Cristo Redentor
Cristo Redentor
Cristo Redentor
La estatua tiene una altura de treinta metros sobre un pedestal de ocho metros.12 Este
monumento fue inaugurado el 12 de octubre de 1931 después de aproximadamente 5
años de construcción. Es la cuarta estatua de Jesús de Nazaret más grande del mundo
La estatua del Cristo Redentor está situada a setecientos metros sobre el nivel del mar y
se localiza en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro, Brasil, en la cima del Cerro del Corcovado en
el parque nacional de la Tijuca. Puede ser vista desde casi todos los lugares de Río de
El rostro de la estatua fue creado por el escultor rumano Gheorghe Leonida, Tras adquirir
fama en Francia como retratista, fue incluido por Paul Landowski en su equipo para
trabajar en el Cristo Redentor a partir de 1922.
The Christ the Redeemer or Cristo del Corcovado is an Art Deco statue representing Jesus
of Nazareth, with open arms, showing the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The statue is thirty meters high on an eight meter pedestal.12 This monument was
inaugurated on October 12, 1931 after approximately 5 years of construction. It is the fourth
largest statue of Jesus of Nazareth in the world
The statue of Christ the Redeemer is located seven hundred meters above sea level and is
located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at the top of the Corcovado Hill in the Tijuca
National Park. It can be seen from almost everywhere in Rio de Janeiro.
The idea of a religious monument in Rio de Janeiro was born in 1858. However, the idea
did not materialize during the Brazilian Empire. It was resumed in 1921, when the
centenary of the Independence of Brazil was approaching. Heitor da Silva Costa was
delegated for the execution of the work, and the statue was made by the French sculptor
Paul Landowski.
The face of the statue was created by the Romanian sculptor Gheorghe Leonida. After
gaining fame in France as a portrait painter, he was included by Paul Landowski in his
team to work on Christ the Redeemer from 1922.