to ask for opening their off-take more frequently or
for a longer duration. This lead to chaos in the water delivery plan and more sediment deposition in
152 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
canals. The farmers have abandoned the water distribution and outlet structures provided in the canal
and started to divert water from other places.
As will be discussed in chapter 8, the sub-secondary and tertiary canals were not designed based on
sediment transport consideration and the deposition pattern was random. Some canals were functioning
well while some were running at less than 50% of the design capacity. Under such condition, the only
choice left with the water management agency was to run more sub-secondary canals at a time with less
discharge. Hence, the system has now entered into a vicious cycle of deterioration. Large investment
(similar to rehabilitation work) is needed to return the system in its design stage.
The main canal of SMIS is a contour canal, except for the idle length, where it passes through the
deep cutting area before reaching the command area. The slope is gentle and there are hardly any drop
structures except for the head losses in the water level regulators. The secondary canals follow the
ridges and have a number of drops of varying size. Normally natural drains separate the command area
of two secondary canals. With the secondary canals essentially along the ridge, the sub- secondary
canals are normally aligned along the contour and tertiary canals along the ridges depending upon the
During modernization, the existing infrastructure of main and secondary canals was upgraded to
meet the new plans and the canal alignment was not changed. However, for fixing the alignment of the
lower order canals the following criteria and considerations were adopted:
− the alignment of the sub-secondary and tertiary canals was planned taking into
account the topographic conditions, existing irrigation and drainage network and the boundary of
village development committee and ward 3. This was done to assist the farmers to organize
themselves for the operation and maintenance and to reduce conflicts in water sharing;
− the service area of one WC is about 28 to 30 ha. The location of the last field
outlet was fixed considering the distance of the farthest field plot, and the area served by it is about
1/7th of the total service area i.e., 4 ha each.
Flow control
From a flow control perspective, SMIS can be divided into two levels; one that is being managed by
the irrigation agency (government) and the second one being managed by the WUA. In level one the
upstream control is provided, with undershot water level and discharge regulators. The vertical slide
gates are manually operated by screw and handle (Figure 7.5). The discharge regulators are provided
with the
3 the local administrative boundary known as Village Development Committee (VDC) covers an area of about 800 to
900 ha. There are 9 sub-administrative divisions of a VDC, known as ward (numbered from 1 to 9 and about 100 ha).
Data collection and scheme analysis 153
broad crested weir at the downstream of the off-take for discharge measurement (Figure 7.6).
In the second level, below the head of a sub-secondary canal, proportional flow control is used
(Figure 7.7), which is also known as a “structured design” (Easter, et al., 1998). Since there is no gated
control in the second level below the sub- secondary canals, farmers cannot ask for water, unless all the
farmers under one sub- secondary have the same crop and demand. The overall control mechanism
and water delivery policy that are possible in Secondary Canal S9 are:
− intake gates are provided at the head of the secondary canal, sub-secondary
canals and tertiary canals (off-taking directly from the secondary canal) for control and diversion of
water to Secondary Canal S9 and from S9 to the lower order canals (Figure 7.6). These gates are
controlled by the agency responsible for irrigation in SMIS;
− the design mode of operation was 1:2 for the peak demand and it was suggested
to follow the same operation during the off-peak demand. During peak demand water is released to
nearly half the command area for 3.5 consecutive days. Hence some unsteady flow conditions
prevail in the canal network before a new steady state is realized;
− for diverting water from sub-secondary to lower order canals, proportional fixed
crest weirs in the parent and in the off-take have been provided. This arrangement also
supplies water to those canals that have no demand and the water is lost;
− water delivery to the field canals is by a fixed orifice. The level of the orifice is
preset to draw the supply as per command area below that point. Since the cropped area and
accordingly demand might change, the fixed flow rate cannot fulfil the water demand. That is one
reason, farmers in most cases have either changed the setting of the unit outlets or are using other
means to divert water;
− the flow rate in the watercourse is equal to the unit flow times the area to be
served (main d’eau) and the area is between 18 – 30 ha (average 24 ha), thus giving a flow rate of
22 – 36 l/s (average 24 l/s).
Figure 7.6 Typical off-take for upstream flow control (secondary and sub-secondary canal off-takes).
Canal design
All the canals of SMIS including Secondary Canal S9 are unlined and trapezoidal in shape with
side slopes normally 1V: 1.5H, except for some critical places, where the canal is lined. The canals
are designed for uniform flow. Truly uniform flow seldom occurs in nature, however, this is a logical
starting point. The roughness is estimated based on the type of canal and the expected maintenance
condition during operation. In other words, the size of an irrigation canal is based on estimated
roughness, which is also practically valid for gradually varied flow.
Data collection and scheme analysis 155
In view of the sediment problems prevailing in SMIS, the sediment transport aspect would have
to be included in the design of the canals system. Initially Secondary Canal S9 was designed using
Lacey’s regime approach (equations 5.1 to
5.5) and the same method was followed during modernization (Department of Irrigation, 1987).
However, the sub-secondary, tertiary and lower order canals were designed using Manning’s uniform
flow equation together with a relation of the B-h ratio (Equation (7.1)). The designed mean velocity
was then checked with the Kennedy’s critical velocity ( c
V ).
h = 0.5 B (7.1)
Vc = 0.54 mh (7.2)
where B
= bed width (m)
h = water depth (m)
m = critical velocity ratio V c
= critical velocity (m/s)
The critical velocity ratio is a function of sediment size and concentration and for SMIS this ratio was
taken as 0.84.
Figure 7.8 Typical canal section and top width as per Lacey’s regime equation.
The regime canals as predicted by Lacey’s equations would have steeper side slopes (Figure 7.8).
From slope stability considerations, the adopted side slope in the scheme (during modernization) is
1V:1.5H. This means, the constructed canal section is larger than the designed section. The actual water
depth would be less than the computed one. On average, for a given water depth, the difference in
discharge predicted by Lacey’s equation and that measured in the field is around 14% (Mishra,
The flexibility to modify the longitudinal slope is normally restricted due to the presence of drop
structures, siphons, aqueducts, and the off-take points during modernization. In Secondary Canal
S9 the bed slope of the canal has not been modified, which is steeper than that given by Lacey’s
regime slope. During the design the bed width, water depth and flow velocity were computed using
156 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
regime equations, while the bed slope was based on the field condition. Principally, this is not the
correct approach, since the water depth, bed width and flow velocity predicted by Lacey’s regime
equations are for the regime slope only. The use of regime equations for a canal system that have
control structures at every 1 km and drop structures at every 500 m is conceptually not appropriate.
There would be less possibility for the canal to adjust itself to the regime slope and width.
All the sub-secondary canals including their lower order canals have been designed by Manning’s
equation. The estimated Manning’s roughness for the canals is presented in Table 7.3. No
consideration for sediment transport requirement was made for these canals.
Manning’s roughness
coefficient (s/m 1/3)
Earthen secondary canal 0.0225
Earthen sub-secondary canal 0.025
Earthen tertiary canal 0.025
Earthen watercourse 0.03
To study the morphological changes, in addition to Secondary Canal S9 three of its sub-secondary
canals (SS9B, SS9F and SS9J) were selected. The cross sectional details (bed width, side slope, bed
elevation) at an int e rval of 100 m for all th e selected canals were taken. The measurement was made just
after the maintenance of the canal for the irrigation season of 2004. This measurement served as the
bench mark and gave the change in canal morphology after operating the canal for one or more irrigation
season. The sediment deposition in the sub-secondary canals was quite high as compared to the
deposition in the secondary canal.
In 2004, a comparison of the two sets of measurements showed that there was an average
deposition of 8.5 cm in Secondary Canal S9. The deposition was, however, not uniformly distributed
and it was more near and upstream of the control structures. As expected the deposition was less near
the upper reach of the canal where the water depth and flow velocity were higher. In the first 7.1 km the
average deposition was 6.5 cm while in the last 6.3 km it was around 12.6 cm.
Since the sediment deposition in 2004 along Secondary Canal S9 was not significant (average
depth 8.5 cm), sediment was not removed from the bed. The bed level of the secondary canal was
measured before the irrigation season of 2005. Comparison of the two measurements showed the
redistribution of deposited material during the winter irrigation of 2005. The canal carried relatively
clear water
Data collection and scheme analysis 157
during winter, hence the sediment from the upper reach of the canal was eroded and transported to the
lower reaches. Since the discharge during the winter irrigation was small, a significant change in the bed
morphology was not possible.
After the irrigation season of 2005, the average deposition in the canal bed up to
7.1 km was 12.5 cm. This amount was significantly higher (around 92%) that that of the 2004 season.
The reason could be the increase in sediment concentration and duration of irrigation as compared to
Geometrical data
The geometric and hydraulic information was collected from design reports and as built drawings.
The data was verified by field measurements during the survey work. The secondary canal was found
to be maintained to its design geometric shape, however, the quality of maintenance was not uniform
throughout the length. Table 7.4 shows the geometric and hydraulic data of Secondary Canal S9.
Table 7.4 Design hydraulic and geometric data of Secondary Canal S9 (Department of
Irrigation, 1987).
The flow into Secondary Canal S9 and outflow to the sub-secondary canals were noted throughout
the irrigation seasons of 2004 and 2005. Water flow to the secondary and sub-secondary canals is
controlled by gated discharge regulators. A broad crested measuring struct u re has bee n provided
downstr eam of t he disch arge regulator (Figure 7.9). The gauge records upstream of the measuring
weirs were noted to determine the flow rate to the secondary and sub-secondary canals. In addition to
that the water levels upstream of the gates and the gate openings were also recorded for cross
checking purposes.
There are seven water level regulators in Secondary Canal S9. The gate openings and the water
levels upstream of each regulator were recorded during the whole irrigation season. The records showed
that no specific set point was maintained at any water level regulator. The gate operator operated the
water level regulator and discharge regulator randomly to deliver the targeted amount of water in the
158 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
Figure 7.9 Broad crested weir near the intake of Secondary Canal S9 canal for flow measurement.
Gauge readings once a day (6 AM) in all the laterals and three times a day (6 AM, 12 noon and 6
PM) at the head of Secondary Canal S9 were taken. The inflow rate into the canal was found to be
fairly constant as the gate operator constantly adjusted the discharge regulator to maintain the flow.
The sum of outflows from the secondary canal was generally less than the inflow at the head of the
secondary canal. The difference between outflow and inflow was around 5% and the discrepancies
could be due to one or combinations of the following:
− seepage loss along the canal that has not been included in the computations;
− illegal outlets that draw a significant amount of water which were not measured;
− it takes more than 6 hours to stabilise the flow in Secondary Canal S9 once some
disturbance is introduced. So when the inflow is changed at the head the effect could be seen near
the tail after only 6 hours. Since the laterals were not running as per design they were opened and
closed randomly thus frequently creating unsteadiness in the system.
The flow measurements showed that the inflow hydrograph of Secondary Canal S9 was quite
different from the expected pattern (Figure 7.10). In 2004, around 67% of the total irrigation period the
inflow was either equal or more than the design inflow (5.6 m 3/ s), while in 2005, it was around 47%.
On a volumetric basis the total amount of water delivered is approximately equal to the designed total
(approximately 101% in 2004 and 96% in 2005) considering the design discharge for the canal
opening period only. This comparison is on the assumption that the canal was operated for the design
discharge throughout the irrigation period. From water requirement consideration, however, the total
volume supplied was quite high which was around 125% in 2004 and 160% in 2005.
Data collection and scheme analysis 159
Figure 7.10 Water inflow to Secondary Canal S9 canal for paddy season of 2004 and 2005.
The water depth near the water level regulator was also recorded. This parameter would indicate
the flow pattern in a reach for the given inflow. The sediment carrying capacity of the flow and
erosion/deposition rate depends upon the flow pattern (uniform or non-uniform flow).
Discharge (m 3/ s)
As per design, the off-takes from Secondary Canal S9 have been grouped in two rotation groups A
and B as shown in Figure 7.14. During peak demand there would be a rotation of 3.5 days on and 3.5
days off. Out of the total 14 off-takes (10 sub- secondary canals and 4 tertiary canals), 8 are in group A
and 6 are in group B. In actual practice the rotation schedule was hardly followed during the irrigation
season. As many as 13 off-takes out of 14 were running at the same time for a certain period (Figure
7.11), while sometimes only 3 out of 14 were running.
Group A Group B
1 8 15 22 29 36 43 50 57 64 71 78 85 92 99 106 113
Time (days)
To run more off-takes than designed, requires either more discharge in the secondary canal or less
than the design discharge to the sub-secondary canals. As can be seen in Figure 7.10, the discharge
into the secondary canal was more than the design value for more than 67% of the time in 2004.
Moreover, each off-take was receiving less than the design discharge. This operation was contrary to
the design concept and the flow control structures provided to regulate the water delivery.
Figure 7.13 Opening duration of the off-takes as compared to total irrigation duration (2005).
% opening days
The broad crested weir near the head of Secondary Canal S9 was calibrated and compared with the
Winflume (Wahl, et al., 2001) results. As can be seen in Figure
7.15 the measured value is comparable with the model result. Hence the flow equation predicted by
the model has been used for the derivation of the discharge.
Q = 12.4 h (7.3)
where h
= head over the crest (m) Q
= discharge (m 3/ s)
Figure 7.15 Calibration of the broad crested weir at the head of Secondary Canal S9.
Inflow of sediment into the system was measured near the head of Secondary Canal S9. The
measurements were taken daily during the irrigation season of 2004 and 2005. The daily variation of
concentration is presented in Figures 7.16 and 7.17. During laboratory analysis two fractions were
separated namely the fraction that was greater than 63 μm and a fraction finer than 63 μm. The two
fractions were added to obtain the total suspended load.
Sediment concentration
Sediment concentrations were measured using dip samples. This is the simplest way of taking a
sample of suspended sediment. A bucket or bottle is dipped into the canal, preferably at a point where
it will be well mixed, such as downstream of a weir or drop. The sediment contained in a measured
volume of water is filtered, dried and weighed. This gives the concentration of sediment and when
combined with the flow rate it gives the sediment discharge. This method generally gives
concentrations that are about 25% lower than results obtained from more sophisticated techniques
(Rooseboom and Annandale, 1981). The location for taking the samples was just downstream of the
discharge regulator where a strong hydraulic jump was present due to a drop in bed level by around 70
cm. At this location the flow is well mixed, and the dip samples can be expected to yield the suspended
Data collection and scheme analysis 163
concentration that are close to the average concentration. Most of the coarser fraction of the sediment
was separated in the pre-settling and settling basin near the intake of the main canal. The intake of the
Secondary Canal S9 being at 24.8 km of the main canal, the sediment size was mostly fine sand.
To find the difference in the measurements, some dip and pump samples were taken
simultaneously. The bed load part could not be measured due to the unavailability of bed load
sampler. Hence, theoretical approach as suggested by Colby (1957) has been used. The total load
has been computed by adding bed load to the measured suspended load. The calculation steps have
been summarised in Annex B. The results (Table 7.5) show that dip samples underestimated the mean
total sediment concentration by an average factor of 0.92.
Table 7.5 Measured pump and dip samples in Secondary Canal S9 (2004).
Considering the sand fraction only (size > 63 μm), the dip samples underestimated the pump
samples by around 65% (35% less). HR Wallingford (1988) collected some data from dip and
pump sampling downstream of a vortex tube in the SMIS for comparison purposes and found that
the concentrations measured by dip sampling were around 30% less than those from pump
Figure 7.16 Sediment concentration (total) at the head of Secondary Canal S9 during the paddy irrigation season
(26 July to 23 October, 2004).
164 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
Figure 7.17 Sediment concentration (total) at the head of Secondary Canal S9 during the paddy irrigation season
(8 July to 1 November, 2005).
concentration (ppm)
A comparison between the sediment concentration at the head of Secondary Canal S9 shows that
the average concentration in 2005 is higher than in 2004. This indicates a reduction in the efficiency of
the settling basin. If remedial measures are not taken, then the sediment problem in the scheme will
After the irrigation season some bed material samples were taken along the canal. The deposited
material was mostly sand and silt. No sorting of material in downstream direction could be observed.
Table 7.6 and Table 7.7 show the sediment size and distribution along the canal in 2004 and 2005
Kilometrage < 63 μm d 10 d 16 d 50 d 60 d 84 σg Cu
km % mm mm mm mm Mm
0+398 9.8 0.063 0.070 0.100 0.110 0.140 1.41 1.75
3+286 45.0 0.070 0.080 0.110
4+610 46.7 0.065 0.071 0.100
6+694 2.4 0.090 0.100 0.170 0.190 0.280 1.67 2.11
7+066 12.3 0.060 0.070 0.110 0.120 0.160 1.51 2.00
Mean 23.2 0.071 0.080 0.103 0.114 0.158 1.53 1.95
Kilometrage < 63 μm d 10 d 16 d 50 d 60 d 84 σg Cu
km % mm mm mm mm Mm
0+398 33.2 0.063 0.070 0.079 0.094 0.135 1.39 1.49
3+286 34.2 0.07 8 0.088 0.13 0
4+610 30.5 0.063 0.068 0.090 0.103 0.157 1.52 1.64
6+694 6.5 0.071 0.083 0.170 0.195 0.275 1.82 2.75
7+066 12.7 0.063 0.070 0.100 0.120 0.170 1.56 1.90
Mean 23.4 0.070 0.070 0.100 0.120 0.170 1.57 1.94
Data collection and scheme analysis 165
where d n
= n% of the sample finer than the given value in mm
d 84
geometric standard deviation σ=
d 16
d 60
uniformity coefficient u
= (7.5)
Cd 10
The analysis showed that the samples contained around 23% of material finer than 63 µm. The
median size of the sediment sample was found to be 0.102 mm. The uniformity coefficient is smaller
than 2 hence, one representative value can be used for the modelling of the sediment transport
(Halcrow, 2003). The grain size analysis result of the sediment samples have been given in Appendix
7.6 Conclusions
SMIS was originally designed as supply based system without an assured water diversion
provision at the head. After the improvements of the headwork during the rehabilitation, the water
diversion from the river has been improved but still it is not assured. Hence, the concept of the design
to convert it into a demand based scheme is a difficult proposition to meet. Hence reliability, adequacy
and timeliness of irrigation supply mainly depends upon the rainfall in the catchment (to raise the water
level in the river) and in the command area (to supplement the crop water requirement).
With the given water diversion and delivery infrastructure, the overall objective of the irrigation
scheme would have to be to distribute the available water equitably to the crops in the entire
command area keeping in mind that crop stress is unavoidable, even during the wet season. The
water delivery plan and cropping schedule are so rigid that there exists very less possibility of
changes. That is the reason why with each stage of modernization the cropping schedule is revised.
Farmers by default assume that the scheme is a protective one only and there will be water stress if
there is no rainfall as expected. Thus, a rigid cropping calendar and water delivery schedule, has to be
followed assuming that the Irrigation Management Agency possesses enough knowledge about the
crop, market, soil type, climate, cultural practices and water availability. The findings of Secondary
Canal S9 on the design and management can be summarized as:
− the sediment transport aspect is considered in the secondary canal only (using
Lacey’s equations). In sub-secondary and tertiary canals, the sediment transport aspects have not
been considered at all;
− the infrastructure provided in the distribution network (below sub-secondary
canal) works properly only for the full supply discharge. For the irrigation scheme with such an
un-assured water diversion provision, the system is difficult to operate in a proper way;
166 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
− sediment transport is a major problem for sub-secondary and tertiary canals. The
rate of sediment deposition is different from canal to canal and from reach to reach with in the same
canal. Hence, in the system, some farmers have to invest more for sediment removal than the
others. This has made the system operation more difficult;
− the water operation plans are not being followed. A canal carrying sediment can
not be operated and maintained unless proper water delivery modes (from sediment transport and
water requirement aspects) are established and followed strictly;
− due to the some socio-political situation during the data collection strict and
regular monitoring of the data collection activity could not be made. Some of the observers might
have taken that as an advantage and entered some of the readings in the record books without
actually visiting the site. This, however, could not be verified.
