442096+442097 Manual-ES + Parts
442096+442097 Manual-ES + Parts
442096+442097 Manual-ES + Parts
Molino de
Manual del operario y
de los componentes
Champion - WL0207SP
Lea y Entienda
Lo siguiente antes de operar este equipo.
Antes de inspeccionar, ajustar o reparar su molino:
• Apague todos los motores con el botón pulsador en el tablero de mando.
• Apague y bloquee en la posición de desconectado con su identificación
personal en los interruptores de todos los motores.
• NO extraiga las cubiertas o protecciones hasta que todos los componentes
hayan detenido sus movimientos.
• El equipo del molino de martillos y sus componentes, son de gran tamaño y
muy pesados. Levántelos y muévalos solamente con el equipo especificado y diseñado para
la carga destinada.
• Opere y mantenga el equipo solamente con personal capacitado.
• Los protectores, cubiertas y puertas de acceso deberán estar firmemente fijadas en su
lugar, antes de operar este molino hojuelador.
Descuidar el cumplimiento de esta advertencia pudiera resultar en lastimaduras a su
persona o la pérdida de la vida.
2975 Airline Circle
Waterloo, IA 50703
Teléfono: (319) 232-8444
Fax: (319) 236-0481
3. Use los números de refacción y las descripciones que se han provisto en la parte posterior de este manual,
en la sección “Componentes”. Al ordenar las refacciones, o enviarnos correspondencia relacionada con esta
unidad, haga referencia al número de serie troquelado en la placa que lo contiene y ubicada en el lado
posterior de la estructura del molino de martillos. (Vea la ilustración H-1 abajo.)
A Representante: Teléfono: ( ) -
Refacciones apropiadas para el mantenimiento que deberán estar a la mano:
Placa con el No. de refacción Descripción No. de refacción Descripción
número de serie
1. 7.
B 2. 8.
La placa con el número 3. 9.
de serie se ubica en el
frente de la estructura
del molino de martillos. 4. 10.
(A) Molino de martillos
Traditional - a la 5. 11.
izquierda de la
chumacera; (B) Serie HM 6. 12.
- a la derecha de la
Ilustración H-1: La ubicación del número de serie del molino de martillos y los conceptos a recordar cuando se
ordenen refacciones.
ii Champion - WL0207SP
Cómo usar este manual
Este manual es un esfuerzo conjunto de muchas personas en Roskamp. Este manual refleja el conocimiento, la
labor ardua y la experiencia de estas personas. El tiempo invertido en la coordinación de este manual es el mismo
esfuerzo que ponemos por delante para llevar hasta usted productos de calidad. En Roskamp, entendemos que el
mejor operario es el que está mejor informado. Si usted tiene algunas sugerencias, o si requiere de más
información para capacitar a sus operarios, por favor llámenos al (800) 366-2563.
Este manual es diseñado para facilitarle su uso al cliente. Hemos dividido este manual en muchas secciones,
tratando de suministrarle un camino más fácil para encontrar la información que usted necesita. Le sugerimos, aún
cuando algunas secciones no sean aplicables a usted, que se tome su tiempo para familiarizarse con cada una
de las secciones, especialmente la sección “Seguridad”. La mayoría de los accidentes y el desgaste innecesario
pueden ser prevenidos, si el operario entiende todo lo relacionado con la operación, mantenimiento y ajustes del
molino hojuelador.
Las secciones de este manual son para suministrarle al operario y al personal de mantenimiento, instrucciones
específicas. Le sugerimos que las operaciones en cada sección sean ejecutadas totalmente por el personal
capacitado adecuadamente. El personal capacitado adecuadamente, deberá estar equipado con las herramientas
Hemos incluido en este manual una simbología especial para alertarlo de cualquier situación especial. Si se
descuida el seguimiento de estos pasos, existe la posibilidad de que ocurran fallas mecánicas y/o lesiones al
operario. Por favor familiarícese con estos símbolos y extreme sus precauciones cuando estos símbolos sean
utilizados a través del texto en este manual.
Este símbolo será seguido de un “Aviso”. Los avisos son para notificarle al personal de
instalación, operación o mantenimiento la información importante no relacionada con
un riesgo.
iv Champion - WL0207SP
Advertencia: Lea y persona que conserva la llave. que sea introducido a través de su
La persona efectuando las compuerta de alimentación.
entienda las siguientes labores de mantenimiento Mantenga sus partes del cuerpo y
prácticas de seguridad. deberá conservar la llave de cualquier otro objeto, alejado de esta
Revise el folleto de desconexión. área. NO inserte ninguna parte de su
instrucciones generales cuerpo, ni cualquier herramienta en
de seguridad de 3. Use las hmir4 ientas apropiadas el área del rotor, mientras el motor
Roskamp/Champion, para cada tarea de esté energizado.
incluido con su manual mantenimiento. Mantenga el
del operario (localizado equipo de malacate en buenas
después de la página 2 condiciones y NO se pare Velocidad
debajo de los objetos que sean
de esta sección). izados. Mantenga un área de máxima en
Asegúrese de haberse trabajo limpia, para asegurarse revoluciones por
familiarizado con las de que los trabajadores tengan
instrucciones generales un buen apoyo al caminar. minuto del rotor
para la operación y Todos los molinos de martillos
mantenimiento. 4. Los componentes del molino de
martillos son pesadas, use las cuentan con una velocidad especifica
Asegúrese de bloquear de revoluciones por minuto, misma
técnicas de leva apropiadas, al
e identificar con su levantarlas o con el uso del que NUNCA deberá ser excedida. Si
Sección 1 -
nombre la fuente de equipo de malacate. la velocidad máxima en revoluciones
energía eléctrica, antes
de efectuar cualquier
labor de Riesgos en la
mantenimiento o abertura de
ajuste. La persona
efectuando la labor de alimentación/
mantenimiento deberá descarga
ser la que conserve la
única llave del cerrojo. 1. El molino de martillos
contiene una abertura de
alimentación y una de
Familiarícese con las instrucciones descarga. Las personas
generales de operación y podrían sufrir una lesión, si
mantenimiento. Asegúrese de haber algún objeto cae en la
bloqueado, e identificado con su abertura de alimentación.
nombre la fuente de energía eléctrica, Existe un riesgo muy serio si
antes de efectuar el mantenimiento al una persona coloca su brazo,
molino. o cualquier objeto en el área
de alimentación o descarga,
mientras el molino de ----
Prácticas martillos está en operación.
generales de 2. Instale protectores
Protección de los
1. Use los anteojos de seguridad
comprobada, cuando esté
trabajando en los alrededores de Ilustración S-2: Interruptor de parada de
cualquier equipo. La maquinaria emergencia; si se dispone de una mejor
en movimiento podría expulsar ubicación para este interruptor,
objetos inesperadamente. reinstálelo en esa ubicación.
2 Champion - WL0208.1SP
generales de
Este folleto contiene las Instrucciones Generales de Seguridad, para operar el equipo
fabricado por Roskamp/Champion
Champion - EF-WL0073.2SP
• Lea y respete las advertencias de los riesgos que se
ilustran. Omitir hacerlo así podría dar como resultado
lesiones personales o daños al equipo.
• Supervise el equipo para asegurarse de que las etiquetas
con las advertencias de los riesgos están adheridas en
todo el equipo. Si no es así, ordene las etiquetas
apropiadas, o los juegos de etiquetas, gratuitamente de
Roskamp/Champion. Se adjuntas las instrucciones para
colocar las etiquetas. (Vea la sección “Etiquetas de
seguridad, Instrucciones en el área de trabajo”).
CPM/Europe S.A.
CPM/Pacific (Private) Ltd.
BP 35, 34 Avenue Albert 1
17 Liu Fang Road
92502 Rueil, Jurong Town, Singapur 2262
Mailmaison, Francia República de Singapur
Teléfono: + (33) 147492999 Teléfono: + (65) 2650701
Fax: + (33) 147518411 Fax: + (65) 2686428
Sección 1 -
lubricación o reparación.
NO use ropa suelta ni joyas; estas podrían ser atrapadas
por los componentes en movimiento. Mantenga el pelo
largo dentro de un capuchón. 11. Inspeccione
semanalmente los
6. Interrumpa con el interruptores de límite
cerrojo/Identifique al Si la máquina está equipada con compuertas o paneles
operario de la maquinaria de acceso que incorporan cualquier inmovilizador con
interruptor de limites, este interruptor deberá ser
Implemente programas apropiados de interrupción con interconectado con todos los controles eléctricos, para
el cerrojo/identificación del operario, como se ha que la máquina no pueda ser operada cuando la
ordenado a través de OSHA. Asegúrese de que todos los compuerta o panel esté abierta.
empleados sean entrenados adecuadamente en el
procedimiento de interrupción con el Pruebe semanalmente y mantenga en la bitácora el
cerrojo/identificación del operario y que se usen funcionamiento del inmovilizador con interruptor de
consistentemente. límite..
Etiquetas de seguridad
Sección 2
Etiquetas de seguridad
8 Aviso: En los molinos hojueladores SP-2400 y SP-2800, el interruptor de parada de emergencia está ubicado junto
a un cerrojo y una etiqueta especial (componente número 3-7642-32), estos tres elementos deberán estar ubicados
en el mismo lugar.
8 Aviso: Todos los molinos de rodillos están equipados con un interruptor de parada de emergencia, vea la página 5
Interruptor de parada de emergencia.
8 Aviso: Los molinos de rodillos pueden estar equipados con un panel de control opcional, vea la página 5 Voltaje peligroso.
*Ubicaciones adicionales: La etiqueta 3-3093-32 está también localizada en el área dentro de los protectores removibles,
en la cercanía del área de las bandas.
**Ambos lados: La etiqueta 3-3095-52 está localizada en ambos lados de la máquina.
***Opcional solamente para el alimentador de rodillos: Vea la página 16 para otras opciones en los alimentadores.
8 Aviso: Todos los molinos de rodillos están equipados con un interruptor de parada de emergencia, vea la página 5
Interruptor de parada de emergencia.
8 Aviso: Los molinos de rodillos pueden estar equipados con un panel de control opcional, vea la página 5 Voltaje peligroso.
*Ubicaciones adicionales: La etiqueta 3-3093-32 está también localizada en el área dentro de los protectores removibles,
en la cercanía del área de las bandas.
**Ambos lados: La etiqueta 3-3095-52 está localizada en ambos lados de la máquina.
***Opcional solamente para el alimentador de rodillos: Vea la página 16 para otras opciones en los alimentadores.
Vea abajo
*Ubicaciones *Ubicaciones
adicionales adicionales
Vea abajo Vea abajo
Moledor de rodillos
(Juego de etiquetas número 8-1302-52)
Sección 2
8 Aviso: Todos los molinos hojueladores están equipados con un interruptor de parada de emergencia, vea la página 5
*Ubicaciones *Ubicaciones
adicionales adicionales
Vea abajo Vea abajo
8 Aviso: Todos los molinos hojueladores están equipados con un interruptor de parada de emergencia, vea la página 5
Interruptor de parada de emergencia
8 Aviso: Los molinos hojueladores podrán estar equipados con un panel de control, vea la página 5 Voltaje riesgoso.
*Ubicaciones adicionales: La etiqueta 3-3093-32 está también localizada en el área dentro de los protectores
removibles, en la cercanía del área de las bandas.
(Juego de etiquetas número - 8-1304-12/1500 RPM; 8-1304-
32/1800 RPM, 8-1304-52/3000 RPM; 8-1304-72/3600 RPM;)
** Ambos lados ** Ambos lados ** Ambos lados
Vea abajo Vea abajo Vea abajo
Vea abajo
8 Aviso: Todos los molinos martilladores e impactadores están equipados con un interruptor de parada de emergencia,
vea la página 5 Interruptor de parada de emergencia.
*Ubicaciones adicionales: La etiqueta 3-3093-32 está ubicada en el área del interior de los protectores removibles, en
las cercanías de las bandas propulsoras.
**Ambos lados: Estas etiquetas están localizadas en ambos lados de la máquina, sobre las compuertas.
Compactadoras y
(Juego de etiquetas número 8-1305-12-Gladiator; 8-1305-32-
Titan y Desfibradora/Terminadora;)
Gladiator y Gladiator
Gladiator II
Gladiator Vea abajo
** Ambos lados ** Ambos lados
Vea abajo Vea abajo
Vea abajo
Vea abajo
Vea abajo
Sección 2
8 Aviso: Todas las desfibradoras/terminadoras Gladiator y Titan están equipadas con un interruptor de parada de
etiquetas de
*Ubicaciones adicionales: La etiqueta 3-3093-32 está también localizada en el interior
del área de los protectores removibles, en las cercanías del área de las bandas.
**Ambos lados: Esta etiqueta está ubicada en ambos lados de la máquina.
las etiquetas
de las
Vea arriba
colocación de
de colocación
** Ambos lados
Vea arriba
Sección 2
Sección Diagrama de
2 -- Diagrama
8 Aviso: Los alimentadores Rota´ Feed están equipados con un interruptor de parada de emergencia, si es vendida como una
sola unidad independiente. Si es vendida conjuntamente con un Molino martillador Champion, esta es entonces cableada al
interruptor de parada de emergencia de la máquina principal, vea la página 5 Interruptor de parada de emergencia.
8 Aviso: Los alimentadores Rota´ Feeder podrán estar equipados con un panel de control opcional, vea la página 5 Voltaje
Cernidor Gyro
(Juego de etiquetas número 8-1308-12; con magneto
A-A 8132812)
8 Aviso: Todos los enfriadores horizontales están equipados con un interruptor de parada de emergencia, vea la página 5
Interruptor de parada de emergencia.
8 Aviso: Los enfriadores horizontales podrían estar equipados con un panel de control opcional, vea la página 5 Voltaje
**Ambos lados: Esta etiqueta está ubicada en ambos lados de la máquina.
** Ambos lados
Vea abajo
Alimentador de
de las
colocación de
de colocación
Alimentador de
Diagrama de
2 -- Diagrama
Alimentador de
de emergencia..
**Ambos lados: Estas etiquetas están ubicadas en ambos lados de la máquina.
** Ambos lados
Vea la columna
etiquetas de
emergencia, vea la página 5 Interruptor de parada de emergencia.
*Ubicaciones adicionales: La calcomanía 3-3093-32 está también ubicada en el
interior del área de los protectores removibles, en las cercanías del área de las
las etiquetas
de las
Vea arriba
colocación de
de colocación
Alimentador de tornillo
(Juego de etiquetas número 8-1306-92)
Diagrama de
interruptor de parada de
emergencia, vea la página
2 -- Diagrama
5 Interruptor de parada de
*Ubicaciones emergencia.
Vea la columna 8 Aviso:Todos los
derecha alimentadores de tornillo
están equipados con un
panel de control opcional,
vea la página 5 Voltaje
*Ubicaciones adicionales:
La etiqueta 3-8092-12
Sección 2
protectores removibles, en
las cercanías del área de
las bandas.
**Ambos lados: Estas
** Ambos lados ** Ambos lados etiquetas están ubicadas
Vea la columna Vea la columna en ambos lados de la
derecha derecha máquina.
Vea abajo
de colocación
Diagrama de
2 -- Diagrama de las
colocación de
8 Aviso: Todos los molinos de rodillos están equipados con un interruptor de parada de emergencia, vea la página 5
área de
seguridad. Evite raspar de la etiqueta. Cubra el
Este procedimiento le asegura que más la pintura, salvo área limpia, durante el
el área
las etiquetas se mantendrán aquella que se esté tiempo de secado, para
adheridas lo mejor posible a la desprendiendo de la evitar que se acumule el
máquina y por lo tanto máquina. polvo en la superficie.
en el
permanecerán así durante el
tiempo que sea posible. 3. Lije el área raspada 7. Extraiga la cubierta
Instrucciones en
suavemente con papel protectora del adhesivo en
Materiales requeridos: lijador de grano fino, para la parte trasera de la
• Diagrama de la colocación lograr aspereza en la etiqueta de seguridad.
de las etiquetas de superficie y el adhesivo de Doble la etiqueta un poco
seguridad.* la etiqueta surta un mejor para que el centro de la
efecto. etiqueta haga contacto con
• Etiquetas de seguridad.* la máquina y después
4. Limpie perfectamente bien aplíquela suavemente,
• Raspador de pintura con el limpiador líquido evitando la formación de
para el hogar y con las burbujas de aire debajo de
• Papel lijador de grano fino toallas desechables. la misma. Ejerza presión
Etiquetas de seguridad,
• Limpiador líquido para el 5. Limpie el área, con las sobre las burbujas de aire
hogar, sin base de aceite toallas desechables que hayan quedado
(409 o Fantastic). limpias, hasta que esté atrapadas debajo de la
completamente seca. etiqueta y ejerza presión
• Toallas desechables. firmemente sobre la
Aviso: La superficie deberá etiqueta.
Instalación estar completamente seca y
sin grasas o aceites. 8. Compruebe que la etiqueta
1. Determine las ubicaciones de seguridad esté
de las etiquetas de 6. Espere quince (15) firmemente fija sobre la
seguridad siguiendo el minutos para que sequen máquina. Repita los pasos
diagrama de colocación de los últimos remanentes del 1 al 7 para aplicar las
etiquetas de seguridad. líquido limpiador. Este es etiquetas restantes.
un paso importante. Si la
2. Use un raspador de pintura etiqueta de seguridad es
para extraer las grasas y aplicada antes de que la
polvo de la superficie de la superficie esté
máquina en donde se
*Las etiquetas de seguridad y los diagramas de colocación de las etiquetas se suministran con los juegos de etiquetas.
La siguiente página contiene los La mayoría de las etiquetas son de Las etiquetas individuales están a
juegos de etiquetas que están vinilo y adhesivas. Algunas están su disposición si no es necesario
gratuitamente a su disposición por a su disposición solamente como un juego completo de las mismas.
conductor de Roskamp señalamientos de aluminio Consulte los diagramas de
Sección 3 -
*Para asegurarse de recibir el juego correcto de etiquetas de seguridad, sírvase llenar el espacio con el número de
componente en la parte superior, que describa de mejor manera su máquina.
Sección 2 -
Ilustración I-1 (a): Molino de martillos Traditional (Magnum, Challenger, Impactor, International y Standard).
El material cae dentro de una placa El material que no es impactado por En la descarga por gravedad, después
deflectora bidireccional (B). Esta un martillo, al introducirse a la de haber forzado al material a través
placa cambia de posición de un lado cámara del molino de martillos, cae de la criba, cae hacia el fondo del
hacia el otro, desplazando la palanca hacia la cámara de molido secundario molino, para su destino final.
de la placa deflectora bidireccional (F). Este material es recirculado
ajustando correctamente la cámara de En la descarga con aire, el material
(C). El alimentador superior de giro
molido secundario y ajustando las cae de la criba y después es movido
bidireccional se desplaza hacia el
entradas de aire (G). por una corriente de aire hacia su
otro lado, para cambiar la dirección
destino final.
del flujo del material. Esto es
necesario cuando se invierte la Los martillos están instalados sobre
un ensamble giratorio que gira sobre
rotación del motor.
la flecha del rotor, alineada sobre
El material cae dentro de la cámara chumaceras de precisión, con esferas magnéticas
del molino de martillos, en donde es en doble fila (H). El rotor está
acoplado con el motor (I) en el Champion ofrece un alimentador
impactada por varios martillos (D) y giratorio (vea la Ilustración I-3). El
forzada a través de las cribas (E). El interior de una cubierta protectora del
acoplamiento (J). alimentador giratorio es atornillado
diseño del circulo en forma de gota, sobre la parte superior del molino de
de las cribas, incrementa la martillos y equipado con un rotor y
capacidad al suministrar una El motor está apoyado sobre una
base ajustable (K). El motor del un electroimán. El material es
superficie más amplia de cribado y alimentado a través del rotor y
reducir los espacios muertos. molino de martillo h osido diseñado
e instalado para ser reversible. Esto posteriormente pasa por el
El tamaño de los martillos y de la le permite a usted el uso de ambos electroimán a la entrada del molino.
criba, son dos de los factores lados de los martillos y ambos lados
principales en la consistencia de la perforados de las cribas.
2 Champion - WL0209SP
eléctrica alimentada al molino, si
Características estas compuertas son abiertas
de seguridad mientras el molino está en operación.
(Todas las letras hacen referencia a la Advertencia: NO abra
ilustración I-1 (a y b), salvo que sea las compuertas de
A indicado de otra manera.) Todos los mantenimiento o
molinos de martillos Champion están servicio, mientras el
equipados con características de molino esté en
seguridad estándar que le ayudarán a operación. Interrumpa
Ilustración I-3: (ARRIBA) Sistema los operarios en situaciones de la energía con el
alimentador giratorio Rota-feeder - (A) emergencia y a mantener el molino interruptor de cerrojo,
electroimán; (B) placa de acero inoperable durante su mantenimiento e identifíquelo con el
inoxidable; (C) impulsor del rotor.
y ajuste. nombre de la persona
que posee la llave y
El electroimán captura los cuerpos El interruptor de parada de espere a que todas los
extraños de metal ferroso y auxilia a emergencia ha sido diseñado para componentes en
prevenir daños a los componentes del suspender toda la operación del movimiento se hayan
molino de martillos. Los objetos molino, en caso de una emergencia. detenido, antes de abrir
metálicos y otros cuerpos extraños Este interruptor deberá ser ubicado las compuertas.
posan como una gran amenaza de un en un lugar apropiado.
chispazo y provocar un incendio. Lo
más aconsejable es extraer este tipo Advertencia: El Los molinos de martillos Champion,
de materiales, antes de proceder con interruptor de parada han sido diseñados con blindajes
Sección 2 -
el molido. de emergencia NO durables, para prevenir los accidentes
deberá ser usado como y cumplir con todas las prácticas
Se recomienda el uso de un una paralización de estándar de seguridad, durante su
dispositivo de tamizado. Champion seguridad, para el fabricación.
construye un dispositivo de tamizado servicio y ajuste del
llamado Gyro Sifter. Consulte con su molino. Los ajustes durante la operación han
representante de Champion, para sido ubicados en lugares
ampliar los detalles. convenientes, para facilitarle sus
Las compuertas con bisagras del funciones al operario y cuidar la
molino, están equipadas con seguridad del mismo.
interruptores de límite. Estos
interruptores interrumpirán la energía
Champion - WL0209SP
Advertencia: Lea y dimensiones en la sección cambiar de posición,
entienda las siguientes “Componentes”.) provocando con esto que entre
instrucciones generales en contacto con las placas o el
Los componentes del molino son bastidor del molino. La fuerza
de instalación y muy pesados, use los malacates con
recuerde poner en de ese tipo de impacto podría
la capacidad medida adecuada y dañar las chumaceras.
práctica las buenas troles de carga para dar servicio a los
costumbres en la rodillos. Aplique las buenas técnicas
planta al instalar el de leva al extraer e instalar los Instrucciones
molino de martillos.
Bloquee e identifique
componentes. para su
con su nombre la instalación
fuente de energía Inspecciones al
eléctrica antes de Use las siguientes instrucciones
instalar la máquina
recibir el molino generales para instalar el molino:
(vea la sección de martillos
“Seguridad”). • Localice la lista de empaque. Diseño y planeación del
Esta lista identifica todos los área de instalación
componentes que fueron
Disposición embarcados sueltos.
• El diseño del piso deberá ser
ejecutado por un ingeniero
Sección 3 -
• Compare los componentes calificado en estructuras.
Consulte el plano general de embarcados contra la lista de • El piso deberá ser diseñado para
dimensiones de los alimentadores, empaque. Si existen algunas rigidez, no para carga muerta.
salidas y otras en general (este plano discrepancias, consulte con su
le fue enviado a usted cuando usted representante de Champion. • Deberán fraguarse vigas dentro
ordenó el molino y está incluida o debajo del piso de concreto
como parte de la sección 8 Aviso: Champion no se hace reforzado, en donde se apoyará
“Componentes” de este libro). Las responsable por los daños o la base del molino. Colóquelas
especificaciones del modelo han sido pérdidas sufridas en el proceso transversalmente de acuerdo con
listadas en la página uno de su orden de envío. la longitud más corta del área
de compra. ocupada por el molino (vea la
• Inspeccione el equipo para
detectar cualquier daño durante ilustración IN-2, página 2).
Para aprovechar al máximo la
operación del molino, el usuario el envío. Si ha sido dañado, 8 Aviso: NO bloquear ninguna
deberá suministrarle un flujo notifíqueselo inmediatamente a parte de la abertura de
uniforme y consistente de material a la compañía transportista y descarga con vigas profundas.
todo lo ancho de la tolva de entrada. reclámeselo por escrito,
Alimentar el molino sin uniformidad, responsabilizándola de • El peso del molino de martillos
dará como resultado el cualquier pérdida o daño. varía, dependiendo del modelo y
empobrecimiento del funcionamiento su configuración (vea los planos
integral del molino y el desgaste • Localice el manual del operario, generales de dimensiones en la
irregular del martillo y criba. la lista de componentes, los sección “Componentes”).
planos generales de dimensiones
8 Aviso: Champion recomienda el y los diagramas de los circuitos. • La estructura del piso deberá
uso de un dispositivo magnético tener una frecuencia natural
y de t d do, antes de
permitir que los cuerpos
Instrucciones de superior a los 8 Hz.
dimensiones de la sección
“Componentes”. Use un
compuesto de hule o neopreno,
para reducir la vibración, los
impactos y el ruido.
Ilustración IN-2: Tornillos de anclaje -
(A) tornillo de anclaje; (B) tubo; (C)
concreto; (D) profundidad de 4 a 6
Lechada de cemento D
pulgadas (101 mm a 152 mm). • Será necesaria la lechada de
cemento debajo de la base del B
• Apoye firmemente el molino
molino de martillos, si se opta
sobre su base, con el uso de las
por no usar el dispositivo
perforaciones que se han A
atenuador de vibraciones y/o el
provisto en el armazón para los
piso no está plano y dentro de
tornillos. Use los tornillos de
1/16 de pulgada (1.5 mm) de la
anclaje, para hacer coincidir el
base del molino. C
tamaño y el número de
perforaciones en el armazón. • Aplique una lechada de cemento
epóxico no-consolidable.
Espacio abierto alrededor Mantenga el área ventilada Ilustración IN-3: Adaptador electroimán
mientras aplica la lechada de a 45° de inclinación - (A) electroimán;
del molino de martillos cemento. Siga las instrucciones (B) flujo del material; (C) al molino de
martillos; (D) entrada de aire.
