Electrical debugging-ASIA FUJI SUZHOU
Electrical debugging-ASIA FUJI SUZHOU
Electrical debugging-ASIA FUJI SUZHOU
Debugging Instructions
(TR800000 Integrated Machine)
Table of Contents
voltage PG card
PG card in the figure is that for asynchronous motor (AS.T014 control board).
While AS.T002 ABZ control board is for the asynchronous motor control.
tor output
1.2.2. Introduction to functions of the terminals on SINCOS board for synchronous motor PG
Name Terminal label Introduction to terminal Specification
Open-collector FA Open-collector signal Triode open-collector
signal output output output (maximum
FB Open-collector signal output frequency
output 50kHz)
When the wire between the encoder and PG card is longer, +5.3V voltage will be chosen to enhance
signal and overcome voltage drop of the line.
SINCOS board on synchronous motor PG card can receive SIN/COS differential output signal from
the encoder.
No. Rema
Position Name Definition Type rks
Inspection signal 1, disconnected for inspection,
JP1.1 X0 Input / default
connection of X0 and X1 for automatic
Inspection signal 2, disconnected for inspection,
JP1.2 X1 Input / default
connection of X0 and X1 for automatic
Up signal, inspection: inching up; driver: up
JP1 JP1.3 X2 Input / default
Down signal, inspection: inching down; driver:
JP1.4 X3 Input / default
down reversing
Input / normally
JP2.1 X4 Terminal slow down switch for up single storey
Input / normally
JP2.2 X5 Terminal slow down switch for down single storey
Input / normally
JP2.3 X6 Terminal slow down switch for up double-floor
Input / normally
JP2.4 X7 Terminal slow down switch for down double-floor
Input / normally
JP2.5 X8 Terminal slow down switch for up three-floor
JP2 open
Input / normally
JP2.6 X9 Terminal slow down switch for down three-floor
Input / normally
JP2.7 X10 Terminal slow down switch for up four-floor
Input / normally
JP2.8 X11 Terminal slow down switch for down four-floor
JP3.1 X12 Upper limit switch Input / normally
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Debugging Instructions for TR800000 Version: A
Integrated Machine Modification: 0
No. Rema
Position Name Definition Type rks
Input / normally
JP3.2 X13 Lower limit switch
Input / normally
JP3.3 X14 Upper leveling switch
Input / normally
JP3.4 X15 Lower leveling switch
Input / normally
JP3.5 X16 Door switch signal input
Input / normally
JP3.6 X17 Detection of open releveling or pre-opening relay
Input / normally
JP4.1 X18 Fire return switch
Input / normally
JP4.2 X19 Fireman switch
Input / normally
JP4.3 X20 Detection of power contactor 1 of the motor
Input / normally
JP4.4 X21 Detection of power contactor 2 of the motor
Input / normally
JP4.5 X22 Detection of brake contactor
Input / normally
JP4.6 X23 Detection of the left brake switch
Input / normally
JP4.7 X24 Detection of the right brake switch
Input / normally
JP4.8 X25 Motor temperature detection signal
Input / normally
JP4.9 X26 Earthquake detection signal input
Input / normally
JP4.10 X27 Reserved
Input/ normally
JP5.1 X28 Reserved (safety circuit relay detection)
Input/ normally
JP5.2 X29 Reserved (door lock circuit relay detection )
Input/ normally
JP5.3 X30 Reserved
Input/ normally
JP5.4 X31 Reserved
JP5.5 COM Common port for X0-X31 input signal
0VDC power input end (for optocoupler isolated
input circuit)
24VDC power input end (for optocoupler isolated
JP6.2 24V
JP6 input circuit)
JP6.3 COM 0VDC power input (for relay output circuit)
JP6.4 VCOM 24VDC power input (for relay output circuit)
Reserved 24VDC Output, output current is limited
JP7 JP7.1 +24V
to 0.5A
JP7.2 0V Reserved 0VDC output
Call and instruction serial communication signal
port (TXA1+)
No. Rema
Position Name Definition Type rks
Call and instruction serial communication signal
port (TXA1-)
Reserved 24VDC output, output current is limited
JP8.1 +24V
to 0.5A
JP13.6 COM7 Common port Y15 for fire regression output relay
No. Rema
Position Name Definition Type rks
No. Position Name Definition Type
JP2.16 RS485 communication port
JP2.17 Reserved
JP2.18 Resered
JP2.19 Input power + for isolated power
JP2.20 Input power - for isolated power
JP3.1 Open indicator power - Output
JP3.2 Open indicator power + Output
JP3.3 TX19 One end of open button Input
JP3.4 TX19 Other end of open button Input
JP4.1 Close indicator power - Output
JP4.2 Close indicator power + Output
JP4.3 TX19 One end of close button Input
JP4.4 TX19 Other end of close button Input
JP5.1 COM Common port for TX0-TX18, 0V
JP5.2 TX0 Open (front door) in-position switch Input
JP5.3 TX1 Close (front door) in-position switch Input
JP5.4 TX2 Safety edge switch Input
JP5.5 TX3 Overload switch Input
JP5.6 FX4 Full load switch Input
JP5.7 TX5 Input
JP5.8 TX6 Reserved Input
No. Position Name Definition Type
+24V power for serial communication with the car and call
JP6.1 TXV+
0V power for serial communication with the car and call
JP6.2 TXV-
controller CANB
Positive end signal for serial communication with the car US
JP6.3 TXA+
and call controller
Negative end signal for serial communication with the car
JP6.4 TXA-
and call controller
CAN serial communication port terminal resistance jumper. If short circuit resistance is presented on
the display inside the car, then no short circuit is provided here.
JP7 To connect the instruction board SM-03-D of the car.
If input power is supplied by JP6.1 and JP6.2, J2 and J3 are shorted. If input power is supplied by
JP2.19 and JP2.20, then no short circuit is provided here.
Connection method for instruction button and indicator:
Pin 1 and 2 are separately connected to – and + end of the power of the door indicator, while pin 3
and 4 are connected to button end of the door switch.
Status indicator
LED display
LCD display
Button operation
Key Functions
Hot keys F1 1. Return to the main display interface of lift status when in non-state
display page.
2. Enter fault query page when in state display page.
F2 1. Return to the display page of lift status when in fault query page.
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Debugging Instructions for TR800000 Version: A
Integrated Machine Modification: 0
Key Functions
2. Enter input & output status to check when in call page.
3. Enter call page when in non-fault query and call page.
F3 Enter speed curve page.
Direction 1. Move up an item for function selection.
keys 2. Current digit increases by 1 for data input.
3. Move up 16 items for digit paremeter selection.
4. Change ON and OFF state for digit setting.
1. Move down an item for function selection.
2. Current digit decreases by 1 for data input.
3. Move down 16 items for digit parameter selection.
4. Change ON and OFF state for digit setting.
1. Move up 10 items for parameter setting.
2. Shift left the cursor for data input.
3. Shift left an item for digit setting.
1. Move down 10 items for function selection.
2. Shift right the cursor for data input.
3. Shift right an item for digit setting.
Function 1. Return to the previous menu.
keys 2. Cancel the input for data input.
1. Enter for function selection.
2. Enter editing status for data view.
3. Save the data input.
resistance to earth among different voltage loops to be ∞ with ohm range of the multimeter.
3. Please carefully examine whether the wire between the incoming line of control cabinet and the
motor is correct, to avoid the integrated drive controller being burned after power on.
