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Hesitate Dudar /ˈhɛzɪteɪt/

Confident Seguro /ˈkɒnfɪdənt/

Rely on Confiar/Depender de /rɪˈlaɪ /

Trust Confiar en/ Creer en /ˈtrʌst/

Treasures Tesoros /ˈtrɛʒər/

Willing Dispueto/a /ˈwɪlɪŋ/

Gamble Apostar/Jugar /ˈgæmbəl/

forth lejos( Literary) /'fɔːθ/

mighty Potente/Poderoso/Fuerte /ˈmaɪti/

Steer Conducir/ Dirigir /ˈstɪər/

Seagull Gaviota /ˈsiːgʌl/

manure/dung Estiércol/ Abono/ Feritlizante/ /məˈnjʊər/

Slayer/Killer Asesino /ˈsleɪər/

Neglected Abandonado/Descuidado /nɪˈglɛktɪd/

Success/ Successful Éxito/Exitoso /səkˈsɛsfʊl/

Murder/ Death( C. Naturales) Asesinato /ˈmɜːrdər/

Rusty Oxidado /ˈrʌsti/

Nasty Desgradable/Molesto /ˈnɑːsti/

Proud Orgulloso /ˈpraʊd/

Shining Brillante /ˈʃaɪnɪŋ/

Purchase Comprar(formal-Buy)/Compra /ˈpɜːrtʃɪs/

Path Camino /ˈpɑːθ/

Hide and seek Escondite /ˌhaɪdənˈsiːk/

Pain Dolor/Sufrimiento /ˈpeɪn/

Hang on Esperar /-/

crossword Crucigrama /ˈkrɒswɜːrd/

Mad Loco/Enfadado /ˈmæd/

Chat Charlar,Charla/Conversación /ˈtʃæt/

Spoof Parodia /ˈspuːf/

Sort Ordenar/Raza, tipo (*) /ˈsɔːrt/

Anyways De todos modos /ˈɛniweɪ/

Behaves Comportarse /bɪˈheɪv/

Develop Desarrollar /dɪˈvɛləp/

Plot Trama, Argumento /ˈplɒt/

Attend Ir a, asistir a /əˈtɛnd/

Scholarships Beca /ˈskɒlərʃɪp/

It takes place Tiene lugar en /-/

Wealthy Rico /ˈwɛlθi/

Gossiping Cotillear/ Cotilleo /ˈgɒsɪpɪŋ/

Bother, bothering Molestar/Fastidiar /ˈbɒðər/

Sink Hundirse/Pileta, fregadero. /ˈsɪŋk/

Run out Quedarse sin, agotarse /-/

Raise Subir, levantar /ˈreɪz/

Reach Llegar, alcanzar /ˈriːtʃ/

Wet/Dry Mojado/ Seco /-/

Delay Restrasar, retraso /dɪˈleɪ/

Sore/ Painful Doloroso /ˈsɔːr/

Sore/ Painful Doloroso /ˈsɔːr/

Mud/Muddy Barro/ Embarrado /'mAd/

Heavy traffic Mucho atasco /-/

Traffic jam Atasco /-/

Pollute/ Polluted Contaminar/ Contaminado /pəˈluːt/

Dumb Tonto, estúpido/ Mudo /ˈdʌm/

Beg Suplicar, Rogar /ˈbɛg/

Choice Variedad/ Elección /ˈtʃɔɪs/

Reliable Fiable /rɪˈlaɪəbəl/

Cab/ Taxi Taxi /ˈtæksi/

Pavement Acera /ˈpeɪvmənt/

Rush hour Hora punta /-/

Escalator Escaleras mecánicas /ˈɛskəleɪtər/

Elevator(US) Lift(UK) Ascensor /ˈɛlɪveɪtər/

Golf course Campo de golf /-/

Make an appointment Hacer una cita /-/

Scattered/ Scatter Esparcido/ Eseparcir /ˈskætərd/

Don't you dare Ni se te ocurra /-/

Dare Atreverse /ˈdɛər/

To text Mandar un mensaje de texto /-/

He is good fun( Not Funny) El es divertido /-/

Disappoint Decepcionar/ Desilusionar a /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt/

