Material Exclusivo: Idioma Inglés
Material Exclusivo: Idioma Inglés
Material Exclusivo: Idioma Inglés
para alumnos de
Idioma Inglés
Avance del Libro de Texto de Cátedra
(Unidades V – VIII – Trabajos Prácticos I y II)
María Maidana
Virginia Hawkes
María Bennasar
Bernarda Lau
Jorge Abboud
Trabajo Práctico Nº 1
A. Antes de leer el texto, ¿qué elementos que lo acompañan podrían facilitar
la comprensión?
Línea 7: it deals
Línea 12: it does not rely
Línea 14: it resembles
D. Si respondió afirmativamente, explique qué estrategias aplicó. ¿Le fue útil
la regla de diccionario sugerida?
F. Traduzca el enunciado en E.
Galileo Galilei
Natural Radioactivity
Albert Einstein
Steve Jobs
Sección Gramatical
There be
Verbos regulares
Verbos irregulares
Galileo Galilei was born in Italy in 1564. His experiments and discoveries
were largely responsible for the birth and growth of early science and the
scientific method. Galileo had an inquisitive mind. He wondered about the
things around him. He was a scientist. He devised actual experiments to
answer his many questions.
Galileo’s observations of the solar system and the universe were among
his most important contributions to science.
With his telescope, Galileo discovered the moons around Jupiter and
noticed spots on the sun. Galileo saw the mountains and valleys of the
moon. He kept accurate and complete records of his observations.
Galileo spent his later years teaching his pupils and publishing his
findings. His experiments and discoveries cleared the way for the age of
science that followed his death in 1642.
Texto II
Because the X ray was a new type of radiation, with entirely new
properties, its discovery attracted a great deal of attention not only
among scientists but also among the general public. Naturally there was
much speculation as to what there was in the vacuum tube that caused
this radiation.
Since the glass walls of all the vacuum tubes which emitted X rays
exhibited visible phosphorence, it probably occurred to many that the X-
ray radiation was in some way associated with this phosphorence.
Becquerel examined minerals and other substances which phosphoresced
under the action of light, hoping that they too might give an invisible
radiation. In this way he found, in 1896, that uranium and its compounds
gave an invisible radiation capable of affecting a photographic plate
through black paper or through sheets of aluminium. Becquerel soon
found that this new radiation had nothing to do with the
1. Becquerel, su hipótesis.
3. Conclusión.
Albert Einstein was born in Germany in 1879 and his family moved to
Switzerland in 1894. He studied at the University of Zürich and received
his doctorate from it in 1905. That same year he won international fame
with the publication of two articles: one on the photoelectric effect, in
which he demonstrated the particle nature of light; and one on his special
theory of relativity, which included his formulation of the equivalence of
mass and energy. In 1915 he published his general theory of relativity,
which he confirmed experimentally during a solar eclipse in 1919 with
observations of the deviation of light passing near the Sun.
(Adaptado de Britannica Concise Encyclopaedia, 2010)
Texto IV
Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857-1894) was a German physicist who was born
in Hamburg. He studied physics with Hemholtz in Berlin, at whose
suggestions he became interested in Maxwell´s electromagnetic theory.
He carried out his researches with electromagnetic waves that made his
name famous at Kalsrube Polytechnics between 1885 and 1889. As
professor of physics at the University of Bohn, after 1889, he
experimented with electrical discharges through gases. By his premature
death, science lost one of his most promising disciples.
1857 – Hamburgo
En Berlín
En el Politécnico
Después de 1889
Texto V
A. Lea la lista de nombres y responda.
Steven Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco,
California. He was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs and named Steven Paul
Jobs. The family lived in Mountain View within California's Silicon Valley.
As a boy, Jobs and his father worked on electronics in the family garage.
He showed his son how to take apart and reconstruct electronics.
While Jobs was an intelligent and innovative thinker, his youth was riddled
with frustrations over formal schooling.
In 1971 Jobs met his future partner, Steve Wozniak, who once said: "We
both loved electronics… We both had an independent attitude about
things in the world…"
In 1974, Jobs took a position as a video game designer with Atari. Several
months later he left Atari and went to India, traveling the continent and
experimenting with psychedelic drugs. In 1976, when Jobs was 21, he and
Steve Wozniak started Apple Computers. They started in the Jobs family
garage and funded their entrepreneurial venture after Jobs sold his
Volkswagen bus and Wozniak sold his scientific calculator.
Jobs and Wozniak are credited with revolutionizing the computer industry
by democratizing the technology and making the machines smaller,
cheaper, intuitive and accessible to everyday consumers.
