Embajada o
Foto Application for Schengen Visa Consulado
Photo Stamp Embassy
Impreso gratuito/This application form is free or Consulate
4. Fecha de nacimiento (año-mes-día) / 5. Número del documento de identidad (optativo) / Tramitado por
Date of birth (year-month-day) ID-number (optional)
7. Nacionalidad(es) actuales / Current nationality/ies 8. Nacionalidad de origen (nacionalidad por nacimento) / Documentos presentados:
Original nationality (nationality at birth)
27. En caso de tránsito, ¿tiene permiso de entrada en el último país de destino? / In the case of transit, have you an Válido de ………………
entry permit for the final country of destination? a ………………………
No Válido para:
Sí, válido hasta/Yes , valid until: Autoridad que lo expidió/Issuing authority:
* 28. Anteriores visitas a éste u otros Estados Schengen / Previous stays in this or other Schengen states
* Los familiares de ciudadanos de la UE o del EEE (cónyuge, hijos o ascendientes a su cargo) no tienen que responder a las preguntas marcadas
con un asterisco (*). Los familiares de ciudadanos de la UE o del EEE deben presentar documentos que prueben la relación familiar
29. Finalidad del viaje / Purpose of travel
Turismo / Tourism Trabajo / Business Visita a familiares o amigos / Visit to Family or Friends
Cultural/Deportiva / Cultural/Sports Oficial / Official Motivos médicos / Medical reasons
Otros (indíquese) / Other (please specify): …………………………………………………..
*30. Fecha de llegada / Date of arrival * 31. Fecha de salida / Date of departure
* 32. Frontera de primera entrada o itinerario de tránsito/ * 33. Medio de transporte / Means of transport Once the visa request has
been submitted, a copy of the
Border of first entry or transit route form, sealed with the indication
of the date and place of
* 34. Nombre de la persona o empresa de acogida en los Estados Schengen y de la persona de contacto en la empresa reception, shall be returned to
de acogida. Si el solicitante no se encuentra en esta situación, nombre del hotel o dirección provisional en los the applicant.
Estados Schengen / Name of host or company in the Schengen states and contact person in host company. If
not applicable, give name of hotel or temporary address in the Schengen states Arrangements can be made
Nombre / Name Teléfono y telefax / Telephone with the applicant as to the
and telefax channel to request corrections or
the supply of documents or
certificates, as well as to serve
Dirección completa / Full address Dirección de correo notice of summons and to notify
electrónico / e-mail address the decision adopted in due
* 35. ¿Quién paga los gastos de viaje y los gastos de manutención del solicitante durante la estancia? / Who is paying Notices and requests shall be
for your cost of travelling and for your costs of living during your stay? served by telephone or fax to the
El solicitante/ Myself La persona que le acoge/Host person/s La empresa de acogida/ Host company. contact number provided by the
Indíquese quién y cómo y adjúntese la documentación correspondiente / State who and how and present interested party or his legal
corresponding representative. If they were to
documentation:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. prove ineffective, they shall be
* 36. Medios de subsistencia durante la estancia / Means of support during your stay served in writing to the domicile
Dinero en efectivo/Cash Cheques de viaje/Travellers' cheques Tarjetas de crédito/Credit cards set out in the application, which
must be located within the
Alojamiento/Accommodation Otros/Other:
consular district.
Seguro de viaje o seguro médico. Válido hasta:…………..…../Travel and/or health insurance. Valid until:
37. Apellidos del cónyuge / Spouse’s family name 38. Si ha lugar, apellidos de soltera de la cónyuge/ Summons and requests
Spouse’s family name at birth served must be complied with
within a period not exceeding
39. Nombre del cónyuge / Spouse’s first name 40. Fecha de nacimiento del 41. Lugar de nacimiento del ten days, unless personal
cónyuge / Spouse’s date of birth cónyuge / Spouse’s place of attendance is required in which
birth case the deadline is fifteen days.
42. Hijos (es obligatorio presentar una solicitud por pasaporte) / Children (Applications must be submitted
Once all the possibilities of
separately for each passport) serving a notice have been
Apellido(s)/Name Nombre/First name Fecha de nacimiento/Date of birth exhausted, the notice shall be
1. served by means of an
2. announcement posted at the
3. relevant notice board of the
43. Datos personales del ciudadano de la UE o del EEE del que depende el solicitante. Sólo deben responder a esta Embassy or Consulate during ten
pregunta los familiares de ciudadanos de la UE o del EEE / Personal data of the EU or EEA citizen you depend days.
on. This question should be answered only by family members of EU or EEA citizens.
If a request or summons
Apellido(s)/Name Nombre/First Name remains unanswered, the
applicant shall be deemed as
Fecha de nacimiento/Date of Birth Ncionalidad/Nationality Número de pasaporte/Number having withdrawn his request
of passport and the resolution establishing
Relación de parentesco/Family relationship: this to be the case shall be
de un ciudadano de la UE o del EEE/of an EU or EEA citizen notified to him.
44. I am aware of and consent to the following: any personal data concerning me which appear on this visa application
The maximum time periods
form will be supplied to the relevant authorities in the Schengen states and processed by those authorities, if to notify a resolution pertaining
necessary, for the purposes of a decision on my visa application. Such data may be input into, and stored in, to a visa is of three months for
databases accessible to the relevant authorities in the various Schengen states. transit, short-term and residence
At my express request, the consular authority processing my application will inform me of the manner in which I visas. For the rest of visas, the
may exercise my right to check the personal data concerning me and have them altered or deleted, in particular, period is one month.
should they be inaccurate, in accordance with the national law of the state concerned.
I declare that to the best of my knowledge all particulars supplied by me are correct and complete. Once the maximum period to
I am aware that any false statements will lead to my application being rejected or to the annulment of a visa already adopt a resolution has elapsed,
granted and may also render me liable to prosecution under the law of the Schengen state which deals with the the visa request may be deemed
as rejected.
I undertake to leave the territory of the Schengen states upon the expiry of the visa, if granted. The visa once granted must
I have been informed that possession of a visa is only one of the prerequisites for entry into the European territory of be collected within a month,
the Schengen states. The mere fact that a visa has been granted to me does not mean that I will be entitled to unless it is a visa for family
compensation if I fail to comply with the relevant provisions of Article 5.1 of the Schengen Implementing regroupment or a visa for study
Convention and am thus refused entry. The prerequisites for entry will be checked again on entry into the European purposes; in this particular case,
territory of the Schengen states. it must be collected before two
45. Domicilio personal del solicitante / Applicant’s home address 46. Teléfono/Telephone number months elapse.