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2 Eso Act Sept

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2 Wordlist Spanish

be crazy about (v) estar loco por
boots (n) botas
can’t stand (v) no soportar
cap (n) gorra
chat online (v) chatear en línea
dress (n) vestido
go for a pizza (v) salir a tomar una pizza
go shopping (v) ir de compras
go swimming (v) ir a nadar
go to the cinema (v) ir al cine
hang out with friends (v) salir con los amigos
hat (n) sombrero
hate (v) odiar
jacket (n) chaqueta
jeans (n) vaqueros
jumper (n) jersey
like (v) gustar
listen to music (v) escuchar música
love (v) encantar
not like (v) no gustar
not mind (v) no disgustar
play an instrument (v) tocar un instrumento
play computer games (v) jugar con juegos de ordenador
play sport (v) hacer deporte
prefer (v) preferir
read books (v) leer libros
sandals (n) sandalias
shirt (n) camisa
shoes (n) zapatos
shorts (n) pantalones cortos
skirt (n) falda
socks (n) calcetines
sweatshirt (n) sudadera
T-shirt (n) camiseta de manga corta
tights (n) medias (enteras)
trainers (n) zapatillas de deporte
trousers (n) pantalones
watch TV (v) ver la tele
2 Wordlist Spanish
Unit 1
angry (adj) enfadado
bored (adj) aburrido
calm (adj) tranquilo
campfire (n) hoguera
campsite (n) campamento
clap (v) aplaudir
competition (n) concurso
crowd (n) gentío
energetic (adj) activo, lleno de energía
excited (adj) emocionado
expedition (n) expedición
fan (n) fan
field (n) terreno, campo
hold (v) celebrar, dar
hungry (adj) hambriento
laugh (v) reír(se)
lonely (adj) solo
nervous (adj) nervioso
performer (n) artista
positive (adj) positivo
relaxed (adj) relajado
scared (adj) asustado
scout (n) (boy/girl) scout
scream (v) gritar
skill (n) destreza, habilidad
stage (n) escenario
surprised (adj) sorprendido
take part (v) participar
take place (v) celebrarse, tener lugar
tent (n) tienda de campaña
tired (adj) cansado
2 Wordlist Spanish
Unit 2
bottle (n) botella
bowl (n) bol, cuenco
box (n) caja
can (n) lata
cardboard (n) cartón
carton (n) cartón
case (n) caja
ceramic (adj) cerámica
cotton (n) algodón
crew (n) tripulación, empleados/as
cup (n) taza
envelope (n) sobre
glass (n) cristal
glass (n) vaso
gold (n) oro
iceberg (n) iceberg
jar (n) tarro, bote
leather (n) piel, cuero
lifeboat (n) bote salvavidas
luggage (n) equipaje
metal (n) metal
packet (n) paquete
paper (n) papel
passenger (n) pasajero, pasajera
plastic (n) plástico
rare (adj) poco común
rubber (n) goma
silver (n) plata
strange (adj) extraño, raro
survivor (n) superviviente
tin (n) lata
wood (n) madera
wool (n) lana
wreck (n) naufragio
2 Wordlist Spanish
Unit 3
ankle (n) tobillo
back (n) espalda
blood (n) sangre
bone (n) hueso
brain (n) cerebro
chest (n) pecho
cold (n) catarro
cough (n) tos
crop (n) cultivo, cosecha
decrease (v) reducir
eco-friendly (adj) ecológico
finger (n) dedo
fit (adj) en forma
flu (n) gripe
fossil fuels (n) combustibles fósiles
global warming (n) calentamiento del planeta
greenhouse gas (n) gas de efecto invernadero
headache (n) dolor de cabeza
healthy (adj) saludable, sano
heart (n) corazón
I hurt my ankle (exp) me lesioné el tobillo
I hurt my back (exp) me lesioné la espalda
ill (adj) enfermo
increase (v) crecer, subir
knee (n) rodilla
muscle (n) músculo
my back hurts (exp) me duele la espalda
neck (n) cuello
pollution (n) contaminación
produce (v) producir
run out (v) acabarse
shoulder (n) hombro
skin (n) piel
sore throat (n) dolor de garganta
stomach ache (n) dolor de estómago
strong (adj) fuerte
temperature (n) fiebre
thumb (n) pulgar
toe (n) dedo del pie
toothache (n) dolor de muelas
unfit (adj) bajo de forma
weak (adj) débil
wrist (n) muñeca
2 Wordlist Spanish
Unit 4
bride (n) novia, recién casada
buy (v) comprar
cash (n) dinero en metálico
climb onto (v) subirse a
climb up (v) escalar
coins (n) monedas
crawl under (v) ir a gatas por debajo de
dive into (v) zambullirse en
donate (v) donar
earn (v) ganar
get married (v) casarse
groom (n) novio, recién casado
jump off (v) saltar/bajarse de
jump over (v) saltar por encima de
notes (n) billetes
pay for (v) pagar
pocket money (n) paga
prize money (n) dinero de un premio
ring (n) anillo
run around (v) correr alrededor de
save (v) ahorrar
sell (v) vender
slide down (v) bajar deslizándose (por)
spend (v) gastar
stand on (v) estar de pie sobre
swim through (v) nadar a través de
swing across (v) cruzar colgando de una cuerda
valuable (adj) valioso
walk along (v) caminar sobre
wedding (n) boda
win (v) ganar
2 Wordlist Spanish
Unit 5
adult (n) adulto, adulta
audition (n) casting, prueba
baby (n) bebé
buy a house (v) comprar una casa
child (n) niño, niña; hijo, hija
comedian (n) cómico, cómica
cook a healthy meal (v) preparar una comida sana
do well at school (v) llevar bien los estudios
easily (adv) con facilidad
elderly (adj) muy mayor, anciano
finalist (n) finalista
fluently (adv) con fluidez
get a job (v) conseguir un trabajo
get married (v) casarse
go to university (v) ir a la universidad
grow up (v) crecer
have a lie-in (v) quedarse en la cama hasta tarde
have a sleepover (v) quedarse a dormir con amigos/as
have children (v) tener hijos
help someone (v) ayudar a alguien
invite your friends over (v) invitar a amigos/as a casa
judge (n) miembro del jurado
learn to drive (v) aprender a conducir
leave home (v) irse de casa, independizarse
move home (v) mudarse a otra casa
properly (adv) bien, debidamente
restriction (n) restricción, límite
retire (v) jubilarse
revise for an exam (v) repasar para un examen
share a room with (v) compartir habitación con
spend money on (v) gastar dinero en
spend time with (v) pasar tiempo con
take up a new sport (v) probar un nuevo deporte
teenager (n) adolescente
text your friends (v) mandar mensajes a amigos/as
toddler (n) niño, niña de uno o dos años
variety show (n) espectáculo de variedades
2 Wordlist Spanish
Unit 6
astronomer (n) astrónomo, astrónoma
be ill (v) estar enfermo
been (v) estado
buy souvenirs (v) comprar recuerdos/souvenirs
computer programmer (n) programador/a informático/a
cure (n) remedio
dairy farmer (n) granjero, granjera de lácteos
explore a new place (v) explorar un sitio nuevo
fashion buyer (n) comprador/a de moda
film producer (n) productor/a de cine
firefighter (n) bombero
forget your passport (v) olvidar el pasaporte
forget your tickets (v) olvidar tus billetes
get sunburned (v) quemarse al sol
go abroad (v) ir al extranjero
gone (v) ido
have an accident (v) sufrir un accidente
hunter (n) cazador, cazadora
journalist (n) periodista
lose your suitcase (v) perder la maleta
meet new people (v) conocer gente nueva
miss a flight (v) perder un vuelo
pilot (n) piloto
poison (n) veneno
radio DJ (n) DJ de radio
sales assistant (n) dependiente, dependienta
send a postcard (v) mandar una postal
tracks (n) huellas, rastros
tribe (n) tribu
vet (n) veterinario, veterinaria
yoga instructor (n) profesor, profesora de yoga
S Vocabulary reference
Clothes Functional language
boots (n) /buːts/ Making suggestions
cap (n) /kæp/ Let’s (go to the cinema).
dress (n) /dres/
hat (n) /hæt/ What about (going to the park)?
jacket (n) /ˈdʒækɪt/
jeans (n) /dʒiːnz/ Do you want to (play computer games)?
jumper (n) /ˈdʒʌmpə(r)/
sandals (n) /ˈsændlz/ Shall we (order pizza)?
shirt (n) /ʃɜːt/
shoes (n) /ʃuːz/ Giving opinions
shorts (n) /ʃɔːts/ That’s a good idea.
skirt (n) /skɜːt/
socks (n) /sɒks/ I love / don’t really like it / them.
sweatshirt (n) /ˈswetʃɜːt/
tights (n) /taɪts/ I’m not sure.
trainers (n) /ˈtreɪnəz/
trousers (n) /ˈtraʊzəz/ I prefer … to … .
T-shirt (n) /ˈtiː ʃɜːt/
I don’t want to do that – it’s boring.
Free-time activities
That sounds interesting.
chat online (v) /tʃæt ˌɒnˈlaɪn/
go for a pizza (v) /ˌɡəʊ fɔː(r) ə ˈpiːtsə/

go shopping (v) /ˌɡəʊ ˈʃɒpɪŋ/

go swimming (v) /ˌɡəʊ ˈswɪmɪŋ/
go to the cinema (v) /ˌɡəʊ tə ðə ˈsɪnəmə/

hang out with friends (v) /hæŋ ˌaʊt wɪθ ˈfrendz/

listen to music (v) /ˌlɪsn tə ˈmjuːzɪk/

play an instrument (v) /ˌpleɪ æn ˈɪnstrəmənt/

play computer games (v) /ˌpleɪ kəmˈpjuːtə(r) ɡeɪmz/

play sport (v) /ˌpleɪ ˈspɔːt/

read books (v) /ˌriːd ˈbʊks/
watch TV (v) /wɒtʃ ˌtiː ˈviː/

80 Starter unit
S Vocabulary practice
Review of Level 1 Free-time activities
1 Complete the missing letters in the words. Then 3 Complete the sentences with the words.
match them with the definitions 1–10.
books  chat  to the cinema  computer games
10 bedroom go (x2)  an instrument  online  play (x2)
ra it
read shopping
get dre ed I read books in the evening, before I go to bed.
sta room
My favourite author is R. J. Palacios.

sk ng 1 I never  . I prefer watching

ch se films at home.
2 I don’t very often, but I
fo y
compa like The Sims.
3 I usually in the city
ho or centre. I like buying presents for my friends.
touch scr n
4 I don’t  , but I’d like to
1 It’s a pet with long ears. learn the guitar one day.
2 It helps you find north, south, east and west. 5 My friend lives in Australia so we
3 It’s a food made from milk. every weekend.
4 It’s a scary type of film with monsters, etc.
5 It means ‘put on your clothes’. Consolidation
6 People do this in the mountains.
7 Teachers go there at break time.
4 Choose the correct options. What is Mike’s job?
8 It’s dangerous to drive when the weather is
like this.
9 You don’t need a mouse if your computer has
one of these.
A day in my life
10 It’s where you sleep. I get / go up very early every morning – at 4 a.m. –
and I (1) make / have a shower. It’s very cold early
in the morning, so I wear a (2) jacket / T-shirt and
(3) shorts / trousers . My car arrives at 4.45 and I
go to the studio. My show starts at 6 a.m. On today’s
2 Label the clothes. Then answer the question.
programme we have a man who (4) plays / goes
h  football for England and a girl who (5) does / goes
street dance. At 9 a.m., the show finishes. I go home
and sleep, and then I have lunch. I often (6) have / go
for a pizza. In the evening, I listen to (7) music / TV.
s  d 
I don’t have time to (8) hang out / see with my friends
during the week, but we sometimes (9) watch / chat
b  online. I (10) am / go to bed very early – usually at 8 p.m.!

Mike is …
Which word is always plural?  a a TV presenter.   b  an actor   c  a footballer

Starter unit 81
S Grammar reference
Present simple Present continuous

Afirmativa y negativa Afirmativa

I / You / We / They play / don’t play I’m
tennis. He’s / She’s / It’s studying.
He / She / It plays / doesn’t play
You’re / We’re / They’re
Do I / you / we / they
play tennis? I’m not
Does he /she / it He / She / It isn’t studying.
You / We / They aren’t
Respuestas breves
Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Interrogativa
Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. Am I
Is he / she / it studying?
La ortografía de algunos verbos cambia en la forma
afirmativa de la 3ª persona (he, she, it): Are you / we / they
•  Verbos acabados en -y (study) ➞ -ies (studies). Respuestas breves
•  Verbos acabados en -sh / -ch / -s / -th / -x
Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
(watch) ➞ -es (watches).
Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
Para construir las formas negativa e interrogativa
del present simple, se utiliza el verbo auxiliar do. Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
 I don’t like cheese.   Does she go to school?
En la lengua oral, se suelen emplear las formas
El present continuous se utiliza para describir
contractas (don’t / doesn’t).
acciones que se están dando mientras hablamos.
Algunos verbos “de estado” (stative) no se
El present simple se utiliza para referirse a acciones
utilizan en la forma continua: understand, know,
que se repiten y a hechos que se consideran
think, like, love, hate.
  Do you like fruit? (NO Are you liking fruit.)
 I watch TV every day.   He lives in Madrid.
Have es un verbo de estado cuando indica
Adverbs of frequency  I have a laptop. (NO I’m having a laptop.)

