Dr. Mario Alberto Lara Aramil 08/03/2023
Dr. Mario Alberto Lara Aramil 08/03/2023
Dr. Mario Alberto Lara Aramil 08/03/2023
• Microscopia de luz
• Microscopia electrónica
• Inmunofluorescencia
• Técnicas de inmunoperoxidasa
Jurgen Floege, Richard J. Johnson, Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology, Elsevier, 4ed,
• Sello de la enfermedad glomerular
• Glucocálix endotelial, la MBG y los podocitos repelen las
2 mecanismos:
• GN mesangioproliferativa
• GN membranoproliferativa
• Nefritis lúpica
Clásica • GNMP I
• GNMP crioglobulinémica
Alterna • PSGN
• Nefropatía membranosa
ØMecanismo autoinmunes
Ø Pérdida de la tolerancia celular
Ø Toxinas o procesos infecciosos
Ø Mimetismo celular ACTIVACIÓN
Ø Liberación de citocinas y linfocinas DE CÉLULAS
Ø MHCII de novo en células renales T
Biopsia renal:
• No lesiones glomerulares en microscopia de luz
• Inmunoflurescencia negativa
• Borramiento de procesos podocitarios en
microscopia electrónica
!-Actinin 4 TRPC6
• Edema
• Proteinuria en rangos nefróticos
• Hipoalbuminemia
• Hiperlipidemia
• Hematuria microscópica 10-30%
• Tiempo de respuesta mas lento que en niños
Table 1. Available treatment regimens and published response rates for the initial episode and infrequent relapse of adult
Medication Regimen Remission Rates (Complete + Partial)
Initial episode without
contraindication to steroids
Prednisone Dose: 1 mg/kg per day (maximum 80%–90%
80 mg/day) or 2 mg/kg every other day (maxium
120 mg every other day), for a minimum of 4 weeks,
and a maximum of 16 wks (as tolerated). After remission,
taper over a total period of corticosteroid exposure
of at least 24 weeks.
Initial episode with
contraindication to steroids
Oral CYC 2–2.5 mg/kg per d38 wk 75%
Cyclosporine 3–5 mg/kg per d in divided doses31–2 yr 75%
Tacrolimus 0.05–0.1 mg/kg per d in divided doses31–2 yr Unknown
Infrequent relapse
Same as initial medication Same as initial regimen Unknown—thought to be
similar to initial remission rate
J Am Soc Nephrol 24: 702–711, 2013 Adult Minimal Change Disease 705
• Resistencia a esteroide
Ausencia de respuesta después de 16 semana de
2 o mas recaídas dentro de los 15 días posterior a
diminución de dosis de esteroide
•Recaída frecuente
2 recaídas en 6 meses o 4 recaídas en 1 año
J Am Soc Nephrol 24: 702–711, 2013
www.jasn.org BRIEF REVIEW
Table 3. Published experience for the treatment of steroid-resistant, SD, and FR MCD in adults
Remission Rates Relapse Rates
Medication Evidence Regimen
Oral CYC Observational series; 2–2.5 mg/kg per 50%–80% 50%–80% 50%–80% 50% 25%–56% 25%–56%
one RCT in adults d38 wk
iv CYC Two small RCTs in adults 750 mg/m2 per 50% 77% NA 14% 40% NA
mo36 mo + steroids
Cyclosporine 6 Large observational 3–5 mg/kg per d in 45%–92% 45%–92% 45%–92% NA 62%–75% 62%–75%
prednisone series data; one small divided dose31–2 yr
RCT in children and
one RCT in adults
Tacrolimus 6 Small observational 0.05–0.1 mg/kg per d in 79%–100% 91%–100% NA 40% 50% NA
prednisone series; two small divided dose31–2 yr
RCTs in adults
Mycophenolate Small observational 1–2 g/d in divided dose 25% 80%–100% 58% NA 20%–50% 20%–50%
mofetil series; one small
RCT in children
In many studies, the outcomes for these groups are combined. NA, data not available; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
In steroid-resistant cases, review of the initial biopsy and a repeat biopsy may be considered to evaluate for FSGS.
Box 18-1 Etiologic classification of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). *For complete list of genetic causes see Chapter 19. HIV, Human
immunodeficiency virus.
Figure 2.
