Horizontal Vortex Single Chamber Hydroturbine
Horizontal Vortex Single Chamber Hydroturbine
Horizontal Vortex Single Chamber Hydroturbine
150-162, 2016
Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Antioquia, No. 79, pp. 150-162, 2016
Escuela de Ingeniería de los Recursos Naturales y del Medio Ambiente (EIDENAR), Universidad del Valle. Ciudad
Universitaria Meléndez, Calle 13 # 100-00. A. A. 25360. Cali, Colombia.
ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT: A machine with high-form resistance was evaluated in order to extract
Received May 26, 2015 energy from a creek, river or ocean stream, and generate electricity. Without appropriate
Accepted April 04, 2016 instruments, research turned into qualitative. It was assumed that if it still worked, its
behavior may improve softening its form. The device has a semi-convergent nozzle with
flat walls, a cylindrical Vortex Chamber and a runner. It captures water through its largest
section and downloads tangentially by its lower section into the Vortex Chamber. It has a hole
in one of its sidewalls. This way, it forms a horizontal vortex that spins a rotor whose shaft
drives an electric generator. The experimental work carried out showed that it is possible to
KEYWORDS generate electricity with this device despite the adverse conditions in which it was tested.
Renewable energy, vortex
chamber, power, turbine RESUMEN: Se evaluó una máquina con alta resistencia de forma para extraer energía de
una quebrada, río o corriente marina, y generar electricidad. Sin instrumentos adecuados, la
investigación fue cualitativa. Se supuso que si aun así funcionaba, su comportamiento podía
Energía renovable, cámara
de vórtice, potencia, diseño mejorar suavizándose la forma. El aparato tiene una tobera semi-convergente de paredes
de turbina planas, una cámara de vórtice cilíndrica y un rodete. Capta agua por su sección mayor y
la descarga tangencialmente por su sección menor en la cámara de vórtice; ésta tiene un
orificio en una de sus paredes laterales. Así forma un vórtice horizontal que hace girar un
rodete cuyo eje acciona un generador eléctrico. El trabajo experimental realizado mostró que
sí es posible producir energía eléctrica con este dispositivo pese a las condiciones adversas
en que se ensayó.
S. A. Zarate-Orrego et al.; Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, No. 79, pp. 150-162, 2016
advantages and disadvantages, and defined future trends a semi-convergent channel (captation duct) and vertical
on these technologies. They agree that the majority of cylinder (Vortex Chamber) without top cover and bottom
these new forms of power generation are in stage of cover with a hole, so that the semi submerged device in
research and development. This requires new knowledge the flow of a channel captures water for most of the first
for achieving its optimization with a view in mind to their section and unloads it tangentially in vortex chamber
potential application. In the same way, in analyzing the through a vertical slot common to the lower section of
behavior of some turbines of low head, [11, 12] found huge the uptake duct. This device, called intrusive vertical
differences between efficiencies reported by its designers vortex generator (IVVG), was tested in the lab showing the
and theoretical predictions. They also found substantial formation of a vertical vortex with free surface [21], as it had
differences in the costs of energy generation. Other studies been proposed. Unlike some plants of gravitational vortex
related to this emerging power [13, 14] were carried out hydropower [22-27], the IVVG does not require to divert the
to evaluate the potential surface and submarine currents course of the natural stream to form the vortex, because it
in Alaska, and Colorado State irrigation works. They enters the stream. It was thought that it was feasible that
also analyzed technological hydrokinetic options most this device could generate power with a mobile system for
appropriate for its use. Nowadays, possible sources of the inhabitants of the banks of rivers or creeks, without
unfaltering the environment.
hydraulic energy –before unthinkable– are also explored;
such as the vortices that can be shaped by the topography
In this article, a basic version of a horizontal vortex intrusive
of the islands [15] and the energy of the tides or waves
device designed to generate power with the energy of
they generate [16]. The latter done through innovative
streams, rivers and ocean currents, when fully immersed
developments different to those already applied in some
in them, is explored. Since its operation is unknown, the
tidal power stations.