• Tome en consideración la del fabricante, para el manejo de
disposición del conductor de la lechada. (Vea la sección
cables del motor. Este puede ser “Apéndice” para consultar las inclinación. Este electroimán
colocado en el piso y adyacente instrucciones de lechado individual es el adecuado para usarse
a la base del molino. Determine típicas, provistas únicamente en el proceso de material en grano de
la ubicación de la caja de como referencia.) flujo libre, con algunas piezas de
conexiones del motor. La
acero ferroso apareciendo
ubicación de la caja conexiones
en algunos motores no podrá ser Protección magnética ocasionalmente.
modificada (Tenga en mente la 8 Aviso: ¡Una protección Champion ofrece dos grados de
extracción de la criba y los magnética adecuada, es un placas magnéticas. La primera es de
martillos, y las labores de requerimiento absoluto, antes la serie de Uso Rudo, que ha sido
mantenimiento. Vea el plano de de ejecutar la instalación diseñada para usarse con materia
dimensiones generales en la segura del molino de martillos! prima en grano. También ofrecemos
sección “Componentes”. las placas magnéticas serie Magnum,
Se requiere la instalación de
con aproximadamente 20% más de
electroimanes, antes del molino de
Dispositivo atenuador de capacidad de imantado que el de la
martillos, para protegerlo contra los
serie de Uso Rudo. Los
vibraciones metales ferrosos, desperdicios de
electroimanes Magnum son los
• Después de haber descargado y acero y virutas que son comúnmente
sugeridos cuando se muelen
colocado el molino de martillos encontradas en el flujo del material a
productos fibrosos, o cuando el
en su posición, usted podrá granel. Aún en las plantas más
producto tiene una velocidad variable
colocarlo sobre un atenuador de limpias, como las harineras, los
de caída libre, que la de peso normal.
vibraciones, estructura o piso remaches de las bandas
Sin embargo, tenga en mente, que si
firme a nivel. transportadoras y otras piezas de
el flujo del producto está pasando
metal roto, siguen siendo un
2 Champion - WL0210SP
demasiado rápido por el electroimán, con un impulsor variable y además, un desgaste prematuro de su
ningún tipo de placa magnética será también tendrá la función de un equipo.
la adecuada. alimentador del molino de rodillos,
logrando así introducir una amplia Existen muchos dispositivos
Conforme se incrementan los cantidad de materia prima a
problemas de capturación por tamizadoras en el mercado.
velocidades controladas.
contaminación con acero, podría Champion recomienda el uso del
necesitarse un tipo de protección El alimentador giratorio Champion dispositivo Champion Gyro
magnética diferente. Muchos Rota´ Feeder también suministra una Sifter, aún cuando la mayoría de
captura magnética eficiente. El los dispositivos tamizadores son
material pasa a través del rotor en el
alimentador y después se deposita adecuados para este tipo de tarea.
sobre una placa de acero inoxidable
que es electromagnetizada por un Instalación del motor (en
electroimán hidráulico giratorio. el caso necesario)
B Cuando el electroimán es retirado de
la placa de acero de inoxidable, el Si usted está instalando su propio
material cae. motor, las siguientes instrucciones
son aplicables a usted. Note que su
Cuando los problemas identificados folleto instructivo de ensamblado del
son con metales no-ferrosos, como el acoplador flexible incluye una hoja
Sección 3 -
bronce, o el acero inoxidable (un adicional (vea la sección
problema en las plantas procesadoras “Apéndice”). Lea cuidadosamente
de alimentos) o conteniendo piedras, esta hoja, antes de dar inicio al
un alimentador Syphon Feeder de procedimiento de ensamblado.
Champion será lo necesario. Estos
C alimentadores requieren de un fuerte 1. Extraiga la cubierta
flujo de aire para jalar el material que protectora del acoplamiento,
ha sido molido. Están limitados a las levantándola hacia arriba.
Ilustración IN-4: Encorvados operaciones, con el auxilio de fuertes
magnéticos a 45° - (A) electroimán; (B) corrientes de aire o corrientes 2. Deslice ambas partes de la
flujo del material; (C) al molino de normales de aire. Con un alimentador brida de acoplamiento del
Syphon Feeder, el flujo de entrada es motor y las flechas del
depositado sobre una placa inclinada, molino.
operarios han descubierto que la el flujo de aire jala el material que 3. Eleve el motor sobre el nivel
característica de invertir el flujo será molido hacia la inclinación y de la base. La base del motor
magnético encorvado, con dos después es expulsado hacia el ha sido preparada para el tipo
placas, es lo más eficiente para torrente de flujo. El alimentador de armazón que usted
resolver el problema con la presencia Syphon Feeder podría también ser especificó en su orden de
de acero (vea la Ilustración IN-4). equipado con una placa magnética de compra, sin embargo será
la serie Magnum, en lugar de la placa necesario colocarle cuñas de
Tanto el adaptador encorvado y el inclinada, para agregarle más acero para elevarlo. La base
estándar, requieren la limpieza protección magnética al alimentador del motor podría tener desde
regular para mantenerlos de este flujo de aire clasificador. ¼ pulgada (6.3 mm) a ¾
eficientemente útiles. pulgada (19 mm) o más de
Las trampas magnéticas
8 Aviso: Mantener regularmente adecuadamente diseñadas, son una reducción con la altura
limpias cualquiera de las parte esencial de su sistema moledor. apropiada, y por lo tanto se le
placas magnéticas es una Si usted tiene alguna duda deberá colocar cuñas de
necesidad, para que su relacionada con la protección acero.
efectividad sea segura. Se magnética, consulte con su 4. Después de colocar el motor
deberá desarrollar un representante Champion. sobre los rieles ajustables,
programar de inspección y alinee el acoplamiento
limpieza de las placas. Estas
inspecciones deberán ser
Cernido de la materia flexible, de acuerdo con las
prima instrucciones.
verificadas y confirmadas en
una lista de inspección diaria, o La materia prima deberá ser
al cambiar turnos. Verificación de otras
tamizada, antes de que se
Para aquellos usos en donde los introduzca a la criba, a los
problemas de la presencia de acero es martillos del molino y al área • Verifique los tornillos de
muy significativa, o en donde se soporte del motor. Asegúrese de
magnética. El proceso de que todos los soportes del motor
requiera un sistema de limpieza
automático, la banda alimentadora
tamizado extrae las piedras, y los tornillos estén apretados.
magnética será la adecuada. No metales no-ferrosos, material
solamente se limpiará por si sola y aglomerado, etc., que podría • Antes de efectuar cualquier
continuamente la materia prima conexión eléctrica, inspeccione
provocar un chispazo, contaminar el interior del molino, para
alimentada; cuando se haya equipado el producto terminado y causar
4 Champion - WL0210SP
Instrucciones de operación
Advertencia: Todos los 8 Aviso: Champion recomienda el un desgaste excesivo de los
ajustes y labores de uso de un dispositivo martillos y la criba, además de
mantenimiento dosificador con la capacidad una reducción considerable de
deberán ser ejecutados para deshabilitar totalmente la su capacidad.
por personal calificado. función del molino, antes de que
el material sea introducido en la
tolva del molino de martillos. El Secuencia del
La operación cuidadosa le asegura un dispositivo dosificador previene arranque
rendimiento funcional óptimo de la los daños al molino y los
máquina y de la vida útil de los componentes impulsores. Siga esta secuencia para dar inicio a
martillos. Use las siguientes reglas la operación de procesamiento.
generalizadas, para operar este • Verifique las condiciones del
equipo. producto que es expulsado del 1. Asegúrese de que no haya
molino. Si el tamaño de la material en la criba y en el área
• Haga funcionar siempre este partícula es muy grande, del rotor.
molino con la criba y martillos disminuya el tamaño de la criba
previamente limpiados. Si existe 2. Asegúrese de haber instalado la
y/o la posición de los martillos,
alguna duda, abra todas las criba del tamaño correcto y que
si está en la posición de molido
compuertas y accesos, y esta y los martillos estén en su
grueso. Si el tamaño de la
extraiga con aire comprimido o lugar y posición correctos.
partícula es muy pequeña,
con un cepillo, todo el material. incremente el tamaño de la criba 3. Arranque la banda
y/o posición de los martillos, si transportadora del producto
• Asegúrese de que el tamaño de está en la posición de molido
la criba sea el correcto y que terminado
esté adecuadamente instalada. 4. Arranque el molino de martillos.
Los martillos deberán estar Advertencia: NO
apropiadamente seleccionados inserte las manos, ni 5. Incremente lentamente la
para el molido grueso o fino y cualquier otro objeto velocidad de alimentación. NO
ve² fique las condiciones de en el interior del exceda el amperaje calculado
cada perno de los martillos, para molino, mientras esté del motor.
asegurarse de que estén operando.
apretados apropiadamente. Advertencia: NO
inserte las manos, ni
• Verifique que el flujo de 8 Aviso: Si no le es posible lograr cualquier otro objeto
alimentación y la dirección de el tamaño de la partícula en el molino, durante
giro del motor coincidan. deseada, posiblemente será su operación.
necesario cambiar el tamaño de
• Mantenga un flujo homogéneo y las perforaciones de la criba
constante. Esta acción previene (para las especificaciones de 6. Verifique que el tamaño de las
el desgaste prematuro. perforaciones de la criba, partículas del material sea el
consulte con su representante correcto y consistente.
• Incremente cuidadosamente la de Champion).
relación de alimentación. 8 Aviso: Si es necesario hacer
Disminuya la carga de trabajo • Nunca intente arrancar la cualquier ajuste, recurra al
hasta lograr la adecuada para el máquina con material en el área departamento de
motor a toda carga, en lugar de de la criba y/o del rotor. mantenimiento.
hacerlo a velocidades elevadas.
• Nunca opere el motor con
cargas superiores a la carga de
amperaje calculado, de otra
Cuidado: NO exceda el manera, se obtendría como
amperaje total del resultado el daño de los
Sección 4 -
motor, ya que esto componentes impulsores.
podría dañar los
componentes del • Nunca permita que los
impulsor. materiales alimentados se
congestionen, esto resultará en
Champion - WL0211SP
Ajustes del operario
Esta sección fue diseñada para servir
al operario. Los elementos listados Cambio de
en esta sección, son funciones que el rotación del
operario deberá tener la habilidad de molino de
ejecutar y así obtener la mejor
productividad del molino. martillos
8 Aviso: El operario deberá
también familiarizarse con las Cambio de la placa
otras secciones en este manual, deflectora por cambio
especialmente la sección
“Seguridad”. El mejor operario
de rotación
es un operario informado. Ilustración OA-1(a): Admisión de aire
(molinos de martillos Traditional).
Los molinos de martillos podrán ser
operados girando hacia la derecha o
El molino salió de la fábrica con las
hacia la izquierda. Esta característica
directrices y ajustes correctos. Podría
solamente podrá ser ejecutada si el
requerirse hacer algunos ajustes
motor está equipado con un
finales después de la instalación del
ventilador bidireccional. Para lograr
el aprovechamiento de esta
Siga esta guía para determinar si es característica, es necesario cambiar
necesario hacer ajustes y use las manualmente el flujo del producto
instrucciones que se suministran, introducido a través de la entrada
para efectuar los ajustes necesarios. superior.
Sección 5 -
página 2).
de aire
1. Retire la placa que sostiene al
La mayoría de los molinos de Ilustración OA-1(c): Admisión de aire deflector, en los molinos
martillos son suministrados con (series HM vista lateral). series HM, o extraiga el (los)
puertos de aspirado en las tornillo(s) bloqueantes en los
compuertas laterales (vea la ajustar estas aberturas abriéndolas o molinos Traditional.
Ilustración MA-1 (a, b y c)). El cerrándolas según las características
propósito de estos puertos es permitir de uso del molino de martillos.
el paso de un pequeño flujo de aire a
través de la parte superior de cada
puerta (aún cuando el molino esté
bajo un aspirado negativo lo
suficientemente fuerte) para barrer
con aire el ensamble del
transportador superior y forzar hacia
abajo el producto molido y así
descargarlo conforme pasa a través
de las perforaciones de la criba.
Para lograr un flujo de aire, lo
suficientemente fuerte en los molinos
de martillos Traditional, la
compuerta deslizable deberá ser
abierta aproximadamente de ¼
pulgada (6.3 mm) a 3/8 pulgada (9.5
mm) de distancia. En los molinos
series HM, el espacio entre la puerta
y el puerto de aspirado, deberá ser de
¼ pulgada (6.3 mm) a 15/16 de
pulgada (23.7 mm). Usted podrá
Ilustración OA-2: Rotación del molino.
2 Champion - WL0212SP
Ajustes de mantenimiento
Cuidado: La siguiente Para obtener el máximo de dependiendo del tipo de uso dado)
sección ha sido funcionalidad útil del molino de usted podrá aprovechar el filo de ambos
preparada para el martillos, desarrolle una rutina de lados de las perforaciones.
personal de inspección del molino. Inspeccione
todos los componentes y mantenga una Aún cuando la primera orilla de corte
mantenimiento. Todos de la criba es la más eficiente y produce
los ajustes que se bitácora de todas sus observaciones.
Esta inspección deberá hacerse la más alta capacidad de producción. Se
d e s c r i b e n podrá obtener otra ventaja económica,
seguidamente, deberán semanalmente, diaria o por cada turno.
Este procedimiento nunca estará por usando el lado contrario, cuando su
ser ejecutados por primer lado se haya desgastado.
personal calificado. demás.
Otro factor que es crítico para obtener
8 Aviso: Los operarios deberán Cribas el funcionamiento integral del molino
familiarizarse con esta sección, de rodillos, es el grosor de la criba.
Las perforaciones de las cribas, la Mientras que, aparentemente, una criba
para vigilar los ajustes
posición de los martillos y la cantidad gruesa debería durar más tiempo,
potenciales de mantenimiento.
de flujo del material introducido al generalmente se cas%+ la capacidad.
Su molino salió de la fábrica con las molino, determina el tamaño de la Es más difícil empujar el producto a
directrices y ajustes correctas. partícula. través de las perforaciones de una criba
Podrían requerirse algunos ajustes más gruesa. Hacer más anchas las
Cambiar el tamaño de las perforaciones
finales, después de haber instalado el perforaciones de la criba, reducirá la
de la criba, es la mejor manera de
molino. capacidad de producción del molino. La
producir otro tamaño diferente de
disminución en el movimiento de corte
Siga esta guía para determinar si los partícula. Entre más pequeña sea la
podría ser tan significativo, que
ajustes son necesarios y siga las perforación de la criba, menor será el
cualquier ahorro en el costo de
instrucciones provistas para ejecutar tamaño del producto final. Entre más
reposición de la criba, es solamente un
estos ajustes. grande sea la perforación de la criba,
factor muy pequeño cuando se compara
mayor será el tamaño del producto
Advertencia: Asegúrese con las pérdidas de producción.
de que la energía El diseño de la criba de dos piezas
principal esté Las cribas podrían llegar a taparse, si el
Champion, hace posible el control del
interrumpida y se haya flujo de aire es inadecuado y/o el
tamaño del producto final y efecto en la
bloqueado e identificado, producto es pegajoso. Por lo tanto, las
capacidad, usando dos perforaciones
antes de efectuar los cribas tendrán que ser extraídas y ser
diferentes en el molino. Típicamente,
ajustes (vea la sección limpiadas.
estas dos medidas deberán estar cerca
“Seguridad”). una de la otra (por ejemplo:
Al reemplazar las cribas, supervise y
detecte cualquier señal de desgaste. Al perforaciones del #8 y #10 o 3/16
Mantenimiento inspeccionar una criba nueva, usted pulgada (4.7 mm) o ¼ pulgada (6.3
mm). Coloque la criba con las
(reemplazo) de los podrá sentir el filo de las orillas de las
perforaciones, al pasar la mano sobre la perforaciones más pequeñas en lado
componentes superficie. Esta es la orilla que forma inferior o en primer lugar y la criba con
desgastados parte importante en detener la rotación las perforaciones más grandes en lado
posterior de la cámara de molido.
del producto molido en el interior de la
Los molinos de martillos Champion son cámara de molido y en promover el
unidades de uso rudo y la intención es 7 Aviso: Mantenga siempre a la
movimiento eficiente del material hacia
que su duración se extienda durante mano un juego de cribas
afuera del área de molido, en cuanto
muchos años. Todas las áreas comunes adicionales.
haya alcanzado el tamaño deseado de la
de desgaste están protegidas con partícula. Una vez que las orillas de
componentes de reemplazo, mismos estas perforaciones hayan perdido el Cambio de cribas
que deberán ser inspeccionados
Sección 6 -
filo y la superficie de la criba esté suave
regularmente. Los componentes de al tacto, el producto se escapará a través Advertencia: Asegúrese
repuesto, como los martillos, pernos y de las perforaciones, conforme los de que la energía
cribas deberán tenerse a la mano en martillos hacen girar al material. El principal esté
caso de una ruptura. Tenga en mente hecho de que el producto molido no interrumpida y se haya
también, que los martillos y las cribas pueda pasar a través de los filos de la bloqueado e identificado,
están sujetos a descuentos, si son criba, reduce considerablemente su antes de efectuar los
adquiridos en cantidades considerables. capacidad, mientras que el molino aún ajustes (vea la sección
mantiene la carga total en la cámara. “Seguridad”).
El desgaste de las placas de admisión y
Esta combinación de reducción de
los recubrimientos circulares en forma 1. Interrumpa con el cerrojo toda
producción, manteniendo la carga
de gota, deberán también ser revisados la alimentación de la energía
completa del molino, disminuye su
regularmente. Estos componentes han eléctrica e identifíquelo con el
sido fabricados con características de nombre.
durabilidad, para suministrarle una Se podrá obtener una vida útil más
larga vida útil de los mismos. Pero, si prolongada de la criba, si se invierte la 2. Asegúrese de que todos los
el desgaste es excesivo, podrían rotación del motor. Al invertir la componentes en movimiento se
provocar fallas mecánicas y como dirección de rotación del motor, de una hayan paralizado.
resultado las reparaciones serán de manera regular, (semanalmente,
mayor costo. diariamente, por cada turno; esto
2 Champion - WL0213SP
Ajustes de mantenimiento
pequeña cantidad de acero 6. Después de haber extraído los
alrededor de la guía del perno martillos (de un perno a la vez),
Debilita Peligrosamente la inspeccione las condiciones del
capacidad del martillo para ser perno, las placas de
operado con seguridad al frotamiento, los espaciadores,
invertirlo (por el otro extremo) y el collarines de tope y cualquier
extremo desgastado sea templado otro de los componentes.
sobre el perno del martillo. Reemplace estos componentes
en caso de la presencia de una
Para todas aquellas operaciones señal de desgaste.
que carezcan de un mantenimiento
programado, por lo menos 7. Reinstale los martillos,
semanal (o diario en los usos de espaciadores, collarines de tope
alto desgaste) Champion le Ilustración MA-5: Bloquee el collarín con y los pernos de los martillos, en
sugiere el uso único de martillos un tornillo tipo Allen (las cubiertas
protectoras han sido extraídas, para el mismo orden que fueron
de un solo golpe. labores de mantenimiento). extraídos.
6 --
pernos opuestos (vea la
Sección 6
Ilustración MA-7).
3. Extraiga las cribas de acuerdo
con las instrucciones descritas
en la página 1 de esta sección.
4. Afloje los tornillos tipo Allen C F
ubicados en los collarines de F F
tope que están sobre los pernos
de los martillos (vea la F F F F
Ilustración MA-5).
5. Una vez que se hayan aflojado
todos los tornillos tipo Allen,
usted podrá abrir el alerón de los
extremos del molino, para
deslizar el perno del martillo
Ilustración MA-7: Perforaciones de los pernos - (A) patrón de cuatro martillos en fila; (B)
hacia afuera, vea la Ilustración patrón de seis martillos en fila; (C) molido grueso; (F) molido fino. Las flechas señalan
MA-6. los pernos opuestos.
4 Champion - WL0213SP
Ajustes de mantenimiento
Hasta este punto usted se podrá dar sobre las chumaceras que están fijas
cuenta que todo el ensamble del fe y contra los portachumaceras sobre el
posterior podrá ser levantado del ensamble de la base del molino. Si
molino. El rotor permanece en su usted desea extraer el rotor con las
lugar. Las porciones inferiores de la chumaceras, solamente tendrá que
placa deflectora son soportadas por aflojar y extraer los tornillos de cada
dos abrazaderas en cada una. Con lado de los portachumaceras y
estas abrazaderas extraídas levantar completamente todo el
cualquiera de las piezas puede ser ensamblado. (Si usted extrae los
simplemente extraídas de la parte portachumaceras de su base,
inferior del rotor. Ilustración MA-13: Tornillo de acceso a conserve las cuñas de las chumaceras
la cámara de remolido (los protectores y
compuertas han sido extraídos para en el mismo lugar de las chumaceras,
Para reinstalarlas, simplemente ejecutar labores de mantenimiento). para que no se pierdan.)
invierta el procedimiento que se
describió. que deberá ser extraída para tener Esto permitirá que el ensamble de la
acceso a estos tornillos de cabeza base de la portachumacera quede
hexagonal (vea la ilustración MA- totalmente abierta para las
Cámara de remolido reparaciones que usted desee
Advertencia: Antes de ejecutar. Permita que el rotor
efectuar cualquier Después de extraer los tornillos, permanezca en su posición original,
ajuste, asegúrese de que podría ser necesario hacer palanca instalado sobre las chumaceras,
la energía principal esté sobre la cámara de remolido, con el mientras que usted afloja las
interrumpida y se haya uso de una barreta. chumaceras de la flecha del molino;
bloqueado e identificado mientras aún esté dentro del bastidor.
Reemplace la cámara de remolido
(vea la sección con una nueva, si así lo requiere. Primero, doble hacia arriba el diente
“Seguridad”). de la arandela de presión que ha sido
doblado sobre la ranura de bloqueo
La cámara de remolido está
localizada en el extremo inferior de
Reemplazo del de la tuerca de la chumacera. (Si
la cámara de molido (vea la rotor usted tiene alguna duda relacionada
Ilustración MA-12). Este ensamble con las definiciones de cualquiera de
está ubicado precisamente contra la La extracción del rotor requiere que estos componentes consulte la
parte inferior de las ambas partes de sea extraída la parte media superior sección “Componentes”.) Una vez
la placa deflectora. Es la misma pieza del molino de martillos. Esto incluye que se haya extraído el diente de la
que descansa sobre el fondo de la los lados del frente y posteriores del arandela de presión de la tuerca,
criba y que es levantada por el bastidor y la parte media superior del desplace hacia atrás la tuerca de la
transportador contra esta para revestimiento. Estos elementos chumacera, hasta que haya un
bloquear las cribas durante el molido. podrán ser extraídos como un espacio de aproximadamente 1/8
Para extraer la cámara de remolido, ensamble completo, incluyendo las pulgada (3 mm) a 3/16 pulgada (4.7
afloje y extraiga los dos tornillos con compuertas (en las series mm) entre la tuerca de bloqueo y la
cabeza hexagonal ubicados en la Traditional). Primero, extraiga las chumacera. Esto permitirá el
parte inferior del frente del molino, cribas de cada lado y deje el movimiento libre de la arandela de
en ambos lados de los soportes de las transportador hacia abajo. Segundo, presión que está localizada entre las
chumaceras. Repita este mismo extraiga los cuatro tornillos de dos. Una vez que haya logrado lo
procedimiento en la parte posterior cabeza plana que sostienen el anterior, use un punzón y golpee
del molino, debajo del acoplamiento revestimiento inferior contra las suavemente por el interior de la
del motor. En los molinos de placas del frente y posteriores del carrera de la chumacera por el lado
martillos series HM y algunos bastidor. La parte media superior del opuesto, hasta que la chumacera se
molino podrá ser ahora levantada y afloje del collarín de tope. Para
6 --
Traditional, contienen una placa
protectora debajo de la chumacera, colocada a un lado. lograr esto, posiblemente tendrá que
Sección 6
girar el rotor y la chumacera a 180°
Para extraer el rotor apoyado sobre la para poder golpear suavemente los
base del armazón soldado del molino lados opuestos de la carrera interior.
de martillos, será necesario que usted
entienda primero el procedimiento Seguidamente, repita este
para desensamblar el acoplamiento y procedimiento en la chumacera del
seguidamente el procedimiento para lado opuesto. Una vez que se haya
desensamblar las chumaceras. aflojado la chumacera en ambos
Ambas materias son descritas en la lados del molino, usted podrá elevar
sección “Apéndice”. Inicie este el ensamble completo y libre de las
procedimiento extrayendo la cubierta portachumaceras inferiores y deslizar
protectora del acoplamiento, completamente el collarín, las
levantándola de este ensamble. chumaceras y la tuerca bloqueante de
Seguidamente, desensamble el los extremos de la flecha del molino.
Ilustración MA-12: Cámara de remolido
(los protectores y compuertas han sido acoplamiento según las instrucciones
extraídos para ejecutar labores de mencionadas en la sección Para volver a ensamblar estos
mantenimiento). “Apéndice”. Hasta este punto, el componentes, siga las instrucciones
rotor está libre y apoyado solamente del procedimiento de instalación de
6 Champion - WL0213SP
Ajustes de mantenimiento
periodo de tiempo, verifique Si usted ha cambiado las chumaceras fuerza de acuerdo con la
primero las condiciones de los recientemente, verifique lo siguiente: capacidad diseñada de su
martillos – es muy posible molino de martillos arrastrará
que se haya dañado uno o A. ¿Ha usted instalado las los martillos a través de más
varios martillos. chumaceras aprobadas por producto que el que pueda
Champion con ajuste “CC” cortar o quebrar. Esto
esférico/C-3? provocará que los martillos
2. Calentamiento de las retrocedan y oscilen sobre los
chumaceras y otros B. Si todas las tolerancias pernos, provocando el mismo
internas de las chumaceras tipo de desgaste antes
problemas aprobadas por Champion, mencionado.
coinciden; se ha verificado
La causa número uno que provoca el que la alineación del tren
calentamiento de los chumaceras es la B. ¿Cuenst dsted con el control
impulsor esté correcta? (Esto alimentador apropiado para el
lubricación. es la relación entre el motor, molino de martillos? La
A. Verifique los niveles de el acoplamiento y el rotor.) sobrealimentación o la
lubricación, estos niveles interrupción intermitente de
C. Las chumaceras del molino de esta, causará que los martillos
deberán estar a una tercera martillos Champion, así como
parte o la mitad del nivel de oscilen durante la carga. La
los soportes del motor han carga de alimentación al
llenado en la chumacera sido alineados con cuñas,
inferior. molino de martillos deberá ser
desde la fábrica. Omitir controlada, generalmente del
B. ¿Está usted usando la grasa mantener estos niveles con las 90 al 95% de carga total de
aprobada para ese uso? cuñas, podría dar como amperaje, para aprovechar
resultado los problemas con tanto la capacidad máxima
7 Aviso: Las chumaceras deberán las chumaceras del molino, productiva como la vida útil y
ser engrasadas con 3 onzas (85 del acoplador, o del motor. prolongada de los
gms) de grasa en intervalos de componentes. Las
aproximadamente cada 450 D. El ruido de las chumaceras
normalmente significa que interrupciones en los flujos de
horas de operación. Esta la alimentación, hará que los
lubricación podrá ser hecha una falla está a la vuelta de la
esquina. Ordene las martillos oscilen más que
directamente a la chumacera, a cualquier otra causa y esto
través de la grasera, mientras la chumaceras de repuesto y
programe una paralización desgastará los martillos y
máquina está operando. rotores con más rapidez que
Después del transcurso de 1800 general por mantenimiento y
resolver el problema. cualquier otra causa.
horas de operación, deberán
extraerse las tapas de las C. Los componentes que no sean
portachumaceras y toda la 3. Desgaste de los diseñados para cumplir con
grasa anterior deberá ser los estándares de tolerancias,
sustituida. Al sustituir la grasa pernos del martillo, el establecidos por Champion,
quemada con la nueva, engrase martillo y abocardado podrían también causar
el área alrededor de los rodillos de la perforación problemas en el desgaste del
y las carreras, y llene la carcaza rotor.
inferior de un 30% al 50%, no A. ¿Cuenta usted con el motor
sobrellene las carcazas. correcto para generar las 7 Aviso: Los problemas de
revoluciones por minuto aborcadamiento que no puedan
Solamente una portachumacera (aprobado por la fábrica como ser resueltos, deberán
deberá ser bloqueada. sustituto) y el caballaje reportarse de inmediato a
correcto para su molino de Champion.