Nat to
Possible pathways for regeneration of podocytes from PEC migration Rev
theNephrol. 2015
glomerular tuftFebruary ; 11(2): 76–87
Cuadro clínico
• Hipertensión en 30-50%
• Microhematuria 25-75%
Variantes morfológicas
GEFS no especifica
GESFS perihiliar
GESFS celular
GESFS punta
GESFS variante colapsante
Alternative therapy for Oral cyclosporine 3–5 mg/kg/day for 4–6 months
steroid-resistant patients
or for patients with Oral cyclophosphamide 2 mg/kg/day for 2–4 months
contraindications to
steroid therapy Oral MMF 1–1.5 g bid for 4–6 months
-19 Therapeutic options in focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Treatment of secondary FSGS should be directed at the unde
ossible. For HIV-associated nephropathy, treatment with highly active antiretroviral Clinical
therapy Nephrology.
(HAART); Fifth Editionnephrotoxicity,
for pamidronate 2015
tion; and for obesity-related glomerulopathy, weight loss. ACE, Angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocke
Respuesta a tratamiento
• Resistencia a esteroide
Ausencia de respuesta después de 16 semana de
2 o mas recaídas dentro de los 15 días posterior a
diminución de dosis de esteroide
h FSGS at 5
y remission
ntal glomer-
from Troya-
urinary space
Depósito extrinseca
odies may cross
all and bind to Phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) – Primary MN
exposed on the Megalin – Heymann nephritis in rats
nephritis in rats Anti-NEP, anti-PLA2R or anti-megalin
eutral endopep- A
A2R). Endo, Glo-
BM, glomerular Extrinsic Planted Antigens
Certain extrinsic
d bovine serum
ites in the GBM
gens and form
body. urinary space
Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology. Fifth Edition 2015
Figure 20-6 Electron microscopy in membranous nephropathy
Comprehensive (MN). A,Fifth
Clinical Nephrology. Early (stage
Edition 2015 II) M
deposits on the subepithelial surface of the basement membrane (BM) corresponding to granular d
Etiologías secundarias
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 9: 609–616, March, 2014 Membranous Nephropathy, Ponticelli and Glassock 611
Table 1. Investigations suggested to detect/exclude an underlying cancer in a patient with apparently idiopathic (primary) MN and
repeatedly negative serologic tests for anti-PLA2R1 autoantibody and/or absence of PLA2R1 or IgG4 in glomerular deposits
In young patients, fecal occult blood is usually searched for only in the case of anemia. MN, membranous nephropathy; PLA2R1,
phospholipase A2 receptor 1; PSA, prostate specific antigen.
uterus. An evaluation for underlying cancer is recommen- prolonged exposure to the nephrotic state, including dis-
ded for patients with MN, particularly for older individu- abling edema, proatherogenic hyperlipidemia and coronary
als (Table 1). heart disease, the prothrombotic milieu, malnutrition, and
Treatment of secondary MN depends on the etiology. enhanced risk of infection. Thus, a wait-and-see attitude might
Children with MN secondary to HBV infection do not re- be justified in patients with proteinuria ,4 g/d, in those
quire specific treatment because they often undergo spon- with a steadilyClindiminishing
J Am Soc Nephrol 9: 609–616,
magnitude of 2014.
taneous remission of renal disease within 1 year from over time, and in asymptomatic patients with normal renal
SECTION IV Glomerular Disease
MN Treatment Algorithm
*Risk reduction
strategies **ACTH **Rituximab **Cytotoxic + steroids
**Consider drug risks
***See reference 71
e 20-7 Algorithm for treatment of the patient with membranous nephropathy (MN). Details of possible therapies are discussed in t
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; Comprehensive
ARB, angiotensinClinical blocker; BP, Fifth
receptorNephrology. bloodEdition
pressure; CNI, ca
or; GFR, glomerular filtration rate.
Guías KDIGO Regimen Ponticelli
chapter 7
Table 15 | Cyclical corticosteroid/alkylating-agent therapy
of for IMN (the ‘‘Ponticelli Regimen’’)
f Month 1: i.v. methylprednisolone (1 g) daily for three doses, then oral
d methyprednisolone (0.5 mg/kg/d) for 27 days
- Month 2: Oral chlorambucil (0.15–0.2 mg/kg/d) or oral cyclophosphamide
(2.0 mg/kg/d) for 30 daysa
d Month 3: Repeat Month 1
s Month 4: Repeat Month 2
o Month 5: Repeat Month 1
Month 6: Repeat Month 2
IMN, idiopathic membranous nephropathy.
