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FAPESP and Trans-Atlantic Platform announce result of call for proposals Versão em português

FAPESP and Trans-Atlantic Platform announce result of call for proposals Sixteen international research funders announce the winners of the 2017 T-AP Digging into Data Challenge

The Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and fifteen other international research funders today jointly awarded approximately $9.2 million to international teams investigating how large-scale computational techniques may be applied to answering research questions in the humanities and social sciences. These teams will be pursuing research in numerous areas, including musicology, economics, linguistics, political science, and history.

Each of the fourteen winning teams is composed of researchers from multiple scholarly and scientific disciplines, working collaboratively to demonstrate how cutting-edge big data techniques can be used to investigate a wide range of research questions across the humanities and social sciences.

The T-AP Digging into Data Challenge is sponsored by research funding organizations from eleven nations, organized under the auspices of “T-AP,” the Trans-Atlantic Platform for the Social Sciences and Humanities . T-AP is an unprecedented collaboration between key humanities and social science funders and facilitators from South America, North America and Europe. T-AP aims to enhance the ability of funders, research organizations and researchers to engage in transnational dialogue and collaboration.

Participating nations and funding organizations include: Argentina (MINCyT); Brazil (FAPESP); Canada (SSHRCNSERCFRQ); Finland (AKA); France (ANR); Germany (DFG); Mexico (CONACYT); Netherlands (NWO); Portugal (FCT); UK (AHRCESRC), and US (NEHNSFIMLS).

One of the 14 proposals selected involves researchers affiliated to institutions of higher education and research in the State of São Paulo in partnership with researchers from other countries, as indicated below:

Compreendendo a dinâmica da opinião e da linguagem utilizado big data
Processo / Grant number 2016/50256-0
Acordo / Agreement T-AP Digging into Data
Pesq. Resp. / PI Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad Laura Hernandez
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad Université de Cergy-Pontoise (ANR)
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad Jose Ignácio Alvarez Hamelin
Instit. sede / Host Institution Universidad de Buenos Aires (MINCYT)
Instit. sede / Host Institution Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Marilia/Unesp

All T-AP Digging into Data Challenge 2017 Awardees 

HJ-253428. Intelligent Search Engine for Belief Legends (ISEBEL) .

Abstract: A collaboration among an international team of folklore scholars and computer scientists to develop analytical techniques for studying folkloric traditions across multiple national databases.

Funders: Germany (DFG); Netherlands (NWO); United States (NEH).

Principal Investigators: Theo Meder (Meertens Instituut); Christoph Schmitt (University of Rostock); Tim Tangherlini (University of California, Los Angeles).


HJ-253464. Online Prices for Computing Standards of Living Across Countries (OPSLAC) .

Abstract: A collaboration among an international group of economists using online prices, available from the Billion Prices project at MIT, to study standards of living across countries.

Funders: Canada (SSHRC); Netherlands (NWO); United States (NSF).

Principal Investigators: Walter Erwin Diewert (University of British Columbia); Robert Feenstra (University of California, Davis); Robert Inklaar (University of Groningen).


HJ-253479. Analyzing Child Language Experiences Around the World (ACLEW) .

Abstract: An international collaboration among linguists and speech experts to study child language development across nations and cultures to gain a better understanding of how an infant’s environment affects subsequent language ability.

Funders: Argentina (MINCyT); Canada (SSHRC); Finland (AKA); France (ANR); United Kingdom (ESRC/AHRC); United States (NEH).

Principal Investigators: Elika Bergelson (Duke University); Emmanuel Dupoux (École Normale Supérieure); Okko Rasanen (Aalto University); Celia Rosemberg (CONICET); Bjorn Schuller (Imperial College London); Melanie Soderstrom (University of Manitoba).


HJ-253500. Responsible Terrorism Coverage (ResTeCo): A Global Comparative Analysis of News Coverage about Terrorism from 1945 to present .

Abstract: A collaboration among scholars of media studies, communication, and political science to study the history of media coverage of terrorist attacks and to gain a better understanding of how such coverage can be done in a responsible manner that does not provide aid to terrorists.

Funders: Germany (DFG); Netherlands (NWO); United States (NEH).

Principal Investigators: Scott Althaus (University of Illinois); Wouter van Atteveldt (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam); Hatmut Wessler (University of Mannheim).


HJ-253504. THEMIS.COG: Theoretical and Empirical Modeling of Identity and Sentiments in Collaborative Groups .

Abstract: An interdisciplinary research project on the motivations of self-organized collaborations and determinates of their success, through a large-scale study of the scholarly networks and open source software development projects housed on the GitHub repository. The project team includes scholars from sociology, cognitive science, computer science, and engineering.

Funders: Canada (SSHRC); Germany (DFG); United States (NSF).

Principal Investigators: Jesse Hoey (University of Waterloo); Tobias Schroeder (Potsdam University of Applied Sciences); Kimberly B. Rogers (Dartmouth College).


HJ-253524. Mapping Manuscript Migrations: digging into data for the history and provenance of pre-modern European manuscripts .

Abstract: An international collaboration mapping the movement of pre-modern European manuscripts. The project links disparate datasets from Europe and North America to provide a view of the history and provenance of these manuscripts.

