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Nombre del Proyecto Estabilidad de Taludes

En esta hoja se debe ingresar la geometría del talud

Numero de Capas 2 a analizar. Esta información es indispensable para
el cálculo del factor de seguridad.
5 Nota: Los datos se ingresan de izquierda a derecha
Directorio del programa c:\tesis\ y de la capa superior a inferior

Capa 1 Capa 2
Superficies 3 2

Coordenada Coordenada Coordenada Coordenada Tipo de

Xi (m) Yi (m) Xd (m) Yd (m) Suelo
10 10 20 10 1
20 10 30 17 1
30 17 40 17 1
8 8 9 10 1
9 10 30 15 1
e ingresar la geometría del talud
mación es indispensable para
de seguridad.
ngresan de izquierda a derecha
r a inferior
Tipos de suelo 1 En esta hoja se deben ingresar las propiedades de los
suelos del talud a analizar. Esta información es
indispensable para el cálculo del factor de seguridad.

gt gs c u Superficie
f ru
[KN/m3] [KN/m3] [Kpa] [Kpa] agua
19.5 19.5 5 25 0 0 1
en ingresar las propiedades de los
analizar. Esta información es
cálculo del factor de seguridad.
Numero de Puntos 4
gw [KN/m ]3

X [m] Y [m]
0 10
15 15
30 16
40 17
Número de Cargas 2 Con Sísmo Sin Sísmo

Intensidad Angulo de Coeficiente Coeficiente

Xi (m) Xd (m)
(Kpa) Inclinación Ah Av
5 6 10 0 0.1 0.1
25 30 10 0

Nota: Las cargas se deben ingresar de izquierda a

derecha. En caso de usar cargas sísmicas, se
recomienda usar coeficientes de aceleración
vertical Av positivos y negativos con el fin de
verificar su efecto en el factor de seguridad.
Sin Sísmo 1

Presión de

deben ingresar de izquierda a

e usar cargas sísmicas, se
eficientes de aceleración
y negativos con el fin de
n el factor de seguridad.
Numero de Superficies 4

Coordenada Coordenada Coordenada Coordenada

Xi (m) Yi (m) Xd (m) Yd (m)
0 0 15 0
15 0 20 2
20 2 30 5
30 5 40 8
Bishop Angulo del Talud 30
Janbu circular
Janbu irregular
Specer - Bishop
Specer - Janbu circular
Buscar superficies de falla
Specer - Janbu irregular

Puntos Numero Xi Inicial Xf Inicial Xi Final Xf Final Elevación Longitud Angulo Angulo
10 10 18 23 30 35 5 2 0 0
** PCSTABL5 **

Purdue University

--Slope Stability Analysis--

Simplified Janbu, Simplified Bishop
or Spencer`s Method of Slices

Run Date: fecha

Time of Run: hora
Run By: titulo
Input Data Filename: c:input.stb
Output Filename: c:input.out
Plotted Output Filename: c:input.plt

PROBLEM DESCRIPTION Estabilidad de Taludes


3 Top Boundaries
5 Total Boundaries

Boundary X-Left Y-Left X-Right Y-Right Soil Type

No. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Below Bnd

1 10.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 1

2 20.00 10.00 30.00 17.00 1
3 30.00 17.00 40.00 17.00 1
4 8.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 1
5 9.00 10.00 30.00 15.00 1


1 Type(s) of Soil
Soil Total Saturated Cohesion Friction Pore Pressure Piez.
Type Unit Wt. Unit Wt. Intercept Angle Pressure Constant Surface
No. (pcf) (pcf) (psf) (deg) Param. (psf) No.

1 19.5 19.5 5.0 25.0 .00 .0 1



Unit Weight of Water = 9.81

Piezometric Surface No. 1 Specified by 4 Coordinate Points

Point X-Water Y-Water

No. (ft) (ft)

1 .00 10.00
2 15.00 15.00
3 30.00 16.00
4 40.00 17.00

Searching Routine Will Be Limited To An Area Defined By 4 Boundaries

Of Which The First 4 Boundaries Will Deflect Surfaces Upward

Boundary X-Left Y-Left X-Right Y-Right

No. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)

1 .00 .00 15.00 .00

2 15.00 .00 20.00 2.00
3 20.00 2.00 30.00 5.00
4 30.00 5.00 40.00 8.00


2 Load(s) Specified
Load X-Left X-Right Intensity Deflection
No. (ft) (ft) (lb/sqft) (deg)

1 5.00 6.00 10.0 .0

2 25.00 30.00 10.0 .0

NOTE - Intensity Is Specified As A Uniformly Distributed

Force Acting On A Horizontally Projected Surface.

A Horizontal Earthquake Loading Coefficient

Of .100 Has Been Assigned

A Vertical Earthquake Loading Coefficient

Of .100 Has Been Assigned

Cavitation Pressure = -100.0 psf


A Critical Failure Surface Searching Method, Using A Random

Technique For Generating Circular Surfaces, Has Been Specified.

100 Trial Surfaces Have Been Generated.

10 Surfaces Initiate From Each Of 10 Points Equally Spaced

Along The Ground Surface Between X = 18.00 ft.
and X = 23.00 ft.

Each Surface Terminates Between X = 30.00 ft.

and X = 35.00 ft.

Unless Further Limitations Were Imposed, The Minimum Elevation

At Which A Surface Extends Is Y = 5.00 ft.