100%0% Verb + -ing / noun

always usually often sometimes never
Utilizamos like / love / hate + sustantivo para dar
Estos adverbios se utilizan para indicar con qué opiniones.
frecuencia realizamos las acciones. Suelen emplearse Empleamos like / love / hate + verbo para opinar
con verbos en present simple. Se colocan detrás del sobre actividades.
verbo be, y delante de los demás verbos.   I like pop music. (thing)  I love reading. (activity)
 We usually eat at 9 p.m.  He is often late. Do you like + -ing / sustantivo se utiliza en
Question words
En las respuestas, utilizamos los pronombres it o
Las partículas interrogativas (what, when, where, etc.) them para evitar repetir el verbo o el sustantivo.
encabezan preguntas para obtener información. Sustantivo en plural ➞ them
  How often do you listen to music?   ‘Do you like biscuits?’ ‘I love them.’
  When is his birthday? Sustantivo en singular o forma en -ing ➞ it
  ‘Do you like music?’ ‘I love it.’
82 Starter unit   ‘Do you like chatting online?’ ‘I hate it.’
S Grammar practice
Present simple Present continuous
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of 4 Write affirmative (✓) and negative (✗) sentences
the verbs in the box. and questions (?). Use the present continuous.
where / Ian / sit (?)
eat go not live not play study watch
Where is Ian sitting?
Nina studies for her exams every night. 1 Leo / listen / to the teacher (✗)
1 he TV every evening?
2 I tennis. It’s so boring! 2 they / study / Chemistry / this year (?)
3 Tom swimming on Mondays.
4 What you for 3 I / chat / online / to my friend (✓)
5 Sara in Gijón. Her flat’s in Oviedo. 4 we / watch / a DVD / tonight (✗)

Adverbs of frequency 5 Sasha / clean / her room / at the moment (✓)

2 Rewrite the bold words correctly. One sentence
is correct.
Verb + -ing / noun
Always I get up before 7 a.m.
I always get up 5 Annalise is studying to become a vet. Choose the
1 Ben goes never to school by bus. correct options to complete the interview.

2 He watches sometimes TV late at night.

3 It often is very cold here in winter.

4 I don’t usually go out during the week.

Question words
3 Complete the questions 1–5 with question words. Q What are you doing today?
Then match them to answers a–f.
A I’m helping at a local dogs’ home.
What do you like doing in your free time?  f Q Do / Does you like dogs?
1 is their flat? A Yes, I love (1) it / them . I like (2) help / helping
2 doesn’t eat meat? all animals. But my favourite animals are horses.
3 do you study maths? Q Do you like (3) riding / ride horses?
4 jacket do you want? A I love (4) it / them. I often ride my horse, Polly, in
5 do your lessons start? the morning, before I go to college.
a Carolina. d In Paris. Q That sounds amazing!
b Because I like it. e At 8.45 a.m. A Yes, but I don’t like (5) get / getting up early.
c The green one. f Listening to music.
Starter unit 83
1 Vocabulary reference
Events Learn it!
clap (v) /klæp/ Confusing words
competition (n) /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn/ angry (adj) /ˈæŋɡri/
crowd (n) /kraʊd/ hungry (adj) /ˈhʌŋɡri/
display (n) /dɪˈspleɪ/
fan (n) /fæn/ Functional language
hold (v) /həʊld/
laugh (v) /lɑːf/ Talking about school
performer (n) /pəˈfɔːmə(r)/ What’s your favourite subject?
scream (v) /skriːm/
stage (n) /steɪdʒ/ … is my favourite / least favourite subject.
take part (v) /teɪk ˈpɑːt/
I prefer …
take place (v) /teɪk ˈpleɪs/

Are you good at …?

I’m (not very) good at / (not) bad at …
angry (adj) /ˈæŋɡri/
bored (adj) /bɔːd/
Who’s your teacher?
calm (adj) /kɑːm/
energetic (adj) /ˌenəˈdʒetɪk/
What’s he / she like?
excited (adj) /ɪkˈsaɪtɪd/
lonely (adj) /ˈləʊnli/
What time do you ...?
nervous (adj) /ˈnɜːvəs/
positive (adj) /ˈpɒzətɪv/ We have … from … to …
relaxed (adj) /rɪˈlækst/
scared (adj) /skeəd/
surprised (adj) /səˈpraɪzd/
tired (adj) /ˈtaɪəd/

Scout camps
campfire (n) /ˈkæmpfaɪə(r)/
campsite (n) /ˈkæmpsaɪt/
expedition (n) /ˌekspəˈdɪʃn/
field (n) /fiːld/
scout (n) /skaʊt/
skill (n) /skɪl/
tent (n) /tent/

84 Unit 1  What’s on? 

1 Vocabulary practice
1 Complete the missing vowels (a, e, i, o or u). Then 3 Complete the tips with the words in the box.
complete the sentences with the words.
campfire campsite expedition field tent skill
display p   rf   rmer scr      m

l      gh t   k place h   ld Before you go on your first expedition,

read these tips!
There was an amazing synchronised swimming •  Don’t take a heavy bag
display on TV last night. Don’t fill your backpack with unnecessary
1 In which month does the Benicàssim Festival things, or you’ll get tired very quickly. Two
 ? important things are a sleeping bag and a
2 I’m really scared of spiders. I (1)  .
•  Learn how to make a (2)
every time I see one.
This is an important (3) for
3 We want to a rock concert to hikers.
raise money for our new school library. Never light your fire near trees.
4 Justin Timberlake is a talented •  Take a map and a compass
who can act and sing. Most national parks are huge and it’s easy to
5 I didn’t once during that film. get lost. Always take a good map. A map will
help you find a good (4) for
It wasn’t funny at all.
your (5) every evening.
2 How does the man feel?
4 Complete the words.

I’ll never forget the first time I …

… performed on a stage
When I was six, I (1) t 
p  in the school play. I felt
surprised 1  s  (2) n  when I saw the big
(3) cr  of parents in the school hall.
But at the end, everyone (4) cl 
and it was a great feeling!
… travelled abroad.
Three years ago, my mum won a trip to
New York in a (5) c   . We were
(6) t  after the flight, but we were
(7) ex  to be in New York, so we
2 a  3  r  went straight to the Empire State Building.
The view from the top is incredible.
… went camping.
I wasn’t very (8) p  about it at first.
I didn’t want to spend the night in a sleeping
bag in a (9) t   . But in the evening
we had a (10) c  and sang songs,
and I had a brilliant time. Now I’m a big

(11) f  of camping.
4 t  5  n 

What’s on?  Unit 1 85

1 Grammar reference
Past simple (there) was / were

Afirmativa was / were

played. Afirmativa
I / You / He / She / It / We / They
went. I / He / She / It was tired.
You / We / They were tired.
I / You / He / She / It / We / They didn’t I / He / She / It wasn’t tired.
You / We / They weren’t tired.
Did I / you / he / she / it / we / they Was I / he / she / it tired?
go? Were you / we / they tired?

Respuestas breves Respuestas breves

Yes, did. Yes, I / he / she / it was.
I / you / he / she / it / we / they Yes, you / we / they were.
No, didn’t.
No, I / he / she / it wasn’t.
La forma de pasado es la misma para todas las No, you / we / they weren’t.
personas del verbo. Para construir la afirmativa
de los verbos regulares, añadimos -ed. En Was y were son las formas de pasado de be. Be
algunos casos se dan cambios de ortografía: tiene formas de singular y plural para el past
•  Verbos acabados en -e (arrive, practise) ➞ se simple.
omite la -e y se añade -d (arrived, practised).  I was angry.  We weren’t relaxed.
•  Verbos acabados en -y (study) ➞ -ied (studied). También tiene formas de interrogativa y
•  Verbos acabados en (o formados por) negativa. No utilizamos did / didn’t.
consonante + vocal + consonante (rob, travel)  Skirts weren’t popular.   Were you happy?
➞ la consonante final se duplica, y se añade
-ed (robbed, travelled). there was / there were
La negativa se construye con didn’t + el infinitivo Afirmativa y negativa
sin to. There was a band. There were musicians.
 She didn’t travel by bus. There wasn’t a band. There weren’t musicians.
La interrogativa se forma con did + el infinitivo
sin to. Did se coloca delante del sujeto, y puede ir Interrogativa y respuestas breves
precedido de una partícula interrogativa. Was there a band? Were there musicians?
  Did you go out yesterday?   What did you do?
Yes, there was. / Yes, there wasn’t.
Los verbos irregulares tienen sus propias No, there wasn’t. / No, there weren’t.
formas de pasado, y no suelen acabar en -ed
(busca la lista en la página 120). En las formas There was / were son las formas de pasado de
interrogativa y negativa, los verbos irregulares there is / are.
funcionan igual que los regulares. There was / wasn’t hacen referencia a una cosa
Usos o persona. Se coloca a / an / some delante del
El past simple se utiliza para describir acciones y sustantivo.
situaciones que se completaron en el pasado.   There was a banana.  There was some milk.
 What did you do last summer? There were / weren’t se refieren a más de una
Las frases en past simple se utilizan si sabemos cosa o persona.
el momento en el que sucedió algo. Suelen incluir  There were two girls.
expresiones temporales de pasado. There were lots of books.
  I arrived yesterday morning. En negativa e interrogativa, any acompaña a
sustantivos incontables y sustantivos contables
en plural.
86 Unit 1  What’s on?   There wasn’t any cola.
Were there any good shops?
1 Grammar practice
Past simple (there) was / were
1 Complete the sentences with the past simple 3 How was Victoria Square different in 1950?
form of the verbs. Complete the sentences with was, were, wasn’t
I dropped (drop) my tablet, but it didn’t break or weren’t.
(not break).
1 My mum (ask) me to buy some
bread, but I (forget).
2 I (not call) you because I
(think) you were on holiday.
3 They (travel) here by car because
they (miss) the bus.
4 She (buy) an expensive phone and
she (lose) it a week later. NOW supe

5 The train (stop) in a tunnel, so we

(arrive) late.
6 I (go) to the party, but I
(not see) you there. ket

2 Write past simple sentences, questions and short

answers to make a dialogue. There were lots of trees.
A where / you / go / last summer / ? 1 There a supermarket.
Where did you go last summer? 2 There a fountain.
B (1) I / go / to Ireland for a wedding. 3 There a bus stop.
4 There any cars.
A (2) how long / you / stay / there / ? 5 There any tall buildings.
4 Cover the picture of the square in 1950. Then
B (3) we / stay / for a week complete the questions. Can you remember
the answers?
A (4) it / rain? How many people were there? There were five
B (5) no / it 1 any cars?

A (6) you / have / fun / ? 2 a statue in the middle of the square?

B (7) yes / we 3 a bus?

4 What kind of shop next to the

5 any trees?

What’s on?  Unit 1 87

2 Vocabulary reference
Materials Learn it!
cardboard (n) /ˈkɑːdbɔːd/ Confusing words
ceramic (n) /səˈræmɪk/ rare (adj) /reə(r)/
cotton (n) /ˈkɒtn/ strange (adj) /streɪndʒ/
glass (n) /ɡlɑːs/
gold (n) /ɡəʊld/ Functional language
leather (n) /ˈleðə(r)/
metal (n) /ˈmetl/ Describing objects
paper (n) /ˈpeɪpə(r)/ I lost my … yesterday / last week.
plastic (n) /ˈplæstɪk/
rubber (n) /ˈrʌbə(r)/ Where did you lose it?
silver (n) /ˈsɪlvə(r)/
wood (n) /wʊd/ I left my … on the …
wool (n) /wʊl/
Can you describe it?

What’s it made of?
bottle (n) /ˈbɒtl/
bowl (n) /bəʊl/ It’s made of …
box (n) /bɒks/
can (n) /kæn/ How big is it?
carton (n) /ˈkɑːtn/
case (n) /keɪs/ It’s (quite / not very) big / small …
cup (n) /kʌp/
envelope (n) /ˈenvələʊp/ Is this it?
glass (n) /ɡlɑːs/
jar (n) /dʒɑː(r)/ Is it this one / any of these?
packet (n) /ˈpækɪt/
tin (n) /tɪn/ Yes, that’s it! Thank you.

