Obtencion y Reconocimiento de Alcanos, Alquenos, Alquinos
Obtencion y Reconocimiento de Alcanos, Alquenos, Alquinos
Obtencion y Reconocimiento de Alcanos, Alquenos, Alquinos
Alquenos y Alquinos
Alexander Baloco (1006011554), Microbiología, Universidad Santiago de Cali
Maria P. Giraldo (1004918334), Microbiología Universidad Santiago de Cali
Catalina Gonzalez (1006428086), Química Farmacéutica, Universidad Santiago
de Cali
In the following practice it is allowed to obtain aliphatic hydrocarbons such
as methane, acetylene and ethylene, each one being tested with mixtures
that present the properties of alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes since for these
you can get the desired products. In addition, each one had a
demonstration with a test tube only in the presence of a flame, another
with KMnO4 (potassium permanganate) and the last one with bromine
water, in turn, the preparation of each of these reagents was taken into
account and how they reacted upon coming into contact with the gas that
came out due to the mixture. However, each sample reacted differently
since they have a different polarity and electronegativity which differ from
Sección experimental
C2H5OH +H2SO4 C 2 H4 + H 2 O
Prueba con agua de Bromo (tubo
figura 2. de ensayo 3)
El etileno al reaccionar con el agra
de bromo forma un compuesto
llamado 1,1,2,2-tetrabromoetano,
esto se evidencia por el cambio de
color de amarillo claro a un
transparente por la formación del
● Tabla de valores
termodinámicos (tomada del
libro 'Chemistry the Central
Science' 12 ed. de Brown et.