Prueba Cisco
Prueba Cisco
Prueba Cisco
La informacin saliente de la PC fluye desde la RAM y la CPU, a travs del BUS y las ranuras de expansin, hacia _______________? a. la impresora b. la tarjeta de sonido c. la tarjeta de red *d. cualquiera de las opciones es correcta 2. Qu es una tarjeta de interfaz de red (NIC)? a. a) Un adaptador de LAN b. b) Una placa de circuito impresa que brinda comunicacin de red c. c) Una tarjeta usada slo para redes Ethernet *d. a y b son correctas 3. Cuando se adquiere una NIC debe prestarse atencin a todo lo siguiente salvo __________? a. el tipo de red *b. el tipo de aplicaciones c. el tipo de medios d. el tipo de bus del sistema 4. Cundo es necesario instalar una NIC? a. Para agregar una tarjeta NIC a una PC que no tiene una b. Para reemplazar una tarjeta NIC defectuosa o daada c. Para actualizarse desde una tarjeta de 10 Mbps a una de 10/100 Mbps *d. Todas las opciones son correctas 5. Las ranuras y los dispositivos para equipos porttiles normalmente se denominan tarjetas o ranuras __________. a. de computador porttil *b. PCMCIA c. puerto serial d. Todas las opciones son correctas 6. Dnde se pueden configurar los parmetros TCP/IP LAN en una PC con Windows 95? a. En el icono NetSetup.exe b. En el icono de Mi PC *c. En el icono de red del Panel de control d. En el icono de Acceso telefnico a redes 7. Qu hace un plug-in? a. Permite que se pueda ver el material guardado en el formato HTML b. Permite que se vean los archivos GIF *c. Permite que el navegador de Web pueda mostrar ciertos tipos de archivo propietarios d. Permite ejecutar mltiples versiones del navegador de Web al mismo tiempo
8. Cul de las siguientes NO es un rea importante que se debe tener en cuenta al diagnosticar las fallas de una conexin de red? a. Hardware de PC b. Software de PC *c. Velocidad del servidor de CPU d. La conexin de red 9. Si no se puede ver el currculum, cul puede ser el problema? a. El hardware b. El software c. El usuario *d. Todas las opciones son correctas 10. Verdadero o falso. El sistema cardiovascular humano representa un ejemplo de red. *a. VERDADERO b. FALSO c. d. 11. Cul de las opciones siguientes representa la mejor descripcin de un protocolo de networking? *a. Descripcin formal de un conjunto de reglas y convenciones que rigen la forma en la que los dispositivos de una red intercambian informacin. b. Uso de la misma topologa de red para todas las redes c. Conjunto de pautas que se pueden adaptar para satisfacer las necesidades individuales d. Todas las opciones son correctas 12. Qu es lo que los computadores de una red deben tener en comn para poder comunicarse directamente entre s? a. Usar el mismo sistema operativo b. Usar el mismo hardware *c. Usar el mismo protocolo d. Ser fabricados por la misma empresa 13. Por qu a mediados de la dcada del 80 era difcil conectar diferentes redes entre s mediante networking? a. Los fabricantes de los equipos de networking no podan mantenerse al da con la demanda de sus productos *b. Las tecnologas de red emergentes utilizaban especificaciones de hardware y software diferentes c. El hardware poda cambiar y quedar incompatible d. Los diseadores de computadores no comprendan el valor de la networking 14. Qu hacen las LAN? a. a) Operan dentro de un rea geogrfica limitada b. b) Permiten que una cantidad pequea de usuarios acceda a medios de ancho de banda bajo c. c) Conectan dispositivos fsicamente adyacentes *d. a y c son correctas
15. Qu es una LAN? *a. Una red que conecta estaciones de trabajo, terminales y otros dispositivos dentro de un rea geogrficamente limitada b. Una red que conecta estaciones de trabajo, terminales y otros dispositivos dentro de un rea metropolitana extensa c. Una red que sirve a usuarios dentro de un rea geogrficamente extensa y a menudo usa dispositivos de transmisin provistos por un proveedor de servicios de telecomunicaciones d. Una red que cubre un rea mayor que una MAN Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 2 1. Verdadero o falso: Las capas del modelo OSI describen el flujo de informacin. *a. VERDADERO b. FALSO c. d. 2. Qu es una direccin origen? a. La direccin de un host que recibe datos e informacin de otros computadores en una red. *b. La direccin de un host que enva datos e informacin a otros computadores en una red. c. Una direccin origen es informacin de datos que se mueven entre computadores en una red. d. Una direccin origen brinda una conexin entre los computadores de una red. 3. Cul de las siguientes opciones define mejor a los medios en trminos de networking? *a. Material a travs del cual se transportan los datos b. Encapsulamiento de informacin codificada c. Modelo de produccin para ensamblar dispositivos electrnicos complejos d. Activacin y mantenimiento de enlaces de datos entre sistemas 4. Cmo se llama el conjunto de normas que determinan el formato y transmisin de datos? a. Estndar b. Modelo c. Representacin *d. Protocolo 5. Cul es una de las ventajas de un modelo de red dividido en capas? a. Acelera la evolucin b. Reduce la complejidad c. Simplifica el aprendizaje *d. Todas las opciones son correctas 6. Cul es el proceso descrito por el modelo OSI? a. La forma de proteger a las redes de las intrusiones indeseables de hackers y virus.
b. La forma en que una red usa los dispositivos de transmisin suministrados por proveedores de servicios de telecomunicaciones para generar una seal estable y reproducible. *c. La forma en que la informacin o los datos se trasladan de un computador a otro a travs de una red. d. La forma de mantener enlaces fsicos y de software entre redes. 7. Cul es el orden de las capas del modelo OSI? *a. Fsica, de enlace de datos, de red, de transporte, de sesin, de presentacin, de aplicacin. b. Fsica, de sesin, de enlace de datos, de red, de aplicacin, de transporte, de presentacin. c. Fsica, de enlace de datos, de red, de sesin, de transporte, de presentacin, de aplicacin. d. Fsica, de enlace de datos, de red, de sesin, de aplicacin, de transporte, de presentacin. 8. Cmo se denomina la Capa 3 del modelo OSI? *a. Red b. Sesin c. Enlace de datos d. Aplicacin 9. Cul de las siguientes opciones describe mejor la funcin de la capa fsica? *a. Define las especificaciones elctricas y funcionales para el enlace entre sistemas finales. b. Proporciona trnsito de datos confiable a travs de un enlace fsico. c. Proporciona conectividad y seleccin de rutas entre dos sistemas finales. d. Se refiere al direccionamiento fsico, topologa de red y acceso a medios. 10. Cul es la capa del modelo OSI que proporciona conectividad y seleccin de rutas entre dos sistemas finales donde se produce el enrutamiento? a. Capa fsica b. Capa de enlace de datos *c. Capa de red d. Capa de transporte 11. Cul es la capa del modelo OSI que se encarga de la comunicacin de red confiable entre nodos finales y proporciona mecanismos para establecer, mantener y terminar circuitos virtuales, deteccin y recuperacin de fallas de transporte y control de flujo de informacin? a. Capa fsica b. Capa de enlace de datos c. Capa de red *d. Capa de transporte 12. Cul de las siguientes opciones describe mejor la funcin de la capa de sesin? a. Se ocupa de las estructuras de datos y de la negociacin de la sintaxis de transferencia de datos. b. Proporciona trnsito confiable de datos a travs de la capa fsica.
c. Proporciona conectividad y seleccin de rutas entre dos sistemas finales. *d. Administra el intercambio de datos entre entidades de la capa de presentacin. 13. Cul de las siguientes opciones describe mejor la funcin de la capa de presentacin? a. Es responsable por la comunicacin confiable de red entre nodos finales. *b. Se ocupa de las estructuras de datos y de la negociacin de la sintaxis de transferencia de datos. c. Proporciona conectividad y seleccin de rutas entre dos sistemas finales. d. Administra el intercambio de datos entre entidades de capas. 14. Cules de las siguientes son funciones de la capa de enlace de datos? *a. Direccionamiento fsico, topologa de red y acceso a medios. b. Administra el intercambio de datos entre entidades de la capa de presentacin. c. Sincroniza aplicaciones que cooperan y establece acuerdos sobre procedimientos para recuperacin de errores y control de la integridad de los datos. d. Proporciona mecanismos para el establecimiento, mantenimiento y terminacin de circuitos virtuales, deteccin de problemas de transporte, recuperacin y control del flujo de informacin. 15. Cul es la capa del modelo OSI que describe los diferentes tipos de medios de networking? a. Capa de red b. Capa de enlace de datos *c. Capa fsica d. Capa de transporte Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 3 1. Uno de los tipos de topologa lgica es la topologa __________________. a. En estrella b. Jerrquica c. Malla *d. Transmisin de tokens 2. Qu funcin cumple la NIC? a. Establece, administra y termina las sesiones entre aplicaciones y administra el intercambio de datos entre las entidades de la capa de presentacin. *b. Proporciona acceso del host al medio. c. Proporciona servicios a los procesos de aplicacin d. Proporciona mecanismos para el establecimiento, mantenimiento y terminacin de los circuitos virtuales, recuperacin y control del flujo de informacin 3. Una NIC se considera como un dispositivo de la Capa _____ del modelo OSI. a. Uno *b. Dos c. Tres d. Cuatro 4. Cul es la capa del modelo OSI que describe los medios de networking?
a. Capa de red b. Capa de enlace de datos *c. Capa fsica d. Capa de transporte 5. Cul es el material que se utiliza para los medios de red? a. alambre b. cable c. fibra *d. Todas las opciones son correctas 6. Cul es el propsito de un repetidor? a. Conectar una LAN a una WAN *b. Amplificar y retemporizar las seales de la red c. Guardar pginas Web y repetirlas para otros usuarios d. Retransmitir las seales de temporizacin entre dispositivos de red 7. En qu capa del modelo OSI funciona un repetidor? *a. Uno b. Dos c. Tres d. Cuatro 8. Repetidor multipuerto es otro nombre para un _________. a. Puente b. Host *c. Hub d. Secuenciador 9. Un hub es un dispositivo de la capa _____ del modelo OSI. *a. Uno b. Dos c. Cuatro d. Seis 10. Cul de las opciones siguientes es verdadera, con respecto a un puente y sus decisiones de envo? a. Operan en la capa 2 del modelo OSI y usan direcciones IP para tomar decisiones. b. Operan en la capa 3 del modelo OSI y usan direcciones IP para tomar decisiones. *c. Operan en la capa 2 del modelo OSI y usan direcciones MAC para tomar decisiones. d. Operan en la capa 3 del modelo OSI y usan direcciones MAC para tomar decisiones. 11. Cul de las siguientes opciones es verdadera, con respecto a la funcin de un switch? a. Concentra la conectividad b. Combina la conectividad de un hub con la regulacin de trfico de un puente c. Conmuta datos de puertos de entrada a puertos de salida *d. Todas las opciones son correctas 12. Qu es lo que conectan los routers?
a. Puentes y repetidores b. Puentes y hubs *c. Dos o ms redes d. Hubs y nodos Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 4 1. La electricidad se puede describir como el flujo de ________ libres. a. ncleos b. protones c. neutrones *d. electrones 2. Cul de las opciones siguientes describe mejor una descarga electrosttica (ESD)? a. Electricidad generada por descargas en el equipo *b. Electrones libres que permanecen en un lugar, sin desplazarse c. Electrones libres que se desplazan dentro y fuera del ncleo a altas velocidades d. Un exceso de electrones en un lugar 3. Cul de las siguientes opciones describe mejor lo que es un aislante? a. Cualquier material con baja resistencia a la corriente elctrica *b. Cualquier material con alta resistencia a la corriente elctrica c. Cualquier metal altamente maleable d. Cualquier material que no pueda transmitir corrientes de ms de 110 voltios 4. En la terminologa elctrica, qu significa CA? *a. Corriente alterna b. Corriente atenuada c. Corriente de amplitud d. Corriente amplificada 5. Qu es el flujo de cargas que se crea cuando se mueven los electrones? a. Resistencia b. Voltaje *c. Corriente d. Impedancia 6. Cmo se denomina la oposicin al movimiento de los electrones a medida que se desplazan por los materiales? a. Corriente *b. Resistencia c. Ohmios d. Voltaje 7. En la analoga del circuito de suministro de agua, el flujo de agua representa ________. a. el voltaje b. el cableado c. la impedancia *d. la corriente
8. Dnde se realiza la conexin a tierra de seguridad de un computador? *a. Piezas expuestas de metal b. El monitor c. El ratn d. La conexin de red 9. Los electrones fluyen en loops _______ denominados _______. a. abiertos, voltaje b. cerrados, voltaje c. abiertos, circuitos *d. cerrados, circuitos 10. El ohmio es la unidad de medicin de _________. a. Voltaje *b. Resistencia c. Corriente d. Todas las opciones son correctas 11. Cuando se usa un multmetro para medir el voltaje de CA, se lo debe configurar para ________ *a. CA solamente b. CC o CA c. Cualquier valor d. Ninguna de estas opciones 12. Cules son las tres partes que se requieren para un circuito elctrico? a. Interruptor, fuente o batera, carga o resistencia b. Fuente o batera, camino conductor completo, interruptor *c. Fuente o batera, ruta completa, carga o resistencia d. Alimentacin, fuente o batera, carga o resistencia 13. Cul es la caracterstica de las seales analgicas? *a. Voltaje ondulado b. Es tpica de la tecnologa c. Grficos de voltaje en funcin del tiempo con valores discretos o saltos d. Slo puede tener uno de dos posibles niveles de voltaje 14. Propagacin significa *a. Desplazamiento b. Retardo c. Una seal que pierde su potencia en el entorno d. Todas las opciones son correctas 15. Atenuacin significa a. Desplazamiento b. Retardo *c. Una seal que pierde su potencia en el entorno d. Todas las opciones son correctas
16. Verdadero o falso: La reflexin se puede reducir al mnimo asegurndose de que todos los componentes de networking tengan sus impedancias cuidadosamente acopladas. *a. VERDADERO b. FALSO c. d. 17. Cul de las siguientes opciones es una fuente externa de impulsos elctricos que pueden perjudicar la calidad de las seales elctricas en un cable? *a. Interferencia electromagntica causada por motores elctricos b. Interferencia electromagntica causada por bateras de CC c. Impedancia causada por sistemas de radio d. Interferencia electromagntica causada por cable de fibra ptica 18. Cul es la causa principal de la diafona? a. Los hilos de los cables son de un dimetro demasiado grande. b. Hay demasiado ruido en la seal de datos del cable. c. Motores elctricos y sistemas de iluminacin. *d. Seales elctricas de otros hilos en un cable. 19. Cul de las siguientes opciones describe la cancelacin en el cableado? a. Los cables en el mismo circuito cancelan la corriente elctrica de los dems cables. *b. El trenzado de los pares de hilos produce un autoblindaje dentro de los medios de red. c. Los campos magnticos de cables separados cancelan los campos magnticos de otros cables. d. Los campos magnticos externos cancelan los campos dentro del cableado de red. 20. Qu puede afectar la temporizacin de un bit en un cable? a. Dispersin b. Fluctuacin de fase c. Latencia *d. Todas las opciones son correctas 21. Cmo se denomina la condicin en que dos bits de dos computadores diferentes que se comunican se encuentran en un medio compartido al mismo tiempo? a. Latencia b. Dispersin *c. Colisin d. Obstruccin 22. Un solo bit en un cable puede ser en realidad parte de _______. a. un byte b. una trama c. un paquete *d. Todas las opciones son correctas 23. ______ significa convertir datos binarios en una forma que se pueda transportar a travs de un enlace fsico de comunicaciones
*a. Codificacin b. Decodificacin c. Cifrado d. Descifrado 24. Cul es el propsito de la codificacin? *a. Representar bits de datos con diferentes voltajes, patrones de luz u ondas electromagnticas b. Conectar las capas fsicas de los computadores con medios de red c. Convertir datos en patrones de bits binarios d. Mantener el enlace fsico entre computadores en red 25. Manchester y NRZI son dos tipos populares de qu? *a. Codificacin b. Decodificacin c. Cifrado d. Descifrado 26. Las seales de humo eran una forma de _______. *a. Codificacin b. Decodificacin c. Cifrado d. Descifrado Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 5 1. El par trenzado blindado (STP): a. Debe estar correctamente conectado a tierra b. Posee todas las ventajas del par trenzado no blindado c. Tiene una longitud mxima de cable de 100 metros *d. Todas las opciones son correctas 2. Cul de las siguientes opciones representa una caracterstica del cable coaxial? a. Contiene cuatro pares de hilos en el centro b. Utiliza una malla tejida plstica *c. Contiene un conductor de cobre en el centro d. Se basa en los efectos de cancelacin para reducir la cantidad de interferencia 3. Cul de las siguientes opciones representa una ventaja del cable coaxial? *a. Puede funcionar sin repetidores a mayor distancia que el cableado de par trenzado b. Es ms econmico que cualquier otro tipo de cableado c. Se puede instalar fcilmente para producir una conexin slida y de buena calidad d. No requiere conexiones especiales ni conexiones a tierra 4. Cul es una de las ventajas de utilizar cable de fibra ptica en las redes? a. Su bajo precio b. Es fcil de instalar *c. No es susceptible a la interferencia electromagntica d. Se encuentra disponible con o sin un blindaje externo
5. Cul de las siguientes es una caracterstica del cable de fibra ptica? *a. Permite velocidades de transporte de datos mayores que otros medios de networking b. Su alma ncleo se encuentra fabricada con Kevlar de alta reflexin c. Se basa en la cancelacin total interna para guiar la luz a lo largo de distancias enormes d. Posee cientos de fibras delgadas como un cabello en revestimientos separados 6. Cul de las siguientes organizaciones ha tenido el ms grande impacto sobre los estndares de los medios de networking? *a. EIA/TIA b. IEEE c. TIAA/CREF d. UL 7. Qu tipo de cable es el que actualmente se recomienda e implementa con mayor frecuencia en las instalaciones? a. Categora 3 b. Categora 4 *c. Categora 5 d. Cable coaxial 8. Cul es la categora de cable que permite la mayor longitud? a. Cables de conexin b. Cable de rea de trabajo *c. Cableado horizontal d. Todas las opciones son correctas 9. Una tenaza engarzadora es uno de los elementos necesarios para fabricar un cable de conexin _________. a. coaxial b. de fibra ptica *c. 10BaseT d. RS-232 Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 6 1. Cules son las funciones relacionadas con la capa de enlace de datos? *a. Direccionamiento fsico, agrupamiento de bits, y acceso al medio. b. Administra el intercambio de datos entre entidades de la capa de presentacin. c. Sincroniza aplicaciones que cooperan y establece acuerdos sobre procedimientos para recuperacin de errores y control de la integridad de los datos. d. Proporciona mecanismos para el establecimiento, mantenimiento y terminacin de circuitos virtuales, deteccin de problemas de transporte, recuperacin y control del flujo de informacin. 2. Cul es la organizacin cuyos estndares de LAN incluyen 802.3 y 802.5? a. EIA. *b. IEEE. c. TIA. d. UL.
3. Cul es el estndar de LAN que especifica una implementacin de la capa fsica y la subcapa MAC de la capa de enlace de datos en las redes Ethernet? *a. IEEE 802.3. b. IEEE 802.5. c. EIA/TIA-568B. d. EIA/TIA-569. 4. Cul es la especificacin de IEEE utilizada por Token Ring as como por IEEE Ethernet y FDDI? *a. 802.2 b. 802.3 c. 802.5 d. Ninguna de estas opciones 5. De qu manera IEEE aparentemente contradice el modelo OSI? a. a) Definieron su propio protocolo de la Capa 1 b. b) Dividieron la Capa 2 en dos protocolos c. c) Crearon protocolos que definieron partes de las Capas 1 y 2. *d. b y c son correctas. 6. Por qu la IEEE cre el LLC? *a. Para permitir que parte de la capa de enlace de datos fuera independiente de las tecnologas existentes. b. Para reemplazar un antiguo protocolo de IBM. c. Para crear un protocolo que no pueda ser controlado por el gobierno de los EE.UU. d. Para permitir el cifrado de datos antes de la transmisin 7. La subcapa de control de acceso al medio (MAC) se ocupa de los protocolos que sigue un host para acceder a _____________ *a. los medios fsicos. b. los periodistas. c. los protocolos de capa superior. d. los protocolos de la capa de red. 8. Para representar qu tipo de direcciones se utiliza el sistema hexadecimal? a. IP *b. MAC c. Octal d. Ninguna de estas opciones 9. A qu equivale 16 elevado a la primera potencia (16)? a. Decimal 1 *b. Decimal 16 c. Hexadecimal FF d. Ninguna de estas opciones 10. Convierta el nmero decimal 2989 en hexadecimal. a. FDD1 *b. BAD
c. ED d. CAD 11. Convierta el nmero hexadecimal ABE en decimal. *a. 2750 b. 5027 c. 2570 d. 7250 12. Convierta el nmero binario 11100010 en hexadecimal. a. D2 *b. E2 c. G2 d. H20 13. Qu es el Identificador Exclusivo de Organizacin (OUI)? a. Todos los dgitos hexadecimales de una direccin MAC *b. Los 6 primeros dgitos hexadecimales de una direccin MAC c. Los ltimos 6 dgitos hexadecimales de una direccin MAC d. El prefijo de todos los nmeros de modelos de dispositivos de red Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 7 1. Cul de las opciones siguientes describe a Token-Ring? a. a) Velocidades de transferencia de datos de 4 mbps o 16 mbps b. b) Puede usar fsicamente una topologa en estrella c. c) Slo puede implementarse con fibra ptica *d. a y b son correctas 2. Cules de los siguientes campos tienen en comn la trama de datos/comandos y la trama token? a. Delimitador de inicio, secuencia de verificacin de trama (FCS), y control de acceso b. Delimitador de inicio, control de token, y delimitador de fin *c. Delimitador de inicio, control de acceso, y delimitador de fin d. Ninguna de estas opciones 3. Cules son los dos campos de trama de token-ring, dentro del Byte de Control de Acceso, que controlan la prioridad? *a. Campo de reserva y campo de prioridad b. Campo de retransmisin y campo de prioridad c. Campo remoto y campo de control d. Campo de restriccin y campo de colocacin 4. Cul es la diferencia entre una topologa Token-Ring y una topologa Ethernet? a. a) Token-ring es determinstica b. b) Las redes token-ring no enfrentan problemas con colisiones c. c) ni a ni b son correctas *d. a y b son correctas 5. Cul de las 4 especificaciones FDDI define cmo se accede al medio?