Sea journeys
crew (n) /kruː/
iceberg (n) /ˈaɪsbɜːɡ/
lifeboat (n) /ˈlaɪfbəʊt/
luggage (n) /ˈlʌɡɪdʒ/
passenger (n) /ˈpæsɪndʒə/
survivor (n) /səˈvaɪvə/
wreck (n) /rek/

88 Unit 2 Discoveries 
2 Vocabulary practice
1 Complete the names of the materials. 3 In A, there’s one big of jam, but in B,
there are two small of jam.
4 In A, there’s a small of biscuits, but
cotton in B, there’s a big of biscuits.
5 In A, there are two of tomatoes,
1 m  but in B, there’s one of beans.

3 Complete the questions and answers.

Why did the Titanic sink?
Because it crashed into an iceberg.
2 l  
1 Were there enough l   s for
3 w  No, there weren’t.
2 How many people were travelling on the ship?
There were 2,224 p   s and 900
c   w.
4 g 
3 How many s   s were there?
Only 705 people survived. Many more died.
5 c  4 Did they find the w   k?
Yes, they did, but not until 1985.

4 Complete the quiz. Then use the third letter of

each answer to make a mystery word. (Clue: It’s a
6 r  container and it’s also a material.)

7 w  They’re the bags that you take when you

travel. luggage

2 Look at the shopping baskets and find six 1 It’s a precious metal. It’s more expensive
differences. Complete the sentences (1–5). than silver. 

2 It’s a material used to make shoes, belts
and wallets. 

3 It’s a plastic container for a DVD. 

In A, there’s a bottle of cola, but in B, there’s a
4 It’s a person who travels on transport. 
can of cola.
1 In A, there’s one of cereal, but in B,
there are two of cereal.
2 In A, there’s a of orange juice, but in The mystery word is  .
B, there’s a of apple juice.

Discoveries  Unit 2 89
2 Grammar reference
Past continuous Past continuous and past simple

Afirmativa A menudo utilizamos el past continuous con el

I / He / She / It was past simple para indicar que una acción sucedió
eating. en medio de otra. El past continuous describe la
You / We / They were acción más larga, y el past simple, la más breve.
She was writing an email when her phone
Negativa rang.
I / He / She / It wasn’t
You / We / They weren’t • ahora

Interrogativa ella empezó a su teléfono

escribir un email sonó
Was I / he / she / it
eating? En las narraciones, utilizamos el past simple
Were you / we / they para describir los hechos y las acciones más
importantes de la historia.
Respuestas breves Suddenly, a car stopped next to them, and its
Yes, I / he / she / it was. door opened.
Yes, you / we / they were. A menudo utilizamos el past continuous para
No, I / he / she / it wasn’t. ofrecer información de contexto o explicar el
No, you / we / they weren’t. porqué de una situación.
The wind was blowing and it was raining hard.
Algunos verbos cambian su ortografía al añadir Katie and her friends were walking home from
-ing: a party. They were feeling cold and tired.
•  Verbos acabados en -e (write, practise) ➞ se when / while
omite la -e y se añade -ing (writing, practising). Las frases que describen acciones en past
•  Verbos acabados en (o formados por) continuous y past simple a menudo incluyen
consonante + vocal + consonante (sit, swim) ➞ when y while.
la consonante final se duplica, y se añade -ing
(sitting, swimming). When se coloca delante de la acción en past
Usos She was writing an email when her phone rang.
El past continuous describe acciones que se
estaban produciendo en un momento concreto While va delante de la acción en past continuous.
del pasado. Las frases en past continuous a While she was writing an email, her phone
menudo incluyen la hora. rang.
At nine o’clock last night, I was watching TV. as for simultaneous actions
He wasn’t doing his homework last night. A menudo se utiliza as con dos verbos en
‘Were you walking to school at 8.15?’ past continuous para referirse a dos acciones
‘Yes, we were.’ prolongadas que sucedían a la vez.
As we were swimming in the sea, my mum
was reading a book.

90 Unit 2 Discoveries 
2 Grammar practice
Past continuous Past continuous and past simple
1 Write the -ing forms of the verbs. 4 Look at the timelines and complete
swim swimming the sentences.

1 watch I eat dinner

2 have
you phone me
3 stop
4 get I was eating dinner when you phoned me.
5 travel they watch a DVD
6 take
John arrives
2 Complete the sentences with the correct past
1 While they  , John
continuous form of the verbs.
feel get look not listen sit talk wait Sergio travels in the USA

We were looking for the museum. he visits the Grand Canyon

1 After a week at home, I 2 Sergio while he
very bored.
2 Sorry, I to you! What did
I listen to the radio
you say?
3 Samir for the bus at 6.30. I hear my favourite song
4 they 3 While I  ,
about me? I  .
5 I there! That’s your chair
I the waitress carries my soup
over there.
6 Where was she? she she falls over
changed after PE?
4 The waitress when she
3 Write past continuous sentences.  .
I / write / a letter at eight o’clock / .
I was writing a letter at eight o’clock. as + past continuous
1 you / watch / the Olympics / on TV / ?
5 Write sentences using as + past continuous.
2 we / not drink / coffee / . the baby / cry / I / try / to sleep / .
The baby was crying as I was trying to sleep.
3 Leo / not do / his history homework / . 1 my friends / chat / I / study / .

4 where / they / play / football / ? 2 I / listen to music / I / tidy / my room / .

5 we / not live / in London / in 2014 / . 3 Jack / finish / his homework / his mum / drive /
him / to school / .

6 she / listen / to music / ? / no / she / .

Discoveries  Unit 2 91
3 Vocabulary reference
Parts of the body a temperature (n) /ə ˈtemprətʃə(r)/
toothache (n) /ˈtuːθeɪk/
ankle (n) /ˈæŋkl/
hurt my ankle (v) /ˌhɜːt maɪ ˈæŋkl/
back (n) /bæk/
blood (n) /blʌd/
bone (n) /bəʊn/ Learn it!
brain (n) /breɪn /
Transitive and intransitive
chest (n) /tʃest/
My back hurts.
finger (n) /ˈfɪŋɡə(r)/
I hurt my back.
heart (n) /hɑːt /
knee (n) /niː/
Functional language
muscle (n) /ˈmʌsl /
neck (n) /nek/ Talking about aches and pains
shoulder (n) /ˈʃəʊldə(r)/ Nurse / Doctor
skin (n) /skɪn/ What’s the matter (with …)?
thumb (n) /θʌm/
toe (n) /təʊ/ How do you feel?
wrist (n) /rɪst/
Does it hurt (when …)?
The environment
Let me take your temperature.
crop (n) /krɒp/
decrease (v) /dɪˈkriːs/
eco-friendly (adj) /ˌiːkəʊ ˈfrendli/
I don’t feel very well.
fossil fuels (n) /ˈfɒsl ˌfjuːəlz/
global warming (n) /ˌɡləʊbl  ˈwɔːmɪŋ/
I feel ill / sick / terrible.
greenhouse gas (n) /ˈɡriːnhaʊs ˌɡæs/
increase (v) /ɪnˈkriːs/
I’ve got a bad cold / a sore throat / a cough.
pollution (n) /pəˈluːʃn/
produce (v) /prəˈdjuːs/
I’ve got toothache / stomach ache / a headache.
run out (v) /rʌn ˈaʊt/

My back / throat / stomach / head hurts.

I hurt my ankle.
(my) back hurts /maɪ ˈbæk ˌhɜːts/
a cold (n) /ə ˈkəʊld/
a cough (n) /ə ˈkɒf/
the flu (n) /ðə ˈfluː/
a headache (n) /ə ˈhedeɪk/
a sore throat (n) /ə ˌsɔː(r) ˈθrəʊt/
stomach ache (n) /ˈstʌmək eɪk/

92 Unit 3  People and the planet 

3 Vocabulary practice
1 Complete 1 3 Match 1–5 with a–f.
the puzzle. I can’t talk loudly.  f
2 3 4 5 1 Please don’t walk so fast!   
2 My head feels really hot. 
3 I need to see a dentist. 
4 I can’t carry that box. 
7 8
5 Please be quiet! 

a I think I’ve got a temperature.

b I’ve got a bad headache.

Across c I’ve hurt my ankle.

2 It beats around 70 times a minute. d I’ve got toothache.
4 Your heart is inside it. e My back hurts.
7 If you do exercise, these will grow stronger. f I’ve got a sore throat.
4 Which option can’t complete the sentence?
1 You use it for thinking and controlling the other
parts of your body. I’ve got a bad …ache.
3 There’s one of these on each hand. a  head b  throat c  stomach
5 There are five of these on each foot. 1 Cars … air pollution in the city.
6 It moves around your body all the time. a  increase b  produce c  run out
8 It covers your body. 2 A … is part of a hand.
2 Complete the words with the letters in the box. a  toe b  finger c  thumb
3 We must stop producing … .
crea loba oduc rien ssil utio a  global warming   b  greenhouse gases
c  crops
4 Your … is below your neck.
a  heart b  brain c  chest
5 A … is a common symptom of flu.
•  If you turn off the TV when you aren’t using a  sore throat b  temperature c  hurt ankle
it, you’ll save energy. Your electricity bills will
decrease too!
•  Buy your food from local farmers and
(1) pr   e delicious and
(2) eco-f   dly meals!
•  Ask your local politicians what they’re doing
about traffic (3) poll   n in your area.
•  Find out how your home or school can burn
fewer (4) fo   l fuels, and use wind or
solar power instead.
•  Learn about the effects of (5) g   l
warming on plants and animals in your country.

People and the planet  Unit 3 93

3 Grammar reference
will / won’t First conditional

Afirmativa Afirmativa y negativa

I / You / He / She / It / We / They will go. If we don’t eat meat, we’ll eat insects.
We’ll eat insects if we don’t eat meat.
I / You / He / She / It / We / They won’t go. Preguntas de tipo Yes / No
If we don’t eat meat, will we eat insects?
Will we eat insects if we don’t eat meat?
Will I / you / he / she / it / we / they go?
Respuestas breves
Respuestas breves
Yes, we will. No, we won’t.
Yes, I / you / he / she / it / we / they will.
No, I / you / he / she / it / we / they won’t. Preguntas encabezadas por partículas
interrogativas (Wh-)
Formación If we don’t eat meat, what will we eat?
En afirmativa, utilizamos will + infinitivo sin to
What will we eat if we don’t eat meat?
para todas las personas del verbo.
People will become taller.
En la lengua oral y en textos informales, se suele Utilizamos el condicional de primer grado
utilizar la forma contracta ’ll. para describir posibles acciones futuras, y sus
We’ll recycle more rubbish. resultados.
La negativa se construye con will not + infinitivo Las condicionales de primer grado constan
sin to. de dos proposiciones: la de la acción y la del
We will not do enough exercise. resultado.
En la lengua oral y en textos informales, se suele En la proposición de la acción, utilizamos if +
utilizar la forma contracta won’t. present simple.
People won’t work in offices. If we use public transport, …
En las respuestas breves se incluyen will o won’t, En la proposición del resultado, empleamos
pero no el verbo principal. No se emplea la forma will / won’t + infinitivo sin to.
contracta ’ll. … we’ll help the environment.
‘Will computers be smaller?’ ‘Yes, they will.’
A veces se utiliza unless en lugar de if para
(NO Yes, they’ll.)
conectar las proposiciones. Unless significa
Usos if … not.
Will se utiliza para hacer predicciones sobre el
Así pues, unless + verbo en afirmativa significa lo
mismo que if + verbo en negativa.
The weather will get hotter.
Will humans become taller? Unless it rains,
we’ll have a picnic.
If it doesn’t rain,
Podemos empezar la frase condicional con la
acción o con el resultado.
Para formular preguntas, se puede añadir una
partícula interrogativa a la proposición del
If prices increase, what will we do?
What will we do if prices increase?
También podemos hacer preguntas de tipo
Yes / No, y dar respuestas breves.
‘If we do less exercise, will we have health
problems?’ = ‘Will we have health problems if
we do less exercise?’
94 Unit 3  People and the planet 
‘Yes, we will.’ / ‘No, we won’t.’
3 Grammar practice
will / won’t First conditional
1 Complete the sentences with will or won’t. 3 Choose the correct options.
The test is difficult. You won’t find it easy. What do / will we do if the water runs / will run
1 we learn in the same way in the out?
future? 1 Unless we find / will find other energy sources,
2 This bread is very expensive. People there ’s / ’ll be an energy crisis.
buy it. 2 Local people complain / will complain if anyone
3 She’s always late. She arrive on time. builds / will build a wind farm here.
4 It’s a great book, so I think you enjoy it. 3 If humans become / will become taller, our feet
5 they ban cars from the city centre? get / will get bigger too.
6 There are lots of nice people here, so I 4 ‘Do / Will we use less petrol if it gets / will get
be lonely. more expensive?’ ‘Perhaps we do / will.’
5 People won’t / will buy eco-friendly products
2 Write sentences, questions and short answers.
unless they are / will be cheap.
Use will / won’t.
Jaime / not play / in the match / .
4 Complete the text with the correct form of the
Jaime won’t play in the match.
1 tablets / cost / less / in ten years / ? Many people say that fossil fuels will run out (run
yes / they / . out). However, scientists predict that the biggest
problem (1) (be) water, not fuel.

