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Iso P

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ISO P = Acero

La mayor variedad de tipos distintos de piezas se encuentra probablemente encuadrada en

la “P”, que abarca distintos sectores industriales. Suelen ser de viruta larga y presentan un lujo
de formación de viruta continuo, relativamente uniforme. Las variaciones suelen depender del
contenido en carbono.

 Bajo contenido en carbono = material tenaz y pastoso.

 Alto contenido en carbono = material quebradizo.
La fuerza de corte y la potencia necesarias varían muy poco.

¿Qué es el acero?

 El acero es el grupo más amplio del área de mecanizado.

 El acero puede ser no templado o templado y revenido con una dureza de hasta 400
 El acero es una aleación cuyo componente principal es el hierro (Fe). Se fabrica
mediante un proceso de fundición.
 Los aceros no aleados tienen un contenido de carbono inferior al 0,8 % y sólo
contienen Fe, pero no otros elementos de aleación.
 Los aceros aleados tienen un contenido de carbono inferior al 1,7% y elementos de
aleación como Ni, Cr, Mo, V, W.
Características del mecanizado en ISO P / Acero:

 Material de viruta larga.

 Control de la viruta relativamente fácil y uniforme.
 El acero de bajo contenido en carbono es pastoso y requiere filos agudos.
 Fuerza de corte específica kc:1500–3100 N/mm2.
 La fuerza de corte y la potencia requerida para mecanizar materiales ISO P,
permanecen dentro de un margen limitado.
ISO M = Acero Inoxidable
Encuentra gran parte de su aplicación en el sector de procesamiento, bridas, tubos, petróleo y
gas, y en el sector farmacéutico. Durante el mecanizado, forma una viruta laminar e
irregular porque las fuerzas de corte son más altas que en el acero normal. Existen diversos
tipos de acero inoxidable.

La rotura de la viruta varía en función de las propiedades de aleación y del

tratamiento térmico, desde virutas fáciles hasta otras que es imposible romper.

¿Qué es el acero Inoxidable?

 Los aceros inoxidables son materiales aleados con un mínimo de un 11–12% de

 El contenido de carbono suele ser reducido(puede bajar hasta 0.01%).
 Las aleaciones son principalmente de Ni(níquel), Mo (molibdeno) y Ti (titanio).
 La capa de Cr2O3 que se forma en la superficie del acero lo hace resistente a la
Características del mecanizado en ISO M / Acero Inoxidable:

 Material de viruta larga.

 El control de la viruta es regular en el ferrítico y llega a ser difícil en el austenítico y en
el dúplex.
 Fuerza de corte específica: 1800–2850 N/mm2
 El mecanizado genera elevada fuerzas de corte, filo de aportación y superficies con
endurecimiento térmico y mecánico.
ISO K = Fundición
Principalmente se trata de piezas para automotriz, la fabricación de maquinaria y la producción
con acero. La formación de viruta de los materiales ISO-K varía desde virutas casi
pulverizadas a virutas de largas. La potencia necesaria para mecanizar este grupo de
materiales suele ser reducida.

Es importante tener en cuenta que hay una gran diferencia entre la fundición gris (casi polvo) y
el acero dúctil que a menudo presenta una rotura de la viruta similar a la del acero.

¿Qué es la fundición?

 Hay 3 tipos principales de fundición: gris (GCI), nodular (NCI) y granito compactado
 Se denomina fundición a un compuesto de Fe-C con un contenido relativamente
elevado de Si (1–3%).
 El contenido de carbono es superior al 2%, que es la máxima solubilidad del C en la
fase austenítica.
 Cr (cromo), Mo (molibdeno) y V (vanadio) forman carburos que incrementan la
resistencia y dureza, pero reducen la maquinabilidad.
Características del mecanizado del ISO K / Fundición:

 Material de viruta corta.

 Buen control de la viruta en todas las condiciones.
 Fuerza de corte específica: 790–1350 N/mm2.
 El mecanizado a alta velocidad genera desgaste por abrasión.
 Fuerzas de corte moderadas.
ISO N = Aluminio
La industria aeroespacial, la aviación y los fabricantes de llantas de aluminio para el sector
automotriz se encuentran entre los principales usuarios de este material. A pesar de que
necesitan menos potencia por mm3, debido a la elevada velocidad de arranque de viruta,
sigue siendo recomendable calcular la potencia máxima necesaria.

¿Qué es un material no ferroso (ej: aluminio)?

 Este grupo contiene metales blandos no ferrosos, con un dureza inferior a 130 HB.
 Las aleaciones de aluminio (Al) con menos de un 22% de silicio (Si) representan la
parte más amplia.
 Cobre, bronce, latón, plástico, compuestos como el Kevlar
Características del mecanizado del ISO N / No Ferroso:

 Material de virtuta larga.

 Control de la viruta relativamente fácil, si está aleado.
 El aluminio (Al) es pastoso y requiere filos agudos.
 Fuerza de corte específica: 350–1350 N/mm2.
 La fuerza de corte y la potencia requerida para mecanizar materiales ISO N
permanecen dentro de un margen limitado.
ISO S = Super Aleaciones Termo-resistentes
Se trata de materiales de difícil mecanización, dentro de la clasificación “S”, se pueden
encontrar aplicaciones vinculadas al sector aeroespacial, de turbinas de gas y de generación
de energía.
Aunque la gama es amplia, por lo general, están presentes fuerzas de corte elevadas.

¿Qué son las super aleaciones termo-resistentes?

 Las superaleaciones termo-resistentes (HRSA, del inglés Heat Resistant Super Alloys)
incluyen un gran número de materiales de alta aleación a base de hierro, níquel,
cobalto o titanio.
– base de Fe: Recocido o con tratamiento en solución, envejecido.
– base de Ni: Recocido o con tratamiento en solución, envejecido, fundición.
– base de Co:Recocido o con tratamiento en solución, envejecido, fundición.
– aleaciones de titanio.
 Propiedades: Mayor contenido de aleación (más Co que Ni), lo cual ofrece mejor
resistencia térmica e incrementa la resistencia a la tracción y a la corrosión.
Características del mecanizado del ISO S / Super Aleaciones Termo-

 Material de viruta larga.