*a. Control de acceso al medio (MAC) b. Protocolo de la capa fsica (PHY) c. Medio de la capa fsica (PMD) d. Administracin de la estacin (SMT) 6. Cules de las siguientes caractersticas comparten FDDI y Token-Ring? a. Operan a la misma velocidad *b. Usan una topologa de anillo c. a y b son correctas d. Ninguna de estas opciones 7. Qu caracterstica de modo de fibra se utiliza ms a menudo para la conectividad entre edificios? *a. Monomodo b. Multimodo c. Intramodo d. Intermodo 8. Cul es la organizacin cuyos estndares de LAN incluyen 802.3 y 802.5? a. EIA *b. IEEE c. TIA d. UL 9. Cul de las siguientes opciones describe mejor lo que es una colisin? *a. Las tramas de dos dispositivos chocan y se daan cuando se encuentran en los medios fsicos. b. Dos nodos transmiten simultneamente y un paquete de datos tiene prioridad, de manera que el paquete menor es eliminado. c. Dos transmisiones de datos se cruzan en los medios de red y se daan mutuamente. d. Una transmisin de datos se daa debido a un pico de tensin en los medios de red. 10. Cul es la empresa privada que cre Ethernet? a. Apple b. IBM *c. Xerox d. Cisco 11. Existen alrededor de _____ variedades de Ethernet que ya han sido especificadas o que se encuentran en el proceso de especificacin. a. 4 b. 8 *c. 18 d. 28 12. El encabezado de Ethernet versin 2 es _________ el encabezado de una trama 802.3 a. mucho ms largo que b. mucho ms corto que *c. de la misma longitud que
d. completamente diferente de 13. Qu tecnologa de LAN usa CSMA/CD? *a. Ethernet b. Token Ring c. FDDI d. Todas las opciones. Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 8 1. Al comenzar a desarrollar una red, cul debe ser el primer paso del proceso? *a. Reunir informacin acerca de la organizacin. b. Reunir informacin acerca de los dispositivos de red y medios que se utilizarn. c. Documentar los costos y desarrollar un presupuesto para la implementacin. d. Identificar los recursos y limitaciones de la organizacin. 2. Si Acme Inc. ocupa los primeros tres pisos de un edificio y cada piso tiene 1500 metros cuadrados, cuntos armarios para el cableado se deben instalar de acuerdo con EIA/TIA 569? a. Uno b. Tres. *c. Seis. d. Nueve. 3. Qu tipo de piso debe tener el armario para el cableado? *a. Cermica u otra superficie acabada. b. Alfombra. c. Piedra sin pulir. d. Alfombra de grado electrnico. 4. Cul es el nivel de humedad relativa mnima y mxima que debe mantenerse en las habitaciones destinadas a ser armarios para el cableado? a. Entre 10% y 50% b. Entre 20% y 70%. *c. Entre 30% y 50%. d. Entre 30% y 70%. 5. Por qu se debe evitar el uso de iluminacin con tubos fluorescentes en los armarios para el cableado? a. Modifican los colores y esto puede llevar a errores cuando se realizan las conexiones. *b. Generan interferencia externa. c. Pueden degradar ciertos materiales plsticos utilizados en el equipamiento de redes. d. A menudo no hay lugar suficiente en un armario para el cableado para cambiar los tubos fluorescentes de manera segura y fcil. 6. Cul de las siguientes opciones es una especificacin del armario para el cableado para el acceso a los cables y servicio tcnico? a. a) Todo el cableado horizontal que sale de las reas de trabajo debe tenderse debajo de un piso falso.
b. b) Todos los cables que salen de la habitacin hacia los servicios de distribucin intermedia y las salas de computadores y comunicaciones ubicadas en los otros pisos de un edificio deben realizarse mediante tubos o corazas de 8 cm (o ms pequeos). c. c) Cualquier apertura en las paredes o techos utilizada para los tubos o corazas debe sellarse mediante materiales retardadores de llamas o humo. *d. a y c son correctas 7. Cul de las siguientes opciones debe tenerse en cuenta al seleccionar una ubicacin potencial para un armario para el cableado? *a. Identificar las ubicaciones seguras cercanas al POP. b. Determinar la cantidad exacta de tendidos de cable necesarios para la red. c. Determinar la ubicacin de los servidores de archivos e impresoras del edificio. d. Realizar una seleccin inicial de ubicaciones potenciales sobre la base de las especificaciones de EIA/TIA-568 8. Cul es el dispositivo de red que se utiliza en una topologa en estrella extendida cuando el rea de captacin de un armario para el cableado no es suficiente? *a. Repetidor. b. Postergacin. c. Terminador. d. Supresor. 9. Cul es el primer paso en la localizacin de un armario para el cableado para una red? a. Identificar la cantidad de computadores que formarn parte de la red. b. Identificar la cantidad de impresoras y servidores de archivos que formarn parte de la red. *c. Identificar en un plano de piso todos los dispositivos que se conectarn a la red. d. Identificar los requisitos topolgicos de los dispositivos que tendr la red. Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 9 1. Qu tipo de jack debe usarse para realizar una conexin con un cable de par trenzado no blindado de Categora 5 en un esquema de cableado horizontal? *a. RJ45 b. BNC c. UTP 55 d. EIA 45 2. Cmo se monta en superficie un jack RJ45? a. Con una herramienta de puncin. b. Con Velcro. c. Al ras de la superficie. *d. Con una caja atornillable o con adhesivo. 3. Por qu no se debe instalar un jack en los 5 cm inferiores de un zcalo de madera? *a. La placa inferior de la pared impedir que pueda empujar la caja hacia dentro del zcalo. b. La mayora de los pisos tienen soportes de metal que producen interferencia electromagntica cuando estn cerca del jack.
c. Debajo de l se acumula polvo y suciedad que pueden penetrar en la conexin y afectar al desempeo de la red. d. Est tan cerca del piso que no hay espacio suficiente para que la mayora de las personas pueda trabajar y manipular los cables. 4. Qu es lo ms importante que debe hacerse antes de trabajar en las paredes, techos o ticos? a. Rotular la placa. b. Medir el cable. *c. Desconectar la alimentacin elctrica en el rea. d. Instalar el panel de conexin. 5. Por qu la secuencia de cableado es fundamental cuando se usan jacks RJ45 en la toma de telecomunicaciones en un esquema de cableado horizontal? *a. Para que la red funcione correctamente. b. La secuencia de cableado incorrecta puede provocar un cortocircuito de la conexin. c. Usted puede recibir un desagradable choque elctrico. d. La proporcin de colisiones se ve afectada adversamente. 6. Para el cable CAT5, la cantidad mxima del cable no trenzado que se permite es _________. *a. 13 milmetros b. 25 milmetros c. 38 milmetros d. 75 milmetros 7. Cmo se llama el diagrama simple que muestra donde se ubican los tendidos de cable? *a. Plan de distribucin. b. Boceto. c. Plan de cables. d. Ruta de cableado. 8. Segn UL969 todos los rtulos deben cumplir con los requisitos de _____________. a. legibilidad b. deformacin c. adhesin *d. Todas las opciones son correctas 9. Cuando se tiende un cable desde el armario para el cableado a los jacks de pared, dnde se encuentra rotulado dicho cable? a. En cada atadura. *b. En cada extremo. c. En el extremo del jack. d. En el extremo del panel. 10. Al preparar un tendido de cable, debe _____________. a. cortar el cable antes de tirar de l b. desenrollarlo antes de tirar de l a travs del techo *c. rotular las cajas y el cable
d. sacar el cable de las cajas 11. Para montar un cable en una pared, debe usar ____________. *a. ataduras de cable b. cinta aislante c. grampas d. clips de papel 12. Qu tipo de canaleta se debera usar si va a quedar visible en la habitacin? a. Gua de canal. *b. Decorativa. c. Bastidor de escalera. d. Canal. 13. Cundo no se debe pasar un cable en una canaleta existente? a. Si la distancia de la canaleta supera los 30 m. b. Si el material de la canaleta es parcialmente metlico. *c. Si ya contiene un cable de alimentacin. d. Si contiene una lnea telefnica. 14. Todas las opciones mencionadas a continuacin representan precauciones de seguridad personal que se deben tomar antes de instalar cables elctricos, salvo. a. usar ropas con mangas largas b. usar pantalones largos *c. usar ropa holgada d. buscar los cables de alimentacin elctrica 15. Qu tipo de cable se debe usar cuando se tiende cable a travs de espacios donde circula el aire? a. Blindado. b. Con revestimiento doble. *c. A prueba de fuego. d. No blindado. 16. El empalme central del cable de red es el ___________. a. POP b. servidor c. punto central *d. armario para el cableado 17. Si tiene ms de un armario para el cableado, los dems se llaman __________. *a. IDF b. MDF c. estrellas extendidas d. POP 18. Qu es lo que mejor describe la funcin de un panel de conexin? a. Sirve como reparacin temporaria de los problemas de la red. b. Acta como router para redes temporales que conectan diferentes dispositivos que se encuentran a menudo en convenciones y exhibiciones.
*c. Acta como conmutador donde se pueden conectar el cableado horizontal de las estaciones de trabajo a otros dispositivos para formar una LAN. d. Permite que el administrador de la red pruebe todo el cableado de la red desde una sola ubicacin. 19. Cuntos pins tiene cada uno de los puertos del panel de conexin? a. 4 pins *b. 8 pins c. 11 pins d. 45 pins 20. Cuando se fija a presin el cable Cat5, el revestimiento debe estar a qu distancia de las ubicaciones de los pins? a. 3 milmetros *b. 6,4 milmetros c. 10 milmetros d. 38 milmetros 21. La herramienta que se usa para fijar un cable Cat5 a un panel de conexin es a. una herramienta de conexin 110 b. un terminador de cable *c. una herramienta de puncin d. un terminador de conexin 22. Cul es una de las ventajas de utilizar bastidores de distribucin para montar paneles de conexin? *a. Permite el fcil acceso a la parte frontal y trasera del equipamiento. b. Brinda una tierra neutral. c. Es econmico comparado con las consolas. d. Requiere un espacio mnimo en la pared. 23. Por qu es importante establecer un nivel bsico de desempeo de una red? a. Para cumplir con uno de los requisitos necesarios para obtener la certificacin de red. b. Para ofrecerle al cliente evidencias de una instalacin exitosa. *c. Para las pruebas peridicas futuras de la red y diagnsticos. d. Para obtener un registro de red y nmero de identificacin de TIA/EIA e IEEE. 24. Cul de las siguientes opciones es una capacidad de un analizador de cables? a. Determinar la distancia de los cables b. Proporcionar mapas de cables para detectar pares cruzados. c. Medir la atenuacin de seal *d. Todas las opciones. 25. Cmo mide la distancia un analizador de cables (TDR)? a. El analizador de cables identifica la degradacin de la seal, indicando que el cable es ms largo que la longitud mxima aceptable. b. Determina el tiempo que le lleva a la seal reflejarse desde un cable de extremo cerrado. *c. Cronometra el tiempo que le toma a la seal enviarse y reflejarse desde el extremo de un cable.
d. El analizador de cable mide la capacidad de otros dispositivos de la red para recibir y enviar seales a travs del cable. 26. Por qu los pares divididos constituyen un problema para las instalaciones de red? a. Los cables no son blindados y pierden sincronismo fcilmente. *b. Los cables son parte de diferentes circuitos, de manera que las seales no estn protegidas y se produce diafona. c. Los cables son parte de diferentes circuitos y los picos de corriente producen fcilmente cortocircuitos. d. Es difcil detectar los pares divididos, lo que requiere hacer un mapeo del cable. 27. Cul de las siguientes opciones describe una medicin de atenuacin de la seal con el analizador de cables? *a. Mide la reduccin en la potencia de una seal recibida desde un inyector de seal. c. Mide el aumento en la potencia de una seal recibida desde un inyector de seal. d. El inyector de seal se fija al extremo cercano del cable. e. La frecuencia utilizada para la prueba se especifica en EIA/TIA 568A. 28. Qu debera ser lo primero que debe hacer si se detecta la paradiafona? a. Volver a hacer todas las conexiones del panel de conexin. b. Aislar la conexin que es la causa realizando una prueba de TDR. c. Volver a hacer todas las conexiones en las conexiones cruzadas. *d. Hacer una inspeccin visual del cableado horizontal. 29. Cul de las opciones siguientes constituye una fuente de interferencia en un cable UTP? *a. Luces fluorescentes. b. Cableado de fibra ptica. c. Puentes. d. Cableado coaxial. 30. Cmo se usa un analizador de cable para ayudar en una prueba de nivel de ruido elctrico? a. El analizador hace una lectura de ruido en el cable mientras el cable est conectado a los computadores b. Una reduccin en los niveles detectados por el analizador indica un problema. *c. La fuente del ruido puede localizarse desenchufando los dispositivos elctricos. d. Una fuente de ruido externo normalmente produce una amplia gama de frecuencias. Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 10 1. Cul de las siguientes opciones representa una ventaja de la segmentacin de redes? *a. Se reduce la congestin b. Se reducen los requisitos de equipamiento c. Se crean ms direcciones IP d. Se crean ms direcciones MAC 2. Cul de las siguientes opciones describe correctamente lo que hace un ISP? a. Proteccin de servicio interno (Internal Service Protection) b. Proveedor de servicios internos (Internal Service Provider)
*c. Proveedor de servicios de Internet (Internet Service Provider) d. Proteccin de servicios de Internet (Internet Service Protection) 3. Cul de las siguientes opciones describe la relacin entre determinacin de ruta y el enrutamiento de paquetes? a. Es ejecutada slo por los switches b. Es ejecutada slo por diferentes dispositivos c. Son procesos diferentes *d. Describen el mismo proceso 4. Qu parte de una direccin de capa de red utiliza el router durante la determinacin de ruta? a. La direccin de host b. La direccin de router c. La direccin de servidor *d. La direccin de red 5. Qu tipo de esquema de direccionamiento forman las direcciones MAC? *a. Plano b. Circular c. Jerrquico d. Elptico 6. Cul es la capa del modelo OSI que agrega un encabezado IP? a. La capa 1 b. La capa 2 *c. La capa 3 d. La capa 4 7. Cul es la direccin que aparece en el encabezado de un paquete IP? a. a) Direccin origen b. b) Direccin destino *c. A y B son correctas. d. No hay direcciones en el encabezado de paquete IP. 8. Cuntos bits hay en una direccin IP? a. 4 b. 8 c. 16 *d. 32 9. Qu especifica el nmero de red en una direccin IP? *a. La red a la que pertenece el host. b. La identidad fsica del computador en la red. c. El nodo de la subred a la que se direcciona. d. La identidad de broadcast de la subred. 10. Qu octeto(s) es(son) asignado(s) localmente en una direccin clase B? a. El primer octeto se asigna localmente. b. El segundo octeto se asigna localmente.
c. El primero y segundo octetos se asignan localmente. *d. El tercero y cuarto octetos se asignan localmente. 11. Cul de las siguientes opciones representa el mayor nmero posible expresado por un nmero binario de 8 bits? a. 0 *b. 11111111 c. 1010101 d. 10101010 12. Cmo se escribe el nmero decimal 164 en nmeros binarios? *a. 10100100 b. 10010010 c. 11000100 d. 10101010 13. Cul de las siguientes opciones sera el valor decimal de la direccin IP binaria 11001101.11111111.10101010.11001101? *a. b. c. d. 14. Cul de las siguientes opciones describe ms correctamente la direccin en un entorno que no est dividido en subredes? a. Direccin de broadcast de Clase A. b. Direccin de host de Clase B. *c. Direccin de broadcast de Clase B. d. Direccin de host de Clase C. 15. Qu caracterstica deben poseer los hosts en una red para comunicarse directamente? a. El mismo fabricante *b. El mismo identificador de red. c. La misma MAC d. Subredes separadas. Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 11 1. Cul de los siguientes es un ejemplo de un dispositivo de internetworking de la Capa 3 que transporta paquetes de datos entre redes? *a. router b. hub c. puente d. switch 2. Qu es lo que usan los puentes y los switches para tomar decisiones de envo de datos? a. Direcciones lgicas *b. Direcciones fsicas
c. Direcciones de red d. Direcciones IP 3. Cul de las siguientes opciones contiene un nmero de red exclusivo que se utiliza en el enrutamiento? a. Direccin MAC b. Direccin fsica *c. Direccin IP d. Tarjeta NIC 4. Cul de los siguientes es un ejemplo de un mtodo para asignar direcciones IP de forma dinmica? *a. DHCP b. ARP c. ARP proxy d. IGRP 5. Cuando los clientes DHCP arrancan el sistema y entran en un estado de inicializacin, qu tipo de paquetes se usan para enviar un mensaje DHCPDISCOVER? a. Unicast TCP *b. Broadcast UDP c. Unicast FTP d. Broadcast ARP 6. Qu protocolo puede encontrar la direccin MAC de un computador dada su direccin IP? a. RARP b. DHCP *c. ARP d. RARP proxy 7. Qu es lo que usa el origen para asegurarse de que todos los dispositivos de una red o subred vean una peticin ARP? *a. Direccin de broadcast MAC b. Direccin de broadcast IP c. Direccin de broadcast RARP d. Direccin de broadcast TCP 8. Qu es lo que se configura en un computador host como la direccin IP de la interfaz del router que se conecta al mismo segmento de la red? a. Interfaz por defecto *b. Gateway por defecto c. Puerto por defecto d. Subred por defecto 9. Cul de los siguientes es un protocolo de la capa de red que se puede enrutar a travs de una internetwork (una red de redes)? *a. IP b. ISP
c. NetBEUI d. ARP 10. Cul de los siguientes es un ejemplo de protocolo enrutado? a. RIP *b. IPX/SPX c. EIGRP d. OSPF 11. Para que un protocolo sea enrutable, qu es lo que debe suministrar el protocolo a cada dispositivo individual, aparte de la capacidad de asignar un nmero de red? a. Interfaz por defecto b. Gateway por defecto c. Nmero de puerto *d. Nmero de host 12. Cul es el protocolo ms comn que se usa para transferir informacin de enrutamiento entre los routers ubicados en la misma red? a. OSPF *b. RIP c. IGRP d. EIGRP 13. Cuntos protocolos de enrutamiento independientes pueden soportar generalmente los routers por vez? a. Slo uno b. Slo dos c. Menos de tres *d. Mltiples protocolos 14. Indique cul de las siguientes opciones es correcta para un sistema no orientado a conexin. *a. No se hace contacto con el destino antes de enviar un paquete b. Se hace contacto con el destino antes de enviar un paquete c. Se establece una conexin no orientada a conexin con el receptor antes de enviar un paquete d. Se establece una no-conexin entre el emisor y el receptor antes de enviar un paquete 15. En un sistema orientado a conexin, qu sucede antes de que se transfieran los datos del usuario? a. Se establece una conexin con el router local del receptor *b. Se establece una conexin entre el emisor y el receptor c. Se establece una conexin con el router local del emisor d. No se hace contacto con el destino antes de que se enven datos realmente 16. Cmo se denominan a menudo los procesos de red orientados a conexin? a. Conmutados por paquetes b. Conmutados por segmentos *c. Conmutados por circuitos d. Conmutados por redes
17. Del protocolo de qu capa depende IP para determinar si los paquetes se han perdido y para pedir que se vuelvan a transmitir? a. UDP b. Sesin c. NetBEUI *d. Transporte 18. La direccin IP de una interfaz de router debe formar parte de qu? *a. La red conectada a la interfaz b. Cualquier red conectada al router c. No tiene importancia d. Las interfaces del router no tienen direcciones IP Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 12 1. Cul de las capas del modelo OSI tiene como funcin principal regular el flujo de informacin desde el origen hasta el destino y de hacerlo de forma confiable y precisa ? a. Presentacin b. Sesin *c. Transporte d. Red 2. Cul de las siguientes opciones es una caracterstica del TCP? a. No confiable b. No orientado a conexin *c. Divide los mensajes salientes en segmentos d. No suministra verificacin de software para los segmentos 3. De qu capa es el protocolo TCP? *a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7 4. Cul de las siguientes opciones describe el Protocolo para el control de la transmisin (TCP)? a. No confiable *b. Orientado a conexin c. No orientado a conexin d. De capa 3 5. En el segmento TCP, cul de los campos define la cantidad de octetos que el emisor est dispuesto a aceptar? a. Sealador b. Suma de verificacin *c. Ventana d. HLEN
6. Qu protocolo simple intercambia datagramas sin acuses de recibo ni entrega garantizada? a. TCP b. ASP c. TCP/IP *d. UDP 7. UDP no usa ventanas ni acuses de recibo. De los protocolos de qu capa depende para suministrar confiabilidad? *a. Aplicacin b. Presentacin c. Sesin d. Red 8. Cules son los puertos reservados por TCP y UDP para las aplicaciones pblicas? a. Nmeros desde 255 hasta 1023 *b. Nmeros menores que 255 c. Nmeros mayores que 1023 d. 9. Cul es el trmino que se aplica a la secuencia que sincroniza una conexin en ambos extremos antes de que se intercambien datos del usuario? a. Conexin cerrada b. Retransmisin de segmentos *c. Saludo de tres vas d. Ventanas deslizantes 10. Cul es el trmino que se usa para referirse a la cantidad de mensajes que se pueden transmitir antes de recibir un acuse de recibo? *a. Tamao de ventana b. Conexin cerrada c. Saludo de dos vas d. Acuse de recibo de expectativa 11. Como TCP reensambla los segmentos en mensajes completos, qu sucede si falta un nmero de secuencia en la serie? a. El segmento se descarta *b. Se retransmite el segmento faltante c. Todos los segmentos se retransmiten desde el principio d. Con TCP, nunca se controlan los nmeros de secuencia Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 13 1. Cules son los elementos entre los que la capa de sesin establece, administra y termina las sesiones? a. Redes b. Servidores *c. Aplicaciones d. Medios
2. Cul es el tipo de comunicacin que se usa cuando dos mensajes se pueden cruzar durante una conversacin? *a. Simultnea de dos vas. b. Continua de dos vas. c. Alternada de dos vas. d. Alternada de una va. 3. Cul es el tipo de comunicacin que se usa cuando se evitan las interrupciones al hablar por turnos? a. Simultnea de dos vas. b. Simtrica de dos vas. *c. Alternada de dos vas. d. Continua de una va. 4. Cuando la capa de sesin decide si debe usar la comunicacin simultnea de dos vas o alternada de dos vas, cmo se denomina esta decisin? a. Acuse de recibo de expectativa b. Separacin de dilogo c. Resincronizacin *d. Control de dilogo 5. Cul es el trmino para el inicio, la terminacin y la administracin ordenada de la comunicacin? *a. Separacin de dilogo b. Control de dilogo c. Segmentacin d. Acuse de recibo de expectativa 6. Cul de las siguientes opciones es un ejemplo de protocolo importante de la Capa 5? a. OSPF *b. NFS c. IGRP d. FTP Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 14 1. Cul de las capas del modelo OSI tiene la funcin de presentar los datos de forma tal que los dispositivos receptores puedan comprenderlos? a. Transporte b. Sesin *c. Presentacin d. Aplicacin 2. Cul de las siguientes opciones es una de las funciones principales de la capa de presentacin? a. Control de dilogo b. Administrar aplicaciones c. Uso de ventanas *d. Compresin de datos
3. Si un sistema usa EBCDIC y otro usa ASCII, cul es la capa que suministra la traduccin entre los dos tipos de cdigo diferentes? *a. La capa 6 b. La capa 5 c. La capa 4 d. La capa 3 4. Para formatear qu elementos se usan ASCII y EBCDIC? a. Grficos *b. Texto c. Msica digitalizada d. Vdeo 5. Cules son dos de los formatos de archivo que se usan en la Internet para mostrar imgenes inmviles? a. WAV y HTML b. PICT y MIDI *c. GIF y JPEG d. MPEG y TIFF 6. Cul es el trmino que se usa cuando se descargan archivos de sonido y se reproducen al mismo tiempo? a. Interfaz digital de instrumentos musicales (MIDI) b. EBCDIC c. Vdeo fluido *d. Audio fluido 7. Cul es el formato de archivo que funciona como un conjunto de instrucciones para indicarle a un navegador de Web cmo debe mostrar y administrar documentos? *a. HTML b. HTTP c. MIDI d. JPEG 8. Cul es la capa a cargo del cifrado de datos? a. La capa 7 *b. La capa 6 c. La capa 5 d. La capa 4 9. Cul de las capas del modelo OSI est a cargo de la compresin de archivos? a. Transporte b. Sesin *c. Presentacin d. Aplicacin Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 15 1. Cul de las capas del modelo OSI es la ms cercana al usuario y determina si existen recursos suficientes para que se produzca la comunicacin entre sistemas?
