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Lesson 1 Modulo 3 Primer Año Modulo 3 Ingles

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Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología

Dirección de Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos

Gerencia de Modalidades Flexibles
Departamento de Asistencia Educadores de Jóvenes y Adultos

Plan de Lección

Institution: Centro Escolar Católico San Patricio Grade: First and second year high school Section “A” Tutorial date: Sunday, june 245th, 2022.
Subject: English Module 1 Teacher in charge: Matias Lopez

Topic: Achievement indicador

Lesson 1: how is the Weather? I can discriminate comparative and superlative forms of adjectives in diverse audio material.
Lesson 1 how has migration changed I can use “be supposed to” correctly in conversations related to seasons and weather.
I can use appropriate language and organizational skills to make an oral presentation about a chosen country.
our world? I can differentiate between dictionary meaning and implied meaning of words

Indicador Actividades T Recursos Criterios de

de logro evaluación
No presenciales Presenciales
I can Activities that all student s have to do at home for June 12th,  Beginning - -He/she
discrimin 2022`class in 1º and 2º grade.  Greeting 5 min Computadora discriminate
 Agenda reading - Pizarra d
ate comparative
 Assistence - Proyector
compara  Presentation of the achievement indicador - Celular para and
tive and  Reflection internet (si no superlative
forms of
superlati tuviese la adjectives in
ve forms institución diverse
of - Pliegos de audio
5 min papel bond material. I
In their notebook, students should make the cover of - Plumones used“be
s in - Cuaderno supposed
module 2, the conceptual map of the unit and copy the
diverse - Lapiceros to” correctly
objectives of the unit. in
audio - Lápices
- conversation
material.I Reading and conprehension s related to
can use Leer y comprender la lectura siguiente que está en seasons
“be “conversatión and more” en página 103 de su módulo y and
luego contestar las preguntas que están en la actividad weather.
uno de lección 1 de su módulo No 3 de estudio.
to” She/he
correctly used
Indicador Actividades T Recursos Criterios de
de logro evaluación
No presenciales Presenciales
in appropriate
conversa and
tions organization
related al skills to
to make an
seasons presentation
and min about a
weather. chosen

I can use  She/he

appropri En su cuaderno deberá contestar la actividad No 4 de could
ate lección 1, modulo 3, de pagina No 104 utilizando la differentiate
siguiente explicación de los tiempos verbales. between
language dictionary
and meaning
organiza and implied
meaning of
tional words
skills to
make an
about a En su cuaderno deberá contestar la actividad No 2 y 3
chosen de lección 1, modulo 3, de pagina No 104 utilizando la
country. siguiente explicación de los modales auxuiliares..

between 10min
implied  Ending activity 50
Indicador Actividades T Recursos Criterios de
de logro evaluación
No presenciales Presenciales
meaning Teacher will present a chart with different adjetctive min
of words. and students will Write a paragraph about
someone you know describing their character.
Back up your description of that person by citing
speciic examples of their behavior.
Teacher will evaluate the activity.
 Orientaciones para la siguiente Jornada y
 Espacio para preguntas
 Despedida


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