 Control de la viruta difícil (viruta segmentada).
 Se requiere un ángulo de desprendimiento negativo si se utiliza cerámica y positivo si
se utiliza metal duro.
 Fuerza de corte específica: 2400–3100 N/mm2 para HRSA y 1300–1400 N/mm2 para
 Las fuerzas de corte y la potencia requerida son bastante elevadas.
ISO H = Material Endurecido
Los materiales endurecidos clasificados como “H” se pueden encontrar en gran variedad
de sectores, que van desde el automotriz hasta la fabricación de maquinaria o en el segmento
de fabricación de moldes y matrices. A menudo presentan una viruta continua, rojo

¿Qué es el material endurecido. ej: acero templado?

 El acero templado es el grupo más reducido desde el punto de vista del mecanizado.
 Este grupo incluye acero templado y revenido con una dureza >45–65 HRC.
 Sin embargo, el torneado de piezas duras habitual se encuentra dentro del rango 55–
68 HRC.
Características del mecanizado del ISO H / Material Endurecido:

 Material de viruta larga.

 Control de la viruta regular.
 Se requiere un ángulo de desprendimiento negativo.
 Fuerza de corte específica: 2550–4870 N/mm2.
 Las fuerzas de corte y la potencia requerida son bastante elevadas.
Workpiece materials

Workpiece material groups

The metal cutting industry produces an extremely wide variety of components machined from many
different materials. Each material has its own unique characteristics that are influenced by alloying
elements, heat treatment and hardness, etc. These, in turn, influence the choice of cutting tool
geometry, grade and cutting data. To make this choice easier, workpiece materials are divided into
six major groups, in accordance with ISO standards, and each group has unique properties
regarding machinability:

ISO P – Steel is the largest material group, ranging from unalloyed to high-alloyed material and
including steel castings and ferritic and martensitic stainless steels. Machinability is usually good,
but differs a lot depending on material hardness, carbon content, etc.

ISO M – Stainless steels are materials alloyed with a minimum of 12% chromium. Other alloys may
include nickel and molybdenum. Different conditions, such as ferritic, martensitic, austenitic and
austenitic-ferritic (duplex), create a large range of materials. A commonality among all these
materials is that the cutting edges are exposed to a great deal of heat, notch wear and built-up

ISO K – Cast iron, unlike steel, is a short-chipping type of material. Gray cast irons (GCI) and
malleable cast irons (MCI) are quite easy to machine, while nodular cast irons (NCI), compact cast
irons (CGI) and austempered cast irons (ADI) are more difficult. All cast irons contain SiC, which is
very abrasive to the cutting edge.

ISO N – Non-ferrous metals are softer metals, such as aluminum, copper, brass, etc. Aluminum
with a Si-content of 13% is very abrasive. Generally, high cutting speeds and long tool life can be
expected for inserts with sharp edges.
ISO S – Heat resistant super alloys include a great number of high-alloyed iron-, nickel-, cobalt- and
titanium-based materials. They are sticky, create built-up edge, harden during working (work
hardening), and generate heat. They are very similar to the ISO M materials but are much more
difficult to cut, and reduce the tool life of the insert edges.

ISO H – This group includes steels with a hardness between 45–65 HRC, and also chilled cast iron
around 400–600 HB. The hardness makes them difficult to machine. The materials generate heat
during cutting and are very abrasive for the cutting edge.

O (Other): Non-ISO. Thermoplastics, thermosets, GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer/Plastic),

CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic), carbon fiber composites, aramid fiber reinforced plastic,
hard rubber, graphite (technical). Various industries are now using composites to a greater extent,
especially in the aerospace industry.

Workpiece material classification using MC

Merely dividing materials into six different groups does not provide enough information to select the
correct cutting tool geometry, grade and cutting data. The material groups thus need to be broken
down further into subgroups. Sandvik Coromant has used the CMC code system (Coromant
Material Classification) to identify and describe materials from a variety of suppliers, standards and
markets. With the CMC system, materials are classified according to machinability; Sandvik
Coromant also provides suitable tooling and machining data recommendations.

In order to give even more specific recommendations to assist in improving productivity, Sandvik
Coromant has generated a new material classification. It has a more detailed structure, includes
more subgroups, and has separate information on type, carbon content, manufacturing process,
heat treatment and hardness, etc.

MC code structure
The structure is set up so that the MC code can represent a variety of workpiece material properties
and characteristics using a combination of letters and numbers.

Example 1
The code P1.2.Z.AN
P is the ISO code for steel
1 is the material group unalloyed steel
2 is the material subgroup for carbon content > 0.25% ≤ 0.55% C
Z is the manufacturing process: forged/rolled/cold drawn
AN is the heat treatment: annealed, supplied with hardness values

Example 2
N is the ISO code for non-ferrous metals
1 is the material group aluminum
3 is the subgroup aluminum with Si content 1–13%
C is the manufacturing process: casting
AG is for the heat treatment: aging

By describing not only the material composition, but also the manufacturing process and heat
treatment, which doubtless influences the mechanical properties, a more exact description is
available. This can then be used to generate improved cutting data recommendations.

Machinability definition

There are usually three main factors that must be identified in order to determine a material’s
machinability, that is, its ability to be machined.

1. Classification of the workpiece material from a metallurgical/mechanical point of view

2. The cutting edge geometry to be used, on the micro and macro level
3. The cutting tool material (grade) with its proper constituents, e.g. coated cemented carbide,
ceramic, CBN or PCD, etc.

The selections above will have the greatest influence on the machinability of the material at hand.
Other factors involved include cutting data, cutting forces, heat treatment of the material, surface
skin, metallurgical inclusions, tool holding and general machining conditions, etc.

Machinability has no direct definition, unlike grades or numbers. In a broad sense, it includes the
ability of the workpiece material to be machined, the wear it creates on the cutting edge and the
chip formation that can be obtained. In these respects, a low-alloyed carbon steel is easier to cut
compared to the more demanding austenitic stainless steels. The low-alloyed steel is considered to
have better machinability compared to the stainless steel. The concept of “good machinability”
usually means undisturbed cutting action and a fair tool life. Most evaluations of machinability for a
certain material are made using practical tests, and the results are compared to the results of
another type of material under approximately the same conditions. In these tests, other factors,
such as micro-structure, smearing tendency, machine tool, stability, noise and tool-life, etc., are
taken into consideration.