a. Transporte b. Sesin c. Presentacin *d. Aplicacin 2. Cul de las siguientes opciones es probablemente la aplicacin de red de uso ms generalizado? *a. Navegadores de Web / WWW b. Director de red c. Lenguaje de etiquetas por hipertexto d. ASCII 3. Qu es lo que permite que los datos se enven a un dispositivo que no est conectado directamente con un computador? a. Telnet *b. Redirector de red c. Administradores de presentacin d. EBCDIC 4. Cmo se clasifican la mayora de las aplicaciones que funcionan en un entorno de red? a. Aplicaciones de almacenamiento de archivos b. Aplicaciones de redirector de red *c. Aplicaciones cliente-servidor d. Aplicaciones de control de dilogo 5. Un navegador de Web accede a una pgina Web solicitando __________ de un servidor remoto a. a) una conexin fsica *b. b) un localizador de recursos uniforme (URL) c. c) una direccin IP d. a y c son correctas Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 16 1. Por qu motivo el enrutamiento esttico es el mtodo preferido para mantener las tablas de enrutamiento en redes de conexin nica? *a. Porque la mejor ruta es la nica ruta b. Porque el enrutamiento esttico requiere ms espacio en la red c. Porque esto permite que los routers se adapten a los cambios de la red d. Porque las rutas se aprenden de forma automtica Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 17 1. Cul es el tipo de enrutamiento que permite que los routers se adapten a las condiciones cambiantes de la red? a. Esttico *b. Dinmico c. Automtico d. De conexin nica
Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 18 1. Cul de las siguientes opciones describe los cambios que se llevan a cabo en la direccin destino IP del paquete, a medida que el paquete se enva de un router a otro en su camino hacia el host destino? a. La direccin IP destino cambia con cada salto para convertirse en la direccin del siguiente router. b. La direccin IP destino cambia cada vez que un router enva el paquete a travs de una WAN. c. La direccin IP destino ser siempre la direccin del primer router. *d. La direccin IP destino nunca cambia. Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 19 1. Cules son los dos protocolos de enrutamiento propietarios desarrollados por Cisco? a. RIP y OSPF *b. IGRP y EIGRP c. IPX y SPX d. TCP e IP Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 20 - Routing 1. What function allows routers to evaluate available routes to a destination and to establish the preferred handling of a packet? a. Data linkage *b. Path determination c. SDLC interface protocol d. Frame Relay 2. What information is used by routing services to evaluate network paths? a. MAC addresses b. Name server tables *c. Network topology d. ARP requests 3. Where can routing services obtain the network topology information needed to evaluate network paths? a. From RARP and ARP tables b. From network name servers c. From bridges talking to routers during messaging sessions *d. From information collected by dynamic processes 4. What two functions do a router use to relay packets from one data link to another? a. Link-state testing and convergence b. Convergence and switching c. Path determination and link-state testing *d. Path determination and switching 5. How does the network layer send packets from the source to the destination?
*a. Uses an IP routing table b. Uses ARP responses c. Refers to a name server d. Refers to the bridge 6. What happens at the router during a switching operation? a. The router changes from link-state to distance-vector mode. *b. A packet accepted on one interface is forwarded to another interface or port that reflects the best path to the destination. c. A test message is sent over the proposed route to make sure it is operational. d. The received packet has the header stripped, read, and a new header attached listing the next stop on the route. 7. Why is it important to prevent unnecessary broadcasts over the entire internetwork? *a. Broadcasts incur processing overhead and waste network capacity. b. Broadcasts cannot be sent as multiphase transmissions so routers must change modes to deal with them. c. Broadcasts are common causes of collisions and should be avoided whenever possible. d. Broadcasts can quickly relay bad routing tables throughout an internetwork. 8. How does the network layer avoid unnecessary broadcast messages? a. By using error-trapping algorithms *b. By using consistent end-to-end addressing c. By using name servers to do look-up functions d. By using link-state detection 9. What problem for the network layer does using consistent end-to-end addressing solve? a. Reduces chance of infinite loops b. Avoids split horizons *c. Avoids unnecessary broadcast messages d. Reduces count to infinity problems 10. What are the two parts of an address that routers use to forward traffic through a network? *a. Network address and host address b. Network address and MAC address c. Host address and MAC address d. MAC address and subnet mask 11. Which network device uses the network address to define a path? a. Bridge *b. Router c. Hub d. Server 12. How does a router make path selections? *a. By looking at the network portion of the address b. By looking at the host portion of the address
c. By looking at mean distances between routers d. By looking at the port or device on the network 13. What does the host address specify? a. Type of device b. Distance to the nearest network hub *c. Specific port or device on the network d. Network the device is on 14. How does the host portion of an address help a router in its path determination function? a. Defines a path through the network b. Contains distance information that can be used to calculate the shortest route *c. Refers to a specific port on the router that leads to an adjacent router in that direction d. Tells the router the type of device and its distance from the router 15. What does the switching function of a router do? a. Allows greater throughput and capacity by multitasking *b. Allows the router to accept a packet on one interface and forward it on another interface c. Exchanges the old header of a data packet for a new header that includes path information for the next router d. Changes the router from receive and send mode to broadcast mode when part of the network fails 16. Which best describes a routed protocol? *a. Provides enough information to allow a packet to be forwarded from host to host b. Provides information necessary to pass data packets up to the next highest network layer c. Allows routers to communicate with other routers to maintain and update address tables d. Allows routers to bind MAC and IP address together 17. Which is an example of a routed protocol? a. RIP *b. IP c. IGRP d. OSPF 18. Which best describes a routed protocol? a. Passes data packets up to the next highest network layer b. Binds MAC and IP addresses together *c. Defines the format and use of fields within a packet d. Exchanges routing tables and shares routing information between routers 19. Which best describes a routing protocol? a. Provides information to allow a packet to be forwarded from host to host b. Binds MAC and IP addresses together c. Defines the format and use of fields within a data packet
*d. Allows routers to communicate with other routers to maintain and update address tables 20. Which best describes a routing protocol? *a. A protocol that accomplishes routing through the implementation of an algorithm b. A protocol that specifies how and when MAC and IP addresses are bound together c. A protocol that defines the format and use of fields within a data packet d. A protocol that allows a packet to be forwarded from host to host 21. Which best describes the difference between a routed versus a routing protocol? a. Routed protocols are used between routers to maintain tables, while routing protocols are used between routers to direct traffic. b. Routed protocols use distance-vector algorithms, while routing protocols use linkstate algorithms. *c. Routed protocols are used between routers to direct traffic, while routing protocols used between routers to maintain tables. d. Routed protocols use dynamic addressing, while routing protocols use static addressing. 22. What happens when a data-link frame is received on a router interface? a. The packet header is removed and a new one with additional routing information is attached. b. A frame header is sent to check the path integrity prior to sending the packet on towards its destination. c. The packet is sent to the nearest bridge that forwards it to the next router or the final destination. *d. The header is examined to determine the destination network and consults the routing table to see which outgoing interface is associated with that network. 23. What happens after a router has matched the destination network with an outgoing interface? a. The packet is sent to the nearest bridge that forwards it to the next router or the final destination. b. A frame header is sent to check the path integrity prior to sending the packet on towards its destination. *c. The packet is queued for delivery to the next hop in the path. d. The packet header is removed and a new one with additional routing information is attached. 24. Which of the following best describes a data-link frame header? *a. Controls information placed in front of data when it is readied for network transmission b. Broadcasts message sent over the network to warn routers of network failures in specific links c. Diagnostic message used to check network links for problems d. Packets sent by routers to other routers to update routing tables 25. What is the control information placed in front of data in a data packet called? a. Addressing *b. Header
c. Trailer d. Encapsulate 26. Which of the following best describes a hop? *a. Passage of a data packet between two routers b. Device which connects two or more networks together c. Shortest distance between source and destination d. Exchange and copying of ARP tables between two noncontiguous network devices 27. What is the passage of a data packet between two routers called? a. Exchange *b. Hop c. Transmittal d. Signaling 28. Which best describes multiprotocol routing? a. Ability to send packets simultaneously out different ports b. Ability to shift from static to dynamic routing as network loads change *c. Ability to maintain routing tables for several routed protocols concurrently d. Ability to rewrite frame headers to formats compatible with different networks 29. What does multiprotocol routing allow routers to do? a. Rewrite frame headers to formats compatible with different networks b. Shift from static to dynamic routing as network loads change c. Send packets simultaneously out different ports *d. Deliver packets from several routed protocols over the same data links 30. Which best describes static routing? *a. A route that is manually entered into a routing table by the network administrator b. A route received from the local name server c. A route that is automatically entered into a routing table d. An optimum route between devices as determined by the RARP table 31. Which best describes dynamic routing? *a. Automatic updating of routing tables whenever new information is received from the internetwork b. Manual entry of data into a routing table by the network administrator c. Following preset paths from device to device d. RARP server determines optimum route between devices and copies those routes into a routing table 32. What type of routing occurs without the intervention of a network administrator? a. Default *b. Dynamic c. Progressive d. Static 33. What is one advantage of static routing? *a. More secure as parts of an internetwork can be hidden b. Requires little active management by the network administrator
c. Adjusts automatically to topology or traffic changes d. Can compensate for router failures by using alternate paths 34. What is one advantage for using static routing on a stub network? a. Compensates for route failures by using alternate paths b. Requires little active management by the network administrator c. Adjusts automatically to topology or traffic changes *d. Avoids the network overhead required by dynamic routing 35. What are the two major classes of routing algorithms? a. Check sum and link state b. Check sum and traffic load c. Distance vector and traffic load *d. Distance vector and link state 36. Which best describes a distance-vector protocol? *a. Determines the direction and distance to any link in the internetwork b. Each router maintains a complex database of internetwork topology information c. Computationally rather complex d. Method of routing which prevents loops and minimizes counting to infinity 37. What do distance-vector algorithms require of routers? a. Default routes for major internetwork nodes in case of corrupted routing tables *b. Send its entire routing table in each update to its neighbors c. Fast response times and ample memory d. Maintain a complex database of internetwork topology information 38. Why is it important in distance-vector algorithms for routers to send copies of their routing table to neighboring routers? a. To prevent error propagation b. To stop routing loops c. To enable split horizon mapping *d. To communicate topology changes quickly 39. What is a major drawback of distance-vector algorithms? a. More network traffic b. Computationally difficult *c. Prone to routing loops d. Cannot implement hold-down timers 40. What is one disadvantage of distance-vector algorithms? *a. Routers do not know the exact topology of an internetwork, only distances between points b. More network traffic c. Computationally difficult d. Cannot implement hold-down timers 41. What is one advantage of distance-vector algorithms? a. Not likely to count to infinity b. Implements easily on very large networks
c. Not prone to routing loops *d. Computationally simpler 42. Which of the following best describes link-state algorithms? *a. Recreate the exact topology of the entire internetwork b. Require minimal computations c. Determine distance and direction to any link on the internetwork d. Use little network overhead and reduces overall traffic 43. Which of the following best describes link-state algorithms? a. Use little network overhead and reduces overall traffic *b. Each router broadcasts information about the network to all nodes on the network c. Determine distance and direction to any link on the internetwork d. Use little network overhead and reduces overall traffic 44. What is true about link-state routing algorithms? a. Require less network traffic than distance-vector algorithms b. Computationally rather simple c. Require less router memory and slower response times *d. Maintain full knowledge of distant routers and how they interconnect 45. Which best describes convergence? a. When messages simultaneously reach a router and a collision occurs b. When several routers simultaneously route packets along the same path *c. When all routers in an internetwork have the same knowledge of the structure and topology of the internetwork d. When several messages are being sent to the same destination 46. Which term is used to describe an internetwork state when all routers have the same knowledge of the structure and topology of the internetwork? a. Congruence b. Equivalence c. Correspondence *d. Convergence 47. Why is fast convergence a desirable attribute of a routing protocol? *a. Reduces time period over which routers make incorrect routing decisions b. Reduces network traffic c. Reduces routing loop time d. Reduces memory requirements of local routers 48. After a network topology change, what routing protocol characteristic reduces incorrect or wasteful routing decisions? a. Symmetry *b. Convergence c. Equivalence d. Correspondence 49. What is a routing loop? a. A route to often requested destinations
b. A network path that is circular and has no branches *c. A packet that cycles repeatedly through a constant series of network nodes d. A process that routers go through when performing self-diagnostics 50. What is the process called where packets never reach their destination, but instead cycle repeatedly through the same series of network nodes? a. Split horizon b. End to end messaging c. Convergence *d. Routing loop 51. Why do routing loops occur? *a. Slow convergence after a modification to the internetwork. b. Split horizons are artificially created. c. Network segments fail catastrophically and take other network segments down in a cascade effect. d. Default routes were never established and initiated by the network administrator. 52. Why do routing loops occur? a. Split horizons are artificially created. *b. A network device fails and that information is only slowly passed to all the routers in the internetwork. c. Default routes were never established and initiated by the network administrator. d. Network segments fail catastrophically and take other network segments down in a cascade effect. 53. Why does the problem of counting to infinity occur? a. Split horizon b. Noncongruence *c. Slow convergence d. Router inequivalence 54. Which best describes the count to infinity problem? *a. Routers continuously increment the hop count as a routing loop proceeds. b. Packets cycle repeatedly through a constant series of network nodes. c. During heavy traffic periods, freak collisions can occur and damage the packet headers. d. Once a split horizon occurs, two sets of metrics exists for the same destination and neither matches that in the routing table. 55. How can the count to infinity problem be prevented? a. By forcing a routing loop b. By invoking a split horizon process c. By tracking network traffic levels and regulating flow *d. By imposing an arbitrary hop-count limit 56. How can the count to infinity problem be solved? a. Initiate a routing loop *b. Define infinity as some maximum number c. Switch from distance-vector to link-state mode
d. Force a router convergence and reconciliation 57. What happens once the hop-count exceeds the maximum in a routing loop? a. The loop ends and the data packet is returned to the source for retransmission later. b. The default route is recalled and used. *c. The network is considered unreachable and the loop ends. d. A count to infinity is initiated and a split horizon invoked. 58. How can the count to infinity problem be prevented? a. By using routing loops b. By using split horizon routing systems c. By increasing router memory *d. By using hold-down timers 59. Which best describes hold-down timers? a. Timer that synchronizes the router table update process b. Time during which messages are held if network segment is temporarily unavailable c. Time allowed before intervention to halt routing loop *d. Time during which routers will neither send nor receive updated routing tables 60. Why are hold-down timers useful? *a. They flush bad information about a route from all routers in the network. b. They force all routers in a segment to synchronize switching operations. c. They reduce the amount of network traffic during high traffic periods. d. They provide a mechanism for bypassing failed sections of network. 61. When are routers placed in a hold-down state? a. When a routing loop occurs *b. When a link in a route fails c. When a routing table becomes corrupted d. When convergence occurs too slowly 62. How does a hold-down timer work? a. By holding messages in routing loops for a given time period, the hold-down timer reduces network traffic at peak times. b. When the hop count exceeds a fixed value, the hold-down timer holds the message until a split horizon is established. *c. When a router receives an update indicating that a network is now inaccessible, the router marks the route and starts a hold-down timer. d. When a count is started, a hold-down timer is started too, if after a given time period the count continues, the timer halts the process and returns control to the nearest router. 63. What are the major two link-state concerns? a. Split horizons and convergence *b. Processing and memory requirements c. Routing loops and equivalence d. Table copying and counting to infinity 64. Which of the following best describes link-state advertisement (LSA)? a. Broadcast message in response to a convergence call
b. Broadcast message relaying state of data links (up or down) to all routers *c. Broadcast packet that contains information about neighbors and path costs d. Broadcast packet that is initiated by an active routing loop 65. What are LSAs used for? a. To halt routing loops b. To determine path metrics c. To broadcast convergence calls *d. To maintain routing tables of receiving routers 66. What is the most complex and important aspect of link-state routing? *a. Making sure all routers get all the necessary LSA packets b. Ensuring that convergence occurs rapidly c. Avoiding routing loops during initial start up d. Providing mechanisms for split horizons and count to infinity avoidance 67. What will happen if routers have different sets of LSAs? a. A check sum procedure is initiated and faulty routing tables repaired. *b. Routes become unreachable because routers disagree about a link. c. A master comparison is forced and subsequent convergence on a single routing table occurs. d. A broadcast message is sent with the master copy of the routing table to all routers. 68. What is one problem with link-state updating? a. Easy to start a routing loop and subsequent count to infinity b. Routers can become unreachable because they don't have a complete picture of the internetwork *c. In synchronizing large networks, it is difficult to tell which updates are correct d. If the master routing table is corrupted, the entire network will go down 69. What is one problem with link-state updating? a. Routers can become unreachable because they don't have a complete picture of the internetwork b. Easy to start a routing loop and subsequent count to infinity c. If the master routing table is corrupted, the entire network will go down *d. Order of router startup alters the topology learned 70. Which of the following is correct? *a. Distance-vector routing gets all topological data from the routing tables of their neighbors, while link-state routing develops a map of the network by accumulating LSAs. b. Distance-vector routing develops a map of the network, while link-state routing gets topological data from the routing tables of their neighbors. c. Distance-vector routing requires lots of bandwidth and network overhead, while linkstate routing requires considerably less. d. Distance-vector routing has quick convergence time, while link-state routing has a slow convergence time and is therefore prone to routing loops. 71. Which of the following is correct?