8 Application of improved design approach
8.1 General
The proposed improvement in the design of irrigation canals for sediment transport will be
evaluated and used in this section. The results will be compared with the existing canal design that
is mostly used in the design of irrigation canals in Nepal. The Sunsari Morang Irrigation Scheme
(SMIS) is a rehabilitation type of scheme and the rehabilitation work is continuing in different stages.
The analysis will help to identify the problems associated with the present design and management
practices and take corrective measures to rectify them.
The sediment transport process in an irrigation canal is influenced by the operation and
maintenance of the irrigation scheme. The canal can be designed to pass an incoming sediment load
under the assumption of uniform flow and an equilibrium transport condition. Once, the conditions
deviate from the design value the flow velocity and thus the sediment transport capacity will be
changed in time and space. The operation of the irrigation scheme will introduce variations in the
design values and assumptions in time and space. Besides, the hydraulic calculations are based on
the assumed maintenance condition of the canal. If the canal is not maintained to the design condition,
the flow parameters will change. Such changes in the design parameters and the design assumptions
introduce the change in sediment transport process. The deviation of the design parameters and
assumptions from the design condition is a continuous process during the irrigation season or during
the life time of a canal. Hence, the sediment transport aspect of an irrigation canal would have to be
analysed considering changing scenarios in time and space.
The mathematical model provides an option to analyse the sediment transport process in an
irrigation canal for changing flow and sediment parameters with time and space. Hence, the model
SETRIC as described in chapter 6 will be used to simulate the effect on the sediment transport
process due to the variation in water and sediment inflow, introduction of water delivery plans,
introduction of flow controls and the maintenance plans. The model will be first evaluated comparing
its predictability on hydraulic and sediment transport with the existing models, field conditions and
measured data of Secondary Canal S9 of SMIS. Then the evaluated model will be used to simulate
the different scenarios. The proposed improvements in the determination of the hydraulic roughness,
the selection of the sediment transport predictors and the design process will be evaluated. The effect
of water delivery plans, control structures and operation of gates on the sediment transport will be
In this section, three terms are frequently used namely, normal depth, actual depth and design
depth or set point. The normal depth is the flow depth in the canal for a uniform flow condition, while the
actual depth is the depth for which the flow may or may not be uniform depending upon the structural
control at the downstream end. The design depth or the set point is the target depth that should be met
for the diversion of desired water to a off-take.
168 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
Hydraulic performance
The hydraulic performance of the model has been compared with the results of the DUFLOW
model. Hydraulic conditions in SETRIC have been assumed to be quasi-steady, hence the results of
the DUFLOW model for steady state should be comparable to the SETRIC results. For this purpose a
canal system with the following geometric and hydraulic parameters was used (Table 8.1):
However, the two models have some differences; most importantly in the prediction of the
roughness and the influence of the morphological change on the hydraulic parameters. For
comparison of the hydraulic results the following adjustments were made:
− roughness. In case of SETRIC the roughness of the canal section is not constant
and it changes with bed width to water depth ratio and the relative roughness in the bed and sides.
Roughness in the bed will change with the bed forms and in the sides due to the vegetation and
maintenance plan of the canal. While in case of DUFLOW, the roughness is constant. To control the
roughness in the bed the canal has been assumed to be non-erodible and the sediment inflow rate
was kept small such that there was no deposition. Similarly to control the roughness in the sides the
maintenance condition has been taken to be ideal. This assumption would ensure a constant
roughness in the canal;
Application of improved design approach 169
A weir was placed at 3 km and its width was adjusted to get a backwater flow profile (M1) in reach
1. Similarly, water depth at the downstream boundary was fixed such that the flow profile in reach 2
became a drawdown (M2) type.
The hydraulic calculation results by both the models are presented in Figure 8.1. The water
surface profiles predicted by the two models are slightly different, because DUFLOW computed the
flow depths at two nodes (node distance was 1 km) and the profile between the nodes is assumed to
be linear, while SETRIC computed the water depth at every 100 m. In another example, a canal reach
of 1 km length was taken and the water level at every 100 m was computed using the two models and
the results are shown in Figure 8.2. It shows that the difference (Figure
8.1) is due to the different locations of the computation points in SETRIC and DUFLOW. Hence, the
hydraulic computation modules of SETRIC are satisfactory.
Figure 8.2 Water depth predicted by the two models for the same computational nodes.
Depth (m)
170 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
The morphological prediction of SETRIC has been compared with SOBEK- RIVER, which is a
morphological 1-D model. For the comparison the following hydraulic and geometric information
were used:
− bed width = 6.9 m
− side slope = 1:1.5
− longitudinal slope = 0.233 (m per 1,000 m)
− Chézy’s roughness coefficient = 50
− minimum roughness height in the bed = 10 mm
− length of first reach = 10,000 m
− length of second reach = 500 m
− drop in bed level at 10,000 m = 0.67 m
− width of flume at 10,000 m = 3.62 m
− drop in bed level d/s of flume = 0.67 m
The following water flow and sediment characteristics were used as input parameters in the
− water inflow rate. A constant water flow of 5.6 m 3/ s;
− sediment inflow rate. A constant sediment inflow of 500 ppm (by weight) is used
in SETRIC. In case of SOBEK-RIVER, the input of sediment was provided as volume per unit time.
The equivalent amount of 500 ppm in volume per unit time becomes 0.00106 m 3/ s (for a discharge
of 5.6 m 3/ s and sediment with a specific weight of 2.65 kg/m 3);
− representative sediment size. The median sediment diameter d 50 was taken as 0.1
SETRIC calculates the equivalent roughness considering the effects of bed width to water depth
ratio, roughness in the sides and roughness in the bed due to bed forms. The effect of weed growth on
the roughness was eliminated by assuming the ideal maintenance condition. Thus, the equivalent
roughness computed by SETRIC was independent of time. The equivalent roughness computed from
SETRIC for the given hydraulic and sediment characteristics was used in SOBEK-RIVER to simulate
the same scenario.
The model was simulated for a period of 90 days by using the Engelund and Hansen total load
predictor as sediment transport predictor for equilibrium conditions. The results by the two models
are presented in Figure 8.3. Both the models predicted deposition in the upper reach of the canal (0
to 5,000 m). The sediment transport trends predicted by both the models are similar, while the
volume deposited as predicted by SETRIC is slightly more than that by SOBEK-RIVER. There are
some inherent differences in the solution methods of the sediment transport and morphological
changes in the two models:
Application of improved design approach 171
Q q=W and W
s s s s
= α sT (8.1)
In SETRIC the effective width is the mean of bed width and water surface width.
− sediment transport process. In SOBEK-RIVER the sediment transport rates or
capacities at any two points are estimated using sediment-transport formulae. Then the
cross-section change between the two sections are computed using the gradients in the sediment
transport rates (Sloff, 2006). That is sediment transport is influenced by the local conditions only.
While SETRIC uses Galappatti’s model for predicting sediment concentration under
non-equilibrium conditions. That is the sediment transport process at any section is influenced by
the hydraulic and sediment concentration conditions of the upstream section;
− solution of mass balance equation. For the solution of the mass balance equation,
SETRIC uses the modified Lax scheme for the solution while SOBEK-RIVER uses Lax-Wendroff
type of scheme.
Considering the calculating environment of the two models, the morphological results predicted by
SETRIC are in line with the results of SOBEK-RIVER.
It can be concluded that the results of SETRIC for water flow and sediment transport are
comparable with the models that have been well tested and have been widely used for practical and
research purposes. Hence, the model SETRIC can be used for the analysis of sediment transport in
irrigation canals and networks.
Any man-made canal or natural channel that is in equilibrium with a certain water and sediment
discharge, will continue to be in equilibrium as long as one of
172 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
the two (water or sediment flow rate) is not changed. If, however, the water flow or sediment
parameters are changed and maintained during a sufficiently long duration, the canal would adapt itself
to the new condition by adjusting either the bed width or the bed slope. This aspect has been tested
with the model. There is no provision of adjusting the bed width in the model; hence it is assumed that
the new equilibrium condition will be achieved by adjusting the bed slope only. A canal with the
following parameters was used:
An undershot type gate was placed at the downstream boundary to maintain a constant water
depth of 0.91 m. The model was run for the design discharge and sediment concentration. Since, the
design condition prevailed in the canal; the carrying capacity (equilibrium sediment concentration) is
equal to the actual sediment concentration (Figure 8.4).
Then the incoming sediment concentration was increased from 220 ppm to 300 ppm without
changing the hydraulic parameters. Since, the incoming sediment load was more than the carrying
capacity of the canal deposition should take place. The model was run continuously for a period of 3
years and the results are shown in Figure 8.5. The results are in line with the sedimentation process
that is generally observed under such hydro-morphological conditions.
Figure 8.5 Change in canal bed level with the increased sediment concentration.
Since the incoming sediment load was more than the carrying capacity of the canal, the excess
sediment load would start depositing near the head reach. The deposition would make the bed slope
steeper and thereby increasing the transport capacity locally. Hence, lesser sediment would be
deposited at the section under consideration and more sediment would be passed to the subsequent
section downstream where then the excess amount would be deposited. Thus, two processes occurred
simultaneously, firstly increment in the deposition depth at any section and secondly extension of the
deposition in downstream direction. The model predicted that the deposition extended to the upper 2,000
m of the canal within 30 days and around 5,000 m in 90 days. In one year the deposition took place in
the whole reach, while the depth in the upper reach kept on increasing. After three years the bed level of
the canal near the head was raised by 0.63 m that gave a new bed slope of 0.29 m per 1,000 m. The
equilibrium sediment transport capacity of the canal for this slope was around 300 ppm which was also
the incoming sediment load.
Roughness was taken as the calibration parameter. In the model, roughnesses in the sides and in the
bed are determined separately and then the equivalent roughness of the section is computed (ref.
section 4.3 and 6.4). Since roughness in the bed depends upon the hydraulic and sediment parameters,
roughness of the sides has to be adjusted to arrive at the measured mean or equivalent roughness of
the section. The roughness of the canal was measured three times in one irrigation season (start, mid
and end). It was found that the roughness remained practically the same throughout the season. The
roughness was slightly high at the beginning of the irrigation season, decreased during the mid season
and remained constant thereafter till the end of the season.
The average Chézy’s roughness coefficient (C) derived from the measured hydraulic and
geometric parameters of Secondary Canal S9 during the irrigation season was 44.0 m 1/2/ s in 2004
and 44.6 m 1/2/ s in 2005. The equivalent value in terms of Manning’s roughness was 0.0224.
174 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
The predictability of the model was evaluated with the field data of 2004. The field measurements
included the water and sediment inflow to Secondary Canal S9, the outflow of water to the
sub-secondary canals (volume and duration), the set- points and gate operation of the water level
regulators. After the irrigation season, the overall change in bed morphology was measured. The model
was run using the measured field data as input variables. The results on the morphological change in
bed predicted by the model were compared with the bed morphology measured after the irrigation
Input parameters
Figures 7.10 and 7.16 show the water and sediment inflows into the canal during the paddy
season of 2004. The Secondary Canal S9 received water for a period of 85 days. In case of sediment
concentration, only the sand fraction (size > 0.63 µm) of the total concentration was used. Although,
the water flow, gate operation and delivery schedule up to 7,066 m was recorded, only the first reach
from 0 m to 398 m was used for validation purpose. This was done to reduce the effects of other
variables, like illegal water withdrawal, interference to the flows by farmers, performance of the
hydraulic structures, etc. that could not be incorporated in the model but still would have influence on
the sediment transport process.
In the reach from 0 m to 398 m, there are 3 off-takes, 2 off-takes (for SS9A and SS9C) at 50 m and
1 off-take (for SS9B) at 356 m from the head and a water level regulator are located at 398 m. The
daily measurement of water delivery to the off- takes (volume and duration) and the water level
upstream of the water level regulator were used. The operation schedules and discharge to the
sub-secondary canals up to the water level regulator at km 7+066 are given in Appendix B. Other
general parameters used for the modelling are:
Model calibration
The model was calibrated using the roughness as the calibration parameter for uniform flow
conditions. The average Chézy’s roughness of the canal for uniform flow conditions was derived from
field measurements and was found to be 44.0 m 1/2/ s. During the calibration a Chézy’s roughness value
of 38 for the side slope of the canal for the design discharge of 5.6 m 3/ s gave an equivalent roughness of
44.0 m 1/2/ s. Since, there was no weed growth on the sides during the irrigation season, the effect due to
weed was neglected by assuming an ideal maintenance condition.
Prediction of roughness
The roughness predicted by the model in time and space has been presented in Figures 8.6 and
8.7. Figure 8.6 shows the roughness along the canal after 12 days. The predicted roughness along the
canal is more or less constant, but it is slightly
Application of improved design approach 175
more than the roughness for uniform flow conditions. Figure 8.7 shows the variation of roughness with
Figure 8.6 Predicted equivalent Chézy’s roughness coefficient in Secondary Canal S9 on 12 th day of canal
Chèzy's roughness (C)
Figure 8.7 Predicted equivalent Chézy’s roughness coefficient at 180 m from the head of Secondary Canal S9.
The following comments can be made regarding the change in Chézy’s roughness value in
time and space:
− the change in flow due to opening and closing of the off-takes at 50 m. The
operation of the off-take for Sub-secondary Canal SS9C is more pronounced compared to that for
SS9A as the design capacity of SS9C is around 3.5 times more than SS9A. The change in flow
alters the water depth and hence the B-h ratio. The change in B-h ratio changes the influence of
bed and side on the equivalent roughness;
− critical shear stress and bed forms. The roughness in the bed is more when bed
forms are created, that is when the shear stress at the bed is more than the critical value needed
to move the sediment. This is also the condition for entrainment of deposited sediment to the flow if
the capacity of the flowing water is more than the existing sediment load. Hence, the lower Chézy’s
value indicates the condition of high shear stress and possibility of sediment entrainment to the
flow or erosion of deposited volume. While, a higher Chézy’s value indicates the
176 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
condition of low shear stress and no movement of bed materials. The condition also indicates the
possibility of sediment deposition.
The deposition along the canal predicted by the model and that measured after the irrigation
season is shown in Figure 8.8. The deposition trend shown by the model is in line with the
measurements in the field. The difference in predicted and measured values near the upstream and
downstream end is due to the presence of off-take structures at 50 m and 356 m where the sediment
deposition was not allowed in the model to maintain the intended flow into the off-takes. The model
has predicted a total deposition of around 79 m 3 which is around 67% of the total measured volume
within this reach. Although, the objective of the validation was not to verify the model quantitatively, the
result is an indication that the proposed improvements in the sediment transport predictors by
incorporating the effects of side slope and B-h ratio and the method used to predict the bed roughness
and to calculate the equivalent roughness have improved the predictability of the model.
Figure 8.8 Comparison of deposition trend predicted by the model and measured after the irrigation season of
The objective of this research is to understand the effects of design, operation and maintenance on
Elevation AMSL (m)
the sediment transport process more in qualitative terms than in quantitative and to use this model for
the comparative evaluation of the existing canal design and management practices with the proposed
improvements in the design and management of irrigation schemes in view of sediment transport.
Despite the difficulties of schematizing the real flow situation, incorporating some of the management
related issues as well as the actual condition of the irrigation network, the modelling results are in line
with the observed sediment transport process and hence the model SETRIC has been used for further
The same model setup as that used in sub-section 8.2.3 for the irrigation season of 2004 was used
to evaluate the predictability of the equilibrium sediment transport predictors. Three total load
predictors, i.e., Engelund and Hansen (EH), Brownlie (BR) and Ackers-White (AW) were evaluated in
view of their predictability. The predicted accuracy of the three predictors using the field data of 2004
and 2005 for
7,066 m length of canal is shown in Figure 8.9.
Application of improved design approach 177
The predicted accuracy is measured as a percentage prediction, which is the ratio of the predicted
volume to the measured volume of sediment deposited in the canal. Figure 8.9 shows that the Brownlie
predictor’s prediction accuracy was around 60% (52% for 2004 and 68% for 2005, while the accuracy of
Engelund and Hansen was around 50% (48% for 2004 and 61% for 2005). The prediction accuracy of
Ackers and White method was low at around 9% (7% for 2004 and 9% for 2005). Hence, for the
conditions prevailing in Secondary Canal S9, Brownlie and Engelund and Hansen predictors are more
suitable. In the subsequent analysis these two predictors has been used.
Secondary Canal S9 was designed using Lacey’s equations that do not require specific
information on sediment size and concentration. Due to the differences in the design calculations and
the constructed canal (refer 7.2.3 canal design), the actual water depth has been found to be less than
the design value. If Secondary Canal S9 is allowed to run without control, the off-takes will not draw
their share of water as the crest level of the off-takes has been set considering the design water level.
Hence, the flow has to be controlled by using water level regulators to maintain the target water level
even for the design discharge. For the analysis of the design from a sediment transport point of view,
the canal was allowed to run normally without any control and it was assumed that the off-takes would
be able to draw their share of water.
following hydraulic and sediment characteristics was evaluated for the sediment transport capacity
under equilibrium conditions. The evaluation was made by using Brownlie’s predictor and the result is
presented in Table 8.2.
− mean sediment size (d 50) = 0.10 mm
− relative density = 2.65
− side slope of canal = 1:1.5
− roughness (Manning’s) coefficient = 0.022
Table 8.2 Sediment transport capacity of Secondary Canal S9 for normal water depth. Length
Discharge Bed slope Normal sediment
From To width depth
m m m 3/ s m m/1,000 m m ppm
0 398 5.60 6.9 0.233 1.06 227
398 4,600 4.75 6.3 0.242 0.99 228
4,600 6700 4.25 6.0 0.248 0.95 229
6,700 7,066 3.25 5.2 0.261 0.85 228
The equi librium t ransport capacity shown in Table 8.2 is obtained when the canal was allowed to
flow freely without any obstruction. As the design water depth was more than the normal depth by
around 8%, the actual sediment carrying capacity of the canal was less when the design depth was
maintained (Table 8.3). The design water depth in this case was obtained by increasing the roughness
of the section, so that the flow in the canal was uniform.
Table 8.3 Sediment transport capacity of Secondary Canal S9 for design water depth. Length
Bed Design
Discharge Bed slope sediment
From To width depth
m m m 3/ s m m/1,000 m m ppm
0 398 5.60 6.9 0.233 1.13 201
398 4,600 4.75 6.3 0.242 1.07 198
4,600 6,700 4.25 6.0 0.248 1.03 188
6,700 7,066 3.25 5.2 0.261 0.94 180
In case-II , the existing bed slope, side slope and water depth (target/design) w ere used to comp ute
the bed width by using Manning’s equation. The resulting sect ion was then evaluated for the sediment
transport capacity under equilibrium conditions using Brownlie’s predictor (Table 8.4). It was found that
the adjustment in the width improved the transport capacity by around 25 ppm (around 12%) as
compared to normal flow condition and by around 50 ppm (around 25%) as compared to design water
depth condition. It would not only reduce the necessity of gate operation but also the construction (small
canal section) as well as maintenance cost.
Secondary Canal S9 was a rehabilitation type of scheme; hence flexibility in the design was limited.
However, by making minor adjustments in the bed slope and water depths, the sediment transport
capacity of the canal could be increased.