tested device is not a finished product but rather a very
rudimentary device built by hand. It was not possible to
A literature review on devices that generate electricity
have a speed measurement system that uses non-intrusive
through a vortex of gravity and other energy conversion
techniques nor pressure sensors working submerged in
systems [17-20] shows that free Vortex power plants
water either. Rather, the aim of the study was to prove if
have been developed. [20] parametrically studied
the device was able to move the shaft runner coupled to a
variables affecting the power generated by a plant with
power generator and to produce electricity, even though the
a gravitational Vortex, with a discharge hole of constant
runner is not the most suitable to operate in a whirlpool nor
diameter. In their paper, they claim that, currently, optimal
to have an appropriate transmission power system.
conditions of generation with this principle of operation
are unknown and that the maximum efficiency achieved
Thus, the research was qualitative, and a turbine runner
in their experiment was 12.31%. A similar study, but using
Michel-Banki was primarily tested as an immediate way to
CFD, was independently carried out by [18, 19], concluding
extract power from the swirl formed in the new machine.
that output speed grows when it increases the height of
Then, following the vortex flow pattern, two runners – one
the water in the tank and its diameter gets reduced. They
or two helical blades – were designed and built for testing.
argue that those results require experimental verification.
It was assumed that these runners would work through
Also, by analyzing the effect of the conical bottom [17],
dragging along the path of the particles of the vortex. While
by using the commercial code ANSYS Fluent, found that
the extracted energy from the vortex was minimal, the
the terminal form of the cylinder where the gravitational
aim of the research –testing that the device can generate
vortex is formed must be conical, being the diameter of the
electricity in the most adverse operating conditions – was
discharge hole very important to get the maximum output
achieved. In this context, for the time being, the vortex
power. In addition, these authors claim that the length
of interest is not addressed because its study is complex
of the semi-convergent supply channel is important so
due to the 3D coherent structure of non-linear nature with
that the incident flux is tangent to the cylinder where the
several instabilities and singularities [26-29].
gravitational vortex is formed.
S. A. Zarate-Orrego et al.; Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, No. 79, pp. 150-162, 2016
(a) (b)
Figure 1 Hydro-generator description: (a) casing and micro-turbine, (b) geometry description
formation of recirculation zones, especially at the entrance water could get released from the discharge orifice. This
and along the nozzle, accompanied by high turbulence. meant that for water to be continuously discharged from
However, in spite of that, if still the flow is accelerated by the vortex chamber, the particles should follow helical flow
nozzle in its lowest incident section so that the flow in the path with radial and tangential velocities decreasing toward
cylinder form the vortex, fortiori it would if the geometry of the discharge orifice, being the maximum axial velocity at
the nozzle is softened. Hence the forming and dimensioning discharge.
of the nozzle must be such that the two functions of this
component of the hydro-turbine are harmonized – capturing
and accelerating the flow of water with the least resistance 2.2. Runner
shape and minimal production of turbulence.
The other component of the hydro-turbine, that is, the
As expected, the function of the vortex chamber is to runner, Figure 2, is the element responsible for converting
cause fluid particles to describe rotating paths since the the rotational energy into mechanical power vortex in the
incident flux is tangent to it. It was unknown, indeed, that shaft thereof; therefore, its design is key in harnessing the
the side hole would serve to evacuate water from the vortex energy that the appliance captures from the main flow. But
chamber although intuitively it was assumed that this having no history of a runner design for a helical vortex with
would occur because with its presence the possibility of increasing axial velocity to the outlet orifice, it was decided
stagnation is completely eliminated. But given the strength to test a Michel-Banki turbine-like runner, Figure 2, by the
of the wall containing the discharge side orifice, the rotating similarity of the flow on admission, but unlike the crossflow
flow in the vortex chamber had to be necessarily toward in this device, flow in the proposed machine would be
the centre and with an increasing axial component so that rotating.
S. A. Zarate-Orrego et al.; Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, No. 79, pp. 150-162, 2016
Figure 3 Experimental open channel: (a) section module, (b) experiment set up
S. A. Zarate-Orrego et al.; Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, No. 79, pp. 150-162, 2016
of 150 l / s, a tank water supply variable head through an generator, REF C-6045 of a watt, Figure 4(a). The maximum
internal slide gate and a channel length of 12.5 m, 0.5 m power that could generate this apparatus requires 2900
wide and 0.8 m deep. The device was sunk into the open RPM, far from the approximate 500 RPM which at best
channel at 1.5 m upstream of the open channel discharge. can reach the vortex. In the absence of an intrusive device
for measuring the angular velocity, a whirl-meter with
The rate of flow was measured with a triangular weir and three cups, with three stages and three sets of radius
the water level in the channel, with ultrasound equipment for measuring the speed of rotation of the vortex without
–Ultrasonic Flow Module 2110. runner, by using a Hall effect sensor UGN3503, was sized
and built up, Figure 4(d). Voltage and currents values were
In order to measure the power generated by the apparatus, measured with a voltmeter DT-9205A.