4. Examine the control cabinet housing, the motor shell and ground wire of the car and the hall door
are safely and reliably earthed or not, to ensure personal safety.
▲Note: cabinet housing and motor shell must be earthed at the same point.
6.2. Power on and inspection
(3) Reset emergency stop switch of the control cabinet, to connect the safety circuit, so the related
LED of input point on the mainboard is ON.
(4) Examine the following circuits:
◆ Examine whether the door lock circuit is normal or not;
◆ Examine the door signals and upper & lower limit signal are normal or not;
◆ Power on working state of the hand programmer shall display “inspection” at this time; if any
abnormal condition is present, please examine and correct it.
6.3. Setting of system basic parameters and motor tuning
6.3.1. Setting of system basic parameters
Correctly set the following system basic parameters by means of the special hand LCD manipulator
(please refer to section 5 for the application method for hand manipulator):
Parameter Default
Name of parameter Range Unit Remarks
No. value
Set according to actual
F06 Rated speed of the elevator 1750 200-6000 mm/s
parameters of the elevator
Set according to actual
Rated rotating speed of the
F07 1450 50-10000 rpm parameter of the traction
Number of pulse per turn for Set according to actual
F08 1024 100-10000 PPR
the encoder parameters of the encoder
Lock elevator /return to base
F09 1 1-48
F10 Actual offset stories 0 0-20
F11 Total stories preset 18 2-48
F12 Inspection speed 250 0-500 mm/s 0.25m/s
Set on group control setting or
F23 Group control mode 3 0-4 not. Refer to the Instructions
for specific setting.
Parameter Default
Name of parameter Range Unit Remarks
No. value
Input type 1 (normally open
F25 or closed setting of input 12531 0-65535
points X0-X15)
Input type 2 (normally open
F26 or closed setting of input 1 0-65535
points X16-X31 )
Input type 3 (normally open
F27 or closed setting of input 4255 0-65535
points TX0-TX15)
Input type 4 (normally open
F28 or closed setting of input 0 0-65535
points TX16-TX31)
Specification selection of
F32 integrated drive controller of 5 0~7 Refer to the Instructions
the elevator
F156 With door lock relay and 0 0-65535
safety circuit relay or not
Number of stages for
F182 2 0-65535
deceleration switch
Self-learning speed of the
F183 800 0-65535 mm/s 0.800m/s
Zero velocity proportional Synchronous: 150;
F204 150.00 0-655.35
ASR P0 asynchronous: 90
Synchronous: 50;
F205 Zero velocity integral ASR I0 50.00 0-655.35
asynchronous: 50
Low velocity proportional Synchronous: 60;
F206 60.00 0-655.35
ASR P1 asynchronous: 25
Synchronous: 30;
F207 Low velocity integral ASR I1 30.00 0-655.35
asynchronous: 10
Low velocity proportional Synchronous: 60;
F208 60.00 0-655.35
ASR P2 asynchronous: 25
Synchronous: 30;
F209 Low velocity integral ASR I2 30.00 0-655.35
asynchronous: 10
Intermediate velocity Synchronous: 120;
F210 120.00 0-655.35
proportional ASR P3 asynchronous: 120
Intermediate velocity integral Synchronous: 25;
F211 25.00 0-655.35
ASR I3 asynchronous: 15
High velocity proportional
F212 140.00 0-655.35 100
F213 High speed integral ASR I4 5.00 0-655.35 5.00
Low velocity switching
F214 0.50 0-15.00 Hz 0.50
frequency 1
High velocity switching
F215 25.00 15.00-50.00 Hz 25.00
frequency 2
F216 Current loop proportional 5.00 0-200.00 Synchronous: 1;
gain asynchronous: 5
0: asynchronous motor 1:
F218 Type of motor 0 0,1 ×
synchronous motor
2~32 Set according to actual
F219 Number of motor poles 4 × parameters of the traction
F220 Rated voltage of motor 380 0~400 V
Parameter Default
Name of parameter Range Unit Remarks
No. value
Set according to actual
Rated rotating speed of Factory
F221 parameters of the traction
motor value
Set according to actual
F222 Rated current of motor 0~80.00 A parameters of the traction
F223 Maximum output torque 150 0~300 % Max 200% 10s
(Synchronous rotating speed -
rated rorating speed) ÷
synchronous rotating speed ×
rated frequency; no setting for
F224 Slip frequency of motor 1.40 0~10 × the synchronous motor
Carrier frequency of output
F225 8.0 4~15 kHz PWM wave
Carrier frequency
0: increment type, differential,
SinCos must be 2048 line for
1: UVW encoder of type CCW
2: UVW encoder of type CW
F226 Type of encoder 0 0~10 ×
Set according to actual
Pulses per turn of the Factory
F227 parameters of the traction
encoder value
Synchronous initial phase
F228 Pole phase 0 0~360 Degree angle. Obtained from tuning.
F229 Mode of regulator 0 0-5 Synchronous: 0 (2m/s),
1( 1m/s~1.75m/s);
asynchronous: it is set as 1, to
enhance the control;
it also can be set as 2 or 3, to
improve the motor noise.
F232 Motor reverse 0 0-1 Change the rotating direction of
traction machine, to adjust
direction of movement of the
elevator and traction machine.
Prior to debugging, the above basic parameters must be set correctly. Setting of the basic
parameters of the motor can take reference from nameplate input; according the actual conditions on
site, setting method for parameters and their detailed definitions refer to the descriptions in Section 7.
motor must be correct, and both the motor and integrated drive controller of the elevator must be
reliably earthed, with earthing impedance less than 10Ω.
3. The enconder with standard configuration is Sin/Cos differential encoder or UVW endocer. Wiring
for the encoder must be correct, and its shielding layer must be grounded reliably;
4. Phase self-tuning of the motor
a. The elevator is in inspection state. Phase self-tuning of the motor requires the car and
counterweight balancing, or no-load, that is to open the brake, therefore the elevator won’t slip.
b. Set the parameters during power on: zero velocity integral F204=0, current loop gain F216=1.00,
type of motor F218=1, motor reverse F232=0; motor parameters and encoder parameters must be
set correctly;
c. Enter motor learning menu and press ENTER to confirm it. Hold the button Inspection Up
(clockwise rotate the traction machine facing it) or Down (counterclockwise rotate the traction
machine facing it), motor self-tuning is started. Before completion of tuning, don’t release the button.
If tuning is completed, tuning is successful if the fault indicator isn’t on, then the power supply must be
cut off to exit tuning state.
d. If tuning is completed, the fault indicator is on and the manipulator displays No. 65 fault, then phase
sequence V and W can be exchanged, and no repeated self-tuning is required.
5. Activate the inspection, to observe speed feedback of the integrated drive controller of the elevator.
If it jumps seriously, check whether the shielding layer of encoder is reliably grounded.
6. If the motor runs abnormally or only towards a direction, please check its phase sequence;
7. If running velocity of the elevator is stable, but its running direction is opposite to the button, them
set parameter F232 to 1 (to change running direction). Overhal running for up and down is normal,
then the elevator can run with noload, to observe whether the output current of its integrated drive
controller is correct.
Operating steps to identify the encoder:
1. F203 is automatically changed to 10 after F203 is set to 9;
2. Set inspection velocity as 0.05m/s, the encoder stops after rotating 1-2 turns, then identification is
3. Manually set F203 to 11, identification is completed when F203 is changed to 0.
(5) Correctly connect the brake wire of traction machine to the terminals inside the control cabinet;
(6) Upper & lower limit switch and up & down forced slow switch are connected normally;
(7) Inspection preferred circuit on roof of the car is connected normally.
