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The EuroBioC talks will be live-streamed (see the schedule for links). Package demos will be recorded and uploaded to YouTube after the conference.

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The EuroBioC2023 conference will take place in Ghent, Belgium, on September 20-22, 2023.

Venue: Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, Belgium. Auditorium E1 - OEHOE, Blok E. Map

Submission of Birds-of-a-feather sessions is open! Submit your ideas by September 20.


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Franka Voigt, Keynote

Assistant Professor, University of Zurich

Franka Voigt obtained her PhD from EMBL, Germany, where she used structural biology and biochemistry to characterize the molecular mechanisms of ribonucleoprotein (RNP) assembly and function. She then moved on to do her postdoctoral work at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research in Basel, Switzerland, where she developed single-mRNA imaging methods that allow visualization of RNPs in live cells and 3D organoid model systems. Starting from 2023 she is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Molecular Life Sciences at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. The research in her lab focuses on the investigation of targeting mechanisms that recruit select mRNA transcripts to specific subcellular localizations and aims to understand their contribution to disease. She develops live single-molecule imaging tools and imaging-based spatial transcriptomics assays to combine them with novel 3D organoid model systems. https://voigtlab.org/.

Emma Schymanski, Keynote

Associate Professor, University of Luxembourg

Emma Schymanski is head of the Environmental Cheminformatics (ECI) group at the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB), University of Luxembourg and special advisor to the rector for Open Science and Research Data Management. In 2018 she received a Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) ATTRACT Fellowship to establish her group in Luxembourg, following a 6 year postdoc at Eawag, the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology and a PhD at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Leipzig, Germany. She is involved in many collaborative efforts, with over 100 publications and a book. Her research combines cheminformatics and computational (high resolution) mass spectrometry approaches to elucidate the unknowns in complex samples, primarily with non-target screening, and relate these to environmental causes of disease. An advocate for open science, she is involved in and organizes several European and worldwide activities to improve the exchange of data, information and ideas between scientists to push progress in this field. https://wwwen.uni.lu/lcsb/research/environmental_cheminformatics.

Raphael Gottardo, Keynote

Professor, University of Lausanne; Director, Biomedical Data Science Center, CHUV

Raphael Gottardo leads the Translational Data Science Center in Lausanne. His research group focuses on developing novel computational tools, statistical methods and machine learning algorithms for the analysis of high-throughput and high-dimensional datasets generated by novel assay technologies with applications in immunology, vaccine research and immunotherapy. https://www.chuv.ch/en/bdsc/research/our-groups/translational-biomedical-data-science.

Yvan Saeys, Keynote

Professor, Ghent University

Yvan Saeys is professor of Machine Learning at Ghent University, and PI in Systems Immunology at the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB). He is developing state-of-the-art data mining and machine learning methods for biological and medical applications, and is an expert in computational models to analyze high-throughput single-cell data. The Saeys lab provide expertise in cancer data mining, flow cytometry bioinformatics for leukaemia and lymphoma, and general biomarker discovery and systems approaches to cancer research. https://ai.ugent.be/people/YvanSaeys.en.html

Isaac Virshup, Keynote

Software Engineer, Helmholtz Munich

Isaac Virshup is a software engineer at Helmholtz Munich and a member of the scverse core team and steering council. https://github.com/ivirshup

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Bioconductor conference highlights current developments within and beyond the Bioconductor project.