Put up with Soportar; aguntar, tolerar /-/

Annoy/ Annoying Molestar a/ Molesto, irritante /əˈnɔɪɪŋ/

Spine Columna/ columna vertebral /ˈspaɪn/

Remains Permanecer, Quedar/ Sobras /rɪˈmeɪn/

Premiere Estreno /ˈprɛmiɛər/

Brew Elaborar /ˈbruː/

Spell Hechizo/ Deletrear /ˈspɛl/

Boil Hervir/ Cocer /ˈbɔɪl/

Grate Rallar /ˈgreɪt/

Raw Crudo /ˈrɔː/

Elbow codo /ˈɛlbəʊ/

Sting Picadura /ˈstɪŋ/

Tablet Pastilla /ˈtæblɪt/

Bandage Bendaje /ˈbændɪdʒ/

Slave Esclavo /ˈsleɪv/

Tie/ Cravate(formal) Corvata /ˈtaɪ/

Whether (Conector) Si/ Tanto si, aunque /ˈhwɛðər/

Pupil Estudiante/ pupila /ˈpjuːpɪl/

Boarding school Internado /-/

Play Obra de teatro /ˈpleɪ/

Deeply Profundamente/ Sumamente /ˈdiːpli/

Attendance Asistencia /əˈtɛndəns/

Melt Derretirse /ˈmɛlt/

Turn on/ Turn off Encender/ Apagar /ˈtɜːrn/

Help yourself Servirse /-/

Drill Taladro /ˈdrɪl/

Drill Taladro /ˈdrɪl/

Lift Levantar /ˈlɪft/

Latch Pestillo /ˈlætʃ/

Socket Enchufe /ˈsɒkɪt/

Plug + in Enchufar + en /ˈplʌg/

Lightbulb, bulb Bombilla /ˈbʌlb/

Feather Pluma /ˈfɛðər/

Rack Estante /ˈræk/

Chubby Regordete /ˈtʃʌbi/

cage jaula /ˈkeɪdʒ/

Scrub Fregar /ˈskrʌb/

Hallway, corridor Pasillo /ˈhɔːlweɪ/

Hinge Bisagra /ˈhɪndʒ/

Screwdriver Destornillador /ˈskruːdraɪvər/

Drunken Borracho, ebrio /ˈdrʌŋkən/

Crappy De mierda, cutre /ˈkræpi/

Sword Espada /ˈsɔːrd/

Blow Golpe/ Soplar /ˈbləʊ/

Deal Trato(Informal) / Dar, repartir /ˈdiːl/

War Guerra /ˈwɔːr/

Warrior Guerrero /ˈwɒriər/

Army Ejercito/ Tropas /ˈɑːrmi/

Wipe-out/ Destruction Destrucción /dɪˈstrʌkʃən/

Hut, shelder, refuge Refugio /ˈʃɛltər/

Clutter Desorden /ˈklʌtər/

Train Entrenar a /ˈtreɪn/

Townhall Ayuntamiento /-/

Chap/ Bloke Tipo( Persona) /ˈtʃæp/

Towel Toalla /ˈtaʊəl/

Hell Infierno /ˈhɛl/

Law Leyes /ˈlɔː/

Bound Destinado a/ Atado, amarrado a /ˈbaʊnd/

Amuse Divertir/ Entretener /əˈmjuːz/

Lacking/lack Poco, insuficiente/ escasez,falta /ˈlæk/

Trail Camino/ Arrastrar /ˈtreɪl/

Fog Niebla /ˈfɒg/

Wrench Llave inglesa /ˈrɛntʃ/

Pliers Alicates /ˈplaɪərz/

Nails Clavos /ˈneɪls/

Handsaw Sierra de mano /ˈhændˌsɔː/

Chainsaw Motosierra /ˈtʃeɪnˌsɔː/

Lumberjack, logger Leñador /ˈlʌmbərdʒæk/

Sew Coser /ˈsəʊ/

Once Una vez, hace tiempo /ˈwʌns/

Rim,lip Borde( Piscina, bañera) /-/

Seashore Orilla del mar /ˈsiːʃɔːr/

Edge, shore Orilla del lago /-/

Navel ombligo /ˈneɪvəl/

Navel ombligo /ˈneɪvəl/

Saw Sierra, Serrar /ˈsɔː/

Shape Forma /ˈʃeɪp/

Pound Estanque /ˈpɒnd/

Puddle Charco( pequeño) /ˈpʌdəl/

Related Relacionado /rɪˈleɪtɪd/

Ink Tinta /ˈɪŋk/

Ape Simio /ˈeɪp/

Enclosure Recinto /ɪnˈkləʊʒər/

Beyond Más allá /bɪˈjɒnd/

Abroad En el extranjero /əˈbrɔːd/

Lawyer Abogado/a /ˈlɔɪər/

Injury Herida, lesión /ˈɪndʒəri/

Accurate /=/ InaccuratePreciso, exacto /=/ Erróneo, inexacto /ɪnˈækjʊrət/

For Instance Por ejemplo /ˈɪnstəns/

Whereas (Conector) Mientras que /hwɛərˈæz/

Queue(UK) /line(US) Fila/Hacer fila /ˈkjuː/

Ape Simio /ˈeɪp/

Spread Extender /ˈsprɛd/

Through/ Across A través de /ˈθruː/

Throughout/ Along A lo largo de, durante /θruːˈaʊt/

Chain Cadenas /ˈtʃeɪn/

Land Tierra/ Aterrizar /ˈlændɪd/

Sail Vela/ Navegar /ˈseɪl/

Catterpillar Oruga /ˈkætəˌpɪlə/

Crew Tripulación /' kru:/

Fairy Hada /ˈfɛəri/

Drawbridge Puente elevadizo /ˈdrɔːbrɪdʒ/

Discourage Disaduir a /dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒ/

Purpose Propósito /ˈpɜːrpəs/

Messy Desordenado /ˈmɛsi/

Cute Adorable /ˈkjuːt/

Within Dentro de/ A menos de( Distance) /wɪˈðɪn/

Witness Testigo /ˈwɪtnəs/

Bring up Sacar un tema /-/

Skill Habilida, talento /ˈskɪl/

Upset Molesto /ˈʌpsɛt/

Highlight Destacado, subrayar /ˈhaɪlaɪt/

Gap Hueco, espacio /ˈgæp/

Dependable Fiable( Persona) /dɪˈpɛndəbəl/

Find out Descubrir /-/

Pregnant Embarazada /ˈprɛgnənt/

Friendship Amistad /ˈfrɛndʃɪp/

Sweat Sudar/ Sudor /ˈswɛt/

Forecast Pronóstico(Tiempo) /ˈfɔːrkɑːst/

Contestants Concursante, participante /kənˈtɛstənt/

Lovely Bonito, agradable /ˈlʌvli/

Pleasure Placer /ˈplɛʒər/

Pleasure Placer /ˈplɛʒər/

Smooth Liso /ˈsmuːð/

Tow Remolque /ˈtəʊ/

Jellyfish medusa /ˈdʒɛlifɪʃ/

Crab Cangrejo /ˈkræb/

Wash-up Arrastrar( Del mar hasta la costa) /-/

Tide Corriente /ˈtaɪd/

Look after Cuidar de /-/

Look into Buscar, investigar /-/

Starve Pasar hambre /ˈstɑːrv/

Drift Ir a la deriva /ˈdrɪft/

Stall Puesto /ˈstɔːl/

UK: Hoover US: Vacuum Aspiradora /ˈhuːvə/

Device Aparto, artilugio /dɪˈvaɪs/

Moreover, Futhermore Además /ˌfɜːrðərˈmɔːr/

Livestock Ganado /ˈlaɪvstɒk/

Sparkling/ Sparkle Brillante( Gem/ Eyes) /ˈspɑːrkəl/

Rude Grosero, irrespetuoso /ˈruːd/

Drown Ahogarse /ˈdraʊn/

Sunbathe Tomar el sol /-/

Poetry/ Poem Poesía /ˈpəʊɪtri/

Sunrise Amanecer /ˈsʌnraɪz/

Sunset/ Dusk Anochecer /ˈsʌnsɛt/

Cliff Acantilado /ˈklɪf/

Fell Talar, cortar /ˈfɛl/

Sheldered Protegido, resguardado /ˈʃɛltərd/

Still Inmóvil, quieto /ˈstɪl/

Bay Bhaía /ˈbeɪ/

Woods Bosque /wʊdz/

Therefore (Conector cnsvo) Por lo tanto /ˈðɛərfɔːr/

Persuade Persuadir /pərˈsweɪd/

Whenever (Conector) Cuando sea, Cuando quiera /hwɛnˈɛvər/

Bright Radiante /ˈbraɪt/

As Ya que, puesto que, porque /ˈæz/

Pleased Contento /ˈpliːzd/

Safe Caja fuerte /ˈseɪf/

Finest De mayor calidad (fī′nist)

