Nuevo Cheklist
Nuevo Cheklist
Nuevo Cheklist
PARTE INSPECCIONADA Exterior Paredes y piso libres de hoyos o rasgaduras Chasis y llantas en buen estado Cuenta con Suspensin de Aire Puertas de entrada Postes para los sellos en buen estado Postes para cerrar la caja en buen estado? Interior Paredes y piso libres de clavos o tornillos Libre de olores, de escombro y/o basura Visiblemente libre de insectos o plagas Libre de humedad en piso y techo
Please complete the following questions: 13.-Steamship Line or trucking Firm name: 14.- for truck shipments: Drivers Name 15.- For truck shipments: tractor # 16.- Container or Trailer Number: 17.- Seal Number: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
20.- Date the emply Export container Arrived Your location: _________________ ____________(MM/DD/YYYY) 21.- approximate time the empty export container arrived your location __________________________(Time/ AM/PM) 24.- Date the loaded export container was picked up to go to the port of export. ___________________(MM/DD/YYYY) 25.- Approximate time loaded export container was picked up to go to the port of export:_____________(time/AM/PM)
TM 5/18/09
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TM 5/28/09
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TM 5/28/09
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Figura 1 Daos inaceptables en puertas de cajas y/o contenedores
Figura 3 Dimensiones INTERNAS de cajas y contenedores Outside Length Inside Length Inside Width Ocean Container 20 19 4 7 8.5 Ocean Container 40 39 5 7 8.5 Ocean Container 45 44 5 7 9 Domestic Trailer 28 27 3 8 3 Domestic Trailer 48 47 3 8 3 Domestic Trailer 53 52 6 8 3
Inside Height 7 10 7 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10
TM 5/28/09
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