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Vendedores 2018

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Sellers directory
Campo de quinua, Puno / Quinoa field, Puno © Alex Bryce / PP

Peru Travel Mart 2018

27 - 30 de abril
April 27th - 30th
Lima – Perú
Empresa Contacto / Cargo Teléfono Correo / Página web Servicios solicitados
Company name Contact name / Position Phone number E-mail / Web page Requested services

AERODIANA Piero Lucas de Tramontana (51 1) 447-6824 ptramontana@aerodiana.com.pe

Ejecutivo de Cuentas www.aerodiana.com.pe
/ Account Executive

AIR EUROPA Verónica Ramírez (51 1) 652-7375 reservas3.peru@air-europa.com

LÍNEAS AÉREAS Agente de Reservas y www.aireuropa.com
Pasajes Aéreos / Ticket Agents

AMAK IQUITOS Enrique Navarro (51 1) 949-061-441 e.navarro@amakperu.com

Gerente / Manager www.amak4rent.com

AMASZONAS Mijail Moscoso (51 084) 506-565 mmoscoso@amaszonas.com

LÍNEA AÉREA Gerente Regional Cusco www.amaszonas.com
/ Cusco Regional Manager

AMAZON Pamela Bucur (51 065) 254-428 pam@explorama.com

EXPLORAMA Gerente General www.explorama.com
LODGES / General Manager

AMAZON Laura Samaniego (51 1) 984-775-547 lsamaniego@amazonjourneys.pe

JOURNEYS Gerente General www.birding.amazonconservation.org
/ General Manager

AMAZON Analía Sarfati Páez (51 065) 242-858 gerencia@muyuna.com

MUYUNA LODGE Gerente de Relaciones Públicas www.muyuna.com
/ Public Relations Manager

AMAZON RIVER Giovanna Villacorta (51 1) 421-9195 info@amazonrex.com

EXPEDITIONS TTOO Gerente de Ventas www.amazonrex.com
/ Sales Manager

AMERICAN REPS Sandra Inti (51 1) 512-2121 sandra@americanreps.net

Gerente de Negocios de www.receptivo.americanreps.net
Producto Perú / Product Manager
Business Unit Perú

APUMAYO Alberto Brou (51 1) 914-169-665 marketing@apumayo.com

EXPEDICIONES Marketing / Marketing www.apumayo.com

ARANWA HOTELS Raquel Risco (51 1) 207-0440 rrisco@aranwahotels.com

RESORTS & SPAS Ejecutiva de Ventas Senior www.aranwahotels.com
/ Senior Sales Executive

ARCOBALENO Silvia Dextre (51 065) 242-858 sdextre@titicaca.com

CRILLON TOURS Representante de Ventas www.titicacalake.com
/ Sales Representative www.uyuni.travel

ATSA María Fernanda Rodríguez (51 1) 363-7457 mrodriguezs@atsaperu.com

Jefe de Marketing www.atsaperu.com
/ Marketing Chief

AUTOCOLCA Claudia Barrios (51 054) 203-010 claudiabarrios_c@hotmail.com

Promotor Turístico Facebook: Autocolca
/ Tourism Promoter

Tour Operador / Tour Operator Crucero / Cruise Incentivo / Incentive

Línea Aérea / Airline Mice / Mice Restaurante / Restaurant
Hotel / Hotel Transporte Turístico / Tourist Transfer Otro / Other
Empresa Contacto / Cargo Teléfono Correo / Página web Servicios solicitados
Company name Contact name / Position Phone number E-mail / Web page Requested services

AVIANCA Lorena Olite (51 1) 213-6060 lorena.olite@avianca.com

Gerente de Segmento Corporativo www.avianca.com
y Turístico Perú / Corporate and
Tourist Segment Manager Peru

BELLA TERRA Diana Castillo (51 1) 444-4668 ventas@bellaterrahoteles.com

HOTELES Jefe de Ventas y Eventos www.bellaterrahoteles.com
/ Sales and Events Chief