Fork Bifurcación, cruce /ˈfɔːrk/

Point Señalar /ˈpɔɪnt/

Steep Empinado /ˈstiːp/

Bend (Curve) Doblar/ Curva /ˈbɛnd/

Forbidden, prohibited Prohibido /fərˈbɪdən/

Selfish Egoísta /ˈsɛlfɪʃ/

Neat Limpio /ˈniːt/

Thrilling (= very exciting) /ˈθrɪlɪŋ/

As usual Como siempre /-/

Brave, courageous Valiente /kəˈreɪdʒəs/

Signpost Letrero /ˈsaɪnpəʊst/

Signpost Letrero /ˈsaɪnpəʊst/

Campsite Camping /ˈkæmpɪŋ/

Luggage Equipaje /ˈlʌgɪdʒ/

Campfire Fogata /ˈkæmpˈfaɪə/

Court Cancha/ Tribunal /kɔːt/

Lifeguard Socorrista /ˈlaɪfgɑːrd/

Pitch Campo/ cancha de rugby, fútbol /ˈpɪtʃ/

Referee Árbitro, arbitrar /ˌrɛfəˈriː/

Flu Gripe /ˈfluː/

Strech Estirarse /ˈstrɛtʃ/

Vault Cámara acorazada( Cafa fuerte) /ˈvɔːlt/

Disguises Disfraz /dɪsˈgaɪz/

Deserve Merecer /dɪˈzɜːrv/

Worth Valer la pena /wɜːθ/

Billboard Cartel /ˈbɪlbɔːrd/

Manufacture Fabricar /ˌmænjʊˈfæktʃər/

Leather cuero /ˈlɛðər/

Purse/wallet Cartera /ˈpɜːrs/

Swimsuit Traje de baño /ˈswɪmsuːt/

Aligator Caimán /ˈælɪgeɪtər/

Ban Prohibición/ Prohibir /ˈbæn/

Blame Hechar la culpa /ˈbleɪm/

Fault/ Blame culpa /ˈfɔːlt/

Landmark /-/ /ˈlændmɑːrk/

Major Gran /ˈmeɪdʒər/

Dress Vestido /ˈdrɛs/

Checks A cuadros /ˈtʃɛk/

Posh(UK) Preppy(US) Pijo /-/

Cap Gorro /ˈkæp/

Trousers(UK) / Pants(US) Pantalones /-/

Do up Improve the appearance of /-/

Move in/ move on Empezar a vivir/ dejar de vivir /-/

Pull down Tirar abajo, demoler /-/

Spare room Cuarto de invitados /-/

Settle in Acomodarse /-/

Basement Sótano /ˈbeɪsmənt/

Afford Permitirse /əˈfɔːrd/

Parachute Paracaídas /ˈpærəʃuːt/

Widow/ Widower Biuda/ Biudo /ˈwɪdəʊər/

Make sense Tener sentido /-/

Dawn/ Dusk Amanecer; atardecer /ˈdɔːn/

Runny nose Con muchos mocos /-/

Landscape Paisaje /ˈlændskeɪp/

Sleeve Manga /ˈsliːv/

Lamppost (UK)/ Streetlight(US) Farola /ˈlæmppəʊst/

Stamble, trip Tropezar, tropezón /ˈstʌmbəl/

Settle in Sentirse cómodo /-/

Mend Remendar( Ropa) /ˈmɛnd/

Avoid Evitar /əˈvɔɪd/

Awhile Por un rato /əˈhwaɪl/

Quest Búsqueda /ˈkwɛst/

Hang out Pasar el rato /-/

daresay Apuesto a que /-/

Dare to[ someone] " Retarle" /-/

Wage/ Salary Salario /ˈweɪdʒ/

Apologize Disculparse /əˈpɒlədʒaɪz/

Chatty Hablador, parlanchín. /ˈtʃæti/

Grab Agarrar, coger /ˈgræb/

Hug Abrazar /ˈhʌg/

Cupboard Alacena /ˈkʌbərd/

Scale Balanza /ˈskeɪl/

Frying pan Sartén /-/

Cushion Cojines /ˈkʊʃən/

Rough Rugoso/ tosco /ˈrʌf/

Loose Aflojar /ˈluːs/

Ant Hormiga /ˈænt/

Step on Pisar /-/

Nest Nido /ˈnɛst/

Ant's nest Hormiguero /-/

Shame Pena, lástima /ˈʃeɪm/

Crawl Gatear /ˈkrɔːl/

Mall Centro comercial /ˈmɔːl/

Refund Reembolso, devolución /ˈriːfʌnd/

Cash register(US) till( UK) Caja registradora /-/

Umpire Juez de silla( árbitro tenis) /ˈʌmpaɪər/

Stand out resaltar, sobresalir /-/

Evil Mal/ Malo /ˈiːvəl/

Steady Firme /ˈstɛdi/

Loner Solitario /ˈləʊnər/

Overcome Superar, vencer /ˌəʊvərˈkʌm/

Assess Evaluar /əˈsɛs/

Bill Billete(US) Factura(UK) /ˈbɪl/

Wallet Cartera /ˈwɒlɪt/

Queue (UK) / line (US) Cola /ˈlaɪn/

Carol Villancico /ˈkærəl/

Designer De marca /dɪˈzaɪnər/

Maid Criada /ˈmeɪd/

Bowed Agachada, baja, gacha( cabeza) /ˈbəʊd/

Belongings Pertenencias /bɪˈlɒŋɪŋz/

Wardrobe(UK) closet(US) Armario /ˈwɔːrdrəʊb/

Cupboard Armario( no en una habitación) /ˈkʌbərd/

Crate Box /ˈkreɪt/

treat Tratar a /ˈtriːt/

Staircase Escaleras /ˈstɛərkeɪs/

Twist Torcer, retorcer /ˈtwɪst/

naughty desobediente, travieso /ˈnɔːti/

Manner Modo, manera /ˈmænər/

Butler Mayordomo  /ˈbʌtlə/

sigh Suspiro /ˈsaɪ/

Frown Fruncir el ceño /ˈfraʊn/

Unfair Injusto /ˌʌnˈfɛər/

Mucky Sucio( Informal) /ˈmʌki/

Greengrocer Verdulero /ˈgriːngrəʊsər/

Leaning/ Sloping/ slanted Inclinado /ˈliːnɪŋ/

On Tiptoe/s De puntillas /ˈtɪptəʊ/

Tiny Very small /ˈtaɪni/

Swallow Tragar /ˈswɒləʊ/

Chew Masticar /ˈtʃuː/

Eyebrow Cejas /ˈaɪbraʊ/

Banister Barandilla /ˈbænɪstər/

Oak Roble /ˈəʊk/

Otherwise( conector) Si no, de otra manera /ˈʌðərwaɪz/

Measure Medir /ˈmɛʒər/

Stay over Quedarse a dormir /-/

Step out Salir a caminar, Leave. /-/

Blink Pestañear /ˈblɪŋk/

steer clear of Avoid( INFORMAL) /-/

Nook Rincón /ˈnʊk/

Barely Apenas /ˈbɛərli/

Stroll Paseo, pasear /ˈstrəʊl/

Cabbages Coles /ˈkæbɪdʒ/

Frothy Espumoso /ˈfrɒθi/

Skinny Very thin /ˈskɪni/

Burst Explotar /ˈbɜːrst/

Dust Polvo /ˈdʌst/

Brim Borde de algo( hasta el tope) /ˈbrɪm/

Overpaid Sueldo excesivo, pagado de más /ˌəʊvərˈpeɪd/

Creak Chirrido /ˈkriːk/

Slight Suave, leve /ˈslaɪt/

Rather than En vez de, más que /-/

Chopsticks Palillos /ˈtʃɒpstɪks/

Deliver Entregar /dɪˈlɪvər/

The hopeless case El caso perdido /-/

Nothing but Nada más que /ˈbʌt/

In charge of A cargo de /-/

Doll Muñeco/a /ˈdɒl/

Report back Informarle a alguien /-/

Over and over Una y otra vez /-/

Poke Tocar, darle con algo a alguien /ˈpəʊk/

Ribs Costillas /ˈrɪb/

Thud Ruido sordo, golpe seco /ˈθʌd/

Storm out Salir furioso /-/

Trick Broma /ˈtrɪk/

Aside A un lado /əˈsaɪd/

Beneath Debajo( más formal que below) /bɪˈniːθ/

Barbed Con púas /ˈbɑːrbd/

Greenery Vegetación /ˈgriːnəri/

So far Hasta ahora /-/

Attach Sujetar, pegar, fijar. /əˈtætʃt/

Wire Alambre /ˈwaɪər/

Wheelbarrow Carretilla /ˈhwiːlbærəʊ/

Crutch/es Muletas /ˈkrʌtʃ/

Spade Pala /ˈspeɪd/

Huddle Apiñarse, juntarse /ˈhʌdəl/

Shiver Tiritar /ˈʃɪvər/

Awe Asombro /ˈɔː/

Shrug Encogerse de hombros /ˈʃrʌg/

Gaze Mirada /ˈgeɪz/

Glance Mirada, ojeada /ˈglɑːns/

Lick Lamer /ˈlɪk/

Youth Juventud /ˈjuːθ/

Summary Resumen, sumario /ˈsʌməri/

Drawer Cajón( de un mueble) /ˈdrɔːr/

Altogether Totalmente/ en total /ˌɔːltəˈgɛðər/

Clench the fist Cerrar el puño /-/

Will Voluntad /ˈwɪl/

Punish Castigar, sancionar /ˈpʌnɪʃ/

Ashamed Avegonzado /əˈʃeɪmd/

All in all( conector) Después de todo, en resumidas cuentas /-/

Get out Huir, escapar /-/

Faint Desmayarse /ˈfeɪnt/

Eager to do ansioso de hacer /ˈiːgər/

Droughts Sequías /ˈdraʊt/

Threat Amenza /ˈθrɛt/

Well Pozo /ˈwɛl/

Suffer Sufrir /ˈsʌfər/

Hefty Pesado /ˈhɛfti/

Sharp Afilado /ˈʃɑːp/

Stride Zancada/ Dar zancadas /ˈstraɪd/

Distaste Desagrado /dɪsˈteɪst/

Swing Columpio /ˈswɪŋ/

Despite A pesar de /dɪˈspaɪt/

Lawn césped (Grass) /ˈlɔːn/

Wound Herida /ˈwuːnd/

Complain Quejarse /kəmˈpleɪn/

Defect, Flaw Defectos /ˈflɔː/

Somehow (conector) De alguna manera/ modo /ˈsʌmhaʊ/

Rehearsal Ensayo /rɪˈhɜːrsəl/

Sight Vista /ˈsaɪt/

Vanish Desaparecer /ˈvænɪʃ/

Fuss Escándalo /ˈfʌs/

Shave Afeitarse /ˈʃeɪv/

