Christina Lamb
Christina Lamb | |
(2022) | |
Bizitza | |
Jaiotza | Londres, 1965eko maiatzaren 15a (59 urte) |
Herrialdea | Erresuma Batua |
Hezkuntza | |
Heziketa | University College, Oxford (en) Nonsuch High School for Girls (en) |
Hizkuntzak | ingelesa |
Jarduerak | |
Jarduerak | kazetaria, biografoa, idazlea, foreign correspondent (en) eta gerra-berriemailea |
Jasotako sariak | |
Influentziak | Ernest Hemingway, George Orwell eta Rudyard Kipling | | |
Christina Lamb (Londres, Erresuma Batua, 1965eko maiatzaren 15a) britainiar kazetaria, biografoa eta idazlea da. Bera da The Sunday Times-eko korrespontsal atzerritar nagusia. Britaniar zaldun ordena (OBE) du.
Lamb-ek hamasei sari garrantzitsu irabazi ditu, besteak beste, prentsa britainiarraren lau sari eta gerrako korrespontsalentzako Bay-Calvados Europako Saria.[1] Oxford University College-ko ohorezko kidea da, Royal Geographic Societyko kidea eta Washington Hiriko Wilson Centre for International Affairs-eko kide globala.[2][3] 2018ko azaroan, Dundeeko Unibertsitateko Legeetako doktorearen ohorezko titulua jaso zuen.[4][5]
Cristina Lambek hamar liburu gutxienez idatzi ditu. Salduenetako bat The Africa House eta Malala Yousafzairekin batera idatzitako I Am Malala, British National Book Awards 2013n Urteko ez-fikziozko liburu ezaguna.[6][7][8]
Nonsuch High School for Girlsen (Cheam) hezi zuten Lamb, eta Oxfordeko Unibertsitateko filosofia, politika eta ekonomiako lizentziatura batekin graduatu zen.
Lan ibilbidea
1988an, Lamb-i Urteko Kazetari Gaztearen saria eman zioten, sobietarren Afganistaneko okupazioan egindako lanaren estalduragatik.[9]
Kazetari gisa, Lambek muyahidinekin bidaiatu zuen sobietarren okupazioaren aurka, eta hurrengo bi urteak Peshawarren igaro zituen. Pakistan eta Afganistani buruzko informazioa eman du hiru hamarkadatan.[10][11]
Lamb-ek Islamabaden eta Rio de Janeiron du egoitza, Financial Times-erako eta Johannesburg-en eta Washington Hirian, Sunday Times-erako.[12] Gerra ugari izan ditu Iraketik Libiara, Angolatik Siriara; errepresioa Eritreatik Zimbabwera; eta Amazonas muturreraino joan da urruneko tribuak bisitatzera.[13][14][15] Arreta berezia eskaintzen die Nigeriako Boko Haramek bahitutako neskei, Irakeko Yezidi sexu-esklaboei eta Afganistango emakumeen egoera zailari.[16][17][12][18]
2001eko azaroan, Lamb Pakistandik erbesteratu zuten, ISIko (Pakistango inteligentzia militarreko zerbitzua) elementu desohoratuek armak talibanera eramateko ezkutuko operazio baten frogak aurkitu ondoren.[19] 2006an, ihes egin zuen bere bizitzarekin, Helmanden tropa britainiarrez betetako taliban batean harrapatu zutenean.[20][21] Benazir Bhuttoren autobusean zegoen, 2007ko urrian ustiatu zutenean.[22][23]
I Am Malala/ Malala naiz, Malala Yousafzai autore nagusiaren bizitzaren kontakizuna, 40 hizkuntzatara itzuli da, eta bi milioi kopia inguru saldu dira mundu osoan.
