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Me gustaría evaluar, dentro del ámbito personal, el autocuidado. Particularmente la manera en que
cuido mi salud física. Todavía más en específico la motivación hacia mejorar mis hábitos de
alimentación y de ejercicio.
2. ¿Por qué tengo el interés en evaluar esa de forma específica esa área y conducta de mi vida?
Porque me gustaría conocer si, con una evaluación, puedo tener información integral que me sirva para
saber las causas del porqué no me cuido como me gustaría y, en ese sentido, quizás encontrar alguna 1
forma de ponerme en acción sostenida.
Soy un hombre de 34 años, actualmente peso 135 Kg y mido 1.65. Sé que mi IMC es 50, lo que me coloca
Obesidad grado III. Actualmente ya soy hipertenso, conozco claramente los riesgos a la salud respecto
al sobrepeso y la obesidad. Por supuesto que tengo antecedentes genéticos que no me ayudan, ya que
muchos de mis familiares maternos tienen problemas debido a esto: diabetes, infartos, trombosis, etc.
Ya son muchas veces, las que he intentado perder peso, inclusive desde que era un niño (porque desde
niño he tenido problemas con el peso). Algunas veces lo logro; hago dietas y comienzo a perder unos
cuantos kilos. A veces con seguimiento profesional, otras veces de manera autónoma, pero después
abandono todo. Según yo, el problema está en la motivación, pero quizás también podría estar en
plantear objetivos “correctos”.
Cuando tenía 27 años, casi lo logro, llegué a pesar 77 Kg, llevaba tratamiento médico y nutricional.
Aparentemente mi problema era fisiológico (endócrino), porque tomaba levotiroxina para el
hipotiroidismo. Luego, debido a que tuve que mudarme de ciudad ya no continue con el tratamiento y
me vino el rebote.
Posteriormente he tenido intentos, aunque ya sin un seguimiento profesional pero tampoco lo logro.
Al inicio, muy motivado, pero luego pierdo el interés y las ganas de continuar. Pensé que el problema
seguía siendo endócrino, pero hace un par de meses me hice un perfil tiroideo y todo salió bien.
Quizás la evaluación psicológica me ayude a entenderme mejor a mí mismo, quizás hasta pueda tener,
como lo digo al final del primer párrafo de esta pregunta: tener una acción sostenida.
3. ¿Para qué evaluar? (Describe de forma específica los objetivos al realizar esta
La evaluación psicológica constituye una de las primeras etapas en las que se recopila información que
será relevante para comprender, no solo el comportamiento y el contexto en el que se desarrollan
- Explorar las creencias y actitudes relacionadas con la alimentación a fin de poder identificar
aquellas que estén obstaculizando mi capacidad de cuidarme de manera efectiva.
- Identificar los factores de motivación o desmotivación para mantener hábitos saludables de
alimentación y ejercicio.
Reflexión: ¿Es importante evaluarnos, conocernos mejor, identificar ideas, prejuicios, problemáticas,
conductas que quisiéramos cambiar? (justifica tu respuesta).
En mi caso, creo que conocer mis propias ideas, prejuicios, problemas y conductas me ayuda a ser
consciente de quién soy realmente. Me permite reconocer cómo mis emociones, mis pensamientos y
mis acciones no solo me pueden llegar a afectar a mí mismo, sino a las personas con quien suelo convivir
día a día.
Por su parte, el autoconocimiento es fundamental para el desarrollo personal, pues puedo saber cuáles
son mis fortalezas y mis áreas de oportunidad, las primeras las puedo emplear justamente para las
segundas y, en ese sentido, trabajar de manera más clara en aquellas áreas que deseo mejorar.
También pienso que ser cada vez más autoconsciente de quién soy me permite tomar mejores
decisiones sobre lo que realmente quiero y deseo y no sobre las expectativas de otros ni mediante
presiones sociales.
