Gerund and Infinitive
Gerund and Infinitive
Gerund and Infinitive
• El GERUNDIO a veces se usa como nombre: - Smoking is bad for you - She's good at swimming.
* Nota algunos cambios necesarios: lie-lying take-taking sit-sitting
Los más comunes son: Otros verbos menos usados que también rigen gerundio son
like love start stop detest, prevent, avoid, risk, admit, deny, delay,
dislike hate begin finish keep, understand, mind, consider, miss, involve, can't stand,
I came here to see you. - I went to London to study English. - I drove to the airport to meet my parents.
́ SURPRISED to hear you say that. I ve
́ got some HOMEWORK to do.
• Se usa infinitivo sin la preposición to detrás de los verbos siguientes: - shall, will, can, could, must,
•después de make y let + nombre/ pronombre: - We let THEM go home.
•después de verbos de "seeing, hearing, & feeling" + nombre/ pronombre: - I saw HIM arrive
Con algunos verbos el significado de las oraciones se altera si se utilizan gerundios o infinitivos:
Remember/Forget (recordar/olvidar)
Con los verbos remember (recordar) y forget (olvidar), el gerundio hace referencia a una acción que ocurrió ANTES QUE el
I remember giving him the key significa...I remember having given him the key, o lo que es lo mismo...I remember the moment
I will never forget going water rafting in Africa significa...I will never forget the occasion on which we went water rafting in
Sin embargo, con remember y forget, el infinitivo hace referencia a una acción que ocurrió DESPUES QUE surgiera el hecho de
I remember that it was my responsibility to feed the cat and I fed her.
I forgot to post that letter significa...
Regret (lamentar/se)
La estructura regret + gerund (ing) se puede traducir como arrepentirse mientras que regret + infinitive se usa para presentar
malas noticias (I regret to say..., I regret to tell you..., I regret to inform you... )
I regret telling him the secret (Me arrepiento de haberle contado el secreto)
I regret to say that I just ran over your dog! (Siento decirle que he atropellado a su perro)
La estructura stop + gerund (ing) expresa que se ha interrumpido la acción mencionada en el gerundio: You must stop smoking.
Sin embargo, stop + infinitive expresa que se interrumpel la actividad que se está realizando para llevar a cabo la actividad
mencionada en el infinitivo: The window-cleaners stopped to smoke. Significa They stopped cleaning the windows in order to
have a cigarette.
Go on (seguir, continuar)
La estructura go on + gerund expresa lo mismo que continue + gerund/infinitive: He went on talking about himself, even
Sin embargo, go on + infinitive significa to start something new: He went on to talk about his children significa He was
talking about one thing and then he changed the subject and started to talk about his children.
Existe una ligera diferencia entre try + infinitive y try + gerund. La estructura try + infinitive sugiere que la acción del
infinitivo es difícil y posiblemente la persona no llegue a realizar la acción: Try to open the window. I can't because I'm not very
Sin embargo, try + gerund sugiere que la acción del gerundio no es compleja pero desconocemos si la consecuencia de esa acción
será lo que buscamos o deseamos. Se utiliza la estructura try + gerund cuando realizamos algo para descubrir cuáles serán las
consecuencias. Observa...
B: Try opening the window. Although it's probably just as hot outside!
Con el verbo need, el infinitivo adquiere un significado activo y el gerundio uno pasivo.
3. travel ................... 6. write ........................... 9. stop ...................... 12. lie........................
5. ............................... is a fast way of ................................. . You can go from London to Paris in just one hour.
8. Lisa thought about ............................. all the way from London to Edinburgh.
10. I think she is very bad at ............................... ; I’m reading one of her short stories and I don’t like it at all.
C) Rewrite these sentences, starting with a gerund. You may need to change some words.
3. Clean the machine more often; that will solve your problems. ............................................................
10. It’s more difficult to speak a foreign language than to read it. ...........................................................................
2. I dislike ( get up ) at seven o’clock every morning. 8. I love ( sit ) here by the sea in the
3. I started ( work ) for this company eight years ago. 9. I think it’s time to stop ( play ) tennis.
4. Do you prefer ( travel ) by plane or by ship? 10. What time did you finish ( do ) your homework last
5. I hate ( write ) ‘thank you’ letters. 11. Why don’t you like ( go ) to
6. I gave up ( drive ) after I had a bad accident. 12. I think I’ll start ( pack ) my
E) Complete these sentences, putting the verbs into the gerund and using one of the following
5. ................................................................. ( open ) the front door, I entered the house very quietly.
have learn help say work
live see watch smoke write move
study look after eat go walk go
out get up become make
1. ............................... is unhealthy, but a lot of people find it difficult to stop.
2.I’m fed up with ......................................... in the city; it’s too dirty and crowded.
4. I have decided to stop ...................................... in the evenings so that I can save some money for my holidays.
7. She’s going to continue ..................................... for another two years, until her exams.
9. They don’t like .................... and go everywhere by car. 15. They hate ..................... early in the morning.
10.They’re thinking of ........................... house. 16. Thank you for ............................ me with my homework.
11. They’ve given up .......................... meat. 17. They’re very keen on ........................... how to play
12. I’m not really interested in ......................... to university. 18. We love ......................... parties at
13. ........................................ children can be very tiring. 19. She left without ..............................
Exercise A
Exercise B Exercise C
1. doing
1. running 1. Swimming is a good way of keeping fit.
2. playing
2. doing 2. Learning a foreign language takes a long time.
3. travelling
3. lying 3. Cleaning the machine more often will solve your problems.
4. riding
4. playing 4. Growing your own food is less expensive.
5. trying
5. Flying i/travelling 5. Giving up smoking will make you feel better.
6. writing
6. riding/swimming 6. Going by rail is cheaper than going by air.
7. running
7. trying 7. Smoking is not allowed in here.
8. flying
8. driving 8. Being in hospital is not very pleasant.
9. stopping
9.stopping 9. Windsurfing properly is very difficult.
10. driving
10. writing 10. Speaking a foreign language is more difficult than reading it.
11. swimming
11. Walking on the grass is forbidden.
12. lying
12. Swimming on my back is one thing I can´t do.
Exercise F
13. Being polite to someone you don´t like is diffcult.
1. Smoking
Exercise D
2. living
1. like making
3. working Exercise E
2. dislike getting up
4. going out 1. about going
3. started working
5. writing 2. to seeing
4. prefer travelling
5. hate writing 6. making 3. of working
19. saying
20. Watching