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Asset based lending: A Flexible and Cost Effective Way to Finance Your Business

1. What is Asset-Based Lending and How Does It Work?

asset-based lending is a financing option that allows businesses to secure loans using their assets as collateral. It provides a flexible and cost-effective way to obtain funding for various business needs. This type of lending is particularly beneficial for companies that have valuable assets, such as inventory, accounts receivable, or equipment.

From the perspective of businesses, asset-based lending offers several advantages. Firstly, it allows companies to leverage their existing assets to access capital quickly. Instead of relying solely on creditworthiness or financial statements, lenders evaluate the value of the assets being used as collateral. This can be especially helpful for businesses with limited credit history or those experiencing temporary financial difficulties.

Additionally, asset-based lending provides flexibility in terms of loan amounts. The loan value is typically based on a percentage of the appraised value of the assets, allowing businesses to access a larger amount of capital compared to traditional lending options. This can be particularly useful for companies looking to expand, invest in new equipment, or fund large projects.

To provide a more comprehensive understanding, let's explore some key points about asset-based lending:

1. Evaluation of Assets: Lenders assess the value of the assets being used as collateral. This involves appraisals and inspections to determine the market value and condition of the assets. The loan amount is then determined based on a percentage of this value.

2. Types of Assets: Asset-based lending can be secured by various types of assets, including accounts receivable, inventory, equipment, real estate, and intellectual property. The specific assets used as collateral depend on the nature of the business and the lender's requirements.

3. revolving Credit facility: asset-based loans often take the form of a revolving credit facility, providing businesses with ongoing access to capital. As the business repays the loan, the available credit limit replenishes, allowing for continued borrowing as needed.

4. Risk Mitigation: Lenders mitigate the risk associated with asset-based lending by conducting regular monitoring of the collateral. This ensures that the value of the assets remains sufficient to cover the loan amount. In some cases, lenders may require periodic audits or reporting to ensure compliance.

5. Examples: Let's consider a manufacturing company that needs funds to purchase new machinery. By using its existing equipment as collateral, the company can secure an asset-based loan to finance the purchase. Similarly, a retail business with a large inventory can leverage it to obtain working capital for expansion or seasonal needs.

In summary, asset-based lending is a flexible and cost-effective financing option that allows businesses to leverage their assets to secure loans. It provides quick access to capital, larger loan amounts, and ongoing borrowing capabilities. By understanding the value and potential of their assets, businesses can effectively utilize asset-based lending to support their growth and financial needs.

What is Asset Based Lending and How Does It Work - Asset based lending: A Flexible and Cost Effective Way to Finance Your Business

What is Asset Based Lending and How Does It Work - Asset based lending: A Flexible and Cost Effective Way to Finance Your Business

2. How It Can Help You Grow Your Business and Manage Cash Flow?

Asset-based lending is a type of financing that uses your business assets, such as inventory, accounts receivable, equipment, or real estate, as collateral to secure a loan. This can help you access capital quickly, improve your cash flow, and fund your business growth. In this section, we will explore the benefits of asset-based lending from different perspectives, such as the borrower, the lender, and the industry. We will also provide some examples of how asset-based lending can help you overcome various business challenges and achieve your goals.

Some of the benefits of asset-based lending are:

1. Flexibility: Asset-based lending is more flexible than traditional bank loans, which often have strict criteria, covenants, and repayment terms. Asset-based lending allows you to borrow against the value of your assets, which can vary depending on your business cycle, seasonality, and market conditions. You can also adjust your borrowing base and loan amount as your needs change, and use the funds for any business purpose, such as working capital, expansion, acquisition, or restructuring.

2. Cost-effectiveness: Asset-based lending can be more cost-effective than other forms of financing, such as equity, mezzanine, or unsecured debt. Asset-based lending typically has lower interest rates and fees than these alternatives, as the lender has a lower risk of default due to the collateral. Asset-based lending can also help you avoid diluting your ownership or giving up control of your business, which can happen when you raise equity or mezzanine capital.

3. Speed: Asset-based lending can help you access capital faster than other sources of financing, which can take months or years to complete. Asset-based lending can be arranged in a matter of weeks or even days, as the lender focuses on the quality and value of your assets, rather than your financial statements, credit history, or business plan. Asset-based lending can also provide you with a steady and predictable cash flow, as you can draw down funds as you need them, rather than waiting for invoices to be paid or sales to be made.