6 --
A. En los equipos Champion, la
chumacera ubicada junto al martillos? La velocidad
Sección 6
acoplamiento es la unidad inadecuada del impulsor dará 4. Desgaste desigual de
como resultado una reducción
bloqueada. Cualquiera de las
considerable de velocidad en la criba o del martillo
dos podrá bloquearse, pero
NUNCA BLOQUEE las puntas del martillo y A. Verifique que la disposición
AMBAS. mantenerlos totalmente de los martillos en el molino,
extendidos. Cuando se sea la aprobada por
Con el uso de las hojas de presente esta situación, los Champion.
instrucciones que cubren las martillos retrocederán y
chumaceras, verifique las tolerancias oscilarán sobre el perno, B. Para lograr la uniformidad de
entre el rodillo y la esfera exterior. inicialmente desgastando las desgaste en las cribas y los
perforaciones de los martillos martillos, se requiere que la
Verifique que la tuerca bloqueante de y posteriormente el alimentación del material sea
la chumacera esté apretada y abocardamiento de las uniforme a todo lo ancho. Si
verifique que una de las pestañas de perforaciones del rotor. El se tiene el uso la alimentación
la arandela de presión esté doblada sobrecaballaje en su molino del material, por gravedad –
sobre la ranura de la tuerca. de martillos provocará que ¿La compuerta deslizable que
ocurra una situación similar. controla la alimentación del
El exceso de caballos de molino, esta distribuyendo
a través de la criba. A. Verifique que las cribas no la rotación se haya detenido y toda la
estén perforadas y estén energía eléctrica haya sido bloqueada
B. Si usted ha instalado una criba permitiendo el paso de e interrumpida con el cerrojo:
que es demasiado gruesa, esto producto entero.
provocará problemas en el A. Baje los transportadores de
movimiento del producto a B. Verifique el ajuste de las las cribas y extraiga las
través de las cribas. criba: cribas, para tener el acceso
1) Alrededor de los abierto a la cámara de molido.
C. Su molino de martillos revestimientos de gota.
Champion (las perforaciones B. Inspeccione las superficies
del rotor para molido fino y 2) Debajo de la cámara de
remolido. interiores para localizar
grueso no están a su cualquier indicio o marca que
disposición en la serie 3) En la parte superior externa indique el lugar en donde el
Champion) tiene la capacidad de la entrada de producto al metal hizo contacto con el
para disponer de un patrón de molino, en donde el metal.
distribución de martillos para transportad e bloquea. Bajo
el molido grueso (a una ciertas circunstancias, el
8 Champion - WL0213SP
Ajustes de mantenimiento
C. Gire el rotor lentamente con 10. Polvo alrededor del soporte cerca del molino de
la mano y observe y escuche rodillos, hacia un pequeño
cualquier ruido metálico. molino de martillos colector ciclónico sin
ventilador auxiliar, es la
D. Verifique las Los molinos de martillos generan
manera más económica
portachumaceras para ver si el presión conforme ejecutan el molino
para resolver esta
bloqueador de la chumacera y esta presión, generalmente se da a
situación. Para aligerar con
se desprendió, permitiendo conocer en la forma de polvo.
eficiencia un problema de
que la flecha del rotor del presión, deberá existir
A. Soluciones contra el polvo,
molino se desplace hacia el algún tipo de extracción, o
sellando y ajustes
frente y hacia atrás. tiro negativo a partir del
1) Las áreas que presentan punto de elevación de la
7 Aviso: Los cuatro pasos arriba presión.
más problemas, son
mencionados, deberán aislar el
alrededor de las 2) Agregar un pequeño
problema, si el rotor cambió de
compuertas. Verifique las sistema auxiliar de aire, es
posición. Para corregir este
condiciones de las juntas, la manera más eficiente
problema, vea la sección
para asegurarse de que para eliminar la
“Reemplazo del rotor” en la
estén intactas. El diseminación del polvo o la
sección “Ajustes de
acumulamiento del presión provocada por el
producto molido en el molido. Esto puede
Si lo antes mencionado no ofrece interior y alrededor de las lograrse, agregando un
resultados positivos: juntas, también podrían pequeño ventilador con una
presentar un problema. Los unidad filtrante, o un
E. Inspeccione cuidadosamente modelos anticuados eran paquete de ventilador y
el rotor, para verificar que no equipados con una junta de colector tipo ciclónico en
haya componentes rotos. material de corcho, que no su sistema de molido. Esta
ofrecía el rendimiento ventilación auxiliar deberá
F. Inspeccione las condiciones como las nuevas que están estar colocada lo más
de los martillos y jálelos hacia en uso. Los juegos de cercana posible al molino
afuera y hacia adentro, para juntas están a su de martillos y deberá
verificar que no tengan juego disposición, para actualizar tenerse cuidado de
excesivo, que sería una su molino, si este es el asegurarse que el flujo de
indicación de aborcadamiento problema. aire sea jalado desde el
del martillo, o de la molino de martillos. Para
Como segundo problema,
perforación del perno del recibir más consejos,
después de las juntas, es el
rotor permitiendo que el sugerencias, precios, u
ajuste apropiado de los
martillo haga contacto con la opciones; consúltelo con su
pestillos de las compuertas.
criba. representante de
Estos cerrojos con pestillo
al centro, son ajustables y Champion.
9. Problemas con el posiblemente sea necesario 7 Aviso: Si usted decide agregar
ajustarlos para compensar algún tipo de ventilación
sistema de descarga el asentamiento de la junta. auxiliar a su operación de
A. La descarga por gravedad, de 2) Todo el conjunto de molido, piense en que ese
un molino de martillos a un elementos que conforman sistema tenga la suficiente
cangilón elevador, deberá ser la transición de la capacidad para un tiro negativo
siempre diseñada para alimentación y descarga sobre la criba de su molino.
alimentar la parte inferior del del molino, deberán cerrar Esto puede ser normalmente
apoyo. El omitir hacerlo de herméticamente, para logrado con un poco de
6 --
esta manera deshabilitará la evitar el polvo en estos inversión por adelantado y
Sección 6
función adecuada de descarga puntos. obtener así el incremento de los
del material y además, muy resultados en capacidad de
3) Con los molinos de
frecuentemente, presurizará el molido ganados por agregarse
martillos que no estén
molino. la ventilación adicional, que
conectados en un sistema
seguramente pagará cualquier
B. Cuando descarga a una banda de aire – no abra las
diferencia del costo original.
transportadora mecánica compuertas de aire que se
(sinfín, de cadena o banda) la localizan en la parte
capacidad del dispositivo superior de cada puerta.
transportador deberá ser Estas deberán permanecer
diseñada para aceptar como herméticamente cerradas.
mínimo un 20% más del
producto que la capacidad B. Planeación de soluciones al
máxima que esté descargando alivio del polvo
el molino de martillos.
1) Ventile un sistema
presurizado, conduciendo
un ducto desde el tornillo o
Champion - WL0213SP
El rendimiento funcional aditivos podrían ser incompatibles, lubricante podrá ser agregado
satisfactorio y a largo plazo de su no mezcle diferentes tipos de grasas. directamente a los cojinetes, a través
molino de martillos, requiere de Al cambiar los tipos de grasa, purgue de la grasera, mientras el molino está
mantenimiento y lubricación. La totalmente la unidad para prevenir el en funcionamiento. Después de un
fábrica llenó todas las cajas de cruce de contaminantes entre los máximo de 1800 horas de operación,
engranes con los lubricantes tipos diferentes de grasas. la carcaza de la chumacera deberá ser
apropiados y se engrasaron todos los extraída y toda la grasa quemada
cojinetes antes de su embarque. Limpie cuidadosamente las graseras, deberá ser reemplazada. Al lubricar
cuando se aplique la grasa con una con la grasa nueva, empaquete el
Aplique las siguientes grasera a presión, para prevenir la área que rodea los rodillos y las
recomendaciones de lubricación, contaminación de los cojinetes. Use carreras y llene el contenedor de
para el mantenimiento apropiado de una grasera de presión manual, en grasa inferior a un 30% o 50%, no
los componentes funcionales del sustitución de una unidad neumática, sobrellene las carcazas.
molino. para reducir la posibilidad de roturas
en los sellos. Siga las especificaciones del
Use una grasa de molibdeno EP de fabricante del motor para su
alta calidad, como Sunoco Prestige. Los cojinetes deberán ser engrasados lubricación. Los motores requieren
Debido a que muchos aditivos no con 3 onzas (85 gms) de grasa en menos frecuentemente la lubricación,
pudieran ser compatibles, no mezcle intervalos de aproximadamente cada que otros componentes del molino.
tipos de grasas diferentes. Algunos 450 horas de operación. Este
Sección 7 -
Componente a lubricar: Cojinetes de la flecha del rotor
Tipo de lubricante: Grasa de uso múltiple
Intervalo: 3 onzas (85 gms) cada 450 horas
Champion - WL0214SP
Especificación de par de torsión de los tornillos
Use la siguiente guía para las especificaciones
de par de torsión en los tornillos de los bujes de las poleas
Par de torsión
Tamaño del (pulg-lb) (pies-lb) (NM)
5/16” - 18 120-180 10-15 14-20
3/8” - 16 240-360 20-30 27-40
1/2” - 20 480 40 54
1/2” - 13 720 60 81
19/16” - 12 600-900 50-75 67-101
5/8” - 11 1080-1620 90-135 122-183
3/4” - 12 1800 150 203
3/4” - 10 2700 225 305
7/8” - 9 2400-3600 200-300 271-406
1” - 8 3600-5400 300-450 406-610
Estándares CPM
Tornillos métricos
Tornillo con cabeza hexagonal Tornillo con cabeza hexagonal Tornillo con cabeza hueca
Grado 8.8 Grado 10.9 Grado 12.9
MM por Par de Tamaño de Par de Tamaño de Par de Tamaño de
Tamaño rosca torsión maneral torsión maneral torsión maneral
métrico (pie-lb) M-KG (MM) (pie-lb) M-KG (MM) (pie-lb) M-KG (MM)
M6x1,0 1,0 7 1 10 10 1,4 10 11 1,6 5
M8x1,25 1,25 18 2,5 13 25 3,5 13 29 4 6
M10x1,5 1,5 32 5 17 47 6 17 58 8 8
M12x1,7 1,75 58 8 19 83 12 19 100 14 10
M16x2,0 2,0 144 20 24 196 27 24 235 33 14
M20x2,5 2,5 260 36 30 366 51 30 440 61 17
M22x2,5 2,5 368 51 32 520 72 32 628 87 17
M24x3,0 3,0 470 65 36 664 92 36 794 110 19
Hex Head Cap Screw Hex Head Cap Screw Tornillo con cabeza hueca
Par de torsión para Par de torsión para
tornillo con cabeza tornillo con cabeza
hexagonal Grado 5 hexagonal Par de torsión
Acero inoxidable
Tamaño en Roscas Tamaño del pulg-lbs pies-lbs Kg- pulg-lbs pies-lbs Kg- Tamaño del pies-lbs Fod Pr. Kg-
pulgadas por maneral M M maneral Pund (lb) M
#10 24 42 3,5 0,5 20 2 0,2 5/32” 64 5 0,7
1/4” 20 7/16” 108 9 1,2 75 6 0,9 3/16” 150 13 1,7
5/16” 18 1/2” 216 18 2,5 132 11 1,5 1/4” 270 23 3
3/8” 16 9/16” 372 31 4,3 228 19 2,6 5/16” 485 40 6
7/16” 14 11/16” 600 50 7 372 31 4,3 3/8” 750 63 9
1/2” 20 3/4” 960 80 11 540 45 6,2 3/8” 1220 102 14
1/2” 13 3/4” 900 75 10 504 42 5,8 3/8” 1150 96 13
9/16” 12 7/8” 1320 110 15 672 56 8 7/16” 1650 138 19
5/8” 11 15/16” 1800 150 21 1104 92 13 1/2” 2250 188 26
3/4” 16 1-1/8” 3480 290 40 1488 124 17 5/8” 4270 356 49
3/4” 10 1-1/8” 3120 260 36 1356 113 16 5/8” 3900 325 45
7/8” 9 1-5/16” 4800 400 55 2328 194 27 3/4” 6220 518 72
1” 8 1-1/2” 7500 625 86 3300 275 38 3/4” 9250 771 107
1-1/8” 7 1-11/16” 9420 785 109 4800 400 55 7/8” 13250 1104 153
1-1/4” 7 1-7/8” 13200 1100 152 6000 500 69 7/8” 18600 1550 214
2 Roskamp - WL0230SP
CUSTOMER: Alimentos Balanceados
MODEL: 15x44 Champion Hammermill
CUSTOMER PO: 001-OC-004489 06/04/13
Safety Label Kit (1800 Rpm)
DRAWING # 8133412
Hammer Pat,15X38,44,54 Hv
Heavy-68, 1/4" Hammers
DRAWING # 8146955
Assy.Motor Mover-All H'mills
(4) Assy. W/Metric Fasteners
2.0" RTD Probe & 1/8NPT Hsg.
2-7/16",2-11/16"& 2-15/16 SKF
Assy,Connection Head & Trnsmtr
Assy,Emergency Stop (No Tag)
E-Stop Switch,Stahl 1 NO\1 NC
Shim Package, H'mill Motor
DRAWING # 16619-15
Rotor Comp. 15X44
Drilled Plates Only
DRAWING # 16911-42
Hsg.Comp. 15x44 Magnum H'mill
W/Sliding Doors & W/6 Clamps
DRAWING # 16911-42
Hsg.Comp. 15x44 Magnum H'mill
W/Sliding Doors & W/6 Clamps
DRAWING # 16912-22
Door Components, 15x44
Std. Base W/(6) Clamps
Safety Label Kit, Rota Feeder,
DRAWING # 16333-90
Magnet Comp, HRF-C15 Air Act
Stripper w/Metric Festo Cyl.
DRAWING # 16882-31
Hsg Comp, HRF8xC15 35MM FT47
SEW Drive w/Steel Pockets-NSK
DRAWING # 16882-31
Hsg Comp, HRF8xC15 35MM FT47
SEW Drive w/Steel Pockets-NSK
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
Cementitious grout placement involves proper mixing, placing, finishing, and curing, all
of which are critical components of a successful grout installation. Improperly placed
grout will often not perform as designed and can lead to potential problems such as grout
cracking, equipment misalignment, and even grout failure.
Selecting the type of cementitious grout, pumpable, flowable, fluid, or other, is
important and involves a detailed understanding of the application for which the
grout is to be used and of which material will provide the best results.
The industry definition of a fluid grout is one that will pass a specified volume of
material through a flow cone in accordance with ASTM C 939 in 30 seconds or less.
Fluid grouts are typically easier to place than flowable grouts and can therefore be
expected to flow longer distances at normal clearances or to get into tighter clearances.
Fluid Grouts must be mixed to a specified consistency, which requires having a flow
cone on the jobsite. Without a flow cone available, it is difficult to determine if the grout
is mixed with the appropriate amount of water.
Flowable grout provides sufficient flow to properly grout a majority of applications.
Flowable grouts are defined as those having a flow of 125 to 145 when tested on a flow
table in accordance with ASTM C 1437- (Standard Test Method for Flow of Hydraulic
Cement Mortar). Flowable grouts are typically very versatile. Properly formulated
flowable grouts will provide long working times (30 to 45 minutes), can often be
extended with coarse aggregate in the field for deep pours, and can be pumped. Some
well formulated flowable grouts, such as FIVE STAR GROUT, can be mixed in ready
mix trucks and pumped long distances. However, it is important to understand that NOT
ALL FLOWABLE GROUTS PERFORM EQUALLY. Some flowable grouts, such as
those based on aluminum powders, have short working times and, therefore, cannot be
mixed in ready mix trucks or pumped.
Flowable grouts are typically packaged in 50 lb or 100 lb bags, and have minimum
and maximum water requirements listed on the bag. NEVER EXCEED THE
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
EF2243.1en 1
2 Extract from Five Star Products’ Guide on Grouting & Concrete Repair
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
Tight clearance applications (less than 1 inch clearance) or baseplates with shear keys
are two applications where
fluid grouts have advantages
over flowable grouts. When
placed properly, fluid grouts
will tend to entrap less air in
shear key applications, though
vent holes should be present
in the baseplate to allow the
venting of any entrapped air.
Sometimes, mixing to a fluid
consistency has been used as
a way to speed the placement of grouts with very short working times, which occa-
sionally has led to shrinkage, air entrapment, and segregation. FIVE STAR FLUID
GROUT 100 is a fluid grout whose unique formulation produces a grout with excellent
workability and without these problems. It can be used where clearances are very tight,
as well as for normal clearances.
CAUTION: Take special note that making a normally flowable grout fluid by
adding more water than the maximum amount specified can result in aggregate
segregating and lower strength from the increased water-cement ratio. There is
also a considerable risk that certain flow agents will cause bubbling at the surface,
significantly reducing EBA. NEVER add more water than the maximum amount
specified on the package.
Pumpable grouts are either well
formulated flowable grouts that
provide good pumpability or very
specialized grouts that contain
pumping aids. Pumpable grouts should
be able to be pumped with typical grout
pumps or larger pumps, such as
concrete pumps. Pumping grouts may
involve the addition of coarse
aggregate at the jobsite, particularly on
large volume placements. Aggregates
used for extending cementitious grouts
should be clean, washed aggregates of
specified size and conform to ASTM C
33. Dirty aggregates or aggregates with
a large amount of fines will affect pumpability and strength development.
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
Extract from Five Star Products’ Guide on Grouting & Concrete Repair 3
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
CAUTION: Cement based grout contains cementitious material and crystalline
free silica. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has determined that
there is sufficient evidence for the carcinogenicity of inhaled crystalline silica to
humans. Take appropriate measures to avoid breathing dust. Avoid contact with
eyes and contact with skin. In case of contact with eyes, immediately flush with
plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Call a physician immediately. Wash skin
thoroughly after handling. Keep this product out of the reach of children.
are available for all Five Star Products at www.fivestarproducts.com
Take these simple precautions to avoid skin contact with cement powder or freshly
mixed grout or mortar:
• Wear rubber boots high enough to keep out cement products. Top of boots should
be tight to protect feet.
• Wear rubber gloves to protect hands.
• Wear long pants tucked into boots to protect legs.
• Wear kneepads when finishing concrete to protect knees.
• Wear long-sleeved shirts buttoned at the wrists and neck to protect upper body and
• Wear tight-fitting goggles when handling cement products to protect eyes.
• Do not breathe in the fine dust. Wear a NIOSH approved respirator when opening
or dumping bags.
The general application procedures that follow are appropriate for use under normal
1. Many grouts are not recommended for placement under a wide range of
temperatures. Consult the grout manufacturer’s written instructions for
placement temperature limitations. At temperatures below 70°F, grout tends to
set more slowly than reported on typical product data sheets. At temperatures
above 70°F, grout tends to set faster than reported. When grouting is to be done
when ambient and mix temperatures are not between the manufacturer’s
specified temperature range for the grout, usually 40°F to 90°F, follow the
additional recommendations in the Hot Weather Grouting and Cold Weather
Grouting parts of this section to help maintain the set times and strength gains
at or near the 70°F rate.
2. If there are other unusual or difficult conditions (chemical attack, high working
temperatures, low clearances, shear keys, etc.), the contractor should consult
the owner’s engineer and the grout manufacturer’s Technical Service
3. All necessary tools and materials should be as close as possible to the area
being grouted. Mortar mixer (with rotating blades), wheelbarrow, shovel, water
measuring container, and grout should be within easy reach.
(800) 243-2206 • www.fivestarproducts.com 27
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
4 Extract from Five Star Products’ Guide on Grouting & Concrete Repair
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
1. Placing NONSHRINK grout is not a difficult process if the engineer and the
contractor are aware of the variety of methods available to them. The grout
manufacturer can recommend the best grade of grout to use and how to place
it. The specifier can make the contractor’s job easier by specifying a grout that
provides flexibility in placement. Selecting a cement-based grout that can be
placed by only one method can increase the cost of grouting.
2. The placement procedures used for grouts are just as critical as selecting the
proper grout. The leading grout manufacturers maintain extensive technical
service staffs to assist in selecting the proper grout and the applicable placement
3. This section describes the three most common methods, most other placement
techniques being simply variations of the basics. The advantages and
disadvantages of each are described to assist the engineer and contractor in
choosing the method best suited to their application.
a. Dry Packing
Dry packing requires a grout with a thick consistency. There should be only
enough water mixed into the grout so that when a ball of grout is squeezed
in a gloved hand, the glove is slightly dampened. Although only a well
braced backboard, a tamping rod, and a mallet are required for placement
by the dry pack method, and carpentry expense for building and stripping
forms is saved, dry packing is not recommended except for very small,
accessible placements. Dry packing is labor-intensive and requires a highly
skilled worker to ensure that the grout is uniformly compacted under the
entire baseplate without cold joints.
b. Pouring
Pouring requires a grout with a
flowable or fluid consistency. To
place a flowable grout, use forms
and a headbox. This method is
appropriate for most grouting
applications. During the mixing
process, a flowable grout, being
stiffer than a fluid grout, is less
likely to incorporate excess air
that later gets trapped under the
baseplate. Watertight forms are required for flowable and fluid grout.
To increase the rate of flow from a headbox, manually apply pressure in
addition to the hydraulic head by using a plunger. A plunger is a tool,
usually fabricated on the job site, made from two pieces of wood nailed
together to form a T. The stem is the plunger handle and the crossbar, just
slightly smaller than the width of the headbox, applies the pressure.
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
5 Extract from Five Star Products’ Guide on Grouting & Concrete Repair
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
c. Pumping
Grout should be placed by pumping for large or multiple grout
installations, particularly when there are obstructions, or when grout must
be transported over great distances, or when venting air is not possible.
Pumping cement-based grout into place is fast, and can achieve good
results. Although it may take somewhat longer to set up the pump and its
associated equipment, once done, the pumping method usually produces
successful installations. A pumpable grout, needing less water than a fluid
grout, contributes to higher strength. Pumping results in fewer air bubbles,
and considerably more grout can be placed in a day by the same size crew.
As grout installers become more experienced with pumping, it will
continue to increase in popularity because of its superior performance
a. The base concrete should have attained its design strength before grouting.
b. Concrete should be sound and all surfaces that will be in contact with the
grout should be entirely free of oil, grease, laitance, curing compounds, and
other deleterious substances that can prevent cementitious grout from
bonding to concrete.
c. Prepare the surfaces by chipping, sandblasting or other mechanical means
to ensure a roughened profile. Particular care should be given to the quality
of the concrete foundation.
d. Efflorescence may occur on the surface of foundations containing
limestone aggregate.
a. All metal surfaces of equipment bases which are to be in direct contact with
the grout should be thoroughly cleaned to bare metal immediately before
grouting. NONSHRINK cement-based grout will not bond to grease, oil,
paint, primers, or epoxy coatings that are sometimes found on the underside
– the contact surface – of the baseplate. These foreign materials should be
removed immediately before, or as close as possible to, grouting time.
b. Level and align baseplates according to the project specifications or to the
recommendations of the equipment manufacturer. Provide approximately
two inches of clearance under leveled baseplates for grouting. For large-
volume placements with clearances greater than three inches, grout should be
extended with clean, washed coarse aggregate that meets ASTM C 33.
Contact the grout manufacturer for the size and amount of coarse aggregate
to use for deep pours. The added coarse aggregate helps to manage the heat
generated by the hydrating cement and provides dimensional stability. It acts
as a heat sink and reduces the temperature rise, helping to reduce the potential
for cracking. Special grouts are available to meet the special application
requirements of shallow pours, deep pours, or certain problem environments.
For long and large volume pours, expansion joints may be considered.
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
Extract from Five Star Products’ Guide on Grouting & Concrete Repair 6
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
c. Shims, wedges, blocks, and leveling nuts (see the sketch above) are used to
support the equipment during alignment and grouting. They can be
removed after grouting if the engineer specifies, but they are often left
in place. If they are required to be removed, apply two generous coats of
paste wax to them, wrap them with polyethylene film, or use some other
bond breaker. Shims and wedges that are to remain in place should have
generously rounded corners to ensure that they do not act as points of stress
concentration. They should be set back from the edge of the baseplate by
two inches or more.
d. Before grouting, tighten anchor bolt nuts finger tight only or follow OEM
a. Grout anchor bolts with cementitious grout when the design engineer or the
equipment manufacturer so specifies. Anchor bolt holes can be precored
when the foundation is poured, or carefully and accurately located and core
drilled before the equipment is installed. Anchor bolt holes should be at
least 2 inches in diameter for bolts up to 1 inch, and at least 2 inches greater
than the bolt for larger sizes. Very deep holes may need to be bigger than
this to allow grout to flow all the way to the bottom. Roughen the sides of
anchor bolt holes and thoroughly clean all hole and bolt surfaces of oil,
greases, loose cement, dust, and other bond-breaking substances. Soak the
hole to saturation (8 to 24 hours) with potable water, and remove all free
surface water from the holes with oil-free compressed air, sponges, or with
a wet/dry vacuum. Refer to Appendix A for more detail.
b. If part of the anchor bolt length is to remain unbonded, protect it with duct
tape or a plastic sleeve. Locate and support the anchor bolt in the hole. Mix
and pour grout into the hole. Rod the grout well to release any trapped air.
When the grout has set, finish the grout surface, and cure the exposed
surface as the manufacturer directs.
a. Forms are required for all placement methods except dry packing, which
requires a well-braced backboard to pack the grout against.
b. Build all forms of sufficiently strong materials, securely anchored and shored
30 (800) 243-2206 • www.fivestarproducts.com
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
7 Extract from Five Star Products’ Guide on Grouting & Concrete Repair
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
to withstand the considerable pressure forces developed in placing grout.
c. Coat forms with two generous coats of paste wax, form oil, or other
approved release agents for easy form removal. Seal forms tightly against
existing concrete and vertical wood surfaces. To retain grout within the
formwork, seal joints with tape or sealant. Flowable grout can generally be
retained by taping, but fluid grout will usually require a water-tight seal.
d. Air vent holes are mandatory for some baseplate designs. Provide vent
holes (1/4 to 1/2 inch minimum diameter) in each corner of a baseplate with
a perimeter skirt. Baseplates
or skids divided into two or
more compartments by
stiffening cross members,
require a vent hole in each
corner of every compartment,
as shown in the sketch.
Always follow the grout manufacturer’s directions when mixing grout.