Kneel Arrodillarse /ˈniːl/

Belong to Pertenecer /bɪˈlɒŋ/

Leak Escape, fuga /ˈliːk/

Faithful Fiel /ˈfeɪθ/

Lace Cordones /ˈleɪs/

Flood Inundación  /flʌd/

Even/odd numbers Par/impar numeros /-/

Gorgeous Precioso, maravilloso /ˈgɔːrdʒəs/

sacuer Platillo (para el te) /ˈsɔːsər/

Get rid of Desacerse /-/

Tip Propina/ consejo/ punta /ˈtɪp/

Breathtaking Impresionante, asombroso /ˈbrɛθˌteɪkɪŋ/

Faded Perdido, olvidado /ˈfædɪd/

Sunken Hundido,sumergido /ˈsʌŋkən/

Diver Buzo /ˈdaɪvər/

Grabby/ filthy Sucio, asqueroso (dirty) /ˈgrʌbi/

Remark, comment Comentario /rɪˈmɑːrk/

reveal Revelar /rɪˈviːl/

Dread Temor, pavor (fear) /ˈdrɛd/

Smuggle Traficar, contrabandear /ˈsmʌgəl/

Duty Deber, obligación /ˈdjuːti/

Sorrow Pena, Tristeza(streme sadnees) /ˈsɒrəʊ/

Scratch rasguño, arañarse /ˈskrætʃ/

Stubbly Sin afeitar /ˈstʌbli/

Barefoot Descalzo /ˈbɛərfʊt/

Ought Debería /ˈɔːt/

Wrapped( wrap) envuelto /ˈræp/

Attempt( more form. Than try) Intentar, tratar de /əˈtɛmpt/

Request Solicitar /rɪˈkwɛst/

Move up Ascenso( en tu puesto de trabajo) /-/

Weak Débil /ˈwiːk/

Bitter Amargo /ˈbɪtər/

Crossness (irritability) /-/

Timetable Horario, programar /ˈtaɪmteɪbəl/

Shear Wool Esquilar lana /ˈwʊl/

Cotton Algodón /ˈkɒtən/

revenge Venganza /rɪˈvɛndʒ/

Skull Cráneo /ˈskʌl/

Snarl Gruñir, Gruñido /ˈsnɑːrl/

Nourish Nutrir, alimentar /ˈnʌrɪʃ/

Astonishing Increíble, impresionante /əˈstɒnɪʃɪŋ/

Root Raíces /ˈruːt/

Tie Atar /ˈtaɪ/

Hence the saying De ahí el dicho /-/

Chill Escalofríos /ˈtʃɪl/

Store Almacenar, guardar /ˈstɔːr/

Stab Apuñalar /ˈstæb/

Hip Cadera /ˈhɪp/

Achieve (goal) Lograr, conseguir un logro /əˈtʃiːv/

Feat Hazaña /ˈfiːt/

Tend Tender a /ˈtɛnd/

Figure out entender, resolver /-/

Deplete Agotar, disminuir /dɪˈpliːt/

Slip Resbalar /ˈslɪp/

Surrround Rodear a /səˈraʊnd/

Withstand Aguantar, soportar /wɪðˈstænd/

Sheet Sábanas; lámina, capa. /ˈʃiːt/

Evolve Evolucionar /ɪˈvɒlv/

Properly Correctamente, adecuadamente /ˈprɒpərli/

Protrude Inward Sobresalir hacia adentro /prəˈtruːd/

Chest Pecho /ˈtʃɛst/

Adamant Terco /ˈædəmənt/

Elated Very happy /ɪˈleɪtɪd/

Withdrawn Introvertido /wɪðˈdrɔːn/

Amiable Amigable /ˈeɪmiəbəl/

Poised Tranquilo /ˈpɔɪzd/

Upright (honest) /ˈʌpraɪt/

Obnoxious Odioso (person) , desagradable /əbˈnɒkʃəs/

Spotless Inmaculado, impecable /ˈspɒtləs/

Guilty Culpable /ˈgɪlti/

Ascertain (Whether/ that) Verificar( Determinar) /ˌæsərˈteɪn/

Embarrassed/ ashamed Avergonzado /ɪmˈbærəst/

Scarcely/Barely Apenas /ˈskɛərsli/

Jeopardy Peligro, riesgo /ˈdʒɛpərdi/

Bond Vínculo /ˈbɒnd/

Trigger Desencadenar /ˈtrɪgər/

Spare De repuesto /ˈspɛər/

Nevertheless However /ˌnɛvərðəˈlɛs/

Mild slight /ˈmaɪld/

Unbearable Insoportable /ˌʌnˈbɛərəbəl/

Noon Mediodía /ˈnuːn/

Scorching Abrasador /ˈskɔːrtʃɪŋ/

Overcast cloudy /ˈəʊvərkɑːst/

Pouring Llover a cántaros /ˈpɔːrɪŋ/

Cold spell Temporada de frío /-/

Tame Domesticar /ˈteɪm/

Hen-house/ Coop Gallinero /-/

Lurch Move abruptly /ˈlɜːrtʃ/

Stirring Excitante, emotivo /ˈstɜːrɪŋ/

Gifted Dotado /ˈgɪftɪd/

Wild boar Jabalí /ˈbɔːr/

Barn Granero /ˈbɑːrn/

Perched Posarse /ˈpɜːrtʃt/

Pigeon Paloma /ˈpɪdʒɪn/

Lest (formal) (conector) No sea que, por temor de que /ˈlɛst/

Stout/ sturdy (fuerte) Rechonco, fornido /ˈstaʊt/

Apealling (Attractive) /əˈpiːlɪŋ/

First rate De primera categoría /-/

Wander Deambular /ˈwɒndər/

Graze Pastar /ˈgreɪz/

Raven Cuervo /ˈreɪvən/

Wisdom Sabiduría /ˈwɪzdəm/

Destination/ Fate Destino(viaje)/ Destino(vida) /ˈfeɪt/

Go astray Desviarse, ir por mal camino /əˈstreɪ/

As for/ Regarding (conector) Con respecto a, en cuanto a /-/

Stem from Originarse de, venir de(be caused by) /-/

Acomplish Lograr, conseguir /əˈkʌmplɪʃ/

Outlook Actitud  /ˈaʊtˌlʊk/

Nimble Ágil, hábil, veloz /ˈnɪmbəl/

Underfeed Desnutrido, malnutrido /ˌʌndərˈfɛd/

Onwards En adelante /ˈɒnwərd/

Drawback Inconveniente /ˈdrɔːbæk/

Mow Cortar el césped /ˈməʊ/

Gather (Collect) ˈgæðər/

Tablecloth Mantel /ˈteɪbəlklɒθ/

Regard as Considerar /rɪˈgɑːrd/

Nonsense Tonterías /ˈnɒnsəns/

Keep from Abstenerse de/ No dejar que /-/

Toad Sapo /ˈtəʊd/

Beaming Rebosante de alegría /ˈbiːmɪŋ/

Greet Recibir, Dar la bienvenida /ˈgriːt/

Dustbin/ Rubbish Bin Cubo de basura /ˈdʌstbɪn/

Courtyard Patio /ˈkɔːrtjɑːrd/

Weed Mala hierba/Mariguana /ˈwiːd/

Grin/Smile Sonreír /ˈgrɪn/

Shrink Become smaller /ˈʃrɪŋk/

Plump Relleno/ Rellenito (Persona) /ˈplʌmp/

Swarthy/Dark Moreno /ˈswɔːðɪ/

Gather Recoger, apilar/ Juntar /ˈgæðər/

Defeat Vencer, derrotar, ganar /dɪˈfiːt/

Stray Alejarse, apartarse, desviarse /ˈstreɪ/

Stern Severo /ˈstɜːn/

Lit Iluminado ./ˈlɪt/

Staircase Escaleras ./ˈstɛərkeɪs/

Flatten Aplanar ./ˈflætən/

Quill Pluma ./ˈkwɪl/

Whimper Lloriquear ./ˈhwɪmpər/

Oversleep Quedarse dormido ./ˌəʊvərˈsliːp/

Struck Afectador por ./ˌəʊvərˈsliːp/

Whereabouts (location) /paradero/ ./ˌhwɛərəˈbaʊts/

Courage Valor, valentía ./ˈkʌrɪdʒ/

Tickle Hacer cosquillas ./ˈtɪkəl/

Certificate Certificado ./dɪˈpləʊmə/

Degree Título, grado ./dɪˈgriː/

Diploma Diploma /dɪˈpləʊmə/

Qualification Título ./ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/

Performing Actuación, representación ./pərˈfɔːrmɪŋ/

Yacht Velero ./ˈjɒt/

Sympathy Compasión ./ˈsɪmpəθi/

Shiver Escalofrío ./ˈsɪmpəθi/

Bury Enterrar ./ˈbɛri/


By the way, I'm going to leave first, I need to finish my homework, do not hesitate to talk to me.

I was very confident in the tennis match.

1. Can you rely on her. 2. My mother relies on me to go shopping for her.

I trust my car: it never break down.

There is a lot of treasures

I'm willing to cook dinner tonight.

I'm willing to gamble on a dreamer

Go forth on your mighty chariot.

'' ''

I turned back if I have any idea how to steer this.

I saw a huge seagull.

Oh, smells like manure.

The fucking slayer

This village is neglected

The beautiful cinematography and the music also help to make Élite successful.

But the murder of another student at the school, Marina.

1. The bike was ruty. 2. I'm was very rusty those days with English.

1. Mary was a nasty person.

I'm very proud of them.

The sun is shining today.

The purchase went quickly

It's too long the path.

My brother loves hide-and-seek.

I had a terrible pain in my leg

Hang on please and I'll be with you in a couple of minutes.

I just finish my crossword

Are you mad about the sperm bank.

Have a good meal and chat.

