NDT Specifications and
Standards Commonly
Listing of Issuing
Organizationsflowing ate of commonly wed NDT speciation and an
dards and some recommended practices were supplied by the ASNT
‘Technical Council. poems
“The lists are not complete. It must be recognize, too, that san-
dacds, specications, and recommended pracices are being continal-
iy deleted or revtaed, and new documents are being generated
‘Because the atest revisions aways apply, sulixes showing dates of
origination or revision have been removed tn most cases ro the doc
‘iment numbers,
“The inalisms heading each section under the specified NDT meth-
od o area refer othe organizations suing the standards. Addresses
{or information/ordring are shown below
ABS (American Bureau of Shipping)
45 Eisenhower Dr.
PO Box 910
Paramus, NJ 07653-0910
AEC (RDI) (US Atomic Energy Commission)
‘Oak Ridge National Laboratory
PO Box 62
‘Oak Ridge, TN 37830
AIA (Aerospace Industries Association of America)
1725 DeSales st. NW.
‘Washington, DC 20036
AISI (American Iron and Steel Insitute)
1000 l6th St. NW,
(> Woshington, DC 20036
Al. Assoc. (The Aluminum Association Inc)
{815 Connecticut Ave. NW
‘Washington, DC 20006
[ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
1450 Broadway
New York, NY 10018
API (American Petroleum Institute)
Dallas, TX 75201-3688
‘ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
345 East 47th St
‘New York, NY 10017
[ASNT (American Society for Nondestructive Testing)
4153 Adlingate Plaza
Caller #
Columbus, OH 43226-0518,
ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)
1916 Race St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
AVIS (American Welding Society)
‘550 NW LeJeune Rd.
‘Miami, FL 33126
BSI (British Standards Institution)
2 Park Street
London WIA 285
— Brit ydom
Posted Kings
~ DIN (Deutsches Institut far Normung)
Berngraensuasg 6
Postfach 1107,
1D-1000 Berlin 30
7 =I = =—t—C=Os
Commonly Used NDT Specifications and Standards -
DOD (US Department of Defense)
clo Nas
Philadelphia, PA 19120
DOE (US Department of Energy)
co Naval Publications and Forms Center
5801 Tabor Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19120
ICRU (International Commission on Radiation Units and Measure-
7310 Woodmont Ave,
Suite 1016
Washington, DC 20014
NAVSEA (Naval Sea Systems Command)
co Naval Publications and Forms Center
‘5801 Tabor Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19120
[NBS (National Bureau of Standards)
lo Superintendent of Documents
US Government Printing Office
‘Washington, DC 20402
CRP (National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements)
7910 Woodmont Ave.
Suite 1016
Washington, DC 20014
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
200 Constitution Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20001
SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers)
4400 Commonwealth Dr.
Warrendale, PA 15096
USAF (US Air Force)
‘lo Naval Publications and Forms Center
‘5801 Tabor Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19120
USN (US Navy)
‘lo Naval Publications and Forms Center
5801 Tabor Ave Y
Philadelphia, PA 19120
Section 9, Article 11, Acoustic Emission Examination of Fiber-Rei
forced Plastic Vessels
E569, Recommended Practice for Acoustic Emission Monitoring of
Structures during Controlled Stimulation
E610, Definitions of Terms Relating to Acoustic Emission
E650, Recommended Practice for Mounting Piezoelectric Acoustic
Emission Contact Sensors
E749, Practice for Acoustic Emission Monitoring during Continuous
E750, Practice for Measuring the Operating Characteristics of Acoustic
Emission Instrumentation
E751, Practice for Acoustic Emission Monitoring during Resistance
Spot Welding |EDDY CURRENT
‘ANSUASTM B244, Measuring Thickness of Anodic Coating on Al with
Eddy Current instruments
‘ANSUASTM B49®, Measurement of Coating Thickness by the Magnet-