If global warming (2) (increase), it

(3) (have) serious consequences. For
2 fossil fuels / run out / in the future / .
example, sea levels (4) (rise), and
it (5) (be) possible to stay in many
3 people / not buy / food from shops / in ten towns and villages near the coast. Unless people
years / . (6) (leave), their homes will flood. In
other places, the land is getting drier. These areas
4 Dan / win / the race / . (7) (become) desert if this situation
(8) (continue).
5 food prices / increase / ? It isn’t too late, but nothing will change unless
we all (9) (take) action. What
(10) (you / do) to help?

flood drought

People and the planet  Unit 3 95

4 Vocabulary reference
Money Learn it!
buy (v) /baɪ/ Confusing words
cash (n) /kæʃ / earn (v) /ɜːn/
coins (n) /kɔɪnz/ win (v) /wɪn/
donate (v) /dəʊˈneɪt/
earn (v) /ɜːn/ Functional language
notes (n) /nəʊts/
pay for (v) /ˈpeɪ fɔː(r)/ Paying for something in a shop
pocket money (n) /ˈpɒkɪt ˌmʌni/ Can I pay by card?
prize money (n) /ˈpraɪz ˌmʌni/
save (v) /seɪv/ I’m sorry, we only take cash.
sell (v) /sel /
spend (v) /spend/ There’s a cash machine …
win (v) /wɪn/
That’s … , please.

Verbs and prepositions of movement

Here’s your change / receipt.
climb onto (v) /ˌklaɪm ˈɒntu/
climb up (v) /ˌklaɪm ˈʌp/ I’d like to return this …
crawl under (v) /ˌkrɔːl  ˈʌndə(r)/
dive into (v) /ˌdaɪv ˈɪntuː / Can I have a refund, please?
jump off (v) /ˌdʒʌmp ˈɒf/
jump over (v) /ˌdʒʌmp ˈəʊvə(r)/ Have you got the receipt?
run around (v) /ˌrʌn  əˈraʊnd/
slide down (v) /ˌslaɪd ˈdaʊn/
stand on (v) /ˈstænd ɒn/
swim through (v) /ˌswɪm ˈθruː/
swing across (v) /ˌswɪŋ əˈkrɒs/
walk along (v) /ˌwɔːk əˈlɒŋ/

bride (n) /braɪd/
get married (v) /ˌget ˈmærid/
groom (n) /ɡruːm/
ring (n) /rɪŋ/
valuable (adj) /ˈvæljuəbl/
wedding (n) /ˈwedɪŋ/

96 Unit 4  Making it happen 

4 Vocabulary practice
1 Find five money nouns and eight money verbs in 3 Complete the words in the poster.
the wordsearch.


E S A V E A K W R F H The Monster Mud Run!

J H R I D C K W I N I What’s more fun than a mud run?
Y D N E A O D U Z S W A mud run with monster costumes!
What will I need to do?
•  Crawl under a big net
•  (1) Run a  some posts
E D O N B S H D O M A •  (2) S  down a very muddy hill

P O C K E T M O N E Y •  (3) D  into a lake

•  (4) Swim t  some water
•  (5) C  over a wall
K A S P U T B U Y S O • (6) J  into a big box of
ping-pong balls


2 Solve the codes to complete the sentences. 4 Complete the words in the newspaper article.

The best honeymoon
in the world!
Do you have any change for a £20 , People often go on holiday after they get married.
please? note But one couple from Edinburgh are going
1 Who’s going to      our coffees? to do something extraordinary after their 
(1) w  in June. They’re going to visit
30 countries!
2 I didn’t   much    on my mobile
‘It’s so exciting!’ says Jenny, the (2) b   .
phone last month.
‘We’re going to (3) c  up Mount
3 Do you get the same     as Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, (4) w  along
your brother and sister? the Silk Road in China and (5) s  on
4 Would you like to   by    the equator in Ecuador!’
  or in  ? But how are they going to (6) p 
5 How much      can you  f  it? Matthew, the (7) g   ,
  in this competition? says: ‘Every month, we (8) s  25% of
the money that we (9) e  in our jobs.
My parents are going to (10) d  some
money too. Maybe it isn’t a good idea to
(11) s  all our money, but we want to
see the world!’

Making it happen  Unit 4 97

4 Grammar reference
be going to for future plans and be going to and will for predictions
be going to
Be going to se utiliza para predicciones
basadas en evidencias externas, en hechos
He’s / She’s / It’s que observamos o sobre los que sabemos
going to pay for the trip.
You’re / We’re / algo. Suelen ser predicciones sobre el futuro
They’re inmediato.
Evidencia Predicción
He’s driving too fast. He’s going to have an
I’m not
He / She / It isn’t
going to earn any money. A veces mencionamos la evidencia, o llamamos
You / We / They
la atención de otros sobre ella.
I didn’t do my homework. My teacher isn’t
going to be happy!
Respuestas breves
Look! He’s going to fall off the wall!
Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
Yes, he / she / it is. No, he / she / it isn’t.
Utilizamos will para hacer predicciones basadas
Yes, you / we / they No, you / we / they en algo que creemos cierto sobre una persona
are. aren’t. o situación. Son predicciones más personales,
y a menudo incluye expresiones como I think,
La afirmativa es be + going to + infinitivo. I suppose, I’m sure that, I expect that. Pueden
You’re going to buy the shoes. hacer referencia al futuro inmediato, pero
En la negativa, añadimos not detrás de be. En también pueden ser más generales.
la lengua oral y los textos informales, se suele
Percepción Predicción
utilizar la forma contracta n’t.
You aren’t going to buy the shoes. He’s very clever. I think he’ll pass all his
Nunca empleamos la forma contracta n’t con I’m.
I’m not going to sell my camera. (NO I amn’t) Cuando hacemos predicciones negativas sobre
En las respuestas breves, solo incluimos el verbo el futuro, solemos utilizar la forma negativa de
be, sin going to. think, suppose, etc. y la afirmativa de will.
‘Is he going to work tomorrow?’ ‘No, he isn’t.’ He hates long films. I don’t think he’ll enjoy
(NO No, he isn’t going to.) this one. (NO I think he won’t)
Nunca se utilizan las formas contractas de be
(I’m, you’re, he’s, etc.) en respuestas breves
afirmativas. Future time expressions
‘Are you going to travel by bus?’ ‘Yes, I am.’
(NO Yes, I’m.) Para referirnos a momentos concretos del futuro
Usos en frases con will y be going to, utilizamos
Utilizamos be going to para hablar de planes e expresiones como tomorrow, soon, later, then,
intenciones de futuro.
next (week / month / year).
I’m going to save this money.
 Look at that grey sky. It’s going to rain later.
Las preguntas con be going to sirven para Who will win Wimbledon next year?
preguntar sobre planes e intenciones de futuro. I’m going to arrive at 7.30 p.m. I’ll see you then.
What are you going to buy?

98 Unit 4  Making it happen 

4 Grammar practice
be going to for future plans and be going to and will for future
intentions predictions

1 Cross out the extra word in the sentences. 3 Choose the best option.
I’m not going to buy buying those shoes.
1 How many guests is are going to come to the
2 She isn’t doesn’t going to travel by bus. Spartan
3 We are is going to have pizza later.
4 Are they are going to buy a new TV tomorrow? Runner
5 I’m not going to not study Maths.
Next month, Alice Jones
2 Complete the sentences with one word. will / is going to run the
We aren’t going to go on holiday next year. Spartan Race. It’s a very
difficult obstacle race.
1 ‘Is he going enter the competition?’
The runners must swim,
‘Yes, he  .’ climb, jump, and even
2 I’m going to spend any money today. run through fire!
3 ‘ she going to be a doctor?’ ‘No, she isn’t.’ ‘It’s never easy,’ says Alice, ‘and I’m sure it
4 ‘Are you to buy that dress?’ (1) won’t / isn’t going to be any different this year,
‘No, I’m  .’ but I (2) ’ll / ’m going to train really hard. I’m not
5 ‘Am I going to be rich?’ ‘  , you aren’t.’ fast, so I know I (3) won’t / ’m not going to win,
but I expect it (4) ’ll / ’s going to be exciting.
3 Write sentences, questions and short answers
Alice usually runs with her sister, Elaine, but this
with be going to.
year, Elaine is pregnant. ‘She (5) ’ll / ’s going to
we / walk / along / the beach / . have her baby soon, so she (6) won’t / isn’t going to
We’re going to walk along the beach. run this year, but maybe she (7) ’ll / ’s going to come
1 they / get married / soon / . and watch,’ says Alice. ‘Maybe in a few years,
Elaine’s son or daughter (8) will / is going to run in
the Spartan Race too!’
2 I / not dive / into / that pool / .

3 you / sell / your computer / ? 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
will or be going to.

4 he / pay / for / our meal / . I’m sure lots of people will go to Jake’s party.
1 I’ve only got €1. I  have enough
5 she / not donate / any money / . money for the bus.
2 Look! She  fall over!
3 Dan usually gets home at six o’clock. I expect
we  see him then.
4 Arsenal is winning 5–0 against Chelsea. Chelsea
lose the match.
5 It didn’t snow this winter. Maybe it
snow next year.

Making it happen  Unit 4 99

5 Vocabulary reference
Life stages take up a new sport (v) /teɪk ʌp ə ˌnjuː ˈspɔːt/

adult (n) /ˈædʌlt/ text your friends (v) /ˌtekst jə ˈfrendz/

baby (n) /ˈbeɪbi/
child (n) /tʃaɪld/
Talent shows
elderly (adj) /ˈeldəli/
teenager (n) /ˈtiːneɪdʒə(r)/ audition (n) /ɔːˈdɪʃn/
toddler (n) /ˈtɒdlə(r)/ comedian (n) /kəˈmiːdiən/
finalist (n) /ˈfaɪnəlɪst/
buy a house (v) /baɪ ə ˈhaʊs/
judge (n) /dʒʌdʒ/
get a job (v) /ɡet ə ˈdʒɒb/
restriction (n) /rɪˈstrɪkʃn/
get married (v) /get ˈmærid/
go to university (v) /ɡəʊ tə ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti/
Learn it!
grow up (v) /ˌɡrəʊ ˈʌp/
Confusing words
have children (v) /ˌhæv ˈtʃɪldrən/
spend money (v) /ˌspend ˈmʌni/
learn to drive (v) /ˌlɜːn tə ˈdraɪv/
spend time (v) /ˌspend ˈtaɪm /
leave home (v) /ˌliːv ˈhəʊm/
move home (v) /ˌmuːv ˈhəʊm/
retire (v) /rɪˈtaɪə(r)/ Functional language
Expressing opinions
Verb phrases What do you think of …?

cook a healthy meal (v) /ˌkʊk ə helθi ˈmiːl/

How do you feel about …?

do well at school (v) /duː ˌwel ət ˈskuːl/

have a lie-in (v) /ˌhæv ə ˈlaɪ(j) ɪn/ Don’t you like …?

have a sleepover (v) /ˌhæv ə ˈsliːpəʊvə/

Personally, … / To be honest, …
help someone (v) /ˌhelp ˈsʌmwʌn /
invite your friends over (v) /ɪnˌvaɪt jə ˈfrendz You’re absolutely right.
revise for an exam (v) /rɪˌvɑɪz fɔː ən ɪgˈzæm/ That’s a good point.

share a room (with) (v) /ˌʃeə(r) ə ˈruːm wɪð/ I didn’t think much of … / Not much.

spend money on (v) /ˌspend ˈmʌni ɒn/ I agree. / I don’t agree.

spend time (with) (v) /ˌspend ˈtaɪm wɪð/

100 Unit 5  Young and old 

5 Vocabulary practice
1 Solve the anagrams to find six life stages. Then 4 Follow the maze and find four more words related
write them in order in the table. to talent shows.

Y A R L  Start j u d

B  D T E
B D O d u a e g
i t i o n
d e m o c
U T A E T E i a n f i
s i l a n
t v a r i
child (0–18 years) Finish y t e
(1) (0–1)
5 Complete the text with the words.
(2) (1–3)
comedian elderly have healthy 
(3) (13–19)
help lie-in adults revise spend
(4) person (19+) teenagers well
(5) person (75+)

2 Which life stage is next? Write words from How to feel good!
exercise 1.
What’s the best way to feel better?
toddler ➞ child Send us your tips!
1 adult ➞ Help someone. I visit my (1)
2 baby ➞ neighbour and cook her a (2)
3 teenager ➞ meal. She appreciates it and I feel great!
4 child ➞ Beth, 14

3 Which experience is each person talking about? Watch funny videos online. My favourite
Match 1–5 with a–f. (3) always make me laugh.