Ahora bien, en el futuro, después de terminar la licenciatura, deseo continuar formándome para ser
psicólogo clínico. Entonces, el autoconocimiento me va a ser útil para empatizar y comprender mejor a
mis futuros consultantes. De esa manera, les podré proporcionar un ambiente terapéutico seguro y
Instrumentos elegidos:
- Descripción: es una buena prueba de filtro para identificar individuos con conductas de riesgo
para algún Trastorno de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA). Fue desarrollado por Fairburn y Beglin
en el año de 1994. Se le puede considerar como estándar en la evaluación de los TCA.
- Descripción: fue desarrollado por Spitzer y colaboradores en el año de 1992. Se utiliza para 3
identificar individuos con trastorno por atracones recurrentes con un sentimiento de pérdida
de control y de culpa, en ausencia de conductas compensatorias inapropiadas típicas de la
Bulimia Nerviosa.
- Evaluación: se indaga acerca de la cantidad de comida consumida en los atracones, la duración
de estos y sobre sentimientos de culpa con respecto a la comida, la dieta y el peso. es capaz de
identificar de manera precisa a individuos con probabilidad baja y alta para trastorno por
atracón y a discriminar entre niveles clínicos y no clínicos de este trastorno.
Questions 1 to 12: Please circle the appropriate number on the right. Remember that the questions only refer to
the past four weeks (28 days) only.
10 Have you had a definite fear that you might gain weight? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Over the past 28 days, how many times have you eaten what other people would regards as an unusually
large amount of food (given the circumstances)?
14 … On how many of these times did you have a sense of having lost control over your eating (at the time
you were eating)?
Over the past 28 days, on how many DAYS have such episodes of overeating occurred (i.e. you have eaten
an unusually large amount of food and have had a sense of loss of control at the time)?
Over the past 28 days, how many times have you made yourself sick (vomit) as a means of controlling your
shape or weight?
Over the past 28 days, how many times have you taken laxatives as a means of controlling your shape or
Over the past 28 days, how many times have you exercised in a “driven” or “compulsive” way as a means of
controlling your weight, shape or amount of fat, or to burn off calories?
Questions 19 to 21: Please circle the appropriate number. Please note that for these questions the term “binge
eating” means eating what others would regard as an unusually large amount of food for the circumstances,
accompanied by a sense of having lost control over eating.
How much would it have upset you if you had been asked
24 to weigh yourself once a week (no more, or less, often) for 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
the next four weeks?
If female: Over the past three to four months have you missed any menstrual periods?: YES NO
Please Note: The Data Collection Worksheet (DCW) is a tool to aid integration of a PhenX protocol into a
study. The PhenX DCW is not designed to be a data collection instrument. Investigators will need to
decide the best way to collect data for the PhenX protocol in their study. Variables captured in the DCW,
along with variable names and unique PhenX variable identifiers, are included in the PhenX Data
Dictionary (DD) files.
Date _________________________________
2. Sex:
1 [ ] Male
2 [ ] Female
3. What is your ethnic/racial background?
[ ] Asian
[ ] Pacific Islander
[ ] White
4 [ ] Completed college
5 [ ] Advanced degree
6. How much do you weigh now (if you are unsure, please provide your best
________ pounds
7. What has been your highest adult weight ever (for women, when not pregnant)?
________ pounds
8. During the past three months, did you ever eat, in a short period of time? For
example, a two hour period. What most people would think was an unusually large
amount of food?
1 [ ] Yes
9. During the times when you ate an unusually large amount of food, did you ever
feel you could not stop eating or control what or how much you were eating?
1 [ ] Yes
10. During the past three months, how often, on average, did you have episodes
like this? That is, eating large amounts of food plus the feeling that you’re eating
was out of control?