ic Method: Nonmagnetic Coatings on Magnetic Basis Metals
‘ANSVASTM B529, Measurement of Coating Thickness by the Eddy
(Curent Test Method: Nonconductive Coatings on Nonmagnetic Basis
ANSVASTM BS54, Measurement of Thickness of Metalic Coatings on
Neametalic Substrates
ANSUASTM E215, Standardizing Equipment for Electromagnetic Test
ing of Seamless Aluminum-Alloy Tube
ANSVASTM E309, Practice for Eddy Current Testing of Steel Tubular
Products with Magnetic Saturation
ANSVASTM E426, Electromagnetic (Eddy Current) Testing of Seam
less and Welded Tubular Products, Austenitic Stainless Steels, and
Similar Alloys
ASNUASTM E566, Electromagnetic Sorting of Ferrous Metals
API SA, Specification for Casing, Tubing, and Drill Pipe
‘API BAC, Specification for Restricted Yield Strength Casing and Tub-
ANF SAX, Specicaon for High Stength Casing, Tubing, and Dail
[ALTSL, Speciation for Line Pipe
AAP SLU, Spectcaton for iia igh-Test Hest Treated Line Pipe
AAP: RP SAE Recommended Pracace for the Feld Inspection of New
Casing, Tubing, and Pin End Drill Pipe
Sec. V, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Nondestructive Examination
Sec. Xi, Boller and Pressure Vessel Code, Rules for In-Service Inspec
tion of Nuclear Power Plant Components
‘A450, General Requirements for Carbon, Feri Alloys,and Austeni-
tie Ally Steel Tubes
244, Method for Measurement of Thickness of Anodic Coatings of
‘Aluminum and of Other Nonconductive Coatings on Nonmagnetic
Base Metals with Eddy Current Instruments
B32, Test Method for Electrical Conductivity by Use of Eddy Currents
1554, Recommended Practice for Measurement of Thickness of Met
lie Coatings on Nonmetale Substrates
E215, Standardizing Equipment for Electromagnetic Testing of Seam-
less Aluminum Alloy Tube
E28, Electromagnetic Eddy Current Testing of Seamless Copper and
Copper Alloy Tubes
£258, Definition of Terms Relating to Electromagnetic Testing
EM, Eddy Current Examination of Steel Tubular Products Using
Magnetic Saturation
E876, Measuring Coating Thickness by Magnetic Field or Eddy Cur-
rent (Electromagnetic) Test Methods
E26, Blectromagnetic (Edaly Current) Testing of Seamless and Welded.
‘Tubular Products, Austenitic Stainless Steel and Similar Alloys
566, Electromagnetic (Eddy Current) Sorting of Ferrous Metals
S70, Fx Leakage Examination of Ferromagnetic Steel Tubular Prod
ES7I, Electromagnetic (Eddy Current) Examination of Nickel and
Nickel Alley Tubular Products :
690, InSitu Electromagnetic (Eddy Current) Examination of Non-
magnetic Heat Exchanger Tubes
"=7ib, Electromagnetic (Eddy Curzent) Sorting of Nonferrous Metals
"TOA, Electromagnetic (Eddy Current) Measurements of Electrical
E3033, Electromagnetic (Eddy Current) Examination of Type
EContinuously Welded (CW) Ferromagnetic Pipe and Tubing above
the Curie Temperature
Gis, Recommended Practice for Examination and Evaluation of Pit
ting Corrosion
MILSTD-271, Nondestructive Testing Requirements for Metals
MILSTD.288, Inspection Procedure for Determining the Magnetic Per-
meability of Wrought Austenitic Steel
MILSTD-1537, Electrical Conductivity Test for Measurement of Heat
‘Treatment of Aluminum Alloy, Eddy Current Method
RDI-F3-6T, Nondestructive Examination (Supplement to ASME Boiler
‘and Pressure Vestel Code, Sec. V)
SAE G-3, Determination of Aluminum Alloy Tempers through Electi-
cal Conductivity Measurement
543, Practice for Determining the Qualification of Nondestructive
Testing Agencies
[APL RP 5A5, Recommended Practice for the Field Inspection of New
Casing, Tubing, and Plain End Drill Pipe
[NI45-1977, Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment of Radioactive
N45.4-1972, Leakage-rate Testing of Containment Structures for Nu-
clear Reactors
‘ANSUANS 56.8-1981, Containment System Leakage Testing Require-
‘Volume Il, Nondestructive Inspection and Control, pp 260-270 on.
Leak Testing
‘Sec. V Article 10, Leak Testing, PTC 19.11-1970, Part 11, Water and
Steam in the Power Cycle (Purity and Quality, Leak Detection and
E283, Method of Testing for Air Leakage in Windows (Exterior
Curtain Wells;Doors
EAZ5, Definitions of Terms Relating to Leak Testing
EAZ7, Practice for Testing for Leaks Using the Halogen Leak Detector
(Alkali-fon Diode)
E432, Guide for the Selection of a Leak Testing Method
453, Recommended Practice for Examination of Fuel Element Clad-
ding Including the Determination of the Mechanical Properties,
(79, Guide for Preparation of a Leak Testing Specification
493, Test Methods for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak De-
tector in the Insde-Out Testing Mode
E498, Methods of Testing for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak
Detector or Residual Gas Analyzer in the Tracer Probe Mode15499, Methods of Testing for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak
Detector in the Detector Probe Mode
EIS, Methods of Testing for Leaks Using Bubble Emission Techniques
E677, Method of Testing for Leaks of Spherical Ground Joints
_— E741, Practice for Testing for Air Leakage in Buildings by Tracer Dilu-
— ‘tion Method
E77, Testing for Air Leakage in Buildings by Fan Pressurization Meth-
783, Field Testing for Ait Leakage in Windows/Doors (Exterior)
08, Practice for Calibrating Gaseous Reference Leaks
E1002, Method of Testing for Leaks Using Ultrasonics
+ £1003, Method for Hydrostatic Leak Testing
E1006, Method for Ammonia Colorimetric Leak Testing
908, Practice for Calibrating Gaseous Reference Leaks
19, Specification for Tension and Vacuum Testing Metallized Seals
P78, Speciation for Calibration of Helium Leak Detectors by Use of
Secondary Standards
iL, Recommended Practice for Testing for Leaks inthe Filters Associ=
ated with Laminar Flow Clean Rooms and Clean Work Stations by Use
‘£2 Condensation Nuclei Detector
7, Recommended Practice for Determining Hermetcity of Electronic
Devices by Dye Penetration
'BS8, Recommended Practice for Determining Hermetcity of Electronic
Devices by Bubble Test
34, Recommended Practice for Determining Hermeticity of Electron-
fc Devices with a Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector
730, Determining Hermetiity of Electronic Devices by Weight Gain
755, Determining Hermetiity of Sealed) Hlctronic Devices by Radi-
isotope Test
16, Test Method for Fine/Gross Leak Testing of Electronic Devices
(or Large Package Mirocicults)
2.1-1973, Calibration of Leak Detectors ofthe Mass Spectrometer Type
2.21968, Method for Vacuum Leak Detection
2.341973, Procedure for the Calibration of Gas Analyzers of the Mass
Spectrometry Type
67.08, Light Water Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Leak Detec-
£3530, Vacuum Technology-Mass Spectrometer Type Leak Detector
MILL-2556C, Leak Detection Compound, Oxygen Systems
MILLASIEC, Leak Detector, Refrigerant Gas: Acetylene Burning with
Search Hose
MILL83774, Leak Detector, Full System
‘MILSTD-1441, Equipment, Leak Detection, Helium, for Chemical Mu
Fi-6, Nondestructive Evaluation Criteria for Use of ASME Sec. IIL and
USASI BSI.7 Division, Reactor Development & Technology
Appendix], Tile 10, CFR Part 50, Primary Reactor Containment Lea
age Testing for Water-Cooled Power Reactors .