‘When I do this in class, the teacher gets angry Ravi, 16

and takes my phone away!’  f (4) time with your friends. Invite them
1 ‘I stay in bed until 11 a.m. on Saturdays.’  to your house and (5) a sleepover.
2 ‘I stopped working last year. Now I spend my Clara, 13
time doing my favourite things!’ 
(6) for your exams. I feel good
3 ‘I live with my parents now, but next month I’m when I do (7) at school.
going to share a flat with friends.’ 
Tom, 17
4 ‘I was nervous at first, but I now love it. I’m going
to save up to buy a car.’  Have a (8)  ! I feel terrible
when I’m tired. Don’t listen to your parents –
5 ‘All our friends celebrated with us. It was the
(9) need more sleep than
happiest day of my life.’ 
(10) !
a get married d have a lie-in
Holly, 15
b retire e learn to drive
c leave home f text your friends
Young and old  Unit 5 101
5 Grammar reference
can, can’t, could, couldn’t Comparative and superlative adverbs

can, can’t Adjetivo Adverbio Comparativo Superlativo

Capacidad I can drive a car. Adverbios acabados en -ly
en She can’t ride a bike. easy easily more easily the most
presente Can they cook? than easily
Yes, they can. / No, they can’t.
Adverbios con la misma forma que los adjetivos
Permiso en You can get married at the age of 16.
fast fast faster than the fastest
presente We can’t go to the party on Saturday.
Can I have a sleepover? hard hard harder than the hardest
Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. late late later than the latest
could, couldn’t early early earlier than the earliest
Capacidad I could walk when I was a year old. Formas irregulares
en pasado They couldn’t swim last summer. good well better than the best
Could he speak English last year?
bad badly worse than the worst
Yes, he could. / No, he couldn’t.
Permiso en I could stay up late at weekends. Usos
pasado We couldn’t watch TV in our rooms. Utilizamos adverbios para añadir información
Could you have parties at home? sobre las acciones, p. ej. cómo o cuándo
Yes, we could. / No, we couldn’t. sucedieron.
Tamsin eats healthily.
Las formas de can / can’t y could / couldn’t son I got up late.
las mismas para todas las personas del verbo. Empleamos adverbios en grado comparativo para
I / you / he / she / it / they can ride a bike. comparar dos acciones.
Después de can / can’t / could / couldn’t, siempre Tamsin eats more healthily than me.
se utiliza el infinitivo sin to. I got up later than my brother.
She couldn’t go out. Utilizamos adverbios en grado superlativo para
En respuestas breves, solo incluimos can / can’t / comparar tres acciones o más.
could / couldn’t, sin el verbo principal. (Of all my friends) Tamsin eats the most
‘Can you run fast?’ ‘Yes, I can.’ healthily.
Usos (Of everyone in my family) I go to bed the
Utilizamos can / can’t para expresar capacidad y latest.
permiso en el presente.
not as … as
allow somebody to / be allowed to
Not as … as significa lo contrario que el
A veces empleamos allow en lugar de can comparativo, es decir, lo mismo que less … than.
para describir permiso. Allow (somebody to do  I’m not as tall as you. = You’re taller than me. =
something) significa “dar permiso (a alguien para I’m less tall than you.
hacer algo)”. La atención se centra en la persona  France isn’t as big as the USA. = The USA is
que da permiso. bigger than France. = France is less big than the
 My parents allow me to go out on Saturdays. USA.
Be allowed to (do something) significa “tener
permiso (para hacer algo)”. No es necesario decir
quién da permiso.
 I’m allowed to use my dad’s computer.

102 Unit 5  Young and old 

5 Grammar practice
can, can’t, could, couldn’t Comparative and superlative adverbs
1 Choose the correct option. Then tick (✓) the 4 Complete the questions about the talent show
sentences which are about permission. contestants. Then look at the judges’ notes and
Be quiet! I can’t / couldn’t hear the TV!  answer them.

1 Can / Could you have sleepovers when you

were ten?  Reach for the st★r!
2 People can’t / couldn’t send emails in 1990.  Judges’ notes
3 We can / can’t ski. There isn’t any snow.  Contestants
4 I wasn’t at the concert. Mum said I couldn’t/
Mandy Steve Tina
can’t go. 
Singing Beautiful Loud – and OK, but
5 Can / Could women vote in 1900?  voice but a terrible! extremely
2 Write sentences, questions and short answers bit quiet quiet
with can / could (✓) or can’t / couldn’t (✗). Dancing Excellent Not bad Awful
you / drive / until you’re 17 / .  (✗)
You can’t drive until you’re 17. Who sings more beautifully (beautiful): Steve or
1 Grandpa / run marathons / when he was Mandy? Mandy
25 / .  (✓) 1 Which of the three contestants sings
2 your mum / use / Twitter / ? / No / she / . / (✗) 2 Who sings (quiet)? 
3 Who sings (loud)? 
3 you / see / this film / . / you’re too young /. / (✗) 4 Who dances (well)? 
5 Who dances (badly): Steve or
4 he / wear / trainers / at his last school / ? / Tina? 
Yes / he / .  (✓)
not as … as
5 Rewrite the sentences using not as … as and
the adjectives.
allow somebody to / be allowed to
I’m sadder than I was yesterday. (happy)
3 Choose the correct option in the second sentence I’m not as happy as I was yesterday.
so that it means the same as the first sentence. 1 A phone is cheaper than a laptop. (expensive)
Our Maths teacher says we can use calculators.
Our Maths teacher allows us / is allowed to use 2 He’s shorter than his brother. (tall)
1 Mum said I could go to the party. 3 Running is safer than rock climbing. (dangerous)
Mum allowed/ was allowed me to go to the party.
2 Does the café say that dogs can enter? 4 Cats are quieter than dogs. (noisy)
Are the café allowed / Does the café allow dogs
to enter? 5 The film will be worse than the book. (good)
3 My parents said I couldn’t have a pet.
I didn’t allow me / wasn’t allowed to have a pet.
Young and old  Unit 5 103
6 Vocabulary reference
Jobs A dangerous job
astronomer (n) /əˈstrɒnəmə(r)/ cure (n) /kjʊə(r)/
computer programmer (n) /kəmˈpjuːtə hunter (n) /ˈhʌntə(r)/
ˌprəʊɡræmə(r)/ poison (n) /ˈpɔɪzn/
dairy farmer(n) /ˈdeəri ˌfɑːmə(r)/ tracks (n) /træks/
fashion buyer (n) /ˈfæʃn ˌbaɪə(r)/ tribe (n) /traɪb/
film producer (n) /ˈfɪlm prəˌdjuːsə(r)/

Learn it!
fire fighter (n) /ˈfaɪəfaɪtə(r)/
journalist (n) /ˈdʒɜːnəlɪst / been and gone
pilot (n) /ˈpaɪlət/ I’ve been to Rome. /aɪv ˈbɪn tə ˌrəʊm/
radio DJ (n) /ˌreɪdiəʊ ˈdiː dʒeɪ/
sales assistant (n) /seɪlz əˈsɪstənt / He’s gone to Rome. /hiːz ˈɡɒn tə ˌrəʊm/

vet(n) /vet/
yoga instructor (n) /ˈjəʊɡə ɪnˌstrʌktə(r)/ Functional language
Talking about work experience
Why do you want to apply for this job?
be ill (v) /bi ɪl/ Have you ever worked as a …?
buy souvenirs (v) /baɪ ˌsuːvəˈnɪəz/
Have you got any experience of …?
explore a new place (v) /ɪkˈsplɔː(r) ə njuː ˌpleɪs/
Can you …?
forget your tickets / passport (v) /fəˌɡet jə ˈtɪkɪts /
ˈpɑːspɔːt / Do you like …?
get sunburnt (v) /ˌɡet ˈsʌnbɜːnd/
go abroad (v) /ˌɡəʊ əˈbrɔːd/ I can … / I’m good at …
have an accident (v) /ˌhæv ən ˈæksɪdənt /

I’m calm / energetic / positive / relaxed.

lose your suitcase (v) /ˌluːz jə ˈsuːtkeɪs/

meet new people (v) /ˌmiːt njuː ˈpiːpl /

miss a flight (v) /ˌmɪs ə ˈflaɪt/

send a postcard (v) /ˌsend ə ˈpəʊstkɑːd/

104 Unit 6  Work and play 

6 Vocabulary practice
1 Complete the puzzle. Then reorder the green I got really sunburnt at the beach. Ouch!
letters and find the mystery job. (Use the picture 1 They lost my and I didn’t have
to help you!) anything to wear!
If you want to work outside with animals, this 2 I love buying  . In Turkey, I bought a
job is for you. small carpet and a pair of sandals.
d a i r y f a r m e r 3 Mum won some money in a competition so
we’ve decided to go for our holiday
1 If you’re interested in stars and planets, this
this year.
person will tell you about them.
4 I arrived at the airport late and I missed my

2 If you love the idea of flying planes, this job will 5 The first thing I do is a new place
make you happy. and decide where the best places are.

3 Find the letters with the same colours. Put them
3 If you like listening to music all day, you’ll enjoy
in order to make words.
this job.
  DJ C I E T U E K E T

4 If you want to learn to relax and get fit, this

person will teach you.
yoga H R N U R C R O I
5 If you love animals and aren’t scared of blood,
you’ll be good at this job. red = cure yellow =
nurse green = purple =
6 If you enjoy writing and reporting events, you’ll blue =
do well in this job.
4 Choose the correct option (a–c).

A … raises cows for meat and milk.
The mystery job is  . a  dairy farmer
b  fashion buyer
c  events organiser
1 Are you going to … abroad this summer?
a get   b  go  c  have
2 … live in remote parts of the rainforest.
a  Tracks  b  Tribes  c  Cures
3 Will you … me a postcard?
a  forget  b  lose  c  send
2 Write the missing vowels. Then complete the
4 I’m good at ICT, so I’d like to be a … .
sentences (1–5).
a  computer programmer
b  fire fighter
sunburnt  br     d
c  sales assistant
s     tc   s   xpl   r    5 Be careful on your bike. Don’t … an accident.
a  get  b  have  c  be
fl   ght s     v   n   rs

Work and play  Unit 6 105

6 Grammar reference
Present perfect Usos
El present perfect se utiliza para hablar de
Afirmativa experiencias y hechos del pasado, sin decir
exactamante cuándo sucedieron.
I’ve / You’ve / We’ve / They’ve
eaten. I’ve been to England.
He’s / She’s / It’s
También utilizamos el present perfect para
Negativa describir hechos que comenzaron en el pasado
y siguen en la actualidad. Suelen referirse a un
I / You / We / They haven’t pasado cercano.
He / She / It hasn’t He’s started working as a journalist.
been and gone
El verbo go tiene dos formas de participio
Have I / you / we / they
eaten? pasado, been y gone, con significados diferentes.
Has he / she / it Ella has gone on holiday. She isn’t here.
(= Se fue y sigue fuera.)
Respuestas breves Ella has been on holiday but she’s back now.
Yes, I / you / we / they have. (= Se fue, pero ha vuelto.)
Yes, he / she / it has. Nota: been también es el participio pasado del
No, I / you / we / they haven’t. verbo be.
No, he / she / it hasn’t.

El present perfect se construye con have +

participio pasado.
I have finished my homework. Present perfect with ever and never
The rain has stopped.
Utilizamos ever y never con el present perfect para
En la forma oral y los textos informales se utilizan
las formas contractas (’s / ’ve / haven’t / hasn’t). hablar de experiencias.
I’ve seen this film. A menudo se utiliza ever en preguntas relativas
He hasn’t arrived. a experiencias. Significa “alguna vez, hasta este
En la forma interrogativa, have / has van delante momento”.
del sujeto.
  Have you ever ridden a camel?
Have you done your homework?
(NO You have done your homework?) También se suele incluir ever en frases afirmativas,
En las respuestas breves solo incluimos el verbo a menudo detrás del superlativo.
have, sin el participio pasado.   This is the best concert I’ve ever been to.
‘Have you spoken to Tina?’ ‘No, I haven’t.’ Para referirnos a experiencias que NO hemos
(NO No, I haven’t spoken).
tenido, utilizamos never con la forma afirmativa del
No empleamos la forma contracta de have en las
present perfect.
respuestas breves afirmativas.
Yes, I have. (NO Yes, I’ve.)  I’ve never seen a giraffe.
El participio pasado de los verbos regulares
acaba en -ed, igual que la forma de past simple.
played  visited  shouted
Un gran número de verbos tienen formas
irregulares de participio pasado. A menudo (pero
no siempre) son diferentes a las formas de past
do ➞ done  see ➞ seen  hear ➞ heard
Consulta la lista de la página 120.

106 Unit 6  Work and play 

6 Grammar practice
Present perfect 2 Complete the present perfect questions
and short answers.
1 What has happened? Look at the pictures and
Has Tony met (meet) his penfriend?
complete the sentences with the correct form of
No, he hasn’t.
have and the past participles.
1 Bethan (write)
bought cut finished had passed won her essay?
Yes, she  .
He hasn’t finished 2 you and Mum
painting the wall. (have) breakfast?
Yes, we  .
3 you (see) Gone
with the Wind?
No, I  .
1 She 4 it (stop) snowing?
the match. No, it  .
5 they (be) married
for a long time?
No, they  .