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ISO P steel
 MC codes for steels
 Unalloyed steel – P 1.1-1.5
 Low-alloyed steel – P 2.1-2.6
 High-alloyed steel – P 3.0-3.2

What is ISO P steel?

 Steel is the largest workpiece material group in the metal cutting area
 Steels can be non-hardened or hardened and tempered with a common hardness up to 400
HB. Steel with a hardness above approx. 48 HRC and up to 62–65 HRC belong to ISO H
 Steel is an alloy in which iron is the major component (Fe-based)
 Unalloyed steels have a carbon content lower than 0.8% and are composed solely of iron
(Fe), with no other alloying elements
 Alloyed steels have a carbon content lower than 1.7 % and contain alloying elements such
as Ni, Cr, Mo, V and W
 Low-alloyed steels contain alloying elements less that 5%
 High-alloyed steels contain more than 5% alloying elements

Machinability in general

 The machinability of steel differs depending on alloying elements, heat treatment and
manufacturing process (forged, rolled, cast, etc.)
 In general, chip control is relatively easy and smooth
 Low-carbon steels produce longer chips that are sticky and require sharp cutting edges
 Specific cutting force kc1: 1,400–3,100 N/mm²
 Cutting forces, and thus the power required to machine them, remain within a limited range

Alloying elements

C influences hardness (higher content increases abrasive wear). Low carbon content, < 0.2%,
increases adhesive wear, which will lead to built-up edge and bad chip breaking.

Cr, Mo, W, V, Ti, Nb (carbide formers) increase abrasive wear.

O has a large influence on machinability; it forms non-metallic, oxidic and abrasive inclusions.

Al, Ti, V, Nb are used for the fine-grained treatment of steel. They make the steel tougher and more
difficult to machine.

P, C, N in ferrite lowers ductility, which increases adhesive wear.

Positive effect
Pb in free machining steel (with a low melting point) reduces friction between the chip and the insert,
lowers wear and improves chip breaking.

Ca, Mn (+S) form soft lubricating sulphides. High S-content improves machinability and chip

Sulfur (S) has a beneficial effect on machinability. Small differences, such as those between 0.001%
and 0.003% can have substantial effects on machinability. This effect is used in free machining
steels. Sulfur content of around 0.25% is typical. Sulfur forms soft manganese sulfide (MnS)
inclusions that will form a lubricating layer between the chip and the cutting edge. MnS will also
improve chip breakage. Lead (Pb) has a similar effect and is often used in combination with S in
free machining steels at levels of around 0.25%.

Both positive and negative

Si, Al, Ca form oxide inclusions that increase wear. Inclusions in steel have an important influence
on the machinability even though they represent a very small percentages of the total composition.
This influence can be both negative and positive. For example, aluminum (Al) is used to deoxidize
the iron melt. However, aluminum forms hard abrasive alumina (Al2O3), which has a detrimental
effect on machinability (compare to the alumina-coating on an insert). This negative effect can,
however, be counteracted by adding Calcium (Ca), which will form a soft shell around abrasive

 Cast steel has a rough surface structure, which can include sand and slag, and places a high
demand on the toughness of the cutting edge
 Rolled steel exhibits a fairly large grain size, which makes the structure uneven, causing
variations in the cutting forces
 Forged steel has a smaller grain size and is more uniform in structure, which generates
fewer problems when cut

MC codes for steels

Steels are, from a machinability point of view, classified into unalloyed, low alloyed, high alloyed
and sintered steels.

MC Material Material Manufacturing cutting
Heat treatment no mc
code group subgroup process force, kc1(N/m

P1.1.Z. 1 1 A annealed 5 1,500
Z 5

<= 0.25%
cold drawn
P1.1.Z. 1 ed 1 H hardened+temp 1,770 0.2
Z 0
HT Mn < 1. T ered 5

> 0.25 ...

P1.2.Z. 1 2 <= 0.55% forged/rolled/ A annealed 1,700 0.2
Z 0
AN C cold drawn N 5
P1.2.Z. 1 2 H hardened+temp 1,820 0.2
Z 0
HT T ered 5

P1.3.Z. 1 3 A annealed 1,750 0.2
Z 0
AN N 5
> 0.55%
cold drawn

P1.3.Z. 1 3 H hardened+temp 2,000 0.2
Z 0
HT T ered 5

P1.4.Z. 1 4 cutting forged/rolled/ A annealed 1,180 0.2
Z 0
AN steel cold drawn N 5

P1.5.C. 1 5 C H untreated 1,400 0.2
HT T 5

P1.5.C. 1 5 C A hardened+temp 2,880 0.2
AN N ered 5

low 17
<= 0.25% A 0.2
P2.1.Z. 2 alloyed 1 forged/rolled/ annealed 5 1,700
C Z N 5
AN (alloyin cold drawn HB
ts > 0.25 ... 24
A 0.2
P2.2.Z. 2 <= 5%) 2 <= 0.55% 0 1,950
Z N 5

carbon, 0.2
P2.3.Z. 2 3 A 0 2,020
> 0.55% Z 5

Free- 22
P2.4.Z. 2 4 cutting A 5
AN steel N HB

(hard forged/rolled/ H hardened+temp 33 0.2
P2.5.Z. 2 5 2,000
ended Z cold drawn T ered 0 5
and HB

U 20 0.2
P2.6.Z. 2 6 C untreated 1,600
T 0 5

hardened+temp 38 0.2
P2.6.Z. 2 6 C H 3,200
ered 0 5
A 0.2
P3.0.Z. 3 0 Z annealed 0 1,950
N 5

cold drawn

H hardened+temp 0.2
P3.0.Z. 3 0 0 3,100
Z T ered 5


U 0.2
P3.0.C. 3 0 C untreated 0 1,950
high T 5
ts > 5%) H hardened+temp 0.2
P3.0.C. 3 0 0 3,040
C T ered 5

forged/rolled/ A 0.2
P3.1.Z. 3 1 HSS Z annealed 0 2,360
cold drawn N 5

A annealed/quenc 0.2
P3.2.C. 3 2 Mangane C cast 0 3,000
Q hed or annealed 5
AQ se steel HB

sintere main N
P4.0.S. 4 0 S sintered not specified 0
d steels group S

Unalloyed steel – P 1.1-1.5

In unalloyed steels, the carbon content is usually only 0.8%, while alloyed steels have additional
alloying elements. The hardness varies from 90 to 350 HB. A higher carbon content (> 0.2%)
enables hardening of the material.