BOOKINGMOTOR José Carlos Plaza (51 1) 241-6500 josecarlos@bookingmotor.com

BY CARRUSEL CEO www.bookingmotor.com

BS TOURS PERÚ Jessy Stewart (51 1) 489-2199 jessy@bstoursperu.com

Gerente General www.bstoursperu.com
/ General Manager

BUGANVILLA Eduardo Ferrandiz (51 056) 256-581 eduardo@buganvillatours.com

TOURS Gerente Comercial www.buganvillatours.com
/ Commercial Manager

CALYPSO PERÚ Pablo Gálvez (51 1) 655-2731 gerencia@calypsoperu.com

Director-Gerente www.calypsoperu.com
/ Director-Manager

CARRUSEL Roxana Rojas (51 1) 444-4790 xana@carrusel.travel

Gerente Receptivo www.carrusel.travel
/ Inbound Manager

CASA ANDINA Carolina Ronalds (51 1) 213-9700 cronalds@casa-andina.com

HOTELES Supervisora de Ventas www.casa-andina.com
/ Sales Supervisor

CASA DEL SOL Alcides De La Cruz (51 1) 371-0218 adelacruz@casadelsolhotels.com

MACHUPICCHU Gerente Comercial www.casadelsolhotels.com
/ Commercial Manager

CASA HACIENDA Patricia Quiñones (51 1) 933-189-224 patricia@achamaqui.pe

ACHAMAQUI Representante de Ventas www.achamaqui.pe
/ Sales Representative

CASA REPUBLICA Rafael Parra Barreda (51 1) 989-902-534 rafael.parra@casarepublica.com

BARRANCO BOUTIQUE Director de Hotel www.casarepublica.com
HOTEL / Hotel Manager

CONDE DE Lourdes Abarca (51 1) 951-751-548 gerencia@condelemosinn.com

LEMOS HOTELES Gerente / Manager www.condelemosinn.com

CONDOR TRAVEL Fiorella Mendoza (51 1) 615-3000 fiorella-mendoza@condortravel.com

Jefe de División Latinoamérica www.condortravel.com
/ Chief of Latin America Division

CRUZ DEL SUR José Chacaltana (51 1) 311-5030 jchacaltana@gibarcena.com.pe

Supervisor de Ventas www.cruzdelsur.com.pe
/ Sales Supervisor

Tour Operador / Tour Operator Crucero / Cruise Incentivo / Incentive

Línea Aérea / Airline Mice / Mice Restaurante / Restaurant
Hotel / Hotel Transporte Turístico / Tourist Transfer Otro / Other
Empresa Contacto / Cargo Teléfono Correo / Página web Servicios solicitados
Company name Contact name / Position Phone number E-mail / Web page Requested services

CTM TOURS (51 1) 615-5050

Jefe Receptivo Latam www.incoming.ctmtoursperu.com
/ Inbound Chief Latam

CULTURANDES Milagros Polo (51 1) 261-3340 milagros@culturandesperu.com

TRAVEL & Gerente General www.culturandesperu.com
ADVENTURE / General Manager

CUSCOPERU.COM Carlos Polar (51 084) 263-646 info@cuscoperu.com

Gerente de Ventas www.cuscoperu.com
/ Sales Manager

DEL PILAR HOTELS Marco Vértiz (51 1) 712-0712 mvertiz@delpilarhotels.com

Jefe de Ventas www.delpilarhotels.com
/ Sales Chief

DELFINES HOTEL Cynthia Seminario (51 1) 215-7000 cseminario@losdelfineshotel.com.pe

& CONVENTION Ejecutiva de Ventas www.losdelfineshotel.com
CENTER / Sales Executive

DESTINO SELVA Ninoska Moreno (51 1) 992-166-967 info@destinoselvaperu.com

IQUITOS PERU Gerente / Manager www.destinoselvaperu.com

DIKA TRAVEL - Carlos Miranda (51 1) 447-7812 reservas@dikatravelperu.com

TOUR OPERADOR Gerente / Manager www.dikatravelperu.travel

DM HOTELES Luciano Sagastizábal (51 1) 614-3900 lzagastizabal@dmhoteles.pe

Jefe de Dm Hoteles www.dmhoteles.pe
/ Dm Hotels Chief

DOMIRUTH Ricardo Turpo (51 1) 610-6000 ventas9-receptivo@domiruth.com

PERU TRAVEL Ejecutivo de Ventas Latam www.domiruth.com/perutravel
/ Latam Sales Executive