Nujeen: One Girl's Incredible Journey from War-torn Syria in a Wheelchair liburua, Nujeen Mustafarekin batera idatzia, William Collinsek (Londres) argitaratu zuen 2016ko irailean, eta bederatzi hizkuntzatara itzuli zen.[24] Nujeen liburuak bost urteko mugimendu kantata bat inspiratu zuen Everyday Wonders: The Girl from Aleppo, Kevin Crossley-Hollandek idatzitako testuaz, eta Cecilia McDowallen musika,z The National Children's Choir of Great Britainek 2018ko abuztuaren 10ean Birminghameko Udalean egindakoa.[25]
Our Bodies, Their Battlefield, liburua William Collinsek (Londres) argitaratu zuen 2020ko martxoan eta Scribnerrek (New York) 2020ko irailean, eta 14 hizkuntzatara itzuli zen.[26] Gero The Prince Rupert Hotel for the Homeless: A True Story of Love and Mercy Amid a Pandemic liburua William Collinsek (Londres) argitaratu zuen 2022ko ekainean.
Lehen lana, Drones, Baby, Drones Ron Hutchisonekin, Londresko Arcola antzokian egin zen, 2016. urtean.[27][28][29]
Lamb Erresuma Batuak erregistratutako Afghan Connection-en zaindaria da.[30]
- 2009an, Lamb-en erretratua ikusgai egon zen Oxfordeko Ashmolean Museoan.[31][32] Francesco Guidiciniren argazki bat Erretratuen Galeria Nazionalaren argazki-bilduman dago.[33]
- Esther pertsonaia inspiratu zuen Paulo Coelhok idatzitako El Zahir (2005) eleberrian.[34][35][36]
- 2017an, ohorezko kide izan zen Oxford University College-ko lehen emakume graduatu ohia. Bere kazetaritza ausart, bizi eta kritikoaren eta Eskolari emandako laguntzaren aitorpenean eman zen.[37]
- 2021eko apirilean, artikulu bat idatzi zuen The Sunday Timesen, Felipe Edinburgokoaren hileta estaltzen zuena. Hauxe zioen artikuluak: "Felipe printzea Britainia Handiko historiako kontsort errealik zaharrena zen, sarritan krotcheatua, begi-arazo txikiak dituzten pertsonak irainduz, nahiz eta ezkutuan gozatzen ditugun".[38] Sunday Times editoreak, Emma Tuckerrek, "arrazakeria tribializatzea" argudioaren bidez artikulua atzeratzeko egin zituen deiei erantzunez, "egindako delituagatik" barkamena eskatu zuen, Lambek "inoiz ez zuela bere iruzkina argitu nahi izan" esanez.[39]
- Waiting for Allah: Pakistan's Struggle for Democracy (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1991. ISBN 978-0-670-87727-0)
- The Africa House: The True Story of an English Gentleman and His African Dream (London: Viking, 1999. ISBN 9780241130551ISBN 9780241130551)
- The Sewing Circles of Herat: My Afghan Years (London: HarperCollins, 2002. ISBN 9780007142521ISBN 9780007142521)
- House of Stone: The True Story of a Family Divided in War-Torn Zimbabwe (London: HarperPress, 2007. ISBN 9780007219391ISBN 9780007219391)
- Small Wars Permitting: Dispatches from Foreign Lands (London: HarperPress, 2008. ISBN 9780007256891ISBN 9780007256891)
- I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban co-written with Malala Yousafzai (New York: Little Brown, 2013. ISBN 978-0-29787-091-3ISBN 978-0-29787-091-3)
- Farewell Kabul: From Afghanistan to a More Dangerous World (London: William Collins, 2015. ISBN 9780007256945ISBN 9780007256945)[40][41]
- Nujeen: One Girl's Incredible Journey from War-torn Syria in a Wheelchair co-written with Nujeen Mustafa (London: William Collins, 2016. ISBN 9780062567734ISBN 9780062567734)[42]