a. Distance-vector routing requires lots of bandwidth and network overhead, while linkstate routing requires considerably less. *b. Distance-vector routing determines the best path by adding to the metric value it receives, while link-state routing has the routers calculating their own shortest path to destinations. c. Distance-vector routing has quick convergence time, while link-state routing has a slow convergence time and is therefore prone to routing loops. d. Distance-vector routing has the routers calculate their own shortest path to destinations, while link-state routing determines the best path by adding to the metric value it receives from its neighbors. 72. Which of the following is correct? a. Distance-vector routing has a quick convergence time, while link-state routing has a slow convergence time and is therefore prone to routing loops. b. Distance-vector routing requires lots of bandwidth and network overhead, while linkstate routing requires considerably less. *c. Distance-vector routing updates for topology changes with periodic table updates, while link-state routing updates are triggered by topology changes. d. Distance-vector routing updates are triggered by topology changes, while link-state routing updates for topology changes with periodic scheduled table updates. 73. Which best describes hybrid routing? *a. Uses distance vectors to determine best paths, but topology changes trigger routing table updates b. Uses distance-vector routing to determine best paths between topology during high traffic periods c. Uses topology to determine best paths but does frequent routing table updates d. Uses topology to determine best paths but uses distance vectors to circumvent inactive network links Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 21 - Using the Router 1. What are the two modes of access to router commands for Cisco routers? *a. User and privileged b. User and guest c. Privileged and guest d. Guest and anonymous 2. Why are there two modes of access to router commands on Cisco routers? a. One mode is for remotely working on the router, while the other mode is for directly working on the router via a console. b. One mode, which has many automatic sequences, is for new users, while the other mode is for experienced users who can issue direct commands. *c. One mode lets a number of users see what's happening on the router, while the other mode lets a few users change how the router operates. d. One mode is for the initial router configuration and startup, while the other mode is for maintaining, updating, and changing the router after initial startup. 3. What can only be done in privileged mode on Cisco routers? *a. Change the configuration
b. Enter commands c. Check routing tables d. Monitor performance 4. How do you switch from user to privileged mode on Cisco routers? a. Type "admin" and enter a password. b. Type "root" and enter a password. *c. Type "enable" and enter a password. d. Type "privileged" and enter a password. 5. What happens if you type "enable" on a Cisco router user interface? a. Switch to user mode b. Last command entered is activated c. New LAN is added to the router table *d. Switch to privileged mode 6. Which of the commands listed below is not available in the user access mode? *a. Show b. PPP c. Trace d. Ping 7. Which is the user-mode prompt for Cisco router user interfaces? a. # *b. > c. < d. |# 8. Which is the privileged mode prompt for Cisco router user interfaces? *a. # b. > c. < d. |# 9. How do you log out of a Cisco router user interface? a. Type "Control-Q" b. Type "quit" *c. Type "exit" d. Type "Control-X" 10. How can you get a list of commonly used commands from a Cisco router user interface? a. Type "list" b. Type "Control-C" c. Type "Control-?" *d. Type "?" 11. What does the "More" prompt at the bottom of a screen on a Cisco router user interface mean? *a. Multiple screens are available as output.
b. Additional detail is available in the manual pages. c. Multiple entries are required in the command. d. Additional conditions must be stated. 12. How do you get to the next screen if "More" is indicated at the bottom of the current screen on a Cisco router user interface? a. Press the page down key. *b. Press the spacebar. c. Press the end key. d. Press the tab key. 13. Which keystroke(s) will automatically repeat the previous command entry on a Cisco router user interface? a. Left arrow b. Right arrow c. Control-R *d. Control-P 14. What happens if you type "?" in a Cisco router user interface? a. You see all users logged into the router b. You list the last command you typed *c. You enter the help system d. You find out which mode you are currently in 15. What does it mean if you see a caret symbol (^) on a Cisco router user interface? *a. Indicates location of an error in a command string b. Indicates that you are in help mode c. Indicates that more information must be entered to complete the command d. Indicates that you are in privileged mode 16. What would you type at the router user prompt if you wanted to see what show subcommands are available? a. ? b. Command ? *c. Show ? d. List ? 17. What would you type at the router user prompt if you wanted to see what configuration subcommands are available? a. ? b. Command ? c. List ? *d. Config ? 18. Which of the commands listed below is only available at the privileged access mode? a. Ping *b. Show c. Trace d. PPP
Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 22 - Router Components 1. Which of the following describes a location from which a router is configured? *a. Once installed on the network, a router can be configured from virtual terminals. b. Upon initial configuration, a router is configured from the virtual terminals. c. Once installed on the network, a router can be configured via modem from the console terminal. d. Upon initial configuration, a router is configured via modem using the auxiliary port. 2. Which of the following does not describe external configuration of routers? a. Upon initial configuration, a router is configured from the console terminal. *b. The router can be connected via modem using the console port. c. Once installed, a router is configured from the console terminal. d. Configuration files can be downloaded from a TFTP server on the network. 3. Which of the following router components has these characteristics: Stores routing tables, fast-switching cache, and packet hold queues? a. NVRAM *b. RAM/DRAM c. Flash d. ROM 4. Which of the following router components has these characteristics: Holds the operating system and microcode; retains its contents when you power down or restart; and allows software updates without replacing chips? a. NVRAM b. RAM/DRAM *c. Flash d. ROM 5. Which of the following best describes the function of NVRAM? a. Provides temporary and/or running memory for the router's configuration file while the router is powered on. *b. Stores the router's backup configuration file. The content is retained when you power down or restart. c. Holds the operating system image and microcode and allows you to update software without removing and replacing chips on the processor. d. Contains power-on diagnostics, a bootstrap program, and operating system software. 6. Which of the following does not describe a function of working storage RAM in a router? a. A bootstrap program performs tests and then loads the Cisco IOS software into memory. b. A saved version of the configuration file is accessed from NVRAM and loaded into main memory when the router initializes. *c. The EXEC part of the IOS software handles packet buffering and the queuing of packets. d. The operating system image is usually executed from the main RAM and loaded from an input source.
7. Which of the following is the router mode that supports debugging and testing commands, manipulation of configuration files, and detailed examination of the router? a. Global configuration mode b. RXBOOT mode *c. Privileged EXEC mode d. Setup mode 8. Which of the following describes functions of the User EXEC mode of a router? a. Presents an interactive prompted dialog that helps the new user create a first-time basic configuration b. Implements powerful one-line commands that perform simple configuration tasks c. Used for recovery from catastrophe, such as to recover lost passwords *d. Allows the user to view some information about the router but not change anything 9. If you are in global configuration mode, what does the router prompt look like? a. router # *b. router (config) # c. router-config # d. r-config # 10. When you are in user mode, what does the router prompt look like? a. router *b. router > c. router # d. router 11. What is the command you enter to gain access to Privileged Exec mode? *a. ena b. p exec c. exec d. enable p-exec 12. Which of the following does not correctly describe the function of a router status command? a. [show version] - Displays configuration of the system hardware, the names and sources of configuration files, and the boot images. b. [show mem] - Displays statistics about the router's memory, including memory free pool statistics. *c. [show buffers] - Displays statistics for the buffer pools on the router. d. [show interfaces] - Displays statistics for all interfaces configured on the router. 13. If you type show ? at the router > prompt, what will show up on the screen? a. Nothing, this is not a valid command. *b. All the items that can be shown in user mode. c. The status of the router. d. Information about the version of the IOS that is currently running. 14. Which of the following describes a function of the [show running-config] Cisco IOS command?
a. It allows an administrator to see the image size and startup configuration commands the router will use on the next restart. b. It displays a message at the top showing how much nonvolatile memory has been used. c. It allows an administrator to see the configuration of the processes and interrupt routines. *d. It allows an administrator to see the current running configuration on the router. 15. Which of the following describes a function of the [show startup-config] Cisco IOS command? a. It allows an administrator to see the current running configuration on the router. *b. It displays a message at the top showing how much nonvolatile memory has been used. c. It allows an administrator to see the reason for the last system reboot. d. It displays this message at the top: "Current Configuration". 16. The [show interface serial] Cisco IOS router command can display which one of the following lines of information? a. IOS (tm) 4500 Software (C4500-J-M), Experimental Version 11.2 b. DECNET routing is enabled *c. Serial 1 is up, line protocol is up d. System image file is "c4500-j-mz" 17. The [show version] Cisco IOS router command can display which one of the following lines of information? *a. IOS (tm) 4500 Software (C4500-J-M), Experimental Version 11.2 b. Hardware is MK5025 c. Internet Protocol routing is enabled d. Internet address is 18. The [show protocols] Cisco IOS router command can display which one of the following lines of information? a. Serial 1 is up, line protocol is up b. Compiled Fri 28-Jun-96 *c. Apple Talk routing is enabled d. ROM; System Bootstrap, Version 5.1(1) 19. What kind of information cannot be obtained when you enter [show interface] in the user mode? a. The MAC address for all interfaces b. The IP address for all interfaces *c. How many users are logged onto each interface d. The encapsulation protocol for each interface 20. If you typed [show interface E0] at the prompt router#, which of the following best shows what the first five lines of the response would look like if the interface was up? a. Ethernet0 is up, line protocol is up''Address is 0000.0f92,c54b (bia 0000.0f92.c54b)''Internet address is''MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000 Kbit, DLY 1000 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255''Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set, keepalive set (10sec)
b. Ethernet0 is up, line protocol is up''Hardware is Lance, address is 0000.0f92.c54b (bia 0000.0f92.c54b)''Internet address is 223.S.151.1/24''ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 05:00:00''Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set, keepalive set (10sec) *c. Ethernet0 is up, line protocol is up''Hardware is Lance, address is 0000.0f92.c54b (bia 0000.0f92.c54b)''Internet address is''MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000 Kbit, DLY 1000 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255''Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set, keepalive set (10sec) d. Ethernet0 is up, line protocol is up''Address is 0000.0f92.c54b (bia 0000.0f92.c54b)''Internet address is''Subnet Mask is''Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set, keepalive set (10sec) 21. Which one of the following is a function of Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)? a. Provides a way to use an echo to evaluate the path-to-host reliability b. Provides a way to determine whether a routing table entry exists c. Provides a way to see the current running configuration on the local router *d. Provides a way to access summaries of configurations on directly connected devices 22. Which of the following is a characteristic of Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)? a. It runs over OSI Layer 3. *b. It allows CDP devices that support different network-layer protocols to learn about each other. c. It will obtain information about neighboring devices only if the administrator enters commands. d. It obtains information only about devices running TCP/IP. 23. What steps does the network administrator have to take to make Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) run at system start up? a. Type "cdp enable" at the first router prompt. b. Type "cdp enable" at the first privilege EXEC router prompt. *c. CDP runs automatically at start up. d. Type "cdp enable" at any prompt at then save the config file. 24. Which of the following is a function of the CDP [show] command? a. It displays information about any CDP-enabled router on the network. b. It displays information on a console connected to any node in the network. c. It helps evaluate delays over network paths and path-to-host reliability. *d. It identifies neighboring routers' host names and IP addresses. 25. Which of the following is not provided by the CDP [show] command to tell about neighbor routers? *a. Processes list, with information about the active processes b. Port identifier, such as Ethernet0, Serial1, etc. c. The device's hardware platform d. Address list, with addresses for supported protocols 26. Which of the following is a function of the [cdp enable] command? a. Boots up the Cisco IOS software and implements diagnostic testing b. Displays values of the CDP timers *c. Begins CDP's dynamic discovery function on the router's interfaces d. Discards expired holdtime values
27. Which of the following is not a function of the [show cdp interface] command? a. Displays the values of the CDP timers *b. Displays the reasons for system reboot c. Displays the interface status d. Displays the encapsulation used by CDP 28. Which of the following is a function of the [show cdp entry] (device name) command? a. Establishes a connection to a remote router b. Displays the cached CDP entry for every directly connected CDP router *c. Allows an administrator to see the IP addresses of the targeted router d. Displays version information about the network protocols running on the router 29. Which of the following is not a function of the [show cdp entry] (device name) command? *a. Displays the cached CDP entry for every directly connected CDP router b. Displays all Layer 3 addresses present on the router c. Displays how long ago the CDP frame arrived from the router d. Displays version information about the router 30. Which of the following is a function of the [show cdp neighbors] command? a. Displays the device capability code of remote routers b. Displays the path-to-host reliability of a network connection c. Displays the encapsulation of the protocols used by neighbor routers *d. Displays the neighbor's remote port type and number 31. Which of the following is not a function of the [show cdp neighbors] command? a. Displays the cached CDP entry for every directly connected CDP router *b. Displays the CDP updates received on any network router c. Displays information like that from [show cdp entry] when [show cdp neighbors detail] is used d. Displays neighbor device IDs 32. Why would you use the [show cdp neighbors] command? a. To get a snapshot view of the routers in the network *b. To get a overview of the routers that are directly connected to me c. To get the IP addresses for neighboring routers d. To building a routing table for all routers in the network neighborhood 33. Which of the following is a feature of Telnet router operations? a. Telnet is typically used to connect a router to neighbor routers. b. A router can have only one incoming Telnet session at a time. *c. A Telnet session can be suspended and then resumed. d. To initiate a Telnet session, you have to know the name of the host. Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 23 - Router Startup and Setup 1. Which of the following is the correct order of steps in the Cisco router system startup routine?
a. (1) locate and load operating system, (2) load bootstrap, (3) test hardware, (4) locate and load configuration file *b. (1) test hardware, (2) load bootstrap, (3) locate and load operating system, (4) locate and load configuration file c. (1) load bootstrap, (2) locate and load configuration file, (3) test hardware, (4) locate and load operating system d. (1) test hardware, (2) load bootstrap, (3) locate and load configuration file, (4) locate and load operating system 2. Which of the following is not a step in the Cisco router system startup routine? a. Load bootstrap b. Power-up hardware self-test *c. Enable CDP on each interface d. Locate and load configuration file 3. Which of the following is an important function of the power-up self-test? a. To determine the router hardware and software components and list them on the console terminal b. To cause other instructions to be loaded into memory *c. To execute diagnostics that verify the basic operation of router hardware d. To start routing processes, supply addresses for interfaces, and set up media characteristics 4. Which of the following is an important result of Cisco IOS loading onto a router? *a. Determining the router hardware and software components, and listing them on the console terminal b. Causing other instructions to be loaded into memory c. Executing diagnostics that verify the basic operation of router hardware d. Starting routing processes, supplying addresses for interfaces, and setting up media characteristics 5. Which of the following is an important result of the configuration file loading onto a router? a. Determining the router hardware and software components and listing them on the console terminal b. Causing other instructions to be loaded into memory c. Executing diagnostics that verify the basic operation of router hardware *d. Starting routing processes, supplying addresses for interfaces, and setting up media characteristics 6. Which of the following is not a function of the router system startup routine? *a. Verifying the routing of protocol packets b. Testing of the basic operations of router hardware c. Causing other instructions to be loaded into memory d. Starting routing processes, supplying addresses for interfaces, and setting up media characteristics 7. What is the function of the [erase startup-config] command? *a. It deletes the backup configuration file in NVRAM. b. It deletes the bootstrap image from Flash memory.
c. It deletes the current IOS from NVRAM. d. It deletes the current running configuration from Flash memory. 8. What is the function of the [reload] command? a. It loads a backup configuration file from a TFTP server. b. It saves the new IOS to Flash memory. *c. It reboots the router. d. It loads the new configuration file in NVRAM. 9. Which router command deletes the backup configuration file in NVRAM? a. [delete backup-config] b. [erase backup-config] c. [delete startup-config] *d. [erase startup-config] 10. Which router command causes the router to reboot? *a. [reload] b. [restart] c. [reboot] d. [rerun] 11. When is the router setup mode executed? a. After the saved configuration file is loaded into main memory b. When the network administrator needs to enter complex protocol features on the router c. When the router begins software initialization *d. When the router cannot find a valid configuration file 12. Which of the following does not describe features of the router setup mode? a. Many default settings appear in square brackets. b. The prompt and command for the setup mode are "router# setup". c. The first line and title of the setup dialog is "System Configuration Dialog". *d. Pressing the Return key cancels dialog prompts. 13. Which of the following correctly describes a procedure for setup of router global and interface parameters on a router? a. A default parameter is shown in square brackets at every prompt. *b. The router host name must be set. c. An enable secret password can be set, but is not required. d. For each installed interface, a series of questions must be answered. 14. Which of the following does not correctly describe a procedure for setup of global and interface parameters on a router? a. An enable secret password must be entered. *b. A default parameter is shown in square brackets at every prompt. c. Configuration values that you have determined for the installed interfaces are entered as parameters at the interface prompts. d. The router host name must be set.
