Consejos para La Redaccion de Cartas en Ingles
Consejos para La Redaccion de Cartas en Ingles
Consejos para La Redaccion de Cartas en Ingles
Cartas formales:
El texto de una carta formal en inglés debería ser tan corto como sea posible; es mejor evitar
el uso de otra hoja para la mayoría de las cartas comerciales estándares.
Michael Dorin
Head Librarian
University of Minnesota
441 Life Street
Minnesota, MN
I am writing to confirm your order for 12 portable ipads (apple) no. 856
The order will be shipped within three days via UPS and should arrive at your university in about 10 days.
Kenneth Redboxes
Director of Ken's ipad House
Encabezamiento (header):
Pero en la actualidad es más frecuente que se cite el apellido de la persona a quien se dirige:
Dear Mr. Perez, Dear Mrs. Gonzales, Dear Miss Caldas.
Observe el uso de la mayúscula con los títulos y el punto al final de Mr. y Mrs. y además, la
ausencia de los dos puntos después del nombre como se estila en castellano.
Miss significa 'señorita' pero existe otro término: Ms. que muchas mujeres prefieren por que
no revela el estado civil de la destinataria (tal como Mr. sirve tanto para un señor casado
como soltero).
May 5, 2011
Dear Mr Murphy,
I recently noticed in The Chronicle that you are in need of a Reference Librarian/Latin
American and Iberian Area Specialist. I would like to be considered for this position.
My education and current position has given me a unique background and understanding of the
Latin American Region as a strong knowledge of Latin American bibliography. I am a native
speaker of the Spanish language and have studied English. I strongly believe my current work
experience and educational background make me an ideal candidate for this position. I am
available for travel at your convenience.
Thank you very much for your consideration of my application and I look forward to hearing
from you.
February 5, 2011
Dear Sir,
I am writing to say how much I enjoyed my weekend stay at your hotel. You made me
most welcome and the food was excellent.
Howewer, I believe I may have mislaid my cigarette case some where in the hotel. I
have scarehed for it but am unable to find it anywhere.
My wife would be most upset if it has been lost since it was a wedding present from
her. Not only it is valuable, but it is a great sentimental value. It is gold with the initials “gg”
engraved on it.
I would appreciate it if you could check down the side of the sofas in the lounge.
Failing that, it may be in room 307, where I stayed. Please, search in the bathroom because
that’s where I probably dropped it.
Should you discover it, I would be extremely grateful if you could send it to me.
Yours faithfully
Julian L. Reeves
Se puede usar contracciones, abreviar palabras, como en las cartas formales se estila escribir
oraciones cortas, se puede utilizar cierta jerga (slang), se puede usar el signo de exclamación
Frases como “Best wishes” “Write soon” “Yours” “All the best”
“Lots of love”.
Well, that`s enough about me. Now it’s your turn. What do you do in your free time? Have you
got any special hobbies? What`s your family like? And what sort of town do you live in?
Please write back soon!
Best wishes
“Carta en inglés”
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Fecha de consulta: 14 de enero de 2011