4. Growth: Asset-based lending can help you grow your business by providing you with the capital you need to invest in new opportunities, such as launching new products, entering new markets, or acquiring new customers. asset-based lending can also help you leverage your existing assets, such as inventory or accounts receivable, to generate more revenue and profit. Asset-based lending can also support your organic growth, as you can increase your production, inventory, and sales without compromising your cash flow or liquidity.

5. Resilience: Asset-based lending can help you overcome various business challenges and risks, such as economic downturns, market disruptions, or operational issues. Asset-based lending can provide you with a cushion of liquidity and working capital, which can help you weather the storm and maintain your business continuity. asset-based lending can also help you improve your financial ratios and credit profile, which can enhance your reputation and credibility with your customers, suppliers, and stakeholders.

Here are some examples of how asset-based lending can help you in different scenarios:

- A manufacturing company needs to purchase new equipment to increase its production capacity and meet the growing demand from its customers. The company uses its existing equipment and inventory as collateral to secure an asset-based loan, which allows it to buy the new equipment and ramp up its output. The company also benefits from lower interest rates and fees than a bank loan, and has more flexibility to repay the loan as its cash flow improves.

- A retail company experiences a seasonal spike in sales during the holiday season, which requires it to stock up on inventory and hire more staff. The company uses its accounts receivable and inventory as collateral to obtain an asset-based line of credit, which provides it with the cash flow it needs to manage its peak season. The company also enjoys the convenience and speed of drawing down funds as it needs them, and only pays interest on the amount it uses.

- A technology company wants to acquire a smaller competitor to expand its product portfolio and customer base. The company uses its intellectual property and accounts receivable as collateral to secure an asset-based loan, which enables it to finance the acquisition and integrate the acquired business. The company also avoids diluting its ownership or giving up control of its business, which would happen if it raised equity or mezzanine capital.

How It Can Help You Grow Your Business and Manage Cash Flow - Asset based lending: A Flexible and Cost Effective Way to Finance Your Business

How It Can Help You Grow Your Business and Manage Cash Flow - Asset based lending: A Flexible and Cost Effective Way to Finance Your Business

3. What Types of Assets and Businesses Can Qualify for Asset-Based Lending?

Asset-based lending is a type of financing that allows businesses to use their assets as collateral to secure a loan. This can be a flexible and cost-effective way to finance your business, especially if you have a lot of valuable assets such as inventory, accounts receivable, equipment, or real estate. However, not all assets and businesses can qualify for asset-based lending. There are some criteria that lenders look at when evaluating your application, such as:

1. The quality and liquidity of your assets. Lenders want to make sure that your assets can be easily converted into cash in case of default. They will assess the value, condition, and marketability of your assets, as well as the terms and conditions of your contracts with your customers and suppliers. For example, if you have inventory that is perishable, obsolete, or seasonal, it may not be accepted as collateral. Similarly, if you have accounts receivable that are overdue, disputed, or subject to offsets, they may not be eligible for financing.

2. The performance and stability of your business. Lenders want to see that your business is generating enough cash flow to service the debt and cover the operating expenses. They will review your financial statements, tax returns, and projections, as well as your credit history and reputation. For example, if you have a history of losses, defaults, or litigation, it may affect your chances of getting approved. Similarly, if you operate in a volatile or risky industry, it may limit your borrowing capacity.

3. The purpose and structure of the loan. Lenders want to understand how you plan to use the funds and how you will repay them. They will consider the amount, term, and interest rate of the loan, as well as the covenants and reporting requirements. For example, if you need the loan for working capital, expansion, or acquisition, it may be more favorable than if you need it for refinancing, restructuring, or dividend payments. Similarly, if you can offer a senior lien, a personal guarantee, or a cross-collateralization, it may increase your eligibility.

These are some of the main factors that determine the eligibility criteria for asset-based lending. Of course, each lender may have their own specific requirements and preferences, so it is important to do your research and compare different options before applying. Asset-based lending can be a great way to finance your business, but it also comes with some risks and responsibilities. You should always consult a professional advisor before making any financial decisions.