- Our Bodies, Their Battlefield: What War Does to Women (London: William Collins, 2020. ISBN 9780008300005ISBN 9780008300005)[43]
- The Prince Rupert Hotel for the Homeless: A True Story of Love and Compassion Amid a Pandemic (London: William Collins, 2022. ISBN 978-0008487546ISBN 978-0008487546)
Kazetaritza sariak
- 1988 British Press Awards Urteko kazetari gaztea[44]
- 1991 British Press Awards Urteko erreportaria
- 1992 Amnistia Internazionala UK Media Awards, irabazlea, Egunkarien kategoria[45]
- 2001 British Press Awards Foreign Reporter of the Year[46]
- 2001 Foreign Press Association (Londres), Foreign Affairs Story of the Year
- 2002 BBC What the Papers Say Awards, urteko korrespontsal atzerritarra
- 2006 British Press Awards Foreign Reporter of the Year[47]
- 2006 BBC What the Papers Say Awards, urteko korrespontsal atzerritarra
- 2007 BBC What the Papers Say Awards, urteko korrespontsal atzerritarra
- 2007 Foreign Press Association (Londres), Print & Web News Story of the Year
- 2009 Prix Bay-Calvados des zegant de guerre Trophée Presse écrite[48]
- 2015 Amnistia Internazionala UK Media Awards, irabazlea, Espainiako egunkarien kategoria[49]
- 2016 Foreign Press Association (Londres), Print & Web Largometraje del año[50][51]
- 2017 Women on the Move Awards, The Sue Lloy-Roberts Media Award[52]
- 2019 British Press Awards Urteko idazle berezia[53]
- 2022 Argitaletxeen Elkartearen saria[54]
- 2022 Editoreen Elkartea Komunikabideen Askatasunaren Saria, urteko korrespontsal atzerritarra[55]
Liburu sariak
- 1999 John Llewellyn Rhys saria, finalista (The Africa House)
- 2003 Barnes & Noble Ezagutu Idazle Berrien Sari Nagusia, Finalista (The Sewing Circles of Herat)[56]
- 2013 Specsavers National Book Awards, Urteko ez-fikziozko liburu ezaguna (I Am Malala)[57]
- 2013 Goodreads Choice Awards, Best Memoir & Autobiografia (I Am Malala)[58]
- 2014 Liburu Politikoen Sariak, Finalista, Urteko Liburu Politikoa (I Am Malala)[59]
- 2020an, Baillie Gifford saria ez-fikziorako, zerrenda murriztua (Our Bodies, Their Battlefield/ Gure gorputzak, borroka-eremua)[60]
- 2021 PEN/John Kenneth Galbraith saria, ez-fikzioagatik, zerrenda luzea (Our Bodies, Their Battlefield/ Gure gorputzak, bere borroka-eremua)[61]
- 2021 New York Public Library Helen Bernstein Book Award for Excellence in Journalism, shortlist (Our Bodies, Their Battlefield/ Gure gorputzak, Bere borroka-eremua)[62]
- 2021 Orwell Idazketa Politikoaren Saria, Zerrenda Murriztua (Our Bodies, Their BattlefieldGure Gorputzak, Bere Borroka-Eremua)[63]
- 2021 Witold Pilecki Liburuen Nazioarteko Saria, irabazlea (Our Bodies, Their Battlefield/ Gure gorputzak, bere borroka-eremua)[64]
Beste sari batzuk
- Nieman Fellow, Harvardeko Unibertsitatekoa, 1993/94[65]
- Dart Center Ochberg Fellow 2008an.[66]
- She aldizkarian "Britainia Handiko emakume inspiratzaileenetako bat" dela diote.[67]
- Grazian "hamarkadako ikono" gisa onartua.*
- ASHA fundazioak mundu osoko emakume inspiratzaile gisa hautatua.[68]
- Harper Bazaarren "Erresuma Batuan eragin handiena duten emakume-liderretako bat" da Harper Bazaar-en 2017 misiolari diren 150 emakumeren zerrenda.[69]
- ↑ «Site officiel du Prix Bayeux-Calvados :Les lauréats 2009» 2017-10-18 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2022-12-28).