Funders: Finland (AKA); France (ANR); United Kingdom (AHRC/ESRC); United States (IMLS).

Principal Investigators: Toby Burrows (University of Oxford); Eero Hyvönen (Aalto University); Lynn Ransom (University of Pennsylvania); Hanno Wijsman (Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes);


HJ-253525. Digging into Early Colonial Mexico.

Abstract: An innovative international collaboration to study Relaciones Geográficas, a 16th century compilation ordered by the Spanish crown that gathered vast amounts of information about the New World through multiple records, both in Spanish and indigenous languages. Using a Big-Data approach, this project applies novel computational methodologies to study this important source for the colonial history of America.

Funders: Mexico (CONACYT); Portugal (FCT); United Kingdom (AHRC/ESRC).

Principal Investigators: Diego Jiménez-Badillo (Museo del Templo Mayor, INAH); Bruno Emanuel da Graça Martins (Universidade de Lisboa); Patricia Murrieta-Flores (University of Chester).


HJ-253529. SPeech Across Dialects of English (SPADE): large-scale digital analysis of a spoken language across space and time .

Abstract: A research collaboration to develop and apply user-friendly software for large-scale speech analysis of 43 existing public and private speech datasets and to understand how English speech has changed over time and space. These diverse datasets are comprised of both Old World (British Isles) and New World (North American) English across an effective time span of over 100 years.

Funders: Canada (SSHRC/NSERC); United Kingdom (AHRC/ESRC); United States (NSF).

Principal Investigators: Jeffrey Mielke (North Carolina State University); Morgan Sonderegger (McGill University); Jane Stuart-Smith (University of Glasgow).


HJ-253549. Digging into High Frequency Data: Present and Future Risks and Opportunities .

Abstract: A project bringing together scholars from economics, business, and computer science to study the emergence of computerized high-frequency trading and its impact on global equity markets.

Funders: Finland (AKA); France (ANR); Germany (DFG); United Kingdom (AHRC/ESRC); United States (NSF).

Principal Investigators: Patrice Fontaine (EUROFIDAI); Loriana Pelizzon (Goethe University Frankfurt); Peter Sebastian Johan Sarlin (Hanken School of Economics); Mila Getmansky Sherman (University of Massachusetts, Amherst); Jean-Pierre Zigrand (London School of Economics and Political Science).


HJ-253555. Digging into the Knowledge Graph.

Abstract: An international collaboration of library and information scientists studying how Linked Open Data, a technique for publishing online data, can improve storage methods for humanities and social science data. Projects in musicology and economics will serve as use cases for this research.

Funders: Canada (SSHRC); Netherlands (NWO); United States (IMLS).

Principal Investigators : Andrea Scharnhorst (Data Archiving and Networked Services); Richard Smiraglia (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee); Rick Szostak (University of Alberta).


HJ-253570. Understanding opinion and language dynamics using massive data .

Abstract: An international collaboration to explore the dynamics of social actions based on traces left by social media. Focusing on opinion diffusion and language evolution, this project brings together an interdisciplinary team with expertise in data science, physics, linguistics, philosophy and law.

Funders: Argentina (MINCyT); Brazil (FAPESP); France (ANR).

Principal Investigators: Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez (Universidade Estadual Paulista); José Ignacio Alvarez Hamelin (Universidad de Buenos Aires); Laura Hernandez (Université de Cergy-Pontoise).


HJ-253587. Dig that lick: Analysing large-scale data for melodic patterns in jazz performances .

Abstract: The study of influence and sharing among musicians through a computational analysis of jazz recordings and related resources.

Funders: France (ANR); Germany (DFG); United Kingdom (ESRC/AHRC); United States (NEH).

Principal Investigators: Simon Dixon (Queen Mary University of London); Hélène Papadopoulos (National Center for Scientific Research); Martin Pfleiderer (University of Music Franz Liszt Weimar); Gabriel Solis (University of Illinois).


HJ-253589. Oceanic Exchanges: Tracing Global Information Networks in Historical Newspaper Repositories, 1840-1914 (OcEx) .

Abstract: A collaborative research project that unites leading efforts in computational periodicals research to examine patterns of information flow across national and linguistic boundaries. The project draws upon large data collections of digitized 19th century newspapers to study the global culture of abundant, rapidly circulating information.

Funders: Finland (AKA); Germany (DFG); Mexico (CONACYT); Netherlands (NWO); United Kingdom (AHRC/ESRC); United States (IMLS).

Principal Investigators: Ryan Cordell (Northeastern University); Mark Priewe (Universitaet Stuttgart); Isabela Galina Russell (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México); Hannu Salmi (University of Turku); Ulrich Tiedau (University College of London); Jaap Verheul (University of Utrecht).


HJ-253601. Machine Translation and Automated Analysis of Cuneiform Languages (MTAAC) .

Abstract: A collaboration among ancient studies scholars, linguists, and computer scientists to develop computational techniques for translating ancient administrative records stored on cuneiform tablets.

Funders: Canada (SSHRC); Germany (DFG); United States (NEH).

Principal Investigators: Heather D. Baker (University of Toronto); Christian Chiarcos (University of Frankfurt); Robert K. Englund (University of California, Los Angeles).