15. What information do you need to gather before starting a global or interface configuration session on a router? a. Brand and model of router and type of networks the router connects to directly. b. IOS version and current register setting. *c. Which routing protocols will be needed, IP addresses of interface and subnets, and which interfaces are being used. d. IP addresses of neighboring routers, size of Flash memory. 16. Which of the following correctly describes the router setup script review? *a. The setup command program displays the configuration that was created from your answers to the setup prompts. b. The setup command program asks you if you want to change any of your answers. c. If you choose to use the displayed configuration, you select a location to save it to. d. If you choose not to use the configuration, you must reboot the router. 17. Which of the following correctly describes the procedure for modifying the script displayed upon completion of the router configuration process? a. The setup command program prompts you at each of the script lines as to whether you want to change your answers. b. You choose not to accept the configuration and the router then reboots. c. You select the dialog lines that you want to change and the program then prompts you again at those lines. *d. The script tells you to use configuration mode to modify the configuration. 18. Why might you want to issue [show startup-config] and [show running-config] commands? a. It's time to update the IOS and you need to kill certain router processes before proceeding. b. To determine the time since the router booted and the current register setting. *c. The router suddenly isn't working right and you want to compare the initial state to the present state. d. To find out where the IOS booted from and which version is being used. 19. Why should the enable password be different than the enable secret password? a. The router asks that the passwords be changed monthly if they are the same b. To provide an additional category of users *c. The enable password can be read directly from the configuration file d. The IOS behaves badly if they are the same 20. What file(s) would you find in NVRAM? a. IOS and configuration files *b. Configuration file c. Backup copy of IOS d. Limited version IOS and registry files Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 24 - Router Configuration 1. Which of the following is not a function of the privileged EXEC [configure] command? a. To configure a router from a virtual terminal
*b. To configure a TFTP server from a virtual terminal c. To configure a router from the console terminal d. To load a configuration from a network TFTP server 2. Which of the following is not a step in using the [copy running-config tftp] command to store the current router configuration? (The steps are listed in order.) a. Enter the [copy running-config tftp] command. *b. Enter the IP address of the router. c. Enter the name you want to assign to the configuration file. d. Confirm your choices. 3. Which of the following is not a step in using the [copy tftp running-config] command to load a router configuration file stored on a TFTP server? (The steps are listed in order.) a. Enter the [copy tftp running-config] command. b. Select either a host configuration file or a network configuration file. c. Enter the IP address of the remote host from which you retrieve the configuration file. *d. Enter the name of the server to which you will load the file. 4. Which of the following does not correctly describe using a TFTP server to maintain router configuration files? *a. A host configuration file contains commands that apply to all routers and terminal servers on the network. b. The convention for all filenames is UNIX-based. c. The default filename is [hostname-config] for the host file. d. Reconfiguration of the router occurs as soon as a new file is downloaded to the router. 5. You want to replace your current configuration file with one located on a TFTP server, what is the process you need to go through to do this? a. router (config)# copy tftp running-config''Host or network configuration file [host]?''IP address of remote host []?''Name of configuration file [Router-config]? paris.3''Configure using paris.3 from [confirm] y''Booting paris.3 from !! [OK - 874/16000 bytes]''Router (config)0 b. router # copy tftp running-config''Host or network configuration file [host]?''IP address of remote host []?''Configure using paris.3 from [confirm] y''Booting paris.3 from !! [OK - 874/16000 bytes]''Router# c. router # copy tftp running-config''Host or network configuration file [host]?''Name of configuration file [Router-config]? paris.3''Configure using paris.3 from [confirm] y''Booting paris.3 from !! [OK - 874/16000 bytes]''Router# *d. router 0 copy tftp running-config''Host or network configuration file [host]?''IP address of remote host []?''Name of configuration file [Router-config]? paris.3''Configure using paris.3 from [confirm] y''Booting paris.3 from !! [OK - 874/16000 bytes]''Router# 6. What is the function of the [configure memory] router command? *a. Loads configuration information from NVRAM b. Erases the contents of NVRAM
c. Stores into NVRAM the current configuration in RAM d. Displays the configuration saved in NVRAM 7. What is the function of the [copy running-config startup-config] router command? a. Loads configuration information from NVRAM b. Erases the contents of NVRAM *c. Stores into NVRAM the current configuration in RAM d. Displays the configuration saved in NVRAM 8. You have added a new LAN onto you network, therefore, you have updated your routing table and other parts of your configuration file. What command do you need to issue to save the new configuration file? a. [copy config startup-config] *b. [copy running-config startup-config] c. [configure memory] d. [copy startup-config config-running] 9. Which router mode is a subset of the EXEC commands available at the privileged EXEC mode? *a. Global configuration mode b. User EXEC mode c. Interface configuration mode d. Router configuration mode 10. What is the system prompt for the user EXEC router mode? *a. Router> b. Router# c. Router(config)# d. User EXEC 11. What happens when you type exit at a router mode prompt? a. A configuration mode prompt appears. b. The router logs you off. *c. The router backs out one mode level. d. A question prompt appears, requesting a network device location. 12. What does the router prompt look like when you are in global configuration mode? a. router# b. router (config-router)# *c. router (config)# d. router-config# 13. If you want to back completely out of config mode, what must you enter? a. exit b. no config-mode c. control e *d. control z 14. If you type control-z to get out of config mode, where do you end up? a. user EXEC mode
*b. privileged EXEC mode c. global-config mode d. router-mode 15. If you are planning to configure an interface, what prompt should be on the router? a. router (config)# b. router (config-in)# c. router (config-intf)# *d. router (Config-if)# 16. Which of the following does not describe a procedure for using the router global configuration mode? a. You type "configure" to enter global configuration mode. b. You can specify the terminal, NVRAM, or a file on a server as the source of configuration commands. *c. You can type commands to configure specific interfaces. d. You can type a command to reach a prompt for the interface configuration mode. 17. Which of the following is the system prompt for the global configuration mode? a. Router# *b. Router(config)# c. Router(config-global)# d. Router(config-router)# 18. Which of the following does not describe a step in the procedure for using the router configuration mode? a. Enter a global router protocol command type at the global configuration prompt. b. The Router(config-router)# prompt indicates you are in router configuration mode. *c. Defaults can be selected for all available command options. d. Finish using this mode with the command "exit". 19. Which of the following does not describe a step in the procedure for using the interface configuration mode? a. Enter a global interface type and number command at the global configuration prompt. b. The Router(config-if)# prompt indicates you are in interface configuration mode. c. Interfaces can be turned on and off using commands in this mode. *d. Interface types are enabled at subcommands in this mode. 20. Which of the following is a correct order for the process of configuring a router? (Assume you have already made router changes in configuration mode.) a. (1) Save changes to backup, (2) decide if changes are your intended results, (3) examine results, (4) examine backup file *b. (1) Examine results, (2) decide if changes are your intended results, (3) save changes to backup, (4) examine backup file c. (1) Decide if changes are your intended results, (2) examine backup file, (3) save changes to backup, (4) examine results d. (1) Examine results, (2) save changes to backup, (3) decide if changes are your intended results, (4) examine backup file
21. Which of the following best describes the process of configuring a router? a. (1) Examine results, (2) make changes in configuration mode, (3) remove changes, (4) decide if changes are your intended results b. (1) Decide if changes are your intended results, (2) make changes in configuration mode, (3) examine results, (4) remove changes c. (1) Make changes in configuration mode, (2) decide if changes are your intended results, (3) examine results, (4) remove changes *d. (1) Make changes in configuration mode, (2) examine results, (3) decide if changes are your intended results, (4) remove changes 22. Which of the following is a command that can be used to save router configuration changes to a backup? *a. Router# copy running-config tftp b. Router# show running-config c. Router# config mem d. Router# copy tftp running-config 23. Which of the following is not a command to remove router configuration changes? a. Router(config)# no ... b. Router# config mem *c. Router# copy running-config startup-config d. Router# copy tftp running-config 24. Which of the following correctly describes password configuration on routers? a. All passwords are established in the privileged EXEC mode. b. All passwords alter the password character string. *c. A password can be established on all incoming Telnet sessions. d. The enable password command restricts access to user EXEC mode. 25. Which of the following does not describe password configuration on routers? *a. Passwords can be established in every configuration mode. b. A password can be established on any console terminal. c. The enable-secret password uses an encryption process to alter the password character string. d. All password establishment begins in the global configuration mode. 26. When you are setting passwords for vty 0 4, what access point to the router are you setting a password for? a. Line consoles *b. Telnet sessions c. Remote host router d. Virtual hosts 27. The password set up with the [enable-secret] command is to control direct access to what? a. User EXEC mode b. Configure Interface mode *c. Privilege EXEC mode d. Global Config mode
28. Which of the following correctly describes procedures for confirming router identification? a. Routers should be named only after initial testing of the network. b. If no name is configured, the system automatically assigns the router a number. *c. You name the router in global configuration mode. d. The login banner can be configured to display system error messages. 29. Which of the following does not describe procedures for confirming router identification? a. If no name is configured, the system default router name is "Router". b. Naming your router to be the host should be one of the first network configuration tasks. c. The login banner is configured in global configuration mode. *d. You can configure a message-of-the-day banner to display on specified terminals. 30. You want to create a message to let people know a little something about the network when they log on - what command enables you to do this? a. [banner mesg] *b. [banner motd] c. [daily mesg] d. [daily motd] Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 25 - IOS 1. Which of the following correctly describes a method for specifying how a router loads the Cisco IOS software? *a. Designate fallback sources for the router to use in sequence from NVRAM b. Configure the Cisco IOS software image for the location where it will bootstrap c. Manually boot a default system image at a virtual terminal d. Manually boot a default system image at the network server 2. Which is the sequence used by the router for automatic fallback to locate Cisco IOS software? a. (1) Flash, (2) NVRAM, (3) TFTP server b. (1) NVRAM, (2) TFTP server, (3) Flash *c. (1) NVRAM, (2) Flash (3), TFTP server d. (1) TFTP server, (2) Flash (3), NVRAM 3. Which of the following does not describe configuration register settings for Cisco IOS bootstrapping? a. The order in which the router looks for system bootstrap information depends on the boot field setting. b. You change the configuration register setting with the command [config-register]. c. You use a hexadecimal number when setting the configuration register boot field. *d. Use the [show running-config] command to check the boot field setting. 4. Which of the following is information displayed by the Cisco IOS [show version] command? a. Statistics about the router's memory *b. Name of the system image
c. Information about the Flash memory device d. Status of configured network protocols 5. Which command is used to discover the configuration register setting? a. [show register] b. [show running-config] *c. [show version] d. [show startup-config] 6. Which of the following does not correctly describe a fallback option for booting Cisco IOS software? a. Flash memory provides storage that is not vulnerable to network failures. b. Loading Cisco IOS software from a TFTP server is a good option in case Flash memory becomes corrupted. *c. The system image booted from ROM is usually a complete copy of Cisco IOS software. d. ROM may contain an older version of Cisco IOS software. 7. Which of the following correctly describes preparing to use a TFTP server to copy software to Flash memory? *a. The TFTP server must be another router or a host system such as a UNIX workstation or a laptop computer. b. The TFTP host must be a system connected to an Ethernet network. c. The name of the router containing the Flash memory must be identified. d. The Flash memory must be enabled. 8. Which of the following is not a step in preparing to copy software from a TFTP host to Flash memory? a. Check on the router to make sure you can see and write into Flash. b. Verify that the router has sufficient room to accommodate Cisco IOS software. *c. Use the [show ip route] command to make sure you can access the TFTP server over the TCP/IP network. d. Check on the TFTP server to make sure you know the file or file space for the Cisco IOS software image. 9. Which of the following does not describe the procedure to verify sufficient room in Flash memory for copying software? a. Use the [show flash] command. *b. Identify the total memory in Flash, which is the available memory. c. Compare the available memory with the length of the Cisco IOS software image to be copied. d. If there is not enough available memory, you can try to obtain a smaller Cisco IOS software image. 10. How would you determine the size of the IOS image file on a TFTP server? a. Go to the Cisco Web site and consult the image file size table. b. Type [show version] on your router. *c. Do [dir] or [ls] on the TFTP server. d. Telnet to the TFTP server and issue a [show files] command.
11. Which of the following is the fastest way to make sure the TFTP server is reachable prior to trying to transfer an IOS image file? a. Trace the TFTP server *b. Ping the TFTP server c. Telnet to the TFTP server d. Call the TFTP server administrator 12. Why do you need to determine the file size of the IOS image on the TFTP server before transferring it to your router? *a. To check that there is enough space in Flash to store the file b. To verify that the file is the correct IOS for your router c. To complete a trivial file transfer protocol operation, the file size must be known d. To calculate the download time for the file and thus, the amount of time the router will be out of service 13. What information is not provided in the Cisco image filename system? a. Capabilities of the image b. The platform on which the image runs c. Where the image runs *d. Size of the image 14. Which of the following is not part of the procedure for creating a Cisco IOS software image backup to a TFTP server? a. Use the [show flash] command to learn the name of the system image file. b. Enter the [copy flash tftp] command to begin the copy process. *c. Enter the IP address of the router holding the image file. d. You may rename the file during transfer. 15. Why does an administrator create a Cisco IOS software image backup? a. To verify that the copy in Flash is the same as the copy in ROM b. To provide a fallback copy of the current image prior to copying the image to a new router c. To create a fallback copy of the current image as part of procedures during recovery from system failure *d. To create a fallback copy of the current image prior to updating with a new version 16. Which of the following is not part of the procedure for loading a new Cisco IOS software image to Flash memory from a TFTP server? (The procedures are listed in correct order.) a. Backup a copy of the current software image to the TFTP server. *b. Enter the [copy flash tftp] command to start downloading the new image from the server. c. The procedure asks if you are willing to erase Flash. d. A series of Vs on the display indicates successful check run verification. 17. Which of the following is not part of the procedure for loading a backup Cisco IOS software image to Flash memory from a TFTP server? (The procedures are listed in correct order.) a. Enter the [copy tftp flash] command. b. A prompt asks you for the IP address of the TFTP server.
*c. If a file with the same name exists in Flash memory, the file being copied automatically replaces it. d. Enter the [reload] command to boot up the router using the newly copied image. 18. What is the initial boot attempt if the router register is set to Ox2100? *a. ROM Monitor b. TFTP server c. ROM d. Flash 19. What is the initial boot attempt if the router register is set to Ox2101? a. ROM Monitor b. TFTP server *c. ROM d. Flash 20. What is the initial boot attempt if the router register is set to Ox2102? a. ROM Monitor b. TFTP server c. ROM *d. Flash Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 26 - TCP/IP 1. Which of the following best describes TCP/IP? *a. Suite of protocols that can be used to communicate across any set of interconnected networks b. Suite of protocols that allows LANs to connect into WANs c. Protocols that allow for data transmission across a multitude of networks d. Protocols that allow different devices to be shared by interconnected networks 2. Which of the following best describes the purpose of TCP/IP protocol stacks? a. Maps closely to the OSI reference model in the upper layers *b. Supports all standard physical and data-link protocols c. Transfers information in a sequence of datagrams d. Reassembles datagrams into complete messages at the receiving location 3. The function of the application layer of the TCP/IP conceptual layers is best described by which of the following? a. Responsible for breaking messages into segments and then reassembling them at the destination b. Acts as a protocol to manage networking applications *c. Exists for file transfer, e-mail, remote login, and network management d. Resends anything that is not received, and reassembles messages from the segments 4. Why are TCP three-way handshake/open connections used? a. To ensure that lost data can be recovered if problems occur later *b. To determine how much data the receiving station can accept at one time c. To provide more efficient use of bandwidth by users d. To change binary ping responses into information in the upper layers
5. What does a TCP sliding window do? a. It makes the window larger so more data can come through at once, which results in more efficient use of bandwidth. b. The window size slides to each section of the datagram to receive data, which results in more efficient use of bandwidth. *c. It allows the window size to be negotiated dynamically during the TCP session, which results in more efficient use of bandwidth. d. It limits the incoming data so that each segment must be sent one by one, which is an inefficient use of bandwidth. 6. What do the TCP sequence and acknowledgement numbers do? a. They break datagrams into their binary coefficients, number them sequentially, and send them to their destination, where their receipt is acknowledged by the sender. b. They break messages down into datagrams that are numbered and then sent to a host according to the sequence set by the source TCP. c. They provide a system for sequencing datagrams at the source and acknowledging them at the destination. *d. They provide sequencing of segments with a forward reference acknowledgement, number datagrams before transmission, and reassemble the segments into a complete message. 7. Why does UDP use application layer protocols to provide reliability? a. To speed the transmission over the network. b. The lack of reliability protocols makes the software less expensive and easier to configure. c. It lacks a protocol to sequence datagrams and negotiate window size. *d. It does not use windowing or acknowledgements. 8. What does the acronym ICMP stand for? a. Internetwork Connection Model Protocol b. Internet Connection Monitor Protocol *c. Internet Control Message Protocol d. Internetwork Control Mode Protocol 9. What is the purpose of ICMPs? a. The put the internetwork in control mode so that the protocols can be set up. b. They are messages that the network uses to monitor connection protocols. c. They are standard binary messages that act as model internetwork protocols. *d. They are messages carried in IP datagrams used to send error and control messages. 10. What does the acronym ARP stand for? a. Address Resource Protocol *b. Address Resolution Protocol c. Address Research Program d. Address Routing Program 11. What is the function of ARP? a. It completes research for a destination address for a datagram. b. It is used to develop a cached address resource table.
*c. It is used to map an IP address to a MAC address. d. It sends a broadcast message looking for the router address. 12. How does a sender find out the destination's MAC address? a. It consults its routing table. b. It sends a message to all the addresses searching for the address. *c. It sends out a broadcast message to the entire LAN. d. It sends out a broadcast message to the entire network. 13. What is the function of the RARP? *a. It is a protocol in the TCP/IP stack that provides a method for finding IP addresses based on MAC addresses. b. It is a protocol used to map a 32-bit IP address to a MAC address. c. It is a protocol used to develop a cached address resource table for the router. d. It a protocol that completes research for a destination address for a datagram based on the IP address. 14. Which of the following best describes the purpose of checksum? a. Method for comparing IP addresses against those permitted access to allow entry by a host *b. Method for checking the integrity of transmitted data. c. Method for computing a sequence of octets taken through a series of arithmetic operations. d. Method for recomputing IP address values at the receiving end and comparing them for verification. 15. Which of the following best describes flow control? a. A device at the destination side that controls the flow of incoming data b. A buffer at the source side that monitors the outflow of data *c. A technique that ensures that the source does not overwhelm the destination with data d. A suspension of transmission until the data in the source buffers has been processed 16. What does the acronym SNMP stand for? a. Standard Node Monitor Protocol b. Standard Network Management Protocol c. Simple Node Management Protocol *d. Simple Network Management Protocol 17. What is the purpose of SNMP? *a. Means to monitor and control network devices and to manage configurations, statistics collection, performance, and security b. Means to monitor the devices that are connected to one router, and assign a regular address to each host on the node network c. Protocol that provides the network administrator with the ability to manage the devices on the network and control who has access to each node d. Protocol that allows for the management of network security, performance, and configuration from a remote host 18. Which of the following best describes TTL?
a. Field in the datagram header that determines how long the data is valid *b. Field in an IP header that indicates how long a packet is considered valid c. Field within an IP datagram that indicates the upper-layer protocol sending the datagram d. Field in a datagram head that indicates when the next data packet will arrive 19. Which of the following best describes UDP? a. A protocol that acknowledges flawed or intact datagrams b. A protocol that detects errors and requests retransmissions from the source c. A protocol that processes datagrams and requests retransmissions when necessary *d. A protocol that exchanges datagrams without acknowledgments or guaranteed delivery 20. Which of the following best describes window size? a. The maximum size of the window that a software can have and still process data rapidly *b. The number of messages that can be transmitted while awaiting an acknowledgment c. The size of the window, in picas, that must be set ahead of time so data can be sent d. The size of the window opening on a monitor, which is not always equal to the monitor size Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 27 - IP Addressing 1. How does a router gain access to IP addresses? a. All host addresses must be entered individually by the network administrator. *b. The router learns addresses from other routers. c. The network administrator creates a routing table of all addresses. d. All hosts automatically send their address to any available router. 2. What kind of address can a device or interface have? a. Any kind b. A network number and then all ones *c. A nonzero network number d. A nonzero host number 3. If a router has an Ethernet interface E0, with IP address, and if the interface uses a mask of, what is the subnet number? a. E0: *b. E0: c. E0: d. E0: 4. If you wanted to assign an address and a subnet mask and start IP processing on an interface, what command would you use? *a. IP address subnet mask b. IP address c. Subnet mask d. Address IP process
5. If you want to connect a name to an IP address, such as "asu," what command structure would you use? *a. IP host asu b. IP name asu c. IP host name asu 129.219,0.0 d. IP host address asu 6. What is the purpose of "tcp-port-number" in the ip host commands? a. It identifies which IP address to use when using the host name with an EXEC connect or Telnet command. b. It sets the default port of any device to port23. c. It sets the port of the source device in the router table. *d. It identifies which TCP port to use when using the host name with an EXEC connect or Telnet command. 7. What is the purpose of the [ip name-server] command? *a. It defines which hosts can provide the name service. b. It defines a naming scheme that allows a device to be identified by its location. c. It identifies which TCP port to use when using the host name. d. It generates messages from each router used along a datagram's path. 8. Which of the following best describes the function of the [show hosts] command? a. It identifies the subnet mask being used at the destination site. b. It maintains a cache of host name-to-address mappings for use by EXEC commands. *c. It is used to display a cached list of host names and addresses. d. It shows the host name for the IP address. 9. When you use the [ping] command and get a result of "!," what does it mean? *a. Successful receipt of an echo reply b. Times out waiting for datagram reply c. Destination unreachable error d. Congestion-experienced packet 10. What does it mean when you use the [ping] command and get a result of "."? a. Successful receipt of an echo reply *b. Timed out waiting for datagram reply c. Destination unreachable error d. Congestion-experienced packet 11. When you use the [ping] command and get a result of "U," what does it mean? a. Timed out waiting for datagram reply *b. Destination unreachable error c. Congestion-experienced packet d. Ping interrupted 12. When you use the [ping] command and get a result of "C," what does it mean? a. Packet Time To Live exceeded b. Ping interrupted c. Destination unreachable error *d. Congestion-experienced packet
13. When you use the [ping] command and get a result of "I," what does it mean? a. Destination unreachable error *b. Ping interrupted c. Congestion-experienced packet d. Packet type unknown 14. When you use the [ping] command and get a result of "?," what does it mean? a. Packet Time To Live exceeded b. Ping interrupted *c. Packet type unknown d. Congestion-experienced packet 15. When you use the [ping] command and get a result of "&," what does it mean? a. Congestion-experienced packet b. Ping interrupted c. Packet type unknown *d. Packet Time To Live exceeded 16. Which of the following best describes the function of the extended command mode of the [ping] command? *a. Used to specify the supported Internet header options b. Used to specify the time frame for the ping return c. Used to diagnose why aping was delayed or not returned d. Used to trace the datagram as it passes through each router 17. How do you enter the extended mode of the [ping] command? a. ping x b. ping e *c. ping [return key] d. ping m 18. What does the response "!H" mean, when it comes in response to the [trace] command? *a. The probe was received by the router, but not forwarded. b. The protocol was unreachable and the trace terminated. c. The network was unreachable, but the last router was up. d. The port was reached, but the wire to the network was malfunctioning. 19. When it comes in response to the [trace] command, what does the response "P" mean? a. Time out. b. The port was unreachable. *c. The protocol was unreachable. d. The network was unreachable. 20. What does the response "N" mean, when it comes in response to the [trace] command? a. The name has no IP address connected to it. b. The probe was not received, so it could not be forwarded.
c. The protocol was unreachable. *d. The network was unreachable. 21. When it comes in response to the [trace] command, what does the response "U" mean? a. The address was unreachable. b. The protocol was unreachable. c. The network was unreachable. *d. The port was unreachable. 22. What does the response "*" mean when it comes in response to the [trace] command? a. The destination device refused the trace. *b. The trace timed out. c. The network refused the trace. d. The source used a trace that was not supported by the network protocol. Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 1 - Chapter 28 - Routing Protocols 1. If you start the router and it cannot find Cisco IOS system image, what will happen? a. The router will not operate. b. The router will request that you make the Cisco IOS available. *c. You will have to manually set up the router in the setup mode. d. The router will ask you to install any router operating system. 2. What command do you use to access the setup mode? a. Define b. Exec c. Setup *d. Configure 3. If you manually set up the router, what type of configuration will it have? a. It will be fully configured. *b. It will be minimally configured. c. You will only be able to use it to install Cisco IOS. d. It will be configured in such a way that no changes can be made, except manually. 4. What kind of entries does a router initially refer to? a. Entries about networks or subnets that are directly connected b. Entries it has learned about from the Cisco IOS software *c. Entries whose IP address and mask information are known d. Entries it has learned about from other routers 5. Which of the following best describes a static route? a. Routing table entry that is used to direct frames for which a next hop is not explicitly listed in the routing table *b. Route that is explicitly configured and entered into the routing table and takes precedence over routes chosen by dynamic routing protocols c. Route that adjusts automatically to network topology or traffic changes d. Route that adjusts involuntarily to direct frames within a network topology
6. Which of the following best describes a dynamic routing? a. Routing that is explicitly configured and entered into the routing table b. Routing that is used to direct frames for which a next hop is not explicitly listed in the routing table *c. Routing that adjusts automatically to network topology or traffic changes d. Routing that adjusts involuntarily to direct frames within a network topology 7. What do link-state algorithms require routers to do? *a. Flood routing information about the state of its own links to all nodes on the internetwork b. Flood all its routing information to all nodes on the internetwork c. Send a complete picture of the topology of the entire network to all nodes on the network d. Base routing table on information provided by the every other router and send IP information to all nodes on the network 8. An administrative distance of 15 would indicate which of the following? a. The IP address is static. b. The IP address is dynamic. *c. The routing information source is trustworthy. d. The routing information source is untrustworthy. 9. Why are routing updates not sent to a link if it is only defined by a static route? a. Because each node in the network already knows the route *b. To conserve bandwidth c. To keep routing tables small d. To keep routing tables organized 10. In the following command, what does the last number stand for? router (config)# ip route 5 a. The number of hops b. The number of routes to the destination *c. The administrative distance d. The destinations reference number in the routing table 11. Why would you set the administrative distance really high? a. The network uses Enhanced IGRP. *b. The dynamic address may be better. c. The network uses OSPF. d. The network uses only uses default network addresses. 12. If you just added a new LAN onto your network and you want to add the routes to the new devices to your routing table, what command structure would you use? a. router (config)> ip route 5 *b. router (config)# ip route 5 c. router (config)# ip route 5 d. router (config)# ip route
First Year Companion Guide - Chapter 1 1. Qu hacen las WAN? a. Interconectan las LAN b. Operan dentro de un rea geogrfica extensa c. Suministran conectividad continua y parcial *d. Todas las opciones son correctas 2. Qu es una WAN? *a. Una red que conecta usuarios dentro de un rea geogrfica extensa b. Una red que conecta dispositivos dentro de una configuracin de grupo de trabajo c. Una red que conecta departamentos comerciales dentro de un mismo edificio d. Una tcnica que representaba una de las primeras soluciones al problema de la networking 3. Cul es la definicin de un bit? a. La seccin de una red limitada por puentes, routers o switches *b. Un dgito binario, que puede ser 0 1, utilizado en el sistema numrico binario c. La interfaz de un dispositivo de internetworking como, por ejemplo, un router d. Las reas de la red dentro de las cuales se propagan los paquetes de datos que han colisionado 4. Cmo se puede representar un dgito binario? a. +5 voltios b. A travs de la presencia de voltaje elctrico c. A travs de la ausencia de voltaje elctrico *d. Todas las opciones son correctas 5. Cul de las siguientes opciones describe el sistema numrico decimal? a. Tambin se denomina sistema numrico de Base 100 *b. Utiliza diez smbolos que van del 0 al 9 c. Se basa en potencias de 1 d. Es igual al sistema numrico ASCII 6. Cul es el sistema numrico que se basa en potencias de 2? a. Octal b. Hexadecimal *c. Binario d. ASCII 7. Cmo se escribe el nmero decimal 151 en nmeros binarios? a. 10010110 *b. 10010111 c. 10101011 d. 10010011 8. Cmo se escribe el nmero binario 11011010 en nmeros decimales? *a. 218 b. 202 c. 222 d. 186
9. El ancho de banda se describe en trminos de________________. a. bytes por segundo *b. bits por segundo c. megabits por milisegundo d. centmetros 10. Cmo se denomina la cantidad de informacin que puede fluir de un lugar a otro dentro de un perodo de tiempo determinado? a. Voltaje *b. Ancho de banda c. Impedancia d. Velocidad de propagacin First Year Companion Guide - Chapter 2 1. En el proceso de encapsulamiento de datos, cmo se denomina la informacin de control que se coloca antes de los datos? a. Trama *b. Encabezado c. Cpsula. d. Informacin de enrutamiento. 2. Cul es una de las funciones de la capa fsica del modelo OSI? a. Permite el direccionamiento fsico de computadores en los medios de red. *b. Transmisin de datos a travs de los medios de red. c. Define los datos a medida que atraviesan los medios de red. d. Proporciona servicios de red a las aplicaciones. 3. En cul de las capas del modelo OSI se encapsulan los paquetes en tramas? *a. Enlace de datos b. Red c. Transporte d. Sesin 4. Verdadero o falso: El modelo OSI ha sido adoptado como el estndar tcnico de Internet a. VERDADERO *b. FALSO c. d. 5. En el modelo TCP/IP, cul es la capa que se ocupa de la confiabilidad, control de flujo y correccin de errores? *a. Transporte b. Internet c. Red d. Aplicacin 6. Verdadero o falso: Todas las aplicaciones TCP/IP usan IP para los servicios de red.
*a. VERDADERO b. FALSO c. d. 7. Verdadero o falso: TCP/IP combina las cuestiones de la capa de sesin y de red en su capa de aplicacin. a. VERDADERO *b. FALSO 8. Cul es el modelo dividido en capas con el que los verdaderos profesionales de red deben estar familiarizados? a. a) TCP/IP b. b) CDP c. c) OSI d. *a y c son correctas 9. En el modelo TCP/IP, cul es la capa que se ocupa de la confiabilidad, control de flujo y correccin de errores? *a. Transporte b. Internet c. Red d. Aplicacin 10. Verdadero o falso: Todas las aplicaciones TCP/IP usan IP para los servicios de red. *a. VERDADERO b. FALSO c. d. First Year Companion Guide - Chapter 3 1. Cules son los dispositivos ms importantes para la regulacin del trfico en las grandes redes? a. Hubs b. Servidores *c. Routers d. Puentes 2. Qu es lo que enruta un router? a. Bits de la capa 1 b. Tramas de la capa 2 *c. Paquetes de la capa 3 d. Segmentos de la capa 4 3. Verdadero o falso: Como una nube realmente no es un dispositivo, sino una coleccin de capacidades supuestas, se la califica como dispositivo de la Capa 1-7. *a. VERDADERO b. FALSO c.
d. 4. Verdadero o falso: Un segmento de red puede ser un hilo, pero no un cable coaxial o fibra ptica. a. VERDADERO *b. FALSO c. d. 5. Si bien las redes informticas existen desde hace largo tiempo, En qu dcada se inventaron los dispositivos avanzados denominados gateways y routers? a. En la dcada del '60 b. En la dcada del '70 *c. En la dcada del '80 d. En la dcada del '90 6. En qu dcada apareci la World Wide Web? a. En la dcada del '60 b. En la dcada del '70 c. En la dcada del '80 *d. En la dcada del '90 7. En qu capa del modelo OSI operan principalmente los routers? a. La capa 1 b. La capa 2 *c. La capa 3 d. La capa 4 8. Cul es el orden de los pasos del proceso de encapsulamiento? *a. Datos, segmentos, paquetes, tramas, bits b. Datos, tramas, paquetes, segmentos, bits c. Bits, datos, paquetes, tramas d. Bits, tramas, datos, paquetes 9. Los dispositivos de la Capa 1 verifican: *a. Bits b. Tramas c. Paquetes d. Todas las opciones son correctas 10. Cul de las siguientes opciones NO es un dispositivo de la Capa 1? a. Hub b. Repetidor *c. Switch d. Transceptor First Year Companion Guide - Chapter 4 1. La electricidad se puede describir como el flujo de ________ libres. a. ncleos
b. protones c. neutrones *d. electrones 2. Cul de las opciones siguientes describe mejor una descarga electrosttica (ESD)? a. Electricidad generada por descargas en el equipo *b. Electrones libres que permanecen en un lugar, sin desplazarse c. Electrones libres que se desplazan dentro y fuera del ncleo a altas velocidades d. Un exceso de electrones en un lugar 3. Cul de las siguientes opciones describe mejor lo que es un aislante? a. Cualquier material con baja resistencia a la corriente elctrica *b. Cualquier material con alta resistencia a la corriente elctrica c. Cualquier metal altamente maleable d. Cualquier material que no pueda transmitir corrientes de ms de 110 voltios First Year Companion Guide - Chapter 5 1. Qu tipo de jack es estndar para la toma de telecomunicaciones? a. UTP 55 *b. RJ45 c. EIA 45 d. TIA 74 2. Qu se logra mediante el trenzado de los hilos en un cable CAT-5? a. El cable queda ms delgado b. Es ms econmico *c. Reduce los problemas de ruido d. Permite que 6 pares quepan en el espacio de 4 pares 3. Cul de las siguientes opciones es verdadera acerca de los jacks RJ45? a. a) Posee 8 conductores b. b) Tiene un bloque de puncin en un costado c. c) Proporciona una va conductora de aluminio *d. a y b son correctas 4. Cul de las siguientes opciones es cierta acerca de los paneles de conexin? a. a) Tienen jacks RJ77 en un costado *b. b) Tienen un bloque de puncin en un costado c. c) No se pueden montar en un bastidor d. a y b son correctas 5. Qu es un transceptor? a. Un receptor b. Un transmisor c. Un conversor de seales *d. Todas las opciones son correctas 6. Cules son los problemas que los repetidores pueden ayudar a resolver? a. Cuando existen demasiados tipos de equipos incompatibles en la red
b. Existe demasiado trfico en la red c. La velocidad de transmisin de datos es muy lenta *d. Hay demasiados nodos y/o no hay suficiente cable 7. Cul de las siguientes opciones describe correctamente lo que hacen los repetidores? a. Pueden regular el trfico en una red b. Brindan a los administradores de la red la capacidad de aislar el trfico c. Filtran los paquetes de datos sobre la base de las direcciones MAC destino *d. Permiten que las redes se extiendan a mayores distancias 8. Cul es el trmino de networking que se usa para los repetidores multipuerto y para un dispositivo que es el centro de una red de topologa en estrella? a. Puente b. Puerto *c. Hub d. Filtro 9. Qu sucede con los paquetes de datos durante una colisin? a. Se almacena hasta que se despeja la condicin de colisin b. Se retransmite hasta que no haya ms una colisin *c. Se destruye, bit por bit d. Cualquiera de las opciones es correcta 10. Defina dominio de colisin: *a. Todos los computadores en un solo medio de acceso compartido b. Todos los computadores que comparten una sola direccin IP c. Todos los computadores que comparten un solo servidor d. Todas las opciones son correctas First Year Companion Guide - Chapter 6 1. Cul de las opciones siguientes describe mejor una direccin MAC? *a. Una direccin estandarizada de capa de enlace de datos que se requiere para cada puerto o dispositivo que se conecta a una LAN denominada direccin fsica. b. Una direccin de 32 bits que se compone de un nmero de red, un nmero opcional de subred, y un nmero de host. c. Una direccin de 48 bits administrada por InterNIC. d. Un conjunto de cuatro nmeros que usa un esquema jerrquico de direccionamiento. 2. Cundo se puede cambiar la direccin MAC de un computador? a. Cuando se traslada el puente. b. Cuando se cambia el router. *c. Cuando se cambia la NIC. d. Cuando se traslada el computador a otra red. 3. Cul de las siguientes opciones describe mejor la comunicacin entre dos dispositivos en una LAN? *a. El dispositivo origen encapsula los datos en una trama con la direccin MAC del dispositivo destino, transmite, todos en la LAN ven la trama, pero los dispositivos con direcciones no coincidentes la ignoran.
b. El origen encapsula los datos y coloca una direccin MAC en la trama. Coloca la trama en la LAN, donde slo el dispositivo con la direccin coincidente puede verificar el campo de direccin. c. El dispositivo origen encapsula los datos en una trama con la direccin MAC del dispositivo destino, la coloca en la LAN, y el dispositivo con la direccin coincidente elimina la trama. d. Cada dispositivo en la LAN recibe la trama y la pasa al computador, donde el software decide si debe retenerla o descartarla. 4. Verdadero o falso: La direccin MAC se agrega antes de que un segmento se encapsule en un paquete. a. VERDADERO *b. FALSO c. d. 5. Las direcciones MAC son limitadas debido a que son ___________. *a. un espacio de direccin plano b. un espacio de direccin redondo c. un espacio de direccin elptico d. nicas 6. Una trama es _________. a. a) una PDU de capa 2 b. b) una PDU de capa 3 c. c) un paquete encapsulado *d. a y c son correctas 7. La secuencia de sealizacin de bytes al principio de una trama anuncia ____________. a. "Aqu viene la suma de comprobacin" b. "Aqu viene la direccin" *c. "Aqu viene la trama" d. "Oh, no, se la ha perdido" 8. Cmo detecta un computador en una LAN un error en una trama? a. Enva una copia de la trama de vuelta al transmisor para su verificacin b. Verifica la direccin destino para verificar que la trama realmente sea destinada a l *c. Compara una suma de verificacin en la trama con la que el computador calcula a partir del contenido de la trama d. Calcula una suma de verificacin a partir de los datos en la trama, y la enva de vuelta al origen para su verificacin. 9. Defina control de acceso al medio. a. Protocolos que determinan cul es el computador en un entorno de medios compartidos que est autorizado para actuar como estaciones de administracin. b. Protocolos que determinan cul es el computador en un entorno de medios compartidos que est autorizado para recibir tramas de administracin. c. Protocolos que determinan cul es el computador en un entorno de medios compartidos que est autorizado para recibir broadcasts.
*d. Protocolos que determinan cul es el computador en un entorno de medios compartidos que est autorizado para transmitir datos. 10. Cul de las siguientes opciones es verdadera con respecto a un protocolo MAC determinstico? a. Define las colisiones y especifica qu se debe hacer con ellas. b. Permite que el hub determine la cantidad de usuarios activos en cualquier momento determinado *c. Permite que los hosts "se turnen" para enviar datos. d. Permite el uso de un "palo que autoriza a hablar" por parte de los administradores de red para controlar el acceso al medio por parte de los usuarios considerados "problemticos". First Year Companion Guide - Chapter 7 1. Por qu se dice que Ethernet es un sistema de entregas de mximo esfuerzo? a. Si un dispositivo destino detecta algn error, el paquete de datos se descarta y se notifica al emisor. b. El dispositivo destino notifica al origen slo si recibe la totalidad de los datos. c. El destino slo notifica al origen si lo datos estaban daados. *d. Si el destino debe descartar los datos, no notifica de ello al origen. 2. Cul de las siguientes opciones es verdadera en lo que respecta a las seales 10BaseT? a. Utilizan la codificacin de Manchester. b. Combinan la informacin de reloj y de datos en una corriente de seales que se autosincroniza. c. Se encuentran diseadas para enviar y recibir seales en un segmento que consta de 4 cables. *d. Todas las opciones son correctas. 3. Qu puede hacerse si el rea de la LAN es de ms de 200 metros de dimetro? *a. Se puede instalar un repetidor para extender la red b. Se puede usar otro servidor para extender la red c. Se pueden adquirir NIC especiales para extender la red d. Todas las opciones son correctas 4. Un ______________ reduce el trfico que experimentan los dispositivos en todos los segmentos conectados, debido a que slo un cierto porcentaje de trfico se enva. a. a) hub b. b) puente c. c) switch *d. b y c son correctas 5. En una LAN, cul es la parte de un host que se conecta a los medios? a. Puerto de interfaz de medios. b. Puerto serial. c. Tarjeta MAC. *d. Tarjeta NIC.
6. Cul de las siguientes opciones corresponde a consideraciones importantes que se deben tener en cuenta al seleccionar una NIC? a. Tipo de red b. Tipo de medios c. Tipo de bus del sistema *d. Todas las opciones son correctas 7. Qu dispositivo se ocupa del problema del trfico excesivo en una red, dividiendo la red en segmentos y filtrando el trfico sobre la base de la direccin MAC? *a. Puente b. Puerto c. Hub d. Router 8. Cul de las opciones siguientes es verdadera con respecto a los puentes? a. Envan todos los paquetes de datos a otros segmentos de la red. b. Pueden restringir el acceso no autorizado a los archivos leyendo el nombre de archivo en el encabezado. c. Regeneran todas las seales en todas las redes que conectan. *d. Pueden mejorar el desempeo de la red. 9. Cul de las opciones siguientes describe mejor una tormenta de broadcast? a. Una trama que se enva a todos los nodos de una red. *b. Cuando se envan demasiados broadcasts en la red c. La seccin de una red limitada por puentes, routers o switches d. Las reas de red dentro de las cuales colisionan o se propagan las tramas 10. Cul de los siguientes dispositivos puede reducir las colisiones de forma significativa? a. a) Hubs b. b) NIC *c. c) Switches d. a y c son correctas First Year Companion Guide - Chapter 8 1. Qu tipo de medio de networking se instala actualmente con mayor frecuencia para el cableado backbone? a. Cable de par trenzado no blindado de 100 ohmios. b. Cable de par trenzado blindado de 150 ohmios. *c. Cable de fibra ptica de 62,5/125 micrones. d. Cable coaxial de 50 ohmios 2. Dnde debe estar el servicio de distribucin principal (MDF) si se utiliza una LAN con una topologa en estrella extendida en un edificio de varios pisos? a. Cerca del POP. b. En el primer piso. *c. En uno de los pisos intermedios. d. En el stano.
3. Cul de las siguientes opciones describe mejor la diferencia entre corriente alterna y corriente continua? a. La CC ayuda a los computadores a funcionar de manera ms eficiente, mientras que la CA puede generar ruido. b. La CA fluye a un valor constante, mientras que la CC sube y baja. c. La CC desplaza iones de un polo al otro, mientras que en la CA los iones se desplazan en una sola direccin. *d. La CC fluye a un valor constante, mientras que la CA sube y baja. 4. Cmo crea problemas el ruido de lnea de CA? a. Al desbordar las compuertas lgicas. *b. Al agregar voltaje no deseado a las seales deseadas. c. Al evitar que la CPU detecte las ondas de seal. d. Al intensificar los bordes iniciales y finales en las seales. 5. Cul de las siguientes opciones describe mejor cmo una descarga electroesttica puede crear problemas? a. Borra la CPU, los discos duros y la RAM. *b. Destruye semiconductores y datos. c. Descarga electricidad a travs de un computador. d. Daa el chip del BIOS. 6. Cmo se conecta a tierra la corriente elctrica en los computadores? a. Siempre hay un cable de conexin a tierra conectado a la CPU. b. Todo el hardware se encuentra conectado directamente al cable de conexin a tierra. c. Cada parte del computador tiene su propio cable de conexin a tierra. *d. Los circuitos informticos y la motherboard se encuentran conectados elctricamente al chasis conectado a tierra. 7. En qu tipos de situaciones una conexin a tierra de seguridad puede no ser suficiente? a. Cuando la conexin a tierra no se encuentra conectada correctamente a la fuente. b. Cuando las conexiones a tierra entre dos partes de la red se asemejan demasiado. c. Cuando la planta generadora enva un sobrevoltaje irregular que supera la capacidad de la conexin a tierra. *d. Cuando las conexiones a tierra no son las mismas en dos partes de la red. 8. Qu ocurre si alguien toca dos objetos con diferentes potenciales? a. Nada. *b. Se completa el circuito y la persona se lleva un choque elctrico. c. El computador recibe sobrevoltaje. d. El computador puede perder datos. 9. Qu es la "regla de una mano"? *a. Se deben tocar los dispositivos con una sola mano; de esta manera, si hay corriente elctrica, sta no pasar por el corazn. b. Cuando se instala la red debe usarse slo una mano descubierta: debe usarse un guante por lo menos en una de las manos. c. Cuando se utilizan herramientas que no estn aisladas debe usarse slo una mano, y se debe sostener una conexin a tierra con la otra mano.
d. No existe esa regla. 10. Si hay una conexin a tierra defectuosa hacia una toma de la red, qu puede ocurrir? a. Nada, porque los estndares de IEEE separan los medios de networking de la LAN de las conexiones elctricas. b. Los medios de networking pueden quedar electrificados y producir un sobrevoltaje en el hardware de toda la red. c. Los medios de networking se transforman en un canal para la corriente elctrica y no podrn transmitir ms datos de la red. *d. Puede haber voltajes potencialmente fatales entre el cableado UTP de la LAN y el chasis de un dispositivo de networking. First Year Companion Guide - Chapter 9 1. Qu tipo de jack debe usarse para realizar una conexin con un cable de par trenzado no blindado de Categora 5 en un esquema de cableado horizontal? *a. RJ45 b. BNC c. UTP 55 d. EIA 45 2. Cmo se monta en superficie un jack RJ45? a. Con una herramienta de puncin. b. Con Velcro. c. Al ras de la superficie. *d. Con una caja atornillable o con adhesivo. 3. Por qu no se debe instalar un jack en los 5 cm inferiores de un zcalo de madera? *a. La placa inferior de la pared impedir que pueda empujar la caja hacia dentro del zcalo. b. La mayora de los pisos tienen soportes de metal que producen interferencia electromagntica cuando estn cerca del jack. c. Debajo de l se acumula polvo y suciedad que pueden penetrar en la conexin y afectar al desempeo de la red. d. Est tan cerca del piso que no hay espacio suficiente para que la mayora de las personas pueda trabajar y manipular los cables. First Year Companion Guide - Chapter 10 1. Cul de las siguientes opciones describe lo que ayuda a los dispositivos en la misma red a determinar el destino final de un paquete? a. IP origen b. Nmero de fabricante. c. Protocolo de host. *d. Identificador de host. 2. Cul de las siguientes opciones es un ejemplo de direccin de broadcast de Clase C? a. b.
*c. d. 3. Cul de las siguientes opciones representa la cantidad aproximada de hosts soportados en una red de Clase B que no est dividida en subredes? a. 254 b. 254 por subred *c. 65 mil d. 16 millones 4. Qu se debe usar para permitir que el resto de Internet pueda ver nuestra organizacin como una red nica, pero permitiendo al mismo tiempo el enrutamiento dentro de la red? a. Particiones b. Sistema autnomo *c. Subredes d. Cualquiera de las opciones es correcta 5. Cul es la cantidad mxima de bits que se pueden pedir prestados desde la porcin del host de una red de Clase C para crear subredes? a. 2 b. 4 *c. 6 d. 8 6. Cul de las siguientes opciones describe el efecto de la divisin en subredes sobre la cantidad de trfico de broadcast? *a. Reducirlo, ya que los broadcasts no se envan fuera de una subred b. Reducirlo, debido a que un host tarda menos tiempo en obtener broadcasts de los routers. c. Aumentarlo, ya que los paquetes se deben enviar a todas las subredes d. Aumentarlo, debido a que los routers duplican los broadcasts 7. Cul de las siguientes opciones representa mejor el uso de los unos binarios en una mscara de subred? a. a) Bits del host b. b) Bits de la subred c. c) Bits de la red *d. b y c son correctas. 8. Cul de las siguientes opciones representa ms correctamente las operaciones Booleanas? a. AND es como la multiplicacin b. OR es como la adicin c. NOT transforma el 1 en 0, o el 0 en 1 *d. Todas las opciones son correctas 9. Qu clase de licencia de red permite pedir prestados 15 bits para crear subredes? *a. A b. B
c. C d. Ninguna clase de red permite pedir prestados 15 bits. 10. Cuntos bits tiene la porcin de red/subred de una licencia de clase B con una mscara de subred de a. 18 bits b. 19 bits *c. 20 bits d. Esta es una mscara no vlida para una red de Clase B First Year Companion Guide - Chapter 11 1. Las tablas ARP del router contienen informacin sobre ______________ a. Todas las LAN Ethernet *b. Todas las redes conectadas a ellas c. Todas las redes de Internet d. Solamente las direcciones MAC 2. Qu se describe cuando un router funciona como un gateway por defecto, permitiendo que un dispositivo en una subred encuentre la direccin MAC de un host en otra subred? *a. ARP proxy b. RARP proxy c. RARP d. Divisin en subredes 3. Cuando se usan los servicios de un gateway por defecto, un origen encapsula datos para que contengan qu direccin de destino en el encabezado IP? a. La direccin IP del router b. La direccin MAC del router c. La direccin MAC del dispositivo destino *d. La direccin IP del host destino 4. Qu es lo que usan los routers para intercambiar tablas de enrutamiento y compartir informacin de enrutamiento? a. Protocolos enrutados b. Protocolos de transporte *c. Protocolos de enrutamiento d. Protocolos UDP 5. Cul de las siguientes opciones es un ejemplo de un IGP (Protocolo de Gateway Interior)? a. IPX b. SPX c. UDP *d. IGRP 6. Cmo se denomina el concepto en que se basa un router para determinar cul es la ruta que usar para enviar datos de acuerdo con lo que RIP le permite? *a. Vector de distancia
b. Estado de enlace c. Hbrido d. rbol de extensin 7. Cules son los dos protocolos de enrutamiento propietarios desarrollados por Cisco? a. RIP y OSPF *b. IGRP y EIGRP c. IPX y SPX d. TCP e IP 8. OSPF se puede describir como qu tipo de protocolo? a. Vector de distancia b. Enrutado *c. Gateway interior d. Gateway exterior 9. Cul es el trmino que se aplica a las rutas que se aprenden automticamente? a. Enrutamiento esttico b. Enrutamiento automtico c. Enrutamiento mejorado *d. Enrutamiento dinmico First Year Companion Guide - Chapter 12 1. Cul de las capas del modelo OSI tiene como funcin principal regular el flujo de informacin desde el origen hasta el destino y de hacerlo de forma confiable y precisa ? a. Presentacin b. Sesin *c. Transporte d. Red First Year Companion Guide - Chapter 13 1. Cules son los elementos entre los que la capa de sesin establece, administra y termina las sesiones? a. Redes b. Servidores *c. Aplicaciones d. Medios First Year Companion Guide - Chapter 14 1. Cul de las capas del modelo OSI tiene la funcin de presentar los datos de forma tal que los dispositivos receptores puedan comprenderlos? a. Transporte b. Sesin *c. Presentacin d. Aplicacin
First Year Companion Guide - Chapter 15 1. Si desea guardar un archivo de procesador de texto en un servidor de red, cul es la aplicacin de red que permite que la aplicacin de procesamiento de texto se transforme en un cliente de red? *a. Redirector b. Localizador de archivos c. StorFil d. SNMP 2. En cul de las siguientes actividades es ms probable que se mantenga la conexin con el servidor slo lo suficiente como para procesar la transaccin inmediata? a. Telnet *b. Descargar una pgina web c. FTP d. Todas las opciones son correctas 3. En base a cul de los siguientes esquemas de direccionamiento se desarroll Internet? a. Plano b. Estructurado c. De traduccin *d. Jerrquico 4. Cul es el trmino para una cadena de caracteres y/o nmeros que representan la direccin numrica de un grupo de computadores en un sitio de Internet? *a. Nombre de dominio b. Localizador de recursos uniforme (URL) c. Redirector de red d. Lenguaje de etiquetas por hipertexto 5. Cul es el dispositivo de una red que administra los nombres de dominio y responde a las peticiones de los clientes para convertir un nombre de dominio en la direccin IP asociada? a. Lenguaje de etiquetas por hipertexto *b. Servidor de denominacin de dominio c. Localizador de recursos uniforme (URL) d. Redirector de red 6. Verdadero o falso: Todos los mensajes de correo electrnico se envan en primer lugar al router local, y luego se distribuyen a la aplicacin de la oficina de correo de cada cliente (destinatario) a. VERDADERO *b. FALSO c. d. 7. Cules son las dos partes de las que se componen las direcciones de correo electrnico? *a. Nombre de usuario y direccin de la oficina de correo del destinatario b. Nombre de InterNIC y direccin de la oficina de correo
c. Identificador del servidor e identificador del router d. Ninguna de estas opciones 8. Siempre que los clientes del correo electrnico envan cartas, cul es el dispositivo que se usa para traducir los nombres de dominio a las direcciones IP relacionadas? a. Localizador de recursos uniforme (URL) b. Servidor de redirector de la red c. Servidor SNMP *d. Servidor DNS 9. Verdadero o falso: Los mensajes de correo electrnico generalmente se guardan en el buzn de un usuario hasta que alguien lo recupera. *a. VERDADERO b. FALSO c. d. 10. Por razones de seguridad, cuando los receptores de un mensaje hacen clic para obtener sus mensajes de correo electrnico, qu es lo que se les pide generalmente? a. La direccin de correo electrnico b. IP del servidor c. Nombre de dominio *d. Contrasea de correo electrnico 11. El correo electrnico a menudo se enva usando el protocolo POP3. A cul de las capas OSI pertenece POP3? *a. Aplicacin b. Fsica c. Sesin d. Presentacin 12. Al usar Telnet, dnde se llevan a cabo el procesamiento y el almacenamiento? *a. En el computador remoto b. En el computador local c. En el servidor DNS d. En el servidor Telnet local 13. En cules de las capas del modelo OSI funciona principalmente la aplicacin Telnet? a. Aplicacin y presentacin *b. Aplicacin, presentacin y sesin c. Presentacin y sesin d. Presentacin, sesin y transporte 14. Cul de los protocolos est diseado para descargar o cargar archivos de Internet? a. SNMP b. Telnet *c. FTP d. HTTP
15. Cul de los protocolos tiene como propsito principal transferir archivos desde un computador a otro copiando y transportando archivos desde el servidor al cliente y desde el cliente al servidor? a. HTTP b. SNMP c. POP3 *d. FTP 16. Cul de las siguientes opciones es un ejemplo de una aplicacin que necesita un componente tanto de cliente como de servidor para poder funcionar? *a. Navegador de Web b. Microsoft Word c. ASCII d. PICT 17. Cul de las siguientes opciones define ms correctamente un objeto de una pgina Web que, cuando se hace clic sobre l, lo enva a otra pgina Web? a. Redirector de red *b. Hipervnculo c. Navegador de Web d. ASCII 18. En el URL, qu es lo que identifica la parte *a. El nombre de dominio b. El protocolo que se debe usar c. El tipo de recurso que se debe contactar d. La carpeta 19. Cul de las siguientes opciones es un protocolo que funciona con sistemas operativos de computadores y clientes de red en lugar de programas de aplicacin especficos? a. Extensor b. TCP *c. Redirector d. Localizador de recursos uniforme (URL) 20. Si las unidades C: y D: son unidades locales de su PC, pero usted guarda un archivo en la unidad F:, una unidad de red, usted est usando a. Un protocolo Apple File *b. Un redirector c. Un servidor de nombre de dominio d. Todas las opciones son correctas First Year Companion Guide - Chapter 16 - Sources for Cisco IOS Software 1. Which of the following is the sequence used by the router for automatic fallback to locate the Cisco IOS software? a. (1) Flash, (2) NVRAM, (3) TFTP server b. (1) NVRAM, (2) TFTP server, (3) Flash *c. (1) NVRAM, (2) Flash, (3) TFTP server
d. (1) TFTP server, (2) Flash, (3) NVRAM 2. Which of the following does not describe configuration register setting for Cisco IOS bootstrapping? a. The order in which the router looks for system bootstrap information depends on the boot field setting. b. You change the configuration register setting with the command [config-register]. c. You use a hexadecimal number when setting the configuration register boot field. *d. Use the [show running-config] command to check the boot field setting. 3. Which of the following is not displayed by the Cisco IOS [show version] command? *a. Statistics for configured interfaces b. The type of platform running the Cisco IOS software c. The configuration register setting d. The Cisco IOS version 4. Which of the following is not part of specifying the fallback sequence to boot the Cisco IOS software? a. Boot system commands are entered from global configuration mode. *b. One boot system command is used to specify the entire fallback sequence. c. The command [copy running-config startup-config] saves boot system commands to NVRAM. d. Boot system commands are executed as needed during fallback in the order in which they were entered. 5. Which of the following correctly describes preparing to use a TFTP server to copy software to Flash memory? *a. The TFTP server must be another router or a host system, such as a UNIX workstation or a laptop computer. b. The TFTP host must be a system connected to an Ethernet network. c. The name of the router containing the Flash memory must be identified. d. The Flash memory must be enabled. 6. Which of the following is the fastest way to make sure the TFTP server is reachable prior to trying to transfer a Cisco IOS image file? a. [trace] the TFTP server. *b. [ping] the TFTP server. c. [telnet] to the TFTP server. d. Call the TFTP server administrator. 7. Why do you need to determine the file size of the Cisco IOS image on the TFTP server before transferring it to your router? *a. To check that there is enough space in Flash to store the file b. To verify that the file is the correct Cisco IOS version for your router c. To complete a TFTP operation d. To calculate the download time for the file and, thus, the amount of time the router will be out of service 8. Why do you create a Cisco IOS software image backup? a. To verify that the copy in Flash is the same as the copy in ROM.
b. To provide a fallback copy of the current image prior to copying the image to a new router. c. To create a fallback copy of the current image as part of the procedures during recovery from system failure. *d. To create a fallback copy of the current image prior to updating with a new version. 9. Which of the following has a limited version of Cisco IOS software? *a. ROM b. Flash c. TFTP server d. ROM monitor 10. What is the command you need to issue if you want to upgrade an old version of the Cisco IOS by downloading a new image from the TFTP server? a. boot system tftp *b. copy tftp flash*** c. show flash d. tftp ios.exe First Year Companion Guide - Chapter 17 - Configuring Router Interfaces with IP Addresses 1. Which of the following best describes the function of a broadcast address? a. It sends a message to a single network destination. b. It copies messages and sends them to a specific subnet of network addresses. *c. It sends a message to all nodes on a network. d. It sends a message to every node to which the router has access. 2. What is the purpose of using the [trace] command a. It is the most complete test mechanism available. b. It is a very basic testing mechanism. c. It adds the IP address and the DNS to the router table. *d. It locates failures in the path from the source to the destination. 3. What is the purpose of the [ip name-server] command? *a. It defines which hosts can provide the name service. b. It defines a naming scheme that allows a device to be identified by its location. c. It identifies which TCP port to use when using the host name. d. It generates messages from each router used along a datagram's path. 4. If you want to map a domain name to an IP address, what is the first thing you must do? *a. Identify the host names. b. Specify a name server. c. Enable the DNS. d. Refer to the DNS for the IP address of that device. 5. What is the purpose of the [no ip domain-lookup] command? a. It defines which hosts can provide the name service. b. It defines a naming scheme that allows a device to be identified by its location.
c. It turns on name-to-address translation in the router. *d. It turns off name-to-address translation in the router. 6. Which of the following best describes the function of the show hosts command? a. It identifies the subnet mask being used at the destination site. b. It maintains a cache of host name-to-address mappings for use by EXEC commands. *c. It is used to display a cached list of host names and addresses. d. It shows the host name for the IP address. 7. What is the function of the [telnet] command? *a. It verifies the application-layer software between source and destination stations. b. It verifies the hardware connection and the logical address of the network layer. c. It generates messages from each router used along the path. d. It shows how many hours have passed since the software referred to the entry. 8. What is the function of the [ping] command? a. It verifies the application-layer software between source and destination stations. *b. It uses ICMP to verify the hardware connection and the logical address of the network layer. c. It assigns values to generate messages from each router used along the path. d. It gives descriptions of how information was sent and its current status. 9. Which command would you use to set up static [name-to-address] entries in the router's configuration file? a. [ip perm] b. [ip route] c. [ip name] *d. [ip host] 10. Which of the following best describes the function of the extended command mode of the [ping] command? *a. It is used to specify the supported Internet header options. b. It is used to specify the time frame for the [ping] return. c. It is used to diagnose why a [ping] was delayed or not returned. d. It is used to trace the datagram as it passes through each router. First Year Companion Guide - Chapter 18 - Router Configuration and Routing Protocols: RIP and IGRP 1. What kind of entries does a router initially refer to? *a. Entries about networks or subnets that are directly connected b. Entries it has learned about from the Cisco IOS software c. Entries whose IP address and mask information are known d. Entries it has learned about from other routers 2. Which of the following best describes a static route? a. A routing table entry that is used to direct frames for which a next hop is not explicitly listed in the routing table *b. A route that is explicitly configured and entered into the routing table and takes precedence over routes chosen by dynamic routing protocols
c. A route that adjusts automatically to network topology or traffic changes d. A route that adjusts involuntarily to direct frames within a network topology 3. Which of the following best describes a default route? *a. A routing table entry that is used to direct frames for which a next hop is not explicitly listed in the routing table b. A route that is explicitly configured and entered into the routing table c. A route that adjusts automatically to network topology or traffic changes d. A route that adjusts involuntarily to direct frames within a network topology 4. What are exterior routing protocols used for? a. To transmit between nodes on a network b. To deliver information within a single autonomous system *c. To communicate between autonomous systems d. To set up a compatibility infrastructure between networks 5. What are interior routing protocols used for? a. They are used to set up a compatibility infrastructure between networks. b. They are used to communicate between autonomous systems. c. They are used to transmit between nodes on a network. *d. They are used within a single autonomous system. 6. Which of the following is a global task? a. Addressing IP network numbers by specifying subnet values *b. Selecting a routing protocol - RIP or IGRP c. Assigning network/subnet addresses and the appropriate subnet mask d. Setting up a routing metric to find the best path to each network 7. What metric does RIP use to determine the best path for a message to travel on? a. Bandwidth *b. Hop count c. Varies with each message d. Administrative distance 8. You suspect that one of the routers connected to your network is sending bad routing information. What command can you use to check? a. router(config)# [show ip protocol] b. router# [show ip protocol] *c. router> [show ip protocol] d. router(config-router)# [show ip protocol] 9. Why would you display the IP routing table? a. To set the router update schedule *b. To identify destination network addresses and next-hop pairs c. To trace where datagrams are coming from d. To set the parameters and Filters for the router 10. If you wanted to learn which routing protocol a router was configured with, what command structure would you use? a. router> [show router protocol]
b. router(config)> [show ip protocol] c. router(config)# [show router protocol] *d. router> [show ip protocol] First Year Companion Guide - Chapter 19 - Network Management 1. What is the purpose of an inventory audit? a. To identify the location of every network component b. To monitor and analyze the network's performance c. To collect vendor specification documents for every network component *d. To take stock of all hardware and software on the network 2. What is the purpose of a facility audit? a. To identify the types of hardware and devices on the network *b. To identify the location of every network component c. To monitor and analyze the network's performance d. To transfer the information on a building's blueprints to cut sheets 3. How does a network map aid in locating problems with a network's physical components? a. It provides the name of the user of the problem device. b. It provides the settings on the problem device. c. It provides operating requirements for applications used on the problem device. *d. It provides addresses for the problem device. 4. Which of the following correctly describes SNMP? a. SNMP is rarely used in new installations. b. SNMP is a TCP/IP standard. *c. SNMP uses a concept known as MIB. d. SNMP is the best choice for networks with a large amount of traffic. 5. Which of the following correctly describes how CMIP functions? a. It uses MIB polling. *b. It has the central monitoring station wait for devices to report the current status. c. It copies each device's local MIB. d. The way it obtains information from devices contributes significantly to network traffic. 6. What is the purpose of an efficiency audit? a. To monitor and analyze the network's performance *b. To determine whether the network is performing to its potential c. To identify the types of hardware and devices on the network d. To provide information regarding emergency and disaster recovery 7. What is the purpose of a security audit? a. To match security requirements with building and privacy codes b. To assess the capabilities of clients to use the network hardware and software c. To identify the network's ability to ensure integrity of data *d. To identify the hardware and software system required for network security
8. After collecting performance data, what are the steps you would use to analyze and solve a network problem? a. Determine whether the problem is periodic or constant; list possible causes; prioritize causes b. Prioritize causes; identify cause using network management tools or the replacement method; track trends to anticipate future problems *c. List possible causes; prioritize causes; identify cause using network management tools or the replacement method d. Determine whether the problem can be replicated; prioritize possible causes; identify cause using network management tools or the replacement method 9. Which of the following is likely to be included in an evaluation report? a. Identification of network hardware and software that does not con-form to industry standards *b. Logs indicating a trend toward a slower rate of traffic on certain segments of the network c. A description of instances and the location of unauthorized access to files d. A description of the types of users prone to experience difficulties using the network 10. What should a written request for change to improve network performance and security include? *a. The rationale behind each change requested b. The type, number, and location of each device on the network c. A comparison of present performance and anticipated optimal performance d. A breakdown of costs for equipment and labor Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 2 - Chapter 1 - Review: The OSI Reference Model and Routing 1. Which OSI layer supports a file transfer capability? *a. Application layer b. Network layer c. Presentation layer d. Session layer 2. What OSI layer negotiates data transfer syntax, such as ASCII? a. Network layer b. Application layer c. Physical layer *d. Presentation layer 3. Which OSI layer deals with session and connection coordination? a. Physical layer b. Data link layer c. Transport layer *d. Session layer 4. What OSI layer supports reliable connections for data transport services? a. Session layer b. Presentation layer
c. Physical layer *d. Transport layer 5. At what layer does routing occur? a. Session layer *b. Network layer c. Transport layer d. Data link layer Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 2 - Chapter 2 - LAN Switching 1. Which of the following broadcast methods does an Ethernet medium use to transmit and receive data to all nodes on the network? a. A packet *b. A data frame c. A segment d. A byte at a time 2. What is the minimum time it takes Ethernet to transmit 1 byte? a. 100 ns *b. 800 ns c. 51,200 ns d. 800 ms 3. Characteristics of microsegmentation include which of the following? a. Dedicated paths between sender and receiver hosts b. Multiple traffic paths within the switch c. All traffic visible on network segment at once *d. a and b 4. LAN switches are considered to be which of the following? a. Multiport repeaters operating at Layer 1 b. Multiport hubs operating at Layer 2 c. Multiport routers operating at Layer 3 *d. Multiport bridges operating at Layer 2 5. Asymmetric switching is optimized for which of the following? *a. Client/server network traffic where the "fast" switch port is connected to the server b. An even distribution of network traffic c. Switches without memory buffering d. a and b 6. In _____ switching, the switch checks the destination address and immediately begins forwarding the frame, and in _____ switching, the switch receives the complete frame before forwarding it. a. store-and-forward; symmetric *b. cut-through; store-and-forward c. store-and-forward; cut-through d. memory buffering; cut-through
Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 2 - Chapter 3 - VLANs 1. The phrase microsegmentation with scalability means which of the following? *a. The ability to increase networks without creating collisions domains b. The ability to put a huge number hosts on one switch c. The ability to broadcast to more nodes at once d. All of the above 2. Switches, as the core element of VLANs, provide the intelligence to do which of the following? a. They group users, ports, or logical addresses into a VLAN. b. They make filtering and forwarding decisions. c. They communicate with other switches and routers. *d. All of the above. 3. Each _____ segment connected to a _____ port can be assigned to only one VLAN. a. switch; hub b. hub; router *c. hub; switch d. LAN; hub 4. Which of the following is not an advantage of using static VLANS? a. They are secure. b. They are easy to configure. c. They are easy to monitor. *d. They automatically configure ports when new stations are added. 5. Which of the following is not a criterion on which VLANs can be based? a. Port ID and MAC address b. Protocol c. Application *d. All of the above are criterion by which VLANs can be created 6. Which of the following is a beneficial effect of adding a VLAN? *a. Switches do not need to be configured. b. Broadcasts can be controlled. c. Confidential data can be protected. d. Physical boundaries that prevent user groupings can be removed. Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 2 - Chapter 4 - LAN Design 1. Which of the following is likely to cause congestion? a. Internet access b. Central database access c. Video and image transmission *d. All of the above 2. Which of the following is not a cause of excessive broadcasts? a. Too many client packets looking for services b. Too many server packets announcing services
