Confirmation of Cancellation Insurance Confirmation of Cancellation Insurance
Confirmation of Cancellation Insurance Confirmation of Cancellation Insurance
Confirmation of Cancellation Insurance Confirmation of Cancellation Insurance
Carol Sanchez 1900095120
Calle Calesa de la perricholi 105
CHF 5.88
PHONE 058 275 22 10, FA X 058 275 27 42
We would like to inform you as to the identity of the insurer and the material content In case of doubt about interpretation and content of all documentation, the German
of the insurance contract (Art. 3 of the Insurance Contracts Act). version shall prevail.
3 Insured events
What risks are covered and what is the scope of insurance cover? A ERV shall provide insurance coverage if the insured person is unable to take up
The events for which ERV is obliged to provide a benefit are the result of these General the booked travel service as a result of any of the following events, provided
Conditions of Insurance (GCI). this occurred after conclusion of the insurance or booking of the travel service:
a) unforeseen severe illness, severe injury, severe pregnancy complications or
What insurance benefits are provided? • of an insured,
The amount or ceiling and type of insurance benefits can be found in these GCI. • of a person travelling with the insured,
• of a person not travelling with the insured, who is very close to the insured,
• of the acting representative at the place of work, so that the presence of
What persons are insured? the insured at that place is indispensable;
On the basis of the collective insurance contract concluded with the policyholder, ERV
b) unrest of any kind or natural disasters at the travel destination, should the
grants insurance coverage to the persons designated on the insurance confirmation,
life and property of the insured be at real risk and the Swiss authorities have
as well as a direct right of claim related to the insurance benefits.
issued an official travel warning for the travel destination;
The insured persons result from the booking confirmation and the General Conditions
c) severe detriment to the insured’s property at his place of residence as a
of Insurance (GCI).
consequence of fire, storm, theft or water damage, so that his presence at
home is indispensable;
d) failure or delay – both due to technical defects or personal accidents – of
What are the obligations of the insured persons?
the public transport to be used to the travel destination;
The essential obligations of the insured persons include, for example, the following:
e) if within the last 30 days prior to departure
• In the event of a claim, it must be reported to ERV immediately, e.g. using the 24-
• the person covered unexpectedly takes up a new permanent job with a
hour helpline +41 848 801 803.
new employer (promotions, etc. are excluded) or
• In the event of investigations by ERV, e.g. in the event of a loss occurrence, the in-
sured persons must cooperate (obligation to cooperate). • the employment agreement of the insured person is terminated by their
• In the event of a loss occurrence, reasonable actions must be taken to mitigate and employer through no fault of their own;
elucidate loss (duty to mitigate losses). f) theft of tickets, passport or identity card.
B If the person who triggers the cancellation or termination of the travel service
by an insured event is neither related by blood nor by marriage to the insured
Why is personal data processed, passed on and stored? person, an entitlement to benefits exists only if the insured person would have
What personal data is processed? to start or continue the travel service alone.
Data acquisition and processing serves the business of insurance transactions, the C If an insured person is suffering from a chronic illness, without the travel service
marketing, selling, administration, mediation of products and services and risk assess- seemingly being called into question for that reason upon conclusion of the
ment, as well as the handling of insurance contracts and any secondary business insurance or when the booking is made or before the journey is begun, ERV will
associated with this. pay the incurred insured costs if the travel service must be cancelled due to
unforeseen severe acute aggravation of the disease or if the person dies as a
Such data is physically and/or electronically acquired, processed, stored and deleted result of the chronic disease (subject to the provisions of par. 2).
pursuant to the regulations of the legislator. Data which concerns business correspon-
dence must be stored for at least 10 years from termination of the contract, and 4 Insured benefits
claims data for at least 10 years after settlement of the loss occurrence. A The event which triggers the cancellation or discontinuation of the travel service
is decisive when assessing the entitlement to benefits. Previous or subsequent
In essence, the following data categories are processed: interested parties data, cus- events are not taken into account.