What Types of Assets and Businesses Can Qualify for Asset Based Lending - Asset based lending: A Flexible and Cost Effective Way to Finance Your Business

What Types of Assets and Businesses Can Qualify for Asset Based Lending - Asset based lending: A Flexible and Cost Effective Way to Finance Your Business

4. What Documents and Information Do You Need to Prepare?

Asset-based lending is a type of financing that uses your business assets, such as inventory, accounts receivable, equipment, or real estate, as collateral to secure a loan. This way, you can access funds quickly and flexibly, without having to give up equity or rely on your credit score. Asset-based lending can be a great option for businesses that need working capital, growth capital, or debt refinancing. But how do you apply for asset-based lending? What documents and information do you need to prepare? In this section, we will answer these questions and provide some tips and insights from different perspectives.

To apply for asset-based lending, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Find a suitable lender. Not all lenders offer asset-based lending, and not all lenders have the same criteria, terms, and fees. You will need to do some research and compare different lenders to find the one that best suits your needs and goals. You can use online platforms, referrals, or brokers to find potential lenders. Some factors to consider when choosing a lender are:

- The types and values of assets they accept as collateral

- The loan amount and interest rate they offer

- The loan term and repayment schedule

- The fees and charges they apply

- The speed and ease of the application and approval process

- The reputation and experience of the lender in your industry

2. Prepare your documents and information. Once you have selected a lender, you will need to provide them with various documents and information to prove your eligibility and the value of your assets. The exact requirements may vary depending on the lender and the type of assets you are using, but some common documents and information you will need are:

- Your business plan and financial projections

- Your business financial statements, such as income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement

- Your business tax returns and bank statements

- Your personal financial statements and credit reports

- Your business registration and licenses

- Your asset inventory and valuation reports

- Your accounts receivable aging and collection reports

- Your equipment or real estate appraisals and titles

3. Submit your application and wait for approval. After you have gathered all the necessary documents and information, you can submit your application to the lender. The lender will review your application and conduct a due diligence process to verify your information and assess your assets. This process may take from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the lender and the complexity of your situation. If the lender approves your application, they will issue a term sheet that outlines the details and conditions of the loan. You will need to review and sign the term sheet to accept the loan offer.

4. Receive your funds and start repaying the loan. Once you have signed the term sheet, the lender will disburse the funds to your bank account. The amount of funds you receive will depend on the value of your assets and the loan-to-value ratio that the lender applies. Typically, asset-based lenders will lend you a percentage of the value of your assets, ranging from 50% to 90%. For example, if your assets are worth $1 million and the lender offers you a 75% loan-to-value ratio, you will receive $750,000 as a loan. You will then need to start repaying the loan according to the agreed schedule, which may be monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually. You will also need to pay interest and fees on the loan, which may be fixed or variable. The lender will monitor your assets and financial performance throughout the loan term and may adjust the loan amount or terms accordingly.

As you can see, applying for asset-based lending is not a complicated process, but it does require some preparation and documentation. By following these steps and tips, you can increase your chances of getting approved and securing the funds you need to grow your business. Asset-based lending can be a flexible and cost-effective way to finance your business, as long as you use it wisely and responsibly.

What Documents and Information Do You Need to Prepare - Asset based lending: A Flexible and Cost Effective Way to Finance Your Business

What Documents and Information Do You Need to Prepare - Asset based lending: A Flexible and Cost Effective Way to Finance Your Business

5. What Factors to Consider When Comparing Different Options?

When it comes to choosing the right asset-based lender, there are several factors to consider. In this section, we will explore these factors in depth, providing insights from different perspectives.

1. Financial Stability: It is crucial to assess the financial stability of the lender. Look for lenders with a strong track record and a solid reputation in the industry. Consider their financial health, credit ratings, and stability over time.

2. Industry Expertise: Different lenders specialize in various industries. It is important to choose a lender who understands the specific needs and challenges of your industry. They should have experience working with businesses similar to yours.

3. loan Terms and conditions: Carefully review the loan terms and conditions offered by different lenders. Pay attention to interest rates, repayment terms, collateral requirements, and any additional fees or charges. Compare these factors to ensure you are getting the most favorable terms for your business.

4. Flexibility: Asset-based lending offers flexibility in terms of borrowing capacity. Consider the lender's willingness to adjust the borrowing base as your business grows or experiences fluctuations in its asset value. A flexible lender can provide the support you need during different stages of your business.

