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MIPS Repertorio Instrucciones

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MIPS: Arquitectura a nivel

de repertorio de instrucciones
Características del procesador MIPS
Se trata de un procesador de 32 bits:

• Registros de 32 bits
• ALU con operandos de 32 bits
• Ancho de los buses de 32 bits

Tiene un conjunto de 32 registros de propósito general visibles por el programador.

Instrucciones de tamaño fijo de 32 bits (1 palabra).

Organización de la memoria:

• Se organiza en palabras de 4 bytes (32 bits)

• Direccionamiento a nivel de byte:

– Dos palabras de 32 bits consecutivas en memoria están separadas por 4 posiciones.

Así por ejemplo si la primera de dos instrucciones MIPS consecutivas (que ocupan
cada una 1 palabra) estuviera en la posición de memoria 100(16 la siguiente
instrucción estaría en la posición 104(16.

– Todas las instrucciones están en direcciones múltiplo de 4 (los dos bits menos
significativos serán 00)

– Las instrucciones deben estar en posiciones alineadas: PC (32 bits) se incrementará

de 4 en 4

• Número de bytes en la memoria: 232

• Número de palabras en la memoria: 232/4 = 230

… …

1 Byte

Conjunto de instrucciones MIPS

MIPS Instruction Reference

Esta es una descripción del conjunto de instrucciones MIPS, su significado, sintaxis,

semántica y codificación. La sintaxis dada para cada instrucción hace referencia a la sintaxis
del lenguaje ensamblador soportado por el ensambaldor MIPS. Guiones en la descripción de
la codificación indican que esos bits no serán considerados en la decodificación (no importa
su valor).

Los registros de propósito general (GPRs) se indican con el signo del dolar ($). Las palabras
SWORD y UWORD hacen referencia a tipos de datos de 32-bits con signo y sin signo

La función advance_pc (int) se usa para indicar el nuevo valor de PC tras la ejecución de la
instrucción. La función se define como:

void advance_pc (SWORD offset)

PC = nPC;
nPC += offset;

A continuación presentamos la descripción del conjunto de instrucciones:

ADD – Add (with overflow)

Description: Adds two registers and stores the result in a register

Operation: $d = $s + $t; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: add $d, $s, $t
Encoding: 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 0000

ADDI -- Add immediate (with overflow)

Description: Adds a register and a sign-extended immediate value and stores the result in a register
Operation: $t = $s + imm; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: addi $t, $s, imm
Encoding: 0010 00ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii

ADDIU -- Add immediate unsigned (no overflow)

Description: Adds a register and a sign-extended immediate value and stores the result in a register
Operation: $t = $s + imm; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: addiu $t, $s, imm
Encoding: 0010 01ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii

ADDU -- Add unsigned (no overflow)
Description: Adds two registers and stores the result in a register
Operation: $d = $s + $t; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: addu $d, $s, $t
Encoding: 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 0001

AND -- Bitwise and

Description: Bitwise ands two registers and stores the result in a register
Operation: $d = $s & $t; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: and $d, $s, $t
Encoding: 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 0100

ANDI -- Bitwise and immediate

Description: Bitwise ands a register and an immediate value and stores the result in a register
Operation: $t = $s & imm; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: andi $t, $s, imm
Encoding: 0011 00ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii

BEQ -- Branch on equal

Description: Branches if the two registers are equal
Operation: if $s == $t advance_pc (offset << 2)); else advance_pc (4);
Syntax: beq $s, $t, offset
Encoding: 0001 00ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii

BGEZ -- Branch on greater than or equal to zero

Description: Branches if the register is greater than or equal to zero
Operation: if $s >= 0 advance_pc (offset << 2)); else advance_pc (4);
Syntax: bgez $s, offset
Encoding: 0000 01ss sss0 0001 iiii iiii iiii iiii

BGEZAL -- Branch on greater than or equal to zero and link

Description: Branches if the register is greater than or equal to zero and saves the return address in $31
Operation: if $s >= 0 $31 = PC + 8 (or nPC + 4); advance_pc (offset << 2)); else advance_pc (4);
Syntax: bgezal $s, offset
Encoding: 0000 01ss sss1 0001 iiii iiii iiii iiii

