From experts, therapists and patients
Chief Executive Officer, Microsoft
“Virtualware built a solution using Kinect connected to a PC that can be anywhere in a remote location….and then the physical therapy solutions are personalised. It’s amazing to see the innovation, the quality of innovation and then the democratization of that innovation……”
Upper Limb Neurorehabilitation Clinic Director, UCL Hospital,(UK)
“When we saw the possibilities that EvolvRehab offered, especially the customizable games and patient data monitoring, we were immediately interested in incorporating it into our existing services in Queen Square”
President of the European Multiple Sclerosis Platform
“The objectives we try to reach with traditional rehabilitation are also achieved when using EvolvRehab, which additionally improves the adherence to the treatments and the motivation of the patients”
President of The Spanish Neurorehabilitation Society
“With videogames like EvolvRehab, more brain regions are activated than in other kinds of traditional games because the execution of movements requires a planning which involves many more areas: the visual , hearing, motor and sensory systems. It’s difficult to activate all of these areas in normal therapy”
Physiatrist, Hospital Aita Menni (Bilbao, Spain)
"EvolvRehab allows the training of abilities such as balance in sitting and standing, weight transfer and transitioning from sitting to standing. It also allows upper limb training in reaching different planes and the retraining of functional movements in order to reach different parts of the body which is required to carry out activities of daily living.”
Director at Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi
“Our clinical protocols have been specially redesigned and, thanks to the flexibility of the Virtualrehab platform, the treatment can be easily adapted based on how the rehabilitation path is progressing. The innovative solution, allows to improve patient’s compliance, motivation and involvement and provides objective and quantitative measurement of the treatment effectiveness.”
Responsible for physiotherapy services ADEMBI, Spain
“Although at the beginning I was reluctant to use videogames, as of today, our experience shows that EvolvRehab is a viable, comfortable and simple to use tool which improves the patients’ quality of life”
Physiotherapist, Basildon and Thurrock University Hospital, Essex
“Repetitive exercises are an essential part of treatment and rehabilitation for patients with neurological conditions, but they can become boring. And therapy assistants can be trained to support patients to use EvolvRehab, so that senior therapists have more time for other specialist patient care”
Therapist at Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, UK
“I find that patients are more compliant with the programme as they are having fun while doing it and perhaps completing more exercise than they think, as they are engaged in the games as opposed to the number of repetitions they are completing as in traditional home exercise programmes”
Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy, Brenau University, Georgia, USA
“Stroke patients really engage with EvolvRehab tasks with more ease and stay more “in-tune” to their performance and their body position with the constant virtual and visual feedback. They have fun with it as they want to beat their time or their score. It is no longer you as the therapist or practitioner trying to get 10 more repetitions squeezed from them in your session – it is built into the activities, and they are often less aware of how much more they are doing"
Ocupational Therapist ATAEM – Association of Multiple Sclerosis in Talavera de la Reina , Toledo, Spain
"All patients adapt to this new way of working in a very easy and intuitive way, and they always end their sessions with a smile. The playful element (of EvolvRehab) forms part of their session and helps make them more enjoyable"
MS Patient, Basildon Univ. Hospital, UK
“I believe EvolvRehab played a vital part in the recovery from my first relapse. The program encouraged me to exercise and train my balance using a series of fun games. I could notice improvement each week when I was using this software”
Paraplegic Patient, Basildon Univ. Hosp, UK
“It’s important for me to develop and maintain strength in my upper body and core muscles. I have to use my arms to move myself around, and I need to stretch and reach for things. Just from the exercises I have tried on the programme I can really feel I have don something.”
Stroke Survivor, Hobb’s Telerehab patient, UK
“I have found the Evolv RehabKit to be a great aid to my recovery from stroke. It has helped to improve my balance, reaction time and even my concentration. It gives me a target to aim for which encourages daily use and it lets me improve at my own pace.
I found it was the most fun that I have had since I had a stroke (especially as I miss playing sport) and I would heartily recommend it.”