it was necessary to obtain the calibration curve of a micro
(b) (c)
Figure 4 Micro-generation specifications: (a) micro-generator (REF C-6045), (b) power vs. resistance
calibration curve, (c) power vs. angular velocity (rpm) calibration curve, (d) cup current meter for
angular velocity measurements
S. A. Zarate-Orrego et al.; Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, No. 79, pp. 150-162, 2016
The casing measures were 0.25 m long, 0.10 m wide, No criterion was followed in the sizing of the runners with
discharge orifice 0.05715 m (2.25 inches) and greater and helical blades of one and two stages because there is no
lower section heights of 0.08 and 0.01 m, respectively. information in the literature. However, its projection was
These measures were obtained by testing 12 versions of the made so that they operate by dragging, by following the
apparatus in order to find the size that reduced the effect of shape of the vortex generated in the interior of the device.
channel width at the water inlet. To facilitate visualization This concept was completely intuitive and empirical, and it
of the vortex air bubbles entering the device, the body of the is a pending task, Figure 6.
hydro-turbine was made of a transparent acrylic sheet of 4
mm thick. The cylindrical shape was achieved by softening The characteristics of the Michel-Banki runner and the
the acrylic sheet and submerging it into hot water for corresponding to the helical runner of one and two blades
folding it with a cylindrical tube, in a manual process. are shown in Table 2.
The construction of the three tested runners required Figure 7 shows a photo of the runners – Michel-Banki, of
first a drawing print of the workpiece to be built in a 3D a helical blade, and of a two-helical-blades one, installed
printer– ZCorp Zprinter 405. With this print, the mold was in the hydro-turbine casing. As it can be seen, to the whole
constructed with silicone rubber or colapiscis, in which device a side box was added to avoid the action of the main
resin was poured first to obtain the runner. The blades of flow, which slowed down the transmission system and thus
the Michel-Banki micro-turbine type were made with resin, the turbine.
and the external brackets with acrylic sheets. The runners
with helical form were built with resin. This material was Furthermore, since the hydro-turbine is intrusive, the
chosen for its resistance to tension and compression. electrical generator was isolated with power transmission
system to transfer it to the top out of the water flow.
Michel-Banki turbine runner, Figure 5, was sized with the Due to market and time limitations, a system of power
criteria by [30], Table 1 and Figure 5. transmission with two gears and a band was selected,
Figure 8. As shown with the characteristics in Table 3. This
Table 1 Technical Michel-Banki design caused two transmission options: i) one with a transmission
specifications ratio of 1.8 to 1, with a flat rubber strip and ii) another with
relation of 3.0 to 1, with an O-ring of circular cross-section
acting as a band.
S. A. Zarate-Orrego et al.; Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, No. 79, pp. 150-162, 2016
Figure 6 Micro-turbine under test: (a) Michel-Banki, (b) single helical blade, (c) double helical blade
Figure 7 Single horizontal vortex chamber hydro-turbine. (a) Michel-Banki, (b) single helical blade,
(c) double helical blade
S. A. Zarate-Orrego et al.; Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, No. 79, pp. 150-162, 2016
Figure 8 Transmission systems: (a) plane belt, (b) O-Ring, (c) pulleys
Table 3 Technical transmission specifications dimensionless parameters and the uncertainty analysis
performed; it was considered prudent not to present the
information at the time. The authors were expecting to
improve the experiment in order to present data with
certain level of reliability.
4. Results
In order to assess the ability to generate electricity with the
In conducting the tests, there was no suitable wireless
proposed hydro-turbine, when immersed in a flume and
torque-meter available for the small torque which was
its geometry is not optimal for operation, measurements
expected to generate the tested hydro-turbine. Besides, in
of current and voltage with each of the three tested flow
being unable to perforate the channel walls, it was decided
rates were made to estimate the electrical generated
to directly measure the electrical power generated with a
power. Uncertainty measurement on voltage, current,
micro power generator of 1 W, Figure 2. This value resulted
and angular velocity were estimated according to [31, 32],
from an approximate analysis with the integral equation of
these variables were measured five times each and three
conservation of angular momentum considering the vortex
repetitions, this was for Figures 9-13.
chamber as control volume, with tangential feeding and
axial discharge, and stationary and incompressible flow.