Application of improved design approach 179
Table 8.4 Sediment transport capacity of redesigned Secondary Canal S9 under equilibrium condition.
Discharge Bed slope Water sediment
From To width depth
m m m 3/ s m m/1,000 m m ppm
0 398 5.60 6.1 0.233 1.13 254
398 4,600 4.75 5.6 0.242 1.07 256
4,600 6,700 4.25 5.2 0.248 1.03 260
6,700 7,066 3.25 4.5 0.261 0.94 259
SMIS has a settling basin at the head of the main canal. As per the design, the basin would limit
the sediment concentration to the main canal to 500 ppm. If the basin is maintained and operated
properly, then the sediment concentration in the main canal should be less than 500 ppm. Moreover,
the sediment transport capacity of the main canal was evaluated using the computer program Design of
Canal for Sediment Transport (DOCSET). It was found that near the head reach (0.22 km to
9.44 km) the sediment transport capacity of the main canal was around 300 ppm. The intake of
Secondary Canal S9 is at 24.79 km from the head of the main canal. Hence if the settling basin is
maintained properly, the sediment inflow to Secondary Canal S9 will be 300 ppm or less.
Figures 7.15 and 7.16 show the measured sediment concentration near the head of Secondary
Canal S9. The average concentration during 2004 was 148 ppm while it was significantly higher in 2005,
averaging around 789 ppm. This was mainly due to the disturbances in the operation of dredgers for
removing sediment from the settling basin. For comparative study, Secondary Canal S9 canal was
redesigned for a sediment carrying capacity of 300 ppm (case-III) using the improved approach.
However, the canal can be designed for a higher carrying capacity depending upon the requirements.
It was found that minor changes in the slope and width were sufficient to increase the sediment
transport capacity to 300 ppm (Table 8.5). This canal under normal conditions would not show
depositions throughout its length if constant water and sediment flow is passed.
Length Equilibrium
From To Discharge Bed slope Water sediment
width depth
m m m 3/ s m m/1,000 m m ppm
0 398 5.60 5.15 0.243 1.22 303
398 4,600 4.75 4.65 0.253 1.16 303
4,600 6,700 4.25 4.30 0.262 1.12 304
6,700 7,066 3.25 3.65 0.278 1.02 300
The above presented designs (three cases) were evaluated using the model SETRIC. In the first
scenario, a single reach of the canal (398 m to 4,600 m) was
180 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
modelled. The flow condition was assumed to be a uniform flow. A control structure was placed at the
downstream boundary that would ensure a normal depth in the canal. A constant water inflow of 4.75
m 3/ s and a sediment inflow of 300 ppm were applied in the upstream boundary. It was assumed that
the canal would be maintained ideally and there would be no change in roughness due to weed growth
during the whole simulation period. Brownlie’s predictor was used for computing the sediment transport
capacity under equilibrium condition. The model was run for a period of 365 days. As expected, there
was no deposition in the canal designed with the improved approach (case-III). The results are
presented in Figure 8.10.
As the incoming sediment was more than the carrying capacity of the canal deposition took place.
Deposition started from the upstream and moved to downstream. Initially, the rate of deposition was
faster and decreased with time. The canal slope slowly became steeper by sediment deposition and
the carrying capacity of the section was increased. This helped to transport more sediment to the
downstream. The total deposited volume in case-II after one year was around 80% of that of case-I.
That means, if the discrepancy in the design could have been rectified, the deposition of sediment in
Secondary Canal S9 could have been reduced by 20% under normal flow conditions.
In the second scenario, all the four reaches of the canal from 0.00 km to 7.066 km were modelled.
The four reaches with different geometries and design discharges were connected by control
structures. The control structures would ensure a normal water flow in the canal. The off-takes were
placed at the end of each reach, so that the flow in each reach was maintained equal to the design
discharge. Using a mean sediment size (d 50) as 0.10 mm and Brownlie’s predictor, the three cases
were modelled for a period of 365 days. The results are presented in Figure
8.11. The modelling results for the whole canal length (Figure 8.11) were comparable with the
results of a single reach of the canal. The total deposition in case-II was around 75% of case-I.
There was a little deposition in the case-III but that was negligible as compared to case-I and
Application of improved design approach 181
− canals designed based on Lacey’s theory are not efficient in terms of sediment
transport. It is very difficult to assess these canals, as no sediment characteristics are needed for the
− the existing canal is relatively too wide and as shown above, the canal sections
can be narrowed. The canal designed using the improved approach is deeper as compared to the
existing one. The topography is such that a deeper canal could have been easily constructed during
the system rehabilitation;
− the improved approach for canal design considers the expected sediment load
and sediment characteristics explicitly in the design. The roughness is determined in a rational
way so that the assumed hydraulic parameters become closer to those in the actual field. This
will ensure that the predicted sediment transport process is similar to the actual transport process
in the field;
− minor change in bed width and/or in bed slope can change the sediment transport
capacity of the canal. The canals designed by using other methods can be easily upgraded for a
specific sediment transport capacity by using the improved approach;
− wider canals are not only poor in sediment transport but also are expensive from
construction perspectives.
Secondary Canal S14 that was designed by using an energy concept was also evaluated (ref.
sub-section 5.2.2). The geometric data of the constructed canal and its sediment transport capacity under
equilibrium condition is presented in Table 8.6. The other parameters of the canal are:
It can be observed that the sediment transport capacity of the canal designed using the energy
concept is comparable to the design of Secondary Canal S9 using Lacey’s equation (Table 8.1).
Besides, some inconsistency could be observed in the transport capacity along the canal. The condition
for suspended sediment transport that the energy
E = ρ gVS 0
should be constant or increasing may be a necessary but
182 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
not the sufficient condition to design a canal for sediment transport (where, ρ is density of water, g is
acceleration due to gravity, V is flow velocity and S 0 is friction slope). The flow velocity downstream of
3,850 m is 0.55 m/s as compared to 0.64 m/s upstream of that point, hence the transport capacity
decreased even though the energy is not decreasing due to an increment in the bed slope. Hence, not
only the bed slope and water depth but also the bed width and the side slope influence the sediment
transport process and should be accounted for.
Table 8.6 Evaluation result of the existing design (Secondary Canal S14).
Length Flow
Discharge Bed C
From To width Bed slope Normal depth velocity
m m m 3/ s m m/1,000m M m/s ppm
0 300 8.17 7.0 0.20 1.40 0.64 228
300 2,975 7.24 6.0 0.20 1.40 0.64 227
2,975 3,850 6.92 5.5 0.20 1.42 0.64 229
3,850 4,600 3.27 3.6 0.23 1.12 0.55 195
4,600 7,480 3.03 2.5 0.23 1.24 0.56 211
C = Equilibrium sediment concentration.
Table 8.7 Redesigned for 300 ppm transport capacity (Secondary Canal S14).
Length Flow
Discharge Bed C
From To width Bed slope Normal depth velocity
m m m 3/ s m m/1,000m m/s m/s ppm
0 300 8.17 6.50 0.23 1.39 0.68 301
300 2,975 7.24 6.10 0.24 1.33 0.67 302
2,975 3,850 6.92 5.85 0.24 1.32 0.67 300
3,850 4,600 3.27 3.70 0.29 1.03 0.61 300
4,600 7,480 3.03 3.50 0.29 1.01 0.60 299
Table 8.8 Redesigned for 500 ppm transport capacity (Secondary Canal S14).
Length Flow
Discharge Bed C
From To width Bed slope Normal depth velocity
m m m 3/ s m m/1,000m M m/s ppm
0 300 8.17 6.2 0.31 1.31 0.76 496
300 2,975 7.24 5.7 0.32 1.27 0.75 500
2,975 3,850 6.97 5.6 0.32 1.24 0.75 497
3,850 4,600 3.27 3.5 0.38 0.98 0.67 495
4,600 7,480 3.03 3.3 0.39 0.96 0.67 496
However, the approach used in the canal system of Secondary Canal S14 is better as compared to
that of Secondary Canal S9 because in the former case the whole network has been considered as a
single unit. The sediment transport capacity of Secondary Canal S14 has been related to the capacity of
the main canal and similarly the capacities of the lower order canals have been related to the respective
parent canals.
The same canal system was redesigned for a sediment transport capacity of 300 and 500 ppm with
representative sediment size (d 50) = 0.10 mm and Brownlie as
Application of improved design approach 183
equilibrium sediment transport predictor. The side slope of the canal is 1: 1.5 (V: H). The results have
been presented in Tables 8.7 and 8.8. It has been found that the slope of the canal has to be increased
to increase the sediment transport capacity. Further, the normal water depth of the canal has also
decreased due to the increase in velocity. Considering the topography of the S14 canal it would not have
to be a problem to adjust the slope and water depth during the modernization. There are 13 drops in the
S14 canal from 0 m to 7,480 m with different size providing a total drop in elevation of 13.05 m. The bed
level of the canal at the downstream of the drop could have been easily adjusted to maintain the required
water level near the head of the off-take.
Canals for sediment transport are designed for a specific sediment characteristic and a constant
water and sediment flow under equilibrium condition. However, such conditions are seldom
encountered in irrigation canals. The changing irrigation demand, different irrigation schedules to meet
the demands and the flow control structures to manage those water delivery schedules are the
general features of modern irrigation schemes. Thus a canal has to pass varying discharges
throughout the irrigation season. Besides, if there is no proper sediment removal facility at the head,
the canal has to transport various amounts of sediment. In this section, the effects of changing water
demands and operation of canal with different water delivery schedules to meet those demands on
sediment movement have been evaluated. The performance of the canal designed by existing
methods and by the improved approach have been compared under changing flow and sediment
transport conditions. For this mainly the following scenarios were considered:
− constant irrigation water requirement with the design water delivery schedules to
meet the requirements and with a constant sediment inflow rate;
− changing irrigation water requirements and different possible modes of water
delivery schedules to meet the changing demands with a constant sediment inflow rate;
− measured irrigation supply and water delivery plans with measured sediment
inflow rate;
− changing irrigation water requirements and water delivery mode with changing
but controlled sediment inflow rate;
− changing water requirements and water delivery modes with not properly
controlled sediment inflow rate.
As per the design, Secondary Canal S9 has to supply irrigation water to the sub- secondary canals
on a rotation basis. All the off-takes are divided into two groups and each group receives water for 3.5
days. The general layout of the off-takes and their grouping is shown in Figure 7.9. The delivery of water
in rotation results in the fluctuation in discharge in the different reaches. That is, in reality, Secondary
Canal S9 does not carry the design flow throughout its length. The actual flow is either more or less than
the design discharge (ref. Table 8.9).
184 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
Table 8.9 Water flow along the canal as per designed water delivery plan. Reach
Water flow (m 3/ s) Position of off-
Distance (m) Length
From To takes and
(m) Design Group A Group B
0 50 50 5.60 5.60 5.60 SS9-A, SS9-C
1 50 360 310 5.60 5.44 5.01 SS9-B
360 398 38 5.60 4.16 5.01 WLR-1
2 398 1,114 716 4.75 4.16 5.01 Drop-1
3 1,114 1,720 606 4.75 4.16 5.01 Drop-2
4 1,720 2,242 522 4.75 4.16 5.01 Drop-3
2,242 3,225 983 4.75 4.16 5.01 SS9-D
3,225 3,286 61 4.75 4.16 4.23 WLR-2
3,286 4,590 1,304 4.75 4.16 4.23 S9-T1, S9-T2
4,590 4,600 10 4.75 3.50 4.23 WLR-3
7 4,600 5,910 1,310 4.25 3.50 4.23 Drop-4
5,910 6,620 710 4.25 3.50 4.23 SS9E
6,620 6,700 80 4.25 3.50 3.30 WLR-4
6,700 7,055 355 3.25 3.50 3.30 SS9-F
7,055 7,066 11 3.25 3.22 3.30 WLR-5
The change in flow in a section changes the B-h ratio that would change the contribution of
roughness from bed and side slopes in the overall equivalent roughness. Besides, the change in B-h
ratio affects the velocity distribution across the canal section and hence, the sediment transport
capacity is altered. Thus, the rotation schedule introduces several changes in the canal’s
hydro-morphological behaviour. The effects of the rotation schedules on the sediment transport
behaviour of the canal sections designed in the previous sections (case-I, case-II and case-III) have
been analysed.
It has already been mentioned that the existing Secondary Canal S9 (case-I) cannot deliver the
design discharge to the off-takes without water level regulation even not during the design flow. The
aim of modelling was to study the effect of water delivery schedules on the sediment transport
behaviour of the canal. Hence, water level was not regulated and the canal was allowed to flow
normally. It was assumed that no water level regulation was required to abstract the design flow by the
The undershot type structures were placed at the end of each reach and the set- points were set
such that the normal flow conditions prevailed in the reaches during the operation of the canal in the
rotation schedules. The off-takes were placed at their respective locations and the gates of the
off-takes were opened or closed at every 3.5 days. A constant discharge of 5.6 m 3/ s and a constant
sediment concentration of 300 ppm were fed from the upstream boundary. The Brownlie’s predictor
has been used. The model was run for a period of 84 days. The modelling results are presented in
Figure 8.12.
Application of improved design approach 185
Figure 8.12 Sediment deposition with time in the whole canal system.
Figure 8.12 shows the deposition in the canal with time. The following observations and
Deposited volume (m 3)
− within the modelling period, the canal reached equilibrium condition. After
around 50 days there was no net increment in the deposited volume in the canal.
Figure 8.13 The distribution of sediment deposition in Secondary Canal S9 after 84 days.
The deposition along the canal was not evenly distributed (Figure 8.13). The deposited volume was
Deposited volume (m 3)
decreasing from reach 1 to reach 5. It again increased at reach 6 and decreased in the downstream
reaches. The existing canal (case-I) showed deposition almost in every reach, while the adjusted canal
(case-II) showed deposition in six reaches. The canal designed with the improved approach performed
well in terms of sediment transport, as the deposition was found in reaches 6 and 8.
Deposition in reach 1 was obvious, since, the carrying capacity of the canal was less than the
incoming sediment concentration. The canal of both case-I and case-II
186 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
showed deposition. The volume of sediment drawn by an off-take depends upon its location from the
head reach if the sediment movement in the parent canal is not in equilibrium. Since, the off-takes in
groups A and B are not symmetrically located and since they are not drawing the same amount of
water, the total volume of sediment drawn by all the off-takes in one group keeps on changing. That is
to say, the amount of sediment flowing at any section of the canal would keep on changing even
though the flow for one water delivery schedule (3.5 days) remained constant. That is why the
deposition amount and distribution along the canal was entirely different from that when the off-takes
were drawing a fixed amount of water and sediment continuously.
The deposition in reach 6 was the highest for all the three cases. This was basically due to
shortcomings in the design. This reach was designed for a discharge of 4.75 m 3/ s while the flow in this
reach was always less than 4.23 m 3/ s. Hence, the designed section was always too large for the flow.
The canal reach between 3,286 m to 4,600 m was redesigned for a revised water discharge capacity
of 4.25 m 3/ s. The revised section of the canal for the three cases is presented in Table 8.10.
The canal was modelled for three cases with a changed design section for reach
6. All the input variables, assumptions and duration of modelling were taken as before. The result up to
reach 6 was the same as previous, since no changes were made in that part. The result in reach 6 and
beyond is presented in Figure 8.14. After the improvement the sediment transport capacity of reach 6 of
the canal was increased significantly. The reduction in deposition in this reach after improvement was
100%, 41% and 84% for case-I, II and III respectively. The deposited volume in the successive reaches
(7, 8 and 9) remained constant (ref. Figure 8.14 (B)).
Water delivery schedules introduce non-uniformity and unsteadiness in the flow of the irrigation
canals. Due to the change in flow pattern, the sediment transport process of the canal is also changed.
So there will be a change in the sediment transport process every time there is a change in turn or
rotation of the off-takes. As shown in the modelling results, the net deposition in Secondary Canal S9
for the design discharge at each reach is more than the case when there is not always a design
discharge due to the water delivery schedule. This also indicates if the effect of water delivery
schedules is evaluated and if found necessary the design is modified accordingly a more efficient
canal system in terms of sediment transport can be designed.
From the sediment transport perspective, it may not be a correct method to take the maximum
discharge the canal has to pass as the design discharge. Such canals
Application of improved design approach 187
would be running in lesser capacity around 75% of the time and increasing the possibility of sediment
deposition. Models could be used as the decision support tools in selecting the design discharge to
minimize the sediment problem if the canal has to be operated in a rotation model.
80 80
Before correction
70 70
After correction After correction
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30 Before correction
20 20
10 10
0 0
Case-I Case-II Case-III Reach 6 Reach 7 Reach 8 Reach 9
8.4.2 Measured water inflow, sediment inflow and water delivery schedule
Deposited volume (m 3)
The performance of the proposed design (new design) with the existing water inflow, sediment
concentration and system operation plan was evaluated with the existing canal and control system
(existing design). The measured daily average discharge (Figure 8.8) and sediment concentration
(Figure 8.12) of 2005 into Secondary Canal S9 was used. Only the sand fraction (size > 0.63 µm) of
the total concentration was considered. The operation schedules and discharge through the laterals up
to the water level regulator at km 7+066 is given in the appendix B. Other general parameters used for
the modelling are:
For modelling the effect of management on the canal designed by the new approach (new design)
the following adjustments were made:
− the water delivery duration and discharge to the sub-secondary canals was taken
similar to that for the existing design;
− the set-points upstream of the water level regulators were adjusted by linear
interpolation comparing the normal water depths in existing canal and new canal for the given
− the flow control and conveyance structures were redesigned to create similar
hydraulic conditions as that for the existing design (uniform flow or backwater or drawdown) for the
given discharge.
188 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
The modelling results are presented in Figure 8.15. For the existing design the model predicted around
3,821 m 3 deposition, while the measured volume during this period was 5,620 m 3. In this case the model
predicted around 68% of the measured quantity. Similarly the predicted and measured bed level
changes after the irrigation season of 2005 using Brownlie predictor are shown in Figure 8.16. The
model results are in line with the actual sediment transport process of the canal. The discrepancies in
terms of volume of total sediment as well as in terms of distribution along the canal are mainly due to:
− the variation in water and sediment inflow rate. The water and sediment inflows
to Secondary Canal S9 were found to be changing continuously throughout the irrigation
season. It is difficult to schematize such variation accurately for modelling purpose;
− the variation in water delivery to off-takes. The water delivery to off-takes was
also affected due to the available water in Secondary Canal S9 (ref. Figures 7.11 and 7.12).
Besides, no specific water delivery plan was followed and the water level regulator gates were being
frequently adjusted to increase or decrease the flows to the off-takes. It is neither possible to record
the water flows to off-takes nor schematize it for modelling accurately;
− the water level regulators and drop structures. During the rehabilitation, the
existing water level regulators and the drop structures in Secondary Canal S9 were not removed
but the same were used after necessary rectification and maintenance works. But the crest level of
all the drops and water level regulators was increased to maintain the design set-point in the canal.
The increase in crest height increased the energy of flowing water and so, the energy dissipaters
provided in the downstream could not contain the jump fully within the stilling basin. This has
caused erosion of the canal banks in the downstream. Heavy protection works (boulder pitching)
have been provided to control the erosion, mostly without success (Figure 8.17). Hence the bed
immediately downstream was eroded and the material was deposited further downstream. This
created obstruction to flow and accelerated sediment deposition process in that reach. In the
model it was assumed that the energy was fully dissipated and the flow was normal immediately
downstream of the structure;
− unauthorised obstruction to flow. the farmers put illegal obstruction across the
structure to raise the water level especially during night time and diverted water towards their field
thus increasing the sediment deposition in the upstream.
Figure 8.15 Modelling results of deposition for the measured water delivery schedules.
