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Basico 02

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Basic 01


Practice = practicar
Number = numerar
Read = Leer
Write = escribir
Match = emparejar
Check = verificar
Circle = circulo
Underline = subrayar
Complete = completar
Unscramble = descifrar
Door = puerta
Dictionary = diccionario
Bulletin Board = tabla de anuncios
Eraser = borrador
Pen = lapicero
Window = ventana
Pencil = Lapiz
Desk = escritorio
Board = pizarra
Textbook = libro
Screen = pantalla
Keyboard = teclado

Basic questions and expressions of a classroom

(Expresiones y preguntas básicas del salón de clases)

These basic questions are to help you to memorize and formulate questions about your class in
English. They will help you through all your basic courses not only for basic one and two. Remember
that practice is key for your learning process.

(Estas preguntas son para ayudarte a memorizar y formular ciertas preguntas sobre tu clase de
ingles. Estás te ayudarán durante todos tus cursos básicos no solo en básico uno y dos. Recuerda
que la práctica es crucial para tu aprendizaje.)

1. Teacher, I have a question. What is _____?

(Maestro, ¿tengo una pregunta. Que es _____?)

2. Teacher, can you repeat?

(Profesor, ¿puede repetir?)

3. Teacher, may I go to the bathroom?

(Profesor, ¿puedo ir al baño?)
-Yes. You can go to the restroom.

4. How do you say puerta in spanish/english?

(¿Cómo se dice puerta en español/ingles?)
-You say door.
5. What do we have to do?
(¿Que tenemos que hacer?)

6. Teacher, May I come in?

(¿Profesor, puedo entrar?)
7. Good morning
(“Buenos días”)

8. Good afternoon
(“Buenas Tardes”)

9. Good evening
(“Buenas Noches”)

10. What is the activity?

(¿Cual es la actividad?)

11. Turn to page...

(Pasar la pagina …)

12. Open your books to page...

(Abran sus libros en la pagina ___ ?

13. What is the meaning of ______?

(¿Cual es el significado de ____?)

14. Teacher, Is there any homework?

(Maestra, ¿hay alguna tarea?)
15. How are you?
(¿Como estas tu?)

16. Do you have any questions?

(¿Tienes alguna pregunta?)

17. Open the door, please.

(Abre la puerta, por favor.)

18. Close the door please.

(Cierra la puerta, porfavor)

19. What does notebook mean?

(¿Que significa _____?)
-It is a book to write in.

20. Do you have a pen/pencil?

(¿Tienes algun lapicero/lapiz?)

21. How do you pronounce _____?

(¿Como se pronuncia _____?)

22. How do you spell ______?

(¿Como se deletrea?)

23. What? / Where? / When? / Who? / Why? / how?

24. What is the answer for number ___?

(¿Cual es la respuesta para el numero ___?)

25. Do you have the answer for number ___?

(¿Tienes la respuesta para el número ___?)

26. How old are you?

(¿Cuantos años tienes?)

27. What is your name?

(¿Cual es tu nombre?)

28. Where are you from?

(¿De dónde eres?)

29. Where do you live?

(¿Donde vives?)

30. What do you study?

(¿Qué estudias?)
1. Video
2. Vocabulary

What is your first name?

My first name is _____.

What is your last name?

My last name is _____.

What is your ID number?

My ID number is ____.
3. Listening

How do you spell your name?

It is spelled L (el) U (iu) I (ai) S (es). Spelled /spelt/

Do you have a nickname (another name or a short name?

My nickname is ________.

What is your email address?

My email address is _________.

(Pegar un foto del dato)

Readgin email Addresses
@ = “at”
.com = “dot com”
.edu = “dot e-d-u”

Common types of email addresses

(Business name) . com
(School name) .edu
(Organization name) .org

4. Speaking

Details -> /diteils/

Saying -> /seiyin/
Pronunciation -> /pronuncieshion/

Contractions with be.

I am -> I’m -> I’m a student. - /am a student/
What is -> What’s -> What’s your name?
It is -> It’s -> It’s nice to meet you.

Liling: Hi, my name’s Liling. What’s your name?

Alberto: Hi, Liling. I’m Alberto, but please call me Beto.
It’s my nickname.
I’m Liling./ It’s Liling.
Liling: Okay, Beto. Nice to meet you.
Alberto: It’s nice to meet you, too.

Useful Expressions
Introducing youself

Hi, what’s your name?

Hi, my name is Liling.
I’m Liling./ It’s Liling.
My name is Mr. Porter.
I’m Alberto, but please call me Beto.
Its’s nice to meet you.
It’s nice to meet you, too.
5. Grammar

Verb to BE

Possessive Adjective with be

6. Communication

What is your name?

My name is Ariana Valdez.

What is your phone number?

My phone number is (399) 555-7061

What is your email address?