Figure 9 shows the results of measured voltages and
currents when the horizontal vortex hydro-turbine operates
In essence, first, the tests involving stabilization of each
with Michel-Banki runner and the transmission ratio is 3:
of the three tested flow rates: 35.01, 102.45 and 106.14 l /
1. In this figure, slight trends are observed, but in general
s. Uncertainty measurement on flow rated was estimated
there is no defined behavior of the measured variables,
according to [31, 32], this variable was measured ten times
although the electric power was the highest for the tested
per flow rate. In each flow rate, the captured flow rate by
largest flow rate.
the device was measured with a discharging pipe to the
atmosphere, coupled to the discharge side orifice. Then, in
Figure 9 contains the results of the hydro-turbine runner
order to determine the electrical power generated by the
using the runner from the Michel-Banki turbine with a gear
hydro-turbine in each flow rate, the current and the voltage
ratio of 1.8 to 1. With this gear ratio, the variables have a
was measured when the generator was loaded by a resistor
clearer trend than in the previous case, being noticeable
bank 10, 22, 33, 100 and 220 ohms (Ω).
this behavior in Power vs. RPM curve, which is apparently
For the blunt geometry of the device, due to the lack of
knowledge of its operation and the precarious instruments
The operation of the hydro-turbine with a helical blade
used, the experiment was exploratory. These factors
runner is described by the graphed data in Figure 10. It is the
determined that the results were not definitive, since this
one that coverts least energy from the vortex into electrical
required improving the hydrodynamics of the device and
power. Behavior charts indicate that the maximum power
to use non-intrusive instruments. Since it was just an
that was produced with the resistance of 100 Ohms and the
exploratory experiment, it was not considered appropriate
generated power grew with the flow rate.
to present dimensionless results because this would imply
to generalize the information obtained. This was not the
Finally, the performance of the hydro turbine with
main reason for the study but to determine whether the
2-helical-blade runner is seen from the information
budding fluid machine could convert into electricity, at least
presented in Figures 11 and 12 with transmission ratio 1.8
a fraction of the flow in a channel. In these circumstances,
to 1 and 3 to 1, respectively.
despite the availability of data for some calculated
S. A. Zarate-Orrego et al.; Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, No. 79, pp. 150-162, 2016
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 9 Michel-Banki turbine curves performance at transmission rate 3.0 to 1: (a) voltage vs.
current, (b) power vs. current, (c) power vs. resistance, (d) power vs. rpm. Uncertainties: Current ±
1.8xE -4 (A), Voltage ± 1.5xE -2 (V) , Rpm ± 9(rpm)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 10 Michel-Banki turbine curves performance at transmission rate 1.8 to 1: (a) voltage vs.
current, (b) power vs. current, (c) power vs. resistance, (d) power vs. rpm. Uncertainties: Current ±
1.1xE -3 (A) , Voltage ± 1.2xE -2 (V) , Rpm ± 10 (rpm)
S. A. Zarate-Orrego et al.; Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, No. 79, pp. 150-162, 2016
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 11 Single helical turbine curves performance at transmission rate 1.8 to 1. (a) voltage vs.
current, (b) power vs. current, (c) power vs. resistance, (d) power vs. rpm. Uncertainties: Current ±
1.9xE -4 (A) , Voltage ± 1.8xE -2 (V) , Rpm ± 8(rpm)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 12 Double helical turbine curves performance at transmission rate 1.8 to 1: (a) voltage vs.
current, (b) power vs. current, (c) power vs. resistance, (d) power vs. rpm. Uncertainties: Current ±
1.6xE -4 (A) , Voltage ± 1.3xE -2 (V) , Rpm ± 7(rpm)
S. A. Zarate-Orrego et al.; Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, No. 79, pp. 150-162, 2016
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 13 Double helical turbine curves performance at transmission rate 3.0 to 1: (a) voltage vs.
current, (b) power vs. current, (c) power vs. resistance, (d) power vs. rpm. Uncertainties: Current ±
1.6xE -4 (A) , Voltage ± 1.5xE -2 (V) , Rpm ± 5(rpm)
S. A. Zarate-Orrego et al.; Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, No. 79, pp. 150-162, 2016
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