Deposited volume (m 3)
Application of improved design approach 189
Figure 8.16 Measured and model predicted deposition along some selected stretches of Secondary Canal S9.
Figure 8.17 Protection work downstream of a water level regulator in Secondary Canal S9.
Existing water diversion to Secondary Canal S9 as well as the water delivery to sub-secondary and
tertiary canals from it was not optimal. The sub-secondary and tertiary canals were operated in less than
the design discharge contrary to the design
190 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
assumption that says to operate them in fully supply. This would have the following effects:
− the delivery of water to the off-take for less than the design discharge would
create deposition problems in sub-secondary canals. It was observed in the field that the
deposition in sub-secondary and tertiary canals was higher than in Secondary Canal S9.
Comparing the model results for existing design and new design (Figure 8.15), the deposition
volume at the end of the irrigation season for the new design was around 75% of the existing design.
This also shows, the improvement in the design could reduce the sediment deposition problems for the
existing water management conditions.
It is obvious that the water requirement for the whole cropping season does not remain constant.
Depending upon the stages of the crops it keeps on changing. There are different possible options to
operate the system on changing water requirement or changing water availability in the main canal. The
possible scheme operation options based on the existing infrastructure and its impact on the water
management in tertiary and field level has been discussed under sub-section 7.2.2.
If Secondary Canal S9 is considered, it will receive either design (full supply) discharge or less than
design discharge during the irrigation season. When the canal receives full supply discharge, then the
best way to operate it would be to follow the design operation plan because the flow control structures in
the system support this mode of operation. Moreover, as the results showed (sub-section 8.4.1) this
mode of operation did not introduce much sediment problems. The deposition in case-I was more related
to the shortcoming in the design itself than in the water delivery mode. Further, if the canal receives full
supply water on rotation basis (intermittently), the design operation mode should be preferred but the
duration of off and on would have to be changed.
If, however, the canal receives less than the design discharge then there would be two possible
ways of operating it. The first one would be to follow the design operation mode (rotation in two groups)
and supply available water proportionally to the sub-secondary canals and the second one to rearrange
the sub-secondary canals in more groups depending upon the available water and deliver full supply
flow in rotation.
As observed in the field, no specific modes were being followed. The off-takes were operated
randomly as per the demand of the farmers at less than the design discharge. When the demand was
less then the canal could not be operated in the rotation of two groups as the available or supplied
water was less then the total design capacity of the off-takes in one group.
The monthly water demand, at the head of Secondary Canal S9 canal for paddy (which is also the
major crop), considering the command area of 7,921 ha is shown in Table 8.11. The demand fluctuates
from 114% to about 46% of the of the design discharge.
Application of improved design approach 191
Table 8.11 Design inflow and suggested water delivery plan for Secondary Canal S9.
Percentage of
Irrigation Flow required at Rotation
Month/period requirement the head mode
mm/day l/s-ha (l/s) %
Jul (period I) 4.20 0.486 3,900 69.6 3 groups
Aug (period II) 5.00 0.579 4,600 82.1 2 groups
Sep (period III) 2.70 0.313 2,500 46.4 4 groups
Oct (period IV) 7.00 0.810 6,400 114.3 2 groups
The canal is proposed to operate in the design water delivery plan up to 80% of the design
discharge. Since, the flow control structures have been provided to support the design water delivery
plan, it is suggested to follow the same during design flow conditions. When the flow in the canal
becomes 60% to 80% of design flow, then it is proposed to divide the off-takes in three groups and
provide water in rotation. Similarly, when the flow becomes 40 to 60% of the design discharge, then it
is proposed to divide the off-takes in 4 groups (refer Table 8.12). It is also suggested to maintain the on
period of one rotation group to 3.5 days, while adjusting the off period depending upon the number of
groups in rotation. This would make it easier for the farmers to manage the tertiary and field canals as
the system below sub-secondary level has been planned and developed to deliver full supply flow for
3.5 days.
The inflow sediment concentration was assumed to be constant during the whole irrigation season.
The following information was used for modelling:
− mean sediment size (d 50) = 0.10 mm
− average sediment concentration = 300 ppm
− equilibrium sediment transport predictor = Brownlie
− total simulation period = 122.5 days
The existing design (Table 8.3) as well the improved design (Table 8.4) were modelled for the
above water inflow rate, water delivery schedules and sediment inflow rate. The existing control and
conveyance structures as shown in Table 8.9 were placed in the respective positions. The modelling
results for the both the cases are presented in Figure 8.18.
Period I and III refer to low flows. In period I the deposition was the highest. Deposition may be
reduced if Secondary Canal S9 were divided into three reaches (head, middle and tail) and the
off-takes in the corresponding reaches were operated one at a time. This options was not considered
since, the design infrastructure did not support this mode of operation. The design flow for the canal
and the control structures at any location has been approximately half the total water requirement
below that point. Hence, it was not possible to arrange all the off-takes in the tail reach in one group.
192 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
Table 8.12 Proposed water delivery schedules to sub-secondary and tertiary canals of Secondary Canal S9 for the different rotation mode. Description
Scheduling of sub-secondary and tertiary canals
Off-takes A C B D T1 T2 E F T3 T4 G H I J
Design discharge in S9 (l/s) 5,600 4,750 4,250 3,250 2,800 2,300 1,800
Position of off-takes (m) 50 50 360 3,225 4,590 4,590 6,620 7,055 9,586 9,586 11,363 12,293 14,340 14,340
Off-take design discharge 160 590 1,270 780 410 250 930 700 80 420 1,140 470 1,650 1,410
Rotation of 2 Groups
Off-takes in Group A (l/s) 160 -- 1,270 -- 410 250 -- 700 80 -- -- 470 1,650
Flow in S9 (l/s) 6,400 6,240 6,240 4,970 4,970 4,560 4, 310 4, 310 3,610 3,530 3,530 3,530 3,060
Off-takes in Group B (l/s) -- 590 -- 780 -- -- 930 -- -- 420 1,140 -- -- 1,410
Flow in S9 (l/s) 6,400 6,400 5,810 5,810 5,030 5,030 5, 030 4, 100 4,100 4,100 3,680 2,540 2,540
Rotation of 3 Groups
Off-takes in Group A (l/s) 160 590 -- -- -- 250 -- 700 -- -- -- 470 -- 1,410
Flow in S9 (l/s) 3,920 3,760 3,760 3,170 3,170 3,170 2, 920 2, 920 2,220 2,220 2,220 2,220 1,750
Off-takes in Group B (l/s) -- -- 1,270 -- 410 -- -- -- 80 -- -- -- 1,650 --
Flow in S9 (l/s) 3,920 2,650 3,920 2,650 2,650 2,240 2, 240 2, 240 2,240 2,160 2,160 2,160 2,160
Off-takes in Group C (l/s) -- -- -- 780 -- -- 930 -- -- 420 1,140 -- -- --
Flow in S9 (l/s) 3,920 3,920 3,920 3,920 3,140 3,140 3, 140 2, 210 2,210 2,210 1,790 650 650
Rotation of 4 Groups
Group A (l/s) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 80 -- -- 470 1,650 --
Flow in S9 (l/s) 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 2, 800 2, 800 2,800 2,720 2,720 2,720 2,250
Group B (l/s) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 420 1,140 -- -- 1,410
Flow in S9 (l/s) 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 2, 800 2, 800 2,800 2,800 2,380 1,240 1,240
Group C (l/s) 160 -- 1,270 -- 410 250 -- 700 -- -- -- -- -- --
Flow in S9 (l/s) 2,800 2,640 2,640 1,370 1,370 960 710 710 10 10 10 10 10
Group D (l/s) -- 590 -- 780 -- -- 930 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Flow in S9 (l/s) 2,800 2,800 2,210 2,210 1,430 1,430 1,430 500 500 500 500 500 500
Application of improved design approach 193
The canal had 80% of the design flow in period II, while the operation mode adopted was for
design flow condition. Hence, deposition could be expected. However, the new design canal performed
Deposited volume (m 3)
better. In period III, the total deposition was actually decreased. This clearly indicated that if planned
properly, the sediment deposition could be reduced even though the canal was running at only half of
the design discharge. In period IV, the flow in Secondary Canal S9 was more than the design
discharge and the sediment transport capacity in almost every section was improved. Hence, the
deposited material in the previous three periods was eroded in the fourth period. Comparing the results
with existing design and new design, the new design performed better.
Depending upon the available infrastructures the available water can be diverted to the lower order
canals on different modes. The water delivery modes that are easiest from management point of view
may not be efficient from sediment transport perspectives. In the above analysis the proposed water
delivery mode meets the irrigation requirements of different periods, is well supported by the available
infrastructure and has least sedimentation problems.
The proposed water delivery schedule has been designed not only considering the sediment
transport problem in Secondary Canal S9 but also in the sub-secondary and tertiary canals. The aim of
the design would have to be to view the sediment transport process holistically rather than solve the
problem of one point.
Figure 8.19 shows the relative sediment transport capacity of the off-takes and Secondary Canal S9
near the head of relative off-takes. It clearly indicates the shortcoming in the design and the difficulty in
the management of the canal system. The off-takes not only take the water but also the sediment. It the
capacity of the off- take canal is not capable of carrying the sediment load coming from the secondary
canal, the deposition starts. Deposition not only reduces the water withdrawal from the secondary canal
but also its conveyance capacity (Figure 8.20), which has lead to the inequitable water distribution and
created dispute among the farmers. That is also the reason why the water delivery schedules were not
followed. Since the canals
194 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
could not draw the design discharge, the farmers asked for more opening duration. Hence, more canals
were simultaneously operated in less than design discharge and again that lead to more deposition.
Concentration (ppm)
Concentration (ppm)
Concentration (ppm)
Concentration (ppm)
Figure 8.19 Equilibrium sediment transport capacity of off-takes and Secondary Canal S9.
Concentration (ppm)
Concentration (ppm)
The existing poor conditions of the sub-secondary canals are due to the shortcoming in the
design as well as due to the improper water delivery plans. The proposed plan ensures either full
supply or no supply to the sub-secondary and tertiary canals during the whole irrigation season and
this will help to reduce the
Application of improved design approach 195
sedimentation problem in sub-secondary canals. For properly addressing the problem faced by the
sub-secondary canals, they need to be redesigned by using appropriate design techniques that deal
with the sediment transport aspect more explicitly.
The flow velocity in major part of the sub-secondary and tertiary canal is so low that even the clay
particles are settled (Figure 8.21). Since, the finer particles mostly move in suspension, they have
tendency to settle in the side slopes, as the flow velocity and the shear stress is low there. The clay
content in the fine sediment as well as the weed help to bind and retain the deposited material in the
slopes. Hence, the sedimentation in lower order canals has two way effects; raising of bed level and
narrowing of the width.
8.4.4 Proposed water delivery schedule with variable inflow of water and
In Secondary Canal S9, the sediment inflow rate keeps on changing. There is daily change as well
as seasonal change in the sediment concentration of the river. June to October is the monsoon
season, when the sediment concentration in the river becomes the highest. A settling basin has been
provided at the head of the main canal to control the sediment entry to the scheme. The size of the
settling basin is not sufficient to accommodate the entire sediment load coming into the system during
one irrigation season from June to October. Hence, dredgers have been
196 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
provided to continuously pump out the deposited volume from the settling basin. If, due to some
reasons, the settling basin is not completely empty before the start of the irrigation season in June or
the dredgers are not operated as per plan, the efficiency of the basin decreases and more sediment
enters into the scheme. Two scenarios were used for evaluating the performance of the canal for the
proposed design and water delivery schedule. Firstly the settling basin and the dredgers operating as
per the design assumptions and secondly the dredgers were not operated as per assumption and the
settling basin efficiency decreased with time.
Normally, sediment load in the river starts increasing from June and becomes the highest in August
and then starts decreasing. The measured (daily average) of sediment concentration in Koshi River
and in the Main Canal downstream of the settling basin for the year 1999 and 2000 is shown in
Figures 8.22 and 8.23. The fluctuation of sediment load in the river directly influences the efficiency
of the settling basin. Increase in sediment concentration in the river means increased loading of the
settling basin. This would speed up the filling process and rate of filling becomes more than the rate
of removal by dredgers. This leads to increased concentration of outflow from the settling basin.
Figure 8.22 Sediment concentration (>0.063 mm) in Koshi River from June to October.
Figure 8.23 Sediment concentration (total) in Main Canal downstream of settling basin from June to October.
Application of improved design approach 197
Under normal operating conditions of the dredgers, the sediment concentration in the canal is
controlled. It normally follows the general trends in the river but the maximum concentration is
expected to be less than 500 ppm. In 2004, the concentration in Secondary Canal S9 remained fairly
low and became high in August following the trend of the river. While in 2005, the inflow sediment
concentration was relatively high and kept on increasing with time (ref. Figures 7.16 and 7.17). It
should be remembered that the operation of the settling basin and the dredgers were not optimal
during 2004 and the situation worsened in 2005 due to management related problems. The expected
sediment inflow rate in Secondary Canal S9 has been assumed to be as shown in Table 8.13 and the
same has been used to evaluate the designs for the given water inflow and system operation plan.
Table 8.13 Expected sediment concentration (ppm) inflow to Secondary Canal S9.
Both the existing canal system (existing canal) and the canal redesigned by the improved approach
(new canal) were modelled. The geometry of the canals, the positioning of the off-takes and control
structures, the water delivery plan, sediment transport predictor and sediment characteristics were taken
similar to that of sub- section 8.4.2. The output results are presented in Figure 8.24.
Figure 8.24 gives the modelling results of sediment transport process for the existing design and
the new design in different irrigation periods. Both the cases showed a similar sediment transport trend
for the water and the sediment inflow in all the irrigation periods. In period I, the deposited volume was
almost the same, while at the end of the irrigation period II, the total deposition in the newly designed
canal was less by around 2,000 m 3. At the end of irrigation period III, however, the net deposited
volume in the canal in both the cases was same. In irrigation period
IV, erosion of the deposited material started in the canal as the inflow discharge was more than the
design value and the carrying capacity of the canal also increased accordingly. The increment in
carrying capacity for the new design was more than for the existing design, thus at the end of the
irrigation season the net volume remained in the canal was only around 16% of that for the existing
Moreover, the difference in final deposition in sediment volume as compared to the one with
constant sediment inflow of 300 ppm (Figure 8.18) is very low. Hence, so long as the settling basin
and dredgers were operated as per the design assumptions, the proposed water delivery schedule
would not create a significant deposition problem.
The settling basin of SMIS, can not accommodate the sediment of one irrigation season, if the dredgers
are not continuously operated. In case, the dredgers are not operated smoothly, the efficiency of the
settling basin to trap sediment will decrease and more sediment will find its way into the main canal. The
main canal in the initial reach has a low transport capacity and hence will get deposited first. Once the
sediment crosses the upper reach of the main canal, almost all the sediment reaches the head of
secondary canals, as the lower reaches of the main canal have higher sediment transport capacity.
198 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
Figure 8.24 Modelling result of Secondary Canal S9 for normal operation of settling basin.
Deposited volume (m 3)
When the settling basin and the dredgers are not operated properly then the sediment
concentration keeps on increasing with time. Even though the concentration in the river actually
decreases towards the end of the irrigation season (October), the sediment inflow is expected to
increase continuously due to decreasing efficiency of the settling basin. Considering the measured
sediment concentration trends at the head of Secondary Canal S9 during 2004 and 2005, the
average concentration that can be expected under this condition is as given in Table
Table 8.14 Expected sediment concentration (ppm) inflow to Secondary Canal S9.
Using the similar data as used for the condition when the settling basin was functioning as per
the design, the two canals were modelled and the modelling results are as shown in Figure 8.25.
The deposition when the settling basin was not operated properly (Figure 8.25) after the irrigation
season was much higher (around 300%) as compared with the one with the settling basin operated as
per design (Figure 8.24). Till period II, the deposition pattern was similar, since there were no significant
differences in inflow sediment concentration. But in period III and IV more deposition could be observed
as the incoming sediment load was increasing due to the problem in the operation of the dredgers.
In this case also, the total deposition in the newly designed canal was around 55% of the existing
canal. Hence, a canal designed with the improved approach would have reduced the sediment
transport problem.
Application of improved design approach 199
Figure 8.25 Modelling result of Secondary Canal S9 while the settling basin is not operated as per design.
The proposed improvement in the design and water delivery plan is tested with the fluctuation in
the sediment inflow rate due to the possible problem in dredger operation. Dredgers are the key
components in SMIS that largely determine the amount and quality (in terms of sediment
concentration) of water to be diverted to the irrigation scheme. The model results showed that with the
improved design and suggested operation plan the deposition in Secondary Canal S9 would be in the
range of 1,000 m 3. This is around 26% of the value predicted by the model with measured water and
sediment inflow and operation mode during 2005. This also indicates, with the better understanding
and application of the sediment transport concepts in the design and planning of the irrigation canals,
the irrigation schemes can be operated with the reduced operation and maintenance cost.
The Sunsari Morang Irrigation Scheme has upstream flow control system in which the water level in a
reach is controlled by a water level regulator (WLR) at the downstream end. The purpose of water
level regulator is to maintain the target water level in the canal reach by obstructing the normal flow.
Hence, the flow in the canal changes from uniform to non-uniform. In the design of canal the hydraulic
and sediment transport computations are made assuming the flow to be uniform. Once the flow is
non-uniform the sediment transport pattern changes. This aspect was evaluated in this section that
would provide an insight on the influence of flow control in the overall result of sediment transport
analysis. For the evaluation of the effect of flow control structure in the sediment transport process a
canal designed with the following hydraulic and sediment characteristics was used:
An adjustable flume with the crest level flushed in the canal bed was placed at the downstream end
of the canal. The width of the flume was adjusted to give normal water depth of 1.35 m in the down
stream boundary. In the first case the sediment concentration of 450 ppm was applied from the
upstream boundary and the model was run for a period of 365 days. In the second case, the model was
again run for 365 days using the same setup except for the width of the flume, which was reduced to
maintain a constant water depth of 1.46 m in the downstream boundary. The depositions predicted by
the model in two cases are shown in Figure 8.26.
Figure 8.26 Sediment deposition with time with varying set point.
The total deposited volume in 5 km length after one year while operating the canal normally (set
point at 1.35 m) was around 10,430 m 3 and the volume while operating the canal with applying a control
to create a backwater condition (set point
1.46 m) was around 14,480 m 3. Thus for around 8% increment in the set-point, the increment in the
deposited volume was around 39 %.
Again, the same setup was used to study the sediment transport pattern of the canal when the
set-point was increased while the inflow sediment concentration remained equal to that of the carrying
capacity of the canal under uniform flow condition. For this the set point was increased from 1.35 m to
1.46 m. Due to the increment in water depth the sediment transport capacity of the canal section
decreased. The deposition started from the downstream end and moved in the upstream. The
deposition stopped after the bed level of whole length was raised such that the backwater effect due
to the increment in the set-point was changed to uniform flow. The change in bed level after 300 days
has been shown in Figure 8.27.
Application of improved design approach 201
Figure 8.27 Deposition in the canal bed after 300 days when set point is raised for the
same sediment concentration.
During the modernization of Secondary Canal S9 the crest level of the structures were adjusted
(raised) to maintain the design water depth in the canal. The structures (flow control and conveyance)
provided in the canal has been given in Table 8.9. The geometric features of these structures are given in
Table 8.15.
The existing canal was evaluated with the constructed structures without any gates in the water
level regulators. Only the design discharge was flowing in the canal in each reach. The sediment
concentration was kept constant. The results are presented in Figures 8.28 and 8.29.
Figure 8.28 Water surface profile with the structures in Secondary Canal S9.
