Excel Financiero
Excel Financiero
Excel Financiero
Fredys Simanca
Centro de Investigaciones AVENIR
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El objetivo del curso es servir de guía en la aplicación de los conceptos financieros básicos
en Microsoft Excel, ya que este facilita la realización de operaciones financieras a través de
fórmulas y funciones; permite una excelente presentación para los datos con una buena
representación gráfica y el intercambio de información con otras aplicaciones.
La aplicación de Finanzas en Excel puede llegar a ser tan buena como las personas que lo
apliquen puedan hacerlo. El reto es conseguir manejar las herramientas básicas,
intermedias y avanzadas de Excel, para poder aplicarlas en el desarrollo de nuestro trabajo
3.1. Bonos
• Calculo de días de vigencia de un cupón de un bono amortizable
• Función CUPON.DIAS
• Función CUPON.DIAS.L1
• Función CUPON.DIAS.L2
4.1. Inversiones Financieras
• Función TASA.DESC
• Función TASA.INT
• Función TIR
• Función TIR.NO.PER
• Función TIRM
• Función VA
• Función VF
• Función VF.PLAN
• Función VNA
• Función VNA.NO.PER
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The Output Delivery System (ODS) from Scratch Security Issue Timing: What Do Managers Know, and
January 2007
When Do They Know it?
January 2007 · SSRN Electronic Journal
Kevin D Smith
Dirk Jenter · Katharina Lewellen · Jerold B. Warner · [...] ·
The Output Delivery System (ODS) is a great way to move beyond reports Jeremy C. Stein
that just use the listing output. Using ODS, you can generate reports in
formats such as HTML, XML, PDF, PostScript, RTF, and Microsoft Excel.
We study put option sales undertaken by corporations during their
This paper tells you what you need to know to generate reports with ODS,
from scratch. You'll learn how to generate multiple output formats, repurchase programs. Put sales' main theoretical motivation is market
timing, providing an excellent framework for studying whether security
simultaneously; how to change the look of ... [Show full abstract]
issues reflect managers' ability to identify mispricing. Our evidence is that
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overconfidence. In the 100 days following put ... [Show full abstract]
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Advanced FOUP purge using diffusers for FOUP door-off Educational Philosophy and Educational Technology
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Educational technology presents a challenge to educators. It makes
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necessary. In order to utilize these new opportunities effectively, the
In a number of key IC fabrication steps in-process wafers are sensitive to educators must decide what the goals are for a person in an automated
moisture, oxygen and other airborne molecular contaminants in the air. society. The educator must deal less with the teaching of information and
Nitrogen purge of closed Front Opening Unified Pods (FOUP) have been shift to teaching ideas, methods of ... [Show full abstract]
implemented in many fabs to minimize wafer's exposure to the
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node advances, the need for minimizing the ... [Show full abstract]
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