Carefully read all mixing information on the package and in the latest
literature. Whenever possible, cement-based grout, as with all mortars,
should be mixed in a mortar mixer (a stationary drum with rotating blades)
rather than in a concrete mixer (a rotating drum with attached fins) or by
hand. If you are in doubt about mixing procedures, consult the grout
All leading grout manufacturers recommend using a mortar mixer with
moving blades to mix grout. A mortar mixer produces a more thorough and
uniform blend of the mixing water into the dry grout mix. For thorough
mixing, the mortar mixer should be large enough that a batch of grout
occupies less than half the mixer’s capacity. Mixing by hand, including the
use of an electric drill
with a propeller blade,
also produces a less
thorough blend, takes
much more time, and
often results in lower
strengths, lumps,
segregation, and less
flowability. Hand mixing
should be used only when
a very small amount of
grout is needed.
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
8 Extract from Five Star Products’ Guide on Grouting & Concrete Repair
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
Have available an adequate number of mortar mixers to support continuous
grouting operations, as well as the buckets, buggies, wheelbarrows, pumps,
trowels and other hand tools that will be needed for the job. Locate the
equipment and tools as close as possible to the grouting site to take
maximum advantage of the available working time.
Clean the mortar mixer’s drum and blades thoroughly. Rinse the drum and
blades with potable water, run the mixer briefly, and empty all excess
water. Only then add the measured amount of potable mixing water into the
drum. Start with the minimum amount of mixing water specified on the
package and in the manufacturer’s literature. The consistency of cement-
based grout will vary with the amount of water added. Use this flexibility.
Always start with the minimum amount of potable water printed on the
manufacturer’s bag or label. Run the mixer until the surface water has
disappeared and a uniform consistency is reached. Mixing should not be for
less than three minutes nor for more than five. Only then, add the least
amount of additional potable water needed to obtain the desired
consistency, and remix. REMEMBER that as the amount of water in the
mix goes up, the strength of the grout goes down. NEVER exceed the
maximum amount of water specified by the grout manufacturer and printed
on the bag or label, and NEVER add an amount of water that will cause
segregation of the aggregate. Rarely, a “false set” may occur. Correct this
by remixing — without adding more water! NEVER retemper a mix (that
is, NEVER add more water after the initial stiffening).
Clean all equipment and tools with water. An abrasive material such as
sand added to the water is helpful in cleaning a mortar mixer.
1. Check Temperature Conditions
With a thermometer, determine whether the temperatures of the
ambient air, the grout, the potable water for mixing, the concrete
foundation, and the steel baseplate
will be within the manufacture’s
specified temperature range,
commonly between 40°F and
90°F. If not, special hot weather or
cold weather procedures will be
Checking Temperatures
With a Thermometer
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
Extract from Five Star Products’ Guide on Grouting & Concrete Repair 9
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
2. Working Time
For a given grade of cement-based grout, the working time varies with
the temperature. Working time grows shorter as the temperature rises,
and grows longer as the temperature falls. Measure the placement
temperature to estimate the time available to place grout. A simple way
to determine the working time available under job site conditions is to
mix a small sample of grout to the desired consistency, fill a styrofoam
drinking cup, and time the interval between mixing and loss of
A liquid additive, SUMMERSET, that provides additional working
time for Five Star grouts is available from Five Star Products.
3. Transporting Grout
Use a pump, wheelbarrows, buggies, or buckets to transport grout to
the placement site.
4. Eliminating Voids
Place grout in a way that assures that all spaces are completely filled
and that the grout is in intimate contact with boundary surfaces. Be
sure to check whether air vent holes are needed.
5. Continuous Grouting
To avoid cold joints under the baseplate, grout placement should be
rapid and continuous. If at all possible, cement-based grouts should not
be placed in lifts or layers. All grouting should take place from one side
to the other to avoid trapping air. If grout must be placed through grout
holes in the baseplate, cut off the tip of a traffic cone, invert it, and use
it as a funnel and headbox. It is important, to avoid trapping air, to
place the grout continuously from one hole until full-depth grout has
passed the next hole. Only then may grouting continue through a
second funnel/headbox through the next grout hole. Leave the first
cone full of grout in place as a standpipe at the previous grout hole to
maintain contact between the grout and the bottom of the baseplate.
Pumping is the preferred placement procedure in this case.
(800) 243-2206 • www.fivestarproducts.com 33
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
10 Extract from Five Star Products’ Guide on Grouting & Concrete Repair
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
Dry packing grout is the placing of zero-slump or near zero-slump grout by
ramming into a confined space. It is not recommended except for very small
jobs with easy accessibility. Although dry packing avoids the need for
formwork, it requires considerable skill on the part of the worker to obtain a
uniform degree of grout
compression, and therefore,
uniform strength in the grout
bed. To verify the strength of dry
packed grout, test specimens
must be packed to the same
extent, neither more nor less, as
the grout placed in the job.
When a headbox is used and hydraulic head pressure is the means of flowing
grout into place, the minimum height of the headbox should be from 1/3 to 1/2 the
distance that the grout must flow. Fill the head box to the maximum height and
allow the grout to flow down under the baseplate, but refill the headbox before
the level reaches the top of the baseplate. The level of grout in the head box
must never fall below the top of the baseplate to prevent trapping air under the
baseplate. This procedure is repeated until the grout moves completely under
the baseplate, pushing air out in front of it, and rising above the bottom of the
baseplate on the far side. When the baseplate is long and the headbox is less
than the full length of the baseplate, begin grouting at one end of the long side.
When the grout front reaches the far side, begin sliding the headbox down the
length of the baseplate — keeping pace with the advancing grout front — until
the baseplate is completely grouted. To increase the rate of flow from a
headbox, manually apply pressure in addition to the hydraulic head by using a
plunger. A plunger is a tool, usually
fabricated on the job site, made
from two pieces of wood nailed
together to form a T. The stem is
the plunger handle and the
crossbar, just slightly smaller than
the width of the headbox, applies
the pressure.
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
Extract from Five Star Products’ Guide on Grouting & Concrete Repair 11
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
Pumping is the preferred method for placing grout on all large or multiple
grouting installations, particularly when there are shear keys, fixators, or other
obstructions under the baseplate, or when grout must be placed over great
distances, or when it is not possible to vent trapped air. Selecting the
appropriate pump to move the grout properly into place is critical. Choose a
positive displacement pump, such as a
diaphragm or piston pump, rather than
a screw pump. The size of the job will
dictate the size of the pump required.
Pumps vary in size from small ones,
delivering 10 to 14 cubic feet per
hour, to large ones, compressor-
driven, delivering several hundred
cubic feet per hour. Rinse the pump,
the hose, and the nozzle with potable
water. Before grouting, wash a
cleansing plug (called a “pig”)
through the line to ensure that it is
open and clear, and follow the pig
with a slurry of grout. This will ensure
that neither water nor cement are
removed from the grout during
pumping, and that neither pump nor
PUMPING CEMENTITIOUS GROUT hose will clog. For large pumping
placements, use the grout
manufacturer’s pumpable grout formulation. Consult the pump manufacturer
and the grout manufacturer for specific recommendations. Do not begin placing
grout until material of uniform consistency begins flowing from the nozzle.
When pumping grout into place, start at the far end of the space to be grouted.
As the grout is pumped in, back the nozzle out slowly so that it always remains
submerged within the grout. This will prevent air entrapment. Notice that
pumping grout into place is the reverse of flowing it into place. When flowing
grout through a headbox, grouting begins at the grouter’s position and flows
away pushing air ahead of it; when pumping, grouting begins at the most distant
point and flows toward the grouter, pushing air ahead of it.
When the grout has stiffened to the point that it will hold its shape when scored with
the point of a trowel, remove the forms and cut the shoulders back at a 45° angle
from the bottom edge of the baseplate to the foundation. Finish the grout shoulder
with a trowel, float, or brush finish, as desired. Do not allow grout to remain above
the bottom edge of the baseplate or in an unchamfered shoulder. In those locations,
grout is prone to cracking because of differential expansion when the temperature
changes. Sometimes, when anchor bolts are close to the edge of the baseplate, a
vertical crack may occur in the grout shoulder. Shoulder cracks rarely propagate
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
12 Extract from Five Star Products’ Guide on Grouting & Concrete Repair
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
under the baseplate, and do not affect the vertical load-carrying capacity of the
grout. For a cosmetic repair, coat the crack with a paste made from the grout and a
little water.
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
Extract from Five Star Products’ Guide on Grouting & Concrete Repair 13
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
After the grout has cured to its design strength, use a torque wrench to tighten
anchor bolt nuts only to the specified torque. NEVER exceed the specified
torque. Overtorquing can cause the bolts to stretch beyond their yield point and
result in bolt failure.
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
14 Extract from Five Star Products’ Guide on Grouting & Concrete Repair
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
Extract from Five Star Products’ Guide on Grouting & Concrete Repair 15
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
material be properly protected. Wearing protective clothing, eye protection
(goggles), a respirator, and chemically resistant gloves and boots is necessary.
Refer to the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
a. The base concrete should be dry and have attained its design strength
before grouting
b. DO NOT WET CONCRETE. All surfaces to be in contact with grout
should be dry and entirely free of oil, grease, laitance, curing compounds,
frost, and other potential bond-preventing substances.
c. Roughen the surfaces by chipping, sandblasting, or other mechanical
means to remove any laitance or weak surface layer.
a. All metal surfaces of equipment bases which are to be in contact with the
grout should be thoroughly cleaned. Sandblasting to an SSPC-SP6
commercial finish will ensure an optimal bond.
b. Level and align the baseplates according to the recommendation of the
equipment manufacturer and/or project specifications. For most
conventional epoxy grouts, a minimum 2 inch clearance should be
provided to facilitate placement. For baseplates wider than three feet, it is
imperative to provide an additional one-inch of clearance for each three
feet of width. Aggregate is the least costly of all the components of epoxy
grout. Grout pours deeper than four inches present the potential for
cracking due to excessive internal heat development and subsequent
cooling. Deeper pours can be accomplished by using a low exotherm epoxy
grout, or pouring in lifts. Embedded rebar acts as a heat sink for curing
epoxy. Both methods reduce temperature rise. For placements deeper than
four inches, the grout manufacturer should be contacted for detailed
c. Round shims, wedges, and blocks that are to be removed should be covered
with putty, grease, or similar non-bonding material to prevent the grout
from adhering. If shims, wedges, or blocks are to remain in place, they
should have generously rounded corners (to avoid potential crack
development) and be set back at least 2 inches from any plate edge.
a. Equipment manufacturers or design engineers often require anchor bolts to
be grouted. All surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned of oil, grease, and
other deleterious substances and must be dry. Holes must be dried by
evaporation, compressed air, or wicking with absorbent rags. Any
compressor used to blow out water or other substances from surfaces in
contact with the grout must be equipped with an oil trap in the air line to
prevent oil from being blown onto the contact surface and preventing the
grout from bonding. Refer to Appendix A for more information.
b. If equipment manufacturers or design engineers require anchor bolts to
remain isolated, sleeves should be used and filled with a pliable material
(800) 243-2206 • www.fivestarproducts.com 39
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
16 Extract from Five Star Products’ Guide on Grouting & Concrete Repair
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
such as duct seal, putty, silicone rubber molding compound, or other
material specified by the equipment manufacturer. Wrapping bolts in duct
tape or foam insulation also works well.
All surfaces should be kept completely dry before grouting. Surface must NOT
be wet.
Surfaces from which grout is to be removed after placing should be treated with
a paste wax or other release agent before placement.
a. Forming or other leak proof containment is always required with epoxy
grout. The forms require careful attention to prevent any leakage. If forms
are not liquid tight, the grout will leak out and leave voids.
b. Forms must be designed to provide a hydraulic head. If additional
hydraulic head is required at the point of placement, headboxes may be
used as shown below. Typically, the headbox height should be 1/3 to 1/2 the
distance the poured grout must flow. If additional hydraulic head is
required at the point of placement, a plunger may be used as shown below.
c. All chamfer edges required in the grouts should be incorporated into the
forms because, after hardening, epoxy grout can only be cut or trimmed
by grinding.
All forms should be built of materials of adequate strength, securely anchored
and shored to withstand liquid head and the forces developed by plunging the
grout into place.
Caulking, such as glazier’s putty, butyl rubber caulking, or duct seal should be
used to make all joints liquid tight. This particularly applies to the joint between
the form and the concrete. All forms may be lined with polyethylene film for
easy grout release. Carefully waxing forms with two coats of heavy floor or
paste wax, preferably colored, to ensure 100% waxed area is also acceptable.
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
Extract from Five Star Products’ Guide on Grouting & Concrete Repair 17
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
a. Depending upon the application, and as a general rule, control joints may
be placed on 4 to 6 foot centers. However, this spacing may (at the
discretion of the design engineer only) be increased as described in ACI
223-98 (Section 3.4.5). This section of the ACI Manual of Concrete
Practice contains control joint information for shrinkage compensating
concrete that can be used as a general guide to compensate for thermal
expansion differences using epoxy grouts. (There is no shrinkage
compensating standard for epoxy grouts as of this writing.) Control joints
should extend the full depth and full length from form to form.
b. Joint material can be closed cell styrofoam, thick rubber, thick sheet metal
covered with polyethylene, 1/4 inch thick steel or wood strips covered with
polyethylene tape. Any of these will make removal of the joints relatively
easy by preventing the epoxy grout from bonding to them.
c. For pours that are deep (more than 6 inches) or long (more than 6 feet) and
under extreme temperature conditions, reinforcing bars should be placed in
the grout. To distribute the stresses under these conditions, #6 reinforcing
bars should be placed parallel to the equipment frame between the control
joints (see diagram below). If wide shoulders or extreme depths are
required, consult the grout manufacturer for direction.
With some base plate designs, air relief holes are mandatory. Baseplates with a
skirt around the perimeter should have relief holes (minimum 1/4” diameter) in
each dead corner. If the plate is sectioned with stiffening members, then relief
holes should be provided at the intersections with the skirt (see diagram above
for minimum required air relief holes).
The difference in coefficient of thermal expansion between epoxy grout and
concrete induces stresses in shoulders. It is recommended that shoulders not
exceed a maximum of 2 to 3 inches. If wide shoulders are mandatory, special
anchoring must be provided as shown below and the manufacturer must be
contacted for specific instructions.
(800) 243-2206 • www.fivestarproducts.com 41
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
18 Extract from Five Star Products’ Guide on Grouting & Concrete Repair
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
Grout should be mixed according to the procedures recommended by the
manufacturer. Carefully read all mixing information on the packages and the
latest literature. If in doubt about the mixing procedures, call the manufacturer.
a. Mix in a mechanical mixer at a slow speed (15-20 rpm), using a portable
mortar mixer with moving blades (as shown in part three of this section)
inside the drum as opposed to a concrete mixer with fixed-in-place fins on
a rotating drum. A concrete mixer is not recommended as it will cause air
to be entrapped in the mix.
a. Pour the hardener (Component B) into the epoxy resin (Component A)
container and stir by hand or with a variable speed (250 rpm max.) drill and
a paddle mixer for two to three minutes until all streaks are eliminated and
the mixture is clear. Mixing speed in excess of 250 rpm may entrain air
bubbles that reduce EBA.
b. Transfer the mixed liquids to a clean, dry mortar mixer and start it up. Add
the aggregate slowly and mix only until the aggregate is completely wetted
out. Overmixing results in excess entrapped air and may reduce working
c. To maintain proper proportions of resin, hardener and aggregate, always
mix full units only. Under no circumstances should partial units be used.
For materials prepackaged in one container, such as FIVE STAR RAPID
EPOXY GROUT, follow the instructions on manufacturer’s label.
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
Extract from Five Star Products’ Guide on Grouting & Concrete Repair 19
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
a. Many years of experience have shown that epoxy grouts and aggregates
must be supplied in premeasured quantities to ensure a precision product.
Do not vary the ratio of components and never add solvent to change the
consistency. High temperatures will increase flowability and reduce
working time, while cold weather will decrease flowability and extend
working time. An ideal balance is developed at 75°F.
b. The only exception to this rule is for the first unit mixed. Because some of
the liquids will go to wetting the mixer, about half a 50 lb. bag of aggregate
should be withheld from the first batch only. All the following batches
should be mixed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations
with no modifications.
Equipment and tools must be cleaned before epoxy grout hardens. Hardened
epoxy grout can be removed by soaking in appropriate solvent or by grinding.
After grouting is completed, or if delays occur, clean mixer, tub, wheelbarrows,
tools, etc. with a strong detergent (such as a laundry detergent or trisodium
phosphate) and water. Adding some ordinary sand will assist in cleaning a
mortar mixer. Organic solvents such as Solvesso, xylol, lacquer thinner,
ketones, or similar solvents, as specified by the manufacturer, can also be used
a. Check Temperature Conditions
Determine if ambient temperature will be between 60°F and 90°F at time
of grouting. If not, follow the compensating procedures found in Hot and
Cold Weather Epoxy Grouting in parts H and I of this section.
(800) 243-2206 • www.fivestarproducts.com 43
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
20 Extract from Five Star Products’ Guide on Grouting & Concrete Repair
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
b. Working Time
Temperature affects the consistency of epoxy grout and therefore can affect
placement time. Check placement temperature of materials to estimate the
time available for placing grout.
c. Transporting Grout
Use power buggies, wheelbarrows, or buckets to transport grout to point of
d. Eliminating Voids
Grout placement should proceed in a manner that will assure that all spaces
are filled and that there is intimate contact between the grout and the
surfaces to be grouted. The placement should be rapid and continuous to
avoid cold joints and to keep voids from forming under the baseplate. All
grouting should take place from one side to avoid trapping air. When
grouting through grout holes or stand pipes, start placing grout into the next
grout hole or stand pipe only when grout from the first hole has reached
that next hole.
e. Check for Leaks
Forms must be checked constantly for leaks. All leaks must be sealed
immediately or voids will develop.
When hydraulic head pressure is used to flow grout in place, the level of grout
in the headbox must never fall below the top of the baseplate, because then air
will be trapped. The headbox
should be filled to the
maximum height (usually 1/3
to 1/2 the pour width) and
worked (plunged) down to the
top of the baseplate. This
procedure is repeated until the
grout moves completely under
the baseplate, pushing air out
in front of it, and rising to the
top of the chamfer strip on the
far side of the pour.
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
Extract from Five Star Products’ Guide on Grouting & Concrete Repair 21
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
Epoxy grout cannot be trimmed after set. It must be left at final placement level,
with all chamfer strips built into forms. To provide a smooth surface, puddle the
grout so all aggregate is covered. After initial stiffening, finish with a trowel
moistened with low volatility solvent such as diesel oil. All further finishing will
require grinding after the grout is completely cured.
Grout should be cured in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and
recommendations. Read and follow the directions printed on the packaging or
on the manufacturer’s associated printed material.
All forms should remain in place until the minimum required strengths are
The temperature of the baseplate, supporting concrete foundation and grout
should be maintained between a minimum of 60°F and a maximum of 90°F
during grouting and for at least 24 hours afterward. See grout manufacturer’s
literature for curing schedules.
Water interferes with proper curing of epoxy grouts. DO NOT MOIST CURE
All epoxy grout components should be stored in a dry, weatherproof area until
all epoxy grout components reach a temperature between 65°F and 80°F. Since
aggregate is the major portion of the mix, its temperature will be the most
critical in determining final mix temperature.
Shading or other methods should be used to
cool baseplates to below 90°F, Extreme
caution should be used because all
surfaces in contact with epoxy grout
must be completely dry before grouting.
Concrete, steel, and forms should be
shaded from direct sunlight beginning
24 hours prior to placing grout and kept
shaded until at least one day after
Do not allow mixed resin and hardener to remain
without aggregate for more than 3 minutes.
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
22 Extract from Five Star Products’ Guide on Grouting & Concrete Repair
A P r o f es s i o n a l ’s G u i d e o n G r o u t in g a n d C o n c r e t e R e p a i r
Place the grout in the evening or later when the temperature is dropping. This
allows the heat developed during the curing phase to take place during the
coolest part of the day.
All epoxy grout components should be stored in a dry, weatherproof area until
all epoxy grout components reach a temperature between 70°F and 80°F. Since
aggregate is the major portion of the mix, its temperature will be the most
critical in determining final mix temperature.
All surfaces in contact with grout must be maintained at a temperature of at
least 60°F for at least 24 hours prior to and at least 48 hours subsequent to
grouting. It is economically advantageous to pour and cure the epoxy at
temperatures between 65°F and 75°F. Doing so quickens the pace of placement
and subsequent curing, thus enabling the equipment to start up sooner. It is
important to prevent frost formation on these surfaces.
There are many methods of maintaining proper preconditioning, preparation,
and curing temperatures. Consult the grout manufacturer for advice on
techniques best suited to each application.
Source: "A Professional’s Guide to Grouting and Concrete Repair," © 2007 Five Star® Products Inc., downloaded from www.fivestarproducts.com January
13, 2009. Make sure to acquire and follow the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet for the grout you use.
@ @
P¡llowBlocksand lP UnitizedSpherical
GENERALINFORMATION Before mounting bearing to shaft, remove
lockplate from bearing and turn locknut
DODGE ISAF and lP SphericalRoller Bearing
counterclockwiseone to two turnsto allowadapter
mountedunitsincorporate a uniqueway of sealing,
to expandfully.The unitis nowshaftready.Slide
mounting,and dismounting the unitto and from the
thebearingto thedesireposition on theshaft.
shaft.The patentedsealingsystem(Pat.#5,908,249)
has proveneffectivein protecting the internalbearing
components, due to its constantpressure, whilestill Keep weight off bearing during
allowinga full + or -1 degreeof misalignment.. The mountingvia a sling or jacks.
patented IMPERIAL system(Pat.#5,489,156) pullsthe
bearingon the adapterbasedupona predetermined
clockwiserotationof the locknut.Dismountingis
accomplishedvia counterclockwise rotationof the
locknut.Keepin mindthatthethreadon the locknutas
wellas on theadapteris a left-handthread
To ensurethat drive is not unexpectedl¡¡
turn-offand lock out or tag powersourcebefore
proceeding.Failureto obseruethese
precautionscould resultin bodilyinjury.
Inspectshaft.Ensurethattheshaftis smooth,straight,
clean,and withincommercial tolerance.Inspectunit.
Do notallowunitto be exposedto anydirtor moisture.
MOUNTING 3,,.Propeflocking of lhis,-unitto{'lreshaft is basedon
Installtl"'rc unitfirst.
non-expansion tuming th**toóknut cloclevisea predetermined
numberof degreesshownfor each boresizeon
1. .Applya coatingof Ughtoíl or othern¡Stlilhibitor
to Table1.
theadapterareaof theshaft.
WARNING: Because of the possibledanger to persons(s)or propertyfrom accidentswhich may resultfrom the improperuse of products,it is
importantthat correct proceduresbe followed.Productsmust be used in accordancewith the engineeringinformationspecifiedin the catalog.
Proper installation,maintenanceand operationproceduresmust be observed.The instructionsin the instructionmanuals must be followed.
Inspectionsshould be made as necessaryto assuresafe operationunderprevailingconditions.Properguardsand other suitablesafetydevicesor
proceduresas may be desirableor as may be specifiedin safetycodesshouldbe provided,and are neitherprovidedby BaldorElectricnor are the
responsibilityof BaldorElectric.This unit and its associatedequipmentmust be installed,adjustedand maintainedby qualifiedpersonnelwho are
familiarwith the constructionand operationof all equipmentin the system and the potentialhazardsinvolved.When risk to personsor property
may be involved,a holdingdevicemustbe an integralpartof the drivenequipmentbeyondthe speedreduceroutputshaft.
Theturningof the locknutmuststartfroma "ZERO Then continueto tightenthe locknut(Picture3) by
referencepoint."This "ZEROreference point"is usinghammeranddriftor span-ner
turningit clockwise
definedas the pointwhenthe clearance between by theappropriate angleshownon Table1.
adaptersleeve,shaftand bearingborehas been Propermounting hasbeenachieved whenthe scribed
removed,and all surfacesare in metalto metal lineon the locknut
has rotatedfrom the scribedlineon
cont the adapterface by the angle shown on Table1. To
34. To reachthe 'ZERO ReferencePoint,"rotate reach the full rotationof the locknut, the use of
locknutclockwise, usingbothhands,as tightas hammerblowsontospanneror drift may be needed
possible.Whenmounting bearingswithshaftsizes for propermounting.In highvibration or impactloading
3-15116" and largerthe followingIESI must be applications,maximum nutrotation is required.
performed. As a fesf to insureyou have reached Table1
the "ZEROReferencePoint"tap on the faceof the LocknutAngleof RotationFrom
nut with a hammerand attemptto rotate the nut "ZeroReference Point"
usingbothhands.lf the nut willnot rotatethenyou
have reached the "ZERO ReferencePoint" and BASIC LOCKNUT
you shouldproceedto step4. lf you can rotatethe BRG.
nut, usingbothhands,thenyou havenot reached NO.
the true "ZERO ReferencePoint," and should 11t8-11t2 22208K 2BO+t- 25 3/4to 7/8 turn
15t8-13t4 22209K 330+/- 25 7/8to I turn
repeat step 3A until "ZEROReferencePoint" is
17t8-2 22210K 3gO+t- 25 7/8to 1 turn
23t16-21t4 22211K 4OS+t- 40 1 to 1-114 turns
NOTE:All WeightMust Be RemovedFromThe 23t8-21t2 22213K 4OS+t- 40 1 to 1-114 turns
BearingWhenObtainingThe "ZEROReference 2 1 1 t ' 1-63 22215K 405 +l- 40 1 to 1-114 turns
Point." 33t16-31t2 22218K 495 +l- 40 1-114to 1-112tu'ns
3 1 1 t 1 6- 4 22220K 495 +l- 40 1-114to 1-1l2turns,-
4 . Once"ZEROreference point"is reached,
scribea line 4 7 1 1 6- 4 1 1 2 22222K 450 +l- 40 ffiffiæffiffistrßffit
faceand adapter face(Picture 2). 4 1 5 / 1 6- 5 22226K 540 +l- 40
't-3l8to 1-5l8 turns
5 7 t 1 6 - 5 1 t 2 22228K 540+l- 40 1-3l8to I -5l8 turns
5 1 5 / 1 6- 6 22232K 405 +l- 40 1 to 1-114 turns
6 7 1 1-67 22236K 450+l- 40 1-118to 1-3/8turns
EXPANSION For2-Boltand4-BoltPillowBlocks:1) Remove
facingoutboard) ring;3) Re-
assemblecapon base;4) Torquecapboltsto
Align pillow block housing mountingholes with recommended torquevalues.(Table3)
substructure mountingholes.Push insertas far as
possible lf bearing
of thefixedbearing.
in thedirection
locknutis facingtowardfixed bearing,positionfloat DISMOUNTING
bearinginsertin centerof housing.(NOTE:This is 1. Remove weightoff bearingvia a slingorjacks.
necessarybecausein the processof mounting, 2. Removemounting boltsfrombearing.
bearing is being drawn toward locknut. Also
rememberto keep weight off of bearing.)(NOTE: 3. Removebuttonhead screwsand lockplatefrom
When pillowblock is subjectedto heavycap loads, the adapternut.
use hardenedwashersand properlytorquedboltsto 4. Usinga spannerwrenchturnthe locknutcounter-
obtain sufficientclamp force betweenthe bearing clockwiseuntilthe bearingunit is pushedoff the
blockandthemounting structure.) adaptersleevesufficientlyto permitthe releaseof
the adaptersleevefromthe shaft.