Water depth (m)
202 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
Figure 8.29 Equilibrium sediment transport capacity of Secondary Canal S9 for design flow condition with the canal
Equilibrium concentration (ppm)
The rise in the crest levels to maintain the design water depth created backwater in the canal during
the design flow. Subsequently, the sediment carrying capacity of the canal was reduced. In some
reaches of the canal, there was no uniform flow condition due to the back water effect. The energy
dissipaters provided were not able to dissipate the energy completely due to the rise in crest level. That
was also one of the reasons of bed and bank erosion in the downstream of stilling basin.
9 Evaluation
9.1 General
This research explored existing canal design methods in view of sediment transport processes
and suggests improvements in the existing approaches considering the influence of maintenance,
management (including operation) and design parameters. The aim of this research is to understand
the relevant aspects of sediment transport in irrigation canals and to formulate a design and
management approach for irrigation schemes in Nepal in view of sediment transport. In the process,
the design methods used in the design of irrigation schemes in Nepal and their effectiveness on
sediment transport have been analysed. An assessment of various design parameters that affect the
hydraulic and sediment transport performance of a canal is made. The influence of non-wide canals in
the velocity distribution and sediment transport is done and a correction procedure has been
proposed. The impact of operation and maintenance on sediment movement has been analysed
taking a case study of Sunsari Morang Irrigation Scheme in Nepal. An improved design approach for
sediment transport in irrigation canals has been proposed. A mathematical model SETRIC has been
improved, verified and used to study the interrelationship of sediment movement with the design and
management and to evaluate the proposed design approach for irrigation canal based on the data of
the irrigation scheme in Nepal.
This section presents the conclusions drawn from the research and recommendations for the
future research.
The design of a canal is a complex process of determining its shape, slope and size based upon
various aspects like amount and quality of water to be transported, type of canal to be constructed, the
terrain through which it passes, socio-economic setting, climate, soil type, etc. The process becomes
more complicated when the boundary of the canal is erodible and when the canal carries sediment with
the water. Unwanted erosion and deposition along the canal network has become a central problem for
irrigation schemes and a lot of money and efforts have been invested to find methods for a stable canal
Canals with a rigid boundary as well as canals carrying clear water are relatively easy to design,
since in such canals the objective is to control erosion and to ensure that the velocity does not damage
the lining. However, for a canal with an erodible boundary and carrying water with sediment the design
needs to ensure that the velocity is high enough to convey all the sediment and at the same time it may
not be so high that the bed material is eroded. Hence, a balance between the transport of sediment
entering into the canal and the stability of the boundary has to be maintained. This is the most difficult
aspect of canal design.
For the design of alluvial canals carrying sediment loads two approaches are in practice, namely
the regime method and the rational method. The regime design
204 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
methods are sets of empirical equations based on observations of canals and rivers that have achieved
dynamic stability. While, rational methods are more analytical in which three equations, an alluvial
resistance relation, a sediment transport equation and a width relationship, are used to determine the
slope, depth and width of an alluvial canal when the water and sediment discharges and bed material
size are specified.
Different empirical methods are in use at local or regional level. The fact that these methods are not
being transformed to other places in the world is an indication that not all the physical parameters
defining the problems are correlated by the regime methods (Raudkivi, 1990). Hence, analytical
methods are better in the sense that they can be adapted for the local conditions by making suitable
adjustment in the sediment transport or width predictor.
An improved rational approach is proposed for the design of alluvial canals carrying sediment
load. The improvements proposed in this approach are briefly summarized in the following
Most of the sediment transport predictors consider the canal with an infinite width without taking
into account the effects of the side walls on the water flow and the sediment transport. The effect of the
side wall on the velocity distribution in lateral direction is neglected and therefore the velocity
distribution and the sediment transport are considered to be constant in any point of the cross section.
Under that assumption a uniformly distributed shear stress on the bottom and an identical velocity
distribution and sediment transport is considered. Irrigation canals are non- wide in nature, in majority
of the cases the bed width to water depth ratio being less than 8 (Dahmen, 1994). Hence the effect of
side walls on the shear stress distribution would be significant and hence in the velocity distribution
across the canal. Hence, the assumption of uniform velocity and sediment transport capacity across
the section and expressing them per unit width of canal does not hold true for irrigation canals. The
majority of irrigation canals are trapezoidal in shape with the exception of small and lined canals that
may be rectangular. In a trapezoidal section the water depth changes from point to point in the section
and hence the shear stress. The effect would be more pronounced if the bed width to water depth ratio
is low (which is the case of irrigation canals). In the above presented background a correction factor to
the sediment transport predictor has been suggested that would improve the predictability of the
predictor for the flow conditions in an irrigation canal. It has been shown by available data in this
research that the correction factor increased the predictability of the predictors.
In alluvial canals there exist two stages of flows, one when there is no movement of bed material
and the other when bed material is moving. No movement of bed material can be compared with the
condition of a rigid boundary canal having an equivalent roughness related to the representative bed
material size (d 50). The resistance to flow in a movable bed consisting of sediment is mainly due to grain
roughness and form roughness. Grain roughness is generated by a skin friction force and form
roughness by a pressure force acting on the bed forms. Since the bed forms
Evaluation 205
change continuously with the flow parameters (velocity, depth), the bed roughness also changes. There
are two approaches to estimate the bed roughness:
− methods based on hydraulic parameters such as mean depth, mean velocity and
bed material size;
− methods based on bed form and grain-related parameters such as bed form
length, height, steepness and bed-material size.
The method based on bed form and grain related parameters is proposed to use for computing the
roughness in the bed.
Earthen canals carrying sediment load will have different roughness in the bed and side. The side
roughness is determined by the condition of the canal, material, etc. and will keep on changing with
time depending upon the type and rate of possible weed growth in the bank, the maintenance plan and
the erosion and/or protection work during canal operation. The bed roughness, however, is determined
by the size of the bed material and the bed forms. The bed forms keeps on changing with the flow
condition in the canal. Hence, the bed roughness is dependent on the changing flow condition during
the irrigation season.
Determination and use of roughness is critical for the design of irrigation canals since it would not
only affect the predicted hydraulic parameters but also would have influence on the predictability of the
sediment transport equations. Mendez (1998) proposed to compute the equivalent roughness of
section and applied a correction for the water depth. The method was evaluated and compared with
other existing methods of computing sediment transport from the available data. It has been found that
the method proposed by Mendez (1998) gave the best result for the conditions that are found in
irrigation canals.
B-h ratio
Selection of a B-h ratio is one of the aspects that influence the design of irrigation canals. From
flow control aspects too deep canals are not preferred in irrigation because a change in flow affects
more in the depth. However, from sediment transport aspect deep canals have a higher suspended
sediment transport capacity due to the higher average velocity. Further, bed load transport capacity
of a deep canal is better as compared to a wide canal, because the bed load transport capacity
increases linearly with bed width but exponentially with the depth (Dahmen, 1994). Based on the bed
width to water depth ratio in the major irrigation canals in the world carrying clear and sediment laden
water, a B-h ratio selection criteria has been proposed.
A canal design program DOCSET (Design Of Canal for Sediment Transport) has been prepared
for the improved approach including the above mentioned improvements. The program can be used
to evaluate the existing design for given water flow and sediment characteristics.
It is not possible to design a canal that will be non-silting and non-scouring for all discharges and
sediment concentrations. Best possible solution is to balance the
206 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
total erosion and deposition in one crop calendar year. Hence deposition/erosion should be allowed
during the different irrigation periods. Hence, a design concentration may not be the maximum
sediment concentration expected during the irrigation season. A balance has to be found between the
variation in irrigation requirement and the corresponding variation in sediment concentration in the
flow together with the water delivery schedules and the flow control. The best way to evaluate a canal
under such scenario is to use a suitable sediment transport model.
Roughness keeps on changing throughout the canal operation. However, the canals have to be
designed by taking the average roughness expected during the irrigation season. Modelling provides
an option for a precise representation of these changes during the irrigation season that will increase
the reliability of predicted morphological change and help in a better design from sediment transport
A flow control system is needed in an irrigation scheme to manage the water flows at bifurcations
to meet the service criteria and standards regarding flexibility, reliability, equity and adequacy of
delivery. A flow is regulated through water level control, discharge control, and/or volume control that
make the flow non-uniform. For flows other than the design values, the gates are operated to maintain
the set- point and diverting desired water to the laterals. This creates a drawdown or backwater effect
and non-equilibrium sediment transport conditions. The canals are designed assuming a steady and
uniform flow and an equilibrium sediment transport condition. The sediment transport equations used
in the design are not capable of predicting the sediment transport behaviour under non-equilibrium
conditions. Sediment transport models provide an option for predicting the sediment transport process
in time under changing flow conditions. Hence, a design would have to be evaluated by using a
sediment transport model and necessary changes be made to reduce the erosion/deposition.
The sediment transport model SETRIC (Mendez, 1998, Paudel, 2002) is a one- dimensional
model where water flow is schematized as quasi-steady and solved as gradually varied flow. The
sub-critical flow profile is solved using the predictor- corrector approach. Roughness in the bed and
sides of the canal is calculated separately. The model calculates the roughness in the bed using the
Van Rijn (1984C) method, which is based on flow conditions and on the bed form and grain related
parameters as bed form length, height and sediment size. Then the equivalent roughness is computed
taking into account the side-wall effect as proposed by Mendez (1998).
The sediment continuity equation is solved numerically by using the Modified Lax scheme. A
depth integrated convection-diffusion model (Galappatti, 1983) is used to predict the actual sediment
concentration at any point under non-equilibrium conditions. For the prediction of the total sediment
transport under equilibrium condition an option to select one of the three predictors, namely Ackers
and White (HR Wallingford, 1990), Brownlie (1981) and Engelund and Hansen (1967) has been
provided. The predicted sediment transport capacity is corrected for the B-h ratio and side slope for
non-wide irrigation canals.
Evaluation 207
The theoretical background and assumptions made in the model has been discussed and the model
has been used for analysis purpose. The findings on the use of model can be summarized as follows:
− model validation. The model has been validated using measured field data as
input variables and comparing the predicted morphological change results with the measured
values. The model predictions have been found to be in line with the observed deposition pattern in
the canal;
− application to the field data. The model has been used to simulate the sediment
transport process in Secondary Canal S9 of SMIS using measured water flow, sediment
concentration and water delivery schedules of the irrigation season 2004 and 2005 as input
variables. In terms of deposited volume the model predicted 52% and 68% of the measured
quantity in 2004 and 2005 respectively;
− general use of the model. This model can be used as a management tool. With
the model it is possible to predict the sediment transport behaviour of the canal for particular water
requirements and delivery schedules. This not only helps to decide how much sediment would be
deposited or eroded, but also to determine what would have to be the capacity or efficiency of the
sediment removal facilities and how they would have to be operated. Hence even for a canal system
that has been designed without considering any sediment transport criterion, this model can help to
select a better operation plan that gives minimum deposition in the system. However, the most
suitable operation plan may not match with the original design assumptions.
The problem of sediment in irrigation schemes in Nepal is well recognized and accordingly
different methods of canal design to deal with the sediment deposition and erosion have been
recommended in the design manuals prepared by the Irrigation Department and are in practice. The
manuals recommend:
− to use the tractive force method for unlined earth canals carrying relatively clear
− to satisfy both non-silting and non-scouring criteria for unlined canals carrying a
sediment load. They recommend to use Lacey’s regime equations, White- Bettess-Paris tables
or similar equations/charts for controlling sediment deposition and tractive force equations for
preventing erosion;
− to use Lacey’s equations only to the areas where the sediment size and
concentration is expected to be similar to those implicit in the formulae;
− to carry out a more thorough assessment of the sediment balance using
quantitative formulae for large canals. Use of Engelund and Hansen or Ackers and White
equation is recommended for computing the sediment transport capacity.
208 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
No specific standards have been developed so far, hence the constants and coefficients in
empirical equations are selected on personal judgement. The side slope computed from Lacey’s
equations is steeper than normally required from slope stability considerations.
Use of Lacey’s equations for canal design is difficult to justify as the sediment size and
concentration generally found in the irrigation canals of Nepal are not comparable to that from which
the equations have been derived.
The White-Bettess-Paris tables are derived from alluvial friction equations of White, Paris and
Bettess (1980) and the sediment transport equations of Ackers and White (1973). No records regarding
the use of this method for the design of canals was found and hence its performance in terms of
sediment transport could not be verified. However, from evaluation with the data of SMIS, it has been
found that the Ackers and White sediment transport equations over-predict the sediment transport
capacity of a canal. That means that the White-Bettess-Paris tables would result in a canal with a flatter
slope than actually required to carry the type of sediment prevailing in SMIS and other similar irrigation
schemes of Nepal.
It has been observed that the sediment load found in the Terai canals is mostly fine (d 50 < 0.20 mm).
For this sediment size, the Ackers and White equations over- predict the sediment transport capacity.
The Brownlie and Engelund and Hansen equations are more suitable for the type of sediment that is
being found in SMIS and other irrigation schemes in Nepal.
The SMIS has been in operation since 1968 and has enough information on the type and amount
of sediment being deposited yearly in the canal network. However, it has been found that the available
information was not fully utilized for the redesign of canals during the modernization stages.
In practice, the design of earthen canals for sediment transport has been mostly limited to the use
of Lacey’s equations. The older canals have been designed using Lacey’s equations while the newer
ones use Lacey’s formulae to compute the bed slope and use the tractive force method to check the
slope for erosion control. In one of the secondary canals of SMIS, non-decreasing energy with the
tractive force concept to control erosion has been used. Field observations show that these approaches
of design are not able to deal with the sedimentation problems.
In Secondary Canal S9, the sub-secondary and lower order canals have been designed using a
simple resistance equation (Manning’s equation). It clearly indicates that the effort of designing a
non-silting and non-scouring canal until now is limited to the main and secondary canals.
The water delivery plans have been prepared entirely on the basis of water requirements and no
consideration on sediment movement was made. However, the evaluation of the water delivery plans
showed that the design water delivery plan did
Evaluation 209
not increase the deposition problem. No specific plans existed for operating the canals for less than the
design discharge. It has been found that the system is being operated more or less randomly, with no
specific irrigation schedule. Overall water balance in the design shows that SMIS can not meet the
irrigation demand of the whole 58,000 ha command area. Still, in both irrigation seasons of 2004 and
2005, Secondary Canal S9 received more than the design volume of water for one irrigation season
(around 125 and 160% respectively). This was possible partially because, not all the target command
area of 58,000 ha was being supplied with the fair share of water due to the lack of proper water
distribution facilities in some part of the command area.
From sediment transport perspective, the canal would have to be operated such that during most
of the time there is the design discharge in a canal and least obstruction is applied to the flow.
Obstruction to flow is unavoidable in case of SMIS due to the water diversion and distribution
arrangements. In such condition, the effort needs to be to design a water delivery schedule that can be
implemented with a least control. Considering the water management practices being followed in the
Secondary Canal S9, no design methods can prevent the deposition in the canal network.
The existing poor conditions of the sub-secondary canals are due to not only the shortcomings in
the design, but also the improper water delivery practices. The design proposes either full supply or no
supply to the sub-secondary and tertiary canals during the whole irrigation season; however, no
specific plans for the same have been given. In reality more canals are being run for less than the
design capacity. Thus causing more deposition.
It has been observed that the design of Secondary Canal S9 and its system lacked a proper
planning from sediment transport point of view during modernization. An evaluation of the relative
sediment transport capacity of the sub-secondary canals and Secondary Canal S9 near the head of the
corresponding sub-secondary canals clearly indicates the shortcoming in the design and the difficulty in
the management of the canal system. The off-takes for the sub-secondary canals not only draw the
water but also the sediment. If the capacity of the sub-secondary canal is not capable of carrying the
sediment load coming from the secondary canal, the deposition starts.
The sub-secondary canals off-taking from Secondary Canal S9 have different sediment transport
capacities. Even within the same canal the transport capacity is different in the different reaches. It is not
always possible to design a canal network with a constant sediment carrying capacity. However, a clear
holistic approach is needed while planning the development of a canal network. The major problems due
to the present planning are:
− one reach has more deposition than the other reaches leading to disputes among
the farmers from different reaches due to the differences in interests;
− difficult to follow water delivery plans since, the canals are not properly
maintained and can not draw the design discharge.
A sediment deposition pocket near the head of a sub-secondary canal is one alternative that can
be adopted to avoid such problems. This would reduce the uneven distribution of sediment load along
the canal network and moreover, the cost of removing and managing the sediment would be less.
From management perspective also this would reduce the conflicts as clearance of the sediment
pocket becomes the common responsibility of all the farmers.
The proposed improvement in the design approach of canals for sediment transport has been
evaluated and compared with the design methods used in the canal systems of SMIS.
Secondary Canal S9 has been designed using Lacey’s equations. The canal was evaluated for its
sediment transport capacity in uniform flow conditions using Brownlie’s sediment transport predictor,
which is around 230 ppm. This transport capacity is less than the sediment load expected in Secondary
Canal S9. It was found that the sediment transport capacity of the canal can be improved by around
32% by adjusting the bed width and bed slope. The changes in bed width and slope are not significant
and could have been easily implemented during modernization of the system.
Another Secondary Canal S14 of SMIS has been designed using the energy concept to control the
sediment deposition and tractive force concept for the control of erosion. Evaluation of the canal
revealed that the sediment transport capacity of this canal is around 230 ppm near the head reach and
decreases towards the tail. In this case also the transport capacity of the canal is less than the
expected sediment load. Besides, the transport capacity is neither constant nor increasing in the
downstream. Hence, the criteria used to test the non-silting conditions have been found to be
However, the approach used in the canal system of Secondary Canal S14 is better than that in the
canal system of Secondary Canal S9 in the sense that here, the whole system has been considered as
one unit. The sediment transport capacity of the Secondary Canal S14 has been related to the capacity
of the Main Canal and similarly the capacities of the lower order canals have been related to the
respective parent canals.
The major constraint of both the methods is that both do not use sediment size and
concentration/load explicitly in the design. The conclusions of the analysis are:
− methods that use sediment characteristics implicitly in the design may be
sufficient for certain sediment size and load. These methods may be helpful when there is limited
information on the type and amount of sediment load to be transported by the canal system;
Evaluation 211
− the sediment transport capacity is not only a function of the bed slope and water
depth as assumed in the energy concept but also of the bed width and the side slope of the canal;
− sediment transport is a complex process and the method that uses the variables
(both hydraulic and sediment) more explicitly will be easier to test and improve or modify to make it
suitable for use in local conditions.
The model SETRIC was used to study the effect on sediment transport process due to the system
management activities namely, the change in water demand and supply, the water delivery modes
based on the available water and the change in sediment load due to the variation in sediment inflow
from the river or problems in proper operation of the settling basin. The improved canal design approach
was evaluated comparing the results with the existing design of Secondary Canal S9.
Constant water and sediment inflow with design water delivery schedule
The model showed limited deposition in the canal for a constant water inflow of
5.6 m 3/ s and a sediment inflow of 300 ppm with the design water delivery schedule. The improved
design reduced the net deposition in the system by around 81% as compared to the existing design.
The model results also showed that after certain time all the sediment entering into was flowing out of
the system. The following conclusions can be drawn from the observation of the modelling results:
− the water delivery schedule changes the flow pattern and also the sediment
transport process;
− the change in sediment transport process does not necessarily always increase
sediment deposition in the canal. Sediment deposited in one rotation turn can be eroded in the other
thus creating stability within the rotation schedule;
− water delivery schedules can be designed and implemented to reduce the
erosion/deposition problems of a certain reach even after the system has been constructed and put
into operation.