Common components
Predominant uses include constructional steel, structural steel, deep drawn and stamped products,
pressure vessel steel and a variety of cast steels. General uses include axles, shafts, tubes,
forgings and welded constructions (C < 0.25%).

Difficulties in chip breaking and smearing tendencies (built-up edge) require special attention in low
carbon steels (< 0.25%). High cutting speeds and sharp edges and/or geometries, with a positive
rake face and thin coated grades, will decrease the smearing tendencies. In turning, it is
recommended that the depth of cut remains close to or bigger than the nose radius to improve chip
breaking. In general, machinability is very good for hardened steels. However, they tend to
generate relatively large flank wear on the cutting edges.

Low-alloyed steel – P 2.1-2.6

Low-alloyed steels are the most common materials currently available in metal cutting. The group
includes both soft and hardened materials (up to 50 HRC).

Common components
Mo and Cr-alloyed pressure vessel steels are used for higher temperatures. General uses include
axles, shafts, structural steels, tubes and forgings. Examples of components for the automotive
industry are con rods, cam shafts, cv-joints, wheel hubs and steering pinions.

Machinability of low-alloyed steels depends on the alloy content and heat treatment (hardness). For
all materials in the group, the most common wear mechanisms are crater and flank wear.

Hardened materials produce greater heat in the cutting zone and can result in plastic deformation of
the cutting edge.
High-alloyed steel – P 3.0-3.2
High-alloyed steels include carbon steels with a total alloy content of over 5%. This group includes
both soft and hardened materials (up to 50 HRC).

Common components
Typical uses of these steels include machine tool parts, dies, hydraulic components, cylinders and
cutting tools (HSS).

In general, machinability decreases at higher alloy contents and hardness. For example, at 12–15%
alloying elements and hardness up to 450 HB, the cutting edge needs good heat resistance to
withstand plastic deformation.

ISO M stainless steel

 MC codes for stainless steel
 Ferritic and martensitic stainless steel – P5.0-5.1
 Austenitic and super-austenitic stainless steel – M1.0-2.0
 Duplex stainless steel – M 3.41-3.42

What is ISO M stainless steel?

 An alloy with the element iron (Fe) as the major constituent
 Has a chrome content higher than 12%
 Has a generally low carbon content (C ≤ 0.05 %)
 Various additions of Nickel (Ni), Chromium (Cr), Molybdenum (Mo), Niobium (Nb) and
Titanium (Ti) supply different characteristics, such as resistance towards corrosion and
strength at high temperatures
 Chrome combines with oxygen (O) to create a passivating layer of Cr2O3 on the surface of
the steel, which provides a non-corrosive property to the material

Machinability in general
The machinability of stainless steels differs depending on alloying elements, heat treatment and
manufacturing processes (forged, cast, etc.) In general, machinability decreases with a higher alloy
content, but free-machining or machinability improved materials are available in all groups of
stainless steels.

 Long-chipping material
 Chip control is fair in ferritic/martensitic materials, becoming more complex in the austenitic
and duplex types
 Specific cutting force: 1,800–2,850 N/mm²
 Machining creates high cutting forces, built-up edge, heat and work-hardened surfaces
 The higher nitrogen (N) content of the austenitic structure increases strength and provides
some resistance against corrosion, but lowers machinability, while deformation hardening
 Additions of Sulfur (S) are used to improve machinability
 High C-content (> 0.2%) produces relatively heavy flank wear
 Mo and N decrease machinability. However, they provide resistance to acid attacks and
contribute to high temperature strength
 SANMAC (Sandvik trade name) is a material in which machinability is improved by
optimizing the volume share of sulphides and oxides without sacrificing corrosion resistance
MC codes for stainless steel

MC Material Manufacturing cutting
Material group Heat treatment no mc
code subgroup process force,kc1(N

P5.0.Z. 5 0 A annealed 0 1,800 0.
AN N HB 21

stainless steel
main forged/rolled/co
group ld/drawn

P5.0.Z. 5 0 Z H hardened+te 2,300 0.
HT T mpered 21
precipitation 33
P5.0.Z. 5 0 Z P 2,800 0.
hardened 0
PH H 21

P5.O.C 5 0 C U untreated 1,900 0.
.UT T 25


P5.0.C. 5 0 C H hardened+te 2,100 .0
HT T mpered 25

P5.1.Z. 5 1 cutting forged/rolled/co A annealed 1,650 0.
Z 0
AN steel ld N 21

A annealed/qu 20
M1.0.Z 1 0 Z 2,000 0.
Q enched or 0
.AQ 21
annealed HB


austenitic precipitation 30
M1.0.Z 1 0 group Z P 2,400 0.
hardened 0
.PH H 21

M1.0. 1 0 C cast U untreated 1,800 0.

C.UT T 25

A 20
M1.1.Z 1 1 improve Z 2,000 0.
Q 0
.AQ d (as 21

free ld/drawn
A 20
M1.1.Z 1 2 cutting 1,800 0.
Z Q 0
.AQ steel 21

enched or
A 20
M1.3.Z 1 3 Z annealed 1,800 0.
Q 0
.AQ 21

M1.3. A 20
1 3 C cast 1,800 0.
C.AQ Q 0

super-austenitic main A 20
M2.0.Z 2 0 Z forged/rolled/co 2,300 0.
Ni >= 20% group Q 0
.AQ ld/drawn 21
M2.0. A 20
2 0 C cast 2,150 0.
C.AQ Q 0

A 23
M3.1.Z 3 1 Z forged/rolled/co 2,000 0.
Q 0
.AQ > 60% ld/drawn 21
(rule of
N < 0.10
M3.1. A 23
3 1 C cast 1,800 0.
C.AQ Q 0

duplex(austeniti annealed/qu
c/ferritic) enched or

A 26
M3.2.Z 3 2 Z forged/rolled/co 2,400 0.
Q 0
.AQ < 60% ld/drawn 21
(rule of
N >= 0.1
M3.2. A 26
3 2 C cast 2,200 0.
C.AQ Q 0

Identification of workpiece material group

The microstructure that a stainless steel attains depends primarily on its chemical composition, in
which the main alloy components Chromium (Cr), and Nickel (Ni) are most important (see diagram).
In reality, the variation can be wide due to the influence of other alloy components that strive to
stabilize either the austenite or the ferrite. The structure can also be modified by heat treatment, or
by cold working in some cases. Precipitation hardening ferritic or austenitic stainless steel have an
increased tensile strength.
Austenitic steels
Austenitic-ferritic (duplex) steels
Ferritic chromium steels
Martensitic chromium steels

Ferritic and martensitic stainless steel – P5.0-5.1

From a machinability point of view, ferritic and martensitic stainless steels are classified as ISO P.
Normal Cr content is 12–18%. Only small additions of other alloying elements are present.