SIZE 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 2000 2500 >3000
1zlrc 4 3 2 2 1 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25
1t'tlrc 4 3 2 2 1 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25
1rslro.2 SM 4 3 2 2 1 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25
2LG.2slrc 3.5 2.5 1.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25
2tla.2tltø 3 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25
2ttlrc,2sl¿,2tslrc 3 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25
3zlrc 2.5 1.5 1 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25
3rs/ro 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.25 0.25
4zlrc 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.25
4tsl'tø 1.5 1 0.5 0.25
5tlrc-úlz 1.5 1 0.5 0.25
Stslrc-7 I
I 0.5 0.5 0.25
1 1 t 8- 1 1 t 2 3/16 7t32
1 5 t 8- 1 7t 8 114 7t32 ffi ÊE
1 1 5 t 1 6- 2 1t4 17164 &
213116 1t4 7132 415t16-5 1-8 512-640
J {.rl
8tzË rBtt¡EBt â B c D t F |l
I .y8
I}tau 068529 lú.tt o.co 0,sE r.63 2.n 1.14 o.â2 0,gr
ÌltBU 0s66Íþ 1t,{¡4 9.0ü 0.88 t,õl LÆ 1"24 0.æ 0.50
THFT' {FBE31 I 1.20 0.00 0.8t 2.13 2:t2. 1.36 0.3¿ ô.50
2-311:8 6€Ëtg2 't2.38 10.00 ù¿8 2,38 ¿98 1.49 0.¡14 s.60
TilRU û€6tüg 12.€8 t0,00 1.51 2.89 â¡¡{t 1.70 O.¡14 0.É0
rnFu 068634 tô.90 f¡1,00 1,Sf 3.f3 3,80 t.90 0.¡14 0.5{r
T1IRU 066635 17.49 r4.00 1,31 3.03 4.30 2.1t 0.¡14 0.50
Tflf,u 066636 17.75 tr+.00 t,?5 ¡¡.13 4.91 246 o.{4 0.50
+1n 06É&r 2t 36 r8.qt 1.75 4,Êf¡ 5.68 2.84 0.,14 0.50
$112 oôs842 27.82 r¿.oo 2.O0 5.63 o.w 4.03 0.8s 0.5.0
shouldbestudiedpriorto ¡nstallat¡on,
manuals or ma¡ntenânce
operat¡on o'
. eou¡oment.
ProperBolt Torque-by ZeroFasteners PageI of2
' @
Whatis the ProperTorqueto Useon a GivenBolt
bYJoe Greenslade
1t4-28 0.0364 7 7 10 12 5 15 16 7
5116-18 o.0524 12 f3 Þ 19 I 27 29 13
5116-24 0.0580 to 14 o 21 10 30 15
3t8-16 0.o775 10 17 17 47 52 24
318-24. 0.0878 24 ¿o 12 38 42 19 54 59 27
7t16-14. 0 .10 6 3 33 37 17 CJ 59 27 ¿o 83 38
7t16-24. 0.1187 37 41 19 60 30 85 93 42
112-13. 0.1419 51 56 25 a2 90 41 116 127 58
thatthistighteningvalueis validonlyso longas all of the aspectsof the application
Boltsupplierssometimeshavecustomerssay thattheirboltsare no goodbecausethey havestarted
breakingwhilebeinginstalled.Thoroughinvestigation commonlyrevealsthatthe customerhas
the boltsto makeassemblyeasier,but maintainedto sametorqueas was used
whenthe wereplainfinished
. K=0.22(zincplated)
. D=.750(314-10 nominaldiameter
. P=23.046pounds
Hopefullythe chartwill helpsupplierswith an initialanswerto the customer'squestion,"Whattorque
shouldI use to tightenmy bolts?"Keepin mindthis is only an estimatedvalue.lt may provide
satisfactoryperformance, but it alsomay not.Everyapplicationshouldbe evaluatedon its own to
determinethe optimumtorquevaluefor eachapplication. Majorboltsuppliersshouldhavetens¡on
indicatingequipmentnecessaryto helptheircustomersdeterminethe appropriate tighteningvalues
Keepin mindthat if the lubricanton a boltand nut combination
for theirspecificapplications. is
changed,the tighteningtorquevaluemustbe alteredto achievethe desiredamountof bolttension.
of Greenslade
JoeGreenslade in Rockford,
Inc.located Hisfim specializesin pfoviding
manufacturingtoolingand inspectionequipmentto suppliersof screws,bolts,rivets,and nuts
throughoutthe world.
Zero Products,Inc.
Houston, TX7701
Toll Free:800-991-1280
Installation Instructions
Models: VS2, VS2C, VS2EX, VS2EXR, VS2EXRB and VS94
Please read the following instructions before installing. A visual inspection of this product for damage during shipping is recommended before
mounting. It is your responsibility to have a qualified person install the unit, and make sure installation conforms with NEC and local codes.
VS-7037N page 1 of 8
3 in. 4-3/4 in.
(76 mm) (121 mm) 3 in. 4-3/4 in.
Slotted (76 mm) (121 mm)
Sensitivity Slotted
Reset Adjustment Sensitivity
Push Reset Adjustment
4-19/32 in. Button Push
(116 mm) Plug 5-7/16 in.
(138 mm) Button Weatherproof
Strain Relief
6 in.
(152 mm)
1/2 NPT
2-1/2 in.
(64 mm)
4-1/2 in. 9-1/8 in.
(114 mm) (232 mm)
Mounting Centers 10-3/16 in. Mounting Centers
(259 mm)
6-29/32 in.
(176 mm)
7-9/64 in. Reset
(181 mm) Push-button 4-5/8 in.
(118 mm)
6-1/2 in.
(165 mm) 3/4 NPT
1-5/8 in. conduit fitting
(41 mm)
4 in.
(102 mm)
Mounting slot
5/16 x 9/16 in. 4 in. 6-1/2 in.
(8 x 14 mm) (102 mm) (165 mm)
VS-7037N page 2 of 8
VS2 and VS2C • Remote Reset:(optional):
• Case: Weatherproof (equal to NEMA 3R) suitable for non-hazardous areas. Option Operating Current
VS2: Base mount -R15: 350 mA @ 115 VAC
VS2C: C-clamp mount. Includes 45 feet (13.7 meters), 2-conductor 16 -R24: 350 mA @ 24 VDC
AWG, 30 strands/0.25 mm strand dia. (1.5 mm2) cable, and five cable • Range adjustment: 0 - 7 G’s; 0 - 100 Hz /0.100 in. displacement.
hold down clamps.
• Contacts: SPDT double make leaf contacts, 5A @ 480 VAC.
• Case: Polyester fiberglass reinforced; NEMA type 4 and 4X; IP66; CSA
• Range adjustment: 0 - 7 G’s; 0 - 100 Hz /0.100 in. displacement.
types 4 and 12.
VS2EX • Conduit Fitting: 3/4 NPT conduit fitting connection.
• Case: Explosion-proof and weatherproof aluminum alloy housing; • Normal Operating Ambient Temperature:
meets NEMA 7 specifications; Class I, Division 1, Groups C & D; UL 0 to 140°F (-18 to 60°C).
and CSA listed.* • Snap-switches: 2-SPDT snap acting switches; 5A @ 480 VAC; 2A
VS2EX: base mount. resistive, 1A inductive, up to 30 VDC.
• Snap-switches: 2-SPDT snap-switches; 5A @ 480 VAC;* • Range adjustment: 0 - 7 G’s; 0 - 100 Hz /0.100 in. displacement.
2A resistive, 1A inductive, up to 30 VDC. • Heater (optional):
• Range adjustment: 0 - 7 G’s; 0 - 100 Hz /0.100 in. displacement. Option Operating Current
H15 .023 A @ 115 VAC
VS2EXR H23 .011 A @ 230 VAC
• Case: Same as VS2EX. H24 .12 A @ 24 VDC
• Snap-switch: 1-SPDT snap-switch and reset coil; 5A @ 480 VAC;* 2A • Remote Reset (optional):
resistive, 1A inductive, up to 30 VDC. Option Operating Current
• Remote Reset (optional): R15 .17 A @ 115 VAC
Option Operating Current R24 .36 A @ 24 VDC
-R15: 350 mA @ 115 VAC • Time Delay (optional):
-R24: 350 mA @ 24 VDC Option Operating Current Standby Current
• Range adjustment: 0 - 7 G’s; 0 - 100 Hz /0.100 in. displacement. T15 .360 A @ 115 VAC .01 A @ 115 VAC
VS2EXRB T24 1.15 A @ 24 VDC .01 A @ 24 VDC
• Case: Explosion-proof aluminum alloy housing; rated Class I, • Time Delay/Remote Reset: Adjustable 20-turn potentiometer from 5
Division 1, Group B hazardous areas. seconds to 6-1/2 minutes (15 seconds per turn approximately).
• Snap-switch: 1-SPDT snap-switch with reset coil (option available for
additional SPDT switch); 5A @ 480 VAC; 2A resistive, 1A inductive,
up to 30 VDC. *CSA and UL listed with 480 VAC rating.
orientation should be on a horizontal plane or with the sensitivity adjustment
WARNING: STOP THE MACHINE AND DISCONNECT ALL pointing down. Sensitivity adjustment for model VS2 is covered by a plug.
The plug must be in place and tight to prevent moisture or dust intrusion.
The VS2 and VS94 series shock switches are sensitive to shock and C-Clamp Installation (VS2C model only)
vibration in all three planes of motion - up/down, front/back and side/side.
Front/back is the most sensitive (The reset pushbutton is located on the A C-Clamp is supplied with the VS2C model only.
“front” of the unit). For maximum sensitivity mount the unit so that the The C-Clamp is shipped installed on the VS2C
front faces into the direction of rotation of the machine. (See Dimensions on but must be installed on the VS2EX and
page 2 for sensitivity adjustment location). VS2EXR switches.
The VS2 and VS94 Series must be firmly attached/mounted to the machine 1. The C-Clamp (B) will already be installed on C
so that all mounting surfaces are in rigid contact with the mounting surface a 1/4 in. (6 mm) thick steel mounting plate
of the machine. For best results, mount the instrument in-line with the (A). Bolt the VS2 switch to the mounting A
direction of rotating shafts and/or near bearings. In other words, the reset plate as illustrated — with four 5/16 in.
bolts, nuts, and washers. B
push button should be mounted pointing into the direction of shaft rotation
(see page 5). It may be necessary to provide a mounting plate or bracket to 2. The mounting location should provide
attach the VS2 and VS94 Series to the machine. The mounting bracket convenient access to the TATTLETALE® D
should be thick enough to prevent induced acceleration/vibration upon the push button (C).
VS2 or VS94 Series. Typically 1/2 in. (13mm) thick plate is sufficient. See 3. The hardened set screw and nuts (D) are used to tighten
illustrations on page 5 for typical mounting locations. the switch to an I-Beam or cross member such as a Sampson post of an
oilwell pumpjack.
CAUTION: A dust boot is provided on the reset pushbutton
for all series to prevent moisture or dust intrusion. The sensitivity
adjustment for model VS2EX is not sealed; therefore, mounting
Continued on next page.
VS-7037N page 3 of 8
All Models allow the machine to stop. Turn the sensitivity adjustment 1/4 turn
clockwise, (adjustment for VS94 and VS2EXRB models is located within
the box, see DETAIL “B”).
1. Firmly secure the unit to the equipment using the base foot mount or OPENING THE EXPLOSION-PROOF (-EX) ENCLOSURES.
C-Clamp if applicable. See C-Clamp Installation page 3.
For oilwell pumpjacks attach the VS2 and VS94 Series to the Sampson Depress the reset button and restart the machine.
post or walking beam. See Typical Mounting Locations page 5. Repeat this process until the unit does not trip DETAIL “B”
on start-up.
2. Make the necessary electrical connections to the vibration switch. See
Less Sensitivity
Internal Switches, page 6 for electrical terminal locations and page 7 for 5. If the instrument does NOT trip on start-up, Sensitive adjustment
typical wiring diagrams. DO NOT EXCEED VOLTAGE OR CURRENT stop the machine. Turn the sensitivity
RATINGS OF THE CONTACTS. Follow appropriate electrical adjustment 1/4 turn counter-clockwise.
codes/methods when making electrical connections. Be sure that the run of Repeat the start-up/stop process until the
electrical cable is secured to the machine and is well insulated from instrument trips on start-up. Turn the
electrical shorting. Use of conduit is recommended. sensitivity adjustment 1/4 turn clockwise (less
NOTE: If the electrical cable crosses a pivot point such as at the pivot of sensitive). Restart the machine to verify that the More Sensitive
the walking beam, be sure to allow enough slack in the cable so that no instrument will not trip on start-up.
stress is placed on the cable when the beam moves. 6. Verify that the unit will trip when abnormal shock/vibration exists.
If conduit is not used for the entire length of wiring, conduit should be
used from the electrical supply box to a height above ground level that VS94 Time Delay Adjustment
prevents damage to the exposed cable from the elements, rodents, etc. or WARNING: REMOVE ALL POWER BEFORE OPENING
as otherwise required by applicable electrical codes. If conduit is not ACCESS DOOR. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO HAVE A
attached directly to the VS2 and VS94 Series switch, use a strain relief QUALIFIED PERSON ADJUST THE UNIT, AND MAKE SURE
bushing and a weatherproof cap on the exposed end of the conduit. A IT CONFORMS WITH NEC AND LOCAL CODES.
“drip loop” should be provided in the cable to prevent moisture from 1. Apply power to the time delay circuit. (see
draining down the cable into the conduit should the weathercap fail. page 7 for time delay circuit). The time delay DETAIL “C”
Sensitivity Adjustment function will be initiated.
2. Time the length of the delay with a watch.
Let time delay expire. After it expires, the
override circuit will de-energize the Turn to
SURE IT CONFORMS WITH NEC AND LOCAL CODES. DO solenoid, allowing the latch arm to trip. A
Turn to
All models of the VS2 and VS94 Series cover a wide range of sensitivity.
NOTE: Allow 30 seconds bleed-time between
Each model is adjusted to the specific piece of machinery on which it is
turning the power “OFF” and “ON”.
installed. After the switch has been installed in a satisfactory location (see
page 5) the sensitivity adjustment will be increased or decreased so that the 4. Locate the time adjustment pot (DETAIL “C”). The time is factory-set at the
switch does not trip during start-up or under normal operating conditions. lowest setting (5 seconds approximately). To increase time, rotate the
This is typically done as follows: 20-turn pot clockwise as needed (15 seconds per turn approximately).
5. Repeat the above steps as necessary to obtain desired time delay.
ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURES. NOTE: An external time delay can be used with the remote reset feature
2. Press the reset push button to engage the magnetic latch. To be sure the of the VS2EXR series to provide a remote reset and override of the trip
magnetic latch has engaged, observe latch operation on start-up. Time delay must automatically disconnect after
through the window on the VS2 and DETAIL “A”
VS2C (see DETAIL “A”). On the
VS2EX, VS94 series the reset button Reset Push button
VS-7037N page 4 of 8
These are typical mounting locations for best operation. Other mountings are possible.
NOTE: See Installation section on page 3.
2-Throw Balance-Opposed Compressor Pumping Unit
NOTE: If installing on
cylinders, 2 vibration/shock Reset
switches are recommended-
1 for each cylinder.
Engine Compressor
Turbine Centrifugal Reset
VS-7037N page 5 of 8
NO1 NC COM NO2 Terminal
SPDT Snap-Switch
SPDT Switch Terminals
Ground Terminal
SPDT Snap-Switch Snap-Switch Optional SPDT
(VS2EXRB only)
Time Delay and/or
Remote Reset
SPDT Terminal (Optional)
NC NO COM Ground
NC NO COM Sensitivity
Heater Board
Terminal (Optional)
VS-7037N page 6 of 8
CD Ignition Resistor
2 To good (100 Ω, 3 Watt)
Resistor engine ground
(100 Ω, 3 Watt)
CD Ignition
CD Ignition
To good
engine ground
Typical Wiring Diagram for Electric Motors Typical Wiring Diagram for Distributor Ignition or Diesel
Contacts shown Switch Terminals Contacts shown
Switch Terminals in the RESET position NOTE: Terminal N.O. is in the RESET position
NOTE: Terminal N.O. is N.O. N.C. COM
N.O. N.C. COM terminal NO1 on models
terminal NO1 on models (see Note)
(see Note) VS2 and VS2C.
VS2 and VS2C.
L1 L2 L3 Push-button
Diesel Fuel
Shutoff Valve Ignition Coil Distributor Battery
VS-7037N page 7 of 8
P.O. Box 1819; Rosenberg, Texas 77471; USA Church Rd.; Laverstock, Salisbury SP1 1QZ; U.K. 1620 Hume Highway
(281) 342-0297 fax (281) 341-6006 +44 1722 410055 fax +44 1722 410088 Campbellfield, Vic 3061; Australia
FWMurphy e-mail sales@fwmurphy.com e-mail sales@fwmurphy.co.uk +61 3 9358-5555 fax +61 3 9358-5558
P.O. Box 470248 www.fwmurphy.co.uk e-mail murphy@macquarrie.com.au
(918) 317-4100 Blvd. Antonio Rocha Cordero 300, Fracción del Aguaje 41343 12th Street West
fax (918) 317-4266 San Luis Potosí, S.L.P.; México 78384 Palmdale, California 93551-1442; USA
+52-444-8206264 fax +52-444-8206336
VS-7037N page 8 of 8
Gearmotors and Gear Reducers 01 805 52 US
Warning! Always ensure equipment is secure and electrical
power is off before removing or performing maintenance on
the drive assembly. Oil levels and oil quality should be checked
at regular intervals, determined by usage and the environment.
Grease and oil should be changed per the recommendations on
page 2. Check coupling alignment, chain or belt tension, and
mounting bolt torque periodically. Keep the drive relatively free
of dust and dirt.
For additional information, call the SEW FAXline, 1-800-601-6195, and request document number shown.
+14 Non-Leaded
Mobilgear Shell Omala BP Energol Kluberoil
to VG220 Gear Meropa 220
630 Oil 220 GP-XP 220 GEM 1-220
+104 Compound
R 220
F Oil
K Chevron
-4 Non-Leaded
VG150 Mobilgear Shell Omala BP Energol Kluberoil
to Gear Meropa 150
VG100 629 Oil 100 GP-XP 100 GEM 1-150
+77 Compound
+32 Non-Leaded
Mobilgear Shell Omala BP Energol Kluberoil
to VG680 Gear Meropa 680
636 Oil 680 GP-XP 680 GEM 1-680
+104 Compound
S Oil
+5 Non-Leaded
Mobilgear Shell Omala BP Energol Kluberoil
to VG220 Gear Meropa 220
630 Oil 220 GP-XP 220 GEM 1-220
+77 Compound
Synth. Oil to Consult Factory For Use of Synthetic Oils
to Consult Factory For Use of Grease Filled Reducers
Oil levels and oil quality should be checked at frequent intervals, Grease packed bearings should be cleaned and regreased ev-
depending on usage. Oil changes are required at intervals of ery 10,000 hours or 20,000 hours for synthetic grease. Input
10,000 operating hours or every two years, whichever comes first. (high speed) bearings should not be overgreased. They
If a synthetic oil lubricant is used, then this period can be extended should be filled with grease not to exceed 1/3 of the bearing’s
to 20,000 operating hours or every four years, whichever comes free volume. For output bearings and bearings with replace-
first. In applications where hostile operating conditions exist, able grease shields, fill to 2/3 of their free volume.
such as high humidity, corrosive environment, or large tempera-
ture changes, the lubricant should be changed at more frequent in- ATTENTION
tervals. When the recommended lubricant is not avilable, it is permis-
The gear units W20 and W30 are supplied with a synthetic oil sible to use a lubricant having equivalent characteristics but
which is good for the life of the reducer, independent of the mount- we do not recommend that lubricants of different brands be
ing position. mixed. Under no circumstances should synthetic lubricants
be mixed with one another or with one having a mineral base.
The approximate lubricant in US gallons and liters per mounting position is as follows:
Mounting Position
1) 1) 2) 2) 2)
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6
Gear Unit Gallons Liters Gallons Liters Gallons Liters Gallons Liters Gallons Liters Gallons Liters
RX57 0.16 0.6 0.21 0.8 0.34 1.3 0.34 1.3 0.24 0.9 0.24 0.9
RX67 0.21 0.8 0.21 0.8 0.45 1.7 0.50 1.9 0.29 1.1 0.29 1.1
RX77 0.29 1.1 0.40 1.5 0.69 2.6 0.71 2.7 0.42 1.6 0.42 1.6
RX87 0.45 1.7 0.66 2.5 1.27 4.8 1.27 4.8 0.77 2.9 0.77 2.9
RX97 0.55 2.1 0.90 3.4 1.96 7.4 1.85 7 1.27 4.8 1.27 4.8
RX107 1.03 3.9 1.48 5.6 3.06 11.6 3.14 11.9 2.03 7.7 2.03 7.7
RXF57 0.13 0.5 0.21 0.8 0.29 1.1 0.29 1.1 0.18 0.7 0.18 0.7
RXF67 0.18 0.7 0.21 0.8 0.40 1.5 0.45 1.7 0.26 1 0.26 1
RXF77 0.24 0.9 0.40 1.5 0.63 2.4 0.66 2.5 0.42 1.6 0.42 1.6
RXF87 0.42 1.6 0.66 2.5 1.29 4.9 1.24 4.7 0.77 2.9 0.77 2.9
RXF97 0.55 2.1 0.95 3.6 1.88 7.1 1.85 7 1.27 4.8 1.27 4.8
RXF107 0.82 3.1 1.56 5.9 2.96 11.2 2.77 10.5 1.90 7.2 1.90 7.2
R17/R17F 0.07 0.25 0.16 0.6 0.09 0.35 0.16 0.6 0.09 0.35 0.09 0.35
0.07 0.25
R27/R27F 0.18 0.7 0.11 0.4 0.18 0.7 0.11 0.4 0.11 0.4
(0.11) (0.4)
0.08 0.3
R37/R37F 0.24 0.9 0.26 1 0.29 1.1 0.21 0.8 0.26 1
(0.26) (1)
0.18 0.7
R47/R47F 0.42 1.6 0.40 1.5 0.45 1.7 0.40 1.5 0.40 1.5
(0.40) (1.5)
0.21 0.8
R57/R57F 0.50 1.9 0.45 1.7 0.55 2.1 0.45 1.7 0.45 1.7
(0.45) (1.7)
0.29 1.1 0.69 2.6
R67/R67F 0.74 2.8 0.85 3.2 0.48 1.8 0.53 2
(0.61) (2.3) (0.92) (3.5)
0.32 1.2 1.00 3.8
R77/R77F 0.95 3.6 1.14 4.3 0.66 2.5 0.90 3.4
(0.79) (3) (1.14) (4.3)
0.61 2.3 1.77 6.7
R87/R87F 1.90 7.2 2.03 7.7 1.66 6.3 1.72 6.5
(1.59) (6) (2.22) (8.4)
1.22 4.6 3.09 11.7
R97 3.09 11.7 3.54 13.4 2.99 11.3 3.09 11.7
(2.59) (9.8) (3.70) (14)
1.59 6
R107 4.31 16.3 4.46 16.9 5.07 19.2 3.49 13.2 4.20 15.9
(3.62) (13.7)
2.64 10
R137 7.40 28 7.79 29.5 8.32 31.5 6.61 25 6.61 25
(6.61) (25)
4.07 15.4
R147 12.29 46.5 12.68 48 13.74 52 10.44 39.5 10.83 41
(10.57) (40)
7.13 27
R167 21.66 82 20.61 78 23.25 88 17.44 66 18.23 69
(18.49) (70)
RF17 0.07 0.25 0.16 0.6 0.09 0.35 0.16 0.6 0.09 0.35 0.09 0.35
0.07 0.25
RF27 0.18 0.7 0.11 0.4 0.18 0.7 0.11 0.4 0.11 0.4
(0.11) (0.4)
0.11 0.4
RF37 0.24 0.9 0.26 1 0.29 1.1 0.21 0.8 0.26 1
(0.26) (1)
0.18 0.7
RF47 0.42 1.6 0.40 1.5 0.45 1.7 0.40 1.5 0.40 1.5
(0.40) (1.5)
0.21 0.8
RF/RM57 0.48 1.8 0.45 1.7 0.53 2 0.45 1.7 0.45 1.7
(0.45) (1.7)
0.32 1.2 0.71 2.7
RF/RM67 0.71 2.7 0.82 3.1 0.50 1.9 0.55 2.1
(0.66) (2.5) (0.95) (3.6)
RF/RM77 0.32 1.2 1.00 3.8 0.87 3.3 1.08 4.1 0.63 2.4 0.79 3
(0.69) (2.6) (1.08) (4.1)
RF/RM87 0.63 2.4 1.8 6.8 1.88 7.1 2.03 7.7 1.66 6.3 1.69 6.4
(1.59) (6) (2.09) (7.9)
1.35 5.1 3.14 11.9
RF/RM97 (2.69) (10.2) (3.70) (14) 2.96 11.2 3.70 14 2.96 11.2 3.12 11.8
1.66 6.3
RF/RM107 (3.94) (14.9) 4.20 15.9 4.49 17 5.07 19.2 3.46 13.1 4.20 15.9
2.51 9.5
RF/RM137 7.13 27 7.66 29 8.59 32.5 6.61 25 6.61 25
(6.61) (25)
4.33 16.4
RF/RM147 (11.10) (42) 12.42 47 12.68 48 13.74 52 11.10 42 11.10 42
For additional information on R-Series mounting positions, refer to the SEW Catalog or
call the SEW FAXline, 1-800-601-6195, and request Document #2111.