The measured data of water and sediment inflow as well as the operation of Secondary Canal S9
in 2004 and 2005 for paddy were used to model the sediment transport prediction. The model
predictions of morphological change in terms of volume deposition are around 52% and 68% in 2004
and 2005 respectively. The following conclusions are drawn from the study of field data and the model
− the sediment inflow rate in 2005 was higher than in 2004 and it was due to the
problem in the operation and maintenance of dredgers used in the settling basin;
− if the settling basin is not maintained properly the sediment inflow into
Secondary Canal S9 will be much higher than its transport capacity and more deposition can be
− the design operation plans and assumptions have not been followed in Secondary
Canal S9. From sediment transport perspective, the existing water management practices resulted in
more deposition to the sub-secondary and tertiary canals than the secondary canal.
212 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
Variable water but constant sediment inflow with proposed water delivery plan
The water delivery to an irrigation scheme can not be constant throughout the irrigation season.
The model was used to study the effect on sediment transport due to change in water supply by
preparing a water delivery schedule for the design water requirement of the scheme during the
irrigation season. Assuming a constant sediment inflow rate of 300 ppm, the sediment deposition was
found to be lower than the existing deposition in the canal. The model results in terms of volume for
improved design was only 10% of the results for the existing design. The following conclusions can be
drawn from the modelling results:
− the periodic change in the demand and the corresponding change in sediment
transport capacity of the canal can be optimized to arrive at the seasonal balance in the sediment
deposition. in one period there may be deposition but that can be eroded in the next period;
− the proposed delivery schedule ensures either full supply or no supply to the sub-
secondary canals which have been designed based on the same principle. This would reduce the
existing deposition problem faced by these canals.
Variable water and constant sediment inflow with proposed water delivery plan
Field measurements have shown that the sediment concentration keeps on changing during the
irrigation season. The same setup with the changing water inflow and the proposed water delivery
plan was used in the model to study the effect of changing inflow concentration on the overall
performance of the system in terms of sediment transport. In the first case it was assumed that the
settling basin would function as per design assumption and the sediment inflow during the irrigation
season would be controlled. Assuming a varying average monthly sediment inflow based on
sediment concentration trends in the river and in the main canal, the modelling results revealed that
if the proposed operation plans were followed, then the net deposition in the canal system after the
irrigation season would not increase by more than 10%.
If, however, the settling basin could not be operated properly more sediment would be flowing into
the system. For a possible monthly average sediment inflow, the deposition in Secondary Canal S9 may
increase up to 300%. The canal designed with the improved approach could still reduce the deposition
by around 45%. The following conclusions can be drawn from the results:
− the secondary canals need to be operated in rotation when there is less demand or
less available water in the main canal. This would ensure design flow in the secondary canals and
reduce the sedimentation problem. The main canal would have to be analysed for best mode of
rotation from sediment transport and water delivery perspective.
It is possible to reduce the sediment deposition problem by proper design and management of the
system. Water management may be an effective way of controlling sediment. The sediment deposition
to some extent can be minimised by the canal operation plan. The sediment entering into the system
has to be deposited somewhere in the system. It may be the main canal, secondary canal, tertiary
canal or farm fields. Even if the system is not designed efficiently for sediment transport, it is possible to
reduce an erosion/deposition problem by following certain operation mode. For example, always
supplying full supply to the sub-secondary and tertiary canals of Secondary Canal S9 will reduce
deposition problems there, but will increase the problem in Secondary Canal S9. Now the choice has to
be made by the management where they want to concentrate the deposition.
One of the main features that make irrigation canals different from rivers in terms of hydraulics is
the presence of flow control structures. These structures obstruct the flow to regulate the water levels.
Modern irrigation schemes are more and more demand driven. That means frequent change in the
flow and level is needed to meet the demand. That makes the flow non-uniform and accordingly
sediment transport property is changed. The model SETRIC was used to evaluate the effect of flow
control on the sediment transport process and also the status of the present flow control structures
provided in Secondary Canal S9. The following conclusions can be drawn from the modelling results:
− a backwater profile created due to the increment in the set point by 8% can
increase the sediment deposition by 39%. The percentage, however, depends upon the width and
length of canal. Nevertheless, it shows the influence of flow control in the sediment transport
− almost all the water level regulators and drop structures provided in Secondary
Canal S9 created backwater effect during design flow condition.
The sediment transport problems in irrigation schemes are not purely a design issue and hence, a
designer should have a proper vision and knowledge of the operation and management limitations. For
example, the vortex tube sediment excluders provided in SMIS had to be closed completely, because
the operational limitations of the scheme were not fully analysed while installing the excluders.
Similarly, the manager should have the understanding of the design concept that has been used for the
scheme. No design can eliminate the sediment transport problem if the system is not operated as per
the design assumptions.
214 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
The objective of a canal design should be clear, since designing the canal network that conveys
all the sediment down to the field, may keep the canal free of sediment deposition but at the same
time the sediment will be accumulated on the agricultural fields every year that might affect
adversely the soil quality and productivity.
The sediment transport problems of an irrigation scheme, in many cases, can be avoided or
reduced by modifications in the operation and management plans. Mathematical models are the
helpful tools that can be used by the water management engineers to look for the necessary
improvements/changes in their management plans. Hence, improvements in the model SETRIC is
recommended to make it more user-friendly so that the designers and managers can easily use it and
the decision makers understand it.
In most cases, the off-takes are located near the water level regulators. The flow condition near
these regulators is seldom uniform due to the operation of the gates to maintain the target set-points.
Accordingly the sediment transport process near the off-takes is also mostly in non-equilibrium
conditions. The flow tries to adapt to equilibrium condition by entrainment or deposition of sediment, so
the concentration profile keeps on changing with time. Hence, there is less chance to have a defined
suspended sediment distribution ratio between the off-takes and the parent canal.
While modelling the irrigation canals for sediment movement the aspects of the change in the flow
conditions and the effects of this change in the sediment transport process is important. The change in
the flow conditions may be either due to the operation of the gates to maintain the water delivery
schedules or due to changes in water demand and/or supply. The unsteadiness in the flow due to the
operation of gates is mostly of short duration as compared to the duration of the irrigation season and
the effect of this unsteadiness on the morphological change from seasonal perspective is insignificant.
Moreover, the unsteadiness due to the variation in demand and supply are mostly gradual and such
variations can be schematized as quasi-steady condition for sediment movement analysis. Hence, the
schematization of the flow in irrigation canals as quasi-steady for modelling purpose is valid and
Design or evaluation of an irrigation scheme for sediment transport becomes difficult due to the
unavailability of data. The field measurement procedures are cumbersome and the desired level of
accuracy is difficult to achieve. Hence, the designers prefer to avoid the analysis of sediment transport
process. At the most they use empirical equations that require least information on sediment. Out of
more than 10 large scale irrigation schemes (command area > 8,000 ha) in Nepal; very few have
equipments and laboratories for sediment sampling and analysis. Among them only SMIS has
established practices of taking sediment samples regularly during the canal operation.
The coarser fraction of the sediment is mostly controlled at the headwork and settling basin of an
irrigation scheme. The sediment that is encountered in main and secondary canal is generally fine
sand. Most of the silt fraction (sediment < 63 µm) is transported to lower order canals and the fields,
where it gets deposited. The transport and deposition process of fine cohesive sediment is different
from the non- cohesive fraction and its mathematical representation for modelling purposes needs
additional investigations. A research in the field of cohesive sediment mainly
Evaluation 215
focusing on the following topics will be helpful to extend the research on sediment transport in irrigation
canals for solving practical problems:
− determination of threshold shear stress for the deposited fine sediment;
− investigation of the effect on the sediment movement process due to the
turbulence created by the flow control structures that are generally provided at short intervals in the
lower order canals;
− investigation of the deposition and erosion process on the bed and side slopes.
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Appendix A: Flow diagrams
Figure A.1 Roughness prediction procedure depending upon the flow condition and sediment parameter.
230 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
Canal condition
No Fs= 1
Yes Maintenance? No
Fs= 1
Before maintenance F s = F si +
( F sb- F si)* T/PMT
Canal condition at the beginning (F si)
Canal condition before maintenance (F sb)
Canal condition after maintenance (F sa)
Maintenance interval (PMT)
After maintenance F s = F sa + ( F
sb- F sa)* T/PMT
Legend F w
= weed factor T
= time under consideration TIP
= total irrigation period
Figure A.2 Roughness adjustment procedure for the changing canal condition with or without maintenance
Appendix A: Flow diagrams 231
Figure A.4 Calculation steps for water depth upstream of a flow control structure.
Appendix A: Flow diagrams 233
Figure A.5 Flow diagram for the computation of non-equilibrium sediment transport at any section.
234 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
Figure A.6 Flow diagram for the bed level change (solution of sediment mass balance equation).
Appendix B: Water and sediment data
Figure B.1 Gradation curve of deposited sediment samples upstream of water level regulators (WLR) in
Secondary Canal S9 (2004).
% passing
Figure B.2 Gradation curve of deposited sediment samples upstream of water level regulators (WLR) in
Secondary Canal S9 (2005).
% passing
Figure B.3 Gradation curve of suspended sediment samples collected near the head of Secondary Canal S9
during 2005 (size > 63 μm only).
236 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
The bed load part of the total sediment concentration has been determined using Colby’s (1957)
method. Stepwise calculation for the determination of total sediment loads is as follows (Simons, et al., 1992).
− step-i. Calculate the mean velocity of flow and estimate the unmeasured
sediment discharge per unit width from figure (Figure B.4);
− step-ii. For the given water depth and flow velocity estimate the relative
concentration (Cr) of suspended sediment from figure (Figure B.5);
− step-iii. Calculate the availability ratio Cs’/Cr, and estimate the correction factor
from figure (Figure B.6), where Cs’ is the measured sediment concentration;
− step-iv. Unmeasured sediment discharge = unmeasured sediment discharge from
step (i) * correction factor in step (iii) * canal width B;
− step-v. Total sediment discharge = unmeasured sediment discharge + measured
sediment discharge.
The computed unmeasured sediment discharge for bed load part was then added to the measured part
to get the total concentration.
0.1 1 10
Velocity (m/s)
Figure B.4 Unmeasured sediment discharge for flow velocity adapted from Colby (1957).
For the hydraulic conditions mean sediment size (d 50) generally found in the irrigation canals the
sediment transport mode has been found to be mostly in suspended mode when evaluated using Van
Rijn method (Figure 6.2). The bed load in Secondary Canal S9 when calculated using the Colby’s
method has been found to be 20 to 30% of the total sediment concentration.
Appendix B: Water and sediment data 237
0.1 1 10
Velocity m/s
0.15 m 0.3 m 0.6 m 1.5 m 3.0 m 6.0 m
Relative concentration of suspended
Figure B.5 Relative concentration for different depth and mean velocity adapted from Colby (1957).
sediment (ppm)
Figure B.6 Correction factor for unmeasured sediment discharge adjusted for mean velocity with a measure of
availability of sands after Colby (1957) (from Simons and Senturk, 1998).
Correction Factor
238 Role of sediment for the design and management of irrigation canals
Table B.1 Water inflow to Secondary Canal S9 and water delivery to sub-secondary and tertiary canals (2004).
Table B.2 Water inflow to Secondary Canal S9 and water delivery to sub-secondary and tertiary canals (2005).
Steps used in the model SETRIC to compute gradually varied flow profile using predictor corrector
− compute the derivative ( dh/dx) at point x = x i ( S 0, S f1, and Fr 12 are known):
• dh • = • ( S 0S- dx f ) i
•• 2
•i (1 - F r
• dh •
( h i + ) 1 = +h i
1 • •• ( x i +1 − xi ) (C.2)
dx • i
• dh •=• ( S 0S- dx ) i + 1 f
• 2
• • i +1 (1 - F r ) i +1
• dh • • dh •
• • + • •
• dh • • dx • • dx • i +1
• ••
dx • mean 2
• dh •
( h i + 1 2) = +
h i• ••
(x x +1 - x i) (C.5)
dx • mean
| ( h i + ) (- |
h i +1 )2 ≤ e (C.6)
The procedure given above can be repeated if necessary, and may also be used for short sections of
canals with changing width and shape (non-prismatic canals). The size of length step depends upon the
relative change in water depth and desired accuracy.
Appendix D: Galappatti’s depth integrated model for
non-equilibrium sediment transport
Galappatti (1983) has developed a depth integrated suspended sediment transport model based on
an asymptotic solution for the two-dimensional convection equation in the vertical plane. Among the depth
integrated model for suspended sediment transport this model has two advantages over others; firstly no
empirical relation has been used during the derivation of the model and secondly all possible bed
boundary conditions can be used (Z. B. Wang, et al., 1986). Moreover it includes the boundary condition
near the bed, hence an empirical relation for deposition/pick-up rate near the bed is not necessary
(Ribberink, 1986). The theoretical background, assumptions and limitations of the model is briefly given in
the subsequent paragraphs.
The partial differential equation that governs the transport of suspended sediment by convection and
turbulent diffusion under gravity is given by (Galappatti, 1983):
∂c ∂c ∂c ∂c ∂c ∂ ∂c ∂ ∂c ∂ ∂c
+ u + v + =w ws + (ε x
)+ (ε y
)+ (ε z
) (D.1)
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂z ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z
Neglecting the diffusion terms other than vertical, equation (D.1) for a two dimensional flow in
the vertical plane becomes:
∂c ∂c ∂c ∂c ∂ ∂c
+u + =w ws + (ε z
) (D.2)
∂t ∂x ∂z ∂ z∂ z ∂z
Galappatti (1983) assumed a flow field as shown in Figure D.1 for the derivation of his model for
non-equilibrium sediment transport. The definition of the symbols used in the figure are:
Δz = 0 h - h ( m)
za = bed elevation (m)
The boundary conditions applied for the depth-integrated model are as follows:
− the concentration at the upstream boundary at each time step is known;
− no sediment flux across the surface, i.e. ( w cs + ε ∂z ) surface = 0 ;
the bed-load concentration C(bed) as function of flow and sediment parameters.
250 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
z=z s
u h
z=z a+ Δ z
The boundary condition for the bed is not applied at the bed (z = z a), but at a small distance Δ z from
the bed z = z a + Δ z. There are several types of bed boundary conditions that could be applied. In
Galappatti’s analysis only one type, i.e. the value of concentration near the bed C( bed) at the level z = z a + Δ
z is applied. It has been assumed that C( bed) at z = z a + Δ z is known in terms of local flow and sediment
parameters. In other words, C( bed) is known in advance. Moreover, the concentration at any section is
expressed as the depth averaged concentration as shown in Figure
D.2. Equation (D.2), if integrated vertically with the preset boundary conditions gives the depth
averaged equation.
∂ ∂
( hc )+ ( h. uc E
) =t (D.3)
∂ ∂x
where c
= mean concentration (m 3 sediment / m 3 water)
E = entrainment rate
h = depth of flow (m)
u = mean flow velocity (m/s)
For the asymptotic solution of the convection-diffusion equation the following two assumptions are
= << 1
Lw s
= << 1
Appendix E: Flow control structures 251
Figure D.2 Schematization of 2-D and depth-integrated suspended sediment transport models.
This implies that the time taken for a particle to settle (t = H/w s) is much smaller than the time it takes
to be convected along a distance L (T = L/U). Now, the general solution for the sediment concentration
in non-equilibrium conditions in terms of depth averaged variables is given by:
h c∂ uh c∂
γ 11
ce = γ 11
c +γ 21
+γ 22
w st ∂ w sx ∂
∂c ∂c
ce = +c T A
+ L tA (D.7)
∂ ∂x
γ 21
h w h
= = ∗
exp( ) f
γ 11
w s
u w s
T Au
exp( ) f (D.9)
γ 22
uh w uh
= = exp( ) f
γ 11
w su w ∗ s
Vh L
= u ∗ exp( )f (D.11)
u∗ w
a i b+V ui − (D.12)
f = ( )(
i = 1 ∗
a i b, i
= constants
γ ij
= coefficients which are functions of ( w su, u *h, , and z a)
To compute the adaptation time ( T A) and adaptation length ( L A), the constants a i
and b i are required. Galappatti (1983) used suspension parameters for natural channels and computed
those constants for different ratios of Δ z/h 0. The constants for T A and L A for Δ z/h 0 = 0.01, 0.02 and 0.05 are
given in Table D.1. In steady and uniform flow, the adaptation length ( L A) and adaptation time ( T A) are
constant and have straight characteristics in the x-t plane. In gradually varied flow the water depth and
velocity changes in each length step. Therefore L A and T A are not constant along the canal. Furthermore,
the magnitude of | c-c e| decreases exponentially with L A and
T A. They are defined as the interval (both in length and time) required for the actual concentration to
approach the mean concentration. The adaptation length and adaptation time represent the length
scale and time scale respectively.
A1 b1 a2 b2 a3 b3 a4 b4
ce cLx A
Integration results:
x c
dc dx
∫L c c = A ∫ (D.14)
0 c0 e
c c= − e− ( c ec 0
) exp A (D.15)
γ Form factor -
γ Ripple presence -
Alignment The course along which the centre line of a canal or drain is located.
Alluvial canal A canal wholly in unconsolidated material deposited by stream and whose
processes are controlled by the flow and boundary interactions.
Alluvial soil A soil formed from deposits by rivers and streams (alluvium).
Bank protection The process by which the bank is protected from erosion by lining or by
retarding the velocity along the bank; device to reduce scour by flowing
Bed erosion Deepening of a canal by the gradual wearing away of bed material, mainly
due to the forces of flowing water.
Bed forms A recognisable relief feature on the bed of the canal such as ripple, dune or
Bed material Material with particle sizes that are found in significant quantities in that
part of the bed affected by transport.
Bed material That part of total loads that is composed of particle sizes present in
load appreciable quantities in the shifting part of the streambed.
Bed or bottom Difference in bed elevation per unit horizontal distance in the flow direction.
Bed profile Shape of the bed in a vertical plane; longitudinally or transversely.
Bed shear stress The way in which currents transfer energy to the channel bed.
Bed load Material moving on or near the streambed by rolling, sliding and skipping.
Bifurcation Location where a river or canal separates in two or more reaches, sections
or branches.
Bottom width Dimension of a canal bottom measured normal to the flow direction.
Chézy Resistance coefficient for open channel flows; coefficient is a function of the
coefficient relative roughness and Reynolds number.
Cohesion The mutual attraction of soil particles due to strongly attractive forces.
Cohesionless soil Soil that has a little tendency to stick together whether wet or
dry, such as sands and gravel.
Cohesive Sediment material of very small sizes (less than 50 μm) for which cohesive
sediment bonds between particles are significant and affect the material properties.
Concentration The ratio of mass of dry sediment in a water-sediment mixture to the mass
of the mixture and reported in milligram per meter. This can be converted
to PPM by multiplying 1000 if the PPM is up to 15000.
Control section A section in an open canal where critical flow conditions take place resulting
in a distinct relationship between water level and discharge; the concept of
'control' and 'control section' are used with the same meaning.
Critical depth Depth in a canal of specified dimensions at which the mean specific energy
is a minimum for a given discharge; the flow is critical.
Critical flow Flow for which the specific energy is minimum for a given discharge;
Froude number will be equal to unity and surface disturbances will not
travel upstream.
Cross-section Section of a stream normal to the flow direction bounded by the wetted
perimeter and the free surface.
Datum Any permanent plane or surface used as a reference datum to which
elevations are referred.
Degradation Lowering of canal bed elevation resulting from the erosion of sediments;
downward and lateral erosion.
Density Mass (in kg) per unit of volume.
Design discharge A specific value of the flow rate that after the frequency and
the duration of exceedance have been considered, is selected for designing
the dimensions of a structure or a system or a part thereof.