- ↑ Asia Program Welcomes Global Fellow Christina Lamb. Wilson Center 12 November 2013.
- ↑ «Our war reporter Christina Lamb is made an OBE» The Sunday Times 30 December 2012.
- ↑ Winter Graduation to mark student success. University of Dundee 12 November 2018.
- ↑ PICTURES: More than 1,000 Dundee students awarded degrees in graduation ceremony. Evening Telegraph (Dundee) 20 November 2018.
- ↑ «Malala Yousafzai wins at Specsavers National Book Awards» (Noiz kontsultatua: 2022-12-28).
- ↑ «My year with Malala» The Sunday Times 13 October 2013.
- ↑ Christina Lamb on Malala Yousafzai. Delayed Gratification 12.
- ↑ (Ingelesez) «Christina Lamb» News UK (Noiz kontsultatua: 2022-12-28).
- ↑ «Ilene Prusher reviews 'Farewell Kabul,' by Christina Lamb» The New York Times 27 May 2016.
- ↑ «In 'Bringing The World To Britain', Christina Lamb OBE Reflects on a Life's Work in the World's Most Dangerous Spots» HuffPost 7 August 2014.
- ↑ a b Who We Are: Top Talent, Christina Lamb. News UK.
- ↑ «Why I go to war, by Sunday Times journalist Christina Lamb» The Guardian 30 July 2014.
- ↑ The Life and Times of a Female Foreign Correspondent. Nieman Reports 10 October 2008.
- ↑ Meet author and foreign correspondent Christina Lamb. Battlezine 1 June 2015.
- ↑ «A fight for the soul of the world» The Sunday Times 20 March 2016.
- ↑ «They have suffered something so terrible, their eyes will always haunt you» The Sunday Times 23 October 2016.
- ↑ 'Sad indictment' on newspapers: Christina Lamb on 29 years without a female editor. Campaign 7 June 2016.
- ↑ «Pakistan expels our foreign correspondent» The Telegraph 11 November 2001.
- ↑ «Have you ever used a pistol?» The Sunday Times 2 July 2006.
- ↑ A Dangerous Yet Still Necessary Assignment. Nieman Reports 15 March 2007.
- ↑ «Woman at war» New Zealand Listener 12 November 2015.
- ↑ Working Mom in a War Zone. Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma 5 October 2009.
- ↑ Nujeen Mustafa's Journey from Syria to Literary Stage. Publishing Perspectives 21 October 2016.
- ↑ Everyday Wonders: The Girl from Aleppo. Cecilia McDowall website 21 October 2018.
- ↑ Our Bodies, Their Battlefields. Susanna Lea 21 October 2018.
- ↑ «Drones, Baby, Drones review – Chilling choices of the remote-control killers» The Guardian 10 November 2016.
- ↑ «Drones, Baby, Drones review – Two plays consider the increasing military use of unmanned aerial vehicles» Financial Times 9 November 2016.
- ↑ «Drones, Baby, Drones review – A double bill probing the ethics of remote-control conflict evokes a passionate sense of our connection to one another as human beings» The Times 10 November 2016.
- ↑ The Patrons (UK) of Afghan Connection. Afghan Connection.
- ↑ «Feast for eyes at Ashmolean» The Oxford Times 4 June 2009.
- ↑ My Ashmolean, My Museum. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
- ↑ Artist Francesco Guidicini's portraits collection at the NPG. National Portrait Gallery June 2008.
- ↑ «A Esther de carne e osso» Correio da Manhã 17 April 2005.
- ↑ «Coelho turns foreign correspondent's facts into fiction» The Guardian 18 April 2005.
- ↑ He stole my soul. Paulo Coelho Writer Official Site 11 March 2011.
- ↑ Honourable Mentions. University College 26 June 2017.