My email address is avaldez@ezypost.com


1. Vocabulary

 Classical
 Pop
 Rap
 Rock

 Baseball
 Basketball
 Soccer
 Tennis

Crissy is friends with three hundred people.

Her favorite sport is soccer.
Her favorite player is Lionel Messi.
Her favorite kinds of music are Rap and Pop. (Kind of music = tipos de musica)
Her favorite TV show is Sherlock.
Her favorite singers are Adele and Pitbul.
Her favorite movie is The Hunger Game.
Her favorite actor is Benedict Cumberbatch
Her favorite actress is Jenifer Lawrence.

2. Listening

TV Programs
 Comedy shows
 News programs
 Drama
 Mysteries
 Documentaries
 Sports Programs
3. Reading

a. BANKSY is street artist and filmmaker from the United Kigdom.

No one knows his real name, and there are no picture of him.
This way he can do his work freely. /frily/

b. GIVANILDO VIERA DE SOUSA is a soccer player from Brazil.

His nickname is Hulk.
Why? He’s very strong, but he also looks like The Hulk!

c. J.K. ROWLING is a writer and the author of the Harry Potter books.
Her full name is Joanne Kathleen Rowling, but her friends call her Jo.

d. PAUL VAN HAVER is famous hip-hop singer from Belgium, but everyone knows him as
Stromae comes/coms/ from changing the sounds in the word maestro/maestro/ from mae -
stro to stro – mae.

Maestro is great Musician

4. Grammar

Cuadro de Yes / no Questions with be / Short Answers

1. Video

Country Nationality
China Chinese
Japan Japanese
Vietnam Vietnamese
Portugal Portuguese
Australia Australian
Brazil Brazilian
Argentina Argentinian
Canada Canadian
Malaysia Malaysian
Peru Peruvian
Korea Korean
Mexico Mexican
Chile Chilean
The United States American
Spain Spanish
The United Kingdom British
Turkey Turkish
France French
New Zealand New Zealander
Thailand Thai
What is the capital of China?
It is _______.

In what country is the city of ______?

It is in ______.

What is the activity of China?

It is Chinese.

2. Speaking

Haru: Excuse me?. Are you in this class?

Ana: Yes. I am, Are you?
Haru: Yeah. Hi, my name’s Haru.
Ana: Hi, I’m Ana.
Haru: Great to meet you.
Ana: Hi, I’m Ana.
Haru: Great to meet you.
Ana: You, too. So, where are you from, Haru?
Haru: Japan.
Ana: Cool. Which city?
Haru: Tokyo. How about you? Where are you from?
Ana: Bogota, Colombia.

Useful Expressions
Asking where someone is from

Where are you from?

I’m from Japan.

Really? Where exactly? Which city?

I’m from Tokyo / a small town near Tokyo.

Are you from Colombia?

Yes, I am.
No, I’m from Peru.

Speaking Tip

Where in Japan?

3. Grammar

Questions with who Answers

Who is with you? Tomas is.

Question with Where Answers

(I am / We are / They are) at the beach / a
Where are you / they?
Nor? She is in London. / at her hotel.
Where is
Machu Picchu? It is in Peru

Sara: Hello?
Nor: Sara? Hi, it’s Nor.
Sara: Hi, Nor! Where are you?
Nor: I’m in the UK. Right now, I’m in London.
Sara: Where exactly?
Nor: I’m at Buckingham Palace.
Oh, and I’m here with a friend.
Sara: Really? Who’s with you?
Nor: Irina, from our English class. She lives in London now.
Sara: That’s great! Say “Hi” for me.

4. Communication

Where is Osaka?
It’s in Japan

Where is Sydney?
It’s in Australia

Where is Rio de Janeiro?

It’s in Brasil

Where is Huancayo?
It’s in Peru.

Where is Paris?
It’s in France.

Where is Cartagena?
It’s in Colombia.

Where is Montreal?
It’s in Mexico.

Who is Roberto Merino?

He’s soccer player.
Where is Roberto Merino from?
He’s from Chiclayo, Peru.


1. Vocabulary

Rio is a large, old city of 6.5 million people.

Its nickname is “the Marvelous city” because its beaches are beautiful, its nightlife is exciting,
and its people are friendly.

Rio is famous for…

 Carnival: Every year the streets are crowded and busy with people from all over Brazil
and the world.

 Copacabana: this is a relaxing beach. It’s also a popular place to play soccer.

 Pao de acucar: This is a big mountain. It is 396 meters (1,300 feet) tall. From here, there’s
a wonderful view of the city.

Rio is an interesting city and a fun place to visit!


Big, large – small

Old -- new
Interesting -- boring


2. Listening


I want to visit Isfahan.

It is interesting.

I don’t want to visit Isfahan.

It is old.

Free = costing no money

Sale = when an item costs less money

3. Reading

Hi Cary.
Greetings! It’s day six of my vacation. I’m in a big city of 3, 75 million people. It’s very exciting.
Right now I’m in a busy café on Long Street. There are a lot of restaurants and shops on Long
Street. The streets are very crowded!
There are a lot of interesting things to see and do here. Boulders Beach is beautiful. It’s famous
for penguins!
There’s also Table Mountain. It’s a popular place. The view from there is really wonderful.
There are a lot of World Cup soccer stadiums here. Do you like soccer? I don’t!
I’m having a great time! Please say “Hi” to everyone in Sydney for me!
4. Grammar

Adjectives with be
be Adjective be Adjective Noun
Your city is beautiful. It is an exciting city.
The building are old. There are many tall building.

5. Writing

My favorite place is Montreal. It’s in Canada. People speak English and French there. It’s famous
for churches and Ice hockey. Montreal is busy with people from around the world. The French
food is good, too!

Rio de Janeiro is a good place for a vacation. The beaches are beautiful the people are friendly,
and the nightlife is fun.



1. Video

- A photo
- Candy
- A book
- Keys
- A computer
- A soccer ball
- A cell phone
- A ring
- An apple
- A map
- A camera

2. Vocabulary

- Headphones
- An expensive watch

What’s this?
A watch.

3. Listening

Sue is Tak’s friend.

Tak is buying her a graduation gift.
Sue likes soccer.
She likes hip-hop music.

Word Bank
Birthday = day someone was born
Brand = category of products made by a company

4. Speaking

Sun: Oh, no…

Paula: What’s wrong, Sun?
Sun: My wallet. Where’s my wallet?
Paula: Is it in your pocket?
Sun: Um… no.
Paula: What about your backpack?
Sun: No’ it’s not. I can’t find it anywhere!
Man: Hmmm… What’s this? Excuse me, miss?
Sun: Yes?
Man: Is this your wallet?
Sun: Yes, it is! Thanks you very much!
Man: You’re welcome./de nada/

Useful Expressions
Giving and replying to thanks
Saying Thanks you Replies
Thanks you very much. Formal You’re welcome.
Thanks you. My pleasure.
Thanks a lot. Sure, no problem.
Thanks. Informal You bet.

5. Grammar

(Cuadro) -> Spelling Rules for Forming Plural Nouns

Class -> classes

Watch -> watches
Wish -> wishes
Language -> Languages

Backpack -> backpacks

Notebook -> notebooks
Laptop -> laptops
Wallet -> wallets

Camera -> cameras

Key -> keys
Gift card -> gift cards
Pen -> pens

6. Communication

(Cuadro ) -> When people say thanks you for a gift, the also say


1. Vocabulary
Laura is a “pack rat.” There are many old things in her room: clothes, bags, photos. She doesn’t
use these things anymore. Some of the things are expensive. But some things, like the clothes,
are cheap. For Laura, they are all important. She keeps everything!

Laura’s room is messy, and it’s hard to find things. For you and me, her room is uncomfortable,
but not for Laura! She likes it.

Word Bank
Cheap expensive
Comfortable uncomfortable
Hard easy
Important unimportant
Keep throw out
Messy clean
 My room isn’t messy. It’s clean and comfortable.
 It’s hard to find things in my room.
 Usually, I keep old things.

2. Reading


What item is very important to you?
Five people from National Geographic share their ideas.

a. CORY RICHARDS is a photographer. A camera and a pencil are his most important items.
They are common items, but with these, he takes picture and writes about his experiences.

b. CARLTON WARD is also a photographer. His camera is important to him, but his GPS is
important, too. Ward works in different places around the world, and it’s easy to get lost. He
uses the GPS to get directions.

c. Archaeologist CHRIS THORNTON works in places like South Africa and Oman. He is outside
a lot. For this reason, his most important item is sunscreen. “It protects my skin,” he says.

d. LEE BERGER is a paleoanthropologist. He is also outside a lot. But his most important item
isn’t sunscreen; it’s a comfortable hat. “It’s my lucky hat,” he says. When he wears it, he
always finds something interesting.

e. Archaeologist KUENGA WANGMO also has a lucky item. It’s a bracelet from Bhutan, her
home country. It protects her, she says.



What's this called in English? It's a "cell phone."

Is that a new phone Yes, it is.

Are these your keys? No, the're not.

Are those headphones comfortable? Yes, they are.

What is this called in English?
It’s a cell phone.

Is it a Samsung Galaxy?
No, it’s an iPhone.

What are those called in English?

They are sunglasses.


Pros: This is a cool phone, with a big screen, a great camera, excellent sound, and a good
Cons: It’s expensive.

5 stair = excellent / grat

4 stair = good
3 stair = ok /so-so
2 stair = bad
1 stair = terrible


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