However, IBM suddenly surpassed Apple sales, and Apple had to compete
with an IBM/PC dominated business world. In 1985, Jobs resigned as
Apple's CEO to begin a new hardware and software company called NeXT,
Inc. The following year Jobs purchased an animation company from
George Lucas, which later became Pixar Animation Studios. Believing in
Pixar's potential, Jobs initially invested $50 million of his own money into
the company. Pixar Studios went on to produce popular animation films
such as Toy Story, Finding Nemo and The Incredibles.
Reinventing Apple
In 1997 Jobs returned to his post as Apple's CEO and put Apple back on
track. His ingenious products such as the iMac, effective branding
campaigns, and stylish designs caught the attention of consumers once
again. In 2011, Jobs died of a neuroendocrine tumor, a rare form of
pancreatic cancer.
(Adaptado de
B. Responda.
Texto VI
Other Sociology
13% 8%
Arts Sciences
8% 16%
8% Health
Texto VII
A. Lea los distintos cuadros y numérelos hasta organizar el
texto original. Note que en el siguiente informe las oraciones
no presentan el orden correcto y recuerde que hay palabras
que le dan cohesión al texto.
Another example is the first machine that would do calculations and print
out results, which Mr. Charles Babagge designed in 1830.
One example is the first simple adding machine that Mr. Blaise Pascal
developed in 1642.
Texto VIII
In his first visit to the Americas in 1492, Christopher Columbus and other
explorers introduced corn, native to the Americas, to the rest of the world,
and European growers modified the plant to their unique growing
conditions. Spanish navigators also returned with potatoes, which are
native to the Andes in South America. Two centuries after their European
introduction, potatoes were a staple in Ireland, Germany and other
European countries.
(Adaptado de
Tiempo Pasado
In the fifth century B.C. Parmenides declared that the earth was a sphere.
En el siglo V A.C. Parménides proclamó/afirmó que la tierra era una
Albert Einstein was as famous as Newton.
Albert Einstein fue tan famoso como Newton.
She The substance was in the test tube.
La sustancia estaba en la probeta.
The Twin Towers were 400 m high.
Las Torres Gemelas tenían 400 m de altura.
We were
The data were in the files.
Los datos estaban en los archivos.
Ejemplos de interrogación:
Ejemplos de negación:
In early days, people did not know much about the universe.
En la antigüedad, la gente no sabía mucho acerca del universo.
Sección Gramatical
Portadores Will/Shall/…’ll.
Going to
Be + -ing
In section 5-3 we considered only the accelerations given to one particular object, the
standard kilogram. We were able to define forces quantitatively. What effect will these
forces have in other objects? Everyday experience gives us a qualitative answer. The same
force will produce different accelerations on different bodies. A baseball will be accelerated
more by a given force than will an automobile.
In nearly all cases in this book we will apply the laws of classical mechanics from the point
of view of an observer in an inertial frame. It is possible to solve problems in mechanics
using a non-inertial frame, such as a frame rotating with respect to the fixed stars, but to
do so we have to introduce forces that cannot be associated with objects in the
environment. We will discuss this in Chapters 6, 11 and 16. A reference frame attached to
the earth can be considered to be an inertial frame for most practical purposes. We shall
see in Chapter 16 how good an approximation this is.
(Adaptado de Resnick y Halliday, 2002. Physics-Part I)
Texto II
A child only inherits some genetic traits of its parents because some genes overrule others.
The former are called dominant genes and the latter, recessive genes. For example, if one
parent has freckles, but the other doesn’t, their children will have freckles. This gene is
dominant. The “no-freckles” gene is recessive. Recessive genes will only give a person their
genetic trait if the person inherits that gene from both parents. For example, if neither
parent has freckles, their children won’t have them either.
(Adaptado Bingham et al, 2005. The Usborne Book of Knowledge)
A. Lea el texto y diga si las siguientes oraciones son verdaderas o
falsas. Justifique su respuesta.
Texto III
1. We are now going to consider a family of related programs for processing character
2. When atoms are of different sizes or electronegative, they will have limited solubility.
3. We shall see later how T may be determined for various types of motion of a rigid
4. We shall discuss only three of the aberrations of a lens: spherical aberration, off-axis
astigmatism and chromatic aberration.
5. We shall ordinarily write methane with a dash to represent each pair of electrons
shared by carbon and hydrogen.
6. Some materials, such as plastic and rubber, will exhibit creep behavior at room
9. If no light gets into your eyes, you won’t see anything, no matter how much light
there is around.
