Wilberth 3 - Merged
Wilberth 3 - Merged
Wilberth 3 - Merged
Wilberth Alfredo Molina Galicia
Randy Magaña Hernández
AUDIT: Professional review of the documents and information of a company carried out by
an entity external to it and based on which an independent opinion is issued on its books
and reports and their consistency with generally accepted accounting principles. .
Creditor: A creditor is any natural or legal person who has made a loan or has delivered an
asset to another person (the debtor) in exchange for a payment by him.
Management: is one of the disciplines that relate to finance, it provides finance with the
evaluation, planning, and control techniques necessary to achieve the best approach in the
decisions taken. Strategic planning cannot be achieved without considering its influence on
the overall financial well-being of the company.
6. BIENES: Los bienes son los elementos materiales e inmateriales que brindan valor o
utilidad a quien los posee. Por lo general, tienen un valor económico en el mercado que
depende de la demanda, y satisfacen directa o indirectamente determinada necesidad de
los individuos que los adquieren.
Estate: assets are material and immaterial elements that provide value or utility to whoever
owns them. In general, they have an economic value in the market that depends on the
demand, and they directly or indirectly satisfy a certain need of the individuals who acquire
Check: A draft or order for payment made out to bearer or in the name of a third party who
has a checking account with a credit institution.
The amount of a bill of exchange that is issued to the bearer or in the name of a third party
who has a current account in a credit institution. An instrument or document by which bank
deposits are transferring bank deposits between individuals.
8. COMISION: Suma porcentual que se paga a un tercero por sus servicios prestados, la
cual para el caso de los bursátiles, generalmente se cobra al comprar y al vender.
Commission: Percentage amount paid to a third party for services rendered, which in the
case of stock exchanges, is generally charged when buying and selling.
which, in the case of stock exchanges, is generally charged at the time of purchase and
9. CAPITAL: El capital es el total de recursos físicos y financieros que posee una entidad
económica, obtenidos mediante aportaciones de los socios o accionistas, para generar
beneficios o ganancias. Ésta cantidad siempre es distinguida de los intereses cobrados.
Básicamente, se define como la cantidad de dinero que se presta o impone.
Capital: Capital is the total financial and resources that an economic entity possesses,
obtained through contributions from partners or shareholders, to generate benefits or
physical gains. This amount is always distinguished from the interest charged. Basically, it is
defined as the amount of money that is lent or imposed.
13. DIVIDENDO: Es la parte del beneficio social que se reparte entre los accionistas. Junto
con las posibles plusvalías obtenidas por la revalorización, es la principal fuente de
rentabilidad de las acciones, y constituye el derecho económico por excelencia de sus
titulares (reconocido en el artículo 48 de la Ley de Sociedades Anónimas). En ocasiones, la
junta general puede estimar conveniente no proceder al reparto del dividendo.
Dividends: It is the part of the corporate profit that is distributed among the shareholders.
Together with the possible capital gains obtained from the revaluation, it is the main source
of profitability of the shares, and constitutes the economic right par excellence of its holders
(recognized in article 48 of the Law on Public Limited Companies). On occasions, the
general meeting may deem it appropriate not to proceed with the distribution of the dividend.
15. ESTADO DE COSTO DE VENTA: Estado financiero que muestra lo que cuesta vender
determinados artículo en un periodo o ejercicio pasado, presente o futuro.
Cost of sales statement: Financial statement showing what it costs to sell certain items in a
past, present, or future period or year.
Statement of cash flows: Provides a summary of the company's operating, investing and
financial cash flows and reconciles them to changes in the company's cash and marketable
securities during the period.
Financial structure: The financial structure is the set of economic resources that a
company has, coming from internal or external financing sources. The objective of this
structure is to optimize and increase profits seeking profitability.
Business finance: They are those that focus on the monetary or investment decisions that
companies make (identification of investment opportunities and analysis of their economic
viability, usually in terms of profitability) and on the tools and analyzes that are used to make
those decisions.
20. MERCADO INTERBANCARIO: Aquel que permite un flujo de fondos entre los bancos,
pues mientras unos tienen excedentes de encaje, otros, así tengan la capacidad de
colocación, no captan lo suficiente.
INTERBANK MARKET: The one that allows a flow of funds between banks, because while
some have surplus stocks, others, even if they have the capacity to place, do not capture
Mankiw, N. G., & Rabasco, E. (2007). Principios de economía. Ediciones Paraninfo, S.A
S. (2021a, marzo 13). 1.2 La relación de las finanzas con otras disciplinas.
Van Horne, J. C., & Wachowicz, J. M. (2010). Fundamentos de administración financiera (M.
A. González Osuna, Trans.). Pearson Educación de México, S. A. de C. V.
Óscar Vásquez del Mercado, Contratos mercantiles, 11a. ed., Porrúa, México, 2001, p. 180.