tomer data, contract and claims data, health-related data, data from injured parties B In case of the occurrence of the insured event, ERV shall bear
and claimants as well as collection data. a) the actual cancellation costs that occur (excl. processing fees) if the person
covered is unable to take up the booked travel service;
ERV is authorised to disclose all this data to the extent required to co-insurers and b) the pro rata costs for the unused travel service in the event of early termi-
reinsurers, official bodies, insurance companies and institutions, central information nation.
systems of the insurance companies, other entities within the group of companies, Overall, these benefits are limited by the travel service price or the insured sum
cooperation partners, hospitals, doctors, external experts and other involved parties and amount to a maximum of CHF 10,000.
in Switzerland and abroad and to obtain information from all of the above. This autho-
risation includes, in particular, the physical and/or electronic storage of data, the use 5 Exclusions
of the data for determining the premium, assessing risk, processing insured events, A Not insured are events
combating abuse, preparing statistical evaluations and, within the group of compa- a) which had already occurred or were manifest on conclusion of the insurance
nies, including cooperation partners, also for marketing purposes, including the crea- or when the travel service was booked. The provisions pursuant to par. 3 C
tion of client profiles for the purpose of offering the applicant individual products. remain reserved;
b) in connection with illnesses or accidents which were not identified by a doc- G The insurer is not obliged to pay benefits if
tor at the time of occurrence and confirmed by a medical certificate; • deliberately false representations are made,
c) where the assessor (expert, doctor, etc.) who reaches conclusions about • facts are concealed, or
the loss occurrence is a direct beneficiary of or is related by birth or by • the required obligations (including police report, statement of facts, confirma-
marriage to the insured; tion and receipts) are not met,
d) which are a consequence of warlike events or are due to terrorism; if the insurer suffers a disadvantage as a result.
e) which are a consequence of official orders (detention or exit ban, closure of
airspace, quarantine, etc.); 8 Other provisions
f) which occur when taking part in A Claims lapse two years after any loss occurrence.
• competitions, races, rallies or training sessions with motor vehicles or B The person entitled to claim may exclusively choose his/her Swiss place of
boats, residence or the domicile of ERV, Basel, as place of jurisdiction.
• competitions or training sessions in connection with professional sport or C Benefits received wrongly from ERV must be returned to the company within 30
an extreme sport, days, including any expenses incurred by ERV as a result.
• acts of daring (reckless actions) in which the person concerned knowingly D This insurance contract is governed exclusively by Swiss law, in particular by
exposes themselves to a particularly high level of risk; the Swiss Federal Insurance Contracts Act (VVG).
g) which occur when driving a motor vehicle or a boat without the legally requi- E For the purpose of assessing whether a journey to a country is or is not reaso-
red driving licence or in the absence of the legally required accompanying nable because of strikes, unrest, war, terrorist attacks, epidemics, pandemics,
person; etc., the currently valid recommendations and official travel warnings of the
h) which are caused by deliberate or grossly negligent action or omission or Swiss authorities shall be exclusively definitive. These are primarily the Federal
are the result of disregard of the common duty of care; Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and the Federal Office of Public Health
i) which occur under the influence of alcohol, drugs, narcotics or pharmaceuti- (FOPH).
cals; F ERV pays its benefits in principle in CHF. Foreign currencies are converted at the
k) which occur on the occasion of the wilful commitment or attempted commit- exchange rate of the day on which these costs were paid by the insured person.
ment of crimes or misdemeanours; G When ERV pays a claim, the individual policyholder automatically assigns their
l) which the insured brings about in connection with suicide, self-mutilation and entire claim under the insurance contract to ERV.
the attempt to do so; H ERV only provides insurance cover, and may only be liable for damage claims or
m) which are caused by ionising rays of any kind, in particular as a result of other benefits in so far as these are not in breach of any sanction or restriction
nuclear reactions; per UN resolutions, or in breach of any trade or economic sanctions imposed
n) which are a consequence of a strike; by Switzerland, the European Union or the United States of America.
o) which are a consequence of an epidemic or pandemic.
