Ev2 - Base de Datos - Eq Los Cabos
Ev2 - Base de Datos - Eq Los Cabos
Ev2 - Base de Datos - Eq Los Cabos
Estructuras relacional.
Maestro: Juan Manuel Vazquez Hernández
Nombre Usuario
Sifuentes Lázaro Angel Rodrigo 1664722
Siller Pérez Lesli Anahí 2049487
Tovar Garza Carlos Axel 2047008
Trujillo García Diana Guadalupe 1901731
Vlades García Julio Donovan 2175445
Zúñiga Armendaiz Camila Alejandra 2044433
1. Escriba las relaciones entre el modelo relacional y una base de datos: ........... 3
Escriba el significado de los siguientes conceptos .................................................. 4
3, Mencione las N fases a seguir en el diseño de un Diagrama Relacional ............ 5
Mayorista Ferretero ................................................................................................. 6
UANL ....................................................................................................................... 9
CENSO DE POBLACIÓN DE NUEVO LEÓN ....................................................... 21
CONCLUSIONES.................................................................................................. 27
1. Escriba las relaciones entre el modelo relacional y una base de datos:
Concepto Significado
Mayorista Ferretero
diagrama de ERD PLUS
Código de tablas
Sifuentes Lázaro Angel Rodrigo 1664722
Hoy en día las bases de datos relacionales se han convertido en una de las
herramientas más importantes en la gestión de la información. El lenguaje de SQL
personalmente me parece de los mas prácticos en la actualidad, ya que nos
facilita diferentes herramientas para lograr extraer la información mas necesaria
Nowadays relational databases have become one of the most important tools in
information management. The SQL language personally seems to me to be one of
the most practical nowadays, as it provides us with different tools to extract the
most necessary information.
Oracle being one of the leading providers of relational database solutions allows us
different tools to support various platforms and operating systems, and its
advanced features such as recovery and security tools.
Databases allow us as users to securely store, organize and access large amounts
of information. The relational database architecture is flexible and popular, and is
widely used in the industry.
In this evidence it was clear that the relational models and the tables go together at
the time of making a corresponding table since it is like a relation between them
two if you do not make first the model at the time of trying to make the table the
ideas will not be clear, In addition to emphasize that at the time of being using apex
is something good because it contains many tools and many sections to perform
different types of actions because when making a table this has everything that
occupies, at first if I lost but now gives me a little more intiriga everything that
contains these tools and I hope that with the passage of the semesters know to
use well if not perfectly table design