Monitor every 2 weeks for 2 months, then every month for 6 months, with serum
creatinine, urinary protein excretion, serum albumin, and whiteSupplements
Kidney International blood cell count.
(2012) If
2, 186–197
a total leukocyte count falls to o3500/mm , then hold chlorambucil or cyclophos-
Table 2. Possible treatment choices in patients with idiopathic (primary) membranous nephropathy
Patofisiología A Normal
B Immune-complex–mediated
Immunoglobulin-positive, Immunoglobulin-negative,
complement-positive MPGN complement-positive MPGN
Electron microscopy
Circulating immunoglobulin
or immune complexes
Autoimmune or Monoclonal
rheumatologic gammopathy
diseases (dysproteinemia) Dysregulation of the alternative pathway
of complement
dren with presumed idiopathic MPGN accompanied by nephrotic
syndrome and a progressive decline of kidney function, oral cyclo-
phosphamide or mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) plus low-dose
viremia, but relapse is common after cessation of therapy. The current
treatment of choice in patients with HCV-associated MPGN or cryo-
globulinemic MPGN with moderate proteinuria and nonrapid but
alternate-day or daily corticosteroids has been suggested, with initial progressive renal failure is pegylated interferon alfa-2a (180 μg every
therapy limited to less than 6 months.23 These drugs in combination week) or alfa-2b (1.5 μg kg−1 every week) and ribavirin (800 to
with high-dose pulse corticosteroids have also been administered 1200 mg/day in two divided doses), adapting the dose to the stage
Table 25-3 Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) in small-vessel vasculitis. Approximate frequency of ANCA with specificity for proteinase
3 (PR3/c-ANCA) and for myeloperoxidase (MPO/p-ANCA) in patients with different categories of pauci-immune small-vessel vasculitis and crescentic glomeru-
lonephritis. GN, Glomerulonephritis.
Datos clínicos
No diferencia en remisión
Induction therapy
Remission Remission
following following
rituximab cyclophosphamide
Relapse Relapse
Figure 24-2 Type IV collagen structure. A, The type IV collagen network makes a “chicken w
genes, COL4A1 to COL4A6, encode type IV collagen monomers α1 to α6. These associate in two
terminal domains of α3:α4:α5 shown in C, to form three recognized networks shown in D, α1:α2
is the major constituent of GBM and is a significant component of alveolar basement membrane and
skin, esophagus, and other locations.
Table 24-1 Definition of terms associated with anti-GBM disease and Goodpasture synd
Factores ambientales
Factores predisponentes asociados
Eventos que probablemente producen respuesta autoinmune
Vasculitis de pequeños vasos afectando al glomérulo
Nefropatía Membranosa
Obstrucción urinaria
Precipitantes de hemorragia pulmonar
Fumadores de cigarros
Exposición a hidrocarburos
Infección pulmonar
Sobrecarga de volumen
Manifestaciones Clínicas
Ø Fiebre
Ø Malestar general
Ø Pérdida de peso
Ø Artralgias
Ø GMN Rápidamente progresiva
Ø Hemorragia pulmonar
Hemorragia pulmonar
ØSe presenta en el 70% de los casos y en ocasiones
precede la enfermedad renal por meses o años.
• Biopsia renal
• Microscopía electrónica
• inmunofluorescencia
Biopsia Renal
Expansión mesangial
e hipercelularidad Formación de
semilunas compuesta
por células epiteliales
Glomerulonefritis focal parietales
Nefritis Intersticial,
y segmentaria con cicatrización y ERC
infiltración de
leucocitos Destrucción de la MBG
(Mismo estadio de
Necrosis segmentaria
con ruptura de MBG
Ø Usualmente IgG
Ø En ocasiones (10-15%) con IgA o IgM, raramente IgA sola
Figure 24-5 Renal biopsy in Goodpasture disease. A, Glom
a patient with Goodpasture disease showing a recent, mostly c
cent. B, Direct immunofluorescence study showing ribbon-like lin
tion of IgG along the glomerular basement membrane. The glom
is slightly compressed by cellularClinical
Comprehensive proliferation
Nephrology.(exhibiting no imm
Fifth Edition 2015
cence), forming a crescent (arrows). (Courtesy Dr. Richard Herriot
Iniciar inmunosupresión con corticosteroides + plasmaféresis
excepto en aquellos dependientes de diálisis y con 100% de
semilunas (1B)
ØPorcentaje de semilunas
Ø Recurrencia hasta en un 50%