Taller de Ingles Resuelto
Taller de Ingles Resuelto
Taller de Ingles Resuelto
Para expresar una acción en tiempo futuro en Inglés, le anteponemos el auxiliar WILL al verbo principal en
una oración o frase. Will se usa con todos los pronombres, igualmente la forma negativa Won’t.
I will study English. (Yo estudiaré inglés.) I won’t study French. ( Yo no estudiaré francés)
You will do the homework. (Tú harás la tarea.) You won’t go alone. (Tú no irás solo)
He will practice the exercises. (Él practicará los ejercicios.) He won’t practice tomorrow. (Él no
practicará mañana.)
She will find the answer. (Ella encontrará la respuesta) She won’t find the book. (Ella no encontrará
el libro)
De acuerdo con la Sintaxis (orden de las palabras en una oración) del idioma Inglés, las oraciones en tiempo
futuro se forman de la siguiente manera:
Cuadro No. 1.
I will study hard this year.
You will go to the movies tomorrow.
He will be at school tomorrow.
She will eat lunch later.
It will arrive on time.
We will take a taxi to school.
You will work six hours a day
They will ride their bicycles.
Estas expresiones de tiempo son utilizadas en futuro: tomorrow, next week, next year, next summer, in a
couple of years, in five more years. Debes consultar su traducción en el diccionario. Estudia el orden de las
palabras en las oraciones.
Oraciones negativas en tiempo futuro con won’t, en Inglés.
De acuerdo con la Sintaxis del inglés, formamos las oraciones negativas en tiempo futuro, de la siguiente
Cuadro No. 2.
I won’t close the window.
You won’t ride the black horse.
He won’t be at school tomorrow.
She won’t wear the new dress.
It won’t take off on time.
We won’t take that trip.
You won’t hurry to the store.
They won’t ride their bicycles.
Will se usa con frecuencia para expresar el tiempo futuro en el inglés escrito. En el inglés hablado,
se usa para expresar ofrecimientos (offers); predicciones (predictions); promesas (promises) y
solicitudes (requests).
Look at these examples:
1. You look cold. I’ll get you a sweater if you want. (offer)
2. Daniel will take the TOEFL soon. (prediction)
3. I’ll never tell a lie again. (promise)
4. It’s raining. Will you give me a ride? (request)
5. I’ll send you the information when I get it.
6. I’ll translate the email, so Mr. Jones can read it.
7. I won’t do all the housework myself !
8. We won’t tell her about the surprise party.
9. She’ll get you some coffee right away.
10. Will you help them later?
Cuando al hablar usamos el tiempo futuro simple, se acostumbra a utilizar las contracciones del
pronombre con el auxiliar will.
I will study I'll study
Para las oraciones negativas en tiempo futuro simple, se usa la forma WON’T.
Be going to se usa para expresar el tiempo futuro en una conversación. Implica más certeza que Will y
con frecuencia se refiere a acciones que han sido planeadas antes del momento en que se habla. En este
caso el verbo BE, se escribe pero no se traduce, pues funciona como auxiliar.
Cuadro No. 3.
Oraciones afrimativas en futuro con Going to.
I am going to call my mom later.
You are going to meet some new friends
He is going to bring the book tomorrow.
She is going to go by bus.
It is going to be a sunny day.
We are going to learn some new words.
You are going to ride your bike back home.
They are going to drink some water.
NOTE: Muchas personas suelen usar la forma de hablar, al escribir, así que dicen y escriben gonna
en lugar de going to . Esta forma es característica en los Estados Unidos.
I’m going to make a call I’m gonna make a call. (Voy a hacer una llamada)
He’s going to leave. He’s gonna leave. (Él va a salir)
We are going to stay home. We’re gonna stay home. (Vamos a quedarnos en casa)
Para las formas negativas del futuro con Going to, siempre utilizamos las formas negativas del
verbo BE, que en este caso no tiene traducción es sólo un auxiliar. Observa los ejemplos:
1. I am not going to leave on Mondays. (Yo no voy a salir los lunes)
2. You are not going to travel on vacations. (Tú no vas a viajar en vacaciones)
3. Steve is not going to stay in Spain. (Steve no va a quedarse en España)
4. Sharon is not going to study Chinese. (Sharon no va a estudiar chino)
5. The plane is not going to arrive on time. (El avión no va a llegar a tiempo)
6. We are not going to work at home. (Nosotros no vamos a trabajar en casa)
7. You are not going to get late. (Ustedes no van a llegar tarde)
8. They are not going to ride their bicycles. (Ellos no van a montar sus bicicletas)
Nota. Al hablar es más frecuente usar las formas contraídas, con la expresión gonna, pero la
forma culta con going to, también se utiliza.
1. I’m not going to leave on Mondays. I’m not gonna leave on Mondays.
2. You’re not going to travel on vacations. You’re not gonna travel on vacations.
3. Steve isn’t going to stay in Spain. Steve isn’t gonna stay in Spain.
4. She’s not going to study Chinese. She’s not gonna study Chinese.
5. The plane isn’t going to arrive on time. The plane isn’t gonna arrive on time.
6. We’re not going to work at home. We’re not gonna work at home.
7. You’re not going to get late. You’re not gonna get late.
8. They’re not going to ride their bicycles. They’re not gonna ride their bicycles.
Cuadro No. 4
Word Study.
Statement Dick and Mallory will live in a quiet suburb outside New York City.
Question Will they live in a quiet suburb outside New York City?
Affirmative Yes, they will live in a quiet suburb outside New York City.
Short Answer Yes, they will.
Statement Dick and Mallory will live in a quiet suburb outside New York City.
Question Will they live in a noisy neighborhood?
Negative No, they won’t live in a noisy neighborhood.
Short Answer No, they won’t.
4. We are so excited about our trip next month to France. We (visit) _are going to visit_ Paris,
Nice and Grenoble.
5. Sarah (come) _will come_ to the party. Oliver (be) _is going to be _ there as well.
6. Ted: It is so hot in here!
Sarah: I (turn) __will turn__ the air-conditioning on.
7. I think he (be) _is going to be __ the next President of the United States.
8. After I graduate, I (attend) _am going to attend__ medical school and become a doctor. I have
wanted to be a doctor all my life.
9. A: Excuse me; I need to talk to someone about our hotel room. I am afraid it is simply too small
for four people.
B: That man at the service counter (help) __will help __ you.
10. As soon as the weather clears up, we (walk) __will walk__ down to the beach and go
Verb Tense Exercise II
Will / Be Going To
Diálogos incompletos.
Usa los verbos entre paréntesis para determinar en contexto, el tiempo futuro apropiado:
con will o going to.
John: Wow, it's freezing out there.
Jane: I (make) will make some coffee to warm us up. Do you want a piece of pie as well?
John: Coffee sounds great! But I (have) am going to have dinner with some friends later, so I'd
better skip the pie.
Jane: I (go) am going to go to dinner tonight too, but I'm having a piece of pie anyway.
Frank: I heard you're taking a Spanish class at the community college .
Tom: Yeah, I (go) am going to go to Guatemala next spring and I thought knowing a little
Spanish would make the trip easier.
Frank : I (visit) am going to visit my brother in Marseilles next year. Maybe I should take a
French class.
Tom: I have a course catalog in the other room. I (go) will go get it, and we can see whether or
not they’re offering a French course next semester.