ECOCRUCEROS Cecilia Paredes (51 1) 226-8530 cecilia@ecocruceros.com

“ISLAS PALOMINO” Gerente de Ventas www.islaspalomino.com.pe
/ Sales Manager

ECS TRAVEL Eliu Campos (51 1) 242-8671 eliucampos@ecstravel.com

Gerente de Comercialización www.ecstravel.com
/ Marketing Manager

EMPEDRADA Angelo Pinasco (51 1) 991-997-628 ventas1@hotelempedrada.com

LODGE CARAL Gerente General www.hotelempedrada.com
/ General Manager

EUROPCAR Cecilia Yamawaki (51 1) 610-1331 cyamawaki@rentingsac.com.pe

Jefa Comercial www.europcarperu.com
/ Business Manager

EXPERTIZIA Vanessa Flores (51 1) 990-350-534 gerencia@expertiziatravel.com

TRAVEL Gerente General www.expertiziatravel.com
/ General Manager

EXPLORA Isabel Illanes (+ 56 2) 2395-2800 iillanes@explora.com

Gerente de Ventas para Fit www.explora.com
/ Sales Manager for Fit

Tour Operador / Tour Operator Crucero / Cruise Incentivo / Incentive

Línea Aérea / Airline Mice / Mice Restaurante / Restaurant
Hotel / Hotel Transporte Turístico / Tourist Transfer Otro / Other
Empresa Contacto / Cargo Teléfono Correo / Página web Servicios solicitados
Company name Contact name / Position Phone number E-mail / Web page Requested services

EXPLORANDES Joaquín Ferreyros (51 1) 200-6100 joaquin@explorandes.com

Director de Marketing www.explorandes.com
/ Marketing Director

EXPLORER’S INN Carlo Aguilar (51 1) 950-186-820 olrca2010@gmail.com

Gerente Comercial www.explorersinn.com
/ Commercial Manager

FIESTA TOURS PERÚ César Vitor (51 1) 225-1336 cesar.vitor@fiestatoursperu.com

Gerente de Ventas www.fiestatoursperu.com
/ Manager Sales

G ADVENTURES Miguel Díaz (51 1) 241-1650 migueld@gadventures.com

Gps - Agente de Viaje www.gadventures.com
/ Gps - Travel Agent

GASTON SACAZE Stephane Pierre (51 1) 593-5440 stephane@gaston-sacaze.com

DMC Director Gerente www.gaston-sacaze.com
/ Manager Director

GIARDINO TOURS Lourdes Pérez (51 054) 200-100 gerencia@giardinotours.com

Gerente / Manager www.giardinotours.com

HADA TOURS Denisse Hauyton (51 1) 444-3700 dhauyon@hadatours.com

Gerente Comercial www.hadatours.com
/ Commercial Manager

HILTON GARDEN INN Sharon Del Rosario (51 1) 322-8455 sharon.delrosario@hilton.com

CUSCO Sales & Marketing Manager www.hgicusco.com

HILTON LIMA Fabiola Gutiérrez (51 1) 200-8000 fabiola.gutierrez@hilton.com

MIRAFLORES Directora de Ventas y Marketing lima.hilton.com
/ Sales and Marketing Director

HOTEL B (51 1) 206-0884

Gerente de Ventas & Reservas www.hotelb.pe
/ Sales & Reservations Manager

HOTEL HOLIDAY (51 1) 610-0702 Claudiag@hilima.com

LIMA AIRPORT Directora de Ventas www.ihg.com
/ Sales Director

HOTEL LA CASONA Patricia De Bari (51 1) 970-525-771 gerencia@hotelcasonayucay.com

DE YUCAY Gerente General www.hotelcasonayucay.com
/ General Manager

HOTEL LAS DUNAS Halima Abdel (51 1) 213-5000 halima.abdel@lasdunashotel.com

Jefe de Ventas www.lasdunashotel.com
/ Sales Chief

HOTEL MAJORO María Teresa Bazo (51 1) 951-721-637 maritebazo@hotelmajoro.com

NAZCA Representante Comercial www.hotelmajoro.com/es/home/
/ Commercial representative

HOTEL NOBILITY María Paula Guevara (51 1) 660-2018 mpaula.guevara@hotelnobility.com

Jefe de Ventas www.hotelnobility.com
/ Sales Chief

Tour Operador / Tour Operator Crucero / Cruise Incentivo / Incentive

Línea Aérea / Airline Mice / Mice Restaurante / Restaurant
Hotel / Hotel Transporte Turístico / Tourist Transfer Otro / Other
Empresa Contacto / Cargo Teléfono Correo / Página web Servicios solicitados
Company name Contact name / Position Phone number E-mail / Web page Requested services