You can find lots of spoofs on the internet.

1. Are you finished sorting those cards. 2. Which sort is your dog.

Anyways, I'm also writing a screenplays.

And discovers that light behaves like particles, too.

That's not to say that if a carnal relationship were to develop…

The plot of Élite is very exiting.

Thre teenagers receive scholarships to attend Las Encinas.

He have a scholarship in Canada.

And it takes place in Spain.

Is the eldest daughter of a wealthy businessman.

Someone's gossiping online about me.

I'm not bothering you, am I?

1. A stone will sink in water. 2. Just put the dirty dishes in the sink and I will clean them later.

Can you go shopping milk? We've completely run out.

We raised the beach umbrella by six inches.

I could reached the hill.


Sorry, I was delayed by the traffic

Please don't touch my bruise on my arm; it's really sore.

Please don't touch my bruise on my arm; it's really sore.

The ground was muddy



The countryside is very polluted for the people.

1. She was to dumb to think of an alternative. 2. Finally he was dumb.

Please don't leave me, I Beg you! 2. I'm beggin, beggin you!!

1. There was a good choice of desserts on the menu. 2. Cabs are a good choice.

The buses are cheap but they aren't reliable.

Cabs aren't expensive but they're uncomfortable

You should always walk on the pavement and never in the road.


Joyce always takes the escalator to the second floor.

The office was on the tenth floor, so Helen took the elevator.

The golf course is big.

You need to make an appointment for beauty treatments

She always leaves the toys scattered.

Don't you dare speak to me like that, young man.

Not of them dared to ride on the ghost train.

I text you yesterdey, didn't I?


William's grades disappoint her parents

I will not put up with your whining any more. Go to bed this minute!

People have annoying habits.

He brokes his spine.

1. The three slices of pizza remain. 2. The remains of the ancient city were fascinating

All people came for the movie's premiere.

How to brew a perfect skeleton spell.

How to brew a perfect skeleton spell.

Boil the mixture for 10 minutes before you add the cream.

Grate one dark cristal.

The fish is a bit raw.

Alba bent hir elbow.

I have got a painful bee sting on my face!

Ask the doctor to give you some tablets for your sore back.

My arm was booding, so I put a badage on it.

I wanna be your slave.

I've never worn a tie.

1. We're not sure whether it will rain. 2. Anyone, whether rich or poor, is a person.

Boarding school: School in which the pupils live during the school term.

My cousin is in a boarding school.

I enjoy a lot the play.

Charlotte fell deeply in love with Monsieur Heger.


The ice statue is melting.

I turn on the lights because my brother turn off it three minutes ago.

Help yourself to more cake.

I perforated the wall with a drill for put a picture.

I perforated the wall with a drill for put a picture.

I'm unable to lift the heavy package.

Please unscrew the latch so it can be removed.

Simon plugged his laptop into the socket.

Simon plugged his laptop into the socket.

Can you unscrew the lightbulb from the socket.

The bird's body is covered in feathers.

María sort the things on her rack.

Snuffles was a chubby hamster with a nose of the color of bubble-gum.

They want to clean the Snuffles' cage.

He helps Sally to scrub the Snuffles' cage.

I found a bucket in the hallway closet.

I can't unscrew the door's hinges.

I can't unscrew the front door, I'm going for a screwdriver.

I saw a drunken beside our restaurant.

Who designed these crappy folder chair.

The knight raised his sword to deal a fatal blow to his enemy.

The knight raised his sword to deal a fatal blow to his enemy.

1. I and my friend did a deal. 2. The knight raised his sword to deal a fatal glow to his enemy.

The second world war was between 1939-1945.

What sort of warrior are you?

The mighty army.

The next willage wipe-out Valerie's Hut.

The next willage wipe-out Valerie's Hut/shelder/refuge.

I have to stay at home and clean up this clutter.

Train your dog not to bite the shoes.

He's gonna to destroy de townhall.

These chap may be a thief.

I just tend my towel.

I'm hell bound.

It is agains the law to steal.

1. But I'm hell bound. 2. The prisioner's ankles were bound together with chains.

The clown amuse telling jokes.

The food lacks in salt.

Birds blow overhead as Molly rode her horse along the trail.

We couldn't see the lake because of all the fog.

The mecanic used a wrench to loosen the nut.

Anxo pulled the nail out with the pliers.

Xabi pulled the nail out with the pliers.

I used the handsaw to cut the wood table.

The logger chop the trees and then sells it.

The lumberjack knocked down the tree with an axe.

I once know how to sew.

I once knew how to sew.

Tom splashed water over the lip of the pool.

The family went for a walk along the seashore.

Karen stood on the shore wathing the people swimming in the lake.

The young woman wore a stud in her navel.

The young woman wore a stud in her navel.

I cut down the tree with a saw.

A circle is a perfectrly round shape.

The fish round in circles around the pound.

Lots of puddles form in those holes when it rains.

Monkeys are the most closely related animals to humans.

There was an ink mark on the paper.

The gorillas were in the Ape's Cage.

They wanted to know all about the world beyond their enclosure.

Clouds were visible beyond the mountains.

I met many interesting people when I traveled abroad.

Ben went to law school to become a lawyer.

I was inactive in the basketball team for the injury I had.

1. The thermometer's reading is accurate. 2. my answer was inaccurate.

I usually practise sport, for instance, last week I took part in a basketball tournament.

I can see flowers and trees at the background, whereas in the second one they're at the beach.

There were long queue in the supermarket.

In the zoo there were a lots of elefants and apes.

The fire spread throughout the forest.

The bullet went though his body.

I cleaned up the house's clutter throughout the day.

The prisioner's ankles were bound together with chains.

1. Colón sailed for over two months before seeing land. 2. The aeroplane landed successfully.

Colón sailed for over two months before seeing land.

Soon the caterpillar will become a butterfly.

The crew followed the captain's order.

The fairy landed in front of a red door.

Let down the drawbridge.

The purpose of the law is to discourage speeding.

The purpose of the law is to discourage speeding.

My brothers are really messy and noisy.

My brothers are really messy and noisy, but my sister is quite cute.

1. You must write within the grey lines. 2. There is a town within five miles of this spot.

Police contact me when a witness sees someone commit a crime.

We can bring up on screen different styles of glasses for the witness to choose from.

Forensic artists do need good drawing skills.

She was upset about her friend's actions.

Complete the sentences with highlighted words or phrases from the text.

Write a word from the box in each gap to complete the definitions.

We need dependable employees for our business to success.

I just found out that my sister is pregnant.

I just found out that my sister is pregnant.

They have a good friendship.

Karen was sweating after her run.

The forecast indicated that it would rain tonight.

None of the contestans was able to finish the race.

It's lovely to be here.

It's a pleasure to do deals with you.

It's a pleasure to do deals with you.

The surface was soft and smooth.

And take that whale in tow.

There were hundred of jellyfish washed up onto the shore.

My young son was afraid for of the crab because of its claws.

The driftwood was washed-up on the beach.

The tide washed-up an ancient book onto the shore.

Who will look after the children while we're away.

The police are looking into the cause of the accident.

They haven't got food so they are going to starve.

There was a boat drifting in the middle of the lake.

There is a stall at the market selling French cheese.

The vacuum is in the closet, next to the room.

Cabs are a good device.

Moreover, many dogs do not like being left alone at home.

Mr Jones is so lazy and drunken that one day he forgets to feed her livestock.

Where the dolphins swim in the sparkling blue water.

She meets a rude young man.

And then is a death by drowning, and then another…

What a lovley day! We should go to the beach and sunbathe.


I saw the sunrise this moorning.

I want to see the sunset tomorrow at the beach.

My grandfather fall in a cliff last summer.

The loggers felled several large pine trees.

Sheldered bay.

Where the sea lay calm and still.

From we were sat, we couln't see the bay.

He builted a house beside woods above the bay.

. Therefore, Leo had persuaded her to go to Corfu.

He persuaded her to get married.

He can call me whenever. I don't mind.

With the sun shinning brightly.

We couldn't see the bay, as it was hidden by the trees.

He replied pleased about my answer.

This burglar specialiezes in robbing safes.

It was the finest actor of 1950s.

And in a while we came in a fork in the path.

She pointed towards Albania.

I turned down the steep path under the trees.

At the first bend I looked back.

At the first bend I looked back at the forbidden path to Castellano, and I saw something red.

He is very selfish and upset person.

Ben 's room wasw very neat - all his books were in their place.