2. Computer room inspection run
After the computer room overhual run conditions are met, press slow up (down) button of the control
cabinet, the elevator shall run at the inspection velocity set.
(1) Inspection up or down, to observe whether the running direction of the elevator is opposite. If it is,
for the asynchronous motor, please exchange its any two phases as well as phase A and B of the
encoder signals; for the synchronous motor, please exchange the forward and backward rotating
signal on the mainboard output to the inverter.
(2) During inspection up or down, if motor feedback velocity shown on the inverter isn’t stable or has
big deviation with the given value, then exchange phase A and B of the encoder of asynchronous
motor, then check it after power on again.
(3) During overhual up or down, observe the speed displayed on mainboard is + or -. If it is on the
contrary, please exchange phase A and B of speed feedback port of the mainboard.
(4) For overhual up, please confirm X10 (down leveling) is activated firstly when the elevator passes
the leveling, followed by X9 (up leveling). If the sequence is reversed, self-learning of the hoistway
can’t be completed successfully, please correct it.
(5) Observe the motor feedback direction and feedback speed displayed on the integrated drive
controller of the elevator. It is positive for up and negtive for down.
(6) When press slow up (down) button, if the motor feedback speed shown on the integrated drive
controller of the elevator isn’t stable or has big deviation with the given value, then phase A and B of
the encoder must be exchanged after system power off, then check it after power on again.
(7) If the running speed of the elevator is stable, but the running direction is opposite to button, then
set parameter F232 to 1 (to change running direction).
lamp, cut off all instructions and outside calls, as well as go out the display outside hall;
The elevator is assumed to stop at lock base station, turn its elevator key to Lock position, the
elevator shall close immediately, put out the lamp, cut off all instructions and outside calls, as well as
go out the display outside hall;
When the elevator starts, the output contactor KMY will pick up after the internal operating instruction
is given; after that, the brake contactor is driven via F16 time delay; on the other hand, speed
instruction curve is given via F58 time delay; the whole operation process can be described as: start
round (T0 time) → linear acceleration section (namely constant acceleration stage, acceleration F0)
→ acceleration round (T1 time) → operation stage with constant speed → deceleration round (T2
time) → linear deceleration section (namely constant deceleration stage, acceleration F1) → leveling
round (T3 time) → stop. During the leveling, internal stop instruction will be firstly provided, to
disconnect the brake contactor; then braking after F17 delay, F59 is used for speed monitoring and
controlling zero speed upper gate. Pull off the operation instruction signal, and output contactor KMY
will be released after shielding speed instruction is delayed for 0.5s.
Note: The brake detection switch must be connected to the integrated machine, otherwise we shall
not bear any responsibility for that the brake isn’t fully opened.
Descriptions for the key parameters
No. of Name of Recommended value Scope of parameter
parameter parameter and reference scope
Acceleration is more stable when the value is smaller.
While it isn’t efficient when the value is too small.
Acceleration is faster when the value is bigger: ① the
user won’t feel very comfortable when acceleration is
too fast, ② current fault will be produced when
Acceleration 50
F0 acceleration is too fast. Generally the value is taken
slope a1 (40~65)
as 40 under 1m/s, and 50 under 1.5~1.8m/s; 60
under 2.0m/s is relatively appropriate. Especially for
the hotel elevators and residential elevators with
more old people and children.
Comformt will be improved when F0 and F1 are turned down perperly. But at the same time,
operation efficiency will be reduced. Properly turn up the time of such four rounds as F2~F5, comfort
also can be improved, but at the same time, operation efficiency will be reduced accordingly.
Start: 1: Start the elevator too fastly, without back dragging. Properly turn down parameter F16 or turn
up parameter F58 when other configurations are normal.
2. Start the elevator with back dragging. Properly turn up parameter F16 or turn down parameter F58
when other configurations are normal.
Stop: 1. If the elevator stops too quickly, properly turn up parameter F17.
2. Slipping appears during stop, then properly turn up parameter F17 or turn down parameter F59.
3. Release delay of the contactor is too long during stop, accompanied by abnormal voice from the
motor, then properly turn down parameter F59.
2) Adjustment of start comfort
Noload sensor start compensation technology is adopted by the integrated drive controller of the
elevator, making the elevator to have excellent start comfort without weighing device being installed.
Generally, the analog weighing signal isn’t needed to connect, only parameters F204 and F205 are
needed to adjust.
F204 and F205 are proportional and integral parameter to start compensation. F205 can be set after
the elevator runs, zero servo time will be set by F217. Delay time F58 on speed curve of the control
system must be adjusted (default 0.5s), C14 is defaulted as 0.8s. Increase F204, until the traction
sheave won’t move when the brake opens. If the motor appears oscillation after F204 is turned up,
F204 can be properly turned down. Increase F205, until the traction sheave won’t move when the
brake opens. See the following for sequence diagram:
Speed V
Time t
Speed curve
F2 Frequency switching
point 2
F1 Frequency switching
point 2
(4) During the actual adjustment, firstly adjust an intermediate floor, until it is ok. Then adjust other
floors based on this parameter.
With the adjustment of curve selection, proportional and integral gain in the above section, it shall
ensure that the stop position is of repeatability whether the elevator up and down to the intermediate
floor for stop (namely the error among stop positions each time ≤±2~3mm).
2. Adjustment of leveling precision
(1) Confirmation of repeatability of stop position
With the adjustment of curve selection, proportional and integral gain in the above section, it shall
ensure that the stop position is of repeatability whether the elevator up and down to the intermediate
floor for stop (namely the error among stop positions each time ≤±2~3mm).
(2) Adjustment of bridge plate in door area
◆ The elevator will stop floor by floor, measure and record the deviation △S between car sill and hall
door sill when the elevator stops on each floor (△S is positive when car sill is higher than hall door sill,
otherwise it is negative).
◆ Adjust the position of bridge plate in door area floor by floor, if △S >0, then the bridge plate will
move down △S; if △S<0, then the bridge plate will move up △S.
◆ After completion of adjustment of bridge plate in door area, self-learning must be done for the
hoistway again.
◆ Carryout leveling inspection again, repeat steps (1) ~ (3) if leveling precision isn’t met.
(3) Adjustment of parameter menu
If stop position of the elevator has repeatability, but up and down leveling of each floor are not at the
same position, such as up high and down low, or up low and down high, then adjustment can be done
through running the leveling adjusting parameters F56 and F57 on parameter menu. Default value of
this parameter is 50mm, which will be decreased for up high and down low; otherwise it will be
increased. Adjustment amount is half the leveling difference. For example: total difference for up high
and down low is 20mm, then this value will be adjusted to reduce by 10mm.
Installation standard for leveling switch:
When the car sill and hall door sill are kept absolute level, upper surface of the leveling plate is higher
than lower leveling switch by 10mm, and the lower surface is lower than the up leveling switch by
about 10mm, for the convenience to adjust the comfort and leveling precision. Standard length of the
leveling plate is 220mm, and length of each plate must be the same (length error won’t exceed 3mm).
(see the following diagram).
Down leveling switch PX
Up leveling
Photoelectric switch
switch PS
Installation hole
Leveling plate
ic switch
Metal hose shielding
旋编 encoder shielding
shielding layer
hall door sill. When the elevator runs upward: the high car sill is 平层越层, while the low car sill is 平
层不到; when the elevator runs downward: the low car sill is平层越层, while the high car sill is平层不
到. After 写层, for the individual non-leveling floors, their hoistway plates shall be moved accordingly.