HOTEL RUNCU Ana María Cornejo (51 1) 719-4290 administracion@hotelruncu.com

Gerente de Hotel www.hotelruncu.com
/ Hotel Manager

HOTEL VIÑAS Silvia Macera (51 1) 261-3772 smacera@hotelvinasqueirolo.com

QUEIROLO Gerente Comercial www.hotelvinasqueirolo.com
/ Commercial Manager

HOTELES CBC John Nieto (51 084) 241-319 adm.fray@hotelescbc-cusco.com

Administrador www.hotelescbc-cusco.com
/ Administrator

HOTELES Luis Alberto Tito (51 1) 200-9200 ltito@costadelsolperu.com

COSTA DEL SOL Ejecutivo de Ventas Internacionales www.costadelsolperu.com
/ International Sales Executive

HOTELES Rosa Deustua (51 1) 617-1000 rosa.deustua@hilton.com

DOUBLETREE Directora de Ventas www.lima.doubletree.com
BY HILTON LIMA / Sales Director

HOTELES Luis Paul Palacios (51 1) 997-560-771 paul_palacios@hhp.com.pe

HACIENDA Gerente Comercial www.hhp.com.pe
DEL PERÚ / Commercial Manager

HOTELES Zecy Fernández (51 1) 424-9438 gerentedeventas@hsaperu.com

SAN AGUSTÍN Gerente de Ventas www.hotelessanagustin.com.pe
/ Sales Manager

IBIS LIMA REDUCTO Susan Bermúdez (51 1) 415-1111 susanbermudezb@gmail.com

& IBIS LARCO Ejecutiva Comercial www.ibis.com/es
MIRAFLORES / Commercial Executive /hotel-8729-ibis-lima-reductomira

INCA RAIL Karina Revilla (51 1) 613-5272 krevilla@incarail.com

Gerente de Ventas www.incarail.com
/ Sales Manager

INKANATURA Katerina Guerrero (51 1) 203-5000 kguerrero@inkanatura.com.pe

TRAVEL Ejecutivo de Ventas www.inkanatura.com
/ Sales Executive

INKATERRA Gabriela Bravo (51 1) 610-0400 gabriela.bravo@inkaterra.com

Supervisora de Reserva www.inkaterra.com
/ Sales Supervisor

IRAPAY Silvia Hernández (51 1) 637-1770 gerencia@irapayamazonlodge.com

AMAZON LODGE Gerente Comercial www.irapayamazonlodge.com
/ Business Manager

ITEP TRAVEL William Escalante (51 084) 231-344 william@iteptravel.com

Gerente General www.iteptravel.com
/ General Manager

JUNGLE Karina Zamarriego (51 1) 489-4431 kzamarriego@hotelesdorado.com

EXPERIENCES Gerente de Ventas de Viajes www.junglexperiences.com
/ DOUBLE TREE BY / Tour & Travel Sales Manager

Tour Operador / Tour Operator Crucero / Cruise Incentivo / Incentive

Línea Aérea / Airline Mice / Mice Restaurante / Restaurant
Hotel / Hotel Transporte Turístico / Tourist Transfer Otro / Other
Empresa Contacto / Cargo Teléfono Correo / Página web Servicios solicitados
Company name Contact name / Position Phone number E-mail / Web page Requested services

KICHWA PERU Liz Pacheco (51 1) 421-2411 liz@kichwaperu.com.pe

& BOLIVIA Jefe de Equipo Lima www.kichwaperu.com.pe
TOUR OPERATOR / Lima Team Leader

LATAM Gabriela Giraldo (51 1) 989-052-331 gabriela.giurfa@gmail.com

Analista de Marketing www.latam.com
/ Marketing Analyst

LIBERTADOR Antonio Villarroel (51 1) 712-7000 avillarroel@libertador.com.pe

HOTELS, RESORTS Gerente Corporativo de Ventas www.libertador.com.pe
& SPAS / Corporate Sales Manager