The approximate lubricant in US gallons and liters per mounting position is as follows:
Mounting Position
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6
Gear Unit Gallons Liters Gallons Liters Gallons Liters Gallons Liters Gallons Liters Gallons Liters
F27 0.16 0.6 0.21 0.8 0.18 0.7 0.18 0.7 0.16 0.6 0.16 0.6
F37 0.26 1 0.32 1.2 0.18 0.7 0.32 1.2 0.26 1 0.29 1.1
F47 0.40 1.5 0.48 1.8 0.29 1.1 0.50 1.9 0.40 1.5 0.45 1.7
F57 0.69 2.6 0.98 3.7 0.55 2.1 0.92 3.5 0.74 2.8 0.77 2.9
F67 0.71 2.7 1.00 3.8 0.50 1.9 1.00 3.8 0.77 2.9 0.85 3.2
F77 1.32 5 1.93 7.3 1.14 4.3 2.11 8 1.59 6 1.66 6.3
F87 2.64 10 3.43 13 2.03 7.7 3.65 13.8 2.85 10.8 2.91 11
F97 4.89 18.5 5.94 22.5 3.33 12.6 6.66 25.2 4.89 18.5 5.28 20
F107 6.47 24.5 8.45 32 5.15 19.5 9.91 37.5 7.13 27 7.13 27
F127 10.70 40.5 14.53 55 8.98 34 16.12 61 12.29 46.5 12.42 47
F157 18.23 69 27.48 104 16.64 63 27.74 105 22.72 86 20.61 78
FF27 0.16 0.6 0.21 0.8 0.18 0.7 0.18 0.7 0.16 0.6 0.16 0.6
FF37 0.26 1 0.32 1.2 0.18 0.7 0.34 1.3 0.26 1 0.29 1.1
FF47 0.42 1.6 0.50 1.9 0.29 1.1 0.50 1.9 0.40 1.5 0.45 1.7
FF57 0.74 2.8 1.00 3.8 0.55 2.1 0.98 3.7 0.77 2.9 0.79 3
FF67 0.71 2.7 1.00 3.8 0.50 1.9 1.00 3.8 0.77 2.9 0.85 3.2
FF77 1.35 5.1 1.93 7.3 1.14 4.3 2.14 8.1 1.59 6 1.66 6.3
FF87 2.72 10.3 3.49 13.2 2.06 7.8 3.73 14.1 2.91 11 2.96 11.2
FF97 5.02 19 5.94 22.5 3.33 12.6 6.74 25.5 4.99 18.9 5.42 20.5
FF107 6.74 25.5 8.45 32 5.15 19.5 10.17 38.5 7.27 27.5 7.40 28
FF127 10.96 41.5 14.80 56 8.98 34 16.64 63 12.29 46.5 12.95 49
FF157 19.02 72 27.74 105 16.91 64 28.01 106 22.99 87 20.87 79
FAF/FHF/FVF27 0.16 0.6 0.21 0.8 0.18 0.7 0.18 0.7 0.16 0.6 0.16 0.6
FAF/FHF/FVF37 0.26 1 0.32 1.2 0.18 0.7 0.32 1.2 0.26 1 0.29 1.1
FAF/FHF/FVF47 0.40 1.5 0.48 1.8 0.29 1.1 0.50 1.9 0.40 1.5 0.45 1.7
FAF/FHF/FVF57 0.71 2.7 1.00 3.8 0.55 2.1 0.95 3.6 0.77 2.9 0.79 3
FAF/FHF/FVF67 0.71 2.7 1.00 3.8 0.50 1.9 1.00 3.8 0.77 2.9 0.85 3.2
FAF/FHF/FVF77 1.32 5 1.93 7.3 1.14 4.3 2.11 8 1.59 6 1.66 6.3
FAF/FHF/FVF87 2.64 10 3.43 13 2.03 7.7 3.65 13.8 2.85 10.8 2.91 11
FAF/FHF/FVF97 4.89 18.5 5.94 22.5 3.33 12.6 6.61 25 4.89 18.5 5.28 20
FAF/FHF/FVF107 6.47 24.5 8.45 32 5.15 19.5 9.91 37.5 7.13 27 7.13 27
FAF/FHF/FVF127 10.30 39 14.53 55 8.98 34 16.12 61 11.89 45 12.29 46.5
FAF/FHF/FVF157 17.97 68 27.21 103 16.38 62 27.48 104 22.46 85 20.34 77
For additional information on F-Series mounting positions, refer to the SEW Catalog or
call the SEW FAXline, 1-800-601-6195, and request Document #2112.
The approximate lubricant in US gallons and liters per mounting position is as follows:
Mounting Position
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6
Gear Unit Gallons Liters Gallons Liters Gallons Liters Gallons Liters Gallons Liters Gallons Liters
K37 0.13 0.5 0.26 1 0.26 1 0.34 1.3 0.26 1 0.26 1
K47 0.21 0.8 0.34 1.3 0.40 1.5 0.53 2 0.42 1.6 0.42 1.6
K57 0.32 1.2 0.61 2.3 0.66 2.5 0.79 3 0.69 2.6 0.63 2.4
K67 0.29 1.1 0.63 2.4 0.69 2.6 0.90 3.4 0.69 2.6 0.69 2.6
K77 0.58 2.2 1.08 4.1 1.16 4.4 1.56 5.9 1.11 4.2 1.16 4.4
K87 0.98 3.7 2.11 8 2.30 8.7 2.88 10.9 2.06 7.8 2.11 8
K97 1.85 7 3.70 14 4.15 15.7 5.28 20 4.15 15.7 4.10 15.5
K107 2.64 10 5.55 21 6.74 25.5 8.85 33.5 6.34 24 6.34 24
K127 5.55 21 10.96 41.5 11.62 44 14.27 54 10.57 40 10.83 41
K157 8.19 31 16.38 62 17.17 65 23.78 90 15.32 58 16.38 62
K/KH167 9.25 35 26.42 100 26.42 100 33.03 125 22.46 85 22.46 85
K/KH187 15.85 60 44.91 170 44.91 170 54.16 205 34.35 130 34.35 130
KF37 0.13 0.5 0.29 1.1 0.29 1.1 0.40 1.5 0.26 1 0.26 1
KF47 0.21 0.8 0.34 1.3 0.45 1.7 0.58 2.2 0.42 1.6 0.42 1.6
KF57 0.34 1.3 0.61 2.3 0.71 2.7 0.79 3 0.77 2.9 0.71 2.7
KF67 0.29 1.1 0.63 2.4 0.74 2.8 0.95 3.6 0.71 2.7 0.71 2.7
KF77 0.55 2.1 1.08 4.1 1.16 4.4 1.59 6 1.19 4.5 1.19 4.5
KF87 0.98 3.7 2.17 8.2 2.38 9 3.14 11.9 2.22 8.4 2.22 8.4
KF97 1.85 7 3.88 14.7 4.57 17.3 5.68 21.5 4.15 15.7 4.36 16.5
KF107 2.64 10 5.81 22 6.87 26 9.25 35 6.61 25 6.61 25
KF127 5.55 21 10.96 41.5 12.15 46 14.53 55 10.83 41 10.83 41
KF157 8.19 31 17.44 66 18.23 69 24.31 92 16.38 62 16.38 62
KAF/KHF/KVF37 0.13 0.5 0.26 1 0.26 1 0.37 1.4 0.26 1 0.26 1
KAF/KHF/KVF47 0.21 0.8 0.34 1.3 0.42 1.6 0.55 2.1 0.42 1.6 0.42 1.6
KAF/KHF/KVF57 0.34 1.3 0.61 2.3 0.71 2.7 0.79 3 0.77 2.9 0.71 2.7
KAF/KHF/KVF67 0.29 1.1 0.63 2.4 0.71 2.7 0.95 3.6 0.69 2.6 0.69 2.6
KAF/KHF/KVF77 0.55 2.1 1.08 4.1 1.22 4.6 1.59 6 1.16 4.4 1.16 4.4
KAF/KHF/KVF87 0.98 3.7 2.17 8.2 2.32 8.8 2.93 11.1 2.11 8 2.11 8
KAF/KHF/KVF97 1.85 7 3.88 14.7 4.15 15.7 5.28 20 4.15 15.7 4.15 15.7
KAF/KHF/KVF107 2.64 10 5.42 20.5 6.34 24 8.45 32 6.34 24 6.34 24
KAF/KHF/KVF127 5.55 21 10.96 41.5 11.36 43 13.74 52 10.57 40 10.57 40
KAF/KHF/KVF157 8.19 31 17.44 66 17.70 67 22.99 87 16.38 62 16.38 62
For additional information on K-Series mounting positions, refer to the SEW Catalog or
call the SEW FAXline, 1-800-601-6195, and request Document #2113.
The approximate lubricant in US gallons and liters per mounting position is as follows:
Mounting Position
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6
Gear Unit Gallons Liters Gallons Liters Gallons Liters Gallons Liters Gallons Liters Gallons Liters
S37 0.07 0.25 0.11 0.4 0.13 0.5 0.16 0.6 0.11 0.4 0.11 0.4
0.18 0.7
S47 0.09 0.35 0.21 0.8 0.29 1.1 0.21 0.8 0.21 0.8
(0.24) (0.9)
0.26 1
S57 0.13 0.5 0.32 1.2 0.40 1.5 0.34 1.3 0.34 1.3
(0.32) (1.2)
0.58 2.2
S67 0.26 1 0.53 2 0.85 3.2 0.69 2.6 0.69 2.6
(0.82) (3.1)
0.98 3.7
S77 0.50 1.9 1.11 4.2 1.59 6 1.16 4.4 1.16 4.4
(1.43) (5.4)
1.82 6.9
S87 0.87 3.3 2.14 8.1 3.17 12 2.22 8.4 2.22 8.4
(2.75) (10.4)
3.54 13.4
S97 1.80 6.8 3.96 15 5.94 22.5 4.49 17 4.49 17
(4.76) (18)
SF37 0.07 0.25 0.11 0.4 0.13 0.5 0.16 0.6 0.11 0.4 0.11 0.4
0.24 0.9
SF47 0.11 0.4 0.24 0.9 0.32 1.2 0.26 1 0.26 1
(0.29) (1.1)
0.26 1
SF57 0.13 0.5 0.32 1.2 0.42 1.6 0.37 1.4 0.37 1.4
(0.40) (1.5)
0.61 2.3
SF67 0.26 1 0.58 2.2 0.85 3.2 0.71 2.7 0.71 2.7
(0.79) (3)
1.03 3.9
SF77 0.50 1.9 1.08 4.1 1.72 6.5 1.29 4.9 1.29 4.9
(1.53) (5.8)
1.88 7.1
SF87 1.00 3.8 2.11 8 3.17 12 2.40 9.1 2.40 9.1
(2.67) (10.1)
3.65 13.8
SF97 1.96 7.4 3.96 15 6.24 23.6 4.76 18 4.76 18
(4.97) (18.8)
SAF/SHF37 0.07 0.25 0.11 0.4 0.13 0.5 0.16 0.6 0.11 0.4 0.11 0.4
SAF/SHF47 0.11 0.4 0.21 0.8 0.18 0.7 0.29 2)
For additional information on S-Series mounting positions, refer to the SEW Catalog or
call the SEW FAXline, 1-800-601-6195, and request Document #2114.
Comparison of The following table shows how the old SEW mounting position designations have been
old/new transferred into the new system:
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6
R, RX B3 V6 B8 V5 B6 B7
R..F B35 V36 B85 V15 B65 B75
F FA..B B3 B3I
FH..B B6 V6 B6II V5 B8 B8I
FH FAZ H1 H6 H2 H5 H4 H3
K KA..B B3 B6 B3I V5 V6
166/167 B5/I B5/II V1/ V1/I
B3/B5I B65 B8/B5III B6/B5II V15 V6/V1I
KH KAZ H1 H4 H2 H3 H5 H6
B3 V6
S B6I B6 B8 B3I V5 V6I
B8II (S37) B8I B3II B6II V5I V5II (S37)
SHF H1 H4 H2 H3 H5 H6
Example A KA77B helical-bevel gear unit which previously had the mounting position designation
B3I or B6II is now specified using the mounting position designation M4.
USCS 0102 1
F-Series SEW
Mounting Positions
Position of the Possible positions of the terminal box are 0˚, 90˚, 180˚ or 270˚ as viewed onto the fan
motor terminal box guard = B-side (→ Fig. 9).
and cable entry In addition, the position of the cable entry can be selected. The possibilities are "X"
(= default position), "1", "2" or "3" (→ Fig. 9).
X 270˚
0˚ 180˚
1 3
• Cable entry "2" with terminal box position 0˚, 90˚, and 270˚ or "X" with terminal box
position 180˚ are not possible with R47, F57, K47, or S57 (or larger) or with an IEC
flange greater than 120mm.
Direction of If the drive has a RS backstop, it is necessary to stipulate the direction of drive rotation.
rotation of the drive The following definition applies:
with a backstop
Clockwise (CW) = Rotating to the right
Looking onto the output shaft:
Counterclockwise (CCW) = Rotating to the left
2 USCS 0102
SEW F-Series
Mounting Positions
Position of the In right-angle gear units, it is necessary to indicate the position of the output shaft and
output shaft and output flange:
the output flange • A or B or A+B (→ Fig. 11)
Position of the In shaft mounted right-angle gear units with shrink disk, it is necessary to indicate
connection end in whether the A or B end is the connection end. In Fig. 12, the A end is the connection
right-angle gear end. The shrink disk is located opposite the connection end.
Connection end at bottom only is possible with K167/K187 helical-bevel gear units in
mounting positions M5 and M6.
Sample orders
Type Mtg. Shaft Flange Connection Position of Position of Position of Dir. of rot. of
(examples) pos. with with end shrink disk terminal box cable entry the output
K47DT71D4/RS M2 A - - - 0˚ "X" CW
SF77DV100L4 M6 A+B A+B - - 90˚ "3" -
KA97DV132M4 M4 - - B - 270˚ "2" -
KH107DV160L4 M1 - - A B 180˚ "3" -
WF20DT71D4 - A A - - 0˚ "X" -
USCS 0102 3
F-Series SEW
Mounting Positions
Breather valve
Churning losses
Increased churning losses may arise in some mounting positions. Please contact SEW in case
* → page XX
of the following combinations:
Input speed
Mounting position Gear unit type Gear unit size
97 – 107 > 2500
M2, M4 R
> 107 >1500
97 – 107 > 2500
> 107 > 1500
M2, M3, M4, M5, M6 77 – 107 > 2500
> 107 > 1500
S 77 – 97 > 2500
4 USCS 0102
SEW F-Series
Mounting Positions
x 270˚
0˚ 180˚ 1 3
x x x
* M2 *
* M6
180˚ x 0˚ x
x x 180˚
F..27 M1 M6
* → page 4
USCS 0102 5
F-Series SEW
Mounting Positions
x 270˚
0˚ 180˚ 1 3
x x x
FF47 x
M4 * M2
x 0˚
* M6
x x x
180˚ 0˚
0˚ 180˚
x x x
F..27 M1 M6
* → page 4
6 USCS 0102
SEW F-Series
Mounting Positions
FA/FH27-157, FV27-107
x 270˚
0˚ 180˚ 1 3
x 90˚ x x
FA47 x
M4 * M2 *
0˚ x
x 0˚
M3 *
M5 * M6 *
x x x
180˚ 0˚
x x x 180˚
USCS 0102 7
TorqLOC Gear Units 02 758 82 US
GENERAL Place the flexible motor spider between the jaws of the motor
coupling. Align the motor coupling so that the jaws on the reducer
This operating instruction pertains to the mounting of NEMA coupling mesh with the motor coupling. The motor shaft will
“TC” and IEC type motors to the AM adapter. The AM adapter is extend into the bore of the reducer coupling. Secure the flanged
used to mount NEMA type “TC” or IEC flanged motors to motor to the AM adapter with the required hardware specified by
SEW-Eurodrive gear reducers. The AM adapter has been the motor manufacturer.
designed to allow easy mounting of the motor to the adapter. The
AM size corresponds to the compatible NEMA and IEC motor Tighten
Key Setscrew
frame designations. If you have any questions concerning this
instruction, contact the nearest SEW-Eurodrive Assembly Center.
This operating instruction should be used together with the
general operating instruction “Gearmotors and Gear Reducers”.
Mounting Coupling
Flanged Motor
AM Adapter
With every adapter, SEW-Eurodrive supplies the motor coupling
half, a key, a flexible coupling spider and mounting paste. Coat the
motor shaft with the mounting paste supplied by SEW (a food grade NEMA Adapter Coupling Location
version, USDA H1, is available upon request). The use of the paste
will aid in the mounting of the motor coupling half as well as allow
NEMA Coupling
for easier removal of the motor coupling at a later date.
Motor Shaft Location
NOTE: The motor coupling must be mounted with the
supplied parts. Failure to use the supplied parts could
void the SEW-Eurodrive Warranty.
The mounting instructions for the motor coupling half are as Coupling
follows. Refer to the diagram(s) to the right.
Remove any dirt or adhesive residue from the motor shaft. Apply *Coupling Location
the SEW supplied mounting paste to the motor shaft. Dimension
Adapter Size Motor Frame (in.)
The SEW supplied key is to be placed in the motor keyway and AM56 56C 1.23
should be located under the motor coupling.
AM143/145 143/145TC 1.68
AM182/184 182/184TC 2.10
NOTE: The key is not to extend beyond the coupling AM213/215 213/215TC 2.76
bore on the EITHER side.
AM254/256 254/256TC 3.65
AM284/286 284/286TC 4.00
NEMA Adapter Sizes AM56-AM365
AM324/326 324/326TC 3.88
• The motor coupling is to be mounted on the motor shaft
AM364/365 364/365TC 4.51
and is to be located accordingly (see chart).
*Coupling Location Dimension Tolerance is -0.0 / +0.03125
IEC Adapter Sizes AM63-AM280
• The motor coupling is to be mounted on the motor shaft NOTE: For mounting a motor other than a type "TC"
and is to be located against the shoulder. NEMA motor to the NEMA AM adapter, please see
operation instruction #23 756 00 US.
Tighten the setscrew located on the motor coupling.
& ASSEMBLY CENTER 2001 West Main Street/Troy OH 45373 30599 San Antonio Road/Hayward CA 94544
1295 Old Spartanburg Highway/Lyman SC 29365 (937) 335-0036 Fax: (937) 222-4104 (510) 487-3560 Fax: (510) 487-6381
(864) 439-7537 Fax: (864) 439-7830
T4 T5 T6 T4 T5 T6 T11 T12 T13
U2 V2 W2
2U 2V 2W
U5 V5 W5 U5 V5 W5
T7 T8 T9 T7 T8 T9 T11 T12 T13
1U 1V 1W
U1 V1 W1 U1 V1 W1 T1 T2 T3
T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3
1U 1V 1W
T1 T2 T3
L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3
Frame Size
DT71 thru DV132S
T5 T6 T4
Single-Speed / Dual-Voltage Connection
SEW-Eurodrive, Inc. USA
Diagram 2U 2V 2W
1U 1V 1W
∇∇ ∇ T1 T2 T3 T5 T6 T4
Low Voltage High Voltage
(See Motor Nameplate) (See Motor Nameplate) 1U 1V 1W
U6 V6 W6
* * T1 T2 T3
U6 V6 W6
Low Speed High Speed
(See Motor Nameplate) (See Motor Nameplate)
2U 2V 2W L1 L2 L3
T5 T6 T4
Frame Size Low Voltage High Voltage V6 U6 W6 2U 2V 2W
T8 T9 T7
DT71 thru DV225 200V - 50Hz 346V - 50Hz T5 T6 T4
208V - 60Hz 360V - 60Hz 1U 1V 1W V6 U6 W6
T1 T2 T3 T8 T9 T7
220V - 50Hz 380V - 50Hz
230V - 50Hz 400V - 50Hz * * 1U
240V - 50Hz 415V - 50Hz L1 L2 L3 * *
330V - 60Hz 575V - 60Hz *Customer Supplied Motor Starter Contacts
Diagram ∇
Low Voltage
∇ Low Speed High Speed
High Voltage (See Motor Nameplate) (See Motor Nameplate)
(See Motor Nameplate) (See Motor Nameplate)
2U1 2V1 2W1 L1 L2 L3
T6 T4 T5 T6 T4 T5 2U1 2V1 2W1
W2 U2 V2 2W2 2U2 2V2 T11 T12 T13
T16 T14 T15
U1 V1 W1 2W2 2U2 2V2
U1 V1 W1 1U 1V 1W T16 T14 T15
T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3
1U 1V 1W
T1 T2 T3
L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3
USCS 0100
Return To Index
Snuggler® Gear Reducer
FA/FH/FV/FT37(B)A 42 251 595T US
1 FA37(B)A 1.250 in. Dia. Bore 4 FV37(B)A Side 1 of 2
2 FA37(B)A 30mm Dia. Bore 5 FT37(B)A
3 FH37(B)A
2-gear stages 3-gear stages
When ordering parts, please supply nameplate data with serial number A - Standard Bore
or S.O. number, model number, description of part and part number. B - Optional Bore
All gears are stamped with a part number. N - Nickel Plated.
X - As required S - Stainless Steel.
Shaded items denote recommended spare parts.
Item Part Name Description Part No Qty Item Part Name Description Part No Qty
1 Pinion 1 22 Gearcase Foot Mounted 642 045 1 1
2 Gear 1 25 Ball Bearing 6009-Z 011 280 1 1
3 Pinion Shaft 1 29 Anaerobic Sealant Tube 910 255 8 X
4 Gear 1 30 Ball Bearing 6301 010 505 8 1
5 Pinion Shaft 1 31 Key AB5x5x12mm 013 540 2 1
6 Gear 1 32 Spacer 115 893 7 1
7 Hollowshaft 1 1.250 in. Bore 643 278 6 1 37 Ball Bearing 6302 010 506 6 1
7 Hollowshaft 2 30mm Bore 643 277 8 1 39 Retaining Ring 42x1.75mm Internal 010 317 9 1
7 Shrink Disc Hollowshaft 3A 30mm Bore 643 173 9 1 41 Retaining Ring 30x1.2mm Internal 013 006 0 1
7 Shrink Disc Hollowshaft 3B 30/32mm Bore 042 828 0 1 42 Ball Bearing 6200 013 909 2 1
7 Hollowshaft 4 Spline Profile 643 396 0 1 43 Key B4x4x8mm 013 489 9 1
7 Non-Symmetric Hollowshaft 5 643 715 X 1 45 Ball Bearing 6200 013 909 2 1
7 Non-Symmetric Hollowshaft 5S 643 847 4 1 59 Drain Plug M10x1mm 011 426 X 5
7 Symmetric Hollowshaft 5 643 835 0 1 88 Retaining Ring 75x2.5mm Internal 010 323 3 1
7 Symmetric Hollowshaft 5S 643 859 8 1 91 Retaining Ring 1 32x1.2mm Internal 010 313 6 1
8 Key 1 1/4x1/4x1-11/16 in. 806 922 0 1 91 Retaining Ring 2 30x1.2mm Internal 010 431 0 1
8 Key 2 A8x7x40mm 010 022 6 1 91 Retaining Ring 4 37x1.5mm Internal 010 315 2 1
9 Oil Seal AS45x75x8mm 011 524 X 1 92 Disc 1 1/2x1.24x3/16 in. 806 939 5 1
11 Ball Bearing 6009-Z 011 280 1 1 92 Disc 2 10.5x29.5x4.75mm 109 489 0 1
12 Retaining Ring 75x2.5mm Internal 010 323 3 1 92 Disc 4 117 403 7 1
17 Distance Piece 643 004 X 1 93 Lockwasher 1 B12mm 010 993 2 1
19 Key-Hardened B8x7x20mm 011 599 1 1 93 Lockwasher 2 B10mm 010 992 4 1
20 Breather Plug M10x1mm 013 030 3 1 93 Thrust Washer 4 S10x16x1.2mm 012 407 9 1
22 Gearcase 642 146 6 1 94 Hex Head Screw 1 7/16-14x1 in. 806 955 7 1
When ordering parts, please supply nameplate data with serial number A - Standard Bore
or S.O. number, model number, description of part and part number. B - Optional Bore
All gears are stamped with a part number. N - Nickel Plated.
X - As required S - Stainless Steel.
Shaded items denote recommended spare parts.
Item Part Name Description Part No Qty Item Part Name Description Part No Qty
94 Hex Head Screw 2 M10x25mm 010 116 8 1 506 Shim 30x42x0.1mm 010 385 3 X
94 Socket Head Screw 4 M10x30mm 010 144 3 1 507 Shim 30x42x0.3mm 010 409 4 X
95 Closing Cap 1 32.3mm 114 663 7 1 508 Shim 30x42x0.5mm 012 345 5 X
95 Closing Cap 2 30.5mm 114 091 4 1 521 Shim 60x75x0.1mm 010 378 0 X
95 Closing Cap 4 37x10mm 010 689 5 1 522 Shim 60x75x0.3mm 010 402 7 X
98 Shrink Disc 3 643 465 7 1 523 Shim 60x75x0.5mm 011 354 9 X
98 Shrink Disc 5N 643 958 6 1 662 Fixed Shrink Disc Cover 3 643 513 0 1
98 Shrink Disc 5S 643 965 9 1 662 Fixed Shrink Disc Cover 5 643 584 X 1
99 Shrink Disc Cover 3 643 065 1 1 901 Torque Bushing 5N 30mm 643 951 9 1
100 Inspection Cover 642 115 6 1 901 Torque Bushing 5S 30mm 643 885 7 1
101 Hex Head Screw M6x20mm 010 107 9 6 901 Torque Bushing 5N 1 in. 643 788 5 1
102 Gasket 642 116 4 1 901 Torque Bushing 5S 1 in. 643 879 2 1
131 Closing Cap 42x9.5mm 011 160 0 1 901 Torque Bushing 5N 1-3/16 in. 643 789 3 1
158 Closing Cap 5.4mm 011 382 4 2 901 Torque Bushing 5S 1-3/16 in. 643 881 4 1
160 Closing Cap 5.4mm 011 382 4 2 901 Torque Bushing 5N 1-1/4 in. 643 790 7 1
161 Closing Cap 22x5mm 012 440 0 1 901 Torque Bushing 5S 1-1/4 in. 643 883 0 1
165 Plastic Plug 7.1mm 013 604 2 8 902 Bronze Bushing 5 30mm 643 942 X 1
167 Plastic Plug 7.1mm 013 604 2 5 902 Bronze Bushing 5 1 in. 643 744 3 1
168 Closing Cap 1 32.3mm 114 663 7 1 902 Bronze Bushing 5 1-3/16 in. 643 745 1 1
168 Closing Cap 23 30.5mm 114 091 4 1 902 Bronze Bushing 5 1-1/4 in. 643 739 7 1
168 Closing Cap 4 37x10mm 010 689 5 1 903 Split Ring 5N 643 728 1 1
181 Closing Cap 42x9.5mm 011 160 0 1 903 Split Ring 5S 643 935 7 1
183 Oil Seal AS45x75x8mm 011 524 X 1 990 Anti-corrosion Mounting Paste 910 503 4 1
338 Bushing 013 348 5 2
Snuggler® Gear Reducer
FA/FH/FV/FT47(B)A 42 256 595T US
1 FA47(B)A 1.375 in. Dia. Bore 4 FA47(B)A 35mm Dia. Bore 7 FV47(B)A Side 1 of 2
2 FA47(B)A 1.250 in. Dia. Bore 5 FA47(B)A 30mm Dia. Bore 8 FT47(B)A
3 FA47(B)A 1.188 in. Dia. Bore 6 FH47(B)A
2-gear stages 3-gear stages
When ordering parts, please supply nameplate data with serial number A - Standard Bore.
or S.O. number, model number, description of part and part number. B - Optional Bore (conforms to FA..0S bore dimensions).
All gears are stamped with a part number. N - Nickel Plated.
X - As required S - Stainless Steel.
Shaded items denote recommended spare parts.