写层 will be done again after moving. If leveling height difference of different leveling is big, it can be
solved by adjusting the leveling plate. Taking this as a reference, adjust the parameters, to make
leveling difference of these floors to be within the standard scope:
Draw an alignment line between the steel wire rope and the traction sheave with chalk on any floor
(suppose on floor 3), one-floor up and down (floor 3 -> floor 4, from floor 4 to floor 3), return to floor 3,
to check the error distance of the mark line between steel wire rope and traction sheave (less than
5mm), which is one-floor slip error. Slip error is required to do twice under noload and full load. The
error exceeding 5mm must be solved.
3) Solutions
a) There is a difference 200kg before and after car decoration, now decoration for the car is finished?
The current balance coefficient is correct?
If the car can’t be confirmed to load to half-load, is there leveling error?
b) Slip problem can’t be solved for the high speed elevator, the following two solutions are provided:
1. Position feedback of the encoder to the mainboard is mounted on one side of the speed limiter.
2. Creep is used to absorb slip error, set F24 = 2 (analog with creep) or F24 = 0 (multi-speed
3: When magnetic reed sensor is used, the sufficient inserted depth will be guaranteed. Check
whether the leveling plate on each floor is inserted into red line of the sensor, and the plate on each
floor is mounted obliquely.
4: Length of the leveling plates is different, that on floor 2 is the reference length, and that on other
floors must be same as that on floor 2. Otherwise leveling problem may be caused.
5: No self-learning is done again for the plate after adjustment.
Hoistway learning
Inspection up, confirm the down leveling switch firstly is activated,
followed by up leveling switch, when the elevator passes the leveling.
End of debugging
F42 Reserved
Selection of buzz flashing
F43 function of the outside 3 0-255
calls under state of driver
Local address for serial
F44 communication (255 255 0-255
without monitoring)
F45- F49 —— 0 —— —— Reserved
Front open permit 1 (open
F50 65535 0-65535
setting for floor 1-16)
Front open permit 2 (open
F51 65535 0-65535
setting for floor 17-32)
Front open permit 3 (open
F52 65535 0-65535
setting for floor 33-48)
Back open permit 1 (open
F53 0 0-65535
setting for floor 1-16)
Back open permit 2 (open
F54 0 0-65535
setting for floor 17-32)
Back open permit 3 (open
F55 0 0-65535
setting for floor 33-48)
Up leveling adjustment
F56 (corresponding reference 50 0-65535 mm 50mm
value 50)
Down leveling debugging
F57 (corresponding reference 50 0-65535 mm 50mm
value 50)
F58 Start speed curve delay 5 0-250 0.1s 0.5s
F59 Zero speed brake delay 0 0-65535 0.01s 0s
KMC detecting mode for
F60 No.2 contactor of the 3 3~3
main circuit
Distance from leveling
F61 location to target floor is 1200 0-65535 mm 1.200m
given by the arrival gong
F62 Anti-slip run limiting time 32 20-45 s 30s
F63 —— 0 —— —— ——
F64 —— 0 —— —— ——
Set the characters
displayed on
F65-F112 Floor display code 1 1-48
each floor (floor
F113- F114 —— 0 —— —— Reserved
Second No open in place
F115 Open overtime duration 15 3-30
(s) after open output
3-30 Second No close in place
F116 Close overtime duration 15
(s) after close output
Forced open and close
F117 60 0-65535 s
Open duration for the
F118 30 0-65535 s
F119 —— 0 —— —— Reserved
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Debugging Instructions for TR800000 Version: A
Integrated Machine Modification: 0
Lighting delay (automatic
F152 5 0-65535 60s 300s
stop of fan, lighting delay)
1: with high
voltage detection
With high voltage for hall door lock
F153 detection for the door lock 1 0-65535 0: without high
relay or not voltage detection
for halldoor lock
Default 1
F154-F155 —— 0 —— —— Reserved
0: Both the door
lock circuit relay
and safety circuit
relay are detected.
1: The door lock
circuit relay and
safety circuit relay
aren’t detected.
With door lock and safety
F156 0 0-65535 3: Only the door
circuit relay or not
lock circuit relay is
detected, not the
safety circuit relay.
4: Only the safety
circuit relay is
detected, not the
door lock circuit
F157-F159 —— 0 —— —— Reserved
1 - floor instruction
block is activated
only 2 - floor
outside calls up
calls block is
Floor lock function at
F161 0 0-65535 activated only, 4 -
periods of time
Floor instructions
are outside calls
up calls block are
activated only. 0 -
not activated.
F162 —— 0 —— —— Reserved
The backup power 0: not continue to
F163 returns to base station to 0 run
continue 1: continue to run
signal, full
load signal
and light load
signal are
input to the
car board,
signal is
calculated by
the mainboard
according to
elevator weight
Type of weighing device,
given by
F193~F195 must be set
F164 when type of weighing 0 0-65535
device is chosen as F164
= 0,3,4
signal, full
load signal
and light load
signal are
obtained from
signal of the
according to
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Debugging Instructions for TR800000 Version: A
Integrated Machine Modification: 0
Elevator B
Setting method for parameter F10 and F11 is illustrated in the following example.
There are two parallel elevators in some building, one is elevator A with 15 floors above ground,
without underground ones; the other is elevator B, with 2 floors underground and 15 ones above
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Debugging Instructions for TR800000 Version: A
Integrated Machine Modification: 0
ground, then total floors of elevator A shall be set to 15, floor offset shall be set to 2, outside call and
command address shall be calculated from 3. While total floors of elevator B shall be set to 17 and
floor offset shall be set to 0.
Note: if skip-floor of the two parallel or group control elevators is different, then leveling board
must be added on the floor skipped for the elevator with skip-floor. .
Shown as the following Table 8.2:
Actual Floors Floors Setting of Floors Floors Setting of
floors Characteristics distribution address the distribution address the
actually of elevator of characters of elevator of characters
needed to be A elevator A displayed B elevator displayed
displayed of elevator B of elevator
4 4 4 5 F69=4 4 5 F69=4
3 B1 3 4 F68=60 3 4 F68=60
2 G 2 3 F67=70 Skip-floor 3 F67=70
1 1 1 2 F66=1 1 2 F66=1
-1 -1 -1 1 F65=50
Table 8.2 Illustration for setting of parameter F10 and F11
Elevator shown in the above table: same as elevator A, a leveling plate must be installed for elevator
B on floor 2.
Total floors of elevator A shall be set to 4, floor offset shall be set to 1, outside call and command
address on floor 1 shall be calculated from 2.
“Display setting” is: F66 (indicating the address is 2, same the following) = 1; F67 = 70; F68 = 60;
F69 = 4.
“Stop floor” is: 1 (to display the address floor related to 1) – Yes (permit to stop); g - Yes; b1 - Yes; 4 –
“Total floors” of elevator B shall be set to 5, floor offset shall be set to 0, outside call and command
address on -1 floor shall be calculated from 1. Address of floor 1 is 2.
“Display setting” is: F65 = 50; F66 = 1; F67 = 70; F68 = 60; F69 = 4.
“Stop floor” is: -1 - Yes; 1 - Yes; g – No (not allowed to stop, then floor outside calls and commands of
elevator B whose address is 3 will be invalid); b1 - Yes; 4 – Yes.