2.00 ft. Line Segments Define Each Trial Failure Surface.

Following Are Displayed The Ten Most Critical Of The Trial
Failure Surfaces Examined. They Are Ordered - Most Critical

* * Safety Factors Are Calculated By The Modified Bishop Method * *

Failure Surface Specified By 9 Coordinate Points

Point X-Surf Y-Surf

No. (ft) (ft)

1 20.22 10.16
2 22.22 10.25
3 24.18 10.63
4 26.08 11.28
5 27.86 12.19
6 29.49 13.34
7 30.95 14.70
8 32.20 16.27
9 32.64 17.00

Circle Center At X = 20.5 ; Y = 24.3 and Radius, 14.2

*** .930 ***

Failure Surface Specified By 9 Coordinate Points

Point X-Surf Y-Surf

No. (ft) (ft)

1 20.22 10.16
2 22.21 10.40
3 24.14 10.90
4 26.00 11.65
5 27.74 12.64
6 29.34 13.84
7 30.76 15.24
8 32.00 16.81
9 32.11 17.00
Circle Center At X = 19.3 ; Y = 25.5 and Radius, 15.3

*** .935 ***

Failure Surface Specified By 10 Coordinate Points

Point X-Surf Y-Surf

No. (ft) (ft)

1 19.11 10.00
2 21.10 9.80
3 23.10 9.88
4 25.07 10.25
5 26.96 10.88
6 28.75 11.78
7 30.39 12.92
8 31.86 14.28
9 33.12 15.84
10 33.81 17.00

Circle Center At X = 21.5 ; Y = 23.9 and Radius, 14.1

*** .955 ***

Failure Surface Specified By 10 Coordinate Points

Point X-Surf Y-Surf

No. (ft) (ft)

1 18.56 10.00
2 20.54 9.75
3 22.54 9.83
4 24.50 10.22
5 26.37 10.92
6 28.11 11.90
7 29.67 13.16
8 31.01 14.64
9 32.09 16.33
10 32.39 17.00
Circle Center At X = 21.1 ; Y = 22.2 and Radius, 12.5

*** .956 ***

Failure Surface Specified By 10 Coordinate Points

Point X-Surf Y-Surf

No. (ft) (ft)

1 18.56 10.00
2 20.52 9.62
3 22.52 9.58
4 24.50 9.88
5 26.39 10.52
6 28.15 11.48
7 29.71 12.73
8 31.04 14.22
9 32.09 15.93
10 32.52 17.00

Circle Center At X = 21.7 ; Y = 21.1 and Radius, 11.6

*** .967 ***

Failure Surface Specified By 9 Coordinate Points

Point X-Surf Y-Surf

No. (ft) (ft)

1 20.22 10.16
2 22.21 9.91
3 24.20 10.02
4 26.15 10.47
5 27.99 11.26
6 29.67 12.35
7 31.12 13.72
8 32.32 15.33
9 33.16 17.00
Circle Center At X = 22.6 ; Y = 21.3 and Radius, 11.4

*** .968 ***

Failure Surface Specified By 10 Coordinate Points

Point X-Surf Y-Surf

No. (ft) (ft)

1 19.67 10.00
2 21.63 9.62
3 23.63 9.64
4 25.59 10.05
5 27.43 10.83
6 29.08 11.96
7 30.48 13.38
8 31.58 15.06
9 32.32 16.91
10 32.34 17.00

Circle Center At X = 22.6 ; Y = 19.8 and Radius, 10.2

*** .976 ***

Failure Surface Specified By 10 Coordinate Points

Point X-Surf Y-Surf

No. (ft) (ft)

1 18.00 10.00
2 19.98 9.68
3 21.98 9.72
4 23.94 10.09
5 25.81 10.81
6 27.52 11.83
7 29.04 13.14
8 30.30 14.69
9 31.28 16.44
10 31.47 17.00

Circle Center At X = 20.8 ; Y = 21.1 and Radius, 11.5

*** .976 ***

Failure Surface Specified By 10 Coordinate Points

Point X-Surf Y-Surf

No. (ft) (ft)

1 19.67 10.00
2 21.65 9.72
3 23.65 9.72
4 25.63 10.02
5 27.54 10.60
6 29.35 11.44
7 31.02 12.54
8 32.52 13.87
9 33.80 15.41
10 34.79 17.00

Circle Center At X = 22.6 ; Y = 23.5 and Radius, 13.8

*** .977 ***

Failure Surface Specified By 8 Coordinate Points

Point X-Surf Y-Surf

No. (ft) (ft)

1 20.78 10.54
2 22.74 10.93
3 24.64 11.56
4 26.45 12.42
5 28.13 13.49
6 29.67 14.77
7 31.05 16.22
8 31.62 17.00
Circle Center At X = 18.6 ; Y = 26.5 and Radius, 16.1

*** .983 ***


.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00

X .00 L---------+---------W---------+---------+---------+
5.00 + /1
- 1/
- *
- *
A 10.00 + *
X 15.00 L W
- . 3
I 20.00 + L .8*
- ...7 ..
- ...5410.
- ....73....
- .....412...
S 25.00 + .... .3..0... /2
- .....7681....
- ......53..0....
- ... ..97.12...
- ......53..0....
- .. ....97.812...
30.00 + L .......53..8*.W.*2/
- .... ..9.6512.0..
- ........37..82
- .......9..6511
- ........3.6
- ....9..3
F 35.00 + ...9
T 40.00 + L *

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