2 He 
his finger. Present perfect with ever
and never
3 Complete the dialogue with ever or never.
Ann Do you travel a lot?
3 They  Bill No, I don’t. In fact, I’ve never been
their exams. abroad.
Ann Really? Have you (1) been
to London?
Bill No, I haven’t. The longest distance
that I’ve (2) travelled is to
4 She  a Manchester, 50 kilometres from my
new car. home town.
Ann Have you (3) had a
Bill No, I haven’t – I’ve (4)
needed one.
5 They  Ann Have you (5) wanted to
an accident. travel?
Bill Not really. I’ve seen the world –
on TV!

Work and play  Unit 6 107

ar and
d Voca
y Startter unitt
ammar V

sent simp
ple C

1 Put
P the word
ds in the corrrect order. 5 Match the halves of th
he words (1–
–11) to a–k.
enjoy / freee time / activvities / what / you / do / ? 1 trou a shirt
What free time activitie es do you enjjoy? 2 ca b hts
1 good / a / Josh
J / student / isn't 3 jum c dals
________ ___________ __________ ___________ __ 4 tig d ners
2 play / doess / football / brother
b / you
ur / ? 5 boo e p
________ ___________ __________ ___________ __ 6 ski f orts
3 your / sma all / house / iss / ? 7 san g sers
________ ___________ __________ ___________ __ 8 trai h ts
4 do / which / like / you / sports / ? 9 sh i et
________ ___________ __________ ___________ __ 10 sweat j per
5 here / does / how / sno ow / often / it / ? 11 jack k rt
________ ___________ __________ ___________ __
sent continuous
6 Write cloth
hes words from
f exercis
se 5 which are
2 Choose
C the correct
c optio
on. normally plural.
watching TV at the mome
I be / am w ent. trousers, __________,
_ __________
_, ________
1 Are / Do yyou wearing jeans
j today?
? _________ __, ___________
2 Jack’s wallking / walk to school thiis morning.
Underline the parts off the body th
hat you wea
3 My family isn't / not ea
ating lunch riight now.
the plural clothes on.
4 Look! Gracce is dancing / danceing g!
head feett arms legss chest
5 Why are wwe siting / sitting on the floor?

Free-time activities
sent simp
ple and continuous
7 Choose th
he correct op
3 Read
R the senntences. Are
e the verbs in
i the prese
simple (PS) or
o the preseent continuo
ous (PC)? Chloe and
a Jason offten play / go o sport.
What is Jooseph doing at
a the mome ent? PC 1 How oftten do they dod / go shop pping?
1 Anna doessn't like pizza
a. __ 2 After sc
chool, I chat / hang online.
2 Bea isn't w
wearing a skirt today. __ 3 In the summer, I ha ang / do out with
w friends.
3 How often does Tyler play
p sport? __
_ 4 Ryan iss listening / watching
w a film now.
4 They are vvisiting Grand
dma at the moment.
m __ 5 Mum do oesn't often read
r / play books.
5 Does yourr team always play on Friidays? __
Making sug
s and givin
ng opinion
Verb + -ing / n
8 Complete the sentenc
ces with the
e words.
4 Complete
C the
e table with the questio
idea let's sou
unds sure want what
Do you like
e rap music??
It's a nicce day. Let'ss go to the be
Do you like reading
r bookks?
1 ______ _____ about going shopp ping?
o you love co
omputer gammes?
2 Do you __________ _ to chat onliine?
V +-ing 3 That's a good _____ ______.
(1) Yess, I love it. 4 I'm not __________
_ _.
V + nounn 5 Watchin ng a film? Th hat ________ ___ interestin
(2) No, I hate it.
(3) Yess, I love them

Grammar Starter unit

Present simple Present simple and continuous

1 Rewrite the sentences in the affirmative (), 3 Complete the text with the correct verbs.
negative () or question (?) form.
are eating goes don’t have are ... having
 Sarah wears boots in the winter. ’m having ’m not learning live loves
 Sarah doesn't wear boots in the winter. rains are sitting is teaching
? Does Sarah wear boots in the winter?
1 ? Do John and Kayla go to the gym every day?
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
2  He chats online every evening. Hi Katherine!
 _____________________________________ I’m having a good time here at my
friend's house in Sydney, Australia!
? _____________________________________
Zac's family (1) ______________
3 ? Do you eat dinner at 8 p.m.? a house in the city; no, they
 _____________________________________ (2) ______________ in a big house on
 _____________________________________ the beach – it's so cool! At the moment
4  We don't have barbecues on sunny days. Zac and I (3) ______________ in the
kitchen and we (4) ______________
 _____________________________________
pizza ... Yum! Zac really
? _____________________________________ (5) ______________ the beach and he
(6) ______________ surfing every
Present continuous morning. He (7) ______________ me
how to do it, but I (8) ______________
very quickly! (9) ______________ you
2 Complete the questions and answers.
______________ a nice time at your
‘Is it snowing?’ ‘Yes, it is.’ cousin's house in London? Is it raining
1 ‘You and Rachel ________ eating pizza.’ there now? It usually
‘No, we don't like it.’ (10) ______________ there, doesn't
it? ;-) What's your news?
2 What ________ you doing? Write soon
3 ‘Are they going shopping?’ Hailey xxx
‘Yes, they ________.’
4 ‘Are you watching that film?’
‘No, we ________.’
5 She ________ swimming today, because she's
verb + -ing / noun
not very well.
4 Put the words into the correct form.
Do you like reading books? (read / book)
1 I really hate __________ (play) sport. It's so
2 Sasha loves __________ (trainer), but I prefer
__________ (wear) boots.
3 We love __________ (hang out) with our friends
after school.
4 ‘Does he like __________ (pizza)?’ ‘No, I think
he prefers fish and __________ (vegetable).’
5 I don't mind __________ (classical music), but
my brother thinks it's terrible.

Vocabulary Starter unit
Clothes Making suggestions and giving opinions
1 Complete the clothes words. 4 Underline the correct words.
bo o ts A: Hi, Bea. What are you doing? You don't look
1 c_ _ very happy.
2 d_ _ _s B: Hi, James. I'm not happy. I want to do
3 sk_ _t something!
4 j_ _ _e_ A: Well, it's a nice sunny day. Let's / Shall hang
5 s_ _da_ _ out in the park with Mandy and Ewan.
6 t_ _in_ _ _ B: No, I don't (1) want / like to do that – it's
7 sw_ _tsh_ _ _ (2) great / boring. What (3) for / about going to
8 t_g_ _s the beach and surfing?
A: I'm not (4) sure / interesting. I (5) like / prefer
Which three items of clothing are normally for
girls? swimming to surfing. Surfing is difficult!
B: OK. (6) Are / Do you want to go swimming at the
2, ___, ___
sports centre?
A: That's a good (7) idea / opinion.
Plurals B: Great! (8) Do / Shall I call Mandy and Ewan,
2 Complete the sentences with plural nouns.
A: Sure!
1 At home I often wear jeans, but for school we
have black t__________ to wear on our legs.
2 You wear shoes and socks on your
3 If you're on the beach, you can change your
shoes for summer s__________.
4 If you've got a skirt on, but it's very cold outside,
you can wear t__________ to keep your legs
5 Those shoes are no good for tennis. You need
some t__________, so you can play safely.

Free-time activities

3 Complete the sentences with the verbs.

chat go hang listen play read watch
Emma and her mum often go shopping together.
1 What music do you __________ to most?
2 Let's __________ TV after dinner!
3 When I finish my homework, I __________
online with my friends.
4 Do you ever __________ computer games?
5 We __________ a lot of books at school, so I do
other things in my free time.
6 Sometimes we __________ out in that café after

ar and
d Voca
y Unit 1
ammar V

st simple E

1 Complete
C the
e table. 4 Match the sentence halves
h (1–5) to A–E.
Present Past 1 They heeld a D
Regular answer answered 2 The jok
ke was very funny,
f __
v laugh (1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 A crowdd of __
(2) _ _ _ _ _ _ arrive
ed 4 The fan
ns of the band __
ask (3) _ _ _ _ _ 5 When did
d the conce ert __
Irregular (4) _ _ _ _ _ left
v (5) _ _ _ _ foundd A ace?
take pla
take (6) _ _ _ _ B all camee to the showw.
give (7) _ _ _ _ C and eveerybody laug ghed.
D festival here last yea
E people watched the e performers.
ere) was / were
2 Choose
C the correct
c optio
Adjectives : feelings
Our teacheer weren't / wasn't
w in the
e classroom..
1 Where weere / was my books? 5 Cross out the word th
hat isn't a fe
2 There wassn't / weren't any food in n the fridge. angry, started,
s calm
3 Leo and I wasn't
w / werren't at schoool yesterdayy. 1 scout, nervous,
n bore
4 Was / Werre there a caake at the party? 2 relaxed, lonely, began
5 How manyy glasses wa as / were theere on the 3 tired, exxcited, gave
table? 4 surpriseed, camping,, positive

ed to Talking abo
out schoo
3 Put
P the word ds in the corrrect order to
o make 6 Match the questions and
a answers.
1 me do you have English lessons?
What tim D
used to / hhave / I / hairr / long
2 Are you
u good at history? __
I used to hhave long haiir.
3 Who's your
y science teacher? __
1 didn't / ten
nnis / use to / play / we
4 What's she like? __
________ ___________ __________ ___________
5 avourite subje
What's your least fa ect? __
2 to / used / be a / my da ad / nurse
________ ___________ __________ ___________
A She's a good teacheer.
3 now I do / I didn't / like cola, but / use to
B P.E. I hate it!
________ ___________ __________ ___________
C Yes, I am.
a It's my fa
avourite subje
4 your schoo ol / to / did / to
t go / they use
u /?
D At 9.30 on Tuesdayy mornings.
________ ___________ __________ ___________
E Mrs Holmes.

Grammar Unit 2
Past continuous Past continuous and past simple with
when and while
1 Look at the pictures. What were the people
doing yesterday? Complete the sentences. 3 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct past
1 continuous or past simple form.
While my parents were visiting (visit) some old
friends, my brother and I went to our cousin's
1 They ____________ (not cook) dinner when I
2 What were you doing when you ____________
3 4 (hurt) your hand?
3 I ____________ (fall) while I was playing ice
4 He ____________ (walk) on the beach when he
found an old bottle.
5 As Susan ____________ (text) me, I was trying
to call her!
1 He was listening to music.
4 Write when or while.
2 She ________________ in the park.
3 We ________________ our homework. While they were working at the airport, they
4 I ________________ in my bedroom. found some money in an envelope.
1 What were you doing ______ I phoned you?
2 Write the words in the correct order. 2 Phil was making a salad ______ the boys were
tennis / Jack / watching / last night / wasn't cooking the burgers.
Jack wasn't watching tennis last night. 3 Mum went to get the car ______ Dad was
1 was / computer games / playing / yesterday paying for our meal.
morning, I 4 We weren't sitting at our desks ______ the
______________________________________ teacher came into the classroom.
2 last Saturday / were / doing / you and Tim /
5 Complete the story with the correct past
from 7.00 p.m. / what / to 9.00 p.m. / ?
continuous or past simple form of the verbs.
3 looking for / at 8.00 a.m. / was / her keys / Julia not be break clean cut
______________________________________ see take think try walk
4 we / listening to / sorry, / you / weren't
On Tuesday morning, my friend Gina and I were
walking on the beach when we
5 going / where / they / last night / were / ?
(1) _____________ something in the sand. While
we (2) ____________ it out of the sand, we saw
that it was an old glass bottle. We
(3) ____________ it, and then we looked inside,
because we (4) ____________ that maybe there
was something interesting in the bottle, like a
message. While Gina (5) ____________ to open
the bottle, it (6) ____________, and she
(7) ____________ her hand on the glass. Luckily,
it (8) ____________ a bad cut, because the only
thing that was in the old 'mysterious' bottle was
lots of sand!

Vocabulary Unit 2
Materials Sea journeys

1 Complete the words in the sentences. 4 Complete the sentences with the words.
I found some old photos in that big cardboa r d iceberg lifeboats luggage
box in the garage. passengers survivors wreck
1 Oh, no! You broke Mum's favourite _ _ _amic
They found the wreck of the Titanic ship in 1985.
1 A ship came to help the __________ of the
2 That's a nice c_ _ton T-shirt you're wearing, Jon.
3 Don't throw those _ _ _stic bottles in the bin; we
2 Oh, no! The ship is going to hit that huge
can use them again.
4 I love these go_ _ earrings, but the _ _ _ver
3 There weren't enough __________ on the
ones are very nice, too.
Titanic to save everyone when the ship sank.
5 It’s too cold for a cap, I need a hat that’s made of
4 Write your name on your __________, so it
wo_ _.
doesn't get lost.
5 How many __________ were on the Titanic
Containers when it left England?