F12―― Inspection speed. Running speed during inspection, which is 0-0.5m/s.
F13―― Speed returning to leveling. It refers to the non-leveling speed automatically returning to
leveling when the elevator isn’t in inspection state, which is within 0~0.2 m/s.
F14―― Close delay 1. When the elevator stops responding to the outside call, the door is kept
to open within this time set, then will automatically close after the timing. It is valid only
the driver is absent.
F15―― Close delay 2. When the elevator stops responding to the inside call, the door is kept to
open within this time set, then will automatically close after the timing. It is valid only the
driver is absent.
F16―― Open braking delay. It refers to the delay time from giving the run signal of integrated
drive controller of the elevator to open the brake contactor when the elevator starts.
F17―― Removal run delay. It refers to the delay time from brake close to removal of run signal
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Debugging Instructions for TR800000 Version: A
Integrated Machine Modification: 0
bit15 …… bit2, selection of fire indication output: bit1, selection of bit0, fire
0, output of standard fire indication, fire fireman switch: 0, protection
indication output after the fire protection fireman switch on the standard: 0,
returns to base station to open in place mainboard is valid; 1, China
or in the state of fireman. fireman switch on the Standard, 1,
1, fire indication output after the fire car board is valid. Suzhou Xunda
protection returns to base station to Standard.
open in place or in the state of fireman
and at the fire base station.
F36―― brake switch detection mode. After control brake signal is sent by a pair of normally
closed contacts on brake switch, the mainboard detects via this signal the setting of
detection delay time for brake closing. 0: no brake switch; 1: set at other location; 2: set
in Hongkong.
F43―― selection of buzz flashing function of outside call under state of driver. 0: no buzzing or
flashing (standard driver mode); 1: with buzzing but without flashing (standard driver
mode); 2: no buzzing but with flashing (standard driver mode); 3: with buzzing and
flashing (standard driver mode); 4: open to wait for the elevator; the above can be
combined. For example: 7 represents to have buzzing and flashing, and open to wait for
F44―― local address of serial communication, it is set to 255 during elevator operation or single
elevator monitoring. If 485 community monitoring or 232 remote monitoring is carried
out for the elevator group, then any natural number not greater than 255 can be set for
each elevator, to separate the remote computer from the mainboard, therefore setting
for each elevator in elevator group is different.
F45―― No modification.
F46―― No modification.
F47―― No modification.
F157―― No modification.
F158―― No modification.
F50―― front opening permit 1, to set front opening for floor 1-16 (absolute value).
F51―― front opening permit 2, to set front opening for floor 17-32 (absolute value).
F52―― front opening permit 3, to set front opening for floor 33-48 (absolute value).
F53―― back opening permit 1, to set back opening for floor 1-16 (absolute value).
F54―― back opening permit 2, to set back opening for floor 17-32 (absolute value).
F55―― back opening permit 3, to set back opening for floor 33-48 (absolute value).
★Note: when set the above 8 parameters, if it is group control or parallel, floor sequence will be
ordered according to floor sequence in the whole elevator group when setting this parameter.
F56―― upper leveling precision adjustment.
F57―― lower leveling precision adjustment.
Upper leveling F56 and lower leveling F57 can be adjusted only when each floor is higher or lower
than the same leveling distance, the specific adjusting method: decrease F56 when the elevator
rushes leveling during up, while increase it when the elevator doesn’t reach leveling. Decrease F57
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Integrated Machine Modification: 0
when the elevator rushes leveling during down, while increase it when the elevator doesn’t reach
leveling. Setting scope of F56 and F57 is 0-100, 50 is factory value, indicating no offset.
★ Note: leveling precision adjustment by F56 and F57 only is compensating adjustment, generally
F56 and F57 will be adopted to adjust leveling precision deviation within 15mm. If the deviation is too
big, firstly leveling switch and plate shall be adjusted, followed by parameter adjustment. Otherwise
the comfort will be easily affected.
F58―― delay time from brake opening to speed curve when speed curve is started, the factory
default is 5, indicating 0.5s.
F60―― KMC detection mode of the second contactor for the main circuit, default is 3. 0-KMC
preset, normally open, no detection or KMC contactor; 1-KMC preset, normally open,
contact fault detection; 2-KMC preset, broken after each operation, contact fault
detection; 3-KMC post-set, broken after each operation, contact fault detection; F60 is
set to 0 when a contactor is applied by the main circuit.
F61―― Arrival gong and its distance to leveling when arrival gong is provided. The factory value
is 1200, indicating 1.2m.
F62―― Anti-slip run limiting time, the factory default is 32, showing any leveling signal action
isn’t received within 2s when the elevator runs automatically, the elevator will stop
running, to report 25# fault. According to GB7588-2003, it is specified as 20~45s.
F63―― forced multi-speed settings. Multi-speed amount 1-5.
F65~ F112—— floor display code, set the characters displayed on each floor (floor 1~48)。
This function can set the display of the floors required to be B, H and M, the specific display code can
be listed as follows: for example, there are 5 floors for an elevator, B1, -1, 1, H and 3 are required to
be displayed, then set: F65=60, F66=50, F67=1, F68=84, F69=3.
★ For parallel or group control elevator, display code will be set according to its floor sequence
in the elevator group. (See the listed example descriptions in F11 total floors).
F115―― OpnTimeLmt, open overtime duration, the elevator doesn’t open fully within how
many seconds after opening is activated, the default 15s, the range 3s-30s.
F116―― ClsTimeLmt, close overtime duration, the elevator doesn’t close fully within how
many seconds after closing is activated, the default 15s, the range 3s-30s.
F117―― Hold time for forced closing and opening, meaning the set value for open hold time after
forced closing or HOLD button is pressed. Unit of this parameter is second.
F118―― Hold time for opening by the disabled, meaning the set value for open hold time when
the elevator is operating by the disabled. Unit of this parameter is second.
F120—— anti-nuisance commands. 0: without this function; 1: calculate according to light curtain
actions (no light curtain actions when the elevator stops at three continuous floors); 2~
48; anti-nuisance commands.
F121—— activate the function of forced closing. 0: not activated, 1: activated.
F122—— Inspection going direction delay, meaning the delay time from disconnecting the brake
contactor output to remove the operation direction.
F123—— setting of call controller mode. This parameter is to set call mode for the call controller. 0:
only front call. 1: with front and back call. 2: with front call and disabled call. 3: with front,
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Debugging Instructions for TR800000 Version: A
Integrated Machine Modification: 0
F152―― lighting delay, it is the time to shut off the fan automatically or lighting delay when the
elevator shares no service, the factory default is 5 minutes.
F153—— DoorChk, whether the hall door lock has been executed with high voltage
detection. 1: with high voltage detection for hall door lock, 0: no high voltage detection
for hall door lock. Default 1.
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Debugging Instructions for TR800000 Version: A
Integrated Machine Modification: 0
F161―― whether blocking function is activated at periods of time. 1: activated; 0: not activated.
F163—— RunEna, the backup power source normally runs after it returns to the base station. 0:
the backup power source doesn’t continue to run after it returns to the base station,1:
the backup power source continues to run normally after it returns to the base station.
F164—— Weight Mode type selection of weighing device
0: DTZZ-III-DC-SC weighing device: overload, full load and light load signals are input to the
car board, compensating signal is calculated by the mainboard according to elevator weight given by
the weighing device.