Martensitic stainless steels have relatively high carbon content, which make them hardenable.
Ferritic steels have magnetic properties. Weldability is low for both ferritic and martensitic with
medium to low resistance against corrosion, which increases with a larger Cr content.
Common components
Often used in applications that place a limited demand on corrosion resistance. The ferritic material
is relatively low-cost due to the limited Ni content. Examples of applications are shafts for pumps,
turbines, steam and water turbines, nuts, bolts, hot water heaters, pulp and food processing
industries, due to lower requirements on corrosion resistance.

Martensitic steels can be hardened and are used for edges in cutlery steel, razor blades and
surgical instruments, etc.

In general, machinability is good and very similar to low-alloyed steels. Therefore, it is classified as
an ISO P material. High carbon content (> 0.2%) enables hardening of the material. Machining will
create flank and crater wear with some built-up edge. ISO P grades and geometries work well.

Austenitic and super-austenitic stainless steel – M1.0-2.0

Austenitic steels are the primary group of stainless steels; the most common composition is 18% Cr
and 8% Ni (e.g.18/8-steels, type 304). A steel with better resistance to corrosion is created by
adding 2–3% molybdenum, which is often called “acid-proof steel” (type 316). The MC group also
includes super-austenitic stainless steels with a Ni content over 20%. The austenitic precipitation
hardening steels (PH) have an austenitic structure in their heat-treated condition, and a Cr content
of > 16% and Ni content of > 7%, with approx. 1% aluminum (Al). A typical precipitation hardened
steel is 17/7 PH steel.

Common components
Used in components where good resistance against corrosion is required. Very good weldability
and good properties at high temperatures. Applications include chemical, pulp and food processing
industries, and exhaust manifolds for airplanes. Good mechanical properties are improved by cold
Work hardening produces hard surfaces and hard chips, which in turn lead to notch wear. It also
creates adhesion and produces built-up edge (BUE). It has a relative machinability of 60%. The
hardening condition can tear coating and substrate material from the edge, resulting in chipping and
bad surface finish. Austenite produces tough, long, continuous chips, which are difficult to break.
Adding S improves machinability but results in lowered resistance to corrosion. Use sharp edges
with a positive geometry. Cut under the work hardened layer. Keep cutting depth constant. A lot of
heat is generated during machining.

Duplex stainless steel – M 3.41-3.42

By adding Ni to a ferritic stainless Cr-based steel, a mixed base structure/matrix is formed,
containing both ferrite and austenite. This is called a duplex stainless steel. Duplex materials have a
high tensile strength and maintain a very high corrosion resistance. Designations such as super-
duplex and hyper-duplex indicate higher content of alloying elements and even better corrosion
resistance. A Cr content between 18 and 28% and a Ni content between 4 and 7% are common in
duplex steels and will produce a ferritic share of 25–80%. The ferrite and austenite phase are
usually present at room temperature at 50-50%, respectively.

Common components
Used in machines for the chemical, food, construction, medical, cellulose and paper-making
industries and in processes that include acids or chlorine. Often used for equipment related to the
off-shore oil and gas industry.

Relative machinability is generally poor (30%) due to high yield point and high tensile strength. A
higher content of ferrite, above 60%, improves machinability. Machining produces strong chips,
which can cause chip hammering and create high cutting forces. A lot of heat is generated during
cutting, which can cause plastic deformation and severe crater wear.
Small entering angles are preferable to avoid notch wear and burr formation. Stability in tool
clamping and workpiece fixing is essential.

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ISO K cast iron

 MC codes for cast iron
 Malleable Cast Iron (MCI) K 1.1-1.2 and Gray Cast Iron (GCI) K 2.1-2.3
 Nodular Cast Iron (NCI) K 3.1-3.5
 Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) K 4.1-4.2
 Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) K 5.1- 5.3

What is ISO K cast iron?

There are 5 main types of cast iron:

 Gray Cast Iron (GCI)

 Malleable Cast Iron (MCI)
 Nodular Cast Iron (NCI)
 Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI)
 Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI)

Cast iron is a Fe-C composition with a relatively high percentage of Si (1–3%). Carbon content is
over 2%, which is the maximum solubility of C in the austenitic phase. Cr (Chromium), Mo
(Molybdenum) and V (Vanadium) form carbides, which increase strength and hardness but lower

Machinability in general

 Short-chipping material with good chip control in most conditions. Specific cutting force:
790–1,350 N/mm²
 Machining at higher speeds, especially in cast irons with sand inclusions, creates abrasive
 NCI, CGI and ADI require extra attention compared to normal GCI, due to the different
mechanical properties and the presence of graphite in the matrix
 Cast irons are often machined with negative types of inserts, as these provide strong edges
and safe applications
 The carbide substrates should be hard and the coatings should be of thick aluminum oxide
types, for good abrasive wear resistance
 Cast irons are traditionally machined dry, but can also be used in wet conditions, mainly to
keep the contamination of dust from carbon and iron to a minimum. There are also grades
available that suit applications with coolant supply

Influence of hardness

 The influence of hardness related to machinability for cast irons follows the same rules as
for any other material
 For example, ADI (austempered ductile iron) and CGI (compacted graphite iron) as well as
NCI (nodular cast iron) have hardnesses up to 300–400 HB
 MCI and GCI average 200–250 HB
 White cast iron can achieve a hardness of over 500 HB at rapid cooling rates, where the
carbon reacts with the iron to form a carbide Fe3C (cementite) instead of being present as
free carbon. White cast irons are very abrasive and difficult to machine

MC codes for cast iron

From a machinability point of view, cast irons are classified into malleable, gray, nodular,
compacted graphite iron (CGI) and austempered ductile iron (ADI) types. Some of the higher
hardnesses can be found in nodular cast irons and the ADIs.