2 Find seven more words for containers in the

word puzzle. Describing objects

B O X T I U E J L X 5 Complete the dialogue with the words.

I M V S U K P D Y O describe how it left lost made this

I H E D K J A R N R A: Good morning. I'm here because I lost my wallet

B: Where did you lose it?
B G V K R R K K Z F A: I (1) __________ it on the bus.
B: Oh! Can you (2) __________ it?
A: Well, it's (3) __________ of leather and it's
T P L B H E T D U M black.
T W O N F L J H P G B: (4) __________ big is it?
A: It's small. It's around 8cm long.
L M P U G L A S S V B: Is (5) __________ it?
E T E B O W L S N B A: Yes, that's (6) __________! Thank you!

3 Complete the sentences with six of the words

from exercise 2.
What's in that big cardboard box?
1 I can't open this _________ of marmalade –
can you help me?
2 You look hot. Would you like a _________ of
cold water?
3 Put your letter in this _________ and I'll post it
for you.
4 Grandma, can I make you a nice _________
of tea?
5 I bought a big _________ of pasta at the
6 There's some fruit in the ceramic _________
on the table.

ar and
d Voca
y Unit 3
ammar V

willl / won't P
Parts of the
e body

1 Put
P the word ds in the corrrect order to
o make 5 Choose th
he correct op
ption to labe
el the picturres.
the future / be / people e / will / taller in 1 2 3
People willl be taller in the future.
1 at / be / scchool tomorro ow / won't / wew
________ ___________ __________ ___________
2 the film / w
when / end / will
w /?
________ ___________ __________ ___________
__ 4 5 6
3 like / Sally / this / won'tt / book
________ ___________ __________ ___________
4 we / insectts / eat / will / ?
________ ___________ __________ ___________
1 chest / brain
2 Complete
C the
e sentences ) or
s with will ( 2 thumb / finger
w (). 3 toe / blo
n the future ... 4 heart / knee
people willl eat different food.  5 wrist / ankle
1 cars _____ __ pollute thee environme ent.  6 shoulde er / back
2 robots ___ ____ clean our homes. 
3 there ____ ___ be any schools.
s  The environment
4 we ______ _ find cleane er forms of ennergy. 
5 people ___ ____ drive too work.  6 Complete the words in the senten
If I go on
o an ec o-friendly holidayy, I won't harrm
st conditio
onal the env vironment.
1 Coal an nd gas are caalled f_ _sil fuels.
3 Read
R the sen
ntences. Und
derline the result
r claus
se. 2 There iss a lot of po_
_ _ut_ _n in many
m cities.
If the earth
h gets hotter,, our weather will change e. 3 Many fa armers grow c_ _ _s like corn and carrots.
1 We won't have
h enoughh water unlesss we get 4 Gr_ _nh house _asess can cause global warm ming.
more rain.
2 If global warming continues, there will
w be more Talking abo
out aches
s and pains
natural dissasters.
3 Unless we e protect anim
mals, they wiill die. 7 Who says these thing
gs? Write D (doctor) or
P (patient)).
4 The planett will become e more pollutted if we all
drive cars.. What's the matter with
w you? D
1 Let me take your temperature. __
4 Choose
C the correct
c optio
on. 2 I feel ill.. __
We won't / will go skiing if it doesn n't snow. 3 My back hurts. __
1 What won n't / will your teachers say if you don'tt 4 How do o you feel? __
go to schoool? 5 I've got a headache e. __
2 If / Unless
s we change how we live, humans
won't survive for long.
3 If you don''t study, you will / won't pass your
4 If they go tto Africa, the
ey will / won't take lots of

Grammar Unit 3
will / won't First conditional

1 Look at the picture. What does the fortune teller 3 Rewrite the underlined words. Use the words in
say? Use will / won't and the verbs in the box. brackets.
I'll help clean up the park unless I'm busy. (if)
I’ll help clean up the park if I'm not busy.
1 We'll be late if we don't hurry. (unless)
2 There’ll be no trees left unless we use less
wood. (if)
3 If they don’t come to the zoo, they won't see the
animals! (unless)
4 Unless it rains soon, the crops will die. (if)

4 Complete the first conditional sentences.

If you eat too much chocolate, your weight will
1 If we miss this bus, ______ ______ get home
have (x2) help live (x2) meet stay travel
2 ______ Sam works a lot harder, he'll fail his
1 You’ll help sick animals. exams.
2 You ________ a beautiful woman. 3 Pollution ______ ______ worse unless we
3 You ________ two children, you ________ change the way we live.
three. 4 If we ______ using fossil fuels, it will be better
4 You ________ in a small house, you ________ for the environment.
in a large house. 5 I'll save some money ______ I get a job this
5 You ________ at home. You ________ to summer.
interesting places.

2 Rewrite the affirmative sentences as negative

sentences and questions.
People will have smaller brains in the future.
 People won't have smaller brains in the future.
? Will people have smaller brains in the future?
1 Humans will look different in the year 3000.
 _____________________________________
? _____________________________________
2 Students will have robot teachers.
 _____________________________________
? _____________________________________
3 Life will be better for people in poor countries.
 _____________________________________
? _____________________________________

Vocabulary Unit 3
Parts of the body Illnesses

1 Complete the words for parts of the body. 3 Match the sentence halves (1–5) to A–E.
1 I’ve got a sore __
2 I hurt __
3 My back __
4 I’ve got __
5 I’ve got a __

A my ankle.
B stomach ache.
C throat.
D temperature.
E hurts.

Talking about aches and pains

1 br a i n 5 k_ _ _
4 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences
2 n_ _ _ 6 f_ _ _ _ _ with the correct form of hurt, and the words for
3 t_ _ _ _ 7 s_ _ _ body parts.
4 t_ _ 8 c_ _ _ _ 1 2

The environment

2 Underline the correct words for the definitions.

not have any more of something
= run out / decrease
1 not bad for the environment 3 4
= eco-friendly / polluted
2 become more or bigger
= decrease / increase
3 water or air that is dirty
= fossil fuels / pollution
4 the result of the planet getting hotter
= global gas / warming
1 The men hurt their backs.
5 materials, such as coal and gas, that we use to
The men's backs hurt.
produce energy
2 Grace _________ her a_________.
= greenhouse gas / fossil fuels
Grace's a_________ _________.
3 Brandon _________ his s_________.
Brandon's s_________ _________.
4 Sarah _________ her w_________.
Sarah's w_________ _________.

Vocabulary Unit 3
5 Choose the correct option to complete the
A: What's the matter with / for you?
B: Good morning, Dr Brace. I think I've got
(1) the / a flu. I feel really hot and I've got a
sore (2) throat / cough.
A: I see. Okay, let's take your (3) temperature /
A: Hi, Johnny. How (4) do / are you feel today?
B: Hello, Dr Jenkins. I feel terrible. I hurt
(5) me the ankle / my ankle.
A: Hmm, does (6) hurt it / it hurt when I do this?
B: Ouch! Yes, (7) it hurts / hurts me a lot!

ar and
d Voca
y Unit 4
ammar V

be going
g to fo
or future plans
p and intentions M

1 Mr
M and Mrs Smith
S won a lot of moneey on the 5 Choose th
he correct op
ottery. Comp
plete their plans
p using is, isn’t, are
e I want a new mobile e phone, so I'm __ my mo oney.
or aren't.
A saving B donatin ng
They aren't going to liv
ve in a small house.
1 I couldnn't use my credit card at the
t shop bec cause
1 They ______ going to move
m to a big
g, beautiful, they only take __.
new home e.
A coins B cash
2 Mrs Smith _____ going g to keep her slow, old ca ar.
2 If Finn helps
h at hom
me, he gets his __ moneyy
3 She ______ going to bu uy a fast, new
w car. every Saturday.
4 Mr Smith _
_____ going to wear chea ap clothes.
A prize B pocket
5 He _____ going to buy y expensive, designer
3 Dad hass a really good job. He __ a lot of mo oney.
clothes. A earnss B wins
2 Choose
C the correct
c optio
on. 4 I've got lots of mone
ey, so I'll __ for
f your luncch.
A pay B spend
I going / 'm g
going to spen nd this mone
ey, I'm not
going to save e / saving it.
Verbs and prepositio
ons of mo
1 A:
A You're / A Are you going g to buy thosse jeans?
B Yes, I am / do.
6 Complete the words in the senten
2 She
S isn't / are en't going to
o wear that haat.
Joe’s fe
eeling scared d about the Mud
M Run bec cause
3 Are
A we going to be / be la ate?
he's going to swim thrt o ugh a tu unnel.
4 He
H goes to earning / 's going
g to earn a lot of
1 Watch Joshua.
J He's
s going to divve in_ _ the pool.
m in his next job.
2 Those books
b are go
oing to fall o_
_ _ the shelf.
5 When
W is this ffilm go / goin
ng to end?
3 The horrse can't jummp ov_ _ that wall; it's too
be going
g to and
a will for predictio
4 There'ss lots of snoww on that hill. Let's go and
3 Read
R the senntences. Do they make predictions slide do
o_ _ it!
P), or talk ab
bout future plans
p (FP)? Write P or 5 You brooke the table e. I told you not
n to stand o_o it!
I don't thin
nk I'll win the prize moneyy. P P
Paying for something in a sho
1 He feels sure he'll passs his exam. __ _
2 My sister is going to tra avel to Spain
n in March. __
_ 7 Who says these thing
gs? Write S (shop assis
or C (custo
3 Look at the e clouds. It's going to rain
n. __
4 Your new house looks great. It's go oing to be Can I pay by card? C
beautiful wwhen it's finisshed. __ 1 Here's your
y change and your receipt. __
5 Are Lauren n and Jacob going to go to the footba all 2 Have yo ou got a receeipt? __
match toniight? __ 3 I'd like to
t return this. __
4 Can I have a refund d, please? ___
4 Look at the predictions
p i exercise 3. Which tw
in wo 5 I'm sorrry, we only ta
ake cash. __
use external evidence? 6 There's s a cash mac chine over the
ere. __
__ __ 7 That's £12.99.
£ __

Grammar Unit 4
be going to for future plans and intentions be going to and will for predictions

1 Choose the correct option. 3 Write predictions and questions. Use will for
Jessica isn’t go to / isn't going to sell her predictions based on beliefs and going to for
predictions based on external evidence.
1 They aren't going / aren't going to watch TV. Evidence
2 Tony is / are going to leave home. Oh no! that cat / fall off / the wall 
3 They are / Are they going to sell their new app? Oh no! That cat’s going to fall off the wall.
4 The dog isn't going to chase / go to chasing 1 His leg is hurt. he / finish / the marathon 
the cat. ______________________________________
5 What you are / are you going to do this 2 The sky looks very dark. it / rain / soon ?
afternoon? ______________________________________
6 A: Are they going to move house?
B: Yes, they are / 're going to. Belief
3 I'm not sure she / donate / the money / to charity
2 Write the words in the correct order.

to / hockey tonight / going / watch / Tyler isn't ______________________________________
Tyler isn't going to watch hockey tonight. 4 we think you / enjoy / the race / on Sunday 
1 is / Olivia / to / visit her grandparents / going ______________________________________
______________________________________ 5 they / be annoyed / with us ?
2 to / going / drive to / Mum and Dad / the cinema / ______________________________________
______________________________________ 4 Read the sentences. Decide if each sentence
3 Jack / next year / is / to get married / going / ? makes a prediction based on a belief (PB), on
______________________________________ external evidence (PE), or if it refers to future
plans (FP)? Write PB, PE or FP.
4 are going / go skiing at / the weekend / to /
Max and I I didn't clean my room and there are clothes all
______________________________________ over the floor. Mum isn't going to be very
5 a success / that new computer game / to / be / happy. PE
is going 1 Is Alexis certain that she will pass her exam? __
______________________________________ 2 Grace is going to travel to America next year.
It’s all booked. __
3 They're sure they will win the prize money. __
4 The tree branch isn't strong enough. I can see it
breaking! He is going to fall! __
5 Are you going to enter the charity event? __
6 It’s going to snow. It’s very cold and there are
lots of clouds. __
7 Mike won't enjoy this film, I don't think. __

Vocabulary Unit 4
Money Weddings

1 Match the sentence halves (1–7) to A–H. 3 Match the words (1–6) to the definitions (A–F).
1 You get pocket money E 1 valuable E
2 Coins are made __ 2 wedding __
3 You earn money __ 3 get married __
4 You win money __ 4 groom __
5 Bank notes are made __ 5 bride __
6 Spending is the opposite __ 6 ring __
7 People sometimes donate __
A the action of becoming husband and wife
A of metal. B a man on his wedding day
B money to charity. C a piece of jewellery that you wear on your finger,
C of paper. to show that you are married
D of saving money. D the event when two people become husband
E from your parents. and wife
F in a competition. E worth a lot of money
G at work. F a woman on her wedding day

Verbs and prepositions of movement Paying for something in a shop

2 What's going to happen? Complete the 4 Choose the correct option to complete the
sentences with the verbs. dialogues.
climb crawl dive slide swim
A: That prices / is €50, please.
1 2 3 B: OK. Can I pay by (1) card / change?
A: I'm sorry, we only (2) take / want cash.
A: I'd like to (3) give / return this CD.
B: Have you got a (4) cash machine / receipt?
A: Yes, can I (5) take / have a refund, please?