1: DTZZ-II weighing device: overload, full load and light load signals are calculated by the
mainboard according to feedback signal of the weighing device. Weighing compensating signal
is given by the weighing device.
2: DTZZ-II weighing device: overload, full load and light load signals are input to the car board,
weighing compensating signal is given by the weighing device.
3: DTZZ-III-DC-SC weighing device: overload, full load and light load signals are calculated by
the mainboard according to feedback signal of the weighing device. Compensating signal is
calculated by the main board according to elevator weight given by the weighing device.
4: Full load switch is connected on 02 panel, its compensation scope: such three parameters are
provided: F193 (bottom-floor no-load compensating value, scope 0-100, indicating 0V-10V voltage,
default 0), F194 (bottom-floor full load compensation value, scope 0-100, indicating 0V-10V voltage,
default 0), F195 (top floor no-load compensation value, scope 0-100, indicating 0V-10V voltage,
default 0), to adjust the compensation value. When the elevator is with light load, the mainboard will
give according to bottom floor light load compensation value (F193) and hoisting height linear of the
car, the calculation formula is shown as TComp (compensation value) = F193 (bottom-floor no-load
compensation) + (F195 (top floor no-load compensation value) – F193 (bottom-floor no-load
compensation value)) * CurHeight (current hoisting height)/Total Height (total floor height). When the
elevator is with full load, the mainboard will give according to bottom floor light load compensation
value (F193) and hoisting height linear of the car, the calculation formula is shown as TComp
(compensation value) = F194 (bottom-floor full load compensation value) + (F195 (top floor no-load
compensation value) – F193 (bottom-floor no-load compensation value)) * CurHeight (current
hoisting height)/Total Height (total floor height).
5: Weighing signal passes the analog input port on the mainboard and full load signal is connected on
02 panel. Weighing compensating signal is calculated by the mainboard according to weighing signal.
6: Weighing compensating signal passes the analog input port on the mainboard and weighing
compensating signal is calculated by the main board according to weighing signal.
Characteristics of DTZZIII-DC-SC weighing device
a. Effective measuring distance learning and no-load & full load self-learning can be done for the
weighing device by using hand manipulator. Firstly effective measuring distance learning must be
done for the weighing device, followed by its no-load & full load self-learning, parameter F41:
There 6 grades for effective measuring distance of the weighing device, only one is needed during
self-learning, namely effective distance of weighing device.
Effective measuring distance learning for the weighing device: F41 = 10, indicating that the weighing
device enters learning, scope 0mm-10mm, return to 10 for successful learning, otherwise return to 0
Effective measuring distance learning for the weighing device:F41 = 20, indicating that the weighing
device enters learning, scope 0mm-20mm, return to 20 for successful learning, otherwise return to 0.
Effective measuring distance learning for the weighing device:F41 = 30, indicating that the weighing
device enters learning, scope 0mm-30mm, return to 30 for successful learning, otherwise return to 0.
Effective measuring distance learning for the weighing device::F41 = 40, indicating that the weighing
device enters learning, scope 10mm-0mm, return to 40 for successful learning, otherwise return to 0.
Effective measuring distance learning for the weighing device:F41 = 50, indicating that the weighing
device enters learning, scope 20mm-0mm, return to 40 for successful learning, otherwise return to 0.
Effective measuring distance learning for the weighing device:F41 = 60, indicating that the weighing
device enters learning, scope 30mm-0mm, return to 60 for successful learning, otherwise return to 0.
No-load self-learning process: the elevator is in no-load, and weighing device belongs to no-load
effective measuring distance, set F41=1, then the weighing device enters no-load self-learning, return
to 1 for successful learning, otherwise return to 0.
Full load self-learning process: the elevator is with full load, and weighing device belongs to full load
effective measuring distance, set F41=2, then the weighing device enters full load self-learning,
return to 1 for successful learning, otherwise return to 0.
b. when DTZZIII-DC-SC weighing device is used, F164 must be 0 or 3, at the same time, three
parameter adjusting linear compensation ranges are provided by the mainboard: F193 bottom-floor
no-load compensation (scope 0 – 100, indicating 0V – 10V voltage, default 0), F194 bottom-floor full
load compensation (scope 0 – 100, indicating 0V – 10V voltage, default 0), F195 top floor no-load
compensation (scope 0 – 100, indicating 0V – 10V voltage, default 0).
c. F193 and F194 correspond to linear compensation of the car from no-load to full load, F193 and
F195 correspond to linear of floor height. Total compensation of the elevator is overlaying of these
two linear.
d. For the occasions where the elevator comfort is sensitive to the car load, then F193 and F194 must
be adjusted. If the elevator is full load, 10V compensation is required, then F194=100. Adjust the
inverter parameters, make the elevator has no slipping on bottom floor with full load. Move out the
heavy cargos, make the elevator in state of no-load, adjust the value of F193 and inverter parameters
according to slipping situation of the elevator, making the elevator has no slipping on bottom floor with
no-load. Typically F193 is about 20, then the related elevator no-load is 2V, and 10V for full load,
therefore compensation output of the elevator on bottom floor from no-load to full load is 2V-10V.
When the elevator isn’t added with compensation chain or its compensation chain can’t make
compensation for the weight of traction rope caused by that the car is lifted to a certain height, then
linear compensating parameter F195 must be adjusted for floor height. When adjustment is done well
on bottom floor in no-load and full load, directly adjust F195, making the elevator experiences no
slipping on the top floor. Typically F195 is about 10, therefore compensation output of the elevator on
top floor from no-load to full load is 1V-9V.
F165―― not open during debugging. 0: Open during debugging; 1: the door isn’t permitted to
activate during inspection; 2: not open during elevator debugging. 4—function of
opening to wait for elevator of the base station.
F168―― Number of IC card elevator.
F169―― Selecion of up and down call using IC card. 0: down call; 1: up call.
F170―― If register command function with IC card is available inside the car, selection of IC card
will be provided for floor 1-16. If the related bit is 0, indicating to register the command
=== 00000088
0-operation frequency;
1-estimation for encoder interference;
Meaning of this count: When the elevator stops, record the interference condition of the last operation,
that is to say this value will be upgraded only the elevator stops. If there isn’t interference, this value
shall be 0. When this count exceeds 1000, the encoder will be considered to have big interference,
and interference of encoder must be detected.
2-CAN1 fault counter;
Meaning of this count: if CAN communication is normal, it will be 0 all the time. When this count is
greater than 96, parallel CAN communication will be considered to have big problem, and it must be
3-CAN2 fault counter, parallel CAN communication.
Meaning of this count: if CAN communication is normal, it will be 0 all the time. When this count is
greater than 96, parallel CAN communication will be considered to have big problem, and it must be
4 - rotating speed of motor
5 - bus voltage
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Debugging Instructions for TR800000 Version: A
Integrated Machine Modification: 0
6 - output current
7 - output torque
8 - location of magnetic pole
9 - encoder location 1
10 - encoder location 2
11 - preset torque
12 - radiator temperature 1
13 - radiator temperature 2
14 - weighing value
F193—— 0 Ld. Comp at BF, bottom-floor no-load compensation, scope 0 – 1000, default 0.
when F164 is 0,3
F194—— F Ld. Comp at BF bottom-floor full load compensation, scope 0 – 1000, default 0.
when F164 is 0,3
F195—— 0 Ld. Comp at TF top-floor no-load compensation, scope 0 – 1000, default 0. When
F164 is 0,3
F196―― No. 2 parallel base station (used for loop parallel)
F200―― DSP program version number; read only. When drive parameter is 11 after modifying
the value of F200, parameters F200-F250 can be reset. In order to reset these drive
parameters, power supply must be disconnected and connected again. After reset,
drive parameters F231 = F6, F221 = F7, F227 = F8, F249 = F32.