5. Customer Service: Evaluate the level of customer service provided by the lender. A responsive and supportive lender can make a significant difference in your borrowing experience. Look for lenders who are willing to understand your unique needs and provide personalized solutions.

6. Reputation and References: Research the lender's reputation in the market. Seek feedback from other businesses or industry professionals who have worked with the lender before. Their experiences can provide valuable insights into the lender's reliability and professionalism.

7. Transparency: Transparency is key when dealing with lenders. Ensure that the lender provides clear and concise information about their lending process, fees, and any potential risks involved. Avoid lenders who are not transparent or try to hide important details.

Remember, these factors are just a starting point. Each business has unique requirements, so it is essential to assess your specific needs and align them with the lender's offerings. By considering these factors and conducting thorough research, you can choose the right asset-based lender that best suits your business's financing needs.

What Factors to Consider When Comparing Different Options - Asset based lending: A Flexible and Cost Effective Way to Finance Your Business

What Factors to Consider When Comparing Different Options - Asset based lending: A Flexible and Cost Effective Way to Finance Your Business

6. How to Maximize Your Borrowing Capacity and Minimize Your Costs and Risks?

Asset-based lending (ABL) is a type of financing that allows businesses to use their assets, such as inventory, accounts receivable, equipment, or real estate, as collateral to secure a loan or a line of credit. ABL can be a flexible and cost-effective way to finance your business, especially if you have a high turnover of assets, a seasonal or cyclical cash flow, or a need for rapid growth. However, ABL also comes with some costs and risks that you should be aware of and manage carefully. In this section, we will discuss some best practices for asset-based lending that can help you maximize your borrowing capacity and minimize your costs and risks.

Some of the best practices for asset-based lending are:

1. Choose the right lender and the right type of ABL. Not all lenders are the same, and not all ABL products are suitable for your business. You should look for a lender that has experience and expertise in your industry, understands your business model and cash flow cycle, and offers competitive rates and terms. You should also consider the type of ABL that best matches your needs, such as revolving or term loans, senior or junior debt, or asset-based or cash flow-based lending. For example, if you have a stable and predictable cash flow, you may prefer a cash flow-based loan that has lower interest rates and fewer covenants than an asset-based loan. On the other hand, if you have a volatile or seasonal cash flow, you may benefit from an asset-based loan that gives you more flexibility and access to funds based on your asset values.

2. Maintain accurate and timely financial records and reporting. One of the key requirements of ABL is to provide regular and detailed financial information to your lender, such as balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, aging reports, inventory reports, and appraisals. These reports help your lender monitor your financial performance, asset quality, and loan compliance. Therefore, you should maintain accurate and timely financial records and reporting, and use reliable accounting systems and software. You should also communicate with your lender frequently and proactively, and inform them of any changes or issues that may affect your business or your loan. By doing so, you can build trust and credibility with your lender, and avoid any surprises or disputes that may jeopardize your loan.

3. Optimize your asset management and utilization. Another important aspect of ABL is to optimize your asset management and utilization, which can increase your borrowing capacity and reduce your costs and risks. You should implement effective inventory management practices, such as forecasting, replenishment, quality control, and liquidation, to avoid overstocking, obsolescence, or shrinkage of your inventory. You should also implement effective accounts receivable management practices, such as credit analysis, invoicing, collection, and factoring, to reduce your days sales outstanding (DSO), improve your cash flow, and lower your bad debt expenses. Moreover, you should optimize your equipment and real estate utilization, by maintaining, upgrading, or disposing of them as needed, to enhance their value and productivity.

4. Mitigate your risks and protect your assets. Finally, you should mitigate your risks and protect your assets, which can prevent or minimize any losses or damages that may impair your loan or your business. You should conduct regular risk assessments and audits, and implement appropriate risk management policies and procedures, such as insurance, security, compliance, and contingency planning. You should also safeguard your assets from theft, fraud, fire, natural disasters, or other hazards, by using physical or digital locks, alarms, cameras, backups, or encryption. Furthermore, you should diversify your customer base, supplier base, and product portfolio, to reduce your dependence on any single or few sources of revenue or input, and increase your resilience and competitiveness.