10. In any photographic exposure, there will be variations in illuminance received from
different objects in the photographed scene.
Texto IV
Ecosystems are not static-they change all the time. Plants and animals are able to adapt
to changes in the physical environment. It is possible to predict changes. For example,
when fire destroys the vegetation in a region, grass and some flowers will grow. Then
insects will appear. The wind will blow the seeds of small trees, which will grow, and
birds will turn up. As the trees grow, the grass will disappear and a dense forest will
develop. Some trees cannot live in a dense forest and they will die. Others will develop
and animals will be able to live in the forest.
Texto V
(De O’ Sullivan et al, 1993. The New Cambridge English Course- Practice 3)
B. Dé al menos cuatro ejemplos de lo que ocurrirá en los próximos:
a. Tres
b. Tres
c. Tres horas
Texto VI
What would human life look like in the 22nd century? Will human existence unexpectedly
undergo a complete or a partial change and, if so, to what extent is it going to influence
on humankind of that time? How will life and customs of people alter and in what
direction are they going to – positive or negative?
If the material world of people in the 21st century looks like a sophisticatedly-organized
organism with all its functions and vital processes, then, life in almost a century will
undergo a complete metamorphosis and will look like a system of organs which fill the
existence (body) of ordinary men.
In the first place, perhaps, we should mention the development of the nowadays
technologies and their progress in all scientific fields. Undoubtedly, specific application in
life will take place: the “computer-modified organism” or so-called robots. Our luxuries
and everyday needs will be easily satisfied by the help of those “live” machines which tend
to obey each order of their masters.
3. Robots will…
4. Pareciera que el hombre investiga el universo cada vez, más dado que
estudiar la tierra y sus misterios ya no satisfacen su curiosidad.
Sección Gramatical
Tiempo Futuro
Los portadores de tiempo futuro son: will (con todas las personas), shall
(con I y We). La contracción ‘ll se encuentra cada vez más frecuentemente
en reemplazo de las dos formas anteriores.
In this book we’ll start by discussing ways to understand how to use your computer.
En este libro comenzaremos estudiando formas para entender cómo usar la
In this chapter, we shall investigate the rate at which the position of the point is
En este capítulo investigaremos la velocidad a la que está cambiando la posición del
Ejemplo de interrogación:
Will global warming get worse in the course of time? Will we do anything to stop it?
¿Empeorará el calentamiento global? ¿Haremos algo para detenerlo?
Ejemplo de negación:
Be + going to + infinitivo
Be + -ing + (adverbio)
Merck & Company, Inc. are opening several new branches in the USA in the next few
Merck & Company, Inc. inaugurará numerosas sucursales nuevas en los EE.UU en los
próximos años.
Cardinal numbers will also be denoted by lower case Greek letters α, β, etc.
Los números cardinales también serán denotados por las letras minúsculas griegas α, β,
By the end of this book, we will have learned the laws of Boyle and Charles or Gay-
Al finalizar este libro, habremos aprendido las leyes de Boyle y Charles o Gay-Lussac.
Sección Gramatical
Formas -ing
Regla de diccionario
Interpretaciones según su función y contexto
Algunas excepciones
Texto I
Genetic engineering is the term applied to techniques that alter the genes
(hereditary material) or combination of genes in an organism. The cells of
all living organisms contain genes. Genes carry chemical information that
determines the organism’s characteristics. By changing an organism’s
genes, scientists can give the organism and its descendants different
Genetic therapy can be applied to cure diseases. In those cases, the DNA
of a virus can be modified by replacing the disease-causing genes of the
patient with healthy human genes. The modified viruses become vehicles
to replace defective genes with normal genes. This method may help
doctors treat, for example, some liver diseases. Other techniques
introduce genes into cancer cells of the patient to make them more
vulnerable to drugs that can kill them.
Genetic engineering is used to improve the efficiency of food production
and it also has a potential for controlling pollution. Researchers are
working to develop genetically engineered microorganisms, plants,
antibodies, hormones, etc. for application in industries, agriculture and
(Adaptado de
1. Genetic engineering…
a. mainly in medicine.
b. in industry and agriculture.
c. in the three fields.
a. cure cancer
b. treat some liver diseases.
c. tolerate drugs.
Texto II
Beginnings Endings
1 Install the ceiling and wall a as cooler air will enter from
insulation and keep curtains outside.
closed during winter
2 Use awnings to shade b as the ice prevents the efficient
windows transfer of heat.