(There may have been some weeks when this did not happen, just average those
1 [ ] Less than 1 episode per week
11. Did you usually have any of the following experiences during these episodes?
12. Think about a typical episode when you ate this way (That is, when you ate a
large amount of food and felt your eating was out of control):
3 [ ] (4 PM to 8 PM)
4 [ ] (8 PM to 12 Midnight)
c. As best you can remember, please list everything you ate and drank during that
episode. Please list the foods eaten and liquids consumed during the episode. Be
specific - include brand names where possible, and amounts or portion sizes as
best you can estimate.
d. At the time this episode started, how long had it been since you had previously
finished eating a meal or snack?
hours_____ minutes_____
13. In general, during the past three months, how upset were you by these
(When you ate a large amount of food and felt your eating was out of control)?
1 [ ] Not at all
2 [ ] Slightly
3 [ ] Moderately
4 [ ] Greatly
5 [ ] Extremely
14. During the past three months, did you ever make yourself vomit in order to
avoid gaining weight after episodes of eating like you described (when you ate a
large amount of food and felt your eating was out of control)?
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No
15. During the past three months, did you ever take more than the recommended
dose of laxatives in order to avoid gaining weight after episodes of eating like you
described (when you ate a large amount of food and felt your eating was out of
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No
16. During the past three months, did you ever take more than the recommended
dose of diuretics (water pills) in order to avoid gaining weight after episodes of
eating like you described (when you ate a large amount of food and felt your
eating was out of control)?
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No
IF YES: How often, on average, was that?
1 [ ] Less than 1 time per week
17. During the past three months, did you ever fast - for example, not eat anything
at all for at least 24 hours -- in order to avoid gaining weight after episodes of
eating like you described (when you ate a large amount of food and felt your
eating was out of control)?
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No
18. During the past three months, did you ever exercise excessively for example,
exercised even though it interfered with important activities or despite being
injured, specifically in order to avoid gaining weight after episodes of eating like
you described. (When you ate a large amount of food and felt your eating was out
of control)?
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No
19. During the past three months, did you ever take more than the recommended
dose of a diet pill in order to avoid gaining weight after episodes of eating like you
described. (When you ate a large amount of food and felt your eating was out of
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No
20. During the past three months, on average, how important has your weight or
shape been in how you feel about or evaluate yourself as a person as compared to
other aspects of your life, such as your performance at work or as a parent, or how
you get along with other people?
1 [ ] Weight and shape were not very important
2 [ ] Weight and shape played a part in how you felt about yourself
3 [ ] Weight and shape were among the main things that affected how you felt about
4 [ ] Weight and shape were the most important things that affected how you felt
about yourself.
22. During the past three months how often did you have episodes like this -- the
feeling that your eating was out of control, but you did not consume what most
people would think was an unusually large amount of food? (There may have been
some weeks when this did not happen -- just average those in.)
1 [ ] Less than 1 episode per week
23. Did you usually have any of the following experiences during these episodes?
24. Think about a typical episode when you ate this way (that is, when you felt you
could not stop eating or control what or how much you were eating) but in which
you did not consume an unusually large amount of food):
a. What time of day did the episode start?
1 [ ] (8 AM to 12 Noon)
3 [ ] (4 PM to 8 PM)
4 [ ] (8 PM to 12 Midnight)
hours_____ minutes_____
c. As best you can remember, please list everything you ate and drank during that
episode. Please list the foods eaten and liquids consumed during the episode. Be
specific - include brand names where possible, and amounts or portion sizes as
best you can estimate.
d. At the time this episode started, how long had it been since you had previously
finished eating a meal or snack?
hours_____ minutes_____
25. In general, during the past three months, how upset were you by these
episodes (that is, when you felt you could not stop eating or control what or how
much you were eating but in which you did not consume an unusually large
amount of food)?
1 [ ] Not at all
2 [ ] Slightly
3 [ ] Moderately
4 [ ] Greatly
5 [ ] Extremely
26. Please take a look at these silhouettes. Put a circle around the silhouettes that
most resemble the body builds of your biological father and mother at their
If you have no knowledge of your biological father and/or mother, don’t circle
anything for that parent.