Desilting basin Canal section with very low velocity, forming deposition of the sediment
carried by the water.
intermediate axis The diameter of a of
measurement sediment
the axis particle
normal todetermined by direct the longest and
a plane representing
shortest axis.
Glossary 257
Diameter, fall The diameter of a sphere with a specific density of 2.65 and the same
standard fall-velocity as the particle. (Also sometimes known as
sedimentation diameter).
Diameter, The diameter of a sphere of the same volume as the given particle (Venoni
nominal 1975).
Diameter, sieve The size of the sieve opening through which the particle of sediment will
just pass.
Diffusion The process whereby particles intermingle as the result of spontaneous
movement and move from a region of higher concentration to one of lower
Discharge Volume of water per unit time flowing along a canal.
Drawdown curve Water surface profile, when water surface slope is larger than
bottom slope.
Drop A rapid change of bed elevation, also called a step.
Dunes Types of bed form indicating significant sediment transport over a sandy
Dynamic Short-term morphological changes that do not affect the morphology over
equilibrium a long period.
Dynamic The ratio between the shear stress acting along any plane between
viscosity neighbouring fluid elements and the rate of deformation of the velocity
gradient perpendicular to this plane
Eddy viscosity Name for the momentum exchange coefficient; also called ‘eddy
Energy or head loss Difference in total energy between two cross-sections.
Equity Criterion of the share for each individual or group that is considered fair
by all system members; the measure can be defined as the delivery of a
fair share of water to users throughout a system; the spatial uniformity of
the ratio of the delivered amount of water to the required (or scheduled)
Erosion The process by which soil is washed or otherwise moved by natural factors
from one place to another; the gradual wearing away of canal beds by flowing
Flow control In general, a regulation method for irrigation structures to maintain a
method specific flow condition in the irrigation system.
Free flow Flow through a canal, which is not affected by the level of the downstream
258 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
Friction Boundary shear resistance of the wetted surface of a canal, which opposes
the flow of water; process by which energy is lost through shear stress.
Hydraulic mean Depth obtained by dividing the cross-sectional area by the free surface or top
depth width.
Intake Intake means the structures and hydro-mechanical equipment designed to
abstract water from the river and make up the essential component of any
river diversion.
Idle length Length of a canal from the intake to the first off-take.
Karman constant 'Universal' constant of proportionality between the Prandtl mixing length
and the distance from the boundary. Experimental results indicate that κ
= 0.40.
Kinematic Dynamic viscosity divided by the fluid density.
Laminar flow Flow characterized by fluid particles moving along smooth paths in thin
layers (laminas), with one layer gliding smoothly over an adjacent layer and
not influenced by adjacent layers perpendicular to the flow direction.
Longitudinal Vertical section along the centre line of a canal, it shows the original and the
section final levels.
Main canal Irrigation canal taking water from the source and conveying the water to the
secondary canals.
Maintenance Operations performed in preserving irrigation or drainage canals and drain
pipes, hydraulic structures, service roads and works in good or near original
conditions. Repairs are part of maintenance; the regular, continuous
inspection and repair of irrigation and drainage systems.
Modular limit Defined as this limiting submergence ratio for a particular flow module, which
causes no more than a 1percent deviation in the upstream head reading for
a given discharge
Momentum Apparent kinematic (eddy) viscosity in turbulent flows; analogous to the
exchange kinematic viscosity in laminar flows. Momentum exchange coefficient is
coefficient proportional to the shear stress divided by the strain rate.
Non-uniform Flow that varies in depth, cross sectional area, velocity and hydraulic slope
flow from section to section.
Normal depth Uniform equilibrium open channel flow depth; depth at a given point in a
canal corresponding to uniform flow, water surface and bed are parallel.
Roughness Factor in formulae for computing the average flow velocity in open channels
coefficient that represents the effect of roughness and other geometric characteristics of
the channel upon the energy losses; e.g. the de Chézy, Manning or Strickler
Sand Sediment particles, mainly quartz, with a diameter of between
0.062 mm and 2 mm, generally classified as fine, medium, coarse or very
Sand trap Enlargement in a canal where the velocity drops so that any sand that it
carries can settle and be removed.
Scour Removal of bed material by the eroding power of a flow of water; erosive
action, particularly, pronounced local erosion by fast flowing water that
excavates and carries away material from the bed and banks.
Sediment Particle derived from rocks, biological materials, of chemical precipitants that
are transported by, suspended in or deposited by flowing water.
Sediment The ratio of the mass (or volume) of the dry sediment in a water/sediment
concentration mixture to the total mass (or volume) of the suspension.
Sediment The mass or volume of sediment passing a stream cross- section per unit
discharge time.
Sediment load A general term that refers to material in suspension and/or in transport. It
is not synonymous with either discharge or concentration.
Sediment Movement of sediment transported in any way by a flow; from the point of
transport transport it is the sum of suspended and bed-load transported; from the
point of origin it is the sum of bed material load and the wash load.
Sediment Ability of a stream to carry a certain volume of sediment per unit time for
transport given flow conditions, also called the sediment transport potential.
Sediment yield Total sediment outflow including bed-load and suspension.
Settling basin Small basin placed at selected points along a conduit, open canal or
subsurface drain to collect sand and silt, and also to afford an opportunity for
inspection of the operation. See silt basin.
Side slope Slope of the side of a canal with the horizontal; tangent of the angle with
the horizontal; the ratio of the horizontal and vertical components of the
Silt Sediment particles with a grain size between 0.004 mm and
0.062 mm, i.e. coarser than clay particles but finer than sand.
Silt/sediment Small basin placed at selected points along a canal to collect sand and silt.
Glossary 261
Silt clearance Removal of silt deposited in a canal section above the design bed levels; the
general term also includes bank trimming in the case of constriction of width
by silting.
Silting Process of accretion or rising of the canal bed by depositing of sediment in
the flow. Also called 'accretion of silt. Building of silt layers on canal sides is
referred to as silting, but not as accretion.
Steady flow Flow in which the depth and velocity remain constant with respect to time.
Steady state Fluid motion in which the velocity at every point of the field is independent of
time in either magnitude or direction; flow condition in which the input
energy equals the output energy.
Sub-critical flow The flow in an open canal is sub-critical if the flow depth is
larger than the critical depth. A flow for which the Froude number is less
than unity; surface disturbances can travel upstream.
Suspended The in time-average ratio of the mass (or volume) of the dry sediment in a
concentration water/sediment mixture to the total mass (or volume) of the mixture; also
average of the mean (time average) suspended concentration over the
entire area.
Suspended load Transported sediment material maintained into suspension by turbulence
of the flow for considerable periods and without contact with the bed; the
velocity of the load is almost the same as that of the flow; it is part of the
total sediment transport.
Total energy Sum of the elevation of the free water surface above a horizontal datum
head in a section and the velocity head at that section.
Total load Total load comprises the 'bed material load' (including suspended load)
(origin) and the 'wash load'.
Total load The total load consists of the 'bed-load' and 'suspended load' (including wash
(transport) load).
Tractive force The force exerted by flowing water on the bed and banks of a canal and
tangential to the flow direction.
Turbulent flow Fluid particles move in very irregular paths, causing exchange of momentum
from one part of the flow to another.
262 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
Uniform flow Flow with no change in depth or any other flow characteristic (wetted area,
velocity or hydraulic gradient) along a canal.
Unsteady flow Flow in which the velocity changes, with time, in magnitude or direction.
Validation The comparison between model results and prototype data, to validate a
numerical model. Validation is carried out with prototype data that are
different from those used for calibration and verification of the model.
Velocity head The energy per unit weight of water in view of its flow velocity; square of
the mean velocity divided by twice the acceleration due to gravity.
Volume Control Flow control method with the set point in the middle of a canal reach.
Wash load Portion of the suspended load with particle sizes smaller than those found
in the bed; in near-permanent suspension and transported without
deposition; the amount of wash load transported through a section is
independent of the transport capacity of the flow.
Water-level Structure to regulate the water level also known as cross regulator
Water-surface Difference in elevation of the water surface per unit horizontal distance in the
slope flow direction.
Wetted perimeter The length of wetted contact between water and the solid
boundaries of a cross-section of an open channel; usually measured in a
plane normal to the flow direction.
Sediment transport is een belangrijke factor in de verdere ontwikkeling van irrigatie omdat het in
belangrijke mate de duurzaamheid van een irrigatie systeem bepaalt, speciaal als er sprake is van
onbeklede kanalen in alluviale gronden. Onderzoeken naar het gedrag van sediment begonnen in
1895 toen Kennedy zijn theorie over bodemvormende afvoeren publiceerde. Later zijn nog andere
theorieën ontwikkeld die over de hele wereld worden gebruikt. Alle theorieën veronderstellen
eenparige en permanente stroming en proberen om de afmetingen van een kanaal te vinden die voor
een bepaalde afvoer en sediment transport stabiel zijn. In het verleden werden irrigatie systemen
ontworpen voor de bescherming van de landbouw, maar met weinig debietregeling, vandaar dat de
permanente en eenparige stromingsvoorwaarden in zekere mate gerealiseerd zijn.
De moderne irrigatie systemen zijn meer en meer op de vraag naar water gebaseerd wat betekent
dat de watertoevoer in een kanaal door de behoefte van de gewassen wordt bepaald.
Dienovereenkomstig is de aanvoer in het kanaalnetwerk niet constant, aangezien de behoefte van de
gewassen met het klimaat en de groeistadia verandert. Ook is de aanvoer van sediment in de meeste
systemen niet constant tijdens het irrigatie seizoen. De situatie is nog slechter voor systemen die direct
van een rivier aftappen en waar de schommelingen in de rivierafvoer een direct effect op de aanvoer
van water en sediment hebben.
De conventionele ontwerp methoden kunnen het sediment transport in een kanaal niet nauwkeurig
voorspellen, ten eerste door de niet-permanente en niet- eenparige waterstroming en ten tweede door
de veranderingen in de sediment aanvoer. Vandaar dat het werkelijke gedrag van een kanaal sterk
afwijkt van de aannamen die tijdens het ontwerp gemaakt zijn en in veel gevallen moeten zeer hoge
onderhoudskosten worden opgebracht om de sediment problemen aan te pakken.
Een irrigatie systeem zou niet alleen de juiste hoeveelheid water, op het correcte moment en op
het gewenste niveau aan de gewassen moeten kunnen leveren, maar ook zou het minstens zijn
beheer- en onderhoudskosten moeten terugverdienen. De terugbetaling van de kosten is in zekere
mate gekoppeld aan het niveau van dienstverlening van de irrigatie organisatie en de uitgaven voor
onderhoud van het systeem. Ervaringen uit het verleden in Nepal hebben aangetoond dat
modernisering van bestaande irrigatie systemen om het niveau van dienstverlening te verbeteren ook
heeft geleid tot verhoging van de beheer- en onderhoudskosten. Deze kosten zijn, in sommige gevallen
hoog vergeleken met de over het algemeen beperkte mogelijkheden van de watergebruikers en
landbouwers om deze kosten terug te betalen. Het streven om de systemen eerlijker, betrouwbaarder
en flexibeler te maken heeft geleid tot de introductie van nieuwe waterbeheer- en wateraanvoer
systemen die als ze niet zorgvuldig ontworpen worden het sediment transport ongunstig beïnvloeden.
In veel systemen heeft ongewenste sedimentatie en/of erosie in kanalen niet alleen de beheer- en
onderhoudskosten laten stijgen maar ook de betrouwbaarheid van de geleverde diensten doen
264 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
Nepal ligt in Zuid-Azië tussen China en India en is geheel door land omgeven. Het land ligt tussen
26º22' N en 30º27' N breedte en 80º4' E en 88º12' E lengte. De vorm is ruwweg rechthoekig en de
oppervlakte is 147181 km 2. Nepal is 885 km lang, maar de breedte neemt af naar het Westen. De
gemiddelde Noord-Zuid breedte is 193 km. Nepal is een uitgesproken bergachtig land met hoogten
van 64 m+GZN (Boven Gemiddeld Zee Niveau) in Kechana, Jhapa tot 8.848 m+GZN bij de Mount
Everest, de hoogste berg ter wereld, en dat binnen een spanwijdte van 200 km. Nepal heeft een
landbouwgebied van 2,64 miljoen ha, waarvan tweederde (1,8 miljoen ha) potentieel geïrrigeerd kan
worden. Momenteel heeft 42% van het landbouwgebied één of andere vorm van irrigatie, maar slechts
41% daarvan ontvangt het hele jaar irrigatie water. De bestaande irrigatie systemen dragen voor
ongeveer 65% bij aan de huidige landbouwproductie van het land.
Nepal heeft een lange geschiedenis van geïrrigeerde landbouw. De meeste grootschalige irrigatie
systemen liggen in de zuidelijke alluviale vlakte (Terai). De kanalen zijn onbekleed en het
meegevoerde sediment vormt een integraal onderdeel van het aangevoerde irrigatie water. De
systemen zijn vooral aanvoer georiënteerd en geven een kleine watergift voor intensieve landbouw.
Gezien de toenemende concurrentie tussen de verschillende water sectoren en de geringe prestaties
van de irrigatie systemen worden vele gemoderniseerd. Het Sunsari Morang Irrigatie Systeem is één
van de systemen dat onder de modernisering valt. Dit gebied is als studie object voor dit onderzoek
gebruikt. Een verbeterd inzicht in het sediment transport proces, onder veranderende stroming en
sediment omstandigheden, een zich wijzigende beheeromgeving en verschillende onderhoud
schema's, zal erg nuttig zijn om de systemen uit de huidige vicieuze cyclus van bouw – aftakeling –
rehabilitatie te halen.
Het Sunsari Morang Irrigatie Systeem ligt in de oostelijke Terai. De Koshi rivier is de bron van
irrigatie water. Een zijdelingse inlaat, een ruim 50 km lang hoofdkanaal met een capaciteit van 45,3 m 3/ s
voor de wateraanvoer en 10 secundaire kanalen en lagerorde kanalen met verschillende capaciteiten
voor de waterdistributie zijn aangelegd om een gebied van 68.000 ha te irrigeren. Het systeem werd voor
het eerst in 1975 gebruikt, maar had al vrij snel ernstige problemen met de wateraanvoer en
sedimentatie in het kanaalnetwerk. Vandaar dat vanaf 1978, slechts 3 jaar na de ingebruiknname de
rehabilitatie- en modernisering werkzaamheden begonnen. Tijdens de modernisering is het
hoofdinlaatwerk verplaatst om de aftap van water te verbeteren en de sediment aanvoer te verminderen.
Bovendien is een zandvang met baggermachines voor het continue verwijderen van het sediment aan
het begin van het hoofdkanaal aangelegd. Behalve dat zijn de verdere ontwikkeling van het gebied en de
modernisering van het bestaande kanaal netwerk gaande en na de derde en laatste moderniseringsfase
(1997 – 2002) waren ongeveer 41.000 ha ontwikkeld.
Het doel van dit onderzoek is het onderkennen van de relevante aspecten van sediment transport
in irrigatie kanalen en het formuleren van een ontwerp methode en beheersysteem voor irrigatie
systemen in Nepal, gezien het sediment transport. Het onderzoek heeft zich vooral gericht op de
huidige ontwerp methoden van irrigatie systemen in Nepal en hun doeltreffendheid ten aanzien van
het sediment transport. Het effect van het beheer en onderhoud op het sediment transport is
Samenvatting 265
geanalyseerd op basis van gegevens van het SMIS (Sunsari Morang Irrigatie Systeem). Vervolgens is
een verbeterde ontwerp methode in verband met het sediment transport in irrigatie kanalen
geformuleerd. Het computer model SETRIC is gebruikt om de relatie tussen sediment transport, het
ontwerp en het beheer te bestuderen en de voorgestelde ontwerp methode voor irrigatie kanalen te
evalueren op basis van gegevens van het irrigatie systeem.
De wiskundige formulering van het sediment transport in een irrigatie kanaal is gebaseerd op
eerder uitgevoerd onderzoek, in het bijzonder het onderzoek van Méndez en de totstandkoming van
het computer model SETRIC. Vervolg onderzoeken, analyses, verbeteringen en verificatie door
Paudel, Ghimire, Orellana
V., Via Giglio en Sherpa zijn ook gebruikt. Het model SETRIC is geverifieerd en waar nodig verbeterd
en is daarna gebruikt om het irrigatie systeem te analyseren en om verbeteringen in het ontwerp en
beheer vanuit het standpunt van sediment transport voor te stellen.
De factoren die de ruwheid van een irrigatie kanaal beïnvloeden zijn bestudeerd en een voorstel
voor een meer rationele bepaling van de ruwheid is uitgewerkt op basis van de beschikbare kennis. De
ruwheid van de oevers is afhankelijk van de vorm en grootte van het materiaal, de begroeiing en
onregelmatigheden van het oppervlak, terwijl de ruwheid van de bodem een functie is van de vorm en
grootte van het bodem materiaal en onregelmatigheden van het oppervlak (bodem vormen in het geval
van alluviale kanalen). Voor de bepaling van de bodem ruwheid zijn meestal twee methoden in gebruik,
namelijk een methode die gebaseerd is op hydraulische grootheden (waterdiepte, stroomsnelheid en
bodem materiaal) en de methode die gebruik maakt van bodem vorm en korrel gerelateerde
parameters. Dit onderzoek maakte gebruik van de methode die gebaseerd is op de bodem vorm en
korrel gerelateerde parameters zoals door van Rijn is voorgesteld. Op dezelfde manier is voor de
bepaling van de ruwheid van de oevers de invloed van onregelmatigheden van het oppervlak en
begroeiing uitgedrukt door de onderhoud toestand te verdelen in ideaal, goed, voldoende en slecht en
vervolgens een correctie op de standaard ruwheidswaarde voor het aanwezige oever materiaal toe te
passen. De invloed van begroeiing is in rekening gebracht volgens het door Ven. T. Chow ontwikkelde
concept. Verschillende methoden om de equivalente ruwheid te bepalen zijn met elkaar vergeleken en
de methode die door Méndez is voorgesteld blijkt de beste resultaten te geven nadat die getest werd
met de gegevens van Krüger.
De meeste sediment transport formules gaan uit van een kanaal met een onbeperkte breedte
zonder rekening te houden met het effect van de oevers op de waterstroom en het sediment
transport. Het effect van de oevers op de snelheidsverdeling in zijdelingse richting is daarbij
verwaarloosd en daarom wordt aangenomen dat de snelheidsverdeling en het sediment transport in
elk punt van de dwarsdoorsnede constant zijn. Die veronderstelling leidt tot de aanname dat de
bodemschuifspanning, de snelheidsverdeling en het sediment transport gelijkmatig verdeeld zijn. De
meeste irrigatie kanalen zijn niet-breed en hebben een trapeziumvorm met uitzondering van kleine
en beklede kanalen die rechthoekig kunnen zijn. In een trapeziumvormig dwarsprofiel verandert de
waterdiepte en ook de schuifspanning van punt tot punt. Het effect zou meer uitgesproken zijn als de
bodembreedte - waterdiepte verhouding (B-h verhouding) klein is.