I had a thrilling day in my vacations.

Nina was late, as usual.

Ir was courageous of you to stay and help everyone.

The driver stopped in front of a signpost to consult the map.

The driver stopped in front of a signpost to consult the map.

Sammy put up a tent at a campsite.

I miss my luggate at home!

Today is going to rain, we better do a campfire tomorrow.

1. He is going to the court for a steal he did. 2. All my friends are in the courts right now.

Last summer a lifegard save a life in my town.

All my friends are in the pitch.

In the football match the referee was awful.

I had a flu and I couldn't go at school yesterday.

Do you strech your legs to be more tall?

While a robber was trying to open the bank vault door, he was electrocuted.

Were they wearing disguises?

She deserves a pay rise.

What you're worth.

There aren't any billboards or neon lights.

Polish manufactures are now producing high quality goods.

At the shop Pantera you can buy leather goods like handbags, purses, coats, etc.

I haven't got a purse, I'm going to buy it.

I changed into my swimsuit quickly.

You never know how hight a aligator can jump.

Many cities have now a smoking ban.

Don't blame me! It wasn't my fault!

Don't blame me! It wasn't my fault!

The Statue of Liberty is a major American Landmark.


My sister have a good dress.

I have a check shirt.

I won't wear that preppy sweater vest to the party.

I don't want to use that cap.

I don't like these trousers.

It took us a long time to do the house up but now it looks great!

When we moved in, our new neighbours welcomed us.

I can't believe they've pulled my primary school down!

Mum is thinking fo renting our the spare room to make a bit of money.

Has Alfie settled in at university yet?

You can leave the bycicle into the basement.

We can't afford that hotel.

The parachute is broken.


The people have a chair in his head. It make sense?

What lovely Dusk.

I have a runny nose and I think I should see a dotcor tomorrow.

I love Where my flat is because it has a good landscape.

1. I have a T-shirt with a short sleeves. 2. I have a long sleeved T- shirt.

I will remember how you kissed me unde de Lamppost/ Streetlight.

I almost stamble walking in the muddy path.

1. Have you settle in the 3th couse? 2. I just settle in this neighborhood.

I must mend my shoes.

She just wanted to avoid a scene with him.

The guests had to wait for awhile for dinner to be served.

We could hang out, maybe go on a quest.

We could hang out, maybe go on a quest.

I daresay you're hungry after your long walk.

Ask him for a napkin, I dare you.

Call it whatever you want, I get the minimum wage.

You are going to march yourshelf right now to over there and apologize.

She's so chatty!

Grab a napkin.

He hugged you?

In the background of the image there's lots of cupboards.

I stepped onto the scale.

I Cooked the eggs in the frying pan.

There's a green cushions onto the sofa.

Don't worry if your drawing is very rough!

I need to loose my tie.

I have stepped on many ants.

I have stepped on many ants.

I just saw a bird building her nest.

I pour water on the ant's nests.

It's a shame you can't go with us.

The baby crawl around the floor.

I go to the mall for new shoes.

I go to the shop again to refund a dress.

I have broken a cash register.

The umpire gave the tennis player a warning for using foul language.

The world of comics are full of male and that's why that superhero stands out.

1. Many people believe in concepts of good and evil. 2. Most of people agree that Hitler was evil.

Tommy made sure the chair was steady before standing on it.

He's shy and serious and definitly a loner in his fight aginst crime.

He is estremely brave because he learns to overcome his fears.

How can you assess a character's personality?

I received the electricity bill in the mail yesterday.

I lost the wallet in the street.

I had to wait a long queue/ line.

I love to sing a chritsmas carols in chirtsmas.

I have a friend who wear all days a designer clothes.

Maria, is the family's maid.

Maria always kept her head bowed and never looked up from the carpet.

The maid was crabbing Bruno's belongings.

The maid was pulling all belongings out of her wardrobe.

I leave all the purchase on the kitchen's cupboards.

Four large wooden crates.

Her mother tolds him he must to treat Maria respectfully.

Maria pointed towards the staircase.

She was twisting her hands.

Running quickly through the events of the previous few days to consider whether he'd been naughty.
In a perfectly good manner he behaved yesterday.

Lars is the butler.

She sighed.

Bruno thought about this and frowned.

But it seemed a little unfair that they all had to go with her (Gretel).

He had to keep his mucky hands off.

Karl say that her father is greengrocer.

At the top of the house the windows were leaning/ Sloping/ Slanted.

He stood up on his tiptoes to reach the sweet's crate.

He was chewing the biscuits into tiny pieces.

Ned chewed the bread and then he swallowed it.

Bruno chewed all the bar of chocolate.

Her mother raised an eyebrown.

As he was going upstairs touching the banister he was thinking about her future.

Just in front of the two enourmous oak doors.

Because otherwise she might pull all his belongings out of the wardrobe.

We make IQ test to measure humans itelligence.

Mum, can I stay over at Ruth's house tonight.

As if he'd just stepped out of his kitchen.

He catched me before I could blink.

I played with my neighbours if they were friends or I steer clear of if they were trouble.

Even though he'd lived there for nine years he was still able to find nooks and crannies.

In the office of his father he had barely been inside.

In the streets of Berlin there were people strolling around.

In the vegetables stalls there were cabbages.

Sometimes they sat in this bank and drink frothy drinks.

The maids are so skinny.

He is going to burst if don't eat the tablets he need.

The chest was covered by dust.

The bag was full to the brim with his underwear.

She was a poor maid that was overpaid.

Just as that moment there was a creak outside in the hallway house.

There is a slight fog on the road.

She had stared down rather than at his face.

And there's any chopsticks?

The postman delivered the letters.

Gretel is a hopeless case.

She was nothing but trouble.

When our father aren't in house I'm in charge of you.

She has a large collection of dolls.

He was sure that if he enter inside of her room, all of the dolls will report back all things he do there.

He's not nine, he's only six, ' said one particular monster over and over again to her friends.

While he was poking him in the ribs.

Dancing around him and poking him in the ribs.

He landed in the carpet with a thud.

Maria left storming out of her bedrom holding a dead mouse.

He never trick at him.

Elbowing him aside.

There was a garden directly beneath Bruno's window.

The fence was barbed, and I tore my jeans climbing on it.

After the fence there isin't no greenery.

So far, it isin't going as we want.

At the top of the bench there was a plaque attached.

Beyond the bench there was a wire fence.

They were transporting manure in the wheelbarrow.

Other people over there were in cruthes.

My dad made a hole with a green spade.

Bruno pointed a group of children huddled together.

Gretel went for a jacket because she was shivering due to cold time.

The children saw at the beautiful scenery with awe.

Said his father, shrugging her shoulders.

Bruno's gaze landed on the window in the corner of the room.

Before hear his reply, he glanced back at Father.

Bruno licked her lips.

The youth of nowdays behave so stupid.

I don't find any summary on the internet.

The maid was separating the underwear of Bruno in differents drawers.

1. I forgot it altogether. 2. It cost 20$ altogether.

He clenched his fists.

Well, you've been brought here against your will.

But when I do something wrong I get punished.

He felt a little ashamed after said that his father was a fool.
All in all, I think you did a fine job.

Bruno thought to get out of his house.

Soon he was going to faint away.

I'm eager to show you my new house.

Every year droughts came more often.

So hunger is a constant threat.

Some of the wells have been destructed.

He suffer a injury in the great war.

The hefty load fell in the road.

I found a sharp knife to cut the rope.

The boy crossed the room in three strides.

He looked at her sister with distaste.

I'm going to make a swing.

Despite the fact that he was young enough to be he's grandson.

He carried him across the lawn.

Let the wound relax for a couple of minutes.

Don't complain.

Despite all his flaws.

She had met him in a concert and somehow he persuaded her to get married with him.

They came here every day to rehearsal with us.

The house became smaller and smaller until it vanished from sight altogether.

The house became smaller and smaller until it vanished from sight altogether.

Bruno stare at them and wondered whether they deserved all the fuss being made for them.

Liam shaved his beard this morning.

I knelt in front of the dog.

It belongs to Anjo.

He was leaking blood from the fork holes.

The dogs are very faithful.

My shoes haven't got laces.

We lost my house because of a flood.

71 is an odd number.

It's a gorgeous scenery.

I have left a little tip beneath the saucer.

Now let's get rid of all this stuff.

I have left some tip to the waiter. / The tip of the pencil was too sharp.

What a breathtaking views!

