Clonezilla - About Sitio Oficial para Descargarlo
Clonezilla - About Sitio Oficial para Descargarlo
Clonezilla - About Sitio Oficial para Descargarlo
The Free and Open Source Software for Disk Imaging and Cloning
News What is Clonezilla?
Clonezilla is a partition and disk imaging/cloning program
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Server Edition similar to True Image® or Norton Ghost®. It helps you to
Download do system deployment, bare metal backup and recovery.
CD/USB key vendors
Three types of Clonezilla are available, Clonezilla live,
Related LiveCD Clonezilla lite server, and Clonezilla SE (server edition).
Testimonials Clonezilla live is suitable for single machine backup and
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restore. While Clonezilla lite server or SE is for massive
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Partners deployment, it can clone many (40 plus!) computers
FAQ/Q&A simultaneously. Clonezilla saves and restores only used
Forum This website
blocks in the hard disk. This increases uses efficiency.
the clone cookies to ensure you get
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Developers With some high-end hardware the in abest experience
42-node cluster,on
a our website.
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multicast restoring at rate 8 GB/min morereported.
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The destination partition must be equal or larger than the source one.
Differential/incremental backup is not implemented yet.
Online imaging/cloning is not implemented yet. The partition to be imaged
or cloned has to be unmounted.
Due to the image format limitation, the image can not be explored or
mounted. You can _NOT_ recovery single file from the image. However,
you still have workaround to make it, read this.
Recovery Clonezilla live with multiple CDs or DVDs is not implemented yet
Now all the files have to be in one CD or DVD if you choose to create the
recovery iso file.
Clonezilla itself is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)
Version 2. However, to run Clonezilla, a lot of free and open source
software, e.g. the Linux kernel and a minimal GNU/Linux OS, are required.
Clonezilla Live: Clonezilla live allows you to use CD/DVD or USB flash
drive to boot and run clonezilla (Unicast only)
Clonezilla lite server: Clonezilla lite server allows you to use Clonezilla live
to do massively cloning (unicast, broadcast, multicast, bittorrent are
Clonezilla SE: Clonezilla SE is included in DRBL, therefore a DRBL server
must first be set up in order to use Clonezilla to do massively cloning
(unicast, broadcast and multicast are supported)