BGTZ -- Branch on greater than zero

Description: Branches if the register is greater than zero
Operation: if $s > 0 advance_pc (offset << 2)); else advance_pc (4);
Syntax: bgtz $s, offset
Encoding: 0001 11ss sss0 0000 iiii iiii iiii iiii

BLEZ -- Branch on less than or equal to zero
Description: Branches if the register is less than or equal to zero
Operation: if $s <= 0 advance_pc (offset << 2)); else advance_pc (4);
Syntax: blez $s, offset
Encoding: 0001 10ss sss0 0000 iiii iiii iiii iiii

BLTZ -- Branch on less than zero

Description: Branches if the register is less than zero
Operation: if $s < 0 advance_pc (offset << 2)); else advance_pc (4);
Syntax: bltz $s, offset
Encoding: 0000 01ss sss0 0000 iiii iiii iiii iiii

BLTZAL -- Branch on less than zero and link

Description: Branches if the register is less than zero and saves the return address in $31
Operation: if $s < 0 $31 = PC + 8 (or nPC + 4); advance_pc (offset << 2)); else advance_pc (4);
Syntax: bltzal $s, offset
Encoding: 0000 01ss sss1 0000 iiii iiii iiii iiii

BNE -- Branch on not equal

Description: Branches if the two registers are not equal
Operation: if $s != $t advance_pc (offset << 2)); else advance_pc (4);
Syntax: bne $s, $t, offset
Encoding: 0001 01ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii

DIV -- Divide
Description: Divides $s by $t and stores the quotient in $LO and the remainder in $HI
Operation: $LO = $s / $t; $HI = $s % $t; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: div $s, $t
Encoding: 0000 00ss ssst tttt 0000 0000 0001 1010

DIVU -- Divide unsigned

Description: Divides $s by $t and stores the quotient in $LO and the remainder in $HI
Operation: $LO = $s / $t; $HI = $s % $t; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: divu $s, $t
Encoding: 0000 00ss ssst tttt 0000 0000 0001 1011

J -- Jump
Description: Jumps to the calculated address
Operation: PC = nPC; nPC = (PC & 0xf0000000) | (target << 2);
Syntax: j target
Encoding: 0000 10ii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii

JAL -- Jump and link
Description: Jumps to the calculated address and stores the return address in $31
Operation: $31 = PC + 8 (or nPC + 4); PC = nPC; nPC = (PC & 0xf0000000) | (target << 2);
Syntax: jal target
Encoding: 0000 11ii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii

JR -- Jump register
Description: Jump to the address contained in register $s
Operation: PC = nPC; nPC = $s;
Syntax: jr $s
Encoding: 0000 00ss sss0 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000

LB -- Load byte
Description: A byte is loaded into a register from the specified address.
Operation: $t = MEM[$s + offset]; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: lb $t, offset($s)
Encoding: 1000 00ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii

LUI -- Load upper immediate

Description: The immediate value is shifted left 16 bits and stored in the register. The lower 16 bits are zeroes.
Operation: $t = (imm << 16); advance_pc (4);
Syntax: lui $t, imm
Encoding: 0011 11-- ---t tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii

LW -- Load word
Description: A word is loaded into a register from the specified address.
Operation: $t = MEM[$s + offset]; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: lw $t, offset($s)
Encoding: 1000 11ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii

MFHI -- Move from HI

Description: The contents of register HI are moved to the specified register.
Operation: $d = $HI; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: mfhi $d
Encoding: 0000 0000 0000 0000 dddd d000 0001 0000

MFLO -- Move from LO

Description: The contents of register LO are moved to the specified register.
Operation: $d = $LO; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: mflo $d
Encoding: 0000 0000 0000 0000 dddd d000 0001 0010

MULT -- Multiply
Description: Multiplies $s by $t and stores the result in $LO.
Operation: $LO = $s * $t; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: mult $s, $t
Encoding: 0000 00ss ssst tttt 0000 0000 0001 1000

MULTU -- Multiply unsigned

Description: Multiplies $s by $t and stores the result in $LO.
Operation: $LO = $s * $t; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: multu $s, $t
Encoding: 0000 00ss ssst tttt 0000 0000 0001 1001

NOOP -- no operation
Description: Performs no operation.
Operation: advance_pc (4);
Syntax: noop
Encoding: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

Note: The encoding for a NOOP represents the instruction SLL $0, $0, 0 which has no side effects. In fact,
nearly every instruction that has $0 as its destination register will have no side effect and can thus be considered
a NOOP instruction.