LIBRE HOTEL Javier Kuo (51 1) 209-0900 jkuo@librehotel.pe

Gerente de Hote www.librehotel.pe
/ Hotel Manager

LIMA TOURS Viviana Castro (51 1) 619-6966 vcq@limatours.com.pe

Asistente Gerencia General www.limatours.com.pe
/ Assistant General Manager

LIMA TRAVEL Katuska Carhuarupay (51 084) 231-344 supervisor@inkatrail.com.pe

Supervisión de Área www.limatravel.net
/ Area Supervision

LORENZO Johan Ccahuana (51 084) 261-934 johancc3@hotmail.com

EXPEDITIONS Jefe de Operaciones www.lorenzoexpeditions.com
/ Chief of Operations

MANITI Karina Veramendi (51 1) 707-0441 karina@manitiexpeditions.com

EXPEDITIONS Directora de Ventas www.manitiexpeditions.com
/ Sales Director

MARRIOTT PERU Natalia Guerrero (51 1) 217-7000

Asistente de Ventas
y Marketing / Sales
& Marketing Assistant

MELIÁ LIMA Mariella Duffy (51 1) 411-9000 mariella.duffy@melia.com

Directora Comercial www.melia.com
/ Commercial Director

MOCHE Lluis Dalmau (51 042) 526-694 ldalmau@perutresnortes.com

SANCTUARY Gerente General www.perutresnortes.com
LODGE / General Manager

MONTE Carlos Borja (51 082) 571-320 carlosexpeditions@hotmail.com

AMAZÓNICO Gerente / Manager www.monteamazonico.com

MONUMENTAL Leyla Aboudayeh (51 1) 989-771-342 leyla@fugaz.pe

CALLAO Gestión Cultural www.monumentalcallao.com
/ Cultural Management

MOVIL BUS Carlos Moreno (51 1) 716-8000 cmoreno@moviltours.com.pe

Funcionario Corporativo www.moviltours.com.pe
/ Corporate Official

Tour Operador / Tour Operator Crucero / Cruise Incentivo / Incentive

Línea Aérea / Airline Mice / Mice Restaurante / Restaurant
Hotel / Hotel Transporte Turístico / Tourist Transfer Otro / Other
Empresa Contacto / Cargo Teléfono Correo / Página web Servicios solicitados
Company name Contact name / Position Phone number E-mail / Web page Requested services

MUNDO AMÉRICA Luis Garrido (51 1) 985-687-180 luis@mundo-america.com

Gerente de Ventas www.mundo-america.com
/ Sales Manager

MUSEO LARCO Samantha Encalada (51 1) 461-1312 samantha@museolarco.org

Relaciones Institucionales www.museolarco.org
/ Institutional Affairs

OLTURSA Javier Contreras (51 1) 708-5074 javier.contreras@oltursa.com.pe

Coordinador Nacional de Turismo www.oltursa.pe
/ National Tourism Coordinator

PACAYA SAMIRIA María Elena Lau (51 1) 469-4521 maelena@pacayasamiria.com.pe

AMAZON LODGE Gerente General www.pacayasamiria.com.pe
/ General Manager

PEAK DMC Gary Cohen (51 1) 711-0992 gary.cohen@peakdmc.com

SOUTH AMERICA Gerente General www.peakdmc.com
/ General Manager

PERU AGENCY Killa Durand (51 1) 984-692-357 killa@peruagency.com

Gerente General www.peruagency.com
/ General Manager

PERÚ ANDES Wilder Chávez (51 043) 230-270 info@peruandesholidays.com

HOLIDAYS Gerente General www.peruandesholidays.com
/ General Manager

PERU ANDES TOP César Vásquez (51 1) 993-100-575 cesarv@peruandestop.com

Gerente Comercial www.peruandestop.com
/ Commercial Manager

PERU INKASICO Víctor Saldaña (51 1) 445-7600 vsaldana@peruinkasico.com

Gerente General www.peruinkasico.com
/ General Manager

PERU QUALITY Roberto D’Amico (51 1) 964-720-600 peruqualitytours@gmail.com

TOURS Gerente General www.peruqualitytours.com
/ General Manager

PERURAIL Daniela Bayona (51 1) 612-6700 daniela.bayona@belmond.com

Regional Director of Sales www.perurail.com
and Marketing, Hotels and
Trains, Perú

PERUVIAN Miguel Halabí (51 1) 716-6006 miguel.halabi@peruvian.pe

Gerente de Marketing www.peruvian.pe
/ Marketing Manager

PLANET EARTH, Erika Hurtado (51 084) 237-900 sales1@casasanblas.com

EXPERIENCIAS Gerente Comercial www.casasanblas.com
CULTURALES / Commercial Manager

PLAZA DEL Jacqueline del Castillo (51 1) 616-1818 jdelcastillo@plazadelbosque.com