F201—— reserved
F202—— selection of self-learning mode
F202 = 1 static self-tuning: brake isn’t needed to open, F202 = 3 indicates the unfinished self-tuning.
F202 = 0 indicates it can run after self-tuning is finished. F202 = 9 indicates the self-tuning isn’t
completed, direction enable is removed and quick run elimination must be done. It must cooperate
with DSP new program for realization.
In order to ensure to compatible with the previous program, when F226 encoder type is set to 1 or 2,
static self-tuning can’t be done.
F202 = 4 dynamic self-tuning: F202 = 3 means completion of self-tuning; F202 = 0 means it can run
after completion of self-tuning.
F203—— rotary setting for Heidenhain 1387 encoder
Operating procedures to identify the encoder (sine and cosine encoder) are shown as:
1) F203 is automatically changed to 10 after F203 is set to 9;
2) Set inspection speed as〈0.050M/S〉 to activate overhual, making the encoder to stop after it has
rotated for 1-2 turns, then identification is finished.
3) Manually set F203 to 11. When it is changed to 0, identification is finished.
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Debugging Instructions for TR800000 Version: A
Integrated Machine Modification: 0
F204—— zero speed proportional ASR P0, which is a proportional parameter to start
When F230=0 and F205>0, F217 means to take action within the duration.
Parameter scope 0~655.35, factory setting 100.00
F205—— zero speed integral ASR I0, which is an integral parameter to start compensation.
The elevator can be set after slow run.
Parameter scope 0~655.35, factory setting 0.00
★ Prompt: Due to adoption of no-load sensor start compensation technology, analog weighing signal
isn’t needed to connect, therefore the elevator is of the excellent start conform without any weighing
device being installed.
★ Prompt: For the synchronous motor, F205 is recommended at about 80.00, only the value of F204
is needed to adjust.
★ Prompt: For the asynchronous motor, both F204 and F205 are adjusted, until no slipping appears
when the elevator brake opens and the motor won’t shock.
F206—— slow speed proportional ASR P1: parameter range 0~655.35, factory setting 70.00
F207—— slow speed integral ASR I1: parameter range 0~655.35, factory setting 10.00
F208—— slow speed proportional ASR P2: parameter range 0~655.35, factory setting 70.00
F209—— slow speed integral ASR I2: parameter range 0~655.35, factory setting 10.00
F210—— intermediate speed proportional ASR P3: parameter range 0~655.35, factory setting
F211—— intermediate speed integral ASR I3: parameter range 0~655.35, factory setting 10.00
F212—— high speed proportional ASR P4: parameter range 0~655.35, factory setting 140.00
F213—— high speed integral ASR I4: parameter range 0~655.35, factory setting 5.00
F214—— slow speed switching frequency 1: parameter range 0~655.35 Hz, factory setting 0.50
F215—— high speed switching frequency 2: parameter range 0~655.35 Hz, factory setting 25.00
★ Prompt: the above function codes F206~F213 are the adjusting parameters of speed regulator PID.
Operating performance of the elevator can be adjusted by setting F206~F213 and the certain
comfort can be achieved if the system default is adopted. The specific setting can be carried out to
adjust PI value of related frequency band according to the actual conditions on site.
★ Prompt: function code F214 is the switching frequency for low and intermediate speed, while F215
is that for intermediate and high speed. Frequency switching corresponds to the related elevator
speed, and the correspondence between them is shown as: rated speed of elevator/50.00=actual
speed of elevator/frequency switching.
F216—— current loop proportional gain: parameter range 0~655.35, factory setting 65.00;
For the asynchronous motor, no adjustment is needed, just need to adopt the system default 65.00;
For the synchronous motor, this parameter must be set to 1.
F218—— type of motor: 0- asynchronous; 1- synchronous. This option is to set the control object of integrated
drive controller of the elevator.
This parameter must be set according to motor conditions prior to debugging and operation.
F219—— motor poles: set the motor poles (quantity of poles) Parameter range 2~32, factory setting
This parameter must be set according to motor conditions prior to debugging and operation.
F220—— rated voltage of the motor: set according to the motor nameplate, parameter range 0~
400V, factory setting 380, only to set 220 and 380.
This parameter must be set according to motor conditions prior to debugging and operation.
F221—— rated rotating speed of the motor: it must be set according to the motor nameplate.
This parameter must be set according to motor conditions prior to debugging and operation.
F222—— rated current of the motor: it must be set according to the motor nameplate, parameter
range 0~80.00A。
This parameter must be set according to motor conditions prior to debugging and operation.
F223—— maximum output torque: maximum output torque limit, parameter range 0~300, factory
setting 150
This parameter must be set according to motor conditions prior to debugging and operation.
F224—— slip frequency of motor: (synchronous rotating speed - rated rotating speed) ÷ synchronous
rotating speed × rated frequency;
No setting is needed for asynchronous motor and setting is needed for synchronous motor; parameter range 0~10,
factory setting 1.40
F225—— carrier frequency: carrier frequency to output PWM wave, parameter range 4~15 kHz,
factory setting 8.0 kHz
No modification for this parameter except for the special circumstances.
F226—— type of encoder, 0: increment type, differential type and SinCos. 2048 line must be adopted for
synchronous. 1: CCW UVW encoder; 2: CW UVW encoder.
parameter range 0~10, factory setting 0;
This parameter must be set according to encoder conditions prior to debugging and operation.
F227—— pulses per turn of the encoder, it is set according to encoder specification.
This parameter must be set according to encoder conditions prior to debugging and operation.
F228—— magnetic pole phase. For synchronous motor, initial phase angle will be shown after
setting; parameter range 0~360°。
F229—— mode of the regulator, especially shared by the integrated drive controller of elevator;
common mode 0/1/2. Typically it isn’t needed to set.
synchronous: 0 (2m/s); 1 ( 1m/s~1.75m/s);
asynchronous: it is set to 1, to enhance control;
★ Prompt: it can be set to 2 or 3, to improve motor noise.
F230—— type of preload; 0 - no weighing; 1 - CAN given (standby); 2 - weighing analog. parameter range
0/1/2, factory setting 0
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Debugging Instructions for TR800000 Version: A
Integrated Machine Modification: 0
Door lock trips off (emergency stop) during Safety circuit existed during operation, but without door
operation lock
Hall door lock short circuit: hall door lock signal and
open limit (lasted for 1.5s) signal (only valid for the high
voltage input for the hall and car separately) for the
elevator in door area, but without car lock
32 Safety circuit disconnects during operation Safety circuit disconnection during elevator operation
37 Contact cohesion detection fault for the door lock Open limit signal is activated, with door lock signal
38 Brake switch fault Output from KMB, but brake switch doesn’t open
39 Relay contact fault for safety circuit Safety circuit input signal is inconsistent with detection
High voltage input port of safety circuit on the mainboard
is damaged
High voltage detection point of safety circuit is
inconsistent with safety relay detection signal (when
Stop at the state of non-inspectionl, upper limit switch
The elevator stops at non-ovcerhaul state, upper and lower slow down switch are activated
limit switch and lower slow down switch, or lower simultaneously.
limit switch and upper slow down switch are Stop at the state of non-overhual, lower limit switch and
activated simultaneously. upper slow down switch are activated simultaneously.
No self-protection for this fault, reset can be done after
Fault of self-learning plates is different from total Total floors of elevator = total floors preset (F11) + actual
floors of the elevator offset floors (F10)
9. Precautions
9.1. Precautions for usage
Please note the following when [iAStar-S8] series integrated drive controller of the elevator is used:
9.1.1. Selection of brake resistor
The elevator is potential load, with four quadrant operation and negative torque. So brake
components shall be considered for the integrated drive controller of elevator, otherwise tripping due
to overcurrent or overvoltage will be caused. [iAStar-S8] series integrated drive controller of the
elevator is provided with in-built brake unit, brake resistor only is needed to provide outside.
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Debugging Instructions for TR800000 Version: A
Integrated Machine Modification: 0
Specifications of the brake resistor for asynchronous & synchronous motor are different. Those for
the brake resistor outside provided with different power grade are shown as the following table.
9.1.2 No absorbing components on output side
Output from the integrated drive controller of elevator is pulse wave, if the capacitor to improve power
factor or VDR for lightning protection is installed on output side, fault tripping or components damage
will be caused to the integrated drive controller of elevator. It needs to note during line design. For the
old elevator reform, the capacitor or VDR connected on output side of the line must be removed,
shown as Figure 9.1.
Figure 9.1 No capacitor on the output side of integrated drive controller of the elevator
9.1.3 Working voltage
[iAStar-S8] series integrated drive controller of the elevator only applies to the operation whose rated
voltage is 380V. If the power voltage is different from its rated voltage, then voltage regulator must be
adopted to change voltage.
9.1.4 2-phase input is not suitable
It isn’t suitable to change 3-phase input to 2-phase input, otherwise the fault will be produced.
9.1.5 Lightning surge protection
Lightning surge protection device is provided inside [iAStar-S8] series integrated drive controller of
the elevator, with self-protection capability to the lightning.
9.1.6 Altitude and derating use
In the areas whose altitude exceeds 1000m, it is necessary to have derating use for the integrated
drive controller of elevator because its cooling effect will be poor due to thin air. During derating use,
relation curve between its rated output current and altitude is shown as Figure 9.2.
Figure 9.2 Relation diagram between rated current of the integrated drive controller of elevator and
Setting the address of call controller: typically the related call address of bottom-floor leveling plate is
set to 1, that of each leveling plate upward will be increased by 1 in turn; address of the display board
of the car must be set to 0.
When position of leveling switch and leveling plate experiences any change, hoistway self-learning
must be carried out again, therefore the elevator can be put into normal operation.
When the call controller of a floor is used on other floor, the related correct floor address value must
be set again. The related correct floor address value must be set for the call controller of each floor.
9.1.9 No arbitrary modification to the system line by the installation personnel without
During the installation and maintenance, if the periphery connection must be adjusted, the following
points must be designed well before modification: objective of line modification, which effect will be
achieved, which line is needed to modify, how to modify. Don’t be anxious to power on after
modification, and the objective of modification shall be check to be achieved or not. You’d better to
measure the line with multimeter, especially please note that whether the line connected well is
needed to modify, so as to avoid unnecessary modification.
After inspection, slow run must be tried in the computer room, followed by quick run on one-floor and
multi-floor. And no person will stay inside the car of on the car roof, to avoid safety accident.
9.1.10 Complete adjustment for some parts during once installation will lead to double results
with half the work
Such as leveling switch, limit switch, and forced slow switch: A. whether they are activated effectively;
B. its action distance is set according to technical standard; C. have the testing with the normal
inspection speed of elevator, other than simply make an estimation; installation distance between
upper and lower forced slow can be calculated simply as per the following formula: (but this distance
must be executed with misalignment rushing test and sink test, as well as confirmed to be normal)
S=V²/2a+20 (cm)/
Where, S is distance of forced slow switch, V is rated speed of elevator and a is deceleration slope.
9.1.11 CAN communication
Twisted pair must be used by CAN communication line, with twist distance of 2-3cm; and shielded
line is preferred.
(1) Under the normal circumstances and when there is no periphery communication line,
communication voltage of the mainboard can be directly displayed on the terminal blocks of control
(2) Connect the periphery communication line and separately shorted a terminal resistance jumper on
the bottom-floor outside call display board and display board of the car. Therefore communication
voltage normally used by serial system of the elevator can be measured
Figure 9.3
Note: for the voltage value among the above communication lines, it is normal standard value if
brackets are absent. The value inside the brackets is the ideal deviation scope value, and all voltage
is clockwise positive value. Please note the arrow direction.
If communication voltage deviation is too big, indicating the abnormal communication circuit, then
please check the following:
a. Check the communication line for broken line, poor contact or faulty connection or grounded short
b. Check SM-02-D car board and SM-04 display board for any damage.
Method to search the damaged board: ① independently connect the two communication lines from
the car and hoistway to the system, to measure communication voltage. When the voltage is
abnormal, showing the communication board of the connected line is damaged.
② If communication circuit voltage is abnormal, it will immediately recover to normal after a
communication board is separated from communication line, then this board may be damaged.
Confirm it further with method 3.
③ Under the normal circumstances, when SM-02-D car board or SM-04 display board is
disconnected from the communication circuit, measure that the resistance value between TXV- and
TXA+, TXV- and TXA- is 1 by use of 20KΩ grade on the multimeter, then this board is normal; while if
any value between TXV- and TXA+, TXV- and TXA- isn’t 1, showing resistance value is displayed,
then the communication board can be considered to be damaged (communication circuit fault) .
④ If the outside call board isn’t connected to the display board, no-load communication voltage of the
mainboard shall be about 3.0V for TXA+ to TXV-, and about 2.0 for TXA- to TXV-, otherwise
communication port of the mainboard is damaged.
Communication circuit faults for our periphery communication board (SM-02-D and SM-04) are
shown as: the elevator can normally run most of the time, occasionally it will send commands or
outside calls can’t be received, or occasionally it will influence open and close action, or the
mainboard will be halted; sometimes the faults can automatically reset several minutes later, but
sometimes the elevator can recover to normal only after power failure for a short time and power on.
Therefore when the periphery communication fault appears, please replace the damaged board as
soon as possible, in order to normally and preferably use the serial system as well as provide the
better service for the users.
9.1.12 Rotary encoder
Shielded wire must be used; if the wire is needed to lengthen, then shielded wire also must be
adopted for the lengthened part. Shielding layer between them must be welded reliably, and
connected to the ground pile tip of the control cabinet; the connector must be wrapped with metallic
shielding paper and tape. The redundant spiral braided wire head (such as phase z) must be
wrapped well with tape independently, which can’t touch the shielding wire. The spiral braided wire
must pass through the metal pipe regardless of whether it is arranged with the power wire. Metal
hose must be laid from spiral braiding to the control cabinet, if joint is presented, metal part of the two
joints must be connected reliably, and grounded at one side to enter the control cabinet, no earthing
to the other end (shown as Figure 3.20/3.21, same to the configuration of synchronous PG card).
9.1.13 Terminal resistance
A terminal resistance jumper must be added separately on the outside call display board on bottom
z In order to control the inductive interference among circuits, output power wire of the integrated
drive controller of elevator and wire of the encoder shall be led to the metal pipe having been
grounded, and the distance between power wire and signal line must be above 30cm at least.