Item Part Name Description Part No Qty Item Part Name Description Part No Qty
1 Pinion 1 22 Gearcase Foot Mounted 642 020 6 1
2 Gear 1 25 Ball Bearing 6010-Z 011 281 X 1
3 Pinion Shaft 1 29 Anaerobic Sealant Tube 910 255 8 X
4 Gear 1 30 Taper Roller Bearing 30203 012 138 X 1
5 Pinion Shaft 1 31 Key 2 Stage B6x6x16mm 011 601 7 1
6 Gear 1 31 Key 3 Stage AB6x6x14mm 013 541 0 1
7 Hollowshaft 1 1.375 in. Bore 643 279 4 1 32 Distance Piece
for i = 10.97 to 190.76 642 060 5 1
7 Hollowshaft 2 1.250 in. Bore 643 450 9 1
7 Hollowshaft 3 1.187 in. Bore 643 390 1 1 37 Taper Roller Bearing 30303 012 464 8 1
7 Hollowshaft 4 35mm Bore 643 027 9 1 39 Retaining Ring 47x1.75mm Internal 010 318 7 1
7 Hollowshaft 5 30mm Bore 643 386 3 1 41 Retaining Ring 35x1.5mm Internal 010 314 4 1
7 Shrink Disc Hollowshaft 6A 35mm Bore 643 174 7 1 42 Ball Bearing 6202 010 485 X 1
7 Shrink Disc Hollowshaft 6B 35/36mm Bore 042 449 8 1 43 Key-Hardened B5x5x10mm 011 483 9 1
7 Hollowshaft 7 Spline Profile 643 397 9 1 45 Ball Bearing 6202 010 485 X 1
7 Non-Symmetric Hollowshaft 8 643 716 8 1 59 Drain Plug M10x1mm 011 426 X 5
7 Non-Symmetric Hollowshaft 8S 643 848 2 1 88 Retaining Ring 80x2.5mm Internal 010 324 1 1
7 Symmetric Hollowshaft 8 643 836 9 1 91 Retaining Ring 14 35x1.5mm Internal 010 314 4 1
7 Symmetric Hollowshaft 8S 643 860 1 1 91 Retaining Ring 2 32x1.2mm Internal 010 313 6 1
8 Key 1 5/16x5/16x1-13/16 in. 806 923 9 1 91 Retaining Ring 3 30x1.2mm Internal 013 006 0 1
8 Key 2 1/4x1/4x1-11/16 in. 806 922 0 1 91 Retaining Ring 5 30x1.2mm Internal 010 431 0 1
8 Key 3 1/4x1/4x1-5/16 in. 806 921 2 1 91 Retaining Ring 7 37x1.5mm Internal 010 315 2 1
8 Key 4 A10x8x45mm 010 028 5 1 92 Disc 1 9/16x1.365x3/16 in. 806 940 9 1
8 Key 5 A8x7x40mm 010 022 6 1 92 Disc 2 1/2x1.24x3/16 in. 806 939 5 1
9 Oil Seal BA-SF50x80x10/7mm 017 761 X 1 92 Disc 3 1/2x1.18x3/16 in. 806 938 7 1
10 Oil Seal B1-SF50x74x8/11.5mm 017 361 4 1 92 Disc 4 13x34.5x4.75mm 103 445 6 1
11 Ball Bearing 6010-Z 011 281 X 1 92 Disc 5 10.5x29.5x4.75mm 109 489 0 1
12 Retaining Ring 80x2.5mm Internal 010 324 1 1 92 Disc 7 117 403 7 1
17 Distance Piece 643 006 6 1 93 Lockwasher 1234 B12mm 010 993 2 1
19 Key-Hardened B10x8x28mm 011 631 9 1 93 Lockwasher 5 B10mm 010 992 4 1
20 Breather Plug M10x1mm 013 030 3 1 93 Thrust Washer 7 S10x16x1.2mm 012 407 9 1
22 Gearcase 642 147 4 1 94 Hex Head Screw 1 1/2-13x1 in. 806 956 5 1
When ordering parts, please supply nameplate data with serial number A - Standard Bore.
or S.O. number, model number, description of part and part number. B - Optional Bore (conforms to FA..0S bore dimensions).
All gears are stamped with a part number. N - Nickel Plated.
X - As required S - Stainless Steel.
Shaded items denote recommended spare parts.
Item Part Name Description Part No Qty Item Part Name Description Part No Qty
94 Hex Head Screw 23 7/16-14x1 in. 806 955 7 1 507 Shim 37x47x0.3mm 010 397 7 X
94 Hex Head Screw 4 M12x30mm 010 122 2 1 508 Shim 37x47x0.5mm 012 340 4 X
94 Hex Head Screw 5 M10x25mm 010 116 8 1 515 Shim 25x35x0.1mm 010 369 1 X
94 Socket Head Screw 7 M10x30mm 010 144 3 1 516 Shim 25x35x0.3mm 010 393 4 X
95 Closing Cap 14 36mm 114 658 0 1 517 Shim 25x35x0.5mm 010 416 7 X
95 Closing Cap 2 32.3mm 114 663 7 1 521 Shim 63x80x0.1mm 010 379 9 X
95 Closing Cap 5 30.5mm 114 091 4 1 522 Shim 63x80x0.3mm 010 403 5 X
95 Closing Cap 7 37x10mm 010 689 5 1 523 Shim 63x80x0.5mm 010 419 1 X
98 Shrink Disc 6 122 612 6 1 662 Fixed Shrink Disc Cover 6 643 514 9 1
98 Shrink Disc 8N 643 959 4 1 662 Fixed Shrink Disc Cover 8 643 585 8 1
98 Shrink Disc 8S 643 966 7 1 901 Torque Bushing 8N 35mm 643 952 7 1
99 Shrink Disc Cover 6 114 092 2 1 901 Torque Bushing 8S 35mm 643 895 4 1
100 Inspection Cover 642 096 6 1 901 Torque Bushing 8N 1-3/16 in. 643 792 3 1
101 Hex Head Screw M6x16mm 010 105 2 6 901 Torque Bushing 8S 1-3/16 in. 643 887 3 1
102 Gasket 642 093 1 1 901 Torque Bushing 8N 1-1/4 in. 643 793 1 1
131 Closing Cap 47x10mm 010 690 9 1 901 Torque Bushing 8S 1-1/4 in. 643 889 X 1
137 Thrust Washer S37x47x2.5mm 010 351 9 1 901 Torque Bushing 8N 1-3/8 in. 643 794 X 1
158 Closing Cap 5.4mm 011 382 4 2 901 Torque Bushing 8S 1-3/8 in. 643 891 1 1
160 Closing Cap 5.4mm 011 382 4 2 901 Torque Bushing 8N 1-7/16 in. 643 795 8 1
161 Closing Cap 22x5mm 012 440 0 1 901 Torque Bushing 8S 1-7/16 in. 643 893 X 1
165 Plastic Plug 9.5mm 011 371 9 8 902 Bronze Bushing 8 35mm 643 943 8 1
167 Plastic Plug 7.1mm 013 604 2 8 902 Bronze Bushing 8 1-3/16 in. 643 748 6 1
168 Closing Cap 146 36mm 114 658 0 1 902 Bronze Bushing 8 1-1/4 in. 643 749 4 1
168 Closing Cap 2 32.3mm 114 663 7 1 902 Bronze Bushing 8 1-3/8 in. 643 750 8 1
168 Closing Cap 5 30.5mm 114 091 4 1 902 Bronze Bushing 8 1-7/16 in. 643 751 6 1
168 Closing Cap 7 37x10mm 010 689 5 1 903 Split Ring 8N 643 729 X 1
181 Closing Cap 52x10mm 010 691 7 1 903 Split Ring 8S 643 936 5 1
183 Oil Seal BA-SF50x80x10/7mm 017 761 X 1 990 Anti-corrosion Mounting Paste 910 503 4 1
184 Oil Seal B1-SF50x74x8/11.5mm 017 361 4 1
338 Bushing 013 348 5 2
506 Shim 37x47x0.1mm 010 373 X X
12 CONDUCTOR LEAD WlRE 810.12000
18 CONDUCTOR LEAD WlRE 810.18000
WARNING: To ensure that drive is not unexpectedly started, turn off and lock out or tag power
source before proceeding. Failure to observe these precautions could result in bodily injury.
1. Clean shaft, product bore, bushing, tapered surface and bushing bore of oil, paint dirt, etc.
CAUTION: DO NOT USE LUBRICANTS. The use of lubricants can cause product breakage during
2. QD bushing sizes JA thru W (see table on page 2) may be assembled in either conventional or
reverse mounting. Size H must be assembled in conventional mounting position only.
CAUTION: When mounting a product on size M thru S bushings, the hub jack holes should be
positioned away from the bushing saw slot to reduce the possibility of bushing breakage and insert cap
screws thru drilled holes in hub.
Conventional Mounting (Fig. 1): Place bushing in hub. Tighten cap screws finger tight into threaded
holes in bushing flange.
Reverse Mounting (Fig. 2): Place bushing in hub and insert cap screws thru drilled holes in bushing
flange. Tighten cap screws finger tight into threaded holes in hub.
3. With key on shaft, slide loosely assembled unit onto shaft so that cap screw heads are on the
outside. Locate unit in desired position on shaft. When installing large or heavy parts in
conventional position, it may be easier to mount the key and bushing on the shaft first, then place
the product on the bushing aligning the holes and installing the cap screws.
Warning: Because of the possible danger to person(s) or property from accidents, which may result
from the improper use of products. It is important that correct procedures be followed. Products must be
used in accordance with the engineering information specified in the catalog. Proper installation,
maintenance and operation procedures must be observed. The instructions in the instruction manual
must be followed. Inspections should be made as necessary to assure safe operation under prevailing
conditions. Proper guard and other suitable safety devices or procedures as may be desirable or as
may be specified in safety codes should be provided and are neither provided by Baldor Electric
Company nor are the responsibility of Baldor Electric Company or the manufacturer of this component.
This unit and its associated equipment must be installed, adjusted and maintained by qualified
personnel who are familiar with the construction and operation of all equipment in the system and the
potential hazards involved. When risk to persons or property may be involved, a holding device must be
an integral part of the driven equipment beyond the speed reducer output shaft.
WARNING: When mounting on a vertical shaft, insure that the products and/or bushing do not drop during installation.
4. Tighten cap screws alternately and evenly to the wrench torque specified in table below. Note: When tightened there will
be a 1/8" to ¼" gap between bushing flange and the hub. Should this gap close, then either undersize shafting or wrong
bushing shaft size is indicated.
CAUTION: Excessive screw torque may cause damage to either bushing and/or product.
5. Tighten setscrew over key to torque value listed below.
1. Remove all cap screws.
2. Install cap screws into threaded jack holes.
3. Tighten all jackscrews alternately and evenly, beginning with screw farthest from bushing saw slot, until bushing grip is
released. Slide unit off shaft.
CAUTION: Excessive screw torque may cause damage to either bushing and/or product. Uneven pressure on jackscrews may
also damage the bushing flange making removal difficult without damage to the product.
Bushing Part Numbers – English Bushing Part Numbers – Metric
H 411682 H 411801
JA 411683 JA 411802
SH 411684 SH 411803
SDS 411684 SDS 411803
SD 411685 SD 411805
SK 411686 SK 411806
SF 411687 SF 411807
E 411688 E 411808
F 411689 F 411809
J 411690 J 411810
M 411691 M 411811
N 411692 N 411812
P 411693 P 411813
^ Includes 3 cap screws and 3 washers.
* QD is a registered trademark of EMERSON
www.baldor.com www.ptplace.com www.dodge-pt.com www.reliance.com
04/07 1M-K This material is not intended to provide operational instructions. Appropriate instruction
manuals and precautions should be studied prior to installation, operation or maintenance
of equipment.
Instruction Manual for Dodge Imperial & ISAF Bearing
These instructions must be read thoroughly before installation or operation.
WARNING: To ensure the drive is not unexpectedly started, using both hands. If the nut will not rotate then you have
turn off and lock-out or tag power source before proceeding. reached the “ZERO Reference Point” and you should
Failure to observe these precautions could result in bodily proceed to step 5. If you can rotate the nut, using
injury. both hands, then you have not reached the true
“ZERO Reference Point”, and should repeat step 4A
until “ZERO Reference Point” is obtained.
Inspect shaft to ensure it is smooth, straight, clean, and
within commercial tolerances.
Install the Non-Expansion unit first.
Lock Plate
Figure 2
Adapter Sleeve
5. Scribe a line through the locknut face and adapter race.
6. Using a Spanner or Drift & Hammer, rotate locknut
clockwise by the number of turns shown in Table 1.
Figure 1
1. Remove lock plate located on the face of the locknut.
2. Turn locknut counter clockwise until bearing will freely
slide onto the shaft.
3. Slide bearing to the desired position on the shaft.
World Headquarters
P.O. Box 2400, Fort Smith, AR 72902-2400 U.S.A., Ph: (1) 479.646.4711, Fax (1) 479.648.5792, International Fax (1) 479.648.5895
Dodge Product Support
6040 Ponders Court, Greenville, SC 29615-4617 U.S.A., Ph: (1) 864.297.4800, Fax: (1) 864.281.2433
© Baldor Electric Company All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.
MN3009 (Replaces 499331) !"##$%#&'#! 7/10 Trophy 10,000
Right Angle & Parallel Offset
Cyclo Reducer and Gearmotor
Operating and Maintenance Manual
Installation – Taper-Grip® Bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Cyclo Gearmotor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 – 17
Reducer Removal – Taper-Grip Bushing . . . . . . . . .2
General Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Installation – Keyed Hollowshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Bearings, Oil Seals, Gaskets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Bevel Portion Lubrication (BBB Series “L”) . . . . . . . .3 Disassembly, Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16, 17
Helical Portion Lubrication (HBB Series “E”) . . . . . . .4 SM-Cyclo Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 – 21
Cyclo Portion Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Standard Motor Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
General Construction Bevel Gear Case . . . . . . . .6, 7 General Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
General Construction Helical Gear Case . . . . . . .8, 9 Oil Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Cyclo Reducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 – 13 General Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
General Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Bearings & Oil Seals for Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Bearings, Oil Seals, Gaskets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Troubleshooting and Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22, 23
Disassembly, Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12, 13 Torque Arm Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Table 1 - Permissible Shaft Tolerance Table 3 - Stock Bushing Bores
Shaft dia. Tolerance Min.
Size Inch Sizes Metric Sizes
⁄4” - 1 1⁄8” + 0 - .005” Bore **
13⁄16” - 2” + 0 - .006” AA 13⁄16, 17⁄16 30,40 13⁄16
21⁄16” - 31⁄8” + 0 - .007” A 115⁄16, 23⁄16 50,55 111⁄16
33⁄16” - 43⁄4” + 0 - .008” B 23⁄16, 27⁄16 60,65 115⁄16
C 27⁄16, 215⁄16 65,75 23⁄16
Note: Shaft runout TIR should be no greater than .001”.
D 215⁄16, 37⁄16 75,85 27⁄16
E 37⁄16, 315⁄16 90,100 215⁄16
• No shaft weakening by a key way. 10. After the reducer has been running for 20 to 30 hours,
retorque the screws to the values in Table 2 using a
• Tight tolerances not required for shaft machining. torque wrench. Screw torques should be checked at
• Automatic axial fixation of the drive on the shaft in any normal service intervals (every 6 months).
position. Fig. 1
• Shaft can be adjusted prior to final mounting in any
Taper-Grip® Bushing
NOTE: Similar to all shrink disk type devices. It is Screw
essential to properly assemble and tighten the mounting Bolts
NOTE: The bore should be protected by a cover (g). NOTE: Parts a through j and n are not provided by
Fig. 6 Fig. 8
Fig. 7 Fig. 9
SM-Bevel Buddybox (BBB Series “L”) reducers and Table 5 Recommended Oil for
gearmotors are shipped without oil. Before running, SM-Bevel Buddybox & Cyclo
they should be filled with the appropriate amount of the
Ambient 14°F-32°F 32°F-95°F 95°F-122°F
correct lubricant for their mounting position – see
Temp. (-10°C-0°C) (0°C-35°C) (35°C-50°C)
Tables 5 and 6. Please consult the factory for
additional information not covered here. Viscosity @ 61.2 - 74.8 90 - 165 198 - 506
104°F (40°C) cST
Fig. 10 Mounting Positions ISO Viscosity 68 100 - 150 220 - 460
Viscosity Grade
Viscosity @ 100°F 284 - 347 417 - 765 916 - 2719
(38°C) SSU
Table 6 Oil Quantity (In gallons)
Bevel Oil Quantity - gear Oil Quantity - Cyclo
size Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6
A 0.24 0.24 0.27 0.24 0.35 0.27 G G G G G G
B 0.40 0.35 0.40 0.40 0.53 0.43 G G G G G G
C 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 1.06 0.11 G 0.11 G 0.11 0.11
D 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.77 0.19 G 0.19 G 0.19 0.19
E 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 2.50 0.24 G 0.24 G 0.24 0.24
Y2* G = Grease
Note 1: Replenish grease to the reduction mechanism 1/3 to 1/2 of quantities Apply grease liberally to the central part (i.e., around the
for the first reduction stage described in Table 11 in accordance with eccentric bearings) of the mechanism. Apply grease to both the
replenishment interval recommended in Table 10. slow speed and high speed shaft bearings as you would do to
ordinary bearings at time of re-assembly.
Note 2: When the unit is disassembled for overhauling, refill with grease in
Note 3: If excessive grease is added, agitation heating of the
quantities indicated in Table 11. Or alternatively, 80% of the space around
grease will raise the operating temperature of the unit. Avoid
reduction mechanism and slow speed shaft bearings of single reduction units
excessive greasing; however, when the grease is insufficient it
and 50% around reduction mechanism of both first and second stage of
will raise the operating temperature due to the breakdown of the
double reduction units.
lubrication films on the eccentric bearing.
Slightly larger quantities may be supplied to lower reduction ratio units, and If the operating temperature rises, supply grease immediately.
somewhat smaller quantities for high reduction ratio units.
Fig. 12
1 2 3 4 5 29 30 31 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
23 15
27 16
23 2 8 10 22 21 15 20 19 18
Table 12 Parts Code Numbers
Fig. 13
Table 13 Parts Code Numbers
16 HEX SOCKET HEAD PLUG 1 AT1287G AT1287G AT1287G 343C008R----G 343C008R----G 343C008R----G
26 HEX SOCKET HEAD PLUG 4 343C008R---NG 343C008R---NG 343C008R---NG 343C012R---NG 343C012R---NG 343C012R---NG
Please state full unit part number and serial number when ordering replacement parts.
Cyclo Reducer Input Section
Fig. 14 Single Reduction Table 14 Main Parts
Part No. Part Name
2-01 Ring Gear Housing
7 2-02 Ring Gear Pins
2-05 2-03 Ring Gear Rollers
8 10
2-04 Cyclo Disc
2-05 Spacer Ring
3-01 High Speed Shaft
3-02 Bearing C
3-09 3-08 3-03 Bearing D
19 3-04 Eccentric CAM Assembly
3-13 3-05 Eccentric Key
3-01 3-06 Balance Weight*
11 3-08 Spacer
3-09 Spacer
3-02 3-10 Retaining Ring
3-11 Retaining Ring
3-13 Collar
5-01 Intermediate Shaft w/Pins
5-02 Bearing F
5-03 Bearing G
2-03 2-01 5-04 Eccentric CAM Assembly
6 Gasket Set
7 Casing Nuts & Bolts
8 High Speed End Shield
Fig. 15 Double Reduction 9 Cooling Fan & Set Screw
10 Fan Cover
11 Fan Key
19 High Speed Input Oil Seal
55 Intermediate Cover
5-04 *Single disc unit only.
Figure 16 Figure 17
SM-CYCLO® reducers are designed for easy 4. Using both hands, lift out the top cycloid disc (2-04)
disassembly and reassembly…they require no on the slow speed side (Fig. 20).
special maintenance skills.
5. Remove the spacer ring (2-05).
The following procedures and precautions are 6. The eccentric (3-04) can be removed from the high
recommended for disassembly and assembly: speed shaft (3-01) after taking out the retaining ring
• Perform work in a dust-free, humidity-free area. (3-10) and the inner bearing raceway (Figs. 21, 22).
• Use a soft or plastic hammer when required. Note: In certain sizes, the eccentric bearings are roller
bearings without a retainer. Remove bearings of the top
• Take care not to damage parts, i.e., coil, bearings, disc before proceeding with the next step.
seals, etc.
• Inspect all components and replace as necessary. 7. Take out the second disc located on the motor side.
(Also remove second disc bearings and eccentric
• Be extremely careful when handling bearings. with inner bearing raceway if required.)
1. Remove the complete SM-CYCLO® reducer with 8. Remove the ring gear housing (2-01).
adaptor (motorized type) from the driven machine.
9. Remove the high speed shaft (3-01) with bearings
2. Remove the cooling fan cover and fan from the from the high speed shaft end shield (8) by tapping
speed reducer (not motorized) equipped with a the shaft end after taking off the retaining ring (3-
cooling fan, and stand the unit on a solid base with 11).
its high speed shaft side down. Remove the through
bolts for the high speed end shield, ring gear 10. The cycloid disc is made from heat-treated bearing
housing, thus separating the Cyclo from the bevel steel and the spacer ring is cast iron. Take care not
gear case so that the inner mechanism can be to strike them together while handling.
removed (Figs. 18-23). These instructions cover complete disassembly. In
Note: If the reducer is motorized (C-adaptor and ordinary cases, however, only the removal of the cycloid
coupling), remove the motor and coupling before discs and the eccentric is necessary.
following the procedure outlined above. As a final step, *Note: Retaining ring is part of bearing A.
remove the adaptor and cooling fan.
3. Take out the slow speed shaft rollers (Fig. 19).
Check the slow speed shaft pins to see whether any
rollers have adhered to them.
Fig. 22 Fig. 23
SM-CYCLO® reducers are reassembled by reversing the b. Apply grease to the raceway of the eccentric on
disassembly procedure. Care must be taken to exclude the disc. Fix the rollers and set disc in place.
dust or foreign matter from the moving parts, and to
ensure that gaskets are properly placed for an oil-tight c. Insert the spacer ring and set the second disc in
assembly. such a way that the mark is 180° opposed to the
mark on the bottom disc.
The following are helpful points to remember when
Eccentric CAM Replacement Precautions
assembling SM-CYCLO® reducers.
1. Set the ring gear housing and insert the ring gear The eccentric bearings are specially designed for in-
pins and rollers; then test-rotate the pins and rollers stallation on SM-CYCLO® reducers. They are special
by hand. (Apply grease liberally to the ring gear pins roller bearings without outer raceways (refer to the list
and rollers before they are inserted in grease of bearings on page 11).
lubricated SM-CYCLO® reducers.) Replacement bearings for the inner raceways must be
2. Cycloid discs are a matched pair. Each carries the inserted with the numbered surfaces facing outward.
same number stamped on one side of the disc. Note that improper insertion of the bearings (i.e.,
insertion of bearings with numbered surfaces
3. Set the cycloid disc with the stamped number face up inside) causes damage.
as shown in Fig. 23.
Disassembly and Assembly of Sizes 4075-4097
4. Insert the spacer (3-07) and then insert the eccentric SM-CYCLO® Reducers
with bearings by rapping with a wooden or hard
rubber mallet (Fig. 22). Small sizes, 4075-4097, are single disc systems, so
5. Insert the second spacer and the inner bearing they differ in construction from larger sizes in the
raceway. Secure them with the retaining ring following ways:
(Fig. 21). 1. A balance weight is provided in lieu of the two-disc
6. Set the spacer ring in place. system.
7. Insert the top disc in such a way that the mark 2. The balance weight keyway must be in line with the
is 180° opposed to the mark on the bottom disc eccentric keyway.
(Fig. 20). 3. There are no end plates on either side of the
8. Insert the slow speed shaft rollers (Fig. 19). eccentric. In all other respects, 4075-4097 have
exactly the same construction as the larger sizes.
9. Put the slow speed shaft pins into the rollers. The Follow the instructions given in the “Disassembly
instructions above are for eccentric bearings with and Assembly” sections.
retainer. Following are the instructions suggested for
roller bearings without retainer.
a. Insert the eccentric with inner raceways of
bearings by rapping with a wooden or hard
rubber mallet.
Cyclo Gearmotor Input Section
Fig. 24 Single Reduction
2-05 6
7 2-04
2-03 2-02 2-01
Fig. 25 Fig. 26
Eccentric Bearing Single Type Eccentric Bearing Double Type Eccentric And Bearing For Eccentric
Frame Sizes Frame Sizes Frame Sizes
SM-CYCLO® gearmotors are designed for easy 5. Using both hands, lift out the top cycloid disc
disassembly and reassembly…they require no (2-04) on the slow speed side (Fig. 29).
special maintenance skills.
6. Remove the spacer ring (2-05).
The following procedures and precautions are
recommended for disassembly and assembly: 7. The eccentric bearing assembly (3-04) can be
removed from the motor shaft after taking out the
• Perform work in a dust-free, humidity-free area. retaining ring (3-10), or the bearings (3-02)
• Use a soft or plastic hammer when required. (Figs. 30, 31).
• Take care not to damage parts, i.e., coil, bearings, Note: In certain sizes, the eccentric bearings are
seals, etc. roller bearings without a retainer. Remove
rollers of the top disc and the second disc on
• Inspect all components and replace as necessary. the motor side before removing the eccentric.
• Be extremely careful when handling bearings. 8. Take out the second disc located on the motor side.
1. Remove the complete SM-CYCLO® gearmotor from
9. Remove the ring gear housing (2-01) from the
the driven machine.
2. Place the gearmotor in the vertical position with the
10. The cycloid disc is made from heat-treated bearing
output shaft upward.
steel and the spacer ring is cast iron. Take care
3. Remove the through bolts from the motor flange, not to strike them together when handling.
ring gear housing, and lift the slow speed side, thus
*Note: If motor needs repair, please send to any
separating the unit into two parts so that the inner
authorized EASA shop.
mechanism can be removed (Figs. 27-32).
4. Take out the slow speed shaft rollers (Fig. 28).
Check the slow speed shaft pins to see whether
any rollers have adhered to them.
Fig. 31 Fig. 32
SM-CYCLO® gearmotors are reassembled by reversing b. Apply grease to the raceway of the eccentric on
the disassembly procedure. Care must be taken to the disc. Fix the rollers and set disc in place.
exclude dust or foreign matter from the moving parts,
and to ensure that gaskets are properly placed for an c. Insert the spacer ring and set the second disc in
oil-tight assembly. such a way that the mark is 180° opposed to the
mark on the bottom disc.
Following are some helpful points to remember when
assembling SM-CYCLO® gearmotors. Eccentric Bearing Replacement Precautions
1. Set the ring gear housing and insert the ring gear The eccentric bearings are specially designed for
pins and rollers; then test-rotate the pins and rollers installation on SM-CYCLO® reducers. They are special
by hand. (Apply grease liberally to the ring gear pins roller bearings without outer raceways (refer to the list
and rollers before they are inserted in grease of bearings on page 15).
lubricated SM-CYCLO® gearmotors.)
Replacement bearings for the inner raceways must be
2. Cycloid discs are a matched pair. Each carries the inserted with the numbered surfaces facing outward.
same number stamped on one side of the disc. Note that improper insertion of the bearings (i.e.,
3. Set the cycloid disc with the stamped number face up insertion of bearings with numbered surfaces inside)
as shown in Fig. 32. causes damage.