7. How to Avoid Them and Solve Them If They Occur?

Asset-based lending (ABL) is a type of financing that allows businesses to use their assets, such as accounts receivable, inventory, equipment, or real estate, as collateral for a loan. ABL can provide a flexible and cost-effective way to finance your business, especially if you have a high volume of assets or need quick access to cash. However, ABL also comes with some challenges and pitfalls that you should be aware of and avoid if possible. In this section, we will discuss some of the common issues that ABL borrowers may face and how to solve them if they occur.

Some of the common challenges and pitfalls of ABL are:

1. Overcollateralization: This is when the lender requires the borrower to pledge more collateral than the amount of the loan. This is done to protect the lender from the risk of default or depreciation of the collateral. However, this can also limit the borrower's ability to use their assets for other purposes or access additional financing. To avoid overcollateralization, the borrower should negotiate the loan terms with the lender and try to minimize the collateral coverage ratio (the ratio of the collateral value to the loan amount). For example, if the borrower has $10 million worth of accounts receivable and needs a $5 million loan, they should aim for a collateral coverage ratio of 2:1 or lower, rather than 3:1 or higher.

2. Monitoring and reporting costs: ABL lenders typically require the borrower to provide regular reports on their financial performance and the status of their collateral. This can include monthly or quarterly financial statements, aging reports, inventory reports, appraisals, audits, and inspections. These reports can be time-consuming and costly for the borrower to prepare and submit. To reduce the monitoring and reporting costs, the borrower should maintain accurate and updated records of their assets and operations, and use automated systems or software to generate the reports. The borrower should also communicate with the lender and address any issues or discrepancies as soon as possible.

3. Restrictive covenants: ABL lenders may impose certain covenants or conditions on the borrower, such as minimum liquidity ratios, maximum leverage ratios, minimum net worth, or limitations on dividends, acquisitions, or capital expenditures. These covenants are designed to ensure the borrower's financial stability and protect the lender's interest. However, they can also constrain the borrower's flexibility and growth potential. To avoid or mitigate the impact of restrictive covenants, the borrower should understand the rationale and implications of each covenant, and negotiate with the lender for more favorable or reasonable terms. The borrower should also monitor their compliance with the covenants and seek waivers or amendments if necessary.

4. Asset deterioration or obsolescence: ABL is based on the value of the borrower's assets, which can change over time due to market conditions, customer demand, technology, or competition. If the value of the collateral declines or becomes obsolete, the lender may reduce the borrowing base (the amount of the loan that is supported by the collateral) or demand repayment. This can create a liquidity crunch or a default risk for the borrower. To prevent or cope with asset deterioration or obsolescence, the borrower should diversify their asset portfolio and avoid relying on a single or narrow type of collateral. The borrower should also monitor the market trends and customer preferences, and adjust their inventory and production accordingly. The borrower should also maintain and upgrade their equipment and real estate to preserve their value and functionality.

How to Avoid Them and Solve Them If They Occur - Asset based lending: A Flexible and Cost Effective Way to Finance Your Business

How to Avoid Them and Solve Them If They Occur - Asset based lending: A Flexible and Cost Effective Way to Finance Your Business

8. How Asset-Based Lending Has Helped Other Businesses Achieve Their Goals and Overcome Their Challenges?

Asset-based lending (ABL) is a type of financing that allows businesses to use their assets, such as inventory, accounts receivable, equipment, or real estate, as collateral to secure a loan or a line of credit. ABL can provide businesses with more flexibility and lower costs than traditional loans, as well as access to larger amounts of capital. ABL can also help businesses overcome various challenges, such as cash flow shortages, seasonal fluctuations, growth opportunities, or unexpected expenses. In this section, we will share some success stories of how ABL has helped other businesses achieve their goals and overcome their challenges.

Here are some examples of how ABL has benefited different types of businesses:

1. A manufacturing company needed to purchase new equipment and expand its production capacity to meet the growing demand for its products. However, it had a high debt-to-equity ratio and a low credit score, which made it difficult to obtain a conventional loan. The company turned to ABL and secured a $10 million line of credit based on its accounts receivable and inventory. This allowed the company to buy the equipment, increase its output, and improve its profitability.