His memories of life in Berlin had almost all faded away.

The divers explored the sunken ship.

The divers explored the sunken ship.

Don't sit on the two leather and grabby armchairs.

There are lots of children over there. The parents got in silence after his remark.

I'm going to reveal my truth.

He dreaded having to tell Shmuel the news.

Taking the piece of bread and the apple he had smuggled with him out of his pocket.

It's your duty to study.

Shmuel nodded but couldn't find any words to express his sorrow.

Bruno scratched under the fence because it was so sharp.

If you haven't shaved, your stubbly face irritates my skin when you kiss me.
You can't expect me to go barefoot on all this mud.

You really ought to drive more carefully.

The package is all wrapped.

She's not seeming to attempt to explote all the train.

Request armed officers hold back from boarding the train.

Yeah, it's a move up.

I'm too weak to push this heavy trolley.

Her voice was sharp and bitter.

Although he hadn't dialled the mood machine for crossness.

What's on your timetable for today?

I have sheared wool from all my sheeps.

I need some cotton with betadine to heal my wound.

When Tom got Jhon into trouble at work, John's revenge was to sabotage her computer.

A bullet will kill you if it hits your skull in any angle.

I've just heard a snarl from a wolf.

Rice alone will not nourish these children.

Now, let's see about such an astonishing thing here we have.

The root of the plant had raised the floor of the house.

Tie your shoes or you will trip with the laces.

Hence the saying: " It's like cycling a bike".

That beautiful melody always gives me chills.

The brain stores all about emotions.

The mugger stabbed his victim with a shape knife.

You broke your hip when you fell down the stairs.
We often achieve a feat before we see any growth.

We often achieve a feat before we see any growth.

Sara tends to get upset if anyone makes the slightest criticism of her work.

To figure out the sense of touch.

The air of high altitudes is depleted of oxygen

Then add it one last factor: The heart-pounding knowledge that at any moment, you could slip.

The police surrounded the build.

Kitty has trained her heart to withstand the physical stresses.

The submarine had to break through a thin sheet of ice to surface.

Humans beings have evolved over million years.

It only works properly if we are moving.

And start to protrude inward.

I felt this burning in my chest.

I tried to change Sonia's mind, but she was adamant.

When I got my exam results, I was elated.

Since the accident, Ned has become withdrawn.

I'm surprised he didn't like you- I've always found him very amiable.

Mark was perfectly poised as he began to speak.

Mary is an upright young woman who always does what is right.

Mary was rude and displayed obnoxious behaviour all evening.

How do you manage to keep your kitchen so spotless.

The detective inspector questioned the suspect to ascertain whether she was guilty.

" "

I was embarrassed to be praised aloud in front of so many people.

It's scarcely a week since she started work.

Because when we lose blood, everything is then in jeopardy.

The bond between mother and child is profound.

The assassination of the archduke triggered the war.

I need a spare tyre for the tractor.

Nevertheless, the weather forecast predicted a storm.

As we could only feel a mild breeze on our faces.

There was not a shade to hide and it was an unbearable scorching day.

The temperature rose and by noon, it was boiling hot.

There was not a shade to hide and it was an unbearable scorching day.

The sky was overcast and it started pouring.

The sky was overcast and it started pouring.

In Canada, we have many cold spells and blizzards in the north in winter.

Harry keeps a tame rat as a pet.

He had locked the hen-houses for the night.

He lurched as he was drunken.

As soon as the light went out there was a stirring and a fluttering all through the farm buildings.

The school system favors the more gifted students and ignores the average ones.

While hiking. Danny saw a boar in the forest.

They should all meet in the big barn as soon as Mr Jones was safely out of the way.

The hens perched themselves on the window-sills.

The pigeons fluttered up to the rafters.

The horses walked very slowly lest there should be some small animal concealed in the straw.

Clover was stout motherly mare approaching middle life.

Dean had nice hair and an appealing smile.

The dinner was absolutely firs rate, Joan.

Cheeping feebly and wandering from side to side to find somewhere

Grazing side by side and never speaking.

All the animals were now present except Moses, the tame raven.

My duty is to opass on to you such wisdom as I have acquired.

You will die, even the horses and the dogs have no better fate.

And remember, your resolution must never astray.

And as for the clever ones, such as the pigs and dogs, they had the entire song learned in 5 minutes.

Many of problems that young people face nowdays stem from excessive use of social media.

You get the power to accomplish something.

Major's speech had given to the more intelligent animals on the farm a new outlook on life

Ned had nimble figers that were perfect for needlework.

The hedges were neglected and the animals were underfed.

From the late 1990s onwards, there has been a huge growth in the use of home internet.


Fred mowed once a week.

The hens and ducks with their sharp eyes had gathered up the very last stalk.

He had found an ancient tablecloth of Mrs Jones's.

A bird's wing, is an organ of propulsion and not of manipulation. It should therefore be regarded as a leg.

Peter's argument was total nonsense.

I can't keep from eating ice cream

Bring a toad tomorrow.

Beaming parents greeted their children as they came out of school.

While Mary goes to greet the guests, Fred finishes setting the table for dinner.

At the courtyard there was nothing but a dustbin and some weeds.

The house is built aronund a central courtyard where we will plant flowers next year.

At the courtyard there was nothing but a dustbin and some weeds.

Hagrid grinned at him.

The sweater has shrunk in the wash.

Harry wished to had eight more eyes to see the holy shop, a plump women, his friend, etc.

The globin was a head shorter than Harry and had a swarthy and clever face.

She gathered some shells as souvenirs of the vacation.

They defeates their opponents 3-2.

Ron's eyes strayed to the pile of Chocolate Frogs waiting to be unwrapped.

A tall and black-haired with had a stern face.

The room was well lit.

Entering the hall, Teo saw in front of her a staircase leading to the first floor.

The baker flattened the dough into a shallow loaf.

Harry borrowed a quill to write the answer's letter.

The dog was whimpering outside the door.

Hillary overslept and was late to work.

A thought struck Clover.

Three days later Mollie disappeared. For some weeks nothing was known of her whereabouts.

It took courage to stand up to the angry crowds and tell them they were wrong.

The grass tickle Nina's bare feet as she carried her morning coffee to the table in the garden.

Upong finishing the course, the students each received a certificate of completion.

He has a degree of English from the university of Virginia.

Angela has a diploma in nursing.

Now, I have the secondary qualification.

Barry loves performing, so he's joined a local theatre group.

The yachts gathered in the habour for the start of the race.

Edward felt a great deal of sympathy for his sister when her husband died.

Shivers came throughout my spine.

We buried my grandmother on a rainy day.

y homework, do not hesitate to talk to me.

tennis match.

on me to go shopping for her.

reak down.


ner tonight.

n a dreamer

ty chariot.

how to steer this.





lso help to make Élite successful.

at the school, Marina.

sty those days with English.





n my leg

in a couple of minutes.


perm bank.

nd chat.

on the internet.
2. Which sort is your dog.

a screenplays.

s like particles, too.

onship were to develop…

y exiting.

to attend Las Encinas.

n Canada.

n Spain.

lthy businessman.

ne about me.
u, am I?

es in the sink and I will clean them later.

e completely run out.

a by six inches.

e hill.

the traffic

y arm; it's really sore.

y arm; it's really sore.



ed for the people.

ive. 2. Finally he was dumb.

'm beggin, beggin you!!

menu. 2. Cabs are a good choice.

y aren't reliable.

're uncomfortable

ent and never in the road.

to the second floor.

Helen took the elevator.

s big.

for beauty treatments

ys scattered.

e that, young man.

the ghost train.

didn't I?

nt her parents

more. Go to bed this minute!

g habits.

ns of the ancient city were fascinating

vie's premiere.

eleton spell.

eleton spell.

ore you add the cream.



ng on my face!

lets for your sore back.

t a badage on it.


a tie.

, whether rich or poor, is a person.

ls live during the school term.

ng school.


h Monsieur Heger.


urn off it three minutes ago.

re cake.

l for put a picture.

l for put a picture.

vy package.

can be removed.

nto the socket.

nto the socket.

b from the socket.

d in feathers.

n her rack.

e of the color of bubble-gum.

nuffles' cage.

Snuffles' cage.

llway closet.

r's hinges.

oing for a screwdriver.

ur restaurant.

y folder chair.
fatal blow to his enemy.

fatal blow to his enemy.

sword to deal a fatal glow to his enemy.

ween 1939-1945.

are you?


Valerie's Hut.