“~ US Goverment
Fed. Test Method Std. #151 b-Method 441, Leak Testing (Helium Mass
Spectrometer) Fi
ed. Test Method Std. #151 b-Method 442, Leak Testing (Pressurized
Fed, Test Method Std. #151 b-Method 443, Leak Testing (Vacuum)
ANSVASTM A275, Magnetic Particle Examination of Steel Forgings
ANSVASTM AAS, Magnetic Partie Inspection of Large Crankshaft
ZANSIASTM 125, Reference Photographs for Magnetic Partie Ind-
{ations on Ferrous Castings
‘ANSVASTM E209, Definition of Terms Relating to Magnetic Particle
‘API 5A, Specification for Casing, Tubing, and Drill Pipe
‘API SAC, Specification for Restricted Yield Strength Casing and Tub-
[APL SAX, Specification for High Strength Casing, Tubing, and Drill
APLSL, Specification for Line Pipe
‘ADI SLU, Speciation for Ultra High-Test Heat Teated Line Pipe
API RP 3A3, Recommended Practice forthe Field Inspection of New
Casing, Tubing, and Plain End Drill Pipe
A205, Magnetic Particle Examination of Steel Forging
‘A456, Magnetic Particle Inspection of Large Crankshaft Forgings,
B45, Standard Practice for Determining the inclusion Content of Steel
E125, Standard Reference Photographs for Magnetic Particle Indica-
tions on Ferrous Castings
£269, Definition of Terms Relating to Magnetic Particle Inspection
709, Standard Recommended Practice for Magnetic Partcie Examina-
Sec. I, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Power Boilers
Sec. Il, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Nuclear Vessels
Sec. 1V, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Nondestructive Examination
Sec. Vitl, Div. 1, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Unfired Pressure
Sec. VIL, Div. 2, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Alternative Rules
for Pressure Vessels
Sec. X1, Boller and Pressure: Vessel Code, Alternative Rules for In-
Service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components
MIL-STD-271, ACN-1, Nondestructive Testing Requirements for Metals
MILSTD-1949, Magnetic Particle Inspection
MILI-6867, Magnetic Inspection Units
MILM-23527, Magnetic Particle Inspection Unit, Lightweight
‘MIL1-3887, Magnetic Rubber, Inspection Process
E15-2NB, Supplementary Requirements for Sec. Il, ASME Code
EIS2NCH, Supplementary Requirements for Se. Ill, ASME Code
EIS INDI, Supplementary Requirements for Sec. I, ASME Code
EIS.2NET, Supplementary Requirements for Sec. Il, ASME Code
RDILFI.GT, Nondestructive Examination (Supplement to ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code, Sec. V
AMS 2300F, Premium Aircraft Quality Steel Cleanliness, Magnetic
Particle Inspection Procedure (also MAM 2300)
AMS 2301G, Aircraft Quality Steel Cleanliness, Magnetic Particle In-
apection Procedure
‘AMS 23034, Aircraft Quality Steel Cleanliness, Martensitic Corrosion
Resistant Steels, Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure
[AMS 2640], Magnetic Particle Inspection
‘AMS 3040‘ Magnetic Particle Inspection, Material Dry MethodAMS 3041A, Magnetic Particles, Wet Method, Oil Vehicle
‘AMS SM2A, Magnetic Particles, Wet Method, Dry Powder
‘AMS SD43A, Magnetic Particles, Wet Method, Oil Vehicle, Aerosot
‘Avis 3044B, Magnetic Particles, Fluorescent Wet Method, Dry Powder
‘AMS 3045B, Magnetic Particles, Fluorescent Wet Method, Oil Vehicle,
Ready to Use
‘AMS 30868, Magnetic Particles, Fluorescent Wet Method, Oil Veicle,
‘Aerosol Packaged
PENETRANTs iisitieiereeee eee
F467, Nondestructive Evaluation, Supplementary Criteria for Use of
‘ASME See Il and USASI B31.7 Division, Reactor Development and
BS.1, Power Piping
M13, Petroleum Refinery Piping
'SNSUASTM E433, Reference Photographs for Liquid Penetwant In
0-4, Liquid Penetrant Inspection of Stee! Forgings
Y3L.17, Nondestructive Testing Symbols
‘ec, I, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Power Boilers
See. Il, Boler and Pressure Vessel Code, Nuclear Vessels
‘See V, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Nondestructive Examination
‘ce. VIL Div. 1, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Unfired Pressure
Sec, Vill, Div. 2, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Alternative Rules
for Pressure Vessels
‘Sec, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Welding and Brazing Qualit-
129, Determination of Sulfur Impurities
15808, Determination of Halogenated Compounds
1266, Lamp Method for Determining Total Sulfur Content
LAGI, Test for Sodium Alcoholate Method, Part 17 of the ASTM Stan-
dards, 1968
'D15S2, Determination of Sulfur Impurities
Datdl, Hydrolyzable Chlorine in Compounds by Refluxing Test for,
Part 29 of ASTM Standards, 1968
‘D241, Determination of Water-Leachable Chlorides
12512, LOX Compatibility
6s, Standard Recommended Practice for Liquid Penetrant Inspec-
£270, Definition of Terms Relating to Liquid Penetrant Inspection
1493, Reference Photographs for Liquid Penetrant Inspection
£97, Recommended Practices for Determining Flermetiity of Electron-
i Devices by Dye Penetration
GAs, Recommended Practice for Examination and Evaluation of Pit
ing Corrosion
A24, Nondestructive Testing Symbols .