2. A retail chain was facing a cash flow crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced it to close many of its stores and reduce its sales. The company had a large amount of inventory that was losing value and a lot of unpaid invoices from its suppliers. The company applied for ABL and obtained a $15 million loan based on its inventory and accounts receivable. This enabled the company to pay its suppliers, renegotiate its leases, and resume its operations.

3. A technology startup had developed an innovative software solution that had a huge market potential. However, the startup lacked the funds to market its product, hire more staff, and scale its operations. The startup had no tangible assets, but it had a strong customer base and a high revenue growth rate. The startup opted for ABL and secured a $5 million line of credit based on its recurring revenue. This gave the startup the capital it needed to grow its business and reach more customers.

9. Why Asset-Based Lending Is a Flexible and Cost-Effective Way to Finance Your Business and How to Get Started?

Asset-based lending is a flexible and cost-effective way to finance your business, especially if you have valuable assets such as inventory, accounts receivable, equipment, or real estate. Unlike traditional bank loans, asset-based lending does not depend on your credit score, profitability, or cash flow. Instead, it relies on the value of your collateral, which can be used to secure a revolving line of credit or a term loan. This way, you can access cash quickly and easily, without giving up equity or control of your business. In this section, we will discuss why asset-based lending is a good option for your business and how to get started with it.

Some of the benefits of asset-based lending are:

1. Flexibility: Asset-based lending allows you to borrow as much or as little as you need, depending on the value of your assets. You can also adjust your borrowing base as your assets change, which gives you more flexibility than a fixed-term loan. For example, if your inventory increases during a peak season, you can borrow more to meet the demand. If your accounts receivable decrease due to a slow payment cycle, you can repay some of your debt to reduce the interest cost.

2. Cost-effectiveness: Asset-based lending typically has lower interest rates than other forms of financing, such as credit cards, merchant cash advances, or unsecured loans. This is because the lender has a lower risk of losing money, as they can liquidate your assets in case of default. Additionally, asset-based lending does not have any hidden fees, prepayment penalties, or covenants that could restrict your business operations or growth.

3. Speed: Asset-based lending can provide you with cash in a matter of days, rather than weeks or months. This is because the lender does not need to perform extensive due diligence, financial analysis, or credit checks. They only need to verify the value and condition of your assets, which can be done quickly and efficiently. This way, you can take advantage of opportunities, overcome challenges, or solve problems without delay.

4. Control: Asset-based lending does not require you to give up any equity or ownership of your business, unlike venture capital or private equity. You also do not have to comply with any restrictive covenants or reporting requirements, unlike bank loans. You have full control over how you use the funds, as long as you repay them on time and maintain your collateral. You can use the funds for any business purpose, such as working capital, expansion, acquisition, or restructuring.

To get started with asset-based lending, you need to follow these steps:

1. Identify your assets: The first step is to identify what assets you have that can be used as collateral for asset-based lending. These can include inventory, accounts receivable, equipment, or real estate. You need to have a clear and accurate valuation of your assets, as well as documentation to prove their ownership and condition. You also need to ensure that your assets are free of any liens or encumbrances that could affect their value or availability.

2. Find a lender: The next step is to find a reputable and experienced lender that specializes in asset-based lending. You can do some research online, ask for referrals from your network, or consult with a broker or advisor. You need to compare different lenders based on their terms, rates, fees, and reputation. You also need to establish a good relationship with the lender, as they will be your partner in financing your business.

3. Apply for a loan: The final step is to apply for a loan with the lender of your choice. You need to provide them with information about your business, your assets, and your financial situation. You also need to submit any supporting documents, such as financial statements, tax returns, invoices, inventory reports, or appraisals. The lender will then review your application and conduct an audit of your assets. If everything is satisfactory, they will approve your loan and disburse the funds to your account.

Asset-based lending is a flexible and cost-effective way to finance your business, as it allows you to leverage your assets to access cash quickly and easily. It is a good option for businesses that have valuable assets, but face challenges in obtaining traditional bank loans. By following the steps above, you can get started with asset-based lending and grow your business successfully.

Why Asset Based Lending Is a Flexible and Cost Effective Way to Finance Your Business and How to Get Started - Asset based lending: A Flexible and Cost Effective Way to Finance Your Business

Why Asset Based Lending Is a Flexible and Cost Effective Way to Finance Your Business and How to Get Started - Asset based lending: A Flexible and Cost Effective Way to Finance Your Business

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