Material Material Heat no
MC Code Manufacturin force, kc1(N/mm mc
group subgroup treatment m
g process 2)
200 0.2
K1.1.C.N low tensile C N 780
1 1 HB 8

malleabl cast

K1.2.C.N high tensile C N 1,020 0.2
1 2 HB
S S 8

K2.1.C.U low tensile C U 900 0.2
2 1 HB
T T 8

K2.2.C.U gray high tensile C cast U untreate 1,100 0.2
2 2 HB
T T d 8

175 0.2
K2.3.C.U austenitic C U 1,300
2 3 HB 8

155 0.2
K3.1.C.U ferritic C U 870
3 1 HB 8

untreate 215
K3.2.C.U nodular ferritic/perliti C cast U 1,200 0.2
3 2 d HB
T c T 8

K3.3.C.U perlitic C U 1,440 0.2
3 3 HB
T T 8
K3.4.C.U 3 martensitic C U 1,650 0.2
4 HB
T T 8

K3.5.C.U austenitic C U
3 5 HB

low tensile
K4.1.C.U 4 (perlite C U 680 0.4
1 HB
T < 90%) T 3

CGI cast untreate

high tensile
230 0.4
K4.2.C.U 4 (perlite C U 750
2 HB 1
T >= 90%) T

N 300
K5.1.C.N 5 low tensile C
1 S HB

N not 400
K5.2.C.N 5 ADI high tensile C cast
2 S specified HB

extra-high 460
K5.3.C.N 5 C N
3 tensile HB
The austempering heat treatment converts ductile iron (NCI) into austempered ductile iron (ADI).

Malleable Cast Iron (MCI) K 1.1-1.2 and Gray Cast Iron (GCI) K 2.1-2.3
Malleable cast iron is produced from a close-to-white iron matrix, which is then heat treated in two
steps, producing a ferrite + perlite + tempered carbon structure, leading to irregular graphite grains
compared to the more fracture-inducing lamellar structure in the gray cast iron. This means that the
malleable material is less sensitive to cracking and its values for rupture strength and elongation are

Gray cast iron has graphite in a typical flake form, and its main characteristics are low impact
strength (brittle behavior); good thermal conductivity – less heat when the engine operates and low
heat in cutting process; good dampening properties – absorbs the vibrations in the engine.
Common components
Components manufactured from MCI include axle bearings, track wheels, pipe fittings and high-
strength gears. Components manufactured form GCI include frying pans, engine blocks, cylinders
for compressors, gears and gear box cases.

Malleable cast iron has a higher tensile strength than GCI and resembles NCI in its machinability,
but both generally have excellent machining properties. In general, cast iron with a perlitic structure
increases the abrasive wear, while ferritic structures increase the adhesive wear.

Gray cast iron has low impact strength and generates low cutting forces, and the machinability is
very good. Wear is created in the cutting process only by abrasion; there is no chemical wear. Gray
cast iron is often alloyed with Cr in order to improve its mechanical properties. The higher strength
then results in decreased machinability.

Nodular Cast Iron (NCI) K 3.1-3.5

Nodular cast iron has spherically shaped graphite, and the main characteristics are good stiffness
(Young’s module); good impact strength = tough material, not brittle; good tensile strength; bad
damping properties – does not absorb the vibrations in the engine; bad thermal conductivity –
higher heat during the cutting process. In comparison to GCI, the graphite in NCI appears in the
form of nodules, which contributes to higher tensile properties and toughness.

Common components
Hubs, tubing, rollers, exhaust manifolds, crankshafts, differential housings, bearing caps, exhaust
manifolds, bedplates, turbo charger housings, clutch plates and fly wheels.

Turbo-charger housings and exhaust manifolds are often made of SiMo alloyed cast iron, which is
more resistant to heat.

Nodular cast iron has a strong tendency to form a built-up edge. This tendency is stronger for the
softer NCI materials with higher ferritic content. When machining components with high ferritic
content and with interrupted cuts, adhesion wear is often the dominating wear mechanism. This can
cause problems with flaking of the coating.
The adhesion problem is less pronounced with harder NCI materials that have a higher perlitic
content. Here, abrasive wear and/or plastic deformation is more likely to occur.

Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) K 4.1-4.2

CGI is a material that can meet both the increasing demands for strength and weight reduction and
still retain reasonable machinability. The thermal and damping characteristics of CGI are between
those of NCI and GCI. Resistance to metal fatigue is twice that of gray iron. The graphite particles in
CGI are elongated and randomly oriented as in gray cast iron, but they are shorter and thicker, and
have rounded edges. The coral-like morphology in CGI, together with the rounded edges and
irregular bumpy surfaces of the graphite particles, provides strong adhesion between the graphite
and the iron matrix. This is why the mechanical properties are so improved in CGI, relative to gray
cast iron. CGI with a perlitic content below 90% is most common.

Common components
CGI is well suited for engine manufacturing, where lighter and stronger materials are needed that
can absorb more power. The engine block weight alone can be reduced by approx. 20 percent
compared with one made from GCI. Other examples are cylinder heads and disc brakes.

From a machinability point of view, compacted graphite iron is between gray and nodular cast iron.
With two to three times the tensile strength of gray cast iron and lower thermal conductivity,
machining CGI generates higher cutting forces and more heat in the cutting zone. Increased
titanium content in the CGI material influences tool life negatively.

The most common machining operations are face milling and cylinder boring. Instead of cylinder
boring, a change in method to circular milling can improve both tool life and productivity.

Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) K 5.1- 5.3

Austempered ductile iron forms a family of heat-treated cast irons. The austempering heat
treatment converts ductile iron to austempered ductile iron (ADI), which includes excellent strength,
toughness and fatigue characteristics. ADI is stronger per unit of weight than aluminum and as wear
resistant as steel. Tensile and yield strength values are twice those of standard ductile iron. Fatigue
strength is 50% higher, and it can be enhanced by shot peening or fillet rolling.
Common components
ADI castings are increasingly displacing steel forgings and castings, welded fabrications, carburized
steel and aluminum due to its superior performance. Its dominant uses are in the automotive
industry, where it is used for suspension and transmission parts, etc. It is also used in the
power/energy and the mining and construction sectors.

