Animal Salvaje
Animal Salvaje
Animal Salvaje
(El pingüino)
¿CÓMO SON LOS PINGÜINOS? Tienen el vientre claro y el dorso oscuro, para
confundirse en el agua con la claridad de la luz del sol, o la oscuridad del fondo ma-
rino. En tierra firme son poco ágiles y andan erectos, tambaleándose, con las alas
abiertas para mantener el equilibrio.
Son ovíparos. Cada año, ponen los huevos cuidadosamente. Tardan unos 40 días en
eclosionar. Habitualmente solo una de las dos crías sobrevive.
(The Penguin)
WHAT ARE PENGUINS LIKE? They have a light belly and a dark back, to be con-
fused in the water with the clarity of sunlight, or the darkness of the seabed. On land
they are not very agile and walk erect, staggering, with their wings spread to maintain
They are oviparous. Every year, they carefully lay their eggs. They take about 40
days to hatch. Usually only one of the two young survives.
Habitat: they live in the southern hemisphere, with colonies in South Africa, South
America, Antarctica, New Zealand. Their average lifespan is about 6 years.
Food: They are carnivorous because they consume fish, crustaceans and squid.