4 5

1 The cat is going to climb up the tree.

2 Sophia is going to ______ through the wave.
3 Kayla is going to ______ into the pool.
4 The baby is going to ______ under the bed.
5 José and Tim are going to ______ down the hill.

ar and
d Voca
y Unit 5

ammar V

n, can't, co
ould, could
dn't Life stages

1 Choose
C the correct
c optio
on. 4 Match the words (1–6
6) to the picttures (A–F).
Jo could pplay the pianoo when she was
w three! er
1 teenage C 4 elderly __
= present / past abilityy 2 adult __ 5 toddler __
1 No, you caan't go to the
e party. 3 baby __ 6 child __
= present aability / perm
2 Could you eat sweets whenw you we
ere younger?
= past perrmission / ab bility
3 I could rea
ad before I sttarted schooll.
= present / past abilityy
4 My brother can speak five languages!
= present / past abilityy

mparative and supe
erlative adverbs

2 Complete
C the
e table.
A Comparattive Su
e (1) _____
easy + more easily than he correct op
5 Choose th ption.
Has Joddi got / work
ked a job?
w + better (2) _____
_ the
e best 1 My cousins are grow wing / gettinng up fast!
2 When did
d your siste er buy / leavee home?
hard + (3) hard__
_ than (4)) _____ hardest 3 They goot married / retired in the
eir early thirtties.
4 She's going to learn
n to drive / re
etire soon.
ow somebo
ody to / be
e allowed to
g opinions
3 Choose
C the correct
c optio
6 Match the sentences (1–5) to the functions
Our dad allows / allow w us to use his
h computer.
1 Is Tina allo
ows / allowe ed to stay up
p late?
1 This DVVD is the che eapest. B
2 My parentss didn't alloww / allowed me
m to go outt.
2 I'm afra
aid I don't agrree. __
3 Are they aallow / alloweed to drive?
3 What diid you think ofo the varietyy show? __
4 My teache er allow / allo
ows me to do o my
4 You're absolutely
a rig
ght. __
homeworkk on my comp puter.
5 In my opinion,
o that act
a was borin ng. __

A asking for
f an opinio
B making a comparisoon
C giving an
a opinion
D agreeinng
E disagreeing

Grammar Unit 5
can, can't, could, couldn't 2

1 Choose the correct option.

She could / can read when she was three
years old.
1 Last weekend, he can't / couldn't invite friends
2 Daniel wakes up earl_. Jess wakes up
to his house because he had an exam on
e_ _ _ _ _r t_ _ _ Daniel. Sam wakes up t_ _
2 Grandma could / couldn't drive a car when she e_ _ _ _ _ _t of all. Daniel d_ _ _ _ _ wake up
_ _ e_ _ _ _ _ _ the other two.
got married. She learned a few years later.
3 Sorry, you can't / couldn't come to the concert
4 Correct the underlined mistakes in the
with us. I've only got two tickets. sentences.
4 Olivia can / can't speak Spanish and English, so Peter cares about his weight, so he eats healthy.
she has no problem when she's on holiday in healthily
London. 1 Hans is from Germany. He speaks German
5 When she was a teenager, she could / can go fluently than all the other students.
to the city centre on her own. __________________
6 Mike isn't in the school concert, because he 2 Joseph always studies hardly for his exams.
couldn't / can't play a musical instrument. __________________
7 My mum says that we could / can eat what we 3 Dad arrives home late than Mum.
want, if it's healthy! __________________
8 I could / couldn't ride a bike when I was five. 4 Tina sings well than we do.
I learned when I was four years old. __________________
5 Tom doesn't work as hard than his brother.
2 Answer the questions.
Which of the sentences in exercise 1 are about ... ?
1 present ability __, __
allow somebody to / be allowed to
2 past ability __, __
3 present permission __, __
5 Complete the sentences with the words in
4 past permission __, __ brackets.
Mum (allow / me) allows me to go to the park
Comparative and superlative adverbs regularly.
1 I (allow) ______________ go to the park
3 Look at the pictures. Then complete the
sentences with the correct comparative or
superlative adverbs. 2 Mr Smith (not allow / his students)
______________ leave the classroom early.
1 3 They (not allow) ______________ leave the
classroom early.
4 David’s mum (not allow / him) ______________
play computer games after 9 p.m.
5 He (not allow) ______________ play computer
games after 9 p.m.
1 Gemma plays the violin badl y. Nick plays the
violin w_ _ _ _ t_ _ _ Gemma. Jenny plays the
violin t_ _ w_ _ _ _ of all. Jenny does_ _ play
the violin a_ w_ _ _ a_ Gemma or Nick.

Vocabulary Unit 5
Life stages Verb phrases

1 Find five more words connected with life stages 4 Match the sentence halves (1–9) to A–I.
in the word puzzle. 1 How much money do you A well at school.
O T O K L B L F B Y 2 I want to take up B a lie-in on
A O H D R G R H W R Sundays.
3 Can you cook C sleepovers at all.
E D S G I Y M O D T 4 I don't have to share D a new sport.
A D U L T H U B O X 5 I always have E your friends
6 She does very F a room at home.
R E S I B Y U B S K 7 We can't have G spend on
8 Don't text H your friends
W J C H I L D J Q Y over?
T A C G N V I M A I 9 Are you going to invite I a healthy meal?

Talent shows
2 Write the life stages from exercise 1 in the 5 Match the definitions with the words.
correct age order.
audition comedian easily
Child Adult finalist fluently properly
baby 4 _________ without problems easily
1 _________ 5 _________ 1 a short performance to show you are good
2 _________ enough to be in a play, variety show, etc.
3 _________
2 a funny performer ___________
3 in the correct way ___________
3 Complete the verbs phrases with the correct
verbs in the box. 4 communicating quickly and successfully
buy get go grow have learn leave retire
5 a person who takes part in the last stage of a
grow up game, competition, etc. ___________
1 __________ home
2 __________ a house Expressing opinions
3 __________ from your job
4 __________ to drive 6 Choose the correct option to complete the
5 __________ children dialogue.
6 __________ to university A: So, what / how did you think of the film?
7 __________ a job B: To be (1) true / honest, I didn't really enjoy the
A: Oh! (2) Don't / Aren't you like Jennifer
B: (3) Properly / Personally, I think she always
looks angry.
A: Yes, (4) I agree / I'm agree. That's absolutely
(4) a good point / right.
B: So (5) what / how did you feel about it?
A: Hmm, well I didn't (6) think / say much of the
story, but the action was exciting.

ar and
d Voca
y Unit 6
ammar V

sent perfe
ect Jobs

1 Complete
C the
e table. 5 Match the pictures to the words.

P perfe
ect 1 radio DJ __ journalist
__ astrono omer _ pilot
A I ha
ave (1) ha__ a job. __ fire fighter _ vet
1 2 3
She (2) _____ 3) be__ to the
(3 e
N They (4) _____ 5) eat__ lunch.

He ha
asn't 6) se__ that
4 5 6
Q (7) _____ we
w Ye es, you have
and short helped you?
answers Noo, you
8) _____.
Has it rained Yees, it
today? (9
9) _____.
o, it hasn't.
6 Complete the verbs.
2 Choose
C the correct
c optio
on. be ill 4 g_ _ sunburnt
1 l_ _e yo
our suitcase 5 m__ _s a flight
You have / Have you worked in a shop before?
1 Megan hass worked / work
w with an
nimals. 2 ex_l_re a new placee 6 g_ abroad
2 I haven't / hasn't flownn a plane, bu
ut I want to! 3 f_ _get your passpoort 7 b_yy souvenirs
3 Erin and B
Ben have / ha as been to Barcelona.
4 John has selled
s / soldd things on eBay. Talking abo
out work experienc
e ce
5 Have / Has the firefigh
hters saved all
a the people e?
7 Put the lin
nes of the dialogue in th
he correct order.
3 Write
W the verrbs for the past
p particip
ples. A I love ta
alking to people, and I ennjoy
1 find found working g in a busy, friendly placee. _
2 _______ ta aught 6 _______ forgotten B Yes, I have.
h I had a job as a waiter last
3 _______ e eaten 7 _______ seen year. __
4 _______ flown 8 _______ written C What would
w you like
e most aboutt this job? _
5 _______ sstudied 9 _______ swum D So, hav ve you ever worked
w in a café
before? ? 1
sent perfe
ect with ev
ver and ne
ever E No, I haaven't. But I can
c cook and d I love
food. _
4 Complete
C the
e dialogues with ever or
o never. F That’s good
g to hearr. Have you got
g any
A: Have yyou ever mad de a video? experience of working in a kitche en? _
B: Yes, buut I've never put one on the internet.
1 A: Ryan hhas _____ wrritten a blog.
B: That’s ttrue, he hasn
n't. Has he _____
_ made a
2 A: Did youu know that Emily
E and Ju
ulia have
_____ o organized a big party beffore?
B: Wow, that’s surprising. This is the best partyy
I've ___
___ been to!

Grammar Unit 6
Present perfect Present perfect with ever and never

1 Rewrite the affirmative sentences as negative 4 Look at the prompts. Write questions with ever
sentences and questions. and answers with never. Use the correct form of
Anna has worked in a restaurant. the present perfect.
 Anna hasn't worked in a restaurant. you / book a hotel room
? Has Anna worked in a restaurant? Have you ever booked a hotel room?
1 The horse has jumped over the wall. No, I've never booked a hotel room.
 _____________________________________ 1 Alexis / lose her suitcase?
? _____________________________________ ______________________________________
2 David and Jim have worked in the film industry. ______________________________________
 _____________________________________ 2 your parents / hire a car?
? _____________________________________ ______________________________________
3 Dad has gone to Europe. ______________________________________
 _____________________________________ 3 Andrew / miss a flight?
? _____________________________________ ______________________________________
4 The girls have applied for jobs in that shop. ______________________________________
 _____________________________________ 4 you and I / make new friends on a plane?
? _____________________________________ ______________________________________
5 I have started my English project. ______________________________________
 _____________________________________
5 Choose the correct option.
? _____________________________________
That was the best cake I've ever / never eaten.
2 Complete the short answers for questions 1–5 1 Have your sisters stayed ever / ever stayed in
in exercise 1. a hostel?
No, she hasn't. 3 No, ____________. 2 Ben hasn’t / has never been abroad.
1 Yes, ____________. 4 Yes, ____________. 3 This is the first time she's never / ever been
2 No, ____________. 5 Yes, ____________. abroad.
4 Ever has your teacher / Has your teacher
3 Complete the blog with the present perfect form ever given you a bad mark?
of the verbs in brackets.
5 My friend and I have ever / never bought
souvenirs at that shop.

Mrs Jones has given us a class survey

about our experiences. She has asked (ask)
us about our lifestyles, and we (1) _______
(answer) the questions. Mrs Jones
(2) _______ (record) the information.
I (3) _______ (write) some of the questions
and answers here:
Q: (4) _______ (you / have) a Saturday job
A: No, I (5) _______ (not have) a job, but I
(6) _______ (earn) pocket money by
keeping my room tidy.
Q: (7) _______ (you / buy) things online?
A: No, we (8) _______ (not buy) anything,
but we
(9) _______ (sell) our homemade jewellery
on eBay. We (10) _______ (make) a bit of
Liz and Sue

Vocabulary Unit 6
Jobs A dangerous job

1 Complete the words for jobs. 3 Choose the correct option.

Most animals leave tracks / tribes on the
1 If you eat or drink poison / cure, you might die.
2 Have doctors found a cure / hunter for that
disease yet?
3 There are tribes / hunters of people in the
1 astronomer 4 p____________ Amazon who never leave the forest.
4 Hunters / Poisons usually catch animals for

Talking about work experience

4 Complete the words in the dialogue.

2 v____________ 5 y_______ i_______
A: Why do you want to apply for this job?
B: I'm very (1) g_________ at creative things and I
think I (2) c_________ write well, too.
A: Have you (3) e_________ worked as a writer for
a newspaper before?
B: Yes, I (4) h_________.
A: Have you got any (5) e_________ of writing
3 s_______ a_______ 6 f_______ f_______
about sport?
B: No, I haven’t, but I (6) l_________ playing sport
Holidays and would like to write about it, too!

2 Match the halves of the holiday actions (1–7)

to A–G.
1 buy A sunburnt __
2 forget B postcards __
3 miss C souvenirs 
4 explore D your luggage __
5 get E your flight __
6 send F new places __
7 lose G your passport __

Tick () the things which are fun to do on

holiday, and put a cross () next to the things
that it's better not to do.


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