Cuento en Ingles
Cuento en Ingles
Cuento en Ingles
All of the lampposts spent many days gossiping about the beauty and uniqueness of the
owl’s hoot, so different from what they had ever heard before. All of them, except for the
sleepy lamppost…
Her curiosity got the best of the sleepy lamppost, and the following night, breaking her
routine, she kept her two bright eyes open. It was the first time that she stayed awake, and
she was surprised by the beauty of the moon, the sound of the crickets in the bushes, and
above all, that profound hoot of the wise owl.
The next morning she was so exhausted after staying awake for so many hours, that she
didn’t have any choice other than to sleep and sleep throughout the day until darkness
came and her eyes once again opened to illuminate the night.
And that is how it was, day after day, night after night.
No one ever called her the sleepy lamppost again.
Todas las farolas pasaron muchos días chismorreando sobre la belleza y la singularidad
del zumbido del búho, tan diferente de lo que habían escuchado antes. Todos ellos, a
excepción de la farola soñolienta ...
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy, was he?
Fuzzy Wuzzy era un oso. Fuzzy Wuzzy no tenía pelaje. Fuzzy Wuzzy no era peludo,
Vivir como una isla,
lleno por todas partes
de ti, que me rodeas
ya presente o distante
Y ángeles en espejos
guardando tu mirada
para hacerse verdades
y noches estrelladas.
Live like an island, full everywhere you, you surround me already present or distant with a
tremor of light first , unpolished , awnless afternoon , nor shade garden . And angels
mirrors keeping your eyes to become truths and starry nights.
En Guatemala la Marimba es un instrumento al que se le da el nombre de autóctono, este
se utiliza en la ciudad y en las áreas rurales del país, es parte de los días cívicos de
Origen de la Marimba
El origen de la marimba es un poco discutido, ya que algunos lo atribuyen al continente
africano, otros a Indonesia y hasta al Amazonas. Se cree que los africanos construyeron
marimbas en su país de origen al venir a tierras guatemaltecas y que los indígenas
reformaron el modelo a su modo, poniéndole cajas de resonancia, hechas de tubos de
bambú o de calabazas.