A 40–50% reduction in tool life compared to NCI can be expected. ADI’s tensile strength and
ductility are close to steel’s, but ADI’s chip formation process classifies it as a ductile iron
(segmented chip formation). The micro-hardness of ADI is higher, compared to steels of
comparable hardness. Higher ADI grades contain hard particles in the micro-structure. High thermal
and mechanical loads, due to high strength and ductility, will concentrate wear near the cutting
edge, due to the segmented chip formation process, and wear on the top rake. Hardening during
chip formation results in high dynamic cutting forces. The cutting edge temperature is a strong
factor in determining wear.

ISO N non-ferrous materials

What are ISO N non-ferrous materials?

 This group contains non-ferrous, soft metals with hardnesses under 130 HB, except for high
strength bronzes (> 225 HB)
 Aluminum (Al) alloys containing less than 12–13% silicon (Si) represent the largest part
 MMC (Metal Matrix Composite): Al + SiC (20–30%)
 Magnesium-based alloys
 Copper: electrolytic copper with 99.95% Cu
 Bronze: copper with Tin (Sn) (10–14%) and/or aluminum (3–10%)
 Brass: copper (60–85%) with Zinc (Zn) (40–15%)

Machinability of aluminum

 Long-chipping material
 Relatively easy chip control, if alloyed
 Pure Al is sticky and requires sharp cutting edges and high vc
 Specific cutting force: 350–700 N/mm²
 Cutting forces, and thus the power required to machine them, are low
 The material can be machined with fine-grained, uncoated carbide grades when the Si
content is below 7–8%, and with PCD-tipped grades for aluminum with higher Si content
 Over eutectic Al with higher Si content > 12% is very abrasive

Common components
Engine block, cylinder head, transmission housings, casings, aerospace frame components.

MC codes for N-materials

Specific cutting
Material Material Heat
MC code Manufacturin no force, kc1(N/mm mc
group subgroup treatment
g process m 2)

commerciall 30
N1.1.Z.U 1 Z UT 350 0.2
1 y pure HB
T 5
based cast untreate
alloys d

AlSi alloys, 60
N1.2.Z.U 1 2 Z UT 400 0.2
Si <= 1% HB
T 5
A 100
N1.2.Z.A 2 Z aged 650 0.2
1 G HB
G 5

N1.2.S.U 2 S sintered UT untreate 410 0.2
1 HB
T d 5

not 80
N1.2.C.N 2 C NS 410 0.2
1 specified HB
S 5

N1.3.C.U 3 C UT untreate 600 0.2
1 HB
T d 5
AlSi cast
Si <= 1%
and < 13%
A 90
N1.3.C.A 3 C aged 700 0.2
1 G HB
G 5

AlSi cast
not 130
N1.4.C.N 4 alloys, C NS 700 0.2
1 specified HB
S Si >= 13% 5

magnesiu 70
N2.0.C.U 2 0 main group C cast UT untreate
m-based HB
T d
not 100 0.2
N3.1.U.U 3 1 alloys (incl. U UT 1,350
specified HB 5
T electrolytic

N3.2.C.U 3 2 C cast UT 550 0.2
T 5
brass &
(Pb <= 1%)
N3.3.S.U 3 based 2 S sintered UT untreate
T alloys d

free cutting
copper- not 110
N3.3.U.U 3 UT 550 0.2
3 based alloys U specified HB
T 5
(Pb > 1%)

strength 300
N3.4.C.U 3 4 C cast UT
bronzes HB
(> 225 HB)

zinc-based 70
N4.0.C.U 4 0 main group C cast UT untreate
alloys HB
T d

ISO S HRSA and titanium

 MC codes for S materials
 HRSA materials – S 1.0-3.0
 Titanium – S 4.1-4.4
What is ISO S HRSA and titanium?

 The ISO S group can be divided into heat resistant super alloys (HRSA) and titanium
 HRSA materials can be split into three groups: nickel-based, iron-based and cobalt-based
 Condition: annealed, solution heat treated, aged, rolled, forged, cast
 Properties: increased alloy content (Co more so than Ni), results in better resistance to
heat, increased tensile strength and higher corrosive resistance

Machinability in general

= Stainless steels
= Heat treated (aged)
= Solution treatment (annealed)
 The physical properties and machining behavior of each varies considerably, due to both
the chemical nature of the alloy and the precise metallurgical processing it receives during
 Annealing and aging are particularly influential for subsequent machining properties
 Difficult chip control (segmented chips)
 Specific cutting force: 2,400–3,100 N/mm² for HRSA and 1,300–1,400 N/mm² for titanium
 Cutting forces and power required are quite high


In order to achieve higher strength, heat-resistant alloys can be “precipitation hardened”.

By treating the material at elevated temperatures, i.e. aging treatment, small intermetallic particles
are precipitated in the alloy. These particles will hinder movement in the crystal structure, and as a
result, the material will be more difficult to deform.

MC codes for S-materials

From a machinability point of view, HRSA steels are classified into iron, nickel and cobalt-based
materials. Titanium is divided into commercially pure alpha alloys and near-alpha alloys, alpha/beta
alloys and beta alloys.

MC Material Material Manufacturing Heat no cutting
code group subgroup process treatment m force,kc1(N/m

S1.0.U.A anneale 200

1 A 2,400 0.2
N 1 U d HB
N 5
main group not specified

S1.0.U.A A 280 0.2

1 2 aged 2,500
G U G HB 5

S2.0.Z.A main group anneale 250
2 based Z forged/rolled/c A 2,650 0.2
N 0 d HB
alloys old drawn N 5
S2.0.Z.A A 350 0.2
2 0 Z aged 2,900
G G HB 5

S2.0.Z.U U 275 0.2

2 0 Z untreat 2,750
T T HB 5

S2.0.C.N 320
2 0 C cast N specifie 3,000 0.2
S d 5

S3.0.Z.A anneale 200

3 Z A 2,700 0.2
N 0 d HB
N 5

old drawn
S3.0.Z.A A 300 0.2
3 based 0 main group Z aged 3,000
G G HB 5

S3.0.C.N 320
3 0 C cast N specifie 3,100 0.2
S d 5

S4.1.Z.U lly untreat 200
4 Z U 1,300 0.2
T 1 pure(> 99. ed HB
T 3
5% Ti)
based forged/rolled/c
alloys old drawn

alpha and
S4.2.Z.A 320
4 2 near-alpha Z A anneale 1,400
alloys N d
S4.3.Z.A 330
4 3 Z A 1,400

S4.3.Z.A A 375
4 3 Z aged 1,400

S4.4.Z.A anneale 330

4 4 Z A 1,400
N d HB

beta alloys

S4.4.Z.A A 410
4 4 Z aged 1,400

S5.0.U. tungsten- 120
3 main group not specified N specifie
NS based 0 U HB
S d

S6.0.U. molybdenu 200
3 main group not specified N specifie
NS m based 0 U HB
S d

HRSA materials – S 1.0-3.0

High corrosion-resistant materials which retain their hardness and strength at higher temperatures.
The material is used at up to 1,000°C and is hardened through an aging process.