BOSQUE HOTEL Directora de Ventas www.plazadelbosque.com
/ Sales Director

Tour Operador / Tour Operator Crucero / Cruise Incentivo / Incentive

Línea Aérea / Airline Mice / Mice Restaurante / Restaurant
Hotel / Hotel Transporte Turístico / Tourist Transfer Otro / Other
Empresa Contacto / Cargo Teléfono Correo / Página web Servicios solicitados
Company name Contact name / Position Phone number E-mail / Web page Requested services

PROMPERÚ Liz Chuecas (51 1) 616-7300 lchuecas@promperu.gob.pe

Coordinadora de www.peru.travel
Mercado Latinoamericano
/ Latin America Market Specialist

PTA OPERADORA Elson Espinoza (51 084) 221-390 info@perutravelspecials.com

CEO Director Ejecutivo www.ptaoperadora.com
/ CEO Executive Director

PTS PERÚ Vilma Ipanaque (51 1) 417-3800 incoming@ptsperu.com

Gerente General www.ptsperu.com
/ General Manager

PURE! PERU Fiorella Freyre (51 1) 241-7537 fiorella@pure-peru.com

Gerente General www.pure-travelgroup.com
/ General Manager

QUIMBAYA Luz Lozano (51 1) 242-6201 pe-luz-lozano@quimbaya-tours.com

LATIN AMERICA Directora de Turismo www.quimbaya-tours.com
/ Director of Tourism

ROYAL PARK Karina Barinas (51 1) 615-1616 karina.barinas@royalparkhotel.com.pe

HOTEL Directora Comercial www.royalparkhotel.pe
/ Commercial Director

RUTA ALFA Floria Ruiz (51 1) 961-611-070 floria.ruiz@grupoalfavt.com

TURISMO Gerente General www.grupoalfavt.com
VIVENCIAL / General Manager

RUTA DEL Franko Febres (51 084) 505-833 frankofebres@hotmail.com

BARROCO Gerente Comercial www.rutadelbarrocoandino.com
ANDINO / Commercial Manager

SAMIRIA JUNGLE Margarita Sánchez (51 065) 223-232 gerencia@samiriajunglehotel.com

HOTEL IQUITOS Gerente de Ventas www.samiriajunglehotel.com
/ Sales Manager

SERGIOTOURS Sergio Cabellos (51 076) 367-598 sergiotours_caxas@hotmail.com

Gerente General www.sergiotours.com
/ General Manager

SILVANA TOURS Claudia Ramirez (51 1) 242-8202 cramirez@silvanatours.com.pe

Marketing Manager www.silvanatours.com.pe

SKY Ana Sofía Gonzales (51 1) 243-7998 ana.gonzales@skyairline.com

Gerente Regional Perú www.skyairline.com
/ Regional Manager Peru

SOLMARTOUR Dahra Aliaga (51 1) 444-1313 dahra@solmar.com.pe

Asistente de Receptivo www.solmar.com.pe
/ Inbound Assistant

SONESTA Fiorella Hernández (51 1) 712-6000 fiorella.hernandez@ghlhoteles.com

HOTELES Ejecutiva Senior de Ventas www.sonesta.com
/ Senior Sales Executive

Tour Operador / Tour Operator Crucero / Cruise Incentivo / Incentive

Línea Aérea / Airline Mice / Mice Restaurante / Restaurant
Hotel / Hotel Transporte Turístico / Tourist Transfer Otro / Other
Empresa Contacto / Cargo Teléfono Correo / Página web Servicios solicitados
Company name Contact name / Position Phone number E-mail / Web page Requested services

SOUTH AMERICAN Leticia González (51 1) 241-1594 leticia@southamericandestination.com

DESTINATION Gerente General www.southamericadestination.com
/ General Manager

STRAWBERRY TRAVEL Jorge Jayo (51 1) 237-7731 ventas@strawberry-travel-latinoamerica.com

LATINOAMERICA - PERÚ Gerente Comercial www.strawberry-travel-latinoamerica.com
/ Commercial Manager

