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Ingles Nivel 7

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Institución Académica: Universidad de La Sabana

Grado Académico: Pregrado
Unidad Académica: Departamento de Lenguas y Culturas Extranjeras
Jefe de Área/Director de programa/Coordinador Académico: Sandra Milena Fernandez Camargo
Asignatura: Ingles-Nivel 7
Área del Conocimiento: Educación
No. de Créditos: 3 creditos
No. de Horas trabajo presencial a la semana: 4 horas
No. de Horas trabajo independiente a la semana: 4
Prerrequisitos y Correquisitos: Nivel 6 o haber sido clasificado en nivel 7
Conocimiento Previo Requerido Correspondiente a B1.2 CEFR
LEC: Clase
IND: Estudios Independientes
Modo de Enseñanza: Presencial Componentes:
LEC: Clase
IND: Estudios Independientes
Porcentaje de Inclusión en Tecnología 80%
Fecha Vigencia Incial: 27 7 2016 Fecha Vigencia Final: 15 1 2017


Aprendizaje Individual O Colaborativo Con Apoyo De Tics Aula Virtual Moodle

Controles de Lectura Base de Datos
Aprendizaje por Proyectos Parlantes
Ayudas Visuales Recursos de Computador
Técnica Didáctica:
Clase Participativa Aprendizaje: Guías de Aprendizaje
Ensayo de Investigación Internet
Mapas Mentales Tablero Y Marcadores
Guías de Autoevaluación en Virtualsabana Cd/Dvd de Música

Núcleo Básico del Conocimiento: Lenguas Modernas, Literatura, Lingüística Y Afines

Idioma: Inglés

Tipo de Curso: Asignatura

Campos Curriculares Formación profesional de apoyo

Contenido Internacional Si x No
Si No

Lecturas de artículos de revistas internacionales x

Lecturas en lengua extranjera x

Desarrolla ejercicios de investigación sobre componentes interculturales x

Desarrolla proyectos para integrar a estudiantes nacionales con estudiantes
internacionales o colaborativos y trabajos en grupo presenciales o virtuales
Desarrolla proyectos con enfoque internacional o intercultural x
Conferencistas o profesores extranjeros invitados desde la modalidad presencial
o virtual
Desarrolla casos internacionales comparados con realidades nacionales x

Utiliza Bibliografía internacional x

Otro idioma x
Objetivo General:
By the end of level 7, students will demonstrate a solid understanding of written and oral texts related to the
relationships and attitudes of people and animals, famous stories (movies and books), appropriate technology
around the world, art expressions, development issues in developing countries, and alternative traveling.
Similarly, students will produce one written composition in which they analyze and explain problems and
propose solutions to diverse problematic situations around the world. Students will talk about varied topics
from their own experiences and will propose solutions to worldwide issues. Students will use Information,
Communication Technologies (ICT) and learning strategies to become responsible for their own learning.

Competencias/Objetivos esperados de aprendizaje / Indicadores

The student can explain problems and propose solutions to current problematic issues around the world.
The student can anticipate information to identify specific details in a conversation. The student can
understand the main points of clear standard speech and relate the information to their experiences. Reading:
The student can show understanding of academic texts by explaining and expanding on the topics explored in
the suggested texts. The students can discuss, agree and/or disagree with the topics presented in the
suggested texts. Furthermore, the student can answer different type of questions (TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN
statement and multiple choice questions).
The student can write accurate and complete topic sentences and paragraphs in a problem-solution essay. The
student can use connectors and linking words. Moreover, there is a wide use of appropriate grammar

Contenido Temático

First Term:
Topics: Unlikely relationships, immigration, storytelling, overpopulation.
Vocabula related to: relationships, family influences, books and films, useful devices,nouns and phrasal verbs,
problem-solving expressions.
Grammar Structures: Mixed present and past tenses as well as future review.
Second Term:
Topics: Art, grafitti, music and cultural activities, urban-social-sustainable and economic development,
alternative travel, staycations, voluntourism, unusual hotels and destinations and couch surfing.
Vocabulary related to: art, describing likes and dislikes, development nouns and adjectives, problem-solving
Grammar Structures: gerunds and infinitives, tag questions

The evaluation is divided in three Terms made up by formative assessment by means od independent work
assigned in Virtual Sabana and on MyELT platform together with classwork. Likewise, the writing process is
supported by specific guidelines and workshops and plays a significant role in the evaluation system. There are
exams in the Second and Third Term that assess the four language skills (Reading, Listening, Speaking and
Writing). Moreover, the Task-based approach implemented by The Department of foreign Languages and
Cultures allows students to develop one task collarobatively in every term and present their final product in
class . By doing so, students have the opportunity to share their final product and receive immediate feedback.

Dummett, P., Hughes, J., & Stephenson, H. (2013). Life upper intermediate:. Andover, Hampshire: National Geographic
Learning. Gale -
National Geographic Virtual Library - Gale. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://solutions.cengage.com/National-Geographic-

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