3 Turn off appliances, c as the washer does not use less
including lights, energy for smaller loads.
4 Set the fans of air d as these will use the heat most
conditioners at high speed efficiently.
5 Avoid opening the fridge e as this increases the amount of
door too much energy required to cool the
6 Defrost the freezer before f because they use only one-
the ice builds up quarter of the electricity and last
up to four times longer.
7 Only use the dishwasher g do not boil more water than you
when there is a full load, need.
8 Use cooking pots and kettles h for greater efficiency.
with flat, wide bottoms
9 Keep lids on pans, pots and i so that heat does not escape into
kettles while they are in use the air.
10 Do not open the oven door j to make use of residual heat.
regularly while in use
11 The oven and hot plates can k to reduce heat gain in rooms
be turned off before cooking that is being cooled.
is finished,
12 When boiling water, l to reduce heat loss.
13 Use fluorescent tubes and m when they are not in use.
lights instead of
incandescent light bulbs,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Texto III
Concrete is a good example of a composite material. Ordinary concrete is
made from cement, sand and pebbles. A material that sticks particles
together is called cement or a matrix. The cement used in concrete is
made by heating limestone with clay. When it is mixed with water, it
reacts to form a hard, strong solid. Concrete does have a problem- it
cracks too easily. But if there are enough grains or pebbles of the right
size the crack does not get any bigger. The picture shows how cracks
grow by means of pulling forces, and may be stopped by pebbles and by
compression forces.
3. Concrete is good:
a. for making tough things.
b. for making any kind of indoor furniture.
Texto IV
9. In making your measurements, you will need to assume that the volume
of trapped air is proportional to the length of the trapped air column.
10. By knowing how the force varies with the bending of the spring, we
can calculate the work done by the spring on the carriage. But since the
force changes as the bending of the spring changes, the calculation is
13. There is another traditional way of obtaining and graphing values for
stored quantities from the model. The mathematics called calculus and
differential equations teach ways of calculating Q given the differential
equation. The differential is called integration and is represented with a
curling s-shaped symbol as shown in Table 16-4, line 5.
Texto V
Learning and education are continuing processes. They are not confined
to schools, universities, or some other educational bodies. Much
unstructured learning and education take place in the home where
parents and other members of the family are the teachers. But wherever
the educational process takes place, it has two main functions: (i) teaching
us how to fit into our social and cultural environment, and (ii) teaching us
certain practical skills which will enable us to operate within and
contribute to the community or communities in which we live.
Texto VI
Formas -ing
La mayoría de las palabras que terminan en -ing derivan de
verbos y pueden cumplir distintas funciones. Recordemos
que se debe analizar el contexto y la función de la palabra
con terminación -ing en la oración correspondiente.
1. Be + verb + -ing
verbo ser/estar conjugado + verbo con terminación -
I am reading.
Estoy leyendo.
He was studying.
Estaba estudiando.
La iluminación
The building
El edificio
Melting point
Punto de fusión
Falling bodies
Cuerpos en caída libre
Surrounding areas
Áreas circundantes
4. Preposición (in, on, of, for, before, after, etc) + palabra con
terminación -ing
preposición/preposición articulada (para, de, al, antes de, después de,
etc.) + verbo infinitivo
On/while/in solidifying …
Al solidificar/se…
Before/after melting…
Antes/después de fundirse…
For measuring…
Para medir…
Supposing …
Suponiendo /Al suponer ….
Algunas excepciones
during: durante
UNIDAD 8: Be como auxiliar
Nuclear Power
Standards of Measurement
Chemical Properties
Systems of Units
Ejercitación Adicional
Sección Gramatical
Be como auxiliar
One major problem with DOS is that, as each program is added to the
DOS-based personal computer, it must be configured for the hardware
in the system. Each program is supplied by a series of driver programs
that allow it to function with various printers and displays. Even the
mouse requires a special driver for many DOS applications. If a DOS
program is installed, these features must be selected and enabled. This
often requires considerable time and training and is often fraught with
problems, such as incorrect, incompatible, or missing drivers. The
reason each DOS application must be individually set up for its
hardware interface is that DOS applications do not talk to each other;
each requires individual initialization.
Vocabulario Temático
Texto IV
A mile was one thousand walking steps. These units were only
approximate, because their standard - the human body - was not
constant. Governments tried to standardise them by using rods of fixed
lengths. But these rods still varied from country to country.