OR -- Bitwise or
Description: Bitwise logical ors two registers and stores the result in a register
Operation: $d = $s | $t; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: or $d, $s, $t
Encoding: 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 0101

ORI -- Bitwise or immediate

Description: Bitwise ors a register and an immediate value and stores the result in a register
Operation: $t = $s | imm; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: ori $t, $s, imm
Encoding: 0011 01ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii

SB -- Store byte
Description: The least significant byte of $t is stored at the specified address.
Operation: MEM[$s + offset] = (0xff & $t); advance_pc (4);
Syntax: sb $t, offset($s)
Encoding: 1010 00ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii

SLL -- Shift left logical
Shifts a register value left by the shift amount listed in the instruction and places the result in a third
register. Zeroes are shifted in.
Operation: $d = $t << h; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: sll $d, $t, h
Encoding: 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd dhhh hh00 0000

SLLV -- Shift left logical variable

Shifts a register value left by the value in a second register and places the result in a third register.
Zeroes are shifted in.
Operation: $d = $t << $s; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: sllv $d, $t, $s
Encoding: 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d--- --00 0100

SLT -- Set on less than (signed)

Description: If $s is less than $t, $d is set to one. It gets zero otherwise.
Operation: if $s < $t $d = 1; advance_pc (4); else $d = 0; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: slt $d, $s, $t
Encoding: 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 1010

SLTI -- Set on less than immediate (signed)

Description: If $s is less than immediate, $t is set to one. It gets zero otherwise.
Operation: if $s < imm $t = 1; advance_pc (4); else $t = 0; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: slti $t, $s, imm
Encoding: 0010 10ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii

SLTIU -- Set on less than immediate unsigned

Description: If $s is less than the unsigned immediate, $t is set to one. It gets zero otherwise.
Operation: if $s < imm $t = 1; advance_pc (4); else $t = 0; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: sltiu $t, $s, imm
Encoding: 0010 11ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii

SLTU -- Set on less than unsigned

Description: If $s is less than $t, $d is set to one. It gets zero otherwise.
Operation: if $s < $t $d = 1; advance_pc (4); else $d = 0; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: sltu $d, $s, $t
Encoding: 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 1011

SRA -- Shift right arithmetic
Shifts a register value right by the shift amount (shamt) and places the value in the destination
register. The sign bit is shifted in.
Operation: $d = $t >> h; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: sra $d, $t, h
Encoding: 0000 00-- ---t tttt dddd dhhh hh00 0011

SRL -- Shift right logical

Shifts a register value right by the shift amount (shamt) and places the value in the destination
register. Zeroes are shifted in.
Operation: $d = $t >> h; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: srl $d, $t, h
Encoding: 0000 00-- ---t tttt dddd dhhh hh00 0010

SRLV -- Shift right logical variable

Shifts a register value right by the amount specified in $s and places the value in the destination
register. Zeroes are shifted in.
Operation: $d = $t >> $s; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: srlv $d, $t, $s
Encoding: 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0000 0110

SUB -- Subtract
Description: Subtracts two registers and stores the result in a register
Operation: $d = $s - $t; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: sub $d, $s, $t
Encoding: 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 0010

SUBU -- Subtract unsigned

Description: Subtracts two registers and stores the result in a register
Operation: $d = $s - $t; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: subu $d, $s, $t
Encoding: 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 0011

SW -- Store word
Description: The contents of $t is stored at the specified address.
Operation: MEM[$s + offset] = $t; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: sw $t, offset($s)
Encoding: 1010 11ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii

SYSCALL -- System call
Description: Generates a software interrupt.
Operation: advance_pc (4);
Syntax: syscall
Encoding: 0000 00-- ---- ---- ---- ---- --00 1100

The syscall instruction is described in more detail on the System Calls page.

XOR -- Bitwise exclusive or

Description: Exclusive ors two registers and stores the result in a register
Operation: $d = $s ^ $t; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: xor $d, $s, $t
Encoding: 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d--- --10 0110

XORI -- Bitwise exclusive or immediate

Description: Bitwise exclusive ors a register and an immediate value and stores the result in a register
Operation: $t = $s ^ imm; advance_pc (4);
Syntax: xori $t, $s, imm
Encoding: 0011 10ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii


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