01 01 Ro Boom 650
01 01 Ro Boom 650
01 01 Ro Boom 650
RO-BOOM 650 - Heavy-duty oil containment boom
RO-BOOM 650 oil containment boom is specially developed for the containment of oil floating on the sur-
face of water. It is suitable for use in most rivers, harbours, terminals and sheltered coastal areas.
RO-BOOM 650 is made from a unique substrate compound of synthetic rubber with a hypalon external
layer. This unique homogenous, single process construction has complete cross, hot vulcanisation of rubber
and reinforcing fabrics. This seamless, flexible structure has very high abrasion resistance, peel resistance,
tensile strength and will withstand the effects of sun, sea and oils which destroy many other booms.
RO-BOOM is fitted with a hot galvanized ballast/tension chain, has individual air chambers and internal fi-
breglass rods to provide a high integrity. The external chain ensures that after operation, the Ro-Boom can
be cleaned, with no residual oil being left in a chain pocket to contaminate waters when the boom is next
deployed. It also allows the boom to lie fully flat when not in use to allow easy cleaning and storage.
During operation, the ballast chain, which is • External chain to allow full cleaning of boom and to keep the
slightly shorter than the length of the boom, boom in an ideal shape when under tow
keeps the boom under constant tension, to
• 200m of boom can easily be deployed or recovered by a
maintain the best possible shape when the
trained crew in less than 10 minutes for rapid response.
boom is under tow. Ro-Boom has excellent
wave handling abilities allowing recovery in dif- • A ballast chain shorter than the length of the boom ensures
ficult conditions other booms may not handle. that the boom remains in the best possible shape when the
boom is under tow.recovery
Advantages of RO-BOOM 650:
• A durable boom resistant to abrasion, oils and sun- • Can be easily re-packed for future deployments once recov-
light ered
For more information on Oil Spill Response systems, please visit www.desmi.com