B Benefits are excluded:
a) if the service provider (travel operator, landlord, organiser, etc.) cancels, 9 Glossary
changes or abandons the agreed service or should have cancelled, changed
or abandoned it for objective reasons; A Abroad
b) if the condition which gave rise to the cancellation or discontinuation was a Neither Switzerland nor the country in which the person covered has a perma-
complication or consequence of a medical treatment or operation already nent residence is regarded as a foreign country.
planned before commencement of the insurance term or at the time of boo-
king or before the start of the travel service; Accident
c) if an illness or the consequences of an accident, an operation or medical An accident is the sudden, unintentional harmful effect of an unusual external
treatment already exist at the time of booking the trip and have not been factor on the human body resulting in impairment of physical, mental or psycho-
resolved by the time of departure; logical health or death.
d) in the event of cancellation or discontinuation with regard to par. 3 A a)
without medical indication or if the medical certificate was not issued at the C Cancellation costs
time of the first possible determination of the inability to participate or was If the traveller withdraws from the contract, the travel agent loses the claim to
obtained through a telephone consultation; the agreed travel price. The travel agent may, however, demand appropriate
e) if a cancellation is due to a mental or psychosomatic condition compensation. The amount of compensation is determined by the travel price
• which cannot be substantiated by a finding and attestation by a psychiatric less the value of the expenses saved by the travel agent as well as what the
specialist and travel agent can acquire through other use of the travel services.
• of persons in gainful employment which cannot be additionally substanti-
ated by the presentation of a certificate of 100% absence issued by the E Epidemic
employer for the duration of the inability to travel certified by a medical An epidemic is an infectious disease which occurs to an above-average extent,
practitioner. in terms of both place and time, if it poses a threat to life and limb.
T Terrorism
Terrorism is defined as any act or threat of violence to achieve political, religi-
ous, ethnic, ideological or similar objectives. The act or threat of violence is
likely to spread fear or terror among the population or parts of the population
or to influence a government or state institutions.
Travel service
Travel services for this insurance are the booking of travel activities (e.g. train
tickets, arrangements, events, boat trips).
Ticket-ID 446211868166
Point-to-point Ticket Sanchez Carol
The current tariff of Swiss transport companies, in particular the common ancillary tariff regulations for direct
service and regional transport networks (T600) as well as the tariffs of the regional transport and fare networks,
apply to the use of E-Tickets.
- E-Tickets are personal and not transferable. The ticket has to be presented to the control staff along with an
official identity document and / or with any discount card.
- For refunds, T600.9 or the conditions of the relevant transport company or operator apply. Refunds of e-tickets
in the context of international journeys are made in according with international terms and conditions.
Chur, 23.03.2023
We are delighted to welcome you on board the Rhaetian Railway and confirm your journey as follows:
Name Carol Sanchez
Quantity 3 / 2. Class
Travel itinerary
Date of travel Train no. from to Departure Arrival Quantity
Tu, 11.04.2023 972 Tirano St. Moritz 10:06 12:35 3 / 2. Cl.
Carriage no. 4, 2. Class, Seats 71-73 Panorama
Travel documents The supplements are included in this reservation. In addition to the reservation, a valid ticket
must be presented during the ticket control. Missing tickets will be collected on the train.
Changes / Cancellation Reservations can not be changed nor refunded.
InfoT(r)ainment You will need headphones to use the free InfoT(r)ainment.
These are available at the Bernina Express minibar for CHF 2.00.
Ticket-ID 824209849212
Point-to-point Ticket Sanchez Jefferson
The current tariff of Swiss transport companies, in particular the common ancillary tariff regulations for direct
service and regional transport networks (T600) as well as the tariffs of the regional transport and fare networks,
apply to the use of E-Tickets.
- E-Tickets are personal and not transferable. The ticket has to be presented to the control staff along with an
official identity document and / or with any discount card.
- For refunds, T600.9 or the conditions of the relevant transport company or operator apply. Refunds of e-tickets
in the context of international journeys are made in according with international terms and conditions.
The current tariff of Swiss transport companies, in particular the common ancillary tariff regulations for direct
service and regional transport networks (T600) as well as the tariffs of the regional transport and fare networks,
apply to the use of E-Tickets.
- E-Tickets are personal and not transferable. The ticket has to be presented to the control staff along with an
official identity document and / or with any discount card.
- For refunds, T600.9 or the conditions of the relevant transport company or operator apply. Refunds of e-tickets
in the context of international journeys are made in according with international terms and conditions.