During the French Revolution, scientists looked for a standard of
measurement which did not change. They chose the distance from the
Equator to the North Pole, which is one quarter of the circumference of
the Earth. One ten-millionth of this was called one metre and became
the basic unit of the metric system. Other metric units are based on it.
For example, the centimetre is one hundredth of a metre. A gram - the
unit of weight - is the mass of one cubic centimetre of water.
They are unaffected by boiling with water, aqueous alkalis and acids,
oxidizing reagents such as permanganate and dichromate, and
reducing agents. (In this connection recall that alkanes are insoluble in
water.) Even hydrofluoric acid can be kept in bottles made of paraffin
(a mixture of alkanes). Alkanes are attacked, however, by a number of
nonaqueous reagents: halogen gases, nitric oxide and concentrated
nitric acid, and oxygen and heat. The reactions which are exhibited by
one member of the alkane series are also exhibited by others, for it is a
property of a homologous series that the chemical behaviors of its
constituents are similar; it is only necessary to learn the behavior of
one member to know, or to be able to predict, that of any other. Two
points of exception have to be taken to this statement: usually the first
member of a homologous series has chemical properties not shared, or
shared to lesser degree, by the others; and second, there are actual
differences in chemical behavior between the members of a given
homologous series. These differences enrich advanced work in organic
chemistry, but they will for the most part be neglected here. The more
important chemical properties of alkanes will be illustrated in the
equations below.
Ejemplos de alcanos:
Such as:
In this connection:
Be able to:
Texto VI
Parte 1
Once these three are specified all other mechanical quantities can be
expressed in terms of some combination of length, mass and time. As
other physical concepts such as electricity are introduced, one might
suppose that fundamental dimensions (such as electrical charge) might
be needed. Instead, it turns out the above three dimensions are
sufficient to quantitatively describe all known physical quantities.
A. Responda:
Parte 2
Ejemplo Traducción
…should be specified… …deben ser especificadas…
3. This object has two flat parts, which are both made of wood. They
are joined to each other at right angles. It is T-shaped.
(Adaptado de Bates et al, 1982. Nucleus, English for science and Technology-
General Science)
Texto VIII
5. Parts of the body that lie in the direction of the head are
said to be in the cranial direction.
Be como auxiliar
1. Be + verbo + ing
Estar (en Presente, Pasado o Futuro) + Forma verbal con
terminación -ando/-endo
The physicist was going to mix the substances when they turned red.
El físico iba a mezclar las sustancias cuando se tornaron rojas.
3. Be + infinitivo
Ir a / Tener que + verbo en infinitivo
4. Be + participio
Ser / estar + participio pasado
Carbon was supposed to unite with other elements only under the influence
of a vital force of living things.
Se suponía que el carbono se unía con otros elementos sólo por la influencia
de una fuerza vital de los seres vivos.
5. Be + to + be (infinitivo) + participio
Ir a /tener que + infinitivo
6. Modal + be
poder / deber / etc + ser / estar
Until recent times, the history of fuels was essentially the history of biofuels. Although
there is evidence of coal-burning as early as 3000 years ago, its contribution remained
relatively small until about 200 years ago. Indeed, bioenergy was still dominant in many
areas of life well into the Industrial Revolution, with wood for heat, tallow candles made
from animal fats for light, and gasses for “fuel” for the only means of transport – the horse.
The move from biofuel to fossil fuel was a key feature of the Industrial Revolution. For
many centuries, the high temperatures needed for iron smelting could be achieved only in
furnaces using charcoal. The impurities and variable nature of coal made it unsuitable for
smelting, and attempts to reduce to a type of charcoal had little success initially. But in the
early 1700s, an effective “coal charcoal” was produced and within a few decades, this new
fuel, now called coke, was replacing charcoal throughout the growing industrial sector.
The increased demand for coal led to deeper mines, and the need to pump flood water
from great depths led to the first steam engines – whose main fuel was of course coal. By
the end of the nineteenth century, coal was dominant in the world’s industrialized
countries. The twentieth century saw the rise of oil and natural gas, but it is worth noting
that coal consumption also increased five-fold between 1900 and 2000.
Will the twenty-first century see the reverse process: “from coal to wood”? Could biofuels
completely replace fossil fuels? There will of course be circumstances where other
sustainable resources are more appropriate. These possibilities for the future are discussed
in more detail in Chapter 10.
(Adaptado de Larkin et al, 2004. Bioenergy)
Verbos regulares
Verbos irregulares
B. Identifique en el texto casos de -ing con función de: sustantivo,
adjetivo, preposición + -ing y de be + -ing. Luego tradúzcalos.