c. Too many routing table updates *d. Too many network segments 3. A primary data link - layer design goal is the selection of _____ devices, such as bridges or LAN switches, used to connect _____ media to form LAN segments. a. Layer 3; Layer 2 b. Layer 1; Layer 2 *c. Layer 2; Layer 1 d. Layer 2; Layer 3 4. Which of the following specifications for 10BaseT is wrong? a. Data rate = 10 Mbps *b. Max length = 400 meters c. Signaling method = baseband d. Media = Category 5 UTP 5. Which of the following are benefits of implementing Layer 3 devices in your LAN? a. Allows segmentation of the LAN into unique physical and logical networks b. Filters data-link broadcasts and multicasts and allows for WAN connectivity c. Provide logical structure to the network *d. All of the above Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 2 - Chapter 5 - Routing Protocols IGRP 1. After a router determines which path to use for a packet, it can then proceed with which of the following? a. A broadcast b. Storing the packet in a routing table c. Choosing a routing protocol *d. Switching the packet 2. The success of dynamic routing depends on which of the following? a. Manually entering routes b. Maintaining a routing table c. Periodic routing updates *d. b and c 3. _____ routing protocols determine the direction and distance to any link in the internetwork; _____ routing protocols are also called shortest path first. *a. Distance-vector; link-state b. Distance-vector; hybrid c. Link-state; distance-vector d. Dynamic; static 4. Which of the following is not a variable IGRP uses to determine a composite metric? a. Bandwidth b. Delay c. Load *d. IGRP uses all of these
5. To select IGRP as a routing protocol, which command do you use? a. show igrp b. router network igrp c. enable igrp *d. router igrp Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 2 - Chapter 6 - ACLs 1. Which of the following commands would you use to find out whether there are any ACLs set on an interface? a. show running-config b. show ip protocols *c. show ip interface d. show ip network 2. What do you call the additional 32 bits of information in the access-list statement? *a. Wildcard bits b. Access bits c. Zero bits d. One bits 3. Using Router (config)# access-list is equivalent to saying which of the following? a. "Deny my network only" b. "Permit a specific host" *c. "Permit my network only" d. " deny a specific host" 4. When you issue a permit entry into an ACL that is accompanied by an implicit deny all, all traffic except that listed in the permit statement will be denied. *a. True b. False c. d. 5. The show access-lists command is used to do which of the following? a. Monitor whether ACLs are set *b. Monitor ACL statements c. Monitor ACL debugging d. Monitor groupings Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 2 - Chapter 7 - IPX 1. A Novell IPX address has 80 bits: 32 for the _____ and 48 for the _____. a. network number; IP address b. node number; MAC address *c. network number; node number d. MAC address; node number
2. When you configure an IPX network, you may need to specify an encapsulation type on which of the following? a. Just the Novell servers b. Just the Cisco routers c. Sometimes a and b *d. Always a and b 3. Novell NetWare uses _____ to facilitate the exchange of routing information and _____ to advertise network services. a. NCP; RIP *b. RIP; SAP c. SPX; NCP d. SAP; RIP 4. The syntax for configuring Novell IPX globally is which of the following? *a. ipx routing [node] b. router ipx c. ipx route [node] d. router rip 5. Fill in the commands: _____ displays IPX status and parameters; _____ displays the contents of the IPX routing table; and _____ lists servers discovered through SAP advertisements. a. show ipx traffic; show ipx route; show ipx routing activity *b. show ipx interface; show ipx route; show ipx servers c. show ipx interface; show ipx; show ipx servers d. show ipx; show ipx route; show ipx Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 2 - Chapter 8 - WANs 1. How many data paths are used by WAN data-link protocols to frames to carry frames between systems? a. Two *b. One c. Four d. Undetermined 2. At what layer of the OSI reference model would you find the DCE or DTE equipment? a. Network layer b. Data link layer *c. Physical layer d. Transport layer 3. A CSU/DSU is generally used as what type of equipment? a. Router b. DTE c. Switch *d. DCE
4. Which of the following encapsulation types are associated with synchronous serial lines? a. PPP b. HDLC c. Frame Relay *d. All of the above 5. What encapsulation type would you select for a link if speed were the most important factor? *a. Frame Relay b. PPP c. HDLC d. SLIP 6. Devices that are located at a service subscriber's site are referred to as what? a. Customer owned equipment b. Subscriber devices *c. Customer premises equipment d. Subscriber premises equipment 7. The WAN path between DTEs is known as what? a. The link b. The circuit c. The channel *d. All of the above 8. Which WAN services can be used with a router? a. Frame Relay b. ISDN c. PPP *d. All of the above 9. Which of the following is an example of a packet-switched protocol? a. ISDN *b. Frame Relay c. PPP d. HDLC 10. Which protocol does PPP use for establishing and maintaining point-to-point connections? a. HDLC *b. LCP c. LAPD d. Cisco IETF Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 2 - Chapter 9 - WAN Design 1. Which of the following are initial concerns in a WAN design? a. Determining whether data outside the company is accessed b. Determining who is involved in the design from the customer standpoint
c. Determining where shared data resides and who uses it *d. All of the above 2. When analyzing network load requirements, you should check worst-case traffic load during what time of the day? *a. The busiest time b. The least busiest time c. During network backups d. After regular work hours 3. When designing the WAN, where should application servers be placed? a. On the enterprise backbone *b. Close to the users c. Near the point of presence d. Anyplace the designer chooses 4. Which of the following is not a benefit of a hierarchical design model? a. Scalability b. Ease of implementation *c. A flat topology d. Ease of troubleshooting 5. In most cases, when designing the core layer, your main concern should be which of the following? *a. Efficient use of bandwidth b. Workgroup access c. Server placement d. Enterprise server placement 6. Which of the following would be placed on the network backbone? a. Server *b. Routers c. Workstations d. Application servers 7. Which layer connects users into the LAN? a. Workgroup b. Core *c. Access d. Distribution 8. Which layer connects a LAN into a WAN link? a. Distribution b. Workgroup c. Core *d. Access 9. In a one-layer design, the placement of what device becomes extremely important? *a. Server b. Router
c. Workstation d. Switch 10. In a two-layer design, what device would you use to segment the LAN into individual broadcast domains? a. Switches *b. Routers c. Hubs d. Repeaters Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 2 - Chapter 10 - PPP 1. Which of the following is the network-layer protocol supported by PPP? a. Novell IPX b. TCP/IP c. Apple Talk *d. All of the above 2. In a PPP frame, what field identifies whether you have encapsulated IPX or TCP/IP? a. Flag b. Control *c. Protocol d. FCS 3. When you're running PPP, LCP is responsible for which of the following? *a. Establishment, maintenance, and termination of the point-to-point connection b. Maintenance of several links c. Router updates d. Compression 4. What type of handshaking occurs when PAP is the selected PPP authentication protocol? a. One-way *b. Two-way c. Three-way d. Four-way 5. What command on the router can you use to check the LCP and NCP states for PPP? a. router> show interfaces b. router(config)# show interfaces *c. router# show interfaces d. router(config-if)# show interfaces Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 2 - Chapter 11 - ISDN 1. At the central site, what device can be used to provide the connection for dial-up access? a. Switch *b. Router c. Bridge
d. Hub 2. For which of the following locations would ISDN service not be adequate? *a. A large concentration of users at site b. A small office c. A single-user site d. None of the above 3. Protocols that begin with E are used to specify what? *a. Telephone network standards b. Switching and signaling c. ISDN concepts d. It is not used with ISDN. 4. If you want to use CHAP for authentication when using ISDN, what protocol should you select? a. HDLC b. SLIP *c. PPP d. PAP 5. On a router, which of the following commands do you use to set the ISDN switch type? a. Router> isdn switch-type b. Router# isdn switch-type c. Router(config-if)# isdn switch-type *d. Router(config)# isdn switch-type Engineering Journal and Workbook, Vol. 2 - Chapter 12 - Frame Relay 1. How does Frame Relay handle multiple conversations on the same physical connection? a. It duplexes the conversations. *b. It multiplexes the circuits. c. It converts it to an ATM cell. d. Multiple conversations are not allowed. 2. Which of the following protocols are used by Frame Relay for error correction? a. Physical and data-link protocols *b. Upper-layer protocols c. Lower-layer protocols d. Frame Relay does not do error correction. 3. Which of the following does Frame Relay do to make its DLCIs global? a. It broadcasts them. b. It sends out unicasts. *c. It sends out multicasts. d. DLCIs can't become global.
4. Which of the following is the data rate at which the Frame Relay switch agrees to transfer data? *a. Committed information rate b. Data transfer rate c. Timing rate d. Baud Rate 5. Which of the following assigns DLCI numbers? a. The end user b. The network root c. A DLCI server *d. The service provider 6. DLCI information is included in which of the following fields of the Frame Relay header? a. The flag field *b. The address field c. The data field d. The checksum field 7. Which of the following does Frame Relay use to keep PVCs active? a. Point-to-point connections b. Windows sockets *c. Keepalives d. They become inactive. 8. How does Frame Relay use Inverse ARP requests? a. It maps IP addresses to MAC addresses. b. It maps MAC addresses to IP addresses. c. It maps MAC addresses to network addresses. *d. It uses the IP address-to-DLCI mapping table. 9. Which of the following does Frame Relay use to determine the next hop? a. An ARP table b. A RIP routing table *c. A Frame Relay map d. An IGRP routing table 10. For which of the following does Frame Relay use split horizon? a. To increase router updates *b. To prevent routing loops c. To raise convergence times d. Frame Relay does not use split horizon. Second Year Companion Guide - Chapter 1 - Review: The OSI Reference Model and Routing 1. Which OSI reference model layer best describes 10BaseT standards? A. The data link layer B. The network layer
*C. The physical layer D. The transport layer 2. Which of the following best describes the function of the transport layer of the OSI reference model? *A. It sends data by using Aow control. B. It provides the best path for delivery. C. It determines network addresses. D. It allows for network segmentation. 3. Which of the following functions does a router use to relay data packets between networks? A. Application and media *B. Path determination and switching C. Broadcast and collision detect D. None of the above 4. Which of the following are two basic types of dynamic routing? A. Static and default B. TCP and UDP exchange *C. Distance vector and link state D. None of the above 5. When all the routers in a network are operating with the same knowledge, the network is said to have done which of the following? *A. Converged B. Formalized C. Reconfigured D. None of the above Second Year Companion Guide - Chapter 2 - LAN Switching 1. Which of the following broadcast methods does an Ethernet medium use to transmit and receive data to all nodes on the network? A. A packet *B. A data frame C. A segment D. A byte at a time 2. What is the minimum time it takes Ethernet to transmit 1 byte? A. 100 ns *B. 800 ns C. 51,200 ns D. 800 microseconds 3. Characteristics of microsegmentation include which of the following? A. Dedicated paths between sender and receiver hosts B. Multiple traffic paths within the switch C. All traffic visible on network segment at once *D. A and B
4. LAN switches are considered to be which of the following? A. Multiport repeaters operating at Layer 1 B. Multiport hubs operating at Layer 2 C. Multiport routers operating at Layer 3 *D. Multiport bridges operating at Layer 2 5. Asymmetric switching is optimized for which of the following? *A. Client/server network traffic where the fast switch port is connected to the server B. An even distribution of network traffic C. Switches without memory buffering D. A and B 6. In _____ switching, the switch checks the destination address and imme-diately begins forwarding the frame, and in _____ switching, the switch receives the complete frame before forwarding it. A. store-and-forward; symmetnc *B. cut-through; store-and-forward C. store-and-forward; cut-through D. memory buffering; cut-through 7. The Spanning-Tree Protocol allows which of the following? A. Routers to communicate link states B. Switches to communicate hop counts C. Bridges to communicate Layer 3 information *D. Redundant network paths without suffering the effects of loops in the network Second Year Companion Guide - Chapter 3 - VLANs 1. The phrase microsegmentation with scalability means which of the following? *A. The ability to increase networks without creating collisions domains B. The ability to put a huge number of hosts on one switch C. The ability to broadcast to more nodes at once D. All of the above 2. Switches, as the core element of VLANs, provide the intelligence to do which of the following? A. They group users, ports, or logical addresses into a VLAN. B. They make filtering and forwarding decisions. C. They communicate with other switches and routers. *D. All of the above. 3. Each _____ segment connected to a _____ port can be assigned to only one VLAN. A. switch; hub B. hub; router *C. hub; switch D. LAN; hub 4. Which of the following is not an advantage of using static VLANS? A. They are secure.
B. They are easy to configure. C. They are easy to monitor. *D. They automatically configure ports when new stations are added. 5. Which of the following is not a criterion on which VLANs can be based? A. Port ID and MAC address B. Protocol C. Application *D. All of the above are criteria on which VLANs can be based 6. Which of the following is a beneficial effect of adding a VLAN? *A. Switches do not need to be configured. B. Broadcasts can be controlled. C. Confidential data can be protected D. Physical boundaries that prevent user groupings can be removed. Second Year Companion Guide - Chapter 4 - LAN Design 1. Which of the following is likely to cause congestion? A. Internet access B. Central database access C. Video and image transmission *D. All of the above 2. Which of the following is not a cause of excessive broadcasts? A. Too many client packets looking for services B. Too many server packets announcing services C. Too many routing table updates *D. Too many network segments 3. A primary data-link design goal is the selection of _____ devices, such as bridges or LAN switches, used to connect _____ media to form LAN segments. A. Layer 3; Layer 2 B. Layer 1; Layer 2 *C. Layer 2; Layer 1 D. Layer 2; Layer 3 4. Which of the following specifications for 10BaseT is wrong? A. Data rate = 10 Mbps *B. Max length = 400 meters C. Signaling method = baseband D. Media = Category 5 UTP 5. Which of the following are benefits of implementing Layer 3 devices in your LAN: A. Allows segmentation of the LAN into unique physical and logical networks B. Filters data-link broadcasts and multicasts and allows for WAN connectivity C. Provides logical structure to the network *D. All of the above
Second Year Companion Guide - Chapter 5 - Routing Protocols IGRP 1. After a router determines which path to use for a packet, it can then proceed with which of the following? A. A broadcast B. Storing the packet in a routing table C. Choosing a routing protocol *D. Switching the packet 2. The success of dynamic routing depends on which of the following? A. Manually entering routes B. Maintaining a routing table C. Periodic routing updates *D. B and C 3. routing protocols determine the direction and distance to any link: in the internetwork; routing protocols are also called shortest path first. *A. Distance-vector; link-state B. Distance-vector; hybrid C. Link-state; distance-vector D. Dynamic; static 4. Which of the following is not a variable IGRP uses to determine a composite metric? A. Bandwidth B. Delay C. Load *D. IGRP uses all of these. 5. To select IGRP as a routing protocol, which command do you use? A. show igrp B. router network igrp C. enable igrp *D. router igrp Second Year Companion Guide - Chapter 6 - ACLs 1. Which of the following commands would you use to find out whether there are any ACLs set on an interface? A. show running-config B. show ip protocols *C. show ip interface D. show ip network 2. What do you call the additional 32 bits of information in the access-list statement? *A. Wildcard bits B. Access bits C. Zero bits D. One bits 3. Using Router(config)# access-list is equivalent to saying which of the following?
A. "Deny my network only" B. "Permit a specific host" *C. "Permit my network only" D. "deny a specific host" 4. When you issue a permit entry into an ACL that is accompanied by an implicit deny all, all traffic except that listed in the permit statement will be denied. *A. True B. False C. D. 5. The show access-lists command is used to do which of the following? A. Monitor whether ACLs are set *B. Monitor ACL statements C. Monitor ACL debugging D. Monitor groupings Second Year Companion Guide - Chapter 7 - Novell IPX 1. A Novell IPX address has 80 bits: 32 for the _____ and 48 for the _____. A. network number; IP address B. node number; MAC address *C. network number; node number D. MAC address; node number 2. When you configure an IPX network, you may need to specify an encapsulation type on which of the following? A. Just the Novell servers B. Just the Cisco routers C. Sometimes A and B *D. Always A and B 3. Novell NetWare uses _____ to facilitate the exchange of routing information and _____ to advertise network services. A. NCP; RIP *B. RIP; SAP C. SPX; NCP D. SAP; RIP 4. The syntax for configuring Novell IPX globally is which of the following? *A. ipx routing [node] B. router ipx C. ipx route [node] D. router rip 5. Fill in the commands: _____ displays IPX status and parameters; _____ displays the contents of the IPX routing table; and _____ lists servers discovered through SAP advertisements. A. show ipx traffic; show ipx route; show ipx routing activity
*B. show ipx interface; show ipx route; show ipx servers C. show ipx interface; show ipx; show ipx servers D. show ipx; show ipx route; show ipx Second Year Companion Guide - Chapter 8 - WANs 1. How many data paths are used by WAN data-link protocols to frames to carry frames between systems? A. Two *B. One C. Four D. Undetermined 2. At what layer of the OSI reference model would you find the DCE or DTE equipment? A. The network layer B. The data link layer *C. The physical layer D. The transport layer 3. A CSU/DSU generally is used as what type of equipment? A. Router B. DTE C. Switch *D. DCE 4. Which of the following encapsulation types is associated with synchronous serial lines? A. PPP B. HDLC C. Frame Relay *D. All of the above 5 What encapsulation type would you select for a link if speed were the most important factor? *A. Frame Relay B. PPP C. HDLC D. SLIP 6. Devices that are located at a service subscriber's site are referred to as what? A. Customer owned equipment B. Subscriber devices *C. Customer premises equipment D. Subscriber premises equipment 7. The WAN path between DTEs is known as what? A. The link B. The circuit C. The channel
*D. All of the above 8. Which WAN services can be used with a router? A. Frame Relay B. ISDN C. PPP *D. All of the above 9. Which of the following is an example of a packet-switched protocol? A. ISDN *B. Frame Relay C. PPP D. HDLC 10. Which protocol does PPP use for establishing and maintaining point-to-point connections? A. HDLC *B. LCP C. LAPD D. Cisco IETF Second Year Companion Guide - Chapter 9 - WAN Design 1. Which of the following are initial concerns in a WAN design? A. Determining whether data outside the company is accessed B. Determining who is involved in the design from the customer standpoint C. Determining where shared data resides and who uses it *D. All of the above 2. When analyzing network load requirements, you should check worst-case traffic load during what time of the day? *A. The busiest time B. The least busiest time C. During network backups D. After regular work hours 3. When designing the WAN, where should application servers be placed? A. On the enterprise backbone *B. Close to the users C. Near the point of presence D. Any place the designer chooses 4. Which of the following is not a benefit of a hierarchical design model? A. Scalability B. Ease of implementation *C. A flat topology D. Ease of troubleshooting 5. In most cases, when designing the core layer, your main concern should be which of the following?
*A. Efficient use of bandwidth B. Workgroup access C. Server placement D. Enterprise server placement 6. Which of the following would be placed on the network backbones? A. Server *B. Routers C. Workstations D. Application servers 7. Which layer connects users into the LAN? A. Workgroup B. Core *C. Access D. Distribution 8. Which layer connects a LAN into a WAN link? A. Distribution B. Workgroup C. Core *D. Access 9. In a one-layer design, the placement of what device becomes extremely important? *A. Server B. Router C. Workstation D. Switch 10. In a two-layer design, what device would you use to segment the LAN into individual broadcast domains? A. Switches *B. Routers C. Hubs D. Repeaters Second Year Companion Guide - Chapter 10 - PPP 1. Which of the following is the network-layer protocol supported by PPP? A. Novell IPX B. TCP/IP C. Apple Talk *D. All of the above 2. NCPs are used by PPP to do which of the following? A. Establish links *B. Encapsulate multiple protocols C. Convert packets into cells D. Establish connections
3. In a PPP frame, what field identifies whether you have encapsulated IPX or TCP/IP? A. Flag B. Control *C. Protocol D. FCS 4. When you're running PPP, LCP is responsible for which of the following? *A. Establishment, maintenance, and termination of the point-to-point connection B. Maintenance of several links C. Router updates D. Compression 5. How many phases are involved in PPP session establishment? A. Two B. Three *C. Four D. One 6. What type of handshaking occurs when PAP is the selected PPP authentication protocol? A. One-way *B. Two-way C. Three-way D. Four-way 7. What command on the router can you use to check the LCP and NCP states for PPP? A. router> show interfaces B. router(config)# show interfaces *C. router# show interfaces D. router(config-if)# show interfaces 8. When would PPP most likely be used at a local workstation for Internet connectivity? A. When the workstation is directly connected to a LAN B. When the workstation is directly connected to a router *C. When the workstation needs dialup access to the Internet D. It will never be used on a workstation Second Year Companion Guide - Chapter 11 - ISDN 1. What is the top speed at which ISDN operates? A. 64 kbps *B. 128 kbps C. 256 kbps D. 512 kbps 2. How many B channels does ISDN use? A. 1 *B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
3. How many D channels does ISDN use? *A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 4. Which ISDN service provider must provide the phone number and what type of identification number? A. An SPPN B. An SPIN C. An SPDN *D. An SPID 5. Which channel does ISDN use for call setup? A. The A Channel B. The B Channel C. The C Channel *D. The D Channel 6. At the central site, what device can be used to provide the connection for dialup access? A. Switch *B. Router C. Bridge D. Hub 7. For which of the following locations would ISDN service not be adequate? *A. A large concentration of users at a site B. A small office C. A single-user site D. None of the above 8. Protocols that begin with E are used to specify what? *A. Telephone network standards B. Switching and signaling C. ISDN concepts D. It is not used with ISDN 9. If you want to use CHAP for authentication when using ISDN, what protocol should you select? A. HDLC B. SLIP *C. PPP D. PAP 10. On a router, which of the following commands do you use to set the ISDN switch type? A. Router> isdn switch-type B. Router# isdn switch-type
C. Router(config-if)# isdn switch-type *D. Router(config)# isdn switch-type Second Year Companion Guide - Chapter 12 - Frame Relay 1. How does Frame Relay handle multiple conversations on the same physical connection? A. It duplexes the conversations. *B. It multiplexes the circuits. C. It converts it to an ATM cell. D. Multiple conversations are not allowed. 2. Which of the following protocols are used by Frame Relay for error correction? A. Physical and data-link protocols *B. Upper-layer protocols C. Lower-layer protocols D. Frame Relay does not do error correction 3. Which of the following does Frame Relay do to make its DLCIs global? A. It broadcasts them. B. It sends out unicasts. *C. It sends out multicasts. D. DLCIs can't become global. 4. Which of the following is the data rate at which the Frame Relay switch agrees to transfer data? *A. Committed information rate B. Data transfer rate C. Timing rate D. Baud Rate 5. Which of the following assigns DLCI numbers? A. The end user B. The network root C. A DLCI server *D. The service provider 6. DLCI information is included in which of the following fields of the Frame Relay header? A. The flag field *b. The address field c. The data field d. The checksum field 7. Which of the following does Frame Relay use to keep PVCs active? a. Point-to-point connections b. Windows sockets *c. Keepalives d. They become inactive.
8. How does Frame Relay use Inverse ARP requests? a. It maps IP addresses to MAC addresses. b. It maps MAC addresses to IP addresses. c. It maps MAC addresses to network addresses. *d. It uses the IP address-to-DLCI mapping table. 9. Which of the following does Frame Relay use to determine the next hop? a. An ARP table b. A RIP routing table *c. A Frame Relay map d. An IGRP routing table 10. For which of the following does Frame Relay use split horizon? a. To increase router updates *b. To prevent routing loops c. To raise convergence times d. Frame Relay does not use split horizon.