- ↑ Lamb, Christina. «Prince Philip's funeral: forced to mourn alone, the Queen bids goodbye to her strength and stay» The Times ISSN 0140-0460..
- ↑ (Ingelesez) Twitter, Charlotte Tobitt. (2021-04-20). «Sunday Times apologises for Prince Philip gaffe» Press Gazette.
- ↑ «Farewell Kabul: From Afghanistan to a More Dangerous World review – a lucid account of the longest war» The Guardian 11 May 2015.
- ↑ Barfield, Thomas J.. (October 2015). «Review» The Times Literary Supplement / ResearchGate (Boston University).
- ↑ «This Girl Escaped From a Syrian War Zone in a Wheelchair» National Geographic News 6 November 2016.
- ↑ Matloff, Judith. (22 September 2020). «The War Crime No One Wants to Talk About» The New York Times.
- ↑ Press Awards Winners 1980-1989. Society of Editors.
- ↑ Distant voices: the Amnesty media awards for human rights journalism. Amnesty International UK 27 November 2015.
- ↑ Press Awards Winners 2000-2008. Society of Editors.
- ↑ Press Awards Winners 2000-2008. Society of Editors.
- ↑ Prix Bayeux-Calvados, les reportages lauréats de 2009. Prix Bayeux-Calvados des correspondants de guerre October 2009.
- ↑ Media Awards 2016. Amnesty International 1 May 2016.
- ↑ Foreign Press Association Media Awards 2016. Foreign Press Association 30 November 2016.
- ↑ Six awards won across three ceremonies last night. News UK November 2016.
- ↑ City at the Women on the Move Awards 2017. City University of London 15 March 2017.
- ↑ Gallery of Winners for 2019. Society of Editors.
- ↑ Christina Lamb OBE honoured with Outstanding Contribution to Journalism Award. Society of Editors.
- ↑ Campaigning journalism honoured at Media Freedom Awards. Society of Editors.
- ↑ Discover Great New Writers Award Finalists. Barnes & Noble.
- ↑ «Malala Yousafzai wins at Specsavers National Book Awards» The Telegraph 11 December 2013.
- ↑ Results for Best Memoir & Autobiography. Goodreads.
- ↑ Shortlist announced for the Paddy Power Political Book Awards 2014. Politicos 11 February 2014.
- ↑ «Kate Summerscale's 'true ghost story' leads Baillie Gifford prize shortlist» The Guardian 15 October 2020.
- ↑ «Announcing the 2021 PEN America Literary Awards Longlists» PEN America 22 December 2020.
- ↑ «The New York Public Library Announces the Finalists for the 34th Annual Helen Bernstein Book Award for Excellence in Journalism» NYPL.
- ↑ «Orwell Prize Shortlists» The Orwell Foundation.
- ↑ «Międzynarodowa Nagroda im. Witolda Pileckiego. Laureaci» tvn24.
- ↑ My Nieman year. The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University 27 September 2013.
- ↑ Christina Lamb. Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma, a project of Columbia Journalism School.
- ↑ Christina Lamb. HarperCollins Publishers.
- ↑ Christina Lamb - Women, A World of Inspiration. ASHA Foundation.
- ↑ Introducing the Bazaar 150 Visionary Women list. Harpers Bazaar.
Kanpo estekak
- Official website
- HarperCollins
- Christina Lamb IMDb-n
- Christina Lamb en Goodreads
- BBC Radio Four Woman's Hour (2002)
- BBC Radio Four Woman's Hour (2006)
- BBC Radio Four Woman's Hour (2008)
- BBC Radio Four Woman's Hour (2020)
- Frontline Club Insight Christina Lamb-ekin (2015)
- BBC irratia Hiru grina pribatu (2015)
- The Moth War and Ham Sandwichak (2016)
- TEDx toki ilunetan ari da itxaropena aurkitzen: emakumeak gerran (2017)
- BBC Radio Four Desert Island Discs (2018)
Christina Lamb-en argazkiak: