JapJi Sahib y Shabad Guru
JapJi Sahib y Shabad Guru
JapJi Sahib y Shabad Guru
Original en inglés, traducido en servicio para APKY Chile por Pritam Joti Kaur
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espirituales ancestrales nos dicen que necesitamos una Guía de algún tipo, un
Hace muchos años, me mudé a vivir a Española, Nuevo México, para estudiar con
el Maestro de Kundalini Yoga Yogi Bhajan. Yogi Bhajan no me dejó relacionarme
con él como un Gurú. En lugar de eso, tomó nuestra relación de Maestro de Yoga
y estudiante de yoga y la usó como una manera de enseñarme sobre el Shabad
Requiere dar un paso atrás para ver el cuadro completo de la vida, muerte y
No eres quien crees que eres, y no estás aquí por las razones que tu mente te
dice. Eres el Espíritu de lo Divino y has tomado forma para disfrutar la experiencia
de la creación, de estar vivo.
Has venido en muchas formas distintas por miles de vidas diferentes para disfrutar
la creación desde una miríada de perspectivas. Cada vez que naces en una forma
u otra, olvidas de dónde vienes y eres absorbido por el juego de la creación. Pero
este olvido, cuando se trata de ser humano, puede crear dificultades.
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tomates, pero todos son buenos para comer. Existen muchos caminos hacia el
despertar. Pero todos te llevarán allá. Es cuestión de qué necesita tu alma.
Hace más de 500 años, un bello hombre que entendió esta verdad nació en lo que
es hoy India. Su nombre era Guru Nanak. Él pasó la mayor parte de su juventud
estudiando con maestros espirituales y practicantes de todas las tradiciones
conocidas en su tiempo. Él vio la Luz Divina en todo el mundo y creyó en que
nuestra hermandad común es la realidad espiritual más alta. En sus tempranos 30,
Guru Nanak tuvo su propia experiencia de iluminación. En ese estado de éxtasis,
Guru Nanak cantó una canción. La canción que cantó se conoce como Japji
Sahib, la Canción del Alma. Y Japji Sahib es una manifestación del Shabad Guru.
Japji Sahib funciona en dos niveles. Primero, ofrece hermosas instrucciones sobre
cómo entender la vida, el Universo y tu propio lugar en esta vasta obra Cósmica.
De esta manera, opera en el nivel del lenguaje y significado. Pero como una
manifestación del Shabad Guru, también tiene un poderoso efecto en otro nivel
completamente diferente.
Nos movemos hacia una era en que la humanidad comprenderá la realidad como
un flujo de información. En esta edad, llegaremos a ver que nuestra sobrevivencia
depende de cómo fluimos con esta información. El Shabad Guru es un Gurú que
enseña, a través de la Corriente de Sonido, cómo fluir con la información más sutil
de todas: el comando creador de lo Divino que está continuamente creando la
creación y llevándonos hacia reinos de consciencia aún más profundos y vastos.
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Guru Nanak fundó el Sikh Dharma en dos formas: sus enseñanzas ofrecen una
visión de la raza humana realmente universal e inclusiva. Pero también dejó un
camino específico a través de la tecnología del Shabad Guru. Dentro de las
enseñanzas del Japji Sahib no sólo hay una descripción de cómo ver lo
Divino, sino que vibrando la Corriente de Sonido, ésta se convierte en el
camino de cómo ser Divino. Y éste es su gran poder y secreto.
Que seas bendecido hacia el Infinito y que el viaje de tu propia alma te lleve a la
más alta verdad dentro de ti. Que el recuerdo de que el Creador te puso aquí con
un propósito, por una razón, te despierte para vivir en la pureza de tu propia
genuinidad y espíritu. Y que seas siempre bendecido a vivir sano, feliz y santo.
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"Give because God gives to you. Love because that is your purpose in life. Shine
because it is important. Share because it is demanded of you. How can you do it?
In Japji, Guru Nanak gave you guidance, telling you the way he found liberation, ‘In
the ambrosial hour, meditate on the True Identity. Your karma will be covered and
you will see the door of liberation.'" - Yogi Bhajan. May 2, 2000.
These days, many people are having spontaneous spiritual experiences. The soul
is opening up, ready to understand and embrace life in more subtle and profound
ways. But in the middle of our still imbalanced world, what do we do with those
experiences? Ancient spiritual traditions teach us that we need a Guide of some
kind, a Guru.
A Guru is a conscious being who has already walked the path of spiritual
awakening and can take us, step by step, along the way, protecting us from the
pitfalls of illusion and ego. Yet, there are so many spiritual teachers today that it is
difficult to know who to follow.
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Many years ago, I moved to Espanola, New Mexico, to study with Kundalini Yoga
Master Yogi Bhajan. Yogi Bhajan did not let me relate to him as a Guru. Rather, he
took our relationship of Yoga Master and yoga student and used it as a way to
teach me about the Shabad Guru.
It requires taking a step back to see the big picture of life, death and rebirth.
You are not who you think you are, and you are not here for the reasons your mind
tells you. You are the Spirit of the Divine and you have come into form to enjoy the
experience of creation, of being alive.
You have come into many different forms over thousands of different lifetimes to
enjoy creation from a myriad of perspectives. Every time you are born in one form
or another, you forget where you came from and you get absorbed in the play of
creation. But this forgetfulness, when it comes to being human, can create
Dharma is born of the Compassion of the Creator, and like all natural organic
systems on Earth, Dharma expresses itself in more than one form, in more than
one culture, in more than one way. There are many different kinds of tomatoes, but
they are all good to eat. There are many paths of awakening. But they are all going
to take you there. It is a question of what your soul needs.
Over 500 years ago, a beautiful man was born in what is now India who
understood this truth. His name was Guru Nanak. He spent most of his youth
studying with spiritual teachers and practitioners of every tradition known in his
day. He saw the Divine Light in everyone, and believed that our common
brotherhood and sisterhood is the highest spiritual reality. In his early 30's, Guru
Nanak had his own enlightenment experience. In that state of ecstasy, Guru Nanak
sang a song. The song he sang is known as Japji Sahib, the Song of the Soul. And
Japji Sahib is a manifestation of the Shabad Guru.
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Japji Sahib works on two levels. First, it offers beautiful instructions about how to
understand life, the Universe, and your own place in this vast Cosmic play. In this
way, it operates on the level of language and meaning. But as a manifestation of
the Shabad Guru, it also has a powerful effect on another level entirely.
The sounds of the words themselves have the capacity to heal and transform your
physical, mental, emotional and spiritual reality. As you chant the words, a powerful
alchemy takes place. Your body, like an instrument, begins to vibrate at the same
level of consciousness that Guru Nanak was in when he had his enlightenment
This is a process between you, your breath, and the Sound Current of the Shabad
Guru. No other person has the power to intercede. As you chant, you purify
yourself. And in this way, the Shabad Guru guides you, in time and through grace,
to merge into your Infinite Identity.
We are moving into an age where humanity will understand reality as a flow of
information. In this age, we will come to see that our survival depends on how we
flow with that information. The Shabad Guru is a Guru that teaches, through the
Sound Current, how to flow with the most subtle information of all: the creative
command of the Divine that is continually creating the creation and bringing us to
ever deeper and vaster realms of awareness.
Guru Nanak founded Sikh Dharma in two ways: his teachings offer a truly universal
and inclusive vision of the human race. But he also laid down a specific path
through the technology of the Shabad Guru. Within the teachings of Japji Sahib
is not only a description of how to see the Divine, but through vibrating the
Sound Current, it becomes the path of how to be Divine. And this is its great
power and secret.
May you be blessed unto Infinity and may the journey of your own soul take you to
your highest truth within yourself. May the remembrance that the Creator set you
here for a purpose, for a reason, awaken you to live in the purity of your own
genuineness and spirit. And may you ever be blessed to live healthy, happy and
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Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa has a great love for the mystical spiritual
traditions of the East. Her other great love is writing. These two loves
come together in her beautiful translations of the Teaching Songs of
the Sikhs. She is an ordained minister of Sikh Dharma International,
and a teacher of Kundalini Yoga. She currently serves as the Program
Director for www.sikhnet.com. For more information, visit
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