1. A. felicitarles, animarlos a que siguieran así. Ya que iban por buen camino,
y eran un ejemplo para seguir así ya que sufrieron mucho y aun así su fe
A. congratulate them, encourage them to continue like this. Since they were
on the right track, and they were an example to follow since they suffered a
lot and even so their faith prevailed.
B. saber que lo estaban haciendo bien, incentivarles a seguir así para que
sigan siendo ejemplo a las personas.
B. knowing that they were doing well, encourage them to continue like this
so that they continue to be an example to people.
2.b. observations
Dios: Paternidad, ayuda a sus escogidos, amor.
Jesús: la salvación que da Jesús al acceder a Papa por medio de el.
Anunciar su palabra es bueno.
Espíritu Santo: el cambio que damos por medio de el, alegría, ejemplo,
confianza, hospitalidad.
God: Fatherhood, he helps his chosen ones, love.
Jesus: the salvation that Jesus gives when accessing God through him.
Announcing his word is good.
Holy Spirit: the change we give through him, joy, being an example, trust,