SUMAQ Juliana Oliveira (51 1) 447-0579 jolivera@sumaqhotelperu.com

MACHU PICCHU Gerente Comercial www.sumaqhotelperu.com
HOTEL / Commercial Manager

SUN GATE TOURS David Quispe (51 1) 984-711-874 david@sungatetours.com

Gerente Comercial www.sungatetours.com
/ Commercial Manager

TIKA TOURS German Llop (51 1) 719-9990 germanllop@tikagroup.com.pe

Director www.tikatours.pe

TITICACA CRUISE Juan Luzio (51 1) 705-2296 info@titicacacruiseline.com

LINE PERU Gerente Comercial www.titicacacruiseline.com
/ Commercial Manager

TITILAKA Enrique Petit (51 1) 700-5137 enrique@aeco.pe

Ejecutivo Desarrollo www.titilaka.pe
de Mercado / Market
Development Executive

TRAVEL 1 TOURS Jacob Ortiz (51 084) 237-582 jhacob.at@gmail.com

Gerente General www.travel1tours.com
/ General Manager

TRAVEL ACE Miluska Rossenouff (51 1) 612-6900 venta@travelaceperu.com

ASSISTANCE Supervisora de Ventas www.travel-ace.com/pe-la/home.html
/ Sales Manager

TRAVEL GROUP Angela Guardia (51 1) 625-4444 aguardia@travelgroup.com.pe

PERU Gerente de Turismo Receptivo www.travelgroup.com.pe
/ Inbound Tourism Manager

TRAVEL José Mendoza (51 1) 719-5761 jose.mendoza@traveltoperusite.com

TO PERU Gerente / Manager www.traveltoperusite.com

TUCANO PERU Verónica Napuri (51 1) 368-1919 veronica@tucanoperu.com

TRAVEL BOUTIQUE Gerente General www.tucanoperu.com
/ General Manager

TURIBUS Olga Medina (51 1) 713-1919 gerencia@turibus.pe

Gerente / Manager www.turibus.pe

TURISMO INKAIKO Hilda Paragulla (51 1) 989-003-025 kdelgado@turismoinkaiko.net

Gerente General www.turismoinkaiko.net
/ General Manager

Tour Operador / Tour Operator Crucero / Cruise Incentivo / Incentive

Línea Aérea / Airline Mice / Mice Restaurante / Restaurant
Hotel / Hotel Transporte Turístico / Tourist Transfer Otro / Other
Empresa Contacto / Cargo Teléfono Correo / Página web Servicios solicitados
Company name Contact name / Position Phone number E-mail / Web page Requested services

TURISMO RURAL Iñigo Maneiro (51 1) 513-6100 turismorural@mincetur.gob.pe

COMUNITARIO Coordinador Nacional de www.turismoruralcomunitario.com.pe
- MINCETUR Turismo Rural Comunitario
/ National Coordinator of
Rural Community Tourism

BEST WESTERN Patricia Barrutia (51 1) 391-6872 p.barrutia@urbanlarcohotel.com

PLUS URBAN Gerente de Hotel www.urbanlarcohotel.com
LARCO HOTEL / Hotel Manager

VIAJES PACIFICO Eduardo Doig (51 1) 610-1900 eduardo@vipac.pe

Director Comercial www.vipac.pe
/ Commercial Director

VIAJES PICAFLOR Emilia Conco (51 1) 241-5374 info@viajespicaflorperu.net

Gerente General www.viajespicaflorperu.net
/ General Manager

VIEW PERU & María Cueva (51 084) 232-205 Mary@view-peru.com

SIGNATURES Gerente General www.view-peru.com
/ General Manager

VIÑA TACAMA Luz María Olaechea (51 1) 218-3030 luz@enoturismotacama.com

Gerente General www.tacama.com
/ General Manager

VIVA AIR PERÚ Fiorella Gutiérrez (51 1) 642-4242 fiorella.gutierrez@vivaair.com

Jefe de Marketing www.vivaair.com
y Comunicaciones

WAMPU PERU Grisell Chumbes (51 1) 587-3800 grisell.chumbes@wampuperu.com

TRAVEL Gerente de Ventas www.wampuperu.com
/ Sales Manager

XIMA HOTELS Rocio Gil de Montes (51 1) 441-4521 rocio.gildemontes@ximahotels.com

Gerente Residente www.ximahotels.com
/ Resident Manager

YLLARI TRAVEL Hugo Ruiz (51 1) 956-596-345 ventas@yllaritravel.com

Gerente de Ventas www.yllaritravel.com
/ Sales Manager

Tour Operador / Tour Operator Crucero / Cruise Incentivo / Incentive

Línea Aérea / Airline Mice / Mice Restaurante / Restaurant
Hotel / Hotel Transporte Turístico / Tourist Transfer Otro / Other

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