Voor het ontwerp van onbeklede kanalen met sediment transport zijn in de praktijk twee
benaderingen beschikbaar, namelijk de regime methode en de rationele methode. Het ontwerp
volgens de regime methode bestaat uit een reeks empirische vergelijkingen die ontwikkeld zijn op
basis van waarnemingen van kanalen en rivieren die een dynamisch evenwicht hebben bereikt. De
rationele methode is een meer analytische benadering en daarin worden drie vergelijkingen gebruikt,
namelijk een alluviale weerstandsrelatie, een vergelijking voor het sediment transport en een
breedte-diepte relatie, die samen het bodemverhang, de waterdiepte en de breedte van een alluviaal
kanaal bepalen voor een gegeven debiet en sediment transport en de diameter van het bodem
De ontwerp handboeken van het Ministerie van Irrigatie in Nepal adviseren het gebruik van de
regime vergelijkingen van Lacey en de tabellen van White–Bettis- Paris met de wrijvingsweerstand
vergelijkingen voor het ontwerp van aarden kanalen, die ook sediment afvoeren. Maar in de praktijk is er
geen consistentie in de ontwerp methoden, die zelfs van kanaal tot kanaal en zelfs binnen hetzelfde
irrigatie systeem variëren. Het gebruik van de vergelijking van Lacey om de B-h verhouding te bepalen
heeft over het algemeen tot bredere kanalen geleid. Dit komt omdat men de taluds flauwer ontwerpt dan
uit de vergelijkingen van Lacey volgt in verband met de stabiliteit van de grond.
De tabellen van White–Bettis-Paris zijn bepaald uit hun alluviale wrijvingsvergelijkingen (1980) en
uit de sediment transport vergelijkingen van Ackers en White (1973). Informatie over het gebruik van
deze methode voor kanaal ontwerpen is niet gevonden en daarom kon niet worden nagegaan hoe de
resultaten in termen van sediment transport zijn. Nochtans de Ackers en White vergelijkingen geven te
hoge waarden voor het sediment transport wanneer die vergeleken worden met de gegevens van het
Sunsari Morang Irrigatie Systeem. Het sediment dat in de kanalen binnenkomt is meestal fijn (d50 <
0.2 mm) en de meeste grote irrigatie systemen in Nepal hebben dezelfde geo-morfologische opbouw.
Dit betekent dat de tabellen van White–Bettis-Paris resulteren in een kanaal met een flauwer verhang
dan eigenlijk nodig is om in Sunsari Morang Irrigatie Systeem en gelijkwaardige irrigatie systemen in
Nepal sediment van deze grootte te transporteren. De analyse heeft ook aangetoond dat de
vergelijkingen van Brownlie en Engelund en Hansen beter bruikbaar zijn voor het type sediment dat in
Sunsari Morang Irrigatie Systeem wordt aangetroffen.
Samenvatting 267
Tijdens de modernisering van Sunsari Morang Irrigatie Systeem zijn de secundaire kanalen S9 en
S14 volgens twee verschillende methoden ontworpen. Het secundaire kanaal S9 is ontworpen volgens
het regime concept van Lacey terwijl het secundaire kanaal S14 is ontworpen met de energie
benadering. In de energie benadering wordt de erosie beperkt door de wrijvingskracht niet te groot te
laten worden en sedimentatie wordt beperkt door de energie in stroomafwaartse richting gelijk te
houden of niet te laten afnemen. De beide kanalen zijn geëvalueerd op hun vermogen om het sediment
te transporteren voor de specifieke sediment kenmerken. Het transporterend vermogen van beide
kanalen (ongeveer 230 ppm) blijkt minder te zijn dan het verwachte transporterend vermogen (ongeveer
300 - 500 ppm). De energie benadering veronderstelt dat het sediment transport evenredig is met het
product van snelheid en bodemverhang. Het transporterend vermogen van het kanaal dat volgens deze
methode ontworpen is blijkt echter over zijn lengte veranderlijk te zijn. Dit betekent dat het sediment
transport niet alleen een functie van verhang en waterdiepte is, zoals is aangenomen bij het energie
Een verbeterde benadering voor het ontwerp en beheer van irrigatie kanalen
In het algemeen is de betrouwbaarheid van sediment transport formules laag en in het gunstigste
geval kunnen zij slechts globale schattingen geven. Volgens Vanoni (1975) kan zelfs in de meest
gunstige omstandigheden een waarschijnlijke fout in de grootte van 50-100% verwacht worden. Er is
geen universeel erkende formule waarmee het sediment transport kan worden voorspeld. De meeste
formules zijn gebaseerd op laboratorium gegevens met een beperkt aantal sediment en water
variabelen. Daarom zouden zij moeten worden aangepast om hen geschikt te maken voor de
specifieke doeleinden, anders zullen de voorspelde resultaten onrealistisch zijn. Een verbeterde
rationele benadering is voor het ontwerp van alluviale kanalen met sediment transport voorgesteld. Om
de bodembreedte, bodemverhang en waterdiepte van een kanaal voor een gegeven afvoer en
sediment kenmerken te bepalen zijn drie vergelijkingen nodig, namelijk een sediment transport formule
(totale lading), een vergelijking voor de wrijvingsweerstand (Chézy) en een relatie om de B-h
verhouding te schatten.
Een kanaalontwerp programma DOCSET (Design Of Canal for SEdiment Transport) is uitgewerkt
op basis van de verbeterde ontwerp methode met inbegrip van boven genoemde verbeteringen. Het
programma kan ook worden gebruikt om bestaande ontwerpen voor een specifiek debiet en sediment
kenmerken te evalueren. De basis eigenschappen van de nieuwe methode zijn:
verscheidene hoeveelheden sediment van diverse grootte (dm) en hoeveelheden zouden moeten
kunnen afleiden en transporteren;
− gebruik van een correctie factor. Een correctie factor is gebruikt om de invloed
van niet-brede kanalen, talud hellingen en snelheid exponenten in de sediment transport vergelijking
te corrigeren. Deze aanpassing zou de nauwkeurigheid van de schatting van het sediment transport
in irrigatie kanalen moeten verbeteren, een situatie waarvoor genoemde vergelijkingen niet werden
− concept van een geïntegreerd systeemontwerp. Deze benadering ziet een kanaal
netwerk als één eenheid. Een kanaal systeem kan in verschillende kanalen worden onderverdeeld
en een kanaal in verschillende secties, afhankelijk van het debiet. Maar het beheerplan voor het
water en het sediment wordt vooraf voor het hele kanaalnetwerk opgesteld. Daarna kan een
kanaal op basis van dit beheerplan hydraulisch worden ontworpen;
− Selectie van de B-h verhouding. Een criterium voor de selectie van de B-h
verhouding is vastgesteld nadat de criteria voor de selectie van de talud helling in Nepal en de
specifieke kenmerken van het sediment transport zijn bestudeerd.
Aangezien het sediment transport beïnvloed wordt door het beheer van het irrigatie systeem, zou
het ontwerp zich moeten richten op een kanaal dat voldoende flexibel is om aan de vraag naar water
te voldoen en toch tot een minimum aan sedimentatie/erosie leidt. Voldoende transport capaciteit tot
aan de gewenste plaats (doorvoer), voorzieningen voor gecontroleerde sedimentatie wanneer de
beheerplannen de transportcapaciteit beperken (zandvangen) en voorbereiding van
onderhoudsplannen (bagger werkzaamheden) zijn enkele aspecten die in een ontwerp moeten
worden geanalyseerd en meegenomen om de sediment transport problemen te verminderen.
Kanaal ontwerpen kunnen alleen de beste kanaal afmetingen voor een specifiek debiet en
sediment concentratie geven. Voor debieten en sediment concentraties buiten de ontwerpwaarden
kan erosie of sedimentatie optreden. Een ontwerp zou daarom een evenwicht moeten vinden tussen
de totale erosie en sedimentatie gedurende één groeiseizoen. Daarom moet een ontwerp niet uitgaan
van de maximum sediment concentratie die tijdens het irrigatie seizoen wordt verwacht, maar van een
waarde die in een minimale netto erosie/sedimentatie resulteert. De beste manier om een kanaal
onder dergelijke scenario's te evalueren is de toepassing van een geschikt sediment transport model.
Bovendien de ruwheid van een kanaal hangt af van hydraulische condities, sediment kenmerken en
onderhoud plannen die tijdens het irrigatie seizoen continue veranderen. De kanalen worden
ontworpen op basis van de aanname van een eenparige stroom en een sediment transport dat in
evenwicht is, deze voorwaarden worden echter zelden in irrigatie kanalen aangetroffen omdat de
wateraanvoer continue geregeld wordt om aan de wisselende waterbehoefte te voldoen. Vandaar dat
een kanaal ontwerp moet worden geëvalueerd met behulp van een sediment transport model om de
juiste ontwerp criteria te selecteren en het ontwerp op basis van de voorgestelde waterbeheer plannen
te evalueren.
de predictor-corrector methode. Het over de diepte geïntegreerde model van Galappatti is gebruikt
om de werkelijke sediment concentratie in elk punt van het dwarsprofiel onder niet-evenwichts
omstandigheden te bepalen. Het model van Galappatti is gebaseerd op de 2-D convectie-diffusie
vergelijking. De massa vergelijking voor het totale sediment transport is opgelost met behulp van de
aangepaste Lax methode, waarbij aangenomen is dat de sediment concentratie in een permanente
toestand verkeert. Voor de bepaling van de evenwicht concentratie kan één van de drie formules
voor totaal sediment transport, namelijk Brownlie, Engelund en Hansen of Ackers en White, gebruikt
Het model SETRIC is geëvalueerd met behulp van andere hydrodynamische en sediment
transport modellen (DUFLOW en SOBEK-RIVIER) en werd gevalideerd met veldgegevens van SMIS.
De nauwkeurigheid van de verschillende sediment transport vergelijkingen is vergeleken. De methoden
van Brownlie en Engelund en Hansen zijn redelijk nauwkeurig voor een sediment diameter van 0.1 mm
(d50), terwijl de voorspelbaarheid van Ackers en White voor deze sediment grootte minder goed is. De
gevoeligheid van de methode van Brownlie was uniformer dan de andere twee methoden voor
sediment grootte van 0.05 tot 0.5 mm.
Voor het veldonderzoek naar het sediment transport gedrag is het secundaire kanaal van SMIS
(S9) geselecteerd. Omdat het doel van het veldonderzoek het testen van de ontwerp methode voor
kanalen met sediment transport was; werd de voorkeur aan een onlangs ontworpen en aangelegd
kanaal gegeven. Het veldonderzoek naar de irrigatie aspecten en het sediment transport werd in 2004
en 2005 uitgevoerd. Tijdens het veldonderzoek werd het debiet in het secondaire kanaal S9 gemeten.
Een stuw met een brede kruin onmiddellijk stroomafwaarts van de inlaat is gekalibreerd en gebruikt
voor de debietmetingen. Voor de bepaling van de sedimentconcentratie, werd dagelijks punt
bemonstering door onderdompeling van een fles en benedenstrooms van de watersprong uitgevoerd.
De monsters werden naar het
Het irrigatie debiet dat aan de subsecundaire kanalen wordt geleverd, de wateraanvoer schema’s
en de waterpeilen stroomopwaarts van de kunstwerken werden ook gemeten. Met het oog op de
morfologische veranderingen zijn de kanaal afmetingen voor en na het irrigatie seizoen opgemeten. De
snelheidsverdeling in de trapeziumvormige dwarsdoorsnede van de aarden kanalen is ook gemeten.
Bovendien is de wandruwheid (indirecte meting) ook aan het begin, midden en eind van de seizoenen
bepaald om de veranderingen in de ruwheid met de tijd te bepalen.
Het model SETRIC is gebruikt om het effect van beheer activiteiten op het sediment transport te
bestuderen, vooral de verandering in de vraag naar en levering van water, de wijze van wateraanvoer
die gebaseerd is op het beschikbare water en
270 Role of sediment in the design and management of irrigation canals
de verandering in sediment concentratie door variatie in sediment aanvoer in de rivier of problemen met
de juiste bediening van de zandvang. Voor de wateraanvoer naar het secondaire kanaal S9 is een
beheerprogramma ontwikkeld en geëvalueerd met het oog op de efficiency van het sediment transport
onder veranderende omstandigheden van de sedimentaanvoer. De verbeterde methode voor het
kanaal ontwerp is geëvalueerd door de resultaten te vergelijken met de resultaten voor het bestaande
ontwerp van het secondaire kanaal S9. De belangrijkste bevindingen uit het onderzoek met het model
SETRIC zijn:
− een juist beheer van de zandvang is essentieel voor de duurzaamheid van het
Sunsari Morang Irrigatie Systeem;
− de secundaire kanalen zouden water in rotatie moeten krijgen wanneer de vraag
afneemt of minder water in het hoofdkanaal beschikbaar is. Deze rotatie zorgt ervoor dat het
ontwerpdebiet in de secundaire kanalen stroomt en daardoor zal het sedimentatie probleem
verminderen. Het hoofdkanaal zou vanuit het oogpunt van sediment transport en wateraanvoer
moeten worden geanalyseerd om te bepalen welke rotatiemethode de beste is.
Naast de aanbevelingen voor het ontwerp, beheer en onderhoud van het secondaire kanaal S9 die
vanuit een sediment transport perspectief kunnen worden gemaakt, kunnen ook de volgende bijdragen
van dit onderzoek genoemd worden:
− de snelheid- en schuifspanning verdeling over het trapeziumvormige
kanaalprofiel zijn gedetailleerd bestudeerd om de correctie factor voor de sediment transport
formules af te leiden. Dit zal de nauwkeurigheid van deze formules en de analyse van het
sediment transport in irrigatie kanalen verbeteren;
− een expliciete methode om de ruwheidparameters te bepalen die nodig zijn voor
de berekening van de equivalente ruwheid in het computer model;
Samenvatting 271
Het kanaalontwerp is een iteratief proces waarbij het uitgangspunt de voorbereiding van
beheerplannen is. Vervolgens worden de ontwerpparameters geselecteerd en wordt een voorlopig
hydraulische kanaalontwerp gemaakt. De resultaten van dit voorlopige ontwerp worden dan in het
model gebruikt om de voorgestelde beheerplannen en het sediment transport in het systeem te
simuleren en te evalueren. De nodige aanpassingen worden, indien nodig of in de ontwerp
parameters of in de beheerplannen gemaakt. Dan wordt het kanaal opnieuw ontworpen en het
proces zou moeten worden voortgezet tot een bevredigend resultaat is verkregen.
De grovere fractie van het sediment wordt meestal uitgefilterd bij de hoofdinlaat en de zandvang
van een irrigatie systeem. Het sediment dat in het hoofd- en secundair kanaal getransporteerd wordt is
over het algemeen fijn zand. Het grootste deel van de slibfractie (sediment < 63 μm) wordt vervoerd
naar de subsecundaire en tertiaire kanalen waar het neerslaat. Ook is vastgesteld dat dit fijne sediment
niet naar de kanaalbodem rolt zoals dat voor zand normaal is, maar op het talud wordt gedeponeerd. Op
deze manier wordt het kanaalprofiel smaller en het talud steiler. Dit kan niet verklaard worden door de
huidige aannamen voor sediment transport en nader onderzoek van dit aspect zou gericht moeten zijn
op het transportproces van fijn sediment om het ontwerp en beheer van irrigatie kanalen te verbeteren.
De flexibiliteit van beheer en sediment transport aspecten beperken elkaar. Een kanaal zonder
enige regeling kan wat betreft sediment transport met meer betrouwbaarheid ontworpen en
beheerd worden. Zodra de waterstroom geregeld wordt, verandert het sediment transport patroon
en het ontworpen kanaal zal zich anders gaan gedragen. Vandaar dat zowel flexibiliteit als een
efficiënt sedimentbeheer moeilijk tegelijkertijd te verwezenlijken zijn. Een compromis is nodig en dit
zou in het ontwerp moeten worden teruggezien.
Alle methoden om het sediment te transporteren, uit te sluiten of neer te laten slaan zijn tijdelijke
maatregelen en verplaatsen het probleem slechts van één plaats naar een andere. Zij geven niet een
allesomvattende oplossing voor het sedimentprobleem. Een beter begrip van sediment transport zal
nodig zijn om de problemen vooraf te identificeren en de best mogelijke oplossingen te zoeken.
About the author
Krishna P. Paudel graduated in civil engineering with honours from the University of Roorkee
(now IIT Roorkee), India in 1989. In February 1990, he joined the Department of Irrigation under the
Ministry of Water Resources. From 1990 till 2003, he worked at different district irrigation offices and
large scale irrigation schemes. During that period he prepared detailed designs and feasibility
reports of more than 40 irrigation schemes and constructed/rehabilitated 32 irrigation schemes (60
ha to 1200 ha command area). His main responsibility at the district irrigation offices was planning,
design and implementation of irrigation development and flood protection related works in the
district. The major works performed were: collection and analysis of hydrological and meteorological
data; preparation of feasibility assessment reports, design of the schemes and preparation of
bidding documents, institutional development work of Water Users Associations, construction
management and quality control, training of the farmers for scheme operation and maintenance,
financial management and coordination with other district agencies working in the field of water and
From 1994 to 1997, he worked in Chandra Canal System (10,000 ha). His responsibility was to
operate and maintain the irrigation scheme. He also prepared the detailed design and inventory of the
Chandra Canal System for scheme rehabilitation. He worked in the Sunsari Morang Irrigation Scheme
(68,000 ha) from 1998 to 2000 and was deputed at the headworks to operate and maintain them, the
settling basin and the main canal.
In October 2000, he joined IHE (now UNESCO-IHE), Delft, the Netherlands and acquired his MSc
Degree in Hydraulic Engineering specialization in Land and Water Development with Distinction in
2002. After his MSc, he resumed to his duty in the Department of Irrigation and was involved in
irrigation development related works of the district irrigation offices.
In January 2004, he joined the Core Land and Water Development of UNESCO- IHE, the
Netherlands as a PhD research fellow. His thesis entitled: “Role of Sediment in the design and
management of irrigation canals: Sunsari Morang Irrigation Scheme, Nepal” has made an assessment
of existing canal design methods from sediment transport perspective. The thesis analysed the factors
that influence the sediment transport process in irrigation canals and proposed a design approach that
suggests integrating the hydraulic design, management and modelling aspects to prepare a canal
design. He developed the canal design program DOCSET that can be used to design and evaluate
irrigation canals for sediment transport. During the research he has improved, verified and used the
sediment transport model SETRIC for analysis of the scheme.
In May 2008, Mr. Paudel joined CMS Nepal (Development Consultants) as Senior Water
Resources Engineer and has been involved as Construction Management Engineer for the
construction of the headworks and settling basin of Sikta Irrigation Project (34,000 ha).
Mr. Paudel presented papers for the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) in
Beijing in 2005. He has published one and submitted two papers in international peer reviewed
the performance of irrigation schemes that carry sediment laden water is often poor. modern irrigation
schemes are increasingly demand based, which means that the water flow in the canals is determined by the
crop water requirements. accordingly the flow in the canal network is not constant as the crop water
requirement changes with the climate and the growing stages. also the inflow of the sediment is not constant
throughout the irrigation season. such schemes, particularly having unlined canals in alluvial soils, are difficult
to design and to manage without compromising the flexibility or maintenance cost.
this research has made an in-depth assessment on the role of sediment in the design and management of an
irrigation scheme by using the data of sunsari morang irrigation scheme, nepal. an analysis of the velocity and
shear stress distribution across a non- wide trapezoidal canal has been made to derive the correction factor for
the sediment transport predictors. an improved approach based on a rational concept of the design of canals for
sediment transport is proposed. By using the sediment transport model setric, a water delivery plan has been
designed and tested for changing water and sedi- ment inflow conditions that can be implemented with the
existing canal infrastructure.
the research also shows that flexibility of operation and efficient sediment manage- ment are difficult to
achieve at the same time. a compromise has to be made and this needs to be reflected in the design. all
methods to transport, exclude or extract the sediment are temporary measures and just transfer the
problem from one place to the other. a better understanding of sediment movement helps to identify the
problems beforehand and to find the best possible solutions.