4. Insert the eccentric bearing by rapping with a wooden Disassembly and Assembly of Sizes 4075-4097
or hard rubber mallet (Fig. 31). SM-CYCLO® Reducers
5. Insert the spacer and the inner bearing raceway. Small sizes, 4075-4095, are single disc systems, so
Secure them with the retaining ring (Fig. 30). they differ in construction from larger sizes in the
6. Set the spacer ring in place. following ways:
7. Insert top disc in such a way that the mark is 180° 1. A balance weight is provided in lieu of the two-disc
opposed to the mark on the bottom disc (Fig. 29). system.
8. Insert the slow speed shaft rollers (Fig. 28). 2. The balance weight keyway must be in line with the
9. Put the slow speed shaft pins into the rollers (Fig. eccentric keyway.
27). The instructions above are for eccentric bearings 3. There are no end plates on either side of the
with retainer. Following are the instructions eccentric. In all other respects, they have exactly
suggested for roller bearings without retainer: the same construction as the larger sizes. Follow
a. Insert the eccentric with inner raceways of the instructions given in the “Disassembly and
bearings by rapping with a wooden or hard Assembly” section.
rubber mallet.
Motor Characteristics
The SM-Bevel and Helical Buddybox
gearmotors’ full load ratings and amperage
can be found below in Table 22. These
ratings are based on the motor’s design
values. If additional information is required,
please consult factory.
Table 22 — 230/460 Volt, Synchronous Speed 1800 rpm, 60 Hz, Continuous Duty, TEFC
Full Load Full Load Current Starting Current Torque Effi- Power Inertia
Frame Amperage Amperage % of F.L. Code
HP Torque ciency Factor WR2
Size Break- Letter*
rpm in. lb. 230V 460V 208V 230V 460V Starting down % % lb. ft2
1/4 F-63M 1730 9.06 1.1 0.60 1.1 5.2 2.6 300 293 69.8 65.2 K 0.0119
1/2 F-71M 1740 18.3 2.1 1.1 2.0 9.8 4.9 295 280 71.9 65.1 J 0.0154
3/4 F-80S 1730 27.4 2.5 1.2 2.5 12.3 6.2 266 245 76.9 73.0 H 0.0227
1 F-80 1750 36.0 3.4 1.7 3.4 17.6 8.8 269 303 77.2 72.3 H 0.0285
1.5 F-90S 1730 54.7 4.6 2.3 4.7 28.6 14.3 273 281 80.3 74.1 J 0.0451
2 F-90L 1740 72.5 6.0 3.0 6.2 36.8 18.4 263 270 82.3 75.6 J 0.0504
3 F-100L 1730 109 8.4 4.2 8.7 54.8 27.4 277 266 84.4 77.2 J 0.0789
5 F-112M 1730 183 13.0 6.5 13.7 91.5 45.8 308 279 86.3 82.4 J 0.201
7.5 F-132S 1710 277 18.1 9.0 20.1 120 61 223 221 86.7 88.2 H 0.271
10 F-132M 1740 361 23.6 11.8 26.4 147 73.5 212 214 89.6 88.9 G 0.635
15 F-160M 1740 542 34.3 17.2 38.2 231 115 248 221 90.5 89.0 G 0.891
20 G-160L 1740 725 45.8 22.9 51 272 136 222 220 91.6 89.9 F 2.13
25 G-180M 1770 891 57 28.4 63 343 171 199 235 92.6 88.2 F 5.34
30 G-180M 1760 1075 68 34.2 77 388 194 192 226 91.5 88.1 F 5.34
*Code letter shown is for 230V or 460V operation. Consult factory for other voltages.
Line 208/230V 60Hz Line 460V 60Hz Line 208/230V 60Hz Line 460V 60Hz
Fig. 34 Motor Construction Table 23 Main Parts
Parts No. Parts Name
1 Bearing Cover**
2 Bearing
3 Bolt**
4 Fan*
5 Fan Cover
6 End Bracket
7 Bolt
8 Bolt
9 Internal Fan
10 Hub
11 Short Circuit Ring
12 Rotor Core
Frame Size F-63M thru F-160M 13 Stationary Core
14 Stator Frame
15 Stator Winding
16 Bolt
17 Eye Bolt
18 Cyclo Flange Bracket
19 Bearing
20 Slinger/Oil Seal
21 Motor Shaft
22 Conduit Box
23 Bearing Cover
24 Bearing Sleeve
* No Fan 1/8 H.P., F-63S frame.
** F-132M and larger.
Fig. 37 Fig. 38
Oil Seal Single Lip Type: Slinger Type:
The reducer and the motor of the SM-CYCLO® gear Grease Lubed Units Oil Lubed Units
motor are integrally assembled. In grease lubricated
units, a single lip seal is installed between the motor
section and reducer section as shown in Fig. 37.
On oil lubricated units, a slinger type oil seal is used —
Fig. 38.
Pre-Start Up Inspection
Check the following prior to start-up: Insulation resistance will vary depending on winding
1. Wiring: Prior to wiring, refer to the name plate temperature, moisture, cleanliness, duration of
affixed to the motor portion of the gearmotor. usage, and test voltage and charging period.
Check power supply, interconnects, relays Other factors that will affect insulation resistance are:
protective starting devices [i.e. Star (Wye) delta — output rating, voltage, insulation class and RPM.
if reduced voltage starting is required], space Although it is difficult to apply a minimum value to
heaters, thermal sensors and other accessories. each and every case, for simplicity the following may
2. Grounding: Caution: The motor frame and conduit be used as a guide:
box must be properly grounded so as to avoid 1 Mega ohms for less than 600 volts
electrical shock. If the measured insulation resistance is less than
3. Insulation Resistance: Stator winding indicated above, the cause may be moisture. The
measurements are to be made at the motor resistance can be increased by subjecting wire to
terminals. Stator windings of less than 600 volts heat, hot air, vacuum, current (short circuit currrent,
are to be measured with a 500 volts megger. low voltage — no load current, or direct current).
If the Mega ohm reading cannot be recovered by
drying — consult the factory.
Fig. 39 Typical Wiring Diagrams
Illustrated below are the wiring diagrams for our standard motor; for additional information please refer to the motor
name plate. If the diagram in the conduit box conflicts with diagrams listed below, please refer to the diagram in motor
conduit box.
Y-Connected (5 HP and smaller) Delta-Connected (7.5 HP and smaller)
Table 24 Bearings and Oil Seals Sizes†
4085 6202ZZ-CM 6302ZZ-CM — S20358
F-63S ⁄8 1800
4090/95/97 6202ZZ-CM 6303ZZ-CM — S22357
4085 6202ZZ-CM 6302ZZ-CM — S20358
F-63M ⁄4 1800
1 4090/95/97 6202ZZ-CM 6303ZZ-CM — S22357
4100/05 6202ZZ-CM 6303ZZ-CM — S22357
4085 6202ZZ-CM 6302ZZ-CM — S20358
4090/95/97 6202ZZ-CM 6303ZZ-CM — S22357
F-71M 1⁄2 1800
4100/05 6202ZZ-CM 6303ZZ-CM — S22357
4110/15 6202ZZ-CM 6205ZZ-CM — S30458
4090/95/97 6203ZZ-CM 6303ZZ-CM — S22357
4100/05 6203ZZ-CM 6303ZZ-CM — S22357
F-80S 3⁄4
1800 4110/15 6203ZZ-CM 6205ZZ-CM — S30458
F-80M 1
6203ZZ-CM 6206ZZ-CM CD4-4501-G01 (S406212)
This troubleshooting guide is to help you identify and overcome common problems of reducers and motors. If you
have a problem not listed below, please consult the factory.
Faulty switch contact Adjust the contact.
Load is Stator and rotor touching Replace the bearing and bracket.
disconnected but due to bearing housing wear
motor doesn’t
Starts in either Three-phase is operating Check the power source with a voltmeter.
direction when as single-phase
turned by hand
Rotates in the Connection error Change any two of the three phase source.
wrong direction
Switch overheated Insufficient switch capacity Replace with one having the rated capacity.
Overload Drop to the rated load.
Fuse blows Insufficient fuse capacity Replace with one having the rated capacity.
Verify that the package contains all of the following parts: Verify that the package contains all of the following parts:
Part Qty Part Qty Part Qty Part Qty
Tension Rod 1 Connector Bolt 1 Tension Rod 1 Connector Bolt 1
Rod Nuts 4 Nut & Lock Washer 2 Rod Nuts 4 Nut & Lock Washer 1
Rubber Bushings 2 Spacer 2 Rubber Bushings 2 Spacer 2
Bushing Washer 2 Mounting Bolt 1 Bushing Washer 2 Cotter Pin (with keys) 1
Side Bars – Bent 2 Side Bars – Straight 2
Assemble the torque arm as shown in this picture. Be sure to Assemble the torque arm as shown in this picture. Be sure to
tighten the torque arm connector bolt. tighten the torque arm connector bolt.
Allow up to 1 mm gap
0.5 mm each side
The torque arm should be mounted to accept loads in approximately 90° (plus or minus 15°) to a line drawn from
tension, not compression. For reversing applications, the shaft to the point where the torque arm attaches to either
two torque arms should be used. In use, the SM-Helical mounting corner of the SM-Helical Buddybox. The torque
Buddybox will try to rotate in the direction opposite from the arm should be mounted so that it is in line with the SM-
driven shaft. When the torque arm is installed correctly, the Helical Buddybox case as well as perpendicular to the axis
SM Helical Buddybox will try to pull away from the torque of the output shaft. The use of multiple torque arm
arm. The correct mounting angle of the torque arm is assemblies for greater length is not recommended.
Headquarters and Manufacturing O 90
Sumitomo Machinery Corporation of America
4200 Holland Boulevard, Chesapeake, VA 23323
(757) 485-3355 • FAX: (757) 485-3075
Toll Free: 1-800-SM-CYCLO (762-9256)
www.smcyclo.com • e-mail: smcamktg@series2000.com
Concentric Concentric
AF-3100α NTAC-2000 WORLD-
Parallel Offset SM-SHAFT MOUNT
& Right Angle Parallel Offset
Offset Right
Offset Right Angle WORLDWIDE
Source: Castell Safety International Limited, Install BEMF issue 5.
The BEMF unit may be mounted on a wall or other suitable frame or support and is
suitable for operation with motors at any practical distance subject to normal cable
length voltage drop considerations. The unit requires the following connections.
Terminal 1:Line 230V or 110v +/- 10% 50Hz AC. or 24V DC supply
Terminal 2:Neutral
Check Aux voltage of BEMF before connecting supply
Terminal 3:Earth
Terminal 4:Motor Line 1 Motor sensing terminals for connection to motor suitable
Terminal 5:Motor Line 2 for three phase AC. motors with maximum line voltage of
Terminal 6:Motor Line 3 600V rms AC. Connections for motor sensing to be made
to motor terminals (not via transformer) in order to
provide correct broken wire detection. if possible sensing
Relevant drawings wires should run separate from motor wires or screened
wires should be used. In this case screen must be
GA BEMF: 005422 connected at the motor side.
Castell BEMF Interlock
PRICIPLE OF OPERATIO: Set up & setting: Preparation continue
Operation of the BEMF unit is controlled by the key switch as follows: Start Motor: Install BEMF issue 5
Position 1: Key free (released) LED [OUT] changes colour to yellow. The output relays and semi conductor output
Machine off, machine at standstill and key may be removed. The green lamp (machine ON switch off. On DC Motor s the LED [ERR] start to flash after 2sec with flash
stopped) is illuminated and key may be removed. code 2 and the output [ERR] comes on. Stop of Motor: rundown DC braking off.
Position 2: Off The speed at which standstill is detected (yellow LED [OUT] changes to green/green
Machine off and key may be turned to position 1 for removal provided machine is at flashing) can be adjusted on Pot. [Uan] when the run down is slow or irregular the
standstill. The green lamp is illuminated under this condition and operation of (key release) time delay can be increased to avoid switching off & on of output relay.
pushbutton allows movement to key release position. Until machine standstill is detected the During time delay [ts] the LED [OUT] flashes green.
key remains (trapped). If standstill detection shall only take place at very low speed the motor
Position 3: Machine on (Key trapped) [Uan] is set to minimum then by increasing time [ts] a possible pulsing of out put
Machine is running. Under this condition the key is trapped. Relay can be avoided. A longer time delay will also guarantee standstill detection
Extra exchange keys will be supplied to order. when motor has already stopped turning.( especially on motors that generate a small
ADJUSTMET OF THE MSR MODULE: remanence voltage)
DOLD LH5946 RELAY TERMIALS AD SETTIGS On slow decrease of motor speed it is possible that simultaneity failure occurs when
X1-X2: Connection for external device monitoring. measuring channels reach tripping valves slowly and not within 2.5 sec. To avoid
MSR will only enable its safety output if loop X1 & X2 is closed. failure a single phase connection could be solution( i.e. to make sure that both inputs
(link X1 & X2 if there is no external device) get same signal) or increase of the setting value [Uan].
X2-X3: Manual reset for external fault. Link X2 & X3 for automatic reset. If rundown time of motor is short then set [ts] to minimum.
Poti [Uan]: Adjustment of voltage level of standstill detection 20mV to 400mVadjustable Attention:
Poti [ts]: Adjustment of time delay before activation of safety contact.0.2 to 6Sec adjustable [Un] & [ts] should be adjusted in a way that stand still detection is achieved when
Motor is standstill so that there is no danger to men or material. Correct tripping point
Indication: & time delay setting of unit suitable for application is in liability of the user.
Green/Red LED[UH] : Green on when in operation & Red on with internal error
Yellow/Green LED[OUT] Yellow on at EMK>Uan. Flashes Green standstill detected &
when time progression of ts & Green permanent on when monitoring relay energised (ON) Failure treatment: (F*)= Failure (S*)= Solution
Red LED [ERR]: (Flashes with code 1 : Aux under voltage.) (Flashes with code 2 or 3 for
broken wire between L1-L2 OR L1-L3(flashes with code 4 if there is connection between (F1)Output relay ON when motor is running LED [OUT] lights green
X1 & X2)( Flashes with code 5 if signal L2 & L3 are different for more than 2.5 sec) (S1)Reduce setting of [Uan] if necessary to minimum. If still same problem then check
connection to terminal 4,5 & 6 of measuring inputs to motor winding according to
connection example on page 7&8
Set up & setting: Preparation
-Motor on standstill and key is inserted and trapped
(F2)Output relay ON too early when motor is still running
-Check terminal 4,5, & 6 are connected to motor winding as shown on page 7 &8
(S2)Reduce setting of [Uan] to lower valve if necessary to minimum.
-Check terminal X1-X2 are linked if there is no external device monitoring
-Check terminal X2 & X3 is also linked for automatic reset for DC motor Or DC breaking
(F3)Output relay is not ON while motor is already standstill
Or motor with switched winding where interruption is greater then 2 sec.
Observe status of LEDs and action as solution S3-1 to S3-5
-Adjust Uan to minimum( Adjustable 20mV-400mV)
(S3-1) LED [UH] lights green? If YES,then go to (S3-2). If NO , [UH] has under voltage
-Adjust ts to minimum( Adjustable 0.2Sec -6 Sec
or device has internal failure. Internal failure can occur in case of under voltage, or welded
Switch on auxiliary supply. LED [UH] & [OUT] light up green & safety contacts are
Safety contact or seldom due to interference. Switch off & on aux supply to BEMF unit
switched on also monitoring relay & semi conductor to output is ON must also be activated,
using CB1 inside the panel. If failure still occur in spite of correct aux supply then unit
if stand still is detected. If standstill is not detected, LED [OUT] lights yellow. Adjust [Uan]
could be defective and has to be sent to manufacturer for test or repair.
higher or screen measuring wires.
3 4
Source: Castell Safety International Limited, Install BEMF issue 5.
4 Castell BEMF Interlock
Source: Castell Safety International Limited, BEMF-wiring.pdf.
Castell BEMF Interlock 5
Source: Castell Safety International Limited, BEMF-wiring.pdf.
6 Castell BEMF Interlock
Source: Castell Safety International Limited, Din_RailReference.pdf.
Operating Instructions
> 8040
1 Contents
1 Contents ................................................................................................................2
2 General Information ...............................................................................................2
3 Safety instructions .................................................................................................3
4 Conformity to standards ........................................................................................3
5 Function .................................................................................................................3
6 Technical data .......................................................................................................4
7 Fitting .....................................................................................................................6
8 Installation .............................................................................................................7
9 Commissioning ......................................................................................................8
10 Repairs and Maintenance .....................................................................................9
11 Accessories and spare parts ...............................................................................10
12 Disposal ...............................................................................................................10
13 Type Examination Certificate (Page 1) ................................................................11
14 Declaration of conformity .....................................................................................12
15 Installation, Operation & Maintenance Sheet ......................................................13
2 General Information
2.1 Manufacturer
R. STAHL Schaltgeräte GmbH
Am Bahnhof 30
D-74638 Waldenburg
3 Safety instructions
Use the station only for its intended purpose.
Incorrect or impermissible use or non-compliance with these instructions invalidates our
warranty provision.
No changes to the station impairing its explosion protection are permitted.
Mount the station only if it is clean and undamaged.
Observe the following when using the station:
X National safety regulations
X National accident prevention regulations
X National installation regulations (e.g. IEC 60079-14)
X Generally recognized technical regulations
X Safety guidelines in these operating instructions
X Characteristic values and rated operating conditions on the rating and data plates
X Additional instruction plates on the station
4 Conformity to standards
The station complies with the following standards and regulations:
X Directive 94/9/EC
X EN 60079-0, EN 60079-7, EN 61241-0, EN 61241-1
X IEC 60079-0, IEC 60079-1, IEC 60079-11, IEC 60079-18, IEC 60079-7, IEC 61241-0,
IEC 61241-1
Type 8040 station is suitable for use in hazardous areas, zones 1, 2 and 21, 22.
5 Function
Type 8040 control and signal stations are explosion-protected equipments for local
mounting. They are used for control and switching functions in hazardous areas.
6 Technical data
X With ambient temperatures < -20 °C, cable entries „suitable for low temperatures“
must be used, or the station must be so positioned that the cable entries are
mechanically protected.
X The electrical data is affected by the devices fitted. Please refer to the individual type
and rating plates.
) If cable glands other than those manufactured by Fa. R. STAHL Schaltgeräte
GmbH are used, then their degree of protection should be noted.
Service category DC 13
Rated operating voltage 110 V
Rated operating current max. 6 A
Breaking capacity max. 110 W
7 Fitting
a [mm]
min. max.
M 20 25 31
04584E00 M 25 27 33
Flange b [mm]
Brass 16
04583E00 Plastic 16
8 Installation
) To avoid moisture and dirt collecting inside the control stations, electrical
installation must be carried out in a clean and dry environment.
The enclosure may only be opend to carry out installation work and must be
carefully closed again following completion of the work.
Mains connection:
X The conductors must be carefully connected.
X The conductor insulation must reach to the terminal. The conductor itself must not be
damaged (nicked) when removing the insulation.
X Ensure that the maximum permissible conductor temperatures are not exceeded by
suitable selection of cables and means of running them.
) When terminal sleeves are fitted, they must be gas-tight and applied with a
suitable tool.
Connecting cables to fitted devices with screw terminals:
Where fitted devices have screw terminals, 1 or 2 cables may be connected to a single
terminal. If the conductors are single-strand, both must have the same cross-section and
be of the same material.
Cables may be connected without any special preparation.
Connecting cables to fitted devices with screwless terminals contact block
connections shown as example):
05565E00 05886E00
The only exception to this is the use of cables in which the cores of the intrinsically safe
or the non-intrinsically safe circuit are surrounded by an earthed screen.
The pre-conditions for the separation between parts to be connected for
intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe circuits are:
X a distance of 50 mm around an insulating () 1 mm thick) or earthed metal
( ) 0.45 mm thick) isolating plate or
X an isolating plate which is separated from enclosure walls by a distance of ( 1.5 mm.
9 Commissioning
Please convince yourself before operation that the enclosure is completely without
Before commissioning, ensure that:
X the control station has been installed according to the directions
X the control station is not damaged
X there are no foreign bodies inside the control station
X connections have been made correctly
X the cables have been made correctly
X all screws and nuts are fully tightened
X the cable glands and stopping plugs are securely tightened
X unused cable entries are sealed with plugs certified to Directive 94/9/EC, and unused
holes are sealed by stopping plugs certified to Directive 94/9/EC.
Excessive tightening of cable glands and stopping plugs can impair the degree of
) We recommend the use of type 8290 stopping plugs for unused holes and
type 8161 stopping plugs for unused cable entries. Both are available from
Fa. R. STAHL Schaltgeräte GmbH.
Do not open enclosure when supply is switched on!
Do not open when intrinsically safe circuits are energised!
Enclosures with intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe circuits with the notice
„Non-intrinsically safe circuits protected by IP 30 cover“ may be opened when supplied
with power.
Repairs and maintenance work on the control stations may only be carried out by appro-
priately authorized and trained personnel.
Observe the relevant national regulations in the country of use!
) If a flameproof device is damaged, absolutely no repair or maintenance work
is allowed. Please replace the device.
For the purpose of maintenance work, the length of time between periodic checks shall
be so set that any system faults likely to arise are found promptly. The maximum interval
between checks is three years.
Note the following when establishing the interval between checks:
X the ambient conditions (installed in the open, wind, rain, sunlight, etc)
X the operating conditions (utilisation of system, operator errors)
X manufacturers’ instructions in technical documentation (mechanical and electrical life
of switchgear)
X big changes in the whole system (e.g. change of zone allocation)
Checks should be by sight, adjacent or detailed, depending on local conditions. If faults
are found during these checks which affect the explosion protection, then the system
must be taken out of service until the faults have been cleared.
The following points must be checked during maintenance:
X clamping screws holding the cables are securely seated
X compliance with permitted temperatures (to EN 60079-0)
X cracks in plastic enclosures
X damage to the gaskets
Use only original spare parts as well as original accessories made by R. STAHL Schalt-
geräte GmbH.
Designation Illustration Description Ordering Code Weight
Plant indentification plain; 8040001850 0,032
label 05603E00 for fitting to enclosures 8040;
plasic; paper label
Flange in brass to fit in factory only on sides C and D ––
Hole sizes acc. to specification 8040812490 0,280
(up to M 20 x 1,5 2 threaded holes are possible)
12 Disposal
Observe the national standard for refuse disposal.
14 Declaration of conformity
Series 8040
Non-Metallic Control
and Signaling Stations
3. Component Data
3.1 Pilot Light, type 8010:
12V - 254V AC/DC, 0-60Hz
1. Safety Instructions
Terminal capacity 12-22 AWG. or 2.5 mm2
Installation and maintenance of these control station tightened to 18 in-lbs. or 2 N-m
should only be performed by qualified personnel in
accordance with the National Electrical Code (NFPA 3.2 Contact Block, type 8082:
70) or the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) and any
local regulations which relate to hazardous (classi- 600V, 10A max.
fied) locations.
Terminal capacity 12-22 AWG. or 2.5 mm2, tight-
CAUTION: ened to 18 in-lbs. or 2 N-m
• Disconnect power supply before installing or serv- 3.3 Control Switch, type 8008/2-0...and 8008/2-1..:
icing these control stations.
600V, 10A max.
• Operate only undamaged devices with observa-
tions of the operating parameters in Section 2. Terminal capacity 12-22 AWG. or 2.5 mm2
tightened to 18 in-lbs. or 2 N-m.
• For a Class I Zone 1 conduit installation, conduit
seals are required, refer to NEC 505.16 (B) (1). 3.4 Ammeter, type 8405:
For any other cable or conduit installation NO
seals are required. 600V, Ampere rating see data on device
• Use only approved wiring methods for the location, Terminal capacity 12-22 AWG. or 2.5 mm2
with the appropriate conduit/cable fittings. tightened to 18 in-lbs. or 2 N-m.
4.3.3 Insert the connector through the sealing ring 8. Replace the enclosure cover ensuring
and screw the connector into the ground plate alignment between actuators and internal
inside the enclosure. components. Actuate the switch and/or
pushbuttons to check for free operation.
4.3.4 Tighten the connector so that the sealing ring
is pressed evenly against the enclosure. 9. Energize the supply circuit and test the
4.3.5 Tighten the set screw on the metal plate to
prevent the connector from loosening. Note:
The nature of these instructions is only informative and
4.3.6 In case of through wiring the two ground does not cover all of the details, variations or combina-
plates need to be bonded with jumper wire tions in which this equipment may be used, its storage,
since the FRP enclosures are non-metallic. delivery, installation, safe operation and maintenance.
Since conditions of use of the product are outside of the
5. Approved Connector Hardware: care, custody and control of the manufacturer, the pur-
chaser should determine the suitability of the product for
MC / TEK Cable Connectors and Sealing RIngs his intended use, and assumes all risk and liability what-
soever in connection therewith.
Size MCR Series Connector Sealing Ring
Ordering Code Ordering Code
1/2" MCR050 NCS1
3/4" MCR075 NCS2
NPT Close-up Plugs
Size Ordering Code
1/2" PD-E-4-0-29-00
3/4" PD-E-4-0-30-00
3.1" 3.1"
(80 mm) (80 mm)
2.8" 2.8" 2.8" 2.8"
3.1" (70 mm) (72 mm) (70 mm) (72 mm)
(80 mm)
0.2" .43" 0.2" .43"
2.8" 2.8" (5.5 mm) (11 mm) (5.5 mm)
(70 mm) (11 mm)
(72 mm)
0.2" .43"
(5.5 mm) (11 mm)
(7 mm)
(7 mm)
(7 mm)
(139 mm)
(93 mm)
(48 mm)
(139 mm)
(94 mm)
(94 mm)
(ø 5.5 mm)
ø 0.2"
(ø 5.5 mm)
(ø 5.5 mm)
ø 0.2"
ø 0.2"
(5.5 mm)
0.2" 0.2"
(5.5 mm) (5.5 mm)
3.1" 3.1"
(80 mm) (80 mm)
2.8" 2.8" 2.8" 2.8"
(70 mm) (72 mm) (70 mm) (72 mm) 3.1"
(80 mm)
0.2" .43" 0.2" .43" 2.8"
(5.5 mm) (11 mm) (5.5 mm) (11 mm) 2.8"
(70 mm) (72 mm)
0.2" .43"
(5.5 mm) (11 mm)
(7 mm)
(7 mm)
(7 mm)
(139 mm)
(94 mm)
(140 mm)
(185 mm)
(140 mm)
(185 mm)
(ø 5.5 mm)
ø 0.2"
(ø 5.5 mm)
(ø 5.5 mm)
ø 0.2"
ø 0.2"
(5.5 mm)
0.2" 0.2"
(5.5 mm) (5.5 mm)
(80 mm) 3.15"
2.8" 2.8" 80mm 2.76"
(70 mm) (72 mm) 3.82"
70mm 97mm
0.2" 0.43" .22" .43"
(5.5 mm) (11 mm)
5.5mm 11mm
(7 mm)
(140 mm)
(185 mm)
(ø 5.5 mm)
ø 0.2"
(5.5 mm)
8040/54 8040/73,84,94