's Hut/shelder/refuge.
an up this clutter.

e the shoes.
e townhall.

a thief.



o steal.

were bound together with chains.

ng jokes.


er horse along the trail.

use of all the fog.

o loosen the nut.

with the pliers.

ith the pliers.

he wood table.

nd then sells it.

he tree with an axe.

o sew.

o sew.

e lip of the pool.

ong the seashore.

ople swimming in the lake.

ud in her navel.
ud in her navel.

th a saw.

ound shape.

und the pound.

oles when it rains.

ed animals to humans.

n the paper.

Ape's Cage.

ld beyond their enclosure.

the mountains.

en I traveled abroad.

ecome a lawyer.

m for the injury I had.

2. my answer was inaccurate.

ook part in a basketball tournament.

as in the second one they're at the beach.

e supermarket.

elefants and apes.

ut the forest.
h his body.

hroughout the day.

together with chains.

nd. 2. The aeroplane landed successfully.

s before seeing land.

ome a butterfly.

ptain's order.

of a red door.


courage speeding.
courage speeding.

ssy and noisy.

but my sister is quite cute.

s a town within five miles of this spot.

someone commit a crime.

sses for the witness to choose from.

d drawing skills.

iend's actions.

words or phrases from the text.

o complete the definitions.

our business to success.

er is pregnant.

er is pregnant.


er her run.

would rain tonight.

e to finish the race.


s with you.
s with you.

nd smooth.
in tow.

shed up onto the shore.

rab because of its claws.

up on the beach.

ook onto the shore.

n while we're away.

ause of the accident.

re going to starve.

middle of the lake.

ling French cheese.

next to the room.


eing left alone at home.

he forgets to feed her livestock.

parkling blue water.

ng man.

and then another…

the beach and sunbathe.

row at the beach.

ff last summer.
arge pine trees.


m and still.

n't see the bay.

ds above the bay.

her to go to Corfu.

t married.

I don't mind.

hidden by the trees.

my answer.

robbing safes.

of 1950s.

fork in the path.


under the trees.

ked back.

to Castellano, and I saw something red.

pset person.

books were in their place.

y vacations.


and help everyone.

post to consult the map.

post to consult the map.

a campsite.


a campfire tomorrow.

my friends are in the courts right now.

life in my town.

the pitch.

eree was awful.

school yesterday.

be more tall?

vault door, he was electrocuted.




or neon lights.
cing high quality goods.

like handbags, purses, coats, etc.

oing to buy it.

uit quickly.

ligator can jump.

moking ban.

n't my fault!

n't my fault!

American Landmark.
d dress.


er vest to the party.

hat cap.


up but now it looks great!

hbours welcomed us.

rimary school down!

oom to make a bit of money.

iversity yet?
o the basement.



ead. It make sense?


d see a dotcor tomorrow.

has a good landscape.

have a long sleeved T- shirt.

e de Lamppost/ Streetlight.
he muddy path.

st settle in this neighborhood.

cene with him.

or dinner to be served.

go on a quest.

go on a quest.

your long walk.

dare you.

he minimum wage.
w to over there and apologize.



re's lots of cupboards.


frying pan.

onto the sofa.

is very rough!

y tie.
any ants.

ny ants.

g her nest.

nt's nests.

o with us.

the floor.

w shoes.
efund a dress.


ing for using foul language.

s why that superhero stands out.

Most of people agree that Hitler was evil.

dy before standing on it.

er in his fight aginst crime.

ns to overcome his fears.

er's personality?

he mail yesterday.

e street.

eue/ line.

ols in chirtsmas.
s a designer clothes.

s maid.

ver looked up from the carpet.

no's belongings.

s out of her wardrobe.

itchen's cupboards.


eat Maria respectfully.

he staircase.

days to consider whether he'd been naughty.
ehaved yesterday.


and frowned.

had to go with her (Gretel).

y hands off.


e leaning/ Sloping/ Slanted.

ch the sweet's crate.

into tiny pieces.

n he swallowed it.

of chocolate.


he was thinking about her future.

mous oak doors.

longings out of the wardrobe.

umans itelligence.

s house tonight.

of his kitchen.
could blink.

r I steer clear of if they were trouble.

still able to find nooks and crannies.

barely been inside.

eople strolling around.

were cabbages.

d drink frothy drinks.


the tablets he need.

d by dust.
ith his underwear.

was overpaid.

utside in the hallway house.

the road.

han at his face.


the letters.



m in charge of you.
on of dolls.

dolls will report back all things he do there.

ster over and over again to her friends.

m in the ribs.

ng him in the ribs.

with a thud.

m holding a dead mouse.


ath Bruno's window.
y jeans climbing on it.

no greenery.

we want.

s a plaque attached.

s a wire fence.

n the wheelbarrow.

ere in cruthes.

a green spade.

n huddled together.

shivering due to cold time.

l scenery with awe.

her shoulders.

n the corner of the room.

ed back at Father.


ave so stupid.

n the internet.

Bruno in differents drawers.

st 20$ altogether.

against your will.

ng I get punished.

at his father was a fool.

d a fine job.

of his house.

aint away.

new house.

more often.

nt threat.

en destructed.
great war.

the road.

ut the rope.

n three strides.

ith distaste.


ough to be he's grandson.

the lawn.

uple of minutes.


rsuaded her to get married with him.

ehearsal with us.

t vanished from sight altogether.

t vanished from sight altogether.

erved all the fuss being made for them.

is morning.
e dog.


the fork holes.


t laces.

e of a flood.



ath the saucer.

this stuff.

of the pencil was too sharp.


almost all faded away.

unken ship.

unken ship.

grabby armchairs.

nts got in silence after his remark.

my truth.

hmuel the news.

muggled with him out of his pocket.


ords to express his sorrow.

ecause it was so sharp.

ates my skin when you kiss me.
oot on all this mud.

more carefully.


xplote all the train.

om boarding the train.


heavy trolley.

nd bitter.

machine for crossness.

e for today?

all my sheeps.

to heal my wound.

evenge was to sabotage her computer.

r skull in any angle.

om a wolf.

these children.

hing thing here we have.

e floor of the house.

p with the laces.

cycling a bike".

gives me chills.

t emotions.

with a shape knife.

ell down the stairs.

we see any growth.

we see any growth.

slightest criticism of her work.

of touch.

pleted of oxygen
edge that at any moment, you could slip.

the build.

nd the physical stresses.

hin sheet of ice to surface.

ver million years.

e are moving.


my chest.

ut she was adamant.

s, I was elated.
come withdrawn.

ys found him very amiable.

e began to speak.

always does what is right.

us behaviour all evening.

r kitchen so spotless.

o ascertain whether she was guilty.

n front of so many people.

e started work.
hing is then in jeopardy.

child is profound.

e triggered the war.

he tractor.

st predicted a storm.

eeze on our faces.

an unbearable scorching day.

n, it was boiling hot.

an unbearable scorching day.

started pouring.
started pouring.

lizzards in the north in winter.

as a pet.

es for the night.


fluttering all through the farm buildings.

ents and ignores the average ones.

oar in the forest.

Mr Jones was safely out of the way.

n the window-sills.
o the rafters.

me small animal concealed in the straw.

proaching middle life.

ppealing smile.

firs rate, Joan.

e to side to find somewhere

ever speaking.

pt Moses, the tame raven.

sdom as I have acquired.

dogs have no better fate.

must never astray.

ey had the entire song learned in 5 minutes.

tem from excessive use of social media.

plish something.

mals on the farm a new outlook on life

rfect for needlework.

animals were underfed.

ge growth in the use of home internet.

d gathered up the very last stalk.

oth of Mrs Jones's.

lation. It should therefore be regarded as a leg.

al nonsense.

ice cream


as they came out of school.

ishes setting the table for dinner.

a dustbin and some weeds.

here we will plant flowers next year.

a dustbin and some weeds.


n the wash.

shop, a plump women, his friend, etc.

d had a swarthy and clever face.

enirs of the vacation.

onents 3-2.

Frogs waiting to be unwrapped.

had a stern face.

ll lit.
aircase leading to the first floor.

nto a shallow loaf.

the answer's letter.

utside the door.

late to work.


nothing was known of her whereabouts.

s and tell them they were wrong.

orning coffee to the table in the garden.

ceived a certificate of completion.

university of Virginia.
n nursing.


ed a local theatre group.

or the start of the race.

s sister when her husband died.

t my spine.

on a rainy day.



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