 The nickel-based version is the most widely used – over 50% of the weight of an airplane
engine. Precipitation hardened materials include Inconel 718, 706 Waspalloy and Udimet
720. Solution strengthened (not hardenable) includes Inconel 625
 Iron-based material derives from austenitic stainless steels and has the poorest hot strength
properties: Inconel 909 Greek Ascoloy and A286
 Cobalt-based materials have the best hot temperature performance and corrosion resistance,
and are predominantly used in the medical industry: Haynes 25 (Co49Cr20W15Ni10),
Stellite 21, 31
 Main alloying elements in HRSA materials
Ni: Stabilizes metal structure and material properties at high temperatures
Co, Mo, W: increase strength at elevated temperatures
Cr, Al, Si: improve resistance to oxidation and high temperature corrosion
C: increases creep strength

Common components
Aerospace engine and power gas turbines in the combustion and turbine sections, oil and gas
marine applications, medical joint implants, high corrosion resistant applications.

Machinability of HRSA materials increases in difficulty in the following sequence: iron-based
materials, nickel-based materials and cobalt-based materials. All the materials have high strength at
high temperatures and produce segmented chips during cutting, which creates high and dynamic
cutting forces.

Poor heat conductivity and high hardness generate high temperatures during machining. The high
strength, work hardening and adhesion hardening properties create notch wear at maximum depth
of cut and an extremely abrasive environment for the cutting edge.

Carbide grades should have good edge toughness and good adhesion between the coating and the
substrate to provide good resistance to plastic deformation. In general, use inserts with a large
entering angle (round inserts) and select a positive insert geometry. In turning and milling, ceramic
grades can be used, depending on the application.

Titanium – S 4.1-4.4
Titanium alloys can be split into four classes, depending on the structures and alloying elements

 Untreated, commercially pure titanium

 Alpha alloys – with additions of Al, O and/or N
 Beta alloys – additions of Mb, Fe, V, Cr and/or Mn
 Mixed α+β alloys, in which a mixture of both classes is present
Mixed α+β alloys with type Ti-6Al-4V account for the majority of titanium alloys currently in use,
primarily in the aerospace sector, but also in general-purpose applications. Titanium has a high
strength to weight ratio, with excellent corrosion resistance at 60% of the density of steel. This
enables the design of thinner walls.

Common components
Titanium can be used in very harsh environments that could cause considerable corrosion attacks
on most other construction materials. This is due to titanium oxide, TiO2, which is very resistant and
covers the surface in a layer that is approx. 0.01 mm thick. If the oxide layer is damaged and there
is oxygen available, the titanium rebuilds the oxide immediately. Suitable for heat exchangers,
desalting equipment, jet engine parts, landing gears and structural parts in the aerospace field.

The machinability of titanium alloys is poor compared to both general steels and stainless steels,
which places special demands on the cutting tools. Titanium has poor thermal conductivity; strength
is retained at high temperatures, which generates high cutting forces and heat at the cutting edge.
Highly-sheared, thin chips with a tendency for galling create a narrow contact area on the rake face,
generating concentrated cutting forces close to the cutting edge. A cutting speed that is too high
produces a chemical reaction between the chip and the cutting tool material, which can result in
sudden insert chipping/breakages. Cutting tool materials should have good hot hardness and low
cobalt content, and not react with the titanium. Fine-grained, uncoated carbide is usually used.
Choose a positive/open geometry with good edge toughness.

ISO H hardened steel

What is ISO H hardened steel?
 This group of materials contains hardened and tempered steels with hardnesses > 45–68
 Common steels include carburizing steel (~60 HRC), ball bearing steel (~60 HRC) and tool
steel (~68 HRC). Hard types of cast irons include white cast iron (~50 HRC) and
ADI/Kymenite (~40 HRC). Construction steel (40–45 HRC), Mn steel and different types of
hard coatings, i.e. stellite, P/M steel and cemented carbide also belong to this group
 Typically, hard part turning falls within the range of 55–68 HRC


 Hardened steel is the smallest group from a machining point of view, and finishing is the
most common machining operation. Specific cutting force: 2,550–4,870 N/mm². The
operation usually produces fair chip control. Cutting forces and power requirements are
quite high
 The cutting tool material needs to have good resistance to plastic deformation (hot
hardness), chemical stability (at high temperatures), mechanical strength and resistance to
abrasive wear. CBN has these characteristics and allows for turning instead of grinding
 Mixed or whisker reinforced ceramic is also used in turning when the workpiece has
moderate surface finish demands and the hardness is too high for carbide
 Cemented carbide dominates in milling and drilling applications and is used up to approx.
60 HRC
Common components
Typical components include transmission shafts, gear box housings, steering pinions, stamping

MC codes for hardened steel

Specific cutting
Material Material Manufacturing
MC code Heat treatment no force, kc1(N/mm mc
group subgroup process
m 2)

H1.1.Z.H 1 s level Z H 3,090 0.2
A 50 A 5
steels hardened
(extra (+tempere
ld drown
hard) d)

55 0.2
H1.2.Z.H 1 Z H 3,690
2 HRC 5
s level

Hardnes 60 0.2
H1.3.Z.H 1 Z H 4,330
3 s level HRC 5

Hardnes 63
H1.4.Z.H 1 Z H 4,750 0.2
4 s level HRC
A A 5

main 55
H2.0.C.U 2 cast C cast UT untreated 3,450 0.2
0 group HRC
T iron 8

main not 40
H3.0.C.U 3 stellite C cast UT
0 group specified HRC
T s

Ferro- main 67
H4.0.S.A 4 S sintered A annealed
TiC 0 group HRC

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