A510, Specifications for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Welding
{Rods and Bare Electrodes: Aluminum X-Ray Standard
Bell Helicopter BPS Rev H-4089, Penetrant inspection
Soeing BAC-5423, Penetrant Method of Inspection
Douglas Aircraft DPS 4.707, Penetrant Inspection, Fluorescent
General Electric P3TF2.56 RP-1020, Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection.
Procedure for Equivalency Testing of Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection
‘MeDonnell Douglas MMS-615, Liquid Penetrant Systems, High Senst-
tivity Water Washable
McDonnell Douglas PS-21202, Penetrant Inspection
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft FPM Code 1-7, Fluorescent Penetrant inspec
tion Code
Rolls Royce TSD #594, Overhaul Process 210 and 213
MILC-4021, Classification and Inspection of Castings
MIL¥-38762, Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection Units
MIL15002, Restrictions on Surface Treatments of Metals for Military
‘MLsL6870, Nondestructive Inspection Requirements for Aircraft and,
Missile Materials and Parts
MILSTD-278, Fabrication, Welding, Inspection, and Repair for Ma
Chinery, Piping, and Pressure Vessels in Ships of the US Navy
MILSTD-410, Qualification and Certification of Inspection Personnel
‘MILSTD-6865, Inspection, Liquid Penetrant
MILTO33B-1-1, NAVAIR OI-1A-16, ARMY TMA30105, Chapter 6,
"Fluorescent and Dye Penetrant Method’
MILT23226, Corrosion Resistant, Steel Seamless Tube and Pipe
‘PL25135, US Dept. of Defense Qualified Products List, Issue 15 (ist
Of penetrant products qualified under the requirements as specified in
the latest effective issue of the cited specification)
RDTEF346T, Nondestructive Examination (Supplement to ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code, Sec. V
ROEM23T, Carbon and Alloy Steel Welding Fittings (ASME SA-234
‘with Additional Requirements)
RDTMZST, Austenitic Stainless Steel Welding Fitings (ASMESA-403
with Additional Requirements)
EIS2NCT, Supplementary Requirements fr Sec. Ill, ASME Code
MILSTD-271, Nondestructive Testing Requirements for Metals
MILSTD-2132, Nondestructive Examination Requirements for Special
1977, Established Flash Point Minimum of $30C (2000), Pensky-
Martens Closed Cup, for Penetants in Open Tanks 10 tf Liquid Sur
face Area
1977, Registry of Toxic fects of Chemical Substances (NIOSH, Cin-
cinnati, OH)
[AMS 2645G, Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection
‘AMS-2646B, Contrast Dye Penetrant Inspection.
‘AMS-3155B, Oil, Fluorescent Penetrant, Water Soluble
‘AMS-3156B, Oil, Fluorescent Penetrant, Solvent Soluble
‘AMSSIS7A, Oil, Fluorescent Penetrant, High Fluorescence Solvent
'AMS-3158, Solution, Fluorescent Penetrant, Water Base
MIL+L25135, Penetrant Inspection Materials (This is the basic speciica-
tion document for both visible dye and fluorescent penetrant materials
for the US Ait Force, Navy, and industnial contractor specifications)
MILM387804, Requirements for Nondestructive Inspection Manuals
NAVSHIPS 900-000-1000, Fabrication, Welding, and Inspection of
Ship Hulls
NAVSHIPS 0900-003-8000, Surface Inspection Acceptance Standards
for Metals
NAVSHIPS 0900.006-9010, Fabrication, Welding, and Inspection ofHY.80 Submarine Hulls
[NAVSHIPS 0991-023-3000, Repairs to Bronze Propellers
[NAVSHIPS 250-6373, Fabrication, Welding, and Inspection of HY-80
Submarine Hulls
NAVSHIPS, 250-1500-1, Welding Standard, Power, and
Systems; «
API 1104, Standard for Welding Pipelines and Related Facilites
‘APLSL, Specification for Line Fipe
‘Sec 1, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Power Boilers
See. il, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Nuclear Fovrer Plant Com-
Sec. V, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Nondestructive Examination
Sec. Vil, Boller and Pressure Vessel Code, Pressure Vessels
Sec. IX, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Welding and Brazing Qualifc
‘Sec. XI, Boller and Pressure Vessel Code, Rules for In-Service Inspec-
tion of Nuleas.Power Plant Components,
En, Standard Recommended Practice for Radiographic Testing
Ens, Standard Method for Controling Quality of Radiograpie Tet-
ETS5 Sandia Reference Radiographs for Inpecton of Aluminum fe
nesium Castings
Eide, Standard Reference’ Radiographs for Heavy’ Walled (2 to 45
in —5t to 114 mn) Steel Castings
im, Standard Releronce Radiographs of Investment Steel Castings
for Aerospace Applications
E242, Standard Relerence Radiographs (or Appearances of Radio-
igaphi Images as Certain Parameters Are Changed
E27, Standard Reference Radiograph or High-Stength Copper Base
ad Nickel Copper Alloy Castings
Exap, Sundacd Reference Radiographs for Heavy Walled 1.5 to 12
ind t 505 mum) Stool Castings
Sio, Standard Reference Radiographs for Tin Bronze Castings
£500, Standard Reference Radiographs for Stel Fusion Welds
EAS, Interpretation of Radiograph of Semiconductors and Related
EA, Standard Reference Radiographs for Stel Castings vp to 2 in
{1 me in Thickness
suo, Standard Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum
tnd Magnesium Die Castings
E545, Stindard Method for Determining Image Quality in Thermal
Neutron Radiographic Testing
58 Sanda eto of Term Relating to Gamma and XRadog-
E®P2_Standard Gude to‘Obtainable ASTMEquivalent Penetrareter
Sensitivity for Radiography of Stel Plates 0.29 0.2 in. (6 fo 31 mm)
“Thick with Nays and to Gin. 5 to 152 mm) Thick with Coal
Method of Test for Hermetic of Electronic Devers by Dye Feneta.
Eta, Reference Radiographs for Ductile Iron Castings
26, Deering he Reine ge Quay Repro Inui
Radiographic Fm
£747, Controlling Quality of Radiographic Testing Using Wire Penetra-
EAs, Thermal Neutron Radiography of Materials
a1; Contaling Qulty of Radiograph Testing of Elecone De
EHD, Reference, Radiographs of Gray Iron Castings up to
BID, Determining the LID Ratio of Neutron Radiographic Beams
E558, Gude for Contoling the Quality of Inivtral Radiographic
Film Process
L000, Gude for Radioscopic Rel Time Imaging
Ena, Practice or Holey ing Qual ators Used for Rah
1030, Test Method for Radiographic Testing of Metalic Castings
£1032, Method for Radiographic Examination of Weldments
1079, Practice forthe Calibration of Transmission Denstometers
EILI4, Method for Determining the Focal Size of Idum192 Indust
21 Radiographic Sources,
ELI61, Test Method for Radiographic Testing of Semiconductors and
Electronic Components
E1165, Test Method for Measurement of Focal Spots of Industrial
X-Ray Tubes by Pinhole imaging
Gio, Recommended Practice for Examination and Evatuation of Pit
ting Corrosion
‘A2.4, Symbols for Welding, Brazing ane! Nondestructive Examination
110, Guide for the Nondestructive Inspection of Welds
‘85.10-63, Specifications for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Welding
Rods and Bare Electrodes: Aluminum X-Ray Standard
BS 1881 Part 250, Recommendations for the Radiography of Concrete
BS 2600 Part 1, Radiographic Examination of Fusion Welded Butt
Joints in Steel-Methods for Steel 2 mm Up to and Including 50 mm
BS 2600 Part-2, Radiographic Examination of Fusion Welded Butt
Joints in Steel-Over 50 mm Up to and Incliding, 200 mm Thick
BS 2737, Terminology in Internal Detects in Castings 2s Revealed by
2910, Radiographic Examination of Fusion Welded Circumferential
Bute Joints in Stee! Pipes
BS 3490, Specifieation for Sizes, Quantity Packing and Labelling of
Film for Industrial Radiograpiy
BS 3683, Glossary of Terms Used in Nondestructive Testing
BS 3683 Part 3, Radiological Flaw Detection
BS 3971, Specification for Image Quality Indicators for Industrial Radi-
‘ography (ineluding guidance on their use)
BS 4408, Recommendations for Nondestructive Methods of Test for
[BS 4408 Part 3, Recommendations for Nondestructive Methods of Test
for Conerete-Gamma Radiography of Concrete
BS 5230, Method for the Meastremeat of Speed and Contrast of Di
rect-Type Films for Industral Kadiography
[BS 5411 Part 12, Beta Backscatier Method for Measurement of Thick
'BS 5650, Specification for Apparatus for Gamma Radiography
DIN 54 109 Part 1, Nondestructive Testing: Image Quality of Radio-
‘graphs of Metallic Materials; Concepts, Image Qualify Indicators; De-
Termination of Image Quality index
DIN 54 109 Part 2, Nondestructive Testing; Image Quality of X-Ray and
‘Gamma Ray Radiographs of Metallic Materials; Diections for Forma-
tion of Image Quality Classes
DIN 54 111 Part 1, Testing of Metalic Materials by X-Rays or Gamma
DIN'S4 11] Part 2, Testing of Metallic Materials by X-Rays or Gamma
DIN'5§ 112, Nondestructive Testing: Films, Intensifying Screens, Cas-
settes for X-Ray and Gamma Ray Radiography: Dimensions
DIN 54 116 Part 1, Nondestructive Test Methods; Viewing of Radio-
‘graphs; Viewing Conditions
BIN 54 116 Part 2, Nondestructive Test Methods; Viewing of Radio-
‘graphs; Veiwing Apparatus
MILSTD-139, Radiographic Inspection: Soundness Requirements for
‘Aluminum and Magnesiam Castings (or Small Arms Parts)
‘MILSTD-248, Welding and Brazing Procedure and Performance Qual-
ifications, Nondestructive Testing Requirements for Metals
MILSTD 271, Nondestructive Testing Requirements for Metals
MILSTD-278, Fabrication, Welding, Inspection, and Repair for Ma-
chinery, Piping, and Pressure Vessels in Ships of the US Navy
MIL-ST12-453, Radiographic Inspection
‘MILSTD-1681, Fabrication, Welding and Inspection of HY-130 Subma-
rine Hull
MILSTD-1693, Fabrication, Welding and Inspection of Hyperbaric
Chambers and Other Critical Land Based Structures
RDTI3-6T, Nondestructive Examination (Supplement to ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code, See. V)
RDEM2T, Carbon and Alloy Stec! Welding Fittings (ASME SA-234
‘with Additional Requizements)
RDEMZST, Austenitic Sizinless Stee! Welding Fittings (ASME SA-403
‘with Additional Requirements)RUEMQA121, Nickel Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Welding Fittings
mes) oe
(2OMEs05 wth Additional Reg Lee ee
ELSSNCH: Supplementary Requirements for Sec Il, ASME Code
TORU eee yo) see é oe
Report #10f, 1963; Methods of Evaluating, Radiological Equipment
ant Material
Report #13, 1969, Neutron Fluence, Neutron Spectra, and Kerma
Report #19, 1971, Radiation Quantities and Units
189 oes
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a8 op ee He:
Handbook 114, 1975, General Safety Standard for Installations Using
Non-Medical Yay and Sealed Gamma-Ray Sources Energies sp
1OMeV fee payee fees ‘
Handbook 126, (ANSI_N542), ‘Seated. Rasioachive Source
Clasticaton’ Be nome cao ae
eandbook 136 (ANSI NIG), Radiological Stety r th Design and
{Construction of Apparat for Gamma Rodiogrephy 2° 0
[CRP 30,1964 Safe Handling of Radioactive Materials,
[NSRP 33,1968; Medical X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Protection for Ener~
‘up to 10 MeV, Equipment Design and Use
“ERP'35, 1971, Protection Against Neutron Radiation
NSRP 38,2971, Basic Radiation Protection Criteria ng Corrosion
‘A24, Nondestructive Testing Symbols
Di, Structural Welding Code
MILSTD-271, Nondestructive Testing Requirements for Metals
‘MILSTD-278, Fabrication, ‘Welding, Inspection, and Repair for. Ma-
shinery, Piping and Pressure Vessels in Ships of the US Navy.
MILSTD-410, Qualification and Certification of Inspection Personnel
MILSTD-770; Ultrasonic Inspection of Lead
MILSTD-1263, Qualification and Certification of Inspection Personnel
MILSTD-2152, Nondestructive Examination Requirements for Special
‘Mil-C-15726, Military Specification for CuNi Alloy Rod, Flat Products
(Fiat Wire, Strip, Sheet, Bar, and Plate), and Forgings
‘MILI-6870, Inspection Requirements, Nondestructive, for Aircraft Ma
terials and Part
‘MiL1-8960, Wrought Metals Process for Ultrasonic Inspection
MiLI-46175, Inspection and Testing of Ductile Cast Iron, SEA Grade
‘MILS-16113, Stel Plate, High Tensile (HT) Hull and Structural
MILS-16216, Stee Pate, Alloy, Structural High Yield Strength (HY 80
and HY 10)
MILS-25008, Steel Castings, Alloy, High Yield Strength (HY 80 and
HY 109) "
‘MILS-23194, Steel Forgings, Carbon and Low Alloy
(MiLS.23284, Stee! Forgings, Carbon and alloy, for Shafts, Sleeves,
Couplings, and Stacks (Rudders and Diving Planes)
“iL T-16420, Tube, 70-30 and 90-10 Copper Nickel Alloy, Seamless and
‘MILT-23226, Tube and Pipe, Corrosion Resistant Stee}, Seamless
MILsU-81055, Ultrasonic Inspection, Immersion of Wrought Metal,
General Specification for (Torpedo MK 46 MCD 0)
MSFC-SPEC-283, Ultrasonic Testing, Specifications for Aluminum Al-
Joy Plate
EI5S-2NBT, Supplementary Requirements for Se. Ill, ASME Code
EI5-2NCT, Supplementary Requirements for See. II, ASME Code
EI5-2ND{, Supplementary Requirements for Sec. Ill, ASME Code
EI52NET, Supplementary Requirements for Se, Ill, ASME Code
13.3 (AEC), Utrasonic Examination of Heavy Steel Forgings, Division,
Reactor Development and Technology.
P34, Ultrasonis Shear Wave Examination of Plates, Division, Reactor
Development and Technology
F35 (AEC), Longitudinal Wave Ultrasonic Testing of Plain and Clad
Steel Plates, Division, Reacfor Development and Technology.
34 (AEC), Nondestructive Evaluation, Criteria for Use of ASME Sec
Il and USASI B31.7 Division, Reactor Development and Technology
F348 (AE), Ultrasonic Inspection of Metal Pipe and Tubing for Longi-
“tudinal Discontinuities, Division, Reactor Development and Technalo-
Rotx3-6r Nondestructive Examination (Supplement to ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code, Sec. V)
RDEMDR. Carbon and Alloy Stel Welding Fitings (ASME SA-234
with Addltfonal Requirements)
ROTMDST, Austenitic stairless Stel Welding Fitings (ASME SA403,
With Adational Requirements)
ROTMD-I2T, Nickel Mlybdenum-Chyomium Alloy Welding Fitings
(ASME-403 with Additional Requirements)
| NBS Technical Note 924, Procedure for the Calibration of ASTM E127
‘Type Ultrasonic Reference Blocks
‘AMS 2630, Ultrasonic Inspection
‘AMS 2631, Ultrasonic Inspection of Titanium Alloys
‘AMS 2632, Ultrasonic Inspection of Thin Materials--0.5 in, (13 mm)
and Thinner
AMS. 2633,. Ultrasonic Inspection—Centrifugally Cast Corrosion
Resistant Steel Tubular Cylinders
T0-00-25.224, Welding High Pressure and Cryogenic System (Sec
‘4—Nondestructive Inspection by Ultrasonic and Eddy Current Meth-
NAVSHIPS 250-1500, Welding Standard, Power, and Associated
Syatemst feo
"-NAVSHIPS. (500-092-1000, Fabrication, Welding, and Inspection of
* Ship Hulls | 3
NAVSHIPS 090-001-7100, Fabrication and Inspection of Brazed Pip:
ing Systems
NAVSHIPS 090-0063010, Utrasonic Inspection, Procedure, and Ac
Ceptance Slandards for Hull race, Production Repair Welds
NAVSHIPS Go0.LP-302, Supplement to NAVSHIPS {900-006-5010
NAVSHIPS 900-0069010, Navel Terminology Manwal
APIA, Specification for Casing, Tubing, and Drill Pipe
[API 5AC, Specification for Restricted Yield Strength Casing and Tub-
API SAX, Specification for High Strength Casing, Tubing, and Drill
"AN SL, Speciation fr Line Pipe
“APL BLS; Specification for Spiral Weld Line Pipe
‘API SLU, Specification for Ultra High-Test Heat Treated Line Pipe
‘API SLX, Specification for High Test Line Pipe
API RP 5A5, Recommended Practice for the Field